SNAP 2012
Symbiosis International University conduct common written test for the Post graduates aspirants called Symbiosis National Aptitude (SNAP) Test. All the post graduate institutes under symbiosis international university is making this test mandatory for the candidates to get admission into these institutes. The examination is the first step in the admission process and it is followed by submitting application to the individual institute and final round selection process including GD and interview.
Structure of SNAP
Symbiosis National Aptitude (SNAP) Test is in the MCQ format giving four options with 180 questions. The examination is of two hours duration and the paper is divided into four parts
- Analytical & Logical Reasoning: 60
- General Awareness :40
- General English: 40
- Quantitative : 40
There will be negative marking for the incorrect answer, 25% of deduction.
Syllabus for SNAP
General English
- Antonyms
- Comprehension Of A Passage
- Grammar
- Reading Comprehension
- Reasoning
- Sentence Completion
- Synonyms
- Verbal
- Verbal Ability
- Vocabulary
- Arithmetic
- Basic Mathematical relations and Formulas
- Computation
- Data Interpretation
- Data Sufficiency
- Measurements
- Relationship between Numbers
- Time and Distance
General Awareness
- Business Scenario
- Current Affairs
- Economic condition of India and Other countries
- General Knowledge
- Social Scenario of Indian and other countries
Analytical & Logical Reasoning
- Analogies
- Analysis
- Arithmetical Number Series
- Arithmetical Reasoning
- Decision-Making
- Differences
- Discrimination
- Judgment
- Observation
- Problem-Solving
- Relationship Concepts
- Similarities
- Space Visualization
- Verbal And Figure Classification
- Visual Memory
Eligibility Criteria
The candidates must be an Indian Citizen with not less than 21 years of age. The minimum education qualification required is graduation in any discipline from the recognized university. The candidates must have at least 50% marks in the final examination. The eligible candidates will get 5% relaxation in the requirements. The foreign and international students can appear for the examination by satisfying the set requirements and more information is available by contacting the University.
How to Apply?
The candidates need to register by online for taking the exam. Visit the official link of SNAP, and register for the test. Then the candidates have to pay the application fee of Rs.1, 500/- by any of the following mode. The applicants can pay the amount by cash. For that they have to take the Axis Bank Challan from the SNAP website and pay the amount in the selected braches of the bank. They will get a Symbiosis copy and student’s copy of the challan.
Sign the Symbiosis copy and send to the “Symbiosis Test Secretariat”. Thy can take the DD of eth set amount from the nationalized bank payable at Pune and send to the suggested address. Credit card and Net banking is yet another way for paying the application fee. The fee payment should done before the closing date, other wise your registration will be cancelled.
How to fill the Form?
The applicant must be very careful while registering for the examination. The instruction is available in the site and you will get direction through commands. Give the correct and valid information, which should match with your certificates. You have to upload a recent photo of specific size on the desired place while registering for the examination. Only after the crosschecking the given information the candidates should click the Submit button.
Important Dates (Tentative)
[Please note that we only provide tentative dates based on previous years dates. For exact dates related information it is always best to check official websites only.]
- SNAP Registration Closes on : Last Week of November, 2011
- Payment Closes on: Last Week of November, 2011
- Admit Card Live on: First Week of December to third Week of December, 2011
- SNAP Test: Third Week of December, 2011
- SNAP Test Result: Second Week of January, 2012
List of SNAP centers
- Visakhapatanam
- Vashi
- Surat
- Pune
- Patna
- Noida
- Nashik
- Nagpur
- Mumbai
- Lucknow
- Kolkata
- Kolhapur
- Kochi
- Kanpur
- Jamshedpur
- Jaipur
- Indore
- Hyderabad
- Guwahati
- Gurgaon
- Faridabad
- Delhi
- Chennai
- Chandigarh
- Bhubaneshwar
- Bhopal
- Bengaluru
- Allahabad
- Ahmedabad
- Agra
Contact Address for the SNAP
- Symbiosis Centre for International Education, S.B. Road, Pune -411 004, India
- Tel : +91 20 25671905
- Fax : +91 20 25659209
- Email :
- URL :
Colleges Accepting the SNAP Score
- Student’s Guide To Exam Success by Eileen Tracy
- Symbiosis Centre for Information Technology (SCIT)
- Symbiosis Centre for Management & Human Resource Development (SCMHRD)
- Symbiosis Institute of Business Management (SIBM), Bengaluru
- Symbiosis Institute of Business Management(SIBM), Pune
- Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies & Research (SICSR)
- Symbiosis Institute of Geo-informatics (SIG)
- Symbiosis Institute of Health Sciences (SIHS)
- Symbiosis Institute of International Business (SIIB)
- Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies (SIMS)
- Symbiosis Institute of Media & Communication (SIMC), Pune
- Symbiosis Institute of Media & Communication (SIMC) Bengaluru
- Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management (SIOM), Nashik
- Symbiosis Institute of Telecom Management (SITM)
- Symbiosis School of Banking Management (SSBM)
Reference Books for SNAP
You can refer the books of GMAT, CAT, MAT etc. for preparing for the exam
- Analytical And Logical Reasoning By Arihant Prakashan
- How To Prepare For Data Interp. & Lr For Cat 4/e by Sharma A
Quantative aptitude by R.S.Agawal
Coaching Centers for SNAP
- Career Forum
- Global Education Counsel
- Success Guru
- Tara Institutes
- PT Education
Study Plan
A well structured study plan will help you to meet the requirements of the examination. The candidates must be well prepared with the syllabus as described by the exam conducting body. There are many books separately available for each topic and the students can prepare with that. The coaching centers could also help you to prepare for the exam. The candidates must be vary careful about the time frame and must complete the paper with in two hours. So take the mock test and prepare with the model question papers to get used to time constrains. Update yourself with the current happening in the national and international scenario. You should develop the practice of reading newspapers, Journals and Magazines etc.
