Senior Residents - Delhi State Cancer Institute (DSCI)



Delhi State Cancer Institute (DSCI) was formed as an independent and autonomous institution by the Government of NCT of Delhi, under the Societies Registration Act of 1860. The institute provides international level treatment for cancer patients through comprehensive management facility with the latest and most advanced techniques. DSCI has finest facilities for mould room and physics quality assurance/calibration equipments for ensuring consistent high precision treatment for their cancer patients. DSCI is the first Government institution in India to provide Linear Accelerator based radiation treatment facilities. The Institute has approved plans for further expansion for providing high class facilities for diagnosis and treatment of all types of cancers.

Job Profile:

Delhi State Cancer Institute (DSCI) invites applications for the post of Senior Residents in various disciplines.

No. of posts – 28 ( Clinical Oncology - 8; Radio diagnosis - 8; Anesthesia & Critical care- 5; Lab Medicine - 3; Pathology - 4)

P ay Scale – Rs. 15,600-39,100 + Rs. 6,600 Grade Pay (PB-3)


Age Criteria: The age limit of the candidates must be as per Government rules.

Educational Qualification: For details regarding educational qualification, refer the institute’s website.

Selection Process:

Candidates will be selected for the post based on written examination and personal interview.

How to apply:

Interested candidates may download the application form from the DSCI website

Completely filled application forms along with required enclosures and DD must be sent to the following address on or before the last date.

Delhi State cancer Institute (DSCI)

Dilshad Garden,

Delhi - 110 095

Application Fees:

For Indian Residents: Non-refundable fee of Rs. 1000 (Rs. 250 for SC/ST candidates) must be drawn in favor of Delhi State Cancer Institute, payable at Delhi must be submitted in the Office of the Institute by the last date.

For NRI Candidates: Application Fee is US$ 50.

Contact Details:

Delhi State cancer Institute (DSCI)

Dilshad Garden,

Delhi - 110 095

Date of interview: 31.12.2010 by 3.00 PM

For more information visit website



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