TANCET 2012 M.Tech, MBA, MCA, ME Entrance Exam
The body responsible for conducting TANCET is Anna University. TANCET stands for Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test. Students who aspire to enroll for MCA or M.Tech or MBA or M.Arch or M.E or M.Plan can apply for the test. The test is conducted at various centers through out the country.
Structure and Syllabus
The duration of TANCET MBA Entrance Test is 120 minutes. This test will help to evaluate the qualities required for a candidate who aspire to do MBA. This test consists of following sections: Quantitative Aptitude, Verbal Ability, Reading Comprehension, Data Sufficiency and Data Interpretation.
The duration of TANCET MCA Entrance test is 2 hours. This course is for those students who aspire to MCA courses.
The question paper has following parts: reasoning, basic Computer knowledge,
Quantitative skills and Logical thinking.
The entire test will have 100 multiple choice questions. Other than the subjects mentioned above there may be few questions from science or verbal skill etc.
The duration of TANCET M.E/ M.Plan/M.Tech./ M.Arch/ (Non-GATE) Entrance Test is 2 hours. The paper consists of three sections. The first two parts are compulsory for all the students In the case of the third section candidates can choose their field of specialization. Candidates have to select one from the 14 questions.
Part - I Engineering Mathematics
Candidates have to answer all the 30 multiple choice questions.
Part - II Basic Engineering & Sciences
It consists of 45 multiple choice questions. Candidates have to answer 30 from them. For every incorrect answer .25 marks will be reduced. For every correct answer 1 mark will be given.
Part - III Specialization
This part consists of 14 questions from different areas like Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, etc. There are more than 40 questions in each of the sections. Candidates should answer almost 40 questions to qualify for the test. All the right answers will be given one mark each and .25 marks will be reduced for every wrong answer or if the answers are not correctly shaded.
Eligibility Criteria
Those Candidates who have completed their graduation in any discipline or its equivalent are eligible to apply. They should have done this course from a recognized institute or university. Candidates who are at present doing their final year or are waiting for their results can apply. Those who have done both diploma and graduation can apply as well.
The candidates should have done their graduation in any field or its equivalent to apply for this course. It must have been done from a recognized university. They should have also chosen Mathematics or statistics in their plus two or diploma or graduation courses.
Candidates should have completed their bachelor’s/master’s degree or an equivalent. It should have been done in the same domain in which the candidate wishes to do M.E./M.Tech. M.Arch/M.Plan:
Candidates should have done their bachelor’s or master’s course or its equivalent in the field of architecture/planning.
How to Apply?
Candidates can purchase the TANCET Application form either by Person or by Post or through Online Registration. The application form is the same for the three tests. Candidates have to submit Rs 300/- as an entrance test fee. Those belonging to SC or ST and are from Tamil Nadu have to par Rs 150/-. They are also required to submit a community certificate. The fees are the same for the entire test. If a student wishes to appear for more than one test, then he/she has to pay an additional fee for the test.
SPOT REGISTRATION: Those who wish to purchase the Hall Tickets personally can visit Coordinating Centers with a Demand Draft or cash. They should also submit a copy of their 10th mark list.
REGISTRATION THROUGH INTERNET: Candidates can also register online by visiting www.annauniv.edu/tancet 2011.
Important Dates
[Please note that we only provide tentative dates based on previous years dates. For exact dates related information it is always best to check official websites only.]
- Date of Entrance Exam: May last week, 2012
- Sale of Application Forms: March last week, 2012
- Final date for submitting the application forms are by April last week, 2012
List of TANCET Exam centers
- Anna University Chennai, Chennai
- Govt. College of Technology, Coimbatore
- Annamalai University, Chidambaram
- PSNA College of Engg. & Technology, Dindigul
- Institute of Road and Transport Technology, Erode
- Alagappa College of Engg. & Technology, Karaikudi
- Thiagarajar College of Engg., Madurai
- Govt. Polytechnic College, Nagercoil
- Govt. College of Engg., Salem
- Kunthavai Naachiyaar Govt. Arts College for Women, Thanjavur
- Govt. College of Engg., Tirunelveli
- Anna University Trichy, Trichy
- Thanthai Periyar Govt. Institute of Technology, Vellore
- University College of Engg., Villupuram
- Kamaraj College of Engg., Virudhunagar
Contact Address for TANCET
- The Secretary, Tamil Nadu Common Admissions (TANCA), Anna University Chennai, Chennai 600 025
- Tel.: +91-44-22301393. +91-44-2235 8282
- Fax: +91-44-22301369
- Website: http://www.annauniv.edu
Colleges accepting TANCET Score
- A.M.S. College of Engineering, Nizara Educational Campus
- Meenakshi College of Engineering, Virugambakkam
- St. Joseph’s College of Engineering Old Mamallapuram Road
- Valliammai Engineering College S.R.M. Nagar
- Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai
- Anand Institute of Higher Technology
- Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai
- Vel Tech, Tiruvellore District
- Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai
- B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Engineering College
- Misrimal Navajee Munoth Jain Engg. College, Chennai
- Dhaanish Ahmed College of Engineering
- Vins Christian College of Engineering Nagercoil- Tiruvananthapuram
- Madha Engineering College, Madha Nagar
- Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering
- Velalar College of Engineering and Technology
- Hindustan College of Engineering
- Vivekananda College of Engineering for Women
- A.R.J. College of Engineering & Technology
- St. Peter’s Engineering College, Chennai
- D.M.I. College of Engineering
- Saveetha Engineering College
- Dr.Paul’s Engineering College
- T.J. Institute of Technology, Chennai
- J.J. College of Engineering and Technology
- K.S.R. College of Engineering
- Francis Xavier Engineering College
- Thangavelu Engineering College
- Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology
- SRR Engineering College
- Jeppiar Engineering College
- Jaya Engineering College
- Tagore Engineering College
- Tamilnadu College of Engineering
- Sun College of Engineering and Technology
- Raja College of Engineering and Technology
- Udaya School of Engineering
- Karpagam College of Engineering
- Madha Engineering College
- Misrimal Navajee Munoth Jain Engg. College
Reference Books for TANCET Exam
- Advanced Engineering Mathematics(Third Edition), Merle C. Potter, J. L. Goldberg, Edward Aboufadel
- Elements of Electromagnetics, Matthew N.O. Sadiku
- Elements of Power Electronics, Philip T. Krein
- Introduction to Fluid Mechanics ( SI Edition)Includes CD, Edward J. Shaughnessy,Jr, Ira M. Katz, and James P. Schaffer
- Materials Science for Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Ian Jones
- Power System Analysis, T.K. Nagsarkar, M. S. Sukhija
- Principles of Architecture, G. Muthu Shoba Mohan
- TANCET MBA-Anna university by E.S.Ramasamy
- TANCET MCA-Anna University by V.V.K.Subburaj
Coaching Centers for TANCET
- Apsire Coaching
- Brilliant Tutorials Pvt. Ltd
- Joseph Coaching Centre
- Sathya Academy Coaching Centre
Study Plan
Candidates should start preparing for the test at the earliest. They should try to work out last years sample question paper in order to become acquainted with the syllabus and the pattern of the paper. Candidate’ should also try to learn short cut formulas and other simple tricks to solve the mathematical problems. Revision will also be a good option to prepare for the test.
How and Where To Get the Result
Results will be published on the official website of Anna University. On entering their register number students can obtain their results.
Cutoff varies according to rules and regulations of the institute. The expected cutoff marks of some universities for TANCET 2010 are:
- Anna University 40 and above
- SC cut off 34 and above
- ST cut off 31 and above.
- Anna University Coimbatore - 39+
- PSG- 38 +
- GCT 38+
- SSN 37+
Score Validity
The validity period of TANCET score is one year.
- Question Answers Set#6
- TANCET M.Tech./ M.E./ M.Arch./ M.Plan (Non-GATE) Entrance Test Papers
- SSN School of Management & Computer Applications 2011 MBA MCA
- How to Prepare for Tamilnadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET)?
- VLB Janakiammal College of Engineering and Technology 2011 ME
- TANCET Application Details
- Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET) Eligibility Criteria
- How to Prepare for TANCET Exam?
- Exam Pattern and Reference Books for TANCET (MCA)
- Courses and Admission Process in TCNE
- Exam Pattern and Reference Books for TANCET (MBA)
- TANCET Coaching Institutes
- How to fill TANCET Forms?
Do you have any question? Please ask:
6,757 Responses to “TANCET 2012 M.Tech, MBA, MCA, ME Entrance Exam”
when to apply for 2014 tancet
sir,i got 22.779 marks in M.E tancet13..i belong to sc cateory,may i get GCT or AC college..(civil)environmental engg…or may i get any other course,s pls reply sir
in application form there is a question “category under which admission is sought?” in what way it shouldnt be filled….
sir i got 21.331 marks in(Biotechnology) tancet 2013 belongs to BC category.which clg i will get in councelling?
Dear sir/madam i get 8.40 marks in tancet 2013…
i wish to do my pg course. And my caste SC.
pls tell me Any good college to studying MBA.
i am in final year BE-EEE .can i apply for TANCET entrance examination.
when will be tancet-2013?
i wish to do my pg course in my own department.is there any opportunity for aero?
When to apply for 2013 tancet
Respected sir/mdm,, i wish to do my pg in part time..if i will pass in tancet exam whether i will do my pg in part time,, and wat s the course fees
i want to study m.tech bt my subject is chemistry with specialisation in organic chem . from which trade i can do.
how to apply the tancet exam?
when the app form given for tancet exam 2012-2013?
1.When application form given for tancet exam 2012-2013
i am reva priyadharshini. i got 26.4 marks in tancet.i want to join in m.e. when will be the counselling for me?
sir I have completed my btech with computer science in andrapradesh.I waana do mtech through TANCET.is tancet have the mtech ? am i eligible to write it.?
i got 32.5 in tancet . and community rank 3253. if possible got seat in govt or govt-aided college seats?
I got 16marks in tancet mca belonging to BC,is it possible for me to get IRTT college ?
sir,i got 29.58 .this mark is eligible for m.tech counsuling?
mam/sir, when we get counseling form. where we get it.
Sir,i got 26.916 in Tancet 2012. Would i get admission for computer science engineering/Information Technology in Government colleges. Kindly pls tel me which colleges i get?
when will provide application form for ME?
i got 27.25 in tancet exam. So please tell what college will be secured for my mark.
when will give application form for ME?
I am priyadharshini. I get 23.5 marks in TANCET for MCA. I will interest to join coimbatore colleges. So, which college i got it in my mark? And also i feel like that college should be a government college. Thank you
Sir,i got 19.98 mark in tancet.im ST candiate.i will get college for this mark?if i get college.when ME application form are given and where it given.
Hi… I m Rathish R. I got 38.884 marks in TANCET ME (Production and Industrial Engineering). I belong to BC community. Will I be able to get a seat in GCT coimbatore ? Pls reply sir..
can i apply for TANCET counseling through my GATE score? exam conducted by IIT delhi 2012
I got 37 marks in tancet MCA..may I know my cutoff plz
sir, I got 14 mark in tancet mca 2012..would i get good college in chennai……….
I have lost my TANCET exam Hall Ticket. I take DD and send to Anna University. But up to this date there is no response. When will you send my duplicate Hall Ticket
am priyanga..i got 14 marks in tancet mca..what is the next process for applying mca councelling.when and where councelling form are available…am living at madurai..
Sir,i got 26.82 in Tancet 2012. Would i get admission for ME/MTECH computer science engineering/Information Technology in Government colleges. Kindly pls tel me which colleges i get?
Sir,i got 26.82 in Tancet 2012. Would i get admission for computer science engineering/Information Technology in Government colleges. Kindly pls tel me which colleges i get?
Sir tancet exam mark 12 collage chennai la seat yatha collegela kadaikum
Iget tancet result what is next process. when and where counselling application issue.
i got mark 8.40 in tancet mba exam can i get a seat in any govt colleges . i ‘m a schedule caste student
Iget tancet result what is next process. when and where counselling application issue.
i got mark 8.40 in tancet mba exam can i get a seat in any govt colleges . i ‘m a schedule caste student
sir/madam , how to apply for tancet 2012 counselling (ME) .what is the last date for applying. when and where counselling application will be available
Respected sir/mam,
please send me the previous 5 years question papers for Tancet mca course.
i have got 44.53marks in tancet 2012. what is the next procedure to attain counselling for ME
sir/madam i got tancet result.what is next process.when and where counselling application will issue
i got 13 marks in mca tancet exam. can i get a seat in panimalar collge
I have secured 21 marks out of 100 in the TANCET 2012. I’m a schedule caste student. Can i get a seat in any govt. colleges
i got 16.500 marks MCA in tancet exam. can i get the seat in any college of tamilnadu………
i got 22.345 marks ME/M.tech in tancet exam.i am bc category…can i get the seat in trichy district college
i got 11.8 in tancet mba exam , which clg i will got pls, tell me……
I will get 35 marks in TANCET in SC category.Will i get GCT coimbatore?
give th aexpected cutoff mark of some university for TANCET 2012?
Hai i was write MCA TANCET entrance exam in Mar31,2012.
my reg no is 21132012 please send the result to my id..
mca tancet exam r finished!
2012 entranance exam will be conducted for only once.
sir/madam when will declare the tancet 2012 exam for m.e
when is the result of tancet(m.b.a) 2012?
when m.e tancet 2012 result will be published
when you issue MBA enterance application form
i miss chance the chance to write the TANCET exam conducted in April first week and i want to write the test. Is it possible? How?
how i can go for councelling and what are the schallolarships are available for this course
when is current year result date?
hi sir doing BE(CSE) in last year in bec vellore i am next join ME(CCE) not apply in any entrance exam what can i will do
please i want to know when did tancet exam in 2012 result will published
i am qualified in gate biotech 2012, my score is 34.6 /100,can i get seat in PSG college of technology
MCA result date
When the tancet exams result publishe
i & my relative have applied tancet (M.B.A) and she also attended the exam conducted she lost her hall ticket during travel, is there any formalities to be done to get back the hall ticket
sir i & my relative have applied tancet (M.B.A) and she also attended the exam conducted she lost her hall ticket during travel, is there any formalities to be done to get back the hall ticket
IS calculator is allowed? which can be used for marking? pencil or Pen?
sir,I applied for TANCET in erode, IRTT college . Accidentally i miss my admit card . Is there any chance for me to get the duplicate card sir . Please response me soon..
sent previous ME question paper
Please tell me about non gate m.tech 2012
For Student of B.Tech Bio Technology to get admission to M.Tech Bio Tech, the syllabus ,Coaching centre in chennai,for TANCET is required please.Sample -old questions and solved papers details are also required .
sir, Is that the marks obtained from this enterence exam is also eligible for correspondence or part time education?
i aply online to tancet mca 2012 but i did not get my admit card. what to do
sir tancet application last date when?
Sir, I want to do mtech in aeronautics external…so it(TANCET) will be applicable to external mtech..?
please tell me the date of TANCET exam for MCA 2012
i want previous 2 year question paper for ME/M.Tech TANCET
Entrance Exam plz send me to my mail.
plz send me tancet (production and industrial engg) pervious 5 years question with answer on to my email id [email protected]
Sir, i have applied for TANCET Exam 2012 (for ME) on 15/2/2012 along with my twin sister. She received her hall ticket a week before but i havn’t. What should i do?
pls mail me tancet previous year model questions with answers for ME ECE
Wat is the official site for TANCET??
plz send me tancet (mca) previous 10 years question With answeron my emai id- [email protected]
sir, I applied for tancet, but i did’nt get the hall ticket till now, what should I do ?
Sir, I am Thangaraj final year student (B.sc computer science) my friend buy tancet application form and hall ticket for MCA. but i don’t know the date they give it so i missed it. if there is any second round in tancet examination in 2012 pls send me the date of application they give.
i belongs to Andra Pradesh ,i want to apply tancet 2012,i belongs to electronics and communication stream ,how i has to apply
what is last date for subbission of application
please replay soon with more information
pls send me tancet ME EEE study materials and previous year questions year ques papers tomy mailID
i’m studying B.E 2ND YEAR.
may i know eligibility for tancet exam?
I applied for tancet 2012 through online on 16 feb..but i did not get my hallticket till now(12 march)..what should i do?