How and Where To Get the Results?
The examination result will be available in eth official site of eth SNAP. The candidates can see the detailed report by giving the roll number with DOB. After the three weeks of publishing the result the students will get the score report by mail.
Cutoff Marks
The Cutoff will vary according to the institute and also it is vary every year. The SIU declare the cutoff every year after the examination and in the previous year the cutoff for the major institutes are the following,
- SIM: 92-98 marks
- SIBM: 85 and above
- SCMHRD: 80-87 marks
- SIIB: 72-80 marks
- SITM: 68-72 marks
- SCIT: 65 and above
- SIOM: 68-75 marks
- SIMS: 55 and above
- SIMC: 50 and above
Score Validity
The post graduates written score will valid only for the present academic year.
- SNAP Papers
- SNAP Coaching Institutes
- Download SNAP 2009 Sample Papers
- SNAP Eligibility Criteria
- How to Prepare for Symbiosis National Aptitude Test?
- Admission Details of MCA Course in Symbiosis University
- Symbiosis Institute of Telecom Management, Pune
- Symbiosis International University 2011 Diploma
- SNAP Exam Pattern
- SIG Pune 2011 M.Sc
- MBA in SITM - Admission and Fee Structure
- List of MBA Entrance Exams
- Question Answers #1
- Balaji Institute of Modern Management 2011 MBA
- IMS Learning Resources Private Limited for CAT Preparation in Trivandrum
Do you have any question? Please ask:
1,103 Responses to “SNAP 2012”
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where the examination is going to be conducted in orissa
hhhiii i would like know abt what’s the cut off of Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies?
sir how to apply the form of snap
when will online registration will start?
i donot have 50% in bsc. my father is in army .
can i apply for snap
Sir, I have completed B. pharmacy .I want know abt snap struture for pharmacy students &also about fee struture. Sir/mam I want todo my mba in simbiosis in pune. how todo study? Sir I want Que. papers of last 10 years pls sir give me information
Tanking u,
when IRMA test will be held ? Application from is available or not?
i would like to know that when the forms of snap will be made available and…..wat is the last date of forms distribution
when is the last date of form submission
sir, can we get the question papers of SNAP/MBA Of previous years ? please inform as soon as possible
Sir,i want toknow fee structur of all college &5 years quetion paper
iam in my final year of graduation. i’ll be completing my graduation by march 2010.iwant to do MBA in human resource. what are the documents required for provisional admission in one of your institutes.
thank you.
I have complete my graduation but not get 50% marks. I have give the exam of improvement in November. Result must be come in January. Please tell I have fill the form of snap or not.
Thank you
i want to know d cut off marks for each section,,
when do we need to apply in symbiosis institutes??? is it after giving the snap exam??? is ther any date fixed within which we have to apply in different symbiosis institutes???
i want to know form selling period…
and how to register for snap-2009…
thank you..
What is the level of SNAP test ?and what kind of preparations are needed for it?
exam kab hai yar……..dates & time…….or baki process
material for entrance test online .also want to know the fee structure for siib pune
is the army institue of managememt is affilated to symboysis or not and if then to apply
where to get forms for SNAP examination…i mean which branch of Axis Bank?
