6th November 2014, 09:59 PM
How GMAT paper is distributed? Paper pattern and ideal score to get admission in good MBA college?
How is the paper distributed ?
How many sections does this exam contain in it ? Which is the section that would need most practice ? What is a good score to get into a good MBA college ? Awaiting for your response. |
25th November 2014, 09:56 PM
GMAT consists of four sections, namely, Analytical Writing Assessment, Integrated Reasoning, Quantitative, and Verbal. The duration is three and half hours. There is specific time allotment for each section.
It is a Computer Adaptive Test, where you will receive questions one at a time and the difficulty level and score of the exam will depend on the accuracy of your previous answer. Pattern :- Analytical Writing Assessment- 1 Topic-Analysis of Argument-30 Minutes Integrated Reasoning- 12 Questions-Multi-Source Reasoning,Graphics Interpretation,Two-Two Part Analysis,Table Analysis-30 Minutes Quantitative-37 Questions-Data Sufficiency,Problem Solving-75 Minutes Verbal- 41 Questions- Reading Comprehension,Critical Reasoning,Sentence Correction-75 Minutes A score above 600 is good to get admission in a good MBA college. |