In what date tancet exam for mca will conduct
last date of application form issuing for MBA exam (anna university)
Sir, my frnd applied tancet 2012 for m.tech. Cse branch. Sir i posted application on feb 24. I taken dd on feb 23. My application number is 29826. Name karri durga devi. Dd number 387850. I am from andhra pradesh, east godavari dist. But i dint received any information. In application status my application number is wrong. Sir pls tell me how i will get hall ticket if cancel how get my money sir. Pls sir.
send previous 5 year solved question paper with syllabus
when was the last date forthetanset aplication
how can i know my tancet application status. suggest me plz..
when is a last date for applying TANCET MCA entrance exam, kindly request you to inform me the dates and as well as the procedure for applying tancet MCA, hope you’ll do the need full for my further studies.
thankin you,
please send me the study materials for tancet
ME ECE and also suggest me a book for ME ECE
Sir the last date of application submition. Pls send the details to my mail
i m applying tancet exam 2012 through online. And i m how to get my hall ticket. Send me the details for how to get my hall ticket .
i want to tancet 2012 syllabus for M.TECH…..plz send to my mail id …
Dear Sir,
Am pursuing my Bachelors degree in Sikkim Manipal University Distance Education Center recognized by UGC, I want to write tancet exam to do further studies (MCA).
kindly advice me whether is it possible for me to write the exams and when is the last date to apply.
Sir plz send me model question paper for mba. .
i want syllabus of ece
i want last 5 yrs solved ece qstn papr
sir i required for MBA ECE materials and previous year question paper……
tancet 2012
model question paper
for mba and mca
Sir plz send tancet previous question paper in mechanical
when is a last date for applying TANCET entrance exam
Dear Sirs,
Coaching classes for TANCET Aspirants are being conducted at my Centre “Success Track”, 44, Salai Road, Woriyur, Tiruchy 620 003. Phome 0431-2760836, Mobile 9443142836. Pl inform the registration process of my Institute in your web page.
i want tancet question paper in m.e(cse)
I want tancet previous year question bank for me(cse),please send to my mail
respected sir,
when are comeagain tancet exam.plz sir .
plz tell me how to check the application status of tancet 2012…
sir,will you please send the tancet mtech application form?
as i have forgotten my tancet registration number,so i required some suggestions for how to get it.
sir when is last date for tancet application form
Study Materials and Previous year Question Papers of TANCET Exam for ME?
Respected Sir/Madam.,
please send me tancet ME EEE study materials and previous year question papers
i am from kerala…i applied tancet2012 entrance exam.during the time of online registration i wrote DD no incorrectly.IS this cause any problems to my eligibility to write the exam….i am confused plz give me a rply……
Hi Team,
Can you send TANCET MBA Appliction form??
i need the last 5 years questions paper for M.E(cse) and also the book name for tancet preparation
I’m a BCA Student, but i didn’t studied maths in +2 level. shall i apply for MCA
which address can i send the application sir
for tancet exam andhrapradesh people are eligible or not?
sir,TANCET 2012 exam ANDHRAPRADESH students are eligible or not?
send me the ME application form to my mail ???????
Send me the ME application form to my mail id sir.
Respected sir,
sir i am apply tancent exam in villupuram center actually i learn in BCA i am apply in MCA tancent exam i am +2 learn commerce and accountancy group. so she did not give in MCA application reson +2 level mathamatics. i am appseted then give in MBA application i dont no MBA any questions so why courier? i am feel it so answer in immedently sir please
sir where and how i apply for the tancet exam
how to get m.tech.on line form
how to get m.tech.on line form
I Want tancet previous year question papers for ME(EEE).Plz send me mail.
hi sir,i need previous year tancet question papers with answer sir……..plz send it to my mail sir…….
how to fill tancet application?
sir,i want to apply for the TANCET examination, is there any need to give my 10th and diploma certificate to buy a application form????
hi sir i am physicaly handicapted i have completed BCA sir, how does apply to tancet sir any indicate my physical report attach or casual student apply to follow sir full details send me mail sir thank u sir
The tancet exam for eligibilty is BE present pre final year accept or not . . . . . .
sir,can you send model question paper for this TANCET exam through the mail.
i want tancet previous year question bank for me(cse),please send my mail.
pls send the tancet application link
I’m going to appear for tancet 2012 exam for M.E under cse . So i required model question paper or previous year question papers.can u suggest ways for getting question paper…
I need TANCET exam question papers
link for tancet 2012 THROUGH INTERNET that u posted is not working..what to do?
pls mail the TANCET q& A and related information for M.E (Part time @ Madurai)
send the tancet application link
sir,will u send the mca application form for this year(2012)?
sir,will you please send the tancet mtech application form?
sir from where do i get tancet application form? What is the last date for applying?
hi sir,i need for the sample tancet question paper send my mail pls,thank you.
which book ll prepare the exam
Pls mail tancet question & anser
Please mail me a Tancet model solved question paper for ece pattern.
For TANCET 2012, DD to be taken in whose favour
pls tell me the dates for issue the TANCET mba exam application and TANCET exam
sir i have takken dd for secretary instead taking for director this will cause any problem plz tell me sir
How do you prepare in tancet exam?
How do you prepare in tancet exam/?
sir, will u send the TANCET application form?
Good mrng sir,i need from sample TANCET question send my mail.Thank you,
Respected sir/madam
i had studied bsc information technology then which major course is nowdays more job vaccent in MBA i dont know about that pls help fot that
+2 level maths are without means the degree level maths r not alowed in tancet why u clarify the anna university website
Pls mail tancet question & anser
How to apply for tancet sir? And what are they benefit of TANCET
List of colleges offering M.E(cse) in parttime at chennai?
Can you please tell me that when will anna university issue the application form for TANCET 2012.
pls tell me the issuing date of tancet 2012 application form
i finished my B.Tech in 2002…..can i appear for TANCET….?
Gudmrg sir/madam plz I need from sample TANCET question,send my mail.Thankyou
tancet entrance exam application which place sold in villuppram district
what r topics ne to study most for ME
Pls tell me how to apply for tancet exam through online pls say the link.
when will you give for tancet application form
hi sir , mam i finished m.sc (software engg) i want question paper mobel sir
pls i need some sample question papers for tancet
how to apply for tancent 2012 MBA entrance exam through online
Respected sir/madam,
how can i get tancet application form and when is the last date to submit the form..
I planning for ME in Applied Electronics under part time. I completed my BE in Electrical and Electronics.
Please let me know how TANCET Score help me to join ME part time. And do Applied Electronics coruse provided by any Anna university affliated institution in part time. If so, let me know the institution names.
At last, When the application form will be issued ? day of the exam is announced as 1st april. what is the procedure to apply online ??
good morning sir/madam,i want to know about tancet online application form format. how can i get the tancet 2012 online application form in the annauniversity official website.when will u issue the tancet 2012 online application form.And also please mail me tancet 2012 application form issuing co ordinating centers in chennai.
i want what is the procedure of applying tancet2012 exam
sir, I want TANCET application.where i can get?
which is the last date for tancet application sir?
I want tancet ME syllabus for ece….and also know abt the colleges having ECE.
Please mail me a Tancet 2012 model solved question paper for cse pattern and form need……
when was tancet application form will give sir.
Is tancet required for doing part-time ME also
sir,what the minimum cutoff of anna university
sir, I want TANCET application.where i can get?
dont you know when the tancet exam will be conducted:-)if you dont know pls shut your door & window.:-)
Please give me information for MCA Fees in tamil nadu.
gud aft sir,
am doing btech .after i want to do mtech part time in tamilnadu….so i want details about tancet . when give applicatin form ………..and i want exam date
good morning sir/madam,i want to know about tancet online application form format. how can i get the tancet 2012 online application form in the annauniversity official website.when will u issue the tancet 2012 online application form.And also please mail me tancet 2012 application form issuing co ordinating centers in chennai.
sir,which book is best to prepare the tancet exam. and i’m ece dept. when the online application form issued. how to download the question paper, i need question models for ece.
how to fill the online form
I want previous year model questions for cse
how to apply online tancet application?
please display the application form of entrance mca
gud eve sir,
am dng my btch in the stream of computer science and engineering.after that i want to do mba in tamilnadu.so,i want exact details about tancet
sir, i need the exam date
when was tancet application form will give?
sir, what the minimun cut off mark to get a mba seat in a college
Sir, i did b.sc(c.s), now am doing m.sc(c.s) sir. Is that possible for apply M.tech and M.E?..
when to give tancet application?
good morning,when am get a tancet form 2012 in MBA
plz tell me which is the best book to refer the tancet exam.
can I have an admission in BCA second year from gulbarga university in anna university
when will u give tanset application form and pls inform the last date of the application to get n to send pls give all details about exam
where to get the application form to apply for tancet exam. and when we can fill it. when is the application form registration is opening and last date to register?pls reply sir
sir,til when the application form will be issued and from where to get the form
when will u issued application form for tancet
I have completed my engineering in mechanical domain. I would like to do mtech in energy engineering. Is it possible?
sir ,, am dng b.com final…!whn tancet applictn wil be recve ? whre i shld gt di appilictn ??
I would like to know the colleges where M. E (Mechanical)Part-time course could be applied through TANCET entrance examination.
i completed my B.engineering in 2007, in vmr deemed university in distance mode .I want to know wether i am eligible to apply for tancet exam or not? if eligible what is the fee structure
when will u issued application for tancet and what is the last date to get application form? plz reply soon
tancet 2012 application form where it is sale now? or where we have to purchase now/ address for communication please
when tancet exam application forms issue
sir, have you started to give the tancet application form?
can i get the form from Govt polytechnic, Nagercoil?
I want to know when the tancet application is given and i would like to know which college offers seat for instrumentation and control engg department?
i am dng bca final yr i prefer it job oly in tat i prefer networking side is advisable 2 do mca r any other course is ter??
i want tancet application form model pls!!!
and when u publish 2012 tancet ME application form?
i am doing my final year mathematics. give me suggestion what should i take as my higher education whether to do MSc maths or MBA.. i am confused..
i want what is the procedure of applying tancet2012 exam
i need tancet application form and syllabus.
i am working in college if any posiblities for ME regular studies
when is tancet exam
how to download the question paper
sir, i am studing BCA final year.
may i know when the last date for issuing tancet MCA application form?
sir, i am studing BCA final year.
MCA tancet application last date?
we want tancet application
iam studing 3rd year B.Sc. cs final year i want to writ tancet exam what can i do
same questions for the all derpartment?
negative mark present or not
B.E mexhanicale
now iam in b.com final year can i apply for mba
how many marks eligible to go for counseling for BC?
which site i get online application forms for m.c.a?
What are the syllabus of BE (MECH) students ?
Sir,I am a Electronics and communication engineer i want to know which P.G course is best. i need what are all the subjects are there in M.E and M.tech and
please sent me tancet mba
2012 application form
respected sir gud eve
i am studing b.com(cooperation). i dont have for tancet exam.plz give instruction for me.
How to get application or give me a address of get application of on line please.
sir,i want syllabus for M.tech trancet exam
i want to aply for tancet exam. how to apply for tancet exam?
I Am domical of U.T.(CHANDIGARH) ,I hold A B.E.(MECHTRONICS) avit from VINayaka deemed univercity.can i am eligible to take entrrance in TANCET-2012. kindly answer my mail.
i am doing b.e(cse).i want to study my master degree course avionics/aerospace. can i join this course(via) TANCET. it is elligible or not .
resently application fees will changed or not
we want tancet application
I need syllabus for ME.CSE and M.tech IT dept…
i am studying my engineering in a deemed university.I want to know wether i am eligible to apply for tancet exam or not
when the closing date of tancet
when the form will be issued for tancet2012
sir,when will you issue the mca application forms
when will u issue the application form
can i write the exam in chennai and get admission in anna university coimbatore affilated colleges for doing M.E
I am studying Bse cs final year i want to write the tancet exam what i will do
Need information on TANCET MBA entrance Exam
how to apply online for tancet?
i m working from it company i wand to open university site trancet exam
when will publish tancet 2012 syllabus for PG EEE course
I want to know where I can get the application form for MBA in Chennai?
I need all the information regarding TANCET. Please let me know!!!
respected sir/madam:
i finished B.E..i would like too join M.E..
i dont know about TanceT exam…
so…please…give…advice…and…information…step…by..step…..i dont ..know…what…to..do..now?
my email id is given below…
i am waiting for ur e-mail…
by pradeepan
sir, when will you issue the application forms………
where i get tancet mba registration form
sir i want model question paper
what is the exam date for tancet 2012? when does the application forms are issued?
I finished my diploma after completing 10th std. Then i doing my B.C.A in distance education which is a 2 year course and i want to know whether i’m eligible for writing TANCET exam.. Am awaiting your reply as soon as possible..
Sir, i am doing my BL final year. I studied commerce, accountancy and computer science in higher secondary. Am i eligible for MCA Tancet?
when will be the application form available?
sir i want to know when u will issue the application and how to get it
I am passed in m.sc degree i join a m.tech in possible
sir, i would like 2 know when will you issue the application form and hall ticket for tancet
sir ,
i would like to know when the application and hall ticket for tancet exams are being issued for the year 2012. what are the timings for collecting them??
i am doing my UG, final year hotel management, i just want to know that hotel managment UG is eligible to do MBA.
where i can get application form for tancet2012
where i can get application for tancet2012
i want CSE department syllabus please
sir i want model question paper
online application which date last
I belongs to OC cast . How many marks i have to got in the tancet examination of MBA to enter into the chennai anna university campus or in any other top colleges in chennai or in coimbatore?
When will the application Distribution? please any one tell me…
hi Sir/Madam am doing final year M.Sc Software Science(Integrated) final.is possible to attend that TANCET exam for M.Tech or not
sir, since i am doing my final year B.E in ECE .May i get last five year question papers for preparation regarding ece with solved answers and also with help and suggestion from experts.
is there online test for m.tech.also available or not
test center of tancet-m.tech. is in not delhi,y?
plz sir,
i hv 1 request try to make test center in delhi also,plz sir.
Good morning sir, I am doing BCA. What is the qualification to be needed to attend the MCA TANCET examination?what are the certficates to be produced to get our hallticket? Please kindly send me the date and syllabus for MCA TANCET examination
when the application form will be available in the internet.
I want previous year M.E Tancet model exam paper
sir,please sent the TANCET syllabus for ECE…and where the application forms are availiable..when you will start to distribute?
Sir, Iam Studying B.Sc in AP.Can I apply for tancet exam?If so when will you release the tancet application and What are required things for applying tancet?
when the forms will be available and in which website for tancet exam.
hi,how couid i apply for tancet in online.
when will you produced tancet exam application
hi sir,how to apply for the tancet xam applications fom.then last date of apply for the application form.
when will you produced tancet exam application
how to apply for tancet exam.now i am doing my final bsc-computer science pls help me sir.
sir,i need syllabus for m.tech biotechnology 2012
i want model question
sir,i want previous year tancet mca 2012 question.
I’m doing my B.E final year. I want to do M.Tech. can you suggest me tips to get high TANCET scores?
Am christina from coimbatore.Am doing final year BE CSE in excel engineering college.I want to know what are the procedure to apply TANCET exam.Please tell me the website and date of exam
Finish the degree in one year
i’m staying in muscat…can i write the exam in online….?
trancet exam date so please
when application form will be published
i have completed my B.E.,in 2011. i have planned to do M.E.,is there any restriction to attend TANCET in 2012.
Now Iam doing my final year B.E,further i have an idea to do M.E, please say me how can i apply for it….
i want previous year question paper.
sir, i wish to write tancet exam sir,now i’m doing final year ece sir i want previous year tancet question with answer sir
when tanset exam application wiil be issued and date of the examination?
What is the last for applying M.E…and how?
if any application form issued for M.E? please send me some details about M.E
i would like to know when the application form will be issued for tancet 2012…
i need previous year question paper for tancet2011 for TANCET (M.E)
when is the tancet mca exam, 2012
Now i am doing MCA, i would like to do in ME .so i need previous question paper for CSE.
Now i am doing MC, i would like to do in ME .so i need previous question paper for CSE.
when is tancet 2012 MTECH ex? wh is the syllabus?
Tancet exam is starts on 31.3.2012 and 1.4.2012.
And we can apply thru online in first week of february month.