I want to know that a student who is graduate from distance learning, can he apply for snap-2010?
i wanted to take admission in your college. if i will not get good percentile in snaptest then how can i take admission in your college? Give me suggestion.
i just want to know abt is there any dual programme available for Finance and Marketing or
HR Finance.
timing of snap test
when will online registration will start?
is part time mba available in symbosis???? what is its fee structure???
Sir,i wanna know about application form fees.
what is d fee structure &what’s about hostel facility?
from which axis branch brach we get the form?
i want to know abt fee structure of colleges.and also abt the scholarship of OBC
What is the last date for registration and its procedure?
Waht is cut off in snap test ?
10 year question paper
i m student, is there any reservtion quota for obc student?
i had completed Engg now …i want to do my MBA AT SYMBIOSIS (PUNE)….can i know fee structure of the course and about hostel facilities and fee structure of hostels too
i am in final year in Engg now …i want to do my MBA AT SYMBIOSIS (PUNE)….can i know fee structure of the course and about hostel facilities and fee structure of hostels too
What type of placement held in the last year?
im karthik .
im interested in doing MBA in SYMBIOSIS pune.
i would like to know the details reg the hostel facilities.
im hailing from andhra pradesh.
pls let me know the details as early so that i can have my preparation 4 it
is there ph reservation in snap?
Is there any sectional cut off as it is in other competative exams?
hello sir
i want to know the fee structure
hello sir/madam…myslf sagarika..i wl b cmpltng my degree by d end of sep2010…if i qualify dn wl i fc ne pblm rgrdn seekn i cn sbmt my rslt only by mid sep2010…til nw my % is 80.47…i hop u wl rspnd me sun….thnku
Hi I have done BCA from IGNOU(correspondance) . Can i appear for SNAP2009 . If i can then please tell me which among the Symbiosis colleges allow me for Admissoin..?? Please Reply me As soon as possible…
i am in final yr bbm. i want to do mba frm symbiosis . can u let me knw whether cat scores are also required for addmission in symbiosis?? and also the fees structure for mba programme.
thank you.
i want to know that how i prepare for snap ,as time is very little.should i solve last 5 yrs questions or just do my concept book.i m very scared of my exam as my course is not completed yet.what should i do please help
what is the fees for exam form of snap? Is there any consetion for SBC category candidates?
inform me about the issue of the application forms of exams at banks and also the criteria to appear for snap.
I did not understand about the Institution Application Fee worth Rs. 1000.
What are the reservation for Defence according to colleg and what are requirment foer being a part of defence?
thank you
m a final yr student and wnna knw dat whether there is a diff patternt of exam to b given for MARCOM
frm simb or i hv to fight for the same exam.plz rply asap
i want to knw about fee structure n hostel facilities availble over there for students not residing at pune. and what is the procedure after clearing snap test as me in gdip dates should not clash my exams…..
I am a mba aspirant. I just wanted to know whether in symbiosis there is any reservations for sc and st students and what is the fees for sc and st students ? reply awaited.
wat is the cut off marks to get the admision in sibm……
want to know whthr it is necessary to clear the gk section individualy…. n we have to clear the paper acc to the cut off ie section wise….
how much rupees is used to make the draft for snap and from where we send that draft?
can you tell me fee struture & hostel fee
how can i prepare 4 snap2009.what are the important areas?what are the cutoffs?how can i get the sample n last few years SNAP question papers?if possible do mail them .
i am final year BA student of yashwantrao chavhan maharashtra open university & also doing diploma in engineering in regular. am i eligible for ur mba test as its a recognised university but i want to confirm that because i will get the transfer certificate of diploma in engineering as i am doing diploma from regular board & graduation from open university.
kindly inform me on my email id.
hi this is vibhore. i m actually through with my hotel mgmt degree.And m working with The Oberoi Hotel. M working as a Food & Beverage Asst. So will it help me in getting admission, in any institute coming under snap.
sir…….i m in bcom final year…….do i need to submit any document for dat…….
im a snap aspirant. i would like to know if theres any change in the pattern and the fee particulars of SYMBIOSIS.I WILL B HAPPY IF UWOULD LET ME KNOW WETHER RESERVATION APPLIES HERE and the fee for oc n sc candidates. hope u ll respond as soon as possible. thanq
i am in final year in Engg now …i want to do my MBA AT SYMBIOSIS (PUNE)….can i know fee structure of the course and about hostel facilities and fee structure of hostels too
i have scored 45% in my TYBCON in march 2007 and have completed my MCOM in april, 2009 with aggregate 53%. so am i eligible to appear for snap?