For more info check official websites.
where i will got date
hello sir i am pursuing B.E.,[2nd] i am very eager to prepare the tancet exam..give some basic tips&send previous year question paper to my mail id…plz…
sir,,i do the ME in part time…what is the procedure… tancet same part& regular
when s the tancet mca exam application form dates
when is the tancet exam 2012 for ME and i would like to know when the application forms will be distributed for ME tancet exam.what is the required cutoff mark to get the ME(CSE) seat in trichy anna university for BC category.
application form issued date please……….
when is the tancet 2012 mca entrance exam
what is the last date to get the application form , and where to get it ?
hello sir
i have already appeared for tancet exam.
i would like to know how many time we can appear for tancet.
i would also like to know when the application forms will be issued for tancet2012.
Hello sir,
what is the cut off mark requied to get M.E(cse) seat in anna university chennai for MBC community
whether is for studing regular pg of mba,mca, me…. if i want to do in distance education means whether i want to attend tancet
im final year aeronautical engineering student.i need to know the question patten and sylabus for my departmenr related paper…plz reply.
when will TANCET 2012 for Mtech Biotechnoly be held and how to apply for the same.
hello sir when wil apply te tancet exam and say about te ME and MBA Which is best and i M doing final year ECE . pls send te info about tancet.
Please send an TANCET exam syllabus
can u tell abt the examination date and the syllabus for tancet for eee
sir i am doing my final year B.E . which type department can i take, like hr,final etc. can u please send model question paper .thank you sir/madam
when will be ME application form issued ?
when will Tancet application form published?
when wiil the Tancet exam dates are published?
please send the model question paper to my mail id
sir can you send me previous year tancet papers for mba to my email id
enterance exam rules
hi im sathiya now im studying bca in combatore…..
i took the group of in 12th standard arts with computer
so i dont know maths.. which book i want to study
exam date
model question paper for MCA tancet
whether this year tancet will be held in may 2012 are not sir………
were we get the application form for TANCET
sir, i completed BE in the year of 2011.can i write tancet exam 2012?
Hi Sir, Sir I Varun Omanakuttan is currently pursuing BBA Degree. Sir can you please furnish me the list of MBA colleges that accept the TANCET Exam according to the rankings and what would be the score required to get into the topest college accepting TANCET?
Thank you
may i follow the past year solved question paper for tis year entrance exam
Important Info about TANCET
Those who are passing out in the year 2012 ( B.E / B.Tech / Etc )( 2011 passout can also attend ) and opting for higher studies like M.E / M.Tech / M.B.A / M.C.A under anna university affiliated colleges throughout TAMILNADU through govt quota has to compulsorily appear for TANCET exams. Without score in TANCET u cant appear for govt counseling - This year TANCET is not in the month of May like previous years - This year TANCET exams will be conducted in March 31 2012 and April 1st 2012 -
Those who are having backlogs ( arrears ) also can attend the exam , having confidence of clearing arrears in final sem exams - at the time of counseling they should not posses any backlogs -
TANCET 2012 Exam is on March 31st 2012 and April 1st 2012
hai sir/madam i am a final year bsc(cs) student,i want some question for mca.so plz send my email id sir.
u mentioned above some colleges which accepting the TANCET score… Other colleges wont accept it ah? Like Sivanthi Adithanar college, Tiruchendur…..
hello sir! after finishing BCA degree M.tech is possible or not. pls replay sir.
thank u….
SSN is my dream,i belong 2 the community of o.c……what must be my score in tancet 2012
sir,i will like to study my PG(ME) programe in part time class. i need some information about tancet2012 mark is applicable or not for part time classes.
Kindly send me last 2 years tancet question paper for mba entrance
Good morng sir,i finished my BE degre in ece.please send the syllabus for ECE department and also previous question paper to my mail id,thank you sir
what is the cutoff needed for joning in B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Engineering College
send previous tancet question paper.
i would like to know when is the MCA entrance exam in 2012 and when will the application would be provide MCA TANCET EXAM APPLICATION ISSUESS… plz send to my email id…
qualification of mca & last year question paper
my friend complete B.A RPS(religion philosophy and sociology). It is possible to apply tancet entrance exam to study M.B.A.
Respected Sir/Madam,
Please send me the TANCET exam details and their reference books and publications.
I am doing my final year ECE in Sri Krishna clg of Engg .I am interested to do my M.E in anna university .I need the procedures to get into it.
I need TANCET2012(ME-CSE) syllabus nd previous qns paper…….pls snd it to my email id
Hello sir/madam..
I am a final year student and will be completing my B.C.A in April 2012.. may i know the exam date for M.C.A.what is the good score.where & when can i get the application forms..
sir,how to prepare entrance exam to mca. .what type of books to prepare this examination. . .
Happy Morning Sir,
I am a final year student and will be completing B.SC (PHYSCIS) in may 2012 and also I know Computer Basics.Can i apply TNCET for (MCA)?
sir, can you please tell whether jobs are available after finishing mba in airport and airline mangement (in any college other than IIBM) . Sir iam currently doing my final year in BE aeronautical and iam intrested in doing jobs related to airport so please tell me whether which would be better for me to choose mba or me and please also tell whether my U.G domain will be usefull if i do mba
i am a final year sudent and will be completing my b.com(e. com)in apirl 2012,i apply the tancet exam in this year.?
send the tancet updates ,pattern,exam dates to my mail regularly….
I complete B.Com. i would like to study M.B.A. so i will attend TANCET Exam. Please give me details for how to i attent that exam. when publish application form and where?
What would be the cut off mark to get anna university for mca in 2011
I am a final year student and will be completing my B.E. in may 2012. Can I apply for TANCET this year?
I am pursuing IVyear B.E. computer science. I need the syllabus for TANCET 2012 (MBA)….. pls send me some previous year question paper……to my MAIL ID.
so when should i appear for tancet exam?
sir , what is the best score for tancet
i need previous year question papers for TANCET 2012 M.E ECE and CSE and also syllabus to this id
sir,i am doing bba in vels university i would like to do mba can u tell me good colleges for doing mba
Good eve sir,i finished my BE degrre in ece.please send the syllabus for ECE department and also previous question paper to my mail id,thank you sir
i want all details about TANCET examination…….. what is the exact date of tancet exam for upcoming year 2012?…
may i know the exam date for mca in 2012
hello sir
i Compeleted my ug in april 2011,next year i am interested to do MBA .is it i am eligible for tancet 2012? please clear my doubt sir
what is the best course in TANCET?
may i knw the exam date for mca
im studying bca final yr ineed the tancet(2012) syllabus for both mba&mca
please sent me the detail of mechanical engg pattern question
I nee all the information..when to issuing tancet application form for MBA…AND syllabus.for mba tancet..
plz send the tancent syllabus for it….
electrical engineering mode qustion 2011
I need the syllabus for TANCET 2012ME(CSE). pls send model qus paper.
which is the good mark to do ME in good colleges? I want to know some good colleges under tancet with fees structuer for govt clgs and private clgs?
I am pursuing IVyear B.E. compuerscience .which book is effective for me to get more cut-off marks?
please tell cut-off mark to M.E.computer science…..
when the exams will be conducted sir….and pls send me the syllabus for tancet exam to my mail id sir
sir and madam please sent tancet syllabus for ECE
I need syllabus for TANCET MCA…
Which book is needed to prepare and some tips regarding examz..?
please tell how to prepare well…..for the TANCET exam..
plz give tips to prepare
i am completed bca..tancent when exam and when aplication form halticket collect…
please tell how to prepare well…..for the TANCET exam..
plz give tips to prepare
when will tancet conducted? and i want ece syllabus
which date willmnt exa give the all ticket for tancet.
Hello sir !!!
I need the syllabus for TANCET 2012 (ME-ECE)….. pls send me some previous year question paper……to my MAIL ID
thank you
I need the syllabus for TANCET 2012 (ME-CSE)and MBA ….. pls send me some previous year question paper……to my MAIL ID
i need syllabus for be(cse) sir..and also question paper..
hello sir,
I need the syllabus for TANCET 2012(ME-CSE)…….plz send me some previous year questions paper to my mail id…
hai hello sir,
I would like to know when is the MCA,MBA entrance exam in 2012
and when will the application would be provided.MCA,MBA tancet exam application issuess
please inform to my email address.
please please
hello sir/madam i am in need of TANCET syllabus for civil engineering
syllabus for mca entrance exams
I would like to know why many of the colleges are not accepting the TANCET score in their admission..?
Hello sir !!!
I need the syllabus for TANCET 2012 (ME-ECE)….. pls send me some previous year question paper……to my MAIL ID
please tell in detail the eligibility criteria for mba
I would like to know when is the MCA entrance exam in 2012
and when will the application would be provided.MCA tancet exam application issuess please inform to my email address.
sir , I am doing b.sc(cs) final year…. which book is effective for me to get higher cutoff marks….
what are the good colleges for doing mca
i am ece student…i am studying 3rd year….i can do my M.E in communication systems…pls tell me the suggestion to choose my field….but i m interested in aeronautics…but my bachelor degree is electronics communicatoin….
I am sathish studing Bcom Ca III yr.Plz send me TANCET entrance exam Application forms and when will started the examination date also sen me mail ID
thank you
I am doing my final year IT in Idhaya engg clg for women.I am interested to do my M.E in anna university .I need the procedures to get into it.
Actually i was completed my bca in 2011,can i apply for the tancet examination for this year. i need a clear details and again when will be the exams again held? pl keep posted me the regular updates regarding the TANCET exam details to my mail id.
Sir /mam
as i was completed my ug degree (B.E mechanica) and i wish to join M.E . So please kindly send me the last year question paper with syllabus also .
now i am studying final year b.com(ca). i want the details about Tancet exam. where i can get the application form through online. please send me the exam date.
am a eee department student. i just need to know whether i can do my M.E. in aeronautics or in aviation field? please give me the suggestion to choose my field.
Now i am doing biomedical engineering final year I like to join ME in bio medical engineering what i want to do that pleas give information about that
how many questions for part -3
Sir/ mam,
i have doing my final year B.Sc(CS) i wish to do my MCA so please send me some important notes to my following mai id [email protected].
how to register for tancet exam via online…..
can you tell me when is the anna university offcampus
which is the best college for doing MBA under anna university affilication
Pls advise when shall we get the application form for TANCET-2012 May Entrance test.Also ,pls mention if any exam centers are in KERALA .
Can a student appear for TANCET - M Tech and MBA simultaneously.?
Can a student keep the score of TANCET valid till 1 year upto the admission time of 2013 MTech if appeared the TANCET in 2012 May.?
Your valuable reply would be highly appreciated.
Kanil Kumar
what is the cut off mark requied to get M.E(cse) seat in anna university chennai for MBC community
How to download the previous tancet model question papers?
can u tell me good website for that?
pls tell me good colleges in mba
information required on how 2 register for tancet exams 2012 ? which web site to follow with link needed? plz help
how to register for atncet exams? whats the web site that is required to register for tancet exams 2012? urgent help needed.
I want syllabus for ece dept
wen wil tancet exam conducted..?? and wat is the pass mark…??
hi sir,
can u plz provide me old question paper for tancet mca……
Respected Sir,
I would like to know when is the MCA entrance exam in 2012
and when will the application would be provided.MCA tancet exam application issuess please inform to my email address.
how i i join the annauniversity colege for doing my m.tech??
wer i hav to refer for tancet m.tech notes(syllabus)
i have more information
i need me tancet syllabus for civil engg
what is official website address of annauniversity
any important question tancet exam please send me and informationfor tancet exam
which book is best for preparing tancet and where can i get it
i need more information
what u mean the validity period of Tancet score?
in between any day of that period , can i join the specified course?
Where can i get the study materials for TANCET-MBA?
Dear sir.
I am finished electrical engineering in fast out 2005 year .totally 6 year experience .further studying in M.E/M.Tech course useful for job related .what your suggestion
anna university MCA fees details
Hi frnds pls send M.E previous years question paper
can u pls provide me model question paper.
hi im prakash from tamilnadu……..plz giv me te tancet model qstn paper thank u…….
Where can i get the study materials for TANCET-MBA?
which is the best book for TANCET-MBA?
where i want to get application forTANCET_MBA-2012
TANCET_MBA exam application issuess
please inform to my email address.
Respected Sir,
I would like to know when is the MCA entrance exam in 2012
and when will the application would be provided
hi i am doing b.com(bank management). i am planning to do mba can i get the information about the list of colleges and the fee structure.
Im going to finish my 12th.Somehow i ill join good college for B.C.A course then i preferred to do M.C.A.But it requeires TANCENT exam.In TANCENT exam which is the good mark to do M.C.A in good colleges?
sir i will finished diploma in computer engg i want to do mca its accepted or not please reply me on [email protected] please note this mail id and mail this question
what is tancet cut off mark in joint psg instituion of management covai ?
Hello sir.i’m stutying m.sc(maths) i like to study mca. At the same time mca and m.sc was accepded by employment office? please sent me sir
Where can i get the study materials for TANCET-MBA?
I went for 2011 councelling and chose a college, but i dint go for admission .Can you plz tel me wat is the procedure for claiming the amount i paid during councelling?
Sir,where can i get the study materials for TANCET-MBA?
Sir/madam, i’m doing final BE(ECE). I would like to complete Ph.D. So which is the best college to choose my M.E(must helpful for Ph.d)
I am completed B.E.Civil engg.i have interested to study m.e/m.tech structural engg.pls tell me the top 20 colleges in tamilnadu mainly they are including the campus interview.
Doing M.Tech as a full time or part time among which one s best
sir, i am a student of b.tech final year .my branch is electronics & instrumentation.i want 2 know when will the form or m.tech entarance will come?
Dear sir,
i am a working proffesional
I Had completed my DME in regular in B.E in part time,
Can i eligible to apply TANCET for MBA?
hello sir,
now i am studying B.Sc(computer science) in kongu college of arts and science.My aim is doing an MBA in one of the best engineering college in tamilnadu.But my family is very poor.so i could not pay for the fess.So please tell as the college fees details to me. This details help with me to ready for the money in college feeses.
Thank you sir
Am doing my BE(final CSE). How can i apply for TANCET and what are the procedures i need to do…… and the syllabus for my related course with some model question papers……..please send me this datas…….
what is the procedure to join part time mtech in anna university coimbatore
sir,i’m from cse department.can i join to m.tech cse through tancet exam.
How many colleges accepting TANCET exam ?
I read only around 40 colleges accepting this exam what about Remaining colleges?
hello sir,
I’m doing my B.E final year(ECE).. How can i apply for my M.E and what are all the procedures to apply and to write entrance exams? can you please guide me, sir.
Is there is any different cutoff mark for OBC student.
thanks & regard,
Sir, pls list out MBA colleges accepted tancet score.pls send my email id Thank you sir.
Tancet examnation please inform my email id
how to get high cutoff marks in tancet and when the application form will published?
i want a previous questions
Any Negative marks in this tancet exam
I want to do my MCA in anna university itself …so if i write tancet is that is fine …
Give a Perfect date for MBA TANCET exam 2012 during BE final year student?
is there is any different cutoff mark for mbc student
does any entrance required to do an emba (executive mba) at universities line ANNA uni?. kindly let me know
i need to apply for tancet 2012 ,when will be the online registration will starts , what is the web address pls help me
hello sir,
I’m doing my B.E final year(CIVIL).. How can i apply for my M.E and what are all the procedures to apply and to write entrance exams? can you please guide me, sir.
thanks & regard,
how to apply application
sir, i am doing be(eee) final year can i apply for tancet MBA exam and what are the procedures .
In TANCET exam, can we get any college and place required in Tamilnadu.
i studying final year b.tech-information technology i want tancet 2012 exam application form
hello… i am doing my engg. final year cse…i lost the last date to apply for GATE exam for M.E… tats y planned to apply for TANCET… what is the difference between these two… and is this worth like GATE or not…?????
IAM studying my b.e final year ece.how to apply for the TANCET EXAM for MBA?WHAT ARE THE SYLLABUS?
I am studying in final year bsc. chemistry. how to kno whether my college marks are valid for taking up the tancet???? am studying in women’s christian college, chennai
iam studying final year b.tech-information technology……how to apply for the TANCET EXAM.?WHAT ARE THE SYLLABUS?
how to i apply tancet exam now i am doing pre final year of B.E. civil
i am in need of tancet sample question paper for computerscience engineering.plz send ..
Where do I get the application forms for TANCET?
i am going to face my fifth sem and i want to do my PG courses .so when should i appear for tancet exam?
how to score high cut off marks in tancet exam
MCA tancet exam application issuess please inform to my email address.
i am doing final year B.com(commerce) in Madras University.i will apply to TANCET exam for MBA. how much cut off mark can be earn for me.plzzz send me last 5year question paper……..
when is exam started? how it can be prepared in exam?
sir,i am going to face my fifth sem and i want to do my PG courses .so when should i appear for tancet exam? either in 6th sem or in final year
how to get a model questions pls say website
how to get a model questions
Sir,my friend is going to complete B.Tech software engg,its a new course introduced in Anna University,tirunelveli..whether he is eligible to write TANCET?…What courses can he select?
I have finiched MCA and I wanted to do ME. Can I able to do.If i can what is the procedure
i finished my B-Tech eng in 2011 ,i have applied for tancet in mba cateory in the same year ,i have scored 20.8 cut off marks , i applied for anna univ campus but i didn’t apply for gct campus, is there any other way to get into any college.. please help me out…
hai guys i am doing final year B.com(CA) in one private college.i will apply to TANCET exam for MBA. how much cut off mark can be earn for me.plzzz send me last 5year question paper……..
Sear sir/Madam,
I am in puducherry…May i appear for this exam?(pursuing b.tech final year)
I’m doing my B.E final year(CSE).. How can i apply for my M.E and what are all the procedures to apply and to write entrance exams?
my colllege is affiliated to anna university but iam not a resident of tamilnadu. can write TANCET2012?
SIR, please send me the last 5 years TANCET (ECE) question papers and also the related study material. thankin u.
i’ll doing final year B.E(computer science)how can apply and also write the tancet 2012,next i’ll do for M.E or MBA
hi, i am from hyderabad . i am doing my 4th year in aeronautical engineering. i like to do my m.tech program in aerospace in tamilnadu. can i take tancet test???
I went for 2011 councelling and chosen a clg, bt i din go for admission since i thought of writing the exam again.Can you plz tel me wat is the procedure for claiming the amount i paid during councelling?
sir..i cmpleted my b.tech civil 4m kannur unvsty..can i do.tech in fluid mechanics.which r d coleges vich offer seats in fluid mechanics
sir..i cmpleted my b.tech civil 4m kannur unvsty..can i dom.tech in fluid mechanics.which r d coleges vich offer seats in fluid mechanics
i want to do my m.e. n guindy college of engineering…i m backward class!! how much cut off i should score?
i completed my dipolomo in ECE in the year of 2009 did i am eligible for doing MBA…. and may i write upcoming tancet for an MBA
i am doing final year BE(ECE) in karpagam university can i elligible to write the TANCET exam for ME sir?
i am doing B.E final year,how i am apply for tancet 2012 exam when application form will be distribute
MCA tancet examapplication issuess please information email.
Sir, im doing final year b.tech..i will complete ma course by 2012 june..can write tancet 2012..
Hello! Sir. I finished bca degree. I like to study mba. What am i do, study corres. please give me the answer.
fees structure per semester for govt colleges and private colleges for m.tech
i have done my engineering in ECE stream… but now i wanna to do my master’s in computers… should i or not…. will u plz clarify me on the courses which can i take on….
Sir,i like study mba in trichi jainjosph. what i do .iam studying bba final year.
hello sir…i am doing final B.Sc .CHEMISTRY.I would like to do MCA in anna university colleges i am eligible or not ?
What is the syllabus of MCA entrance test ?
sir…can u say course fee for Mtech…
any sports quo for tancet
hello sir..how i search model question papers…send some websites for searching question paper..
i have finish BCA (distance education) in annamalai University i would like to do MBA or MCA in Anna university colleges i am eligible or not .
what is the syllabus of mca entrance exam?
For apply M.E is it require to appear TANCET as well as GATE examination or I can apply for only TANCET. Whether seats are reserved for TANCET student separately and GATE student separately. Please clarify : S Sree Niranjanaa Bose
i am doing B.Tech (IT)final year,how i am apply for tancet 2012 exam when application form will be distributed
Let me know the MBA entrance exam and application for joining MBA during Jan.-Feb., 2012, as I am working as Associate Professor in TN Veterinary University.
hi, iam doing my B.COM(FINAL YEAR) do help me in sending in model question paper and how to apply for TANCET exam?
what is the syllabus of tancet M.B.A EXAM?
I am doing BE final year (ECE),i want to know how to apply TANCET 2012 exam,when will published
HI ,
I am currently pursuing B.Tech(IT) final year . is i am eligible to atten the upcoming TANCET exam ???? would u help me pls..
i completed BE mechanical in vinayaka mison university (part time).now i am studying mba in anna university distance mode.i will like ME part time in anna university.when tancet exam,what is qualification ,when will give application and fees structure
Hi, I have completed my B.E. (ECE) in April 2011. I havn’t written my Tancet exam for this year. I have to write it for the coming year. Can you please guide me to prepare for the exam.
Thanks & regards,
Are u coduct ONLINE exams for ME course 20011?
which is the best book for MCA tancet exam?
Hi, I am doing B.E(final year),can you send me syllabus of TANCET ME for civil engineering
Hi,Iam doing my BE(final year) Do help me in sending in model question paper and how to apply for TANCET exam?
what is the syllabus of tancet ME exam for ECE?
can u send me the last 5 years question papers for tancet exams pls
hello madam,
i want more details about TANCET exam.
i want to place M.E in govt clg.how can i prepare for tancet.i want some instruction
Sir,i am compleate be mechanical how to apply application form
hello sir, im doing my BE(final year)im really confused about TANCET exam , do help me in sending some model question paper and how to apply for TANCET exam?
hi !can u send me the last 5year question paper pattern for tancet exams plz
what is the syllabus of tancet mtech exam for civil engg
i complete my b-tech from calicut uni in 2011.But still i have two back paper. can i appear tancet 2012?
hi !can u send me the last year question paper pattern for tancet exams plz.
I am doing mechanical final year i am going to write tancet so send some previous question paper sir
sir, i am shiva from Andhra pradesh.i have completed my M.C.A in 2010. i want to do M.Tech.please reply me am i eligible person for doing M.Tech or not.?
sir, i am shiva from Andhr pradesh.i have completed my M.C.A in 2010. i want to do M.Tech.please reply me am i eligible person for doing M.Tech or not.?
mca tancet exam,what reference books?
sir i got 64848 rank in icet but iam fail in degree so i want to take admision shadan girls collage after supplementary can i get or not
hello sir,
i am final year B.Tech geotechnology and geoinfornatics student.can i get the required books through online.
i am doing final year b.com(ca) in one private college.so,i will apply to TANCET exam for MBA. how much cut off can be earn for me.
I scored 21.435 in Tancet 2011-m.e.i didn’t get any counselling letter for adminsition.but tancet counselling gets started frm tdy onwards.In dinnamalar paper,they said that counselling will enclosed on 26 Aug 2011. Its true???
so whether i will get any seat in counselling….reply me pls.
before question paper model in 2011.
I am doing bca final year.After bca i want to do mca but i am in very confused to select the best college.I want the details of top colleges for mca in tamilnadu and the fees structure of that colleges.And the maximum tancet mark needed to join in that colleges.Please give some information about it.
email id:- [email protected]
i want to get my rank,my roll no is 12113776
i am in final year mechanical engg, i want to do M.E in automobile discipline. from when should i need to prepare for tancet?
Sir, i m 2ing BE final year in civil eng. I wish to do PG… Pls suggest that which is better either part time or regular and also either UG or PG.
I Scored 24.713 in TANCET ME(EEE) - 2011. My Overall rank is 14730. My community Rank(MBC) is 2731. Is there any possiblity for me to get anna university or any other good goverment colleges.
Dear sir now i am doing my B.Tech final year(civil). Can i eligible to write the TANCET 2012 in this year? Please clarify my doubt sir.
what is tha fee structure for ME computer science
hi,wen ll counselling start for non-gate category?plz do reply?
what is counseling date and entrance exam for 2012-2014 batch?when and where i have to collect the application form ?
Hello All!
I belong to chemical and my score is 36.5…
Can other chemical students here respond to this pls!!!
I Dont have a clue on Chemical scores!!!!!
hi sir iam final year B tech IT student. i want to do my pg in annauniversity. whether tancet score is enough for it or any more qyalification is needed. please clarify my doubt..
when will counseling for ME starts in anna university
Will all the Colleges affilaited to universities like Anna Unversity,Trichy,Anna University, Coimbatore, Anna University, Madurai will come under Anna University , Chennai for PG courses 2011-2013?
Before some couple of days i got t tancet score card, after tat v changed our residency, while shifting i lost my score card, can i get another one.. i need it urgently for joining in college.. pls tel me a solution..
Respected sir. After mca i can do mtech in mechanical engg.plz tell me with whole details. Thank you.
wen will m.e counselling start?? w
I Got 40.114 in tancet can i get the seat in anna univerity trichy part time
when will the counelling start?
when the counselling for M.E starts? i had scored 29.989 in tancet 2011 entrance exam…will i get admission at government college or ANNA university college,chennai?
my tancet score is 23.42 will i get seat in any good college for ME (CSE) i belong to sc community.plz do reply
my tancet score is 23.42 will i get seat in any good college for ME (CSE) i belong to sc community.
do i get ME seat in anna university
hello iam a final year ece student.I want to pusue my pg in anna university.whether tancet score is enough for it or any more qualification is needed. please clarify my doubt.
my brother is waiting for a mba conceling date i want to know the particular date of my brother the registrar no is 11521356
sir …
i had scored 9.25 in tancet 2011 entrance exam… i can get any engineering college based on my mark sir…
How to apply for tancet exam? When it will conduct?
hello sir,
i have completed b.tech in textile and taken maths group in plus two level. will i eligible for mca through tancet. if u give reply to me, i start my preparation as soon .
thank u.
How many students wrote tancet mca 2011 exam in madurai only
how to apply for tancet exam?when it will conduct?
when the counselling for M.E starts? when the classes will begin? when we will be having our 1st semester? what is the syllabus for the optical communication?
What is the fee structure for M.E. Computer science.
I have completed Msc in software science (5 years) am i eligible write TANCET?
how choose my department in mba
how i can prepare for tancent
hi my vinodkumar
i got 25.47 in tancet M.Tech Entrance . will i get admission at government college? when will counselling start for M.Tech.? How to apply for counselling?
i got 25.47 tancet M.Tech Entrance . will i get admission at government college? when will counselling start for M.Tech.? How to apply for counselling?
How to apply online for ME in CSE Entrance Exam.of SSN College of engineering 2011
i got 26.5 and which coll i’l get in the counselling
hi sir my score is 40.252-can I get ME engineering Design in anna university campus?I belong to BC-muslim community
My tancet mark is 21.143 for ME entrance.
1.Is possible to get govt college.
2.In which colleges we having part time CSC , IT courses
My tancet 2011 mark is 32.917 in cse will i get in any govt coll im of MBC category.
which date from counseeling
i got my acknowledgement card, but i could not got my tancet marksheet. Can i able to attend counselling with downloaded marksheet.
i got my acknowledgement card, but i could not got my tancet marksheet. Can i able to attend counselling with downloaded marksheet
wrote TANCET exam and scored 26 for m.c.a (B.C community) community rank is 1400. please suggest a college in chennai to join with this mark…
After completing MCA, You can do ME (Computer Science & Engineering).
Eligibility Qualifications for admission to M.E. Computer Science and Engineering:
M.C.A. (10+2+3+3 years pattern) or
M.Sc. 5 years integrated (IT / CS / Software Engineering) or
B.E./ B.Tech. (EEE/ ECE/ Electronics/ IT/ CSE/ I&C/ E&I/Instrumentation)
• M. Sc. (2 years) course is NOT eligible for admission to M.E.
• Candidates admitted through Lateral Entry in Degree Courses are NOT eligible except, B.E./B.Tech. degree.
• B.E./B.Tech. or M.C.A. degrees obtained through Distance Education Mode / Week end Courses are NOT eligible.
1.)sir ihad scored 16.6 marks in tancet.
2.)what are the qualifying marks for tanet.
3.)How to apply for counselling and what is the last date for counselling application. plaese reply me..
what is the minimum mark(in tancet) for appearing mba counselling?
i scored 19.4 in tancet MBA.which college can i get?
i wrote the TANCET exam for MCA and i got my mark’s but,yet i dint get the date of councilling date … wat shall i do know , please send the relavent information!
hai sir,
counselling form-la irukum coding sheeta xerox edutean. any problem varuma sir..
hai sir,
i had scored 25 in tancet MCA. can i get government college? if yes means pls say about fees details?
Hello sir,
i got 26.5 in TANCET 2011 MCA. Can i get government college?
already i applied for general counselling(GCT Coimbatore).will i get any chance in govt college?
mail id: [email protected]
sir when will u issue the TANCET 2011 counseling form for m,tech, atleast u tell me what period it will be issue ?
i am msc physics (solid state physics) in university of mumbai .may i eligible for this exam?
dear sir/mam,
i have scored 51.284 in tancet exam.i have applied for m.e/m.tech.is there any chance that i may get admission in ceg,guindy? kindly tell me about other top engg colleges to join m.e/m.tech.thank you.
My marks in TANCET exam 2011 is 44.288. I have done B.Tech (BIO-TECH). Can I get seat in any anna University colleges.In Which private colleges M.Tech (BIO-TECH) course offered.
when will M.E counslling form is issue.?
I attended the MCA Entrance examination of Anna university, chennai(TANCET) . But i did not got my mark sheet in postal still now. I have to apply for conselling and college admission, so I want to receive my mark sheet soon.
I saw advt for Tancet 2011 in the hindu dated 10.7.2011. The date for application is 30.7.2011. But earlier, tancet 2011 test was conducted during May 2011. Is the present advt valid?
what is the minimum mark to get liba
hai sir/madam
when and where tancet councelling form distributed in coimbatore
from when counselling forms for ME will be issued?
hello sir when will issue Counselling form for MTech?????
hello sir,
mca entrance mark 19.75. please sir intha markuku entha college kidaikum. ( mca cut off mark sollunga)
hi i scored 20.821 in MBC can i get good college….
I attended the MCA Entrance examination of Anna university, chennai(TANCET) . But i did not got my mark sheet in postal still now. I have to apply for conselling and college admission, so I want to receive my mark sheet soon.
respected sir my tancet score is 56.35 M.E(ee).is it possible to get a seat in
ceg,guindy or psg
Hellow sir.. I done my u.g BBA in annamalai university distance education. I got good rank in tancet exam. I m a candidate of 10/ 2/3(BBA). I submitted all my documents promptly for councelling n i got received my acknowledgement card from anna university for Mba councelling… My doubt is, will they call me for councelling? Is my u.g degree from annamalai university is valid for anna univ Mba councelling? Please reply soon to my mail id.. Hope u ll reply soon.. Thank u..
I request you to send the cutoff mark for anna university & mit chennai & GCT covai
respected sir,
my tancet score is 46.98 M.E(cse).it is possible to get govt college?.and what major i will take
I want to know M.E./M.Tech for full time and part time
I have secured 29.6 in tancet.am i eligible to join in anna univ?
actually wen will the counselling start for ME/MCA/MBA……i received my score card….what will be the next step…………how we an get the college…..wheter we must get any application form for it………………..pls sir help me………
i only have the reg. no i forgot application no. i score 41.278.could i get any govt. college?
when will tancet counselling application form issued?
where did u get the application form to join ME
When was counsiling started for mba
how many colleges r there for mca through tancet,i got 32 marks in tancet which college i will get
Where did I get counselling application in tanjavur and then I want the procedure to apply counselling plz
I Have received my tancet marks …. wh to get the counselling application ….
When wil the m.e counselling forms issued? When wil counselling starts for m.e?
i need 2011 tancet results aother then anna univ web site
when issue the ME counselling application form sir
I scored a mark of 29.25 in tancet mca exam. But I did not applied for counselling form. Can I able to attend tancet counselling. Please help me sir
Kindly findout my result for Tancet 2011. My registration number is 11133456
Wen is the date of issue for tancet Councelling forms?
I’ve completed my B.Tech(Textile Technology)in the year 2000.Now i want to do M.Tech.How can i apply for TANCET?
after TANCET what is the procedure to apply ME
i had secured 38.5 marks in tancet mca exam . i need the list of students marks of minimum and maximum who admitted in last year in this college
i got 45.53 in tancet2011 me and i want to know what is the next step for taking admission.pls reply
i wrote my tancet 2011 exam last month… i forgot my application number but i have my hallticket number plz help me to find out my application number.. and what is the procedure after tancet exam.. plz reply me im confused..
when mtech councelling application form will be giving
where to get MCA counseling application form in coimbatore or in erode?
how many student write the tancet mca exam in 2011?