does snap provide full time mba degree or only a diploma?
when will online registeration of snap will start??
sir myself kapil kumar& i belong to the backward class & i got 46% marks in graduation can i apply for
this test & i if can’t apply then give any suggestion for aplying this exam
i want to know about distance mba in operation ..
when is the admission date publish or close and fee structure..
plz provide me all information about all of above.
thanks for ur future response earlier
hi! this is Samaresh Mitra. will u pls inform me that what’s the fee of SNAP form, how can i prepare for the SNAP’09? if possible pls send me some sample question papers as well as last few yrs qustn papers & pls let me know whether there is any Symbiosis college in Kolkata, what percentile of marks do i require to get a Symbiosis college call? pls mail me all the details specified above. i will be waiting for your reply… thanx…
Tell me the fees of PGDM and How much donation is required?
plz tell me as soon as possible. So I have to arrange it.
what is the fees of snap forms
what is the fees of snap forms
i am a final year studentand my aggregate percentage for first 2 years is i eligible for snap december 2009?
Need to know what are all the institutes that come under SNAP. . .
Their ranking as well (Both all india rank and among the SNAP insts). . .
Kindly let me know it as soon as possible. . .
i have done my bmm advertising with 74 % distinction and want to do mba advertising by appearing for 2009 snap
what are the cut offs for siba and
in case of simc what are the cut offs
i am an obc
application processing fees for sc candidates in snap
How much a PH codidate has to pay?
In 2009 is SNAP going online or not…?
i want to know about the fee structrue of Symbayosis Institute in MBA Cource(Fulltime & Parttime also).n wat are the cutoffs?
is there any sectional cuttoff in snap test???????
how can i prepare 4 snap2009.what are the important areas?what are the cutoffs?how can i get the sample n last few years SNAP question papers?if possible do mail them .
1. explain negative marking in details…?
2. what are the minimum marks required for OPEN,OBC,SC,ST and NT Students to get admission in
Symbiosis,SUS GAON,PUNE?
sir please tell me, for how many courses one person can apply in a single application form.
want to do full time MBA from Symbiosis university Pune. Please give me details about the admission time, eligibility, fee, Duration of Courses,
will you please tell me when will the forms of snap2009 available in banks.
dear sir/madam,
i m graduate with 47.5%. i am belongs to OBC(NC).
may i appear on your entrence exam.
please reaponce me soom.
Thanking you.
how can i prepare 4 snap2009.what are the important areas?what are the cutoffs?how can i get the sample n last few years SNAP question papers?if possible do mail them .
plese information to me every day
Isn’t there any symbiosis college in Mumbai ? If then i am interested to take admission n give snap there. Can u please give me information about that college?address n all.
what is average cut off for symbiosys institutes,admission procedures and fee structures?
how much the importance of graduation marks in adm……?
are the forms available at axis bank also?
what is the fee for entrance exam
is there any mca of 2 year then pls send me all deatails
i am in final year btech now …i want to do my MBA AT SYMBIOSIS (PUNE)….can i know fee structure of the course and about hostel facilities and fee structure of hostels too ….
I have completed my graduation in 2009 but have 48% aggregate .I am going for an improvement test and expect a 50% after the results come out in july 2010.Am I eligible for giving the SNAP 2009 test?
how to apply for SNAP 2009 ?
i am a dradute . i want to know about the fee structrue of Symbayosis Institute in MBA Cource(Fulltime & Parttime also).Thank u
i am pavankumar….will you plz informed me that how much money will required
for doing MBA from symbiosis university.and plz also tells about the hostel facilities & fees.
and wat is the cut-off score?
and also inform me which college will accept snap score..
i will wating for your reply.
What is the last date to fill the form for snap and in pune from where we get the form for snap plzz inform me as soon as possible.thnx….
do we have cutoff in each section
documents submit with entrance form
please let me know when the forms for snap are despatched and also the places where i can easily get the form
is any reservation for sc and st
course fees of symbiosis for pgdm
We can only make online Registration or any other process is also there for filling up the forms for MBA?
Sir,i am a BSc Agriculture graduate and i finished my course last week.I am interested to do MBA in SIIB because they are providing MBA in Agribusiness.IS it a good Instituite and What would the Cut off considering reservations for Agri graduates in SIIB.
what is the cut-off score for SIMC?