When is tancet ME counselling 2011? When will the counselling forms be issued and where?
how many civil engg. students wrote tancet 2011?
how to apply for M.E councelling
what is the minimun marks required for getting a good colge for mca in tancet?specially for the non tamilnadu students?????plz help me on this regard…
what is the minimun marks required for getting a good colge for mca in tancet?specially for the non Andara pradesh students?????plz help me on this regard…
when will counslling application form given for M.E\M.Tech?
when the anna university tancet counselling application is given
sir i forget my register no. for mca tancet exam 2011 and also i missed my hall ticket.i want to know my register.can u please help me..and reply to my mail immediately
sir i attend MBA enterance exam, i missed the hall ticket … but i need now to apply for councelling… where i can get or download my hall ticket….
I have scored only 21.337 in tancet exam for M.E. I’m a graduate in B.E(EEE)..can i apply for counselling..i’m under mbc quota..can i get a good college in counselling..
interduction to mba
when wil issue tancet 2011 counselling form for M.E?
when will the application forms be available for applying to M.Tech through Anna university?
Hi sir,
I got 43.453 in tancet 2011 M.E(CSE)..Can I get any chance in government college?if yes, what are they sir?and fees?and also when will be the councilling forms issued and where? plz reply sir. mail me at [email protected]
i want to know about the counselling details. where did i get the couselling forms in nagercoil.
how many students wrote tancet 2011??????????.. when will anonced rank lst????????????
sir i got 41.381 in tancet 2011for M.E…. i am BC…. i will get any govt college… pls help me…. after tancet result what is the next step i can do… where we get councling form…
i have finished my undergraduation… And i have secured 77% in five semesters… I’m just waiting for my last semester result… And i got 40.75 marks in MCA TANCET examination… I need to join MCA in PSG college… How i can do it…? Plz help me…
i have negative marks in tancet 2011?i cant go counselling ah?
my dear sir/madam i got mark in tancet of mca in 24. i like to join in the annauniversity but my friends not to avilable in mark. i what i do.
tell me the link for mba 2011 counselling application form
what is the top score in tancet 2011 for m.e civil
i got21.25 marks in tancet mca,i belong to MBC..will i get good college for my marks? when can i get the rank list and marksheet?
i lost my tancet hall ticket..i wantu know my registration number..
i lost my hall ticket for tancet 2011…i for got my registration number also…results are announced…..please help me to see my results or to know my register number…..pls…..
my tancet hallticket missing pls sir i see my result
sir i forgot my tancet registration number and missed my hall ticket too. how can i get the results sir? is there any possible to know it by our applicatin number sir?
I got 32.42 in TANCET 2011 for M.Tech. Will I get Kumaraguru College of Technology? Please help me out. My major is Biotechnology.
I got 22.882 marks in tancet? Can u help me in finding which college i would get in counselling plz…….
i missed my tancet application number pls help
i got 36.25…….is there a chance to get seat in anna university or thiagarajar college in madurai
I have secured 22.6 in TANCET2011and have secured 13 in GATE2011,GATE score is 124.I am belongs to B.C catagory.
Being a EEE major do i have chance to do M.E in part time? and in which type of college i will get?
I have scored 22.6 in Tancet2011, and scored 13 marks in GATE2011, gate score is 124.I am belongs to B.C catagory.
Being a EEE student am i having chance to do M.E in part time? and which type of college i will get?
Please Reply
Where are tha colleges issued tanset 2011 application
where should i get tancet2011 counselling form for MCA in trichy?
when do anna university issue councelling form for tancet MBA
what will be the eligible marks that we need to get in tancet exam to apply for m.e?pl tell me for each category
what is the highest score of mca tancet2011 ?
Sir i lost my tancet hall ticket and i dont remember tat number ….. How can i be able to know the results? Plz mail me or contact or send an sms to 9894934534
i forgot my application number plz help me to find out… i have appeared for tancet2011 ME
hi i have scored 29.26 in tancet (mca)will i get govt college?
can any one tell me, when the tancet results will be published
When will TANCET exam results come..?how can i find my results?
which day tancet result issue sir.
good morning sir, tancet mba & mca result date
Hello Sir?? May I Know the date of Issuing the Application for M.E/M.Tech Counselling????
when M.C.A result will come
at wat time the tancet results is declaring
Which date publish on tancet result 2011
Draft/steps/blanker’s cheque application form
i lost my tancet hall ticket, i don’t know my register number
hoe can i get duplicate hall ticket
registration no display
which is the last date for applying other colleges councilling application form….sir and and when will come tancet 2011 mca results
i want to know the m.tech application form isssuing dates
Hai sir,
When will be 2011 TANCET Examinanation comments?
after i wrote my exam i lost my hall ticket and mobile phone ( ia saved every thing in it ) . so forget registration number . i wrote MBA entrance exam VLB engineering college how to i know my result
sir when tencet mca 2011 result is out..
where I will bought from a counseling form
When will be the application forms for counseling for MBA in Anna University,Chennai will be issued?
when is tancet result sir
sir,i m pursuing Btech IT final year,i like to get into PSG TECH for pursuing M.E/M.TECH ,plz guide me what type of coaching is required,is it necessary to get into any coaching class for getting into top colleges and I want to know wat is the score required to get into PSG TECH /MIT through TANCET………..Can u plz tel me the best book for TANCET preparation…………..
when anna university issue counselling form for tancet mba and where did i get the councelling form in virudhunager
sir, may i know how to get mba application form at anna university,chennai
I had an arrear in my 5th semester and hav written arrear exam in my 6th semester.at present i am waiting for the result.can i apply for TANCET councelling.please guide me…
yous sincerely,
pls tell sir when the tancet result will publish !!!!!!!!!!for MBA
which date of MBA Councelling form issues
sir, i had attended the 2011 mca TANCET exam .i don’t the procedure how to apply.can yo tel me the further procedure.actually wat we have to do after the result..again we have to apply anything.
plz help me..i have no idea..????
when will tancet(M.E) entrance test 2011 result be published
when will the tancet results appear
Pls give answerkeys for the tancet 2011 and also i want to know about the results when it comes.
i want to know about the counselling details. where will I get the couselling forms in madurai
when and where will issue the tancet counsiling application form?
i forgot my application number plz help me to find out… i have appeared for tancet2011 MCA exam
i will finish my higher secondary cource i want appy mca pls give me the answer sir
Hi how was the cse paper tancet
books for TANCET xams..
i want to know about the counselling details. where did i get the couselling forms in madurai
Good afternoon sir,
i wouldn’t attend the TANCET exam. How can i join the MCA.
Please help me sir
sir, tancet result coming up
when i can expect MAY 2011 tancet result for M.Tech,
sir iam doing my Btech in IT..u have mentioned that the III part consists of specialisation can i know what are those specialisations…i belong to FC category..how much marks i need to score in tancet to get good college..i am persuing my BTECH with 8.56 points
i want to m.e, power electronics as a part time in tirunelveli government engineering college.can you send me the fees details and how much mark can i must get to get a seat in gce, tirunelveli?
Respected Sir, i finished my Master degree in computer science, may i apply for M.Tec course
when i can expect MAY 2011 tancet result for MCA
i want to appear for TANCET’2011 for M.Tech. Can please let me know the exam related information like Date,Syllabus nd forms etc.
Date the councelling form issues…
i hav completed my B.Tech IT with grade points of 7.36 out of 10. i would lik to do M.Tech IT
1) Is this marks are sufficient to get admit in goog college?
2) further, i hav writtn TANCET exam. what is the minimum cutoff marks for MBC students tojoin in govt. colleges?
application number 95243 center thanjavur i want my hall ticket for tancet exam 2011
when do anna university issue councelling form for tancet mba
sir please informed me about admit card of tancet 2011 mca entrance admit card
what are all the government colleges having ME(CSE)
What is the selection ctiteria through TANCET for M.E, ECE programme
hello, i didn’t got the admit card of tancet-2011, when will i get the admit card of tancet exam. please tell,,,,, if any one read this plz call on this no:9163777578,,,,,,plz help me,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
hello, i didn’t got the admit card of tancet, when will i get the admit card of tancet exam. please tell,,,,, if any one read this plz call on this no:9163777578,,,,,,plz help me,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I want to know about the B.E
sir, please can u tell me what is the procedure to get admit card for the TANCET. actually i submitted my application form for M.E/M.Tech.,M.B.A.as fresher and i am the final year student of B.E.Electrical from Gujarat.
Thank you sir.
Hai i am finished my M.C.A in distance education and also finished U.G B.Sc in regular. it is eligible for doing M.E computer science for anna university affliated colleges… please tell me the answers…
Forward to [email protected]
any model question email to me
Respected sir/madam i am finished my bca degree this year and i am gng to do mca/mba .so can u help me.i wnt to knw the date of mba/mca tanscet application forms and entrance exams date
from where can we download mba entrance model question papers?
respected sir
just i want to know the list of goverment college offering MBA course.
When is the last date for online application ?
I could not enclosed my 10the and 12th mark sheet.what is the solution for this problem
My daughter is gate qualified in Mechanical engineering with 89.5%, would like to apply for M Tech with this status under this status without appearing forTANCET 2011. Can I? If so advise me
Dear Sir,
I had entered the Serial no. instead of DD No. & i had wrongly entered the DD Date. At this stage what can i do?
respected sir,
I already sent my TANCET application form to anna university examination center without getting attestation on my photograph.what shall i do now?
when is the last for submission of tancet application?
send previous tancet exam questions and where can i get exams forms
sir i have tried to get the tancet application , but i didn’t get can you help me
I want to download the TANCET application form, from where site i could get it? Please confirm and sent me the link to [email protected]
Thanks in advance
how to register the TANCET applicaton through internet
the site is not available for the registration for TANCET
Application form last date for MBA exam?
Dear sir,
I am qualified in gate exam. i got 37 score. if shall i apply tancet or shall i apply to direct . if i am applying means which department availlable for this score.
Why I am not able to download the Tancet 2011 application form.
i have registered for TANCET 2011 by online but i missed my application,but i am having my application number,how to retrieve my application.please help me.i have to send the application before 25th april 2011.or suggest any other solution.kindly help me.
i have sent the application form along with the plus two and sslc certificate for TANCET 2011. but i forgot to attest the photograph in the application form which i sent. sir will the application form be accepted. Should i sent a new applicaion form along with a new DD ?
im pursuing B.Sc computer science.. I will be appearing for MCA TANCET201… Im MBC candidate, What is the minimum cut-off marks and fees detais?? please help me..
i want mba,mca exam date
Respected sir,
I am from andhrapradesh i want to write a TANCET exam how i can apply for it .and how many seats are available for NON LOCAL CANDIDATES(M.TECH) and total seats
please reply sir and if i get good rank in tancet then i will get seat in anna university or in affliated campus ?
Thanking you sir
applicaton form will be issue in pudokkottai?
how to download
application form??
i want tancet 2011 exam application form
sir i am from maharastra i have blow 50% ug &i am (sc) what is fees for me
please tancet model question paper for me (ece) last five years question
respected sir,
I already sent my TANCET application form to anna university examination center without getting attestation on my photograph.what shall i do now?
my 12th class marks r 65%& my b.tech degree is less than 60% may i apply tancet.
plz send me link for online registration for TANCET for m.e/m.tech and online applicatuion form
Sir r u issueing application for mba now?
from where can i download the application form?
I want TANCET Application form
Please send that to my mail address sir soon
Please send the place that where Ishould applay for the same? It is possible in Nilagirs? And the last date of applaying for the exam?
Sir I am K.gopiram. I have finished 3 years diploma & BCA(2 years). now can I apply MCA?
wher can i register my application form…through internet registreation………..can u guide pls..9944407888…..
Sir pls entair detail for tancet(M.E) like last date for application form,exam date,result date and syllabus for mechanical engg……..
can v apply online?
Hi sir,
I’m from Tuticorin,
when and where do i get the application form for tancet 2011 exam and how much did it costs.
I want to know in which link i can find the ONLINE REGISTRATION for TANCET
I have arrear in mathematics-2. Shall I apply for the MCA
entrance exam?
I have arrear in mathematics-2. Shall I apply for the MCA
entrance exam?
i want to know your contact number for ask some question.
i want syllabus for M tech.Sir plz say the full procedur for applying tancet M.tech.when and where do i get the application form for tancet 2011 exam and how much did it costs.how to score good marks? v need any coaching center.
When the MCA tancet application ‘ill be given in coimbatore….
plz inform to me
[email protected]
from where can i download tancet application form?
hello sir i missed my 10th marksheet
i have 12th marksheet its enough for apply tancet exam pl send ans sir
from where can i download tancet application form?
i want syllabus for MBA
Mba tancet model qus papper
my 12th degree is less than 60 bt in my UG ihave more than 60% may i apply for Taancet exam
Now shall I apply for tancet?
Sir plz say the full procedur for applying tancet M.E/M.B.A
i want to know your contact number for ask some question
sir i took a DD in favor of Chennai instead of Chennai 600025. it makes any problem?
when and where do i get the application form for tancet 2011 exam and how much did it costs.
madan kumar.
i am yogeswari pursuing BCA. i will be appearing for MCA TANCET2011. i am SC candidate from tamilnadu. what are the minimum cut-off marks for SC candidates for selection. what will be the minimum fees for SC candidates. Is there any rule in TN stating concession in fees for first child in family.
whether have to write TANCET Exam to do Distance Eduction for MBA
what is the issue date for tancet 2011 form?
i am chidambaram city
i have completed m.sc computer science can i have any possibilities to do the m.tech computer science?
Respected Sir
i am pursuing BCA in last semester from Sikkim Manipal Universtiy.
i passed my 10+2 with biology and 50% marks obtained.
I want to know that can i apply to TANCET for MCA?
and if yes then can i select in campus selection?
i will wait for your response so please response as soon as possible.
Alok Ranjan Kumar
Tancet exam are eligible for both regular & part time course. give details for joint part time course.
plz sent me link for online registration for TANCET for m.e/m.tech and online applicatuion form
when will be the last date for registration?
where we get application form?
this is poornima from vellore plse send me some model question papers for tancet 20011 exam.
i want to know the last date of issuing form and hall ticket for TANCET entrance exam 2011
how to apply for mba entrance and please send some question to refer, i have minimum of knowledge if, please send to [email protected].
i m a singaporean i wan to study MCA ..so to write TANCET am i recognized ..right now i m studying BCA in Tamilnadu.
i want to mca application form
i need detail abt the application form of MBA,
where shall I get application at salem?
Hi, tmrw being a govt holiday, i want to knw whether they will issue the application. Especially in IRTT erode. Pls send the details and favour me. Thank you
Plz i want to know in which link i can find the ONLINE REGISTRATION for TANCET.
i want to know about the last date of issuing form and hall ticket for TANCET entrance exam 2011
Sir i am bsc (it) finalyear i in mbc how marks in tancet in mba good collage pls tel me
dd amount for mba courde?
kindly send me the details of TANCET 2011
how to score good marks? v need any coaching center
tancet marks will consider for doing part time M.E
alagappa unive tancet exam date
Will TANCET help in part time course study or any other source to get a regular certificate but without attending regular classes for pursuing M.Tech(information technology) or computer science… Can you tell me what are the branches i can continue further to complete master degree (M.E)… i have completed B.Tech (Information Technology)….
can u tell me, where the Tancet appln should be available and when?
I m stdyg final bca in valluvar at karur…
Wich are the colge conducted tancet exam…..9626162851 plz contact…
when u issue the tancet application form
What is the Application issue date ?
when wil issue MCA application form for trichy district?
we need tancet question paper model
tancet question paoer model
Pls issued some tancet model questions
I want some model question paper with answers. please send…
how to apply tancet application in on line
i want some notes for preparing tencet exam. Pls send me some qus models.soon
hello sir, am from AP, here any exam centre in andrapradesh??
wen wil tancet application be issued? and wats the last date for submission? above wat marks in tancet wil i get anna university?then what are the certificates need to bring while posting the tancet application form ?
“Where will we get the application for mca and wen wil b the exams “
hi friends. tancet application is issued from april 2. go in the second week saturday. there will be no rush.
friends i have joined for coaching for tancet in mylapore. the class is conducted in p.s senior secondary school. i am very weak in maths and english. but they are teaching right from the basics specially for B.COM students like us. it is very useful. if you want i will give number. 9841758197.
where will the applications for tancet be issued????
when the apllication form will provided?
any consection is available for handicapped students for application fees?
when will be the issuing date for tancet 2011 application form?
i want to mac college in Tamil nadu.
In madurai, In which college can I get the application form? please reply me fast.
i want know the data about m.c.a entrance exam form issue?
how ti get an application form via online
Kindly guide me when the entrance exam forms will be avilabile ?…..
Sir where i have to get TANCET APPLICATION FORM 2011 in Ramanathapuram & which is the last date for Applicatiion Issue & Submission.
i want the syllabus for E&I
when will publish the tancet MCA application form &
Which college will provide it(near tirunelveli)
which date to get the entrance application form is available?
I want to know the details about the application and when the application will be provided,….. and i want more details about the tancet. presently am a final year student of BBM…..
i want some question papers…pl send atleast 5 model papers…
when will be the issuing date for tancet 2011 application form?
when and where will the applications for tancet be issued????
wen wil tancet application be issued? and wats the last date for submission? above wat marks in tancet wil i get anna university?
pls send the date of issuing tancet application…
when will issue TANCET Application form…………
plz send the date of issueing application form
when will the application form distribute
when tancet application will given
in which date tancet application form will be issued
when mca entrance test held
hi…pls suggest whic book is best for computer science questions in tancet MCA…
i wnt know ……..when the tancet application form will be given
Sir, I am studying in BCA final year in Trichy. So i am studying in +2 with group in Business Maths will study.
So i am eligible for MCA.
sir when will the tancet application issue and one more question i got 34.33 marks in gate2011. I am a obc category student will i get any good college with fellowship. I am doing b.tech-biotechnology.
is the compulsory question based on aptitude
when the application form is come in the market
I want TANCET M.E. syllabus for ece
When will you distribute the application form for TANCET for affiliated colleges sir………….
udaya all the best
TANCET 2011 application form issue date ?
wherever the TANCET applications are available?
may i get tancet application form from websites?
I am nanthakumar. Studied of B.sc(cs). Coimbatore side best colleges on MBA?
Application issued first date?
when is the application form will be issued for tancet 2011 -mba
where will i get the application for MBA?
What is the tancet 2011 exam date?
What is the tancet exam date?
when will you tancet exam 2011 application form issue.
on which date TANCET M.B.A applications issued send me details through my email
It s restriction that,who d al appeared in gate exam.they only can appear in tancet.
Sir.., will u pls send me TANCET (MTech CS) previous 2 years question paper..!!IM a keralite.,so..,I want to know whether i will get stipend if I join in colleges under TANCET..,with my GATE score-91.07 and AIR12151.. Also.,what will be the fee structure..?
Can u answer for my two questions sir
how to get online application form??
Please send inquiry phone number.
I want to know the details about the application and when the application will be provided,….. and i want more details about the tancet. presently am a final year student of BBA…..
can you inform the application issue date…?
then what are the certificates need to bring while posting the tancet application form ?
When will tancet appication forms issued ?
date of issues of mba application form and exam dates of 2011
please send me tancet exam date 2011 for MCA
when tancet application issued. and want know its last date
when tancet application give-data?………
tancet application date and when issued date?
i want question models
Sir when will the tancet application forms issue and when is the last date?
when tancent mtech application will issue pls tell me sir
when will i get TANCET2011 application form online ?
i need the date of application form and how to proceed further .
hai sir,
i’m north indian can i apply for tancet(mca) if yes what kind of cetificates i need with me.
When we have to apply for TANCET?
is there any way to do m.tech at correspondence ? am completed b.tech at andhrapradesh JNTU University . now am inttrested to do m.tech at our university at correspondene …is it possible?
hi sir
i would like to know that. i scored in cat exam 87 (31%). my kind request that. is there any option to consider my cat marks to get admission through counscling from our univirsity.
please send the last date for apply the application for tancet 2011 exam
i want to appear in tancet 2011(m.e in eee). wat are the portions have i to prepare?
how to get tancet application form.please refer the such places.
may i joined with my last year “TANCET 2010″ score?
when issue tancet application form for mba
which is last date for application filled and where that form issued
can any one from aother states apply for this tancet 2011 for persuaing mtech
when will mca entrance application form star and the last date for the application form
i want tancet syllabus for ece
i want to know when will the TANCET 2011 exam call for.
if i qualify for tancet 2011 , will i gate any stipend for m- tech civil
prescribed book for tancet MBA
arrear students will also apply for the exam is it eligibal?
i have got a gate score of 31.3/100(92%).i want to appear for tancet 2011(mtech in cs).i want to know whether i wil get a stipend.and also for high scores in tancet what wil be the normal fee structure.
thanking you
hi,this is ruba ,i got 54% in gate exam, if i applied for tamilnadu councling which college i ll get . can you tell me the answer appproximately
hi,this is ruba ,i got 54% in gate exam, if i applied for tamilnadu councling which college i ll get . can you tell me the answer appproximately
I want to know about sayllabous of M.Tec exam of ‘CS’.
sir are these centres in naxal affected areas…
i have completed B.C.A by from trichy bharathidasan University at Madurai.now, i would like to persure my M.C.A .am i Eligible? please immediately on the above mail address
when wil tancet form available online?
please send a model tancet question paper to this mail id [email protected]..
When will the tancet 2011 application form issue?
when will
get my TANCET2011 application form online ?
i need the date of application form and how to proceed further .
i have scored 15.67 in GATE exam. will i want to attend the TANCET exam. orelse simply i can apply TANCET using my GATE score
important dates for tancet 2011?
i have completed B.C.A by DDE from Madurai Kamaraj University at Madurai.now, i would like to persure my M.C.A .am i Eligible? pls immediately on the above mail address
pls isuue the tancet date
wherever the TANCET applications are available?
when will the tancet 2011 application form issue?
Sir, Iam a native of Kerala, and also I did my graduation here . I’d like to know if the students from other states are eligible for TANCET and if so, the conditions that apply thereof.
how to get online application form??
i am keralite.should i come to collect the hall ticket or will u send it to my address?is there any centre in kerala for the exam?
Does MBA and M Tech have different syllabus and exams?
sir , i’m in vellore from where i can get the application form for TANCET
hi!!! actually i m doing my Degree in bangalore, but i did my schooling in tamilnadu!!!! do i want to produce any documents at the time of receiving application form.
any quota for outside state domicled candidates for M teh
please give top 10 management school in tamilnadu
Will you please say the TANCET application issuing date and examination date as soon as possible?
TANCET 2011 application form issue date ?
how to prepare for MCA enterence exam.what are the books to be reffered for the preparation.how can i get last five years
enterence questions for MCA
from when are the TANCET applications available and where
when is the last date to submitt the apllication?
Sir how many marks score in tancet entrance exam for mca to get a seat in coimbatore best colleges?
May i know when will the ‘tancet2011′ application form issue ?
sir please send me the fee details and availability of seats in various seats
when will Tancet 2011 application form will be issuing?
when will MCA application form will be issuing?
when will be the tancet application form issue sir???????
when will be TANCET application form 2011 issue date?
i am a student of general category i have only 7.67 in gate marks out of100 will i get a seat in MTECH course
when tancet 2011 application forms will be issued. where can we get the application forms for mba and mca tancet 2011
may i know in coimbatore and erode where and when can i get tancet application form?
when issue tancet application form
When is the tancet exam application forms issued for ME/M.Tech and Sir, please do tell me what is the procedure for seat selection and iam from KARNATAKA so is there any other procedure for me to apply for it? sir, please do reply at the earliest………………
when will the tancet 2011 application form is issue?
when is the application issue date for tancet mca 2011
in which date tancet application form will be issued
can i join B-school through by tancet examniation?
when will the tancet application form available in nagercoil?
what is the issue date for tancet 2011 form?
where to get the TANCET entrance exam application form
when will trancet exam?
When will the TANCETform issued?
When the tancet 2011 application form will issue
When will the TANCET exam appln form will be issued? Where we can I get tat form? Kindly send the details to my email_id..
When will the tancet 2011 application form issue?
please tell me the counselling dates for part time M.E for the upcoming year 2011.
where the application forms have been issued and their registration details
what is the tancet2011 application form date of issue?
When will the tancet 2011 application form issue?
i would like to know the date of issuing of tancet2011 application form and how to get the same
sir how many mark score in tancet entrance exam for getting anna university chennai (sc canditate)
when will tacet application will issue for this yr.
when issue tancet application form
May i know the tancet2011 applicarion form issue from when?
When will the tancet2011 application form issue?
wen wil u issue the application form in M.E & And syllabus of M.E TANCET
when wil application forms for tancet 2011 will come?
when s the issuing date of the application form for M.Tech & Mba.
wen wil u issue the application form?????????????????????
when anounced tancet exam for 2011 and cse tacet syllabus.
i have to know about the date of issuing the application form and where we can get the application
i m btech ece 3yr student studying in chandigarh .i want to give tancet 2012 for mba plz give the information regarding that whether students outside from tamilnadu can give the tancet exam?? awaiting for your rply soon….
i shall b very grateful to you…….
sir i have lost my 10th n 12th original marksheets. but im applying for duplicate marksheets n i have my U.G degree if i possible to do my mba? and when the tancet application issued?
i have completed B.C.A from sri kaliswari college sivakasi.now, i would like to persure my M.C.A .am i Eligible? pls immediately on the above mail address
when will TANCET 2011 application form will be issued?
wen the tancet forms for 2011 batch will be given??????????????????????????????????????????
From which college in vellore i will application form
Kindly inform the last date of applying for tancet 2011
entrance exam date and other details
When the tancet 2011 application form willl issue .
Is M.Sc. CS course eligible to study M.E.,CSE ?
What is the different in between M.Sc.,and M.Sc, integrated course ?
when will the TANCET examination will be conducted.. and the distribution of the application..
Hello Sir,when is TANCET 2011 going to commence?which is the last date for filling application form?kindly send it to my mail.
i did not pass in maths at 10+2. i have completed my b.sc it this year feb with 65% m i eligible for the entrance test?
when to start to distribute the tancet exam application
when tancet application form issue?
Sir ,Please inform to me when TANCET for produced, then Last date of Aplly that,please send details to my mail,,,,,
when the application form will issue….
When the tancet 2011 application form willl issue .
Dates of application form and entrance exam for mba?what are the syllabus and how to prepare for the exam?where the applications are avilable?
When the tancet 2011 application form willl issue .
When will the tancet application form issue? And i need the model question paper fof MCA….
When the tancet 2011 application form willl issue???????????
sir may i know the tancet xam time?
When will issue the app form? And for MBA TANCET
when will issue the tancet application? Where to get tancet application?
When will be the TANCET 2011 application form issued? Also the date of exams?
when the mba tancet application form issue?
inform my e-mail?
i wany to question about take addmission prcedure ,i want know that i have completed bca from distance education.so, kindly request that i am eligible to take a addmission and apply the tancet exam plz mention in detail.
i need to do mtech on wireless technology at anna uty…..can u give me any advice?
what is real time example for ddos attacks?
tell me entrance exam date
sir pleas inform when the tancet application was issued and last date how much
yours faith fully
s.syed ritha
when the tanset form is giving for m.e in anna university
tancet2011 entrance examination date tell me?
when will issuing tancet application form on mba program?
dear sir please issue tancet applications details for me please send the details when appforms will be issued & last date for submit of app forms to my emailid
when they are giving application form?
when applications will be provided for tancet 2011.
when exam will be held.
which colleges got appoval for M.E. computer science and engineering in 2010 and 2011
when ll tancet 2011 application form will issue
syllabus for tancet exam in computer science and communication
sir, i want the tancet exam date and the place of issuing the application form
i want to know tancet2011 exam date and where will the application forms issue?and also syllabus of mtech tancet
when will be the tancet application form issue
when u have mca tancet exam application form?
i’m frm coimbatore.. when and wre can i get tancet appln form for 2011.. and i’m in need of study materials..
When the tancet 2011 application form willl issue .
When will issue the app form? And syllabus of MCA TANCET.
tancet application apply last date inform my e-mail
when will issue the tancet application .pls sent the my mail id sir. THANK YOU SIR
application form issueing last date and the center
hi am doin my final year .in the month of june my parents have arranged me a marriage in dindugul bt am in coimbatore,if i applied for the exam i dont know where to write the exam n am little confused with the institute if i write the exam in coimbatore is there any chances in getting a institute at dindugul. if you forwarded me the answer i ll be very thankful to you.
is there any possibility for pre-final years students to write any competitive exams
i want to know tancet exam date and application form issue date.
i want to know when the forms will be issued. where we can get it and what are the exam dates
I am from Trivandrum. I would like to know how could i get the application form and when will issue of form begins.Expecting your earliest reply,
yours faithfully
I am Manohar . I have done B.Sc degree in Last year.
I want to know that MBA model tancet question papers and
tancet application date, tancet exam date.Please send to
my mail id sir
Thanking you
please, I want Tancet Entrance Exam application last Date and entrance date
i want to when tancet 2011 appilication form issued ?
I want to know TANCET 2011 application form issued date
i want appilcation last date and web site to download the application
is part time courses available trough tancet for M.E/M.Tech?
when will be TANCET 2011 application form issue ?
i would like to know the correct date of issuing tancet application…
when will the tancet exam conduct for mca(engineering)?
what are the procedures for apply to mca(engineering) tancet exam?
when will the application form is published?
At what date application form will be available in centres?
Hello, I wan to Know about TANCET 2011 exam date and issue of applications? and wher it could be issues in selected districts?
i want to know the of issue the application form
i want to know about tancet 2011 application date and exam date?
Where to get tancet application?
i have lost my 10th mark sheet… i applied for duplicate mark sheet but i dint receive yet… can i able to apply tancet exam…
I want to know the tancet exam date & when the application form will be issued?
I am studying final year cs, i need the when the tancet applications are issued?
when is the MBA TANCET application is available for 2010-2011? please send the prevoius 5 years question papers.
when will be the TANCET applications forms for the year 2011 be issued
i want to know the exam dates of tancet exam 2011 & application issuing dates & eligibility for the exam part time ME available on the colleges list name
when will the exam call for ?
when will be TANCET 2011 application form issue last date?
where i get the application form for TANCET 2011 ?
can i use the same study material as that used for gate exam
when will tancet application will be issued for 2011 entrance exam?
the cost of application form
i want TANCET - MBA modal question paper
I have completed B.tech[ Electronics and communication engineering} from Kerala university in the year 2008 with 71% marks.i want to join for M.Tech this academic year. So I want to know what are the procedures. plese reply me.
wen will the application will be issued
sir i wish to give TANCET kindly tell me the date and place or website from i should get the apllication form…. thank u……..
i want to know application form issue date & place in nagercoil
can i know where and when the application form issued in chennai
sir i want to know exam date and when application form issud date?
Hello sir/madam
I want to know about exam date & application form issued date.
when will tancet form for mca will be issued and where i get it in madurai ?
I need the syllabus and model question papers of tancet 2011.
Thanking you
which r the other good institutes in India which provide M.Tech degree on Non-GATE bases.??
i have tancet mba qustn paper
i am studying bca final year. distance education for madurai kamaraj univercity. i will apply tancet exam mca.
i want to know exam date & application form issued date.
another qus:
apply panna bca final year minmam mark enna.
i want to know exam date & application form issued date
when will be TANCET 2011 application form issue last date?
when is the last date for applying TANCET 2011 exam??
when the TANCET-2011 APPLICATION forms are given tell that date
when will tancet form for mba will be issued?
i am studying bca second year.can i write tancet exam for mca this year or during my final year sir.please reply to my mail sir.
thanking you
i want to know exam date & application form issued date
hi im doing my final sem n want to appear for tancet exam during this year 2011. so whn is d exam date in coimbatore. were wil b the applications avaliable n whn wil the applications wil get start issusing n wats the last date for submission of it.could u pls forward me the above details and i wil b very thankful for tat.
Respected Sir,
i would like to know, when the TANCET application forms will be issued???
sir i want know exam date and application form issued date
when will tancet entrance exam for mca will take place
Sir,I want a center name for collecting application forms for M.E TANCET entrance exam.so please send the center/anypostoffice/banks names which issue a application formsto my mailid.Thankyou sir.
sir, please mail me the correct exam date of tancet. and in which public utilities provide applications directly.