I got 47% in graduation i belong to genral catogary so can i eligible to give this exam
i am wasim and will you plz informed me that how much money will required
for doing MBA from symbiosis university.and plz also tells about the hostel facilities & fees.
i will wating for your reply.
how to apply for SNAP 2009 ?
wats the date of filling snap form fr 2009 _10 and wats the site fr it plz tell me the criteria
What is the date of next snap exam
is there any MCA course of 2 years in scit
if yes plz do send me the all datails
My academic qualification is B.A. form raj. university (Eco. horners). Am I eligible for your MBA courses?
Please reply.
sir /madam
can u tell me the the dates of snap exam 2009-2010 either 2010-2011…..?when the forms are available and the last date……….plese reply me as soon as poosible.
which other mba entrance tests have same stllabus and difficulty level as snap and maharshtra cet? i intend to appear for snap and cet this year so which other exams of same level can i attempt. please mail me soon.
thank you.
Can i appear for snap 2009? I have got 42.33% in my graduation and my category is sc
Can i appear for snat 2009? I have got 42.33% in my graduation and my category is sc
i got 42.33% in my graduation. Can i appear for snap test 2009 which will be held on december2009
is there any exam center for snap in kolkata???
hi, i m a BAMS graduate. and doing a govt medical job since last 2 years. my que is that, is there any better job placement after BAMS other than govt. job?
and if i do mba in hospital management from symbiosis uni. then after how much package will i get? means is there good placement opportunity after mba?
which course will b better for me, regular or curruspondance mba in hospital management?
pls send me fee structure
hw shall i get admission in bba in hostel campus And what are the fees regarding to that ???
what is the addmission date given 4 in symbiosis college?? please let me knw …??
Is it essential that work experience is the main criterion or any final year student can be made qualified and selected for the snap-2009-2010
respected sir,
i wanna know about the best study material that i can utilise for the preparation of SNAP test. I prefer self studies
I have completed my B.E and now planning to do Mba. will you plz inform me that how much money will required
for doing MBA from symbiosis university
how to app. for entrance exams
My academic qualification is Class X. However, I have passed the CAIIB exam held by IIBF. Am I eligible for your MBA courses?
Please reply.
plz let me know what is last date of taking admission in mba distance learning from sysmbiosis,pune university.Is there any entrance test?
i am lalita and will you plz informed me that how much money will required
for doing MBA from symbiosis university.and plz also tells about the hostel facilities & fees.
i will wating for your reply.
Is there any reservations for OBC s in the symbiosis MBA institutes..?
please help.
thanking you,
What is the total fees of the course in Symbiosis (distance learning -MBA in Marketing) & what is the payment terms?
I have completed my B.E in E&c but still my result is awaiting.I want to do correspondance MBA from symbiosis university pune plz give me the details and the last date of form.plz tell me availibility of study centre in jaipur
i want to know about your distence learning program of MBA.Is there is any entrance exam for it ?
What is fee structur?
wht s de fee structure for distance learning prog MBA & whts de procedure for gettin addmission in mba
I want to know about the details of distance learning MBA programme from symbiosis please tell me about the procedure and important dates.
plz tell me wat is the last date to fill the forms for symbosis mba correspondence & plz send the details to my id
i want to ask regarding mba 2009 distance learning programme ,last date of registeration and there will be a enterance test for that or not?please send me all the information related this course.
I am doing D.M.E.working in a construction co.pls tell me the eligibility,fees,duration,collages for mba in construction management
I want to do correspondence MBA from Symbiosis university Pune. Please give me details about the admission time, eligibility, fees, Duration of Courses.
I want to do Symbiosis Pune Distance learning MBA. I want to know when will start new session of MBA.
Plz mail me all the details of Symbiosis distance learningcourse of MBA now.Detail about time duration,fees,way the course will be commenced & enterance test & exam centers
i wanna ask the mba 2009 distance programme ,whats lasts date ,if any entrance test and Fee Structure ,please send all the information of this course and availability of study centre in Chandigarh/Panchkula.
plz send the fee structure
i want to MBA Degree through Distance mode, Is Symbiosis Universtiy applied for MBA? Plz send me details.
i want to know the fees of distance learning M.B.A in pune
i wanna ask the mba 2009 distance programme ,whats lasts date ,if any entrance test ,please send all the information of this course.
if i had not given entrance exam of symbosis university ,then can i take addmission in MBA?
I want to do correspondence MBA-IT from Symbiosis university Pune. Please give me details about the admission time, eligibility, fee, Duration of Courses, availability of study centre in NOIDA.
My contact No:+91-9891736891
Wen is the exam for symbiosis classroom PG. i dont want distance coaching. wat is the fee structure.
I want to do correspondence MBA from Symbiosis university, Pune.please give me details about fee structure,course details,admission procedure.Is there any entrance exam for that.