I want to know about tancet 2011 application issued date and exam date.
1.when will be the exam and the date of application form issued?
2.i need syllabus and last five years tancet model question papers for m.tech (biotechnology)
3.what is the eligible cut off mark to get seat in govt institute for m.tech?
4.how to prepare for the exam?
5.which books are needed to prepare for the exam?
sir.. i am doing B.E degree.
what is the basic eligibility to write the tancet exam.
i am have 65% right now up to seventh semester.
pls message me..
thank you.
which book i refer for TANCET exam?
wen ll the applications are issued…?
Date of availability of application form..?
Date of availability if application form..?
hello sir
tancet exam dade 2011
if i already wrote the gate exam means am i elgible?
when will be TANCET application form 2011 issue date?
what is the issue date of application form…
sir please send me various colleges which are giving seats based on tancet for M.E-Embedded. can u send me the syllabus of tancet 2011?
i am pursuing my bca final year
i like to do mca
will it give growth to my profession?
and my parents r willing me to do mba
which will be good to my growth?
where will i get the tancet application form in Trichy district
And when will be TANCET application form 2011 issue date?
i would like to know the date and availability of forms for tancet
application form tance in 2011
which date for lost date in tancet2011 application submit?
hai sir first i want to know when is the tancet exaw will conducted in 2011….im n coimbatore where the application form will issue in 2011…….please send the full details for me…….thank you
Respected sir.
when will you issue the form?
1.I Want to know when is Tancet Application of Trichy 2011 is Given?
2.When the Exam of M B A Tancet of 2011 will Start?
what is application form issued date??????????
can u send me the sample question papers for M.E(CSE) to my mail?
Is there any option to do M.E in correspondence?
pls send the details to my mail.
sir my first question is when will the tancet exam conducted & second one is where will i get the tancet application form i m in mayiladuthurai nagai district
in chennai wer app issueing
when will be TANCET application form 2011 issue date?
i am going to complete my bba final year in annamalai university distance education. Now i w’d like to join in mba regular. please mail me the correct date of tancet examination.
because my final year exams also will conducted on may last week. my second question is anna university distance mode tancet marks are taken?… if tncet marks is enough then how can u value tancet with deet? please reply me sir.. hope u reply soon… thank u..
i want to know exam date & application form issued date
I want to know when is tancet exam application of 2011 is given? please sir.
tancet details send for above email id
Respected Sir,
I weant 2 know about application form issued date and exam date 2011.
i want know when is tancet application of 2011 is given
i want know when is tancet application of 2011 is given
i want to know about TANCET exam date and application issue date
can you tell me the date application issued and the date of examination>
i am doing bcom(ca) final year in kamaraj unversity i would like to join MBA . i want MBA tancet entrance exam correct date and how to apply ple send me
thank u
I have Completed M.Sc (CS &IT).And I want to Do
ME (ComputerScience and Communication).If it Possible or Not.Please Tell Me.
Thank you
i am doing my bca final year with 75% did i am eligible to join in your college.
i am doing my bca degree final year and ny percentage is 75%. if i want to join mca in your college whats should be the percentage in bca sir.
Dear sir/madam.
I had been completed my M.C.A in 2010 .Now i’m working as a software professional in a good concern… i have planned to study M.Tech is there any difficulties to study M.Tech while i’m a M.C.A gratuate .. can you pls update me through email.. what are all the rules and regulations….
Please send me the preparation materials for TANCET and also the syllabus for 2011 and the books to prepare .please tell me the eligibility criteria for M.Tech/M.E to my mail id
Thank you
now i am doing b.tec (EEE) final year,i want to join m.tech, so pls send me the model question paper,and tell me the date of issue the application form of tancet exam 2011…..
thanking you
A.Abubakkar sidhik
I want know about tancet exam date please.when & wil be issue the application form please email me madam/sir
sir were do we get offline application form in nagercoil
is tancet exam eligible for big B-schools in tamil nadu
and when will you provide tancet applications form
can you pls submit your mca reg form in my mail.
As i am studying bca final year.i want to write a tancet entrance exam for mca.so when did that application form will issue date …pls inform me for above mail id.
i want MBA modle paper
Iwant to know about the tancet exam application date where the application avaliablie and date of exam.I kindly request to you to intmate this details .
thank you
i want to know about exam date and application issued date
i want to know about exam date and application issued date
i have completed B.C.A from tamil nadu open university.now, i would like to persure my M.C.A .am i Eligible? pls immediately on the above mail address
Thanking you,
I have completed my MBA (HR) from Madras University. Now, I would like to persue my career in M.Tech. Am I eligible ? Pl. respond immediately on the above mail address.
Thanking you,
plz tell me 10th 12th math compulsory or not in pre mca enterence test
sir please send me various colleges which are giving seats based on tancet for mba. Im doing my mba final year. can i apply for tancet 2011?
Sir please send me the preparation material for TANCET to my mail… Thank U!!!
Sir can u pls send me the preparation materials for TANCET
how will be calculate cut off mark for MBA Admission in the reputed management institute?
hi…i want to information about how to join me in distance education…
when wil u issue tancet application form?
please send tancet 2010 questions & answers for M.E(EEE)
Hi sir, i need the excat date of application form issue &
where & when will be get MCA TANCET APPLICATION form?
i need previous year question papers and question paper pattern for tancet MBA and ME
In coimbatore for TANCET where the forms will available directly for spot issue of hall ticket
Now I’m studying BCA final year. When will give Tancet MCA FORM.
please send me the exact issue date of the application.and also the information regarding where shall i get the form
I am studing in B.sc IT can i write MBA exams and model question paper..
sir, we are odd to this tancet exam and MBA so we need seeking about book referrence i.e. what kind of books we will refer, and how we prepare for this exam. kindly, please intimate the exam date and application form to us.
sir,we are odd to this exams like tancet and MBA so how’ll we prepare for this exam.in what kind of books we referred. and please inform me issuing the application form and exam date.
sir i need the exact date of application form issue and syllabus and reference book
I am studing in B.sc IT can i write MBA & MCA (both) exams
I m in 12 and I wants to do b.tech from a good colledge of india which entrance exam I should apper
sir pls send me the online application form for TANSET2011 for M.Tec download website.
sir… i was completed in BE.now i m working in mnc…can i join M.TECH
I am studying puc in bangalore , but i studied my sslc & bba in tamilnadu can i apply for tancet?
where& when will be get MBA TANCET APPLICATION FORM?
tell me the place of giving k.set application in banglore…
sir ,Please tell me Know the application issue date for tancet?
i want TANCET last year question paper
When is the last date for the application form?what are the books available to prepare this exam?
can i get addmission for MBA in b-schools after writing TANCET
i am doing my final year bca, is there any possibilities of doing M-tech
how to study M.E in corresponding? and when tancet 2011 application issue?
i want tancet model question paper
sir wen the tancet 2011 application form would be issued
want to do m.tech in environmental science ?
I want m.tech nano tech quertions sir…thank u
I want m.tech nano tech quertion sir.,
when will the examination form will be out
Respected sir, may i know the books name for preparing the tancet examination. Pls Tell some books name.
when wil u issue tancet application form?
please send tancet 2010 questions & answers for M.E(CSE)
whether a fresher of bioinformatics applied to MCA or apply to tancet exam?
whether students studied bio informatics apply to MCA or attend tancet exam?
when is the application form is issued and from were i can get it?
when tancet 2011 application will issue?
i want to study M.B.A,please give updates of your activites…..!
Hello sir,
I am doing my BCA second year(4th semester) in MIET Arts And Science College,Trichy am i eligible to write the TANCET examination
when will the application form will be issued for M.TECH.
sir ,i completed my BE degree under VMU University
I Am interested in ME. can I apply for tancet sir?
please give information sir.
What is the elegible mark to get seat in gov institute for M.Tech
let me know about the application form for the M.E TANCET examination???
plz info.tanset entrance exam date of MCA. 2011
When TANCET 2011application form issued ???
respected sir, how many cut off marks eligible for the ME,Mtech studies for have the seat in goverment institute
i want to apply for m.tech in IT through distance education…..
can u tell me abt the procedures and wen exactly the application forms will be issued
sir,when the application form of mca of tancet is available
on line.please also give me syllabus of pre mca.
Hi sir,
How to prepare for tancet
plz guide me for TANCET & PGCET Examination……….
hi sir:-
how the classes will be if ll do ME in part time, timings?
when tancet application forms issued from those center u have mentioned?
hi, am doing my final year b.com and am having 65 percentage
1. where the application form for MBA entrance will be issued.
2. whats the syallbus.
3. is am qualified to get seat in any top colleges
if you answer for my questions i am very grateful to you.
when will give the mba application form
kindly provide info regarding application form for TANCET.
Sir plz say how much mark need to get admission in anna university kovai.
tancet exam date???????
I am a final year student of B,sc-cs. please send me the exam date for TANCET 2011 exams.
If the application form is available in maduari. please send me the replay soon.
sir , plz suggest me books for M.E. Entrance exam under pune university
I am a final year BE student.. can i write tancet 2011..? what are the rules regarding this exam? do this has negative marks?
What is the elegible mark to get seat in gov institute for M.E
hello sir/madam,
I have completed B.E computer science in the of 2009 and have been working in BPO. Planned to do M.E. could you plz tel , is this possible to continue my studies after 2 yrs break? if possible can u send syllabus for M.E?
Pls answer me this question
wen u will issue the entrance application form
When ll tancet exams be conducted .what are the syllabus for mba
What is the elegible mark to get seat in gov institute for M.E
when will the examination form will be out so that we can apply to TANCET examination
when is d application form is issued ………???????
let me know the date of issueing application form for ME entrance examination
let me know the application form issue date for ME entrance examination
application procedure for ME part time
let me know the application form issue date for ME entrance examination……
when s tenset exam will b contacted sir then date
Respected sir,
I want to know the date of MCAexam and what’s the portion and way to apply for it kindly provide me the information sir
wen is the application given for tancet xam?
when the tancet application form issue for MBA
what are the books available for TANCET
Hi sir,
When is the last date for applying Tancet form.
let me know the date of issueing application form for Mtech entrance examination
plz, let me know the application issue date & where it will be issued
Please tell me Know the application issue date for tancet?
pls issue application form
i am doing B.E final year. May i know when is tancet application form is given for mba in annauniversity(chennai)?
sir i am AP student, i completed degree in under SV University
I Am intresting MBA. can I apply for tan cet sir.
please give impermation sir.
iam studying in andhrapradesh.can i attend the TANCET exam?
Hi sir,
When is the last date for the application form?what are the books available to prepare this exam?
Sir,when will the TANCET entrane form will be given??? & where it will be given in coimbatore???? is it available in the other states also?????
when the last date to apply MBA entrance exam
I finish B.A-history by Distance education of Alagappa University.
Can i attend TANCET?
I want to know when the TANCET online application will upload?
which is the best book to prepare for mca entrance exam ?
sir , could you please tell me the application issue date for TANCET exam 2011
when applicatin form dates come
hello sir,
which link help me to get previous years question paper for M.E tancet exam … and i would like to know the starting date of M.E tancet.. is there any book to guide for this exam?
when will be TANCET application form 2011 issued
when will be TANCET application form be issued
when is the last date to submit application?
Respected Sir/Madam,
i want to know that from where will i get (TANCET) application form. when is the exam ?.
what are the books are to be referred for preparing TANCENT MBA exam
and when do the application forms will be issued
pls i need detail wen is issuiing date for application form for tancet? were it is issuing?
which book will be more useful for preparing tancet exam
wen will the applications for tancet exams will be started issuing? and till what date it will be issued?
please Let me know the application issue date for
non-gate exam
Is there any special books containing previous years questions & answers available to prepare for TANCET 2011 (M.Tech., BioTechnology )? I would appreciate if you could let me know where and when it will be available?
Best Regards
can a guy from trivandrum studying under kerala university attend tancet exam?? reply to [email protected]
when will be the tancet application for mca will issue ?where will be it issue in coimbatore?
when will tancet2011 application for mca is issue?
I want to Know what is the procedure for tancet exams fpr M.Tech?
i want to know when is last date for submit application ?
how to apply tancet
hello sir,i want to know the exam dates of tancet and gate
when the link for online registration appears please send to me…..
hi i wish continue my studies through distance education and i prefered to study MBA human resource management.Now i want to know how can i apply for this course through online
all university mba exams date in sent to my mail
all mba exams date in recived to my mail
* Which date will be TANCET exam be process?
* what is the fee amount for mca in anna university and government & private coleges under tancet?
i completed my M.C.A in 2008 batch , now i interest to do M.B.A in reputed college , i need syallbus to prepare myself ……..Help me
when will you starts the tancat exam
Can i apply for both MBA and MCA sir pls tel me
have a great day sir,
I am final B.Tech IT .I want to know when will the date announced for TANCET EXAM .please intimate without fail.
Thanks for reading
sir can u send me mba syllabus and previous years question papers
when will TANCET exam conduct?
hai…………..i want 2 know that what r the colleges comes under this exam
sir.. am i eligible to write tancet as i completed my ug degree in april-2010 and didnt continue pg?
I want to know when is tancet exam for 2011?
when application forms are given for 2011?
nw i m a final year student of B.tech IT…
I can apply for tancet exam 2011?
hello sir, when will release application forum for TANCET2011 from anna university….
1.Where the application form available unless onlline in coimbatore…..
1.Where the application form available unless onlline?
when tancet 2011 application form issue sir
where i get the application form
i am pursuing my B.E in electronics & instru. ..I want to get the details about how many colleges are there in tamil nadu for doing the post graduate in this E&I.i need the full details.And also pls give me the model question paper for the instrumentation.pls sir.
I want application form for MBA TANCET exam
Where can i get the complete information about the exam and where can i get the form
1.Where the application form available unless onlline?
2.where the details regarding exam available?
1) i want to know when tancet application forms are given?
2) i want to know when is tancet exam for 2011?
Sir, I want to know the place where I am able to get the application form for TANCET exams?
i did my under graduation in tamilnadu open university
can i eligible for doing MBA regular in any institution.and also can i eligible for writing the TANCET EXAM…
can you clarify my doubt
when tancet 2011 application form will issue sir?
do we have centers for exam of tancet in hyderabad , can we get application through online
what is the fee amount for mca in anna university and government & private coleges under tancet?
1.i want to know where the applicationfor tancet exam are giving?
2.wenis the tancet exam for2011?
Sir, Where I will get application form , then i would like write TANCENT exam. can you tell more detail about that exam… send me any model question papers….
Sir,I am willing to do my M.Tech in Information Technology as in correspondence.what is the procedure?
whether i have to undertake TANCET?
I want to do my M.TECH in distance education.what is the procedure for that?
whether i have to write TANCET exam?
can i get Tancet 2011 ME syllabus
still now iam doing bcom so iam preparing mba entrance exam so i need model question paper
what the score needed for general cANDIDATES
I am doing B.com final year in tamilnadu open university. (12th std at school) i have any chances to study mba at anna university (after finishing Tancet )
when will start to provide application?
and tancet exam date
when start the tancet exam?
i pursuing in Bcom in madras university. did i write the tancet exam
Good Evening Sir
Iam final year student in B.Sc Computer Science.I write in TRANCET exam .so please Iwant exam date and the applicati form’s.
thank you sir
Good Evening Sir
when TANCET application form issue
I am a final year student of B.E C.S.E. i wish to write the TANCET exam . So please tell me about the exam date and where the application form is available ?
how can i get M.E.syllabus and previous question paper ?
Thanking you sir
can i get tancet syllabus for M.E
good mor sir,
i am a final year student of B.TECH IT.i want to know about the tancet 2011 exam dates.please tell me about the dates.
when is tancet application issue?
when is tanset application issue?
which course is better in ME…..
i want details about the syllabus to be prepared and important dates for the application form
can i get Tancet 2010 mba syllabus
when tancet application is started to issue
where to buy TANCET application form
good morning sir,
I am a final year student of B.E EEE i wish to write the TANCET exam . So please tell me about the exam date & where the application form is available?
Thanking you sir
good morning sir
i am a final year student of (b.tech-IT).i want to know about TANCET 2011 exam dates and where application form is available .please reply me as soon as possible
thanking you
How to apply for TANCET examination 2011?
where application form is available and date of the entrance exam?
i have to know about the tancet and its important dates such as application forms and its submission ..??
good evening sir
i am a final year student of cse.i want to know about TANCET 2011 exam dates and where application form is available .please reply me as soon as possible
thanking you
i want to do mca.so tell some good colleges in chennai….
where we have to register the applications.?
when could i get the application forms for mtech /me computerscience application forms towrite the entrance examination . please help me.
when will start to provide application?
and tancet exam date
what are the types of course in the MBA .which course have most features.
do i need to write TANCET exam for part time M.E.?
can i apply 4 bothTANCET ME n MBA entrances at same time….
i am persuing my final year B.Tech in IT i need study material for M.Tech in c.s
when will start to provide application?
i want to write tancet exam… when will application form published?
i want to write tancet exam… when will application form published/
When tancet applications are starts to issue
wat r the books are refer for the M.E.
am pursuing my final year B.E, computer science,i need sample q&a.
I hed completed in MBA, can i study in M TECH in anna university?
i will write tencetexam when will issue application
I would like to know the names of leading colleges for MBA at Chennai coming under TANCET
I would like to know the names of leading colleges for MBA
Respected sir ,
how should we get the details of date of the tancet exam and from where. then what are the books should refer to the exam
Thanking you
yours faithfully
what are books which we have to prepare for tancet exams and the author name
Respected Sir,
I finished M.Sc., Biotechnology. I would like to do M.Tech Nanotechnology in Anna university. Hence, when will you conduct entrance examination for admission of this course. Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
S. Prabhu
when is the tancet exam in 2011 and when r the applications given and the exam patterns pls if uknow that mail it to my id above…
dear sir
m.tech top collage in u.p
I need to know that, whether we can do Mba(REGULAR) and Mba(DISTANCE) at same time.
i want to a model question paper in tancet
I’m studying 3rd mechanical now… Can i write the TANCET exam in this year….
when the tancet exams begins
I need when will be application form issued,exam,dateand syllabus…. please send me
I need whin will be application form issued? please send me
when will be issued the hall-ticket for tancet exam?
how to apply to tancet.where will be the center,when exam will start
Hai sir i will pepare in TANCT give me some ideas for score high marks
what is the last date to write the mat and tancet exams for 2010-2011 students
I,m not a citizen of Tamil Nadu. Am i eligible of TANCET Exam . Further iwould be kind enough if you tell the full information about the online registration date and procedure
when is tancet examination of mba in 2011
where should we get the form
i am pursing my btech 3rd year at present in eee branch .. i want to knw wt is the minimum percentage required in bteh to appear for tancet and some gud books to prepare for tis exam..plz suggested me.
I have completed B.Tech(civil) correspondence cousre in rajasthan vidyapeeth university, chennai. whether i am eligible for applying tancet exam for doing M.tech in anna university. whether this course is valid for applying govt exams.
I am completed in BE parttime, am eligible to write to TANCET exam
Where do i get the ME SYllabus
Sir, where i ll get application form then i would i like write TANCENT exam …. can u tell more detail about that exam… send me any model question papers….
wen aplicatn starts for tancet 2011
To pass how many marks required?
book to prepare for this exam?
M.E tancet syllabus
how to apply for the tancet exam?
when will be the exam conducted?
when will give tancet application form
when will be issued for the hallticket for tancet exams..
when is tancet for MTech/ME in 2011?
i need syllabus for MBA tancet entrance xam wen application will be issue
When will the application forms published?
how can i get solutions for your question papers????
pls send “get free updates in your email” to my mailid,i am in confusion to what to do my higher studies . i am doing my 3rd bsc computer sicence,
sir,could i do ME as evening class by tancet exam..hw t s possible…hw much colleges r available to do ME as evening class…plz give syllabus nd last time max cut off mark…plz reply if u favour…
sir; i am doing my Bsc final year. now i joint to MBA. HR. in best collge and in low cost. I am the 1st graduate in my family… so i have no adviser . So please help me as a Teacher
how many marks needed to pass in mca tancet exam
when will mca tancet application form will be issued for 2011
When was the application from given for mba 2011
I am MCA student and want to join MTech in robotics with job how can i apply for that give the details of this type of universities description. Can i eligible for that? I am also a student of A.M.I.E
Can i apply for both M.B.A and M.C.A but i m interest in M.C.A sir but my dad interest in M.B.A sir Can you help me sir which one is i select sir i m finish in chemistry sir
when is tancet for mca in 2011
What are the things we have to prepare and how?
Sir may I know wen. will be d exam for TANCET. May I Know d styllabus for M.E………
when will be start tancet examination for mca
i am b.tect\information technology.i wanted to study m.e/m.tech in electrical or electronics field ,is it possible…………..
Where do i get the ME SYllabus
How to apply tancet ? where i get application? How to register in online?
i want the syllabus and model pappers of the tancet exam.
Respected sir,
To pass in this exam how many marks is required?
which is the most preferable book to prepare for this exam?
And do we want to take DD for applying this?
Ressbpected sir,
i want online application form tancet 2011
thanking you,
when the tancet2011 application form will be issued.
when the tancet 2011 applicatin forms will be issued…
Respected sir,
To pass in this exam how many marks is required?
which is the most preferable book to prepare for this exam?
And do we want to take DD for applying this?
can you please sent the model question paper and syllabus for 2011 tancet
respected sir,
when will be the tencet2012 exam started. i need the syllabus
i want to attent mca exam…..how can i prepare myself and which type of books can help fo attending exam.
when will be the entrance exam and what is the pattern??????
I want the syllabus and model pappers of the tancet exam.
where is the coaching centres in coimbatore?
I would like to appear for tancet 2011.i would be kind if you mail mainformation about exam syllabus,date and time?
which date issued application and hallticket ?
hi friends ,
pls send the dates for the application and examiniations ….
Respected sir,
To pass in this exam how many marks is required?
which is the most preferable book to prepare for this exam?
And do we want to take DD for applying this?
Pl inform me
1. the no. of attempts allowed for TANCET MBA
2. no. of years the TANCET MBA score valid
3. presently I am doing my 3rd year engineering can I apply for this year as a mock testing exercise
Thanking you
sir , when will application form issue for MBA
Respected sir,
To pass in this exam how many marks is required?
which is the most preferable book to prepare for this exam?
And do we want to take DD for applying this?
where is the coaching centres in coimbatore?
sir on which date TANCET exam is going to be conducted sir
i want the syllabus and model pappers of the tancet exam.
In nagercoil where tancet application form is available.
i need the form’s available date in that place.
Will you consider the GATE score to join M.E in Anna University?
sir when is the tancet application for ME is issued?
when will the M.E TANCET exam start?
where the application forms are available?
i am pursing my btech 3rd year at present in eee branch .. i want to knw wt is the minimum percentage required in bteh to appear for tancet and some gud books to prepare for tis exam..plz suggest me
Any Entrance preparing books 4r tancet ME CSE?
I need tancet exam date and that syllabus for ME……
examination fee howmuch
I need the MBA model entrance exam question paper and the exam date.. in pondicherry university
I have passed 12class this year.a want to take admission in anna university in which SCIENTIST KALAMJI WORK. WHAT I HAVE TO DO/
in madurai where is tancet application form is available….
when is the last date for submitting
in maduri where is the trancet application form is available when is the last date of submiting & fees details of this exam & sylabus
how many seats available for OBC caste in anna university for pondicherry.
dear sir,
im in cuddalore district,where and when i get my application form
hi sir,
i wan old question paper of tancet and also pls inform me abt d application issue date
When the application form will be distributed in Coimbatore?
where is tancet application form is available….
i completed B.Tech ( civil ) on rajasthan vidhyapeeth university at 2010 november . now i like to do m.tech in anna university.
i am eligible to apply m.tech or not .
in vellore where is tancet application form is available….
when is the last date for submitting
how prepare for TANCET exam?
Can Third Year Students Appear for TANCET Exams?
can you kindly provide me the details for tanset2011 for MCA….i need the date from when the form will be issued,last date for applying and the examination date.
where we get the application form for TANCET in salem
To join mba after finishing diploma it takes how many years to study.
when tancet2011 enterance test content by anna university
sir please send the model question paper for tancet 2011 for M.E & M.TECH programmes
I want to know the date on which the application form will be provided for the TANCET 2011 exam and also know the question pattern for the exam.
i’m vasanth doing my B.E in EEE third year,can i attend TANCET exam now?
I need tancet exam date and that sylobus for MCA
In coimbatore where tancet application forms are available, and i need date of tancet examination.
can you please sent the model question paper and syllabus for 2011 tancet.
Dear Sir,
Am currently doing BBM… I would like to appear for tancet for doing MBA… could u kindly provide me the details for tancet2011 for MBA…. i need the date from when the form will be issued,last date for applying… and examination date.. Hope so you will kindly do the needfull….
As a Electrical and Electronics Engineering student how i want to prepare my self for the TANCET exam .
sir, when is the last date for submission of application form for tancet
Sir, which book we have to refere for MCA entrance.
sir, when will the tancet application for ME is issued?
when will the TANCET 2011 application publilished….
sir when is the tancet application for ME is issued?
Dear sir,
I already did my M.E(DCN) but i got second class.so i want to do my PG again so i need all model questions for tencet in ece deprt.and give me some tips reg my way
I need tancet exam date and that sylobus for ME……
when is the tancet exam and when applications are issued,i need full details of about tancet exams
i am doing b.com(e.commerce) how will i apply the mba tancet application
how many years the tancet exam mark sheet is valid to get seat from anna university colleges
I am doing my final year B.Sc - ISM (Information Systems & Management). I would like to know whether I am eligible for studying MCA ? Can you please let me know the eligilibility criteiria for joining MCA ?
what is the use of studying MBA?
when is the tancet exam and when applications are issued
im currently doing my bsc-it final yr . now i hav decided to write tancet. im in lots of confusion wether to choose mba or mca. pls suges me which is better choice for me.
when is the issue of application forms for tancet mba ?
when will the tancet entrance exam commence and witch is the nearest center for krishnagiri distric candidates?
I have finished 10 + 2 + 3 year diplamo, then i joined B. sc in second year(lateral entry) and now currently doing my B. sc final year. Am i eligible to apply for TANCET MBA 2011
i am doing m.sc nanotechnology.how will i prepare for m.tech nano technology entrance examination.and how many colleges are available in nano technology.
wen tancet exam commences?….
this entrance exam nessary for studyingdistance education in anna university coimbatore
Am currently doing BE(ece)… I would like to appear for tancet for doing m.tech… could u kindly provide me the details for tancet2011 for m.tech…. i need the date from when the form will be issued,last date for appling… and examination date.. Hope so you will kindly do the needfull….
i need exam date
when is the tancet exam and when applications are issued
i m doing my final yr BCA in erode,i would like to write the tancet for MCA, So pls give me all the information about TANCET, its forms availability, exam portion and also exam centers,. i hope that you will guide me. can u plz send me the syallabus of 2011 tancet for mca.i hope u do the favour for me… thanking you
i am velu
i want 2011tancetMCA questionpaper
wen will come exam..i need exam date
sir.when tancet Examination for M.B.A
i need tancet MCA model question papers with answer
i want TancetMCA model question with answer.
I completed my B.E(CSE) in 2010 May,and already i attend the TANCET exam for MBA.Shall i able to write again for TANCET MBA exam.
Am currently persuing BCA final year…i am so confused to choose wether to take MBA or MCA as my pg…please do suggest
where wil i get books to prepare for tancet?
tel me name and author of the books?
now i study the b.com(computer application) course in anjac,sivakasi.me eligibility to mca course?
when does the TANCET exam forms for 2011 batch forms will be published
iwant to know you what is the syllabus of mca entrance exam 2011
i’m doing b.com final year.i want to do mba in HR.can you give information about when tancet exam will conduct
Hello sir,
i need to get more information about MBA tancet exam and the time of exams.then mba course syllbus .
Dear sir,
I want MBA application and the date of the examination.pls
i am priya.now i’m doing final year bca at shankarlal sundarbai shasun jain college for women t nagar.i would like to appear for tancet 2011.i would be kind if you mail meinformation about exam syllabus,date and time,authorised tancet coaching centers in chennai,
information about colleges providing MCA course
and fees structure.please send me the tancet application form also.i hope you ll do this favour for me…..thank u sir
your’s faithfully
i need model question paper of TANCET MCA….can we carry calculator with us in exam?
sir i like to write tancet exam to2011 by M.b.a which book are prepared pls. tell me
i completed B.sc Applied Phy(Instrumentation)& M.sc Applied Phy(Instrumentation).i have been working as a Sr,Engg (C & I) in Boiler Controls (P) Ltd,Trichy for past 5 years.i saw advertisement on14.11.10 ,anna university trichy gives application for ME through MBCBS. i want to do ME Control & instrumentation Engg(C & I),but the overall coordinator told that i am not eligible to do this degree.they want only BE qualification but i have Bsc & MSC in instrumentation but i am eligible to apply Gate exam .what to do ,please give one contact person phone no& tancet main office address. help me
i am mohan,
iwant mca modeel question papper.
kindly moham.
i am anju.now i’m doing final year bca at Bharatiyaar University offcampus centre,christ college,Irinjalakuda in thrissur district ,kerala.i would like to appear for tancet 2011.i would be kind if you mail meinformation about exam syllabus,date and time,authorised coaching centers in kerala,
information about colleges providing MCA course
and fees structure.please send me the tancet application form also.i hope you do the favour for me
your’s faithfully
I am working with BPO. I would like to do MCA evening college.
I did my B.sc., in Hotel management. Is it possible to do MCA, If it is possible can you help me what are the formalities I want to do.
Send it to me the Syllabus for TANCET MCA Examination.
K. Ganesh Babu
what i want to do for attending 2011 examination ?
sir, i have a arear papers in my last semester ..so i have doubted on applying the tancet… can i apply the exam… is am qualify for the tancet…… if i’ll get high mart in tancet can i’ll get one of the best coleges at tamilnadu ….. could you reply me…. pls sir reply me…..
Hello sir. I am Santosh Bammigatti. Iam currently studying 1st puc in Chetan college, Karnataka. I would like to complete my B.E at MIT. So can you please guide me which CET exam should i write in order to get a B.E seat at MIT?? And since i am a native of Karnataka, i do not know much about TANCET. So pls give me all the information about TANCET, its forms availability, exam portion and also exam centers, so that i can prepare well for these two years. i hope that you will guide me. kindly oblige. thank you.
I like to prepare for TANCET MBA examination . I need to know the best coaching center in chennai.. for my Preparation
i want what type of question in entrance.
Respected sir,
i am doing my final year bio medical engg,in my ME i wanted to know the courses offered by anna univ,and syllabus for thoses courses
i hope you do me the favour
thanking you
sir ,
can u plz send me the syallabus of 2011 tancet for mca and mba
im in of previous question paper also for both mba and aca
SIR, I want to know about the exam dates for TANCET and from where i can get the form and what is the last dete for allpy, .i hav done my BSC.CS.from bangalore.
Now, I am doing my Final year in B.SC CS.I want to write TANCET in the coming date. Can you give the information and date of the exam. I want to write it befor completing my degree.
hai sir i am doing bsc maths final year .i want to write MCA tancet2011 plz send exam details to my id [email protected] THANK U
Pls send the tancet exam 2011 date and the application form details.
I am doing my B.Tech (IT) Final year.can u pl tell me when s the 2011 tancet examination and pl send me the syllabus and model question paper for M.tech(IT)
Respected sir,
I am final year B.Tech(IT) student.I want to continue my higher studies.can u send TANCET application form to om mail.
as i have applied for the gate exam 2011. can i apply for the tancet exam?
Respected sir, i’m final year B.tech(IT) student i heard tat there is a course in M.Tech on human resource. so it would be kind if u can mail me the list of colleges offering the above mentioned course and also other courses based on my UG tat will be helpful to excel in my carreer. thanking you
date of application issuing and date of exam
i completed Engineering(Mechanical engineering).i want to study TANCET M.E/M.TECH.i want to know TANCET coaching centers.
I like to prepare for TANCET ME/M.Tech examination . I need to know the best coaching center in chennai.. for my Preparation
i need tancet exam application form.could you send to my mailid
*I’m studying final year (BSC CS).I have interest in MCA & MBA.So what i choose my PG course.pis guide me sir.
*I want TANCET 2011 form send to me sir.
*Give more detail about MCA & MBA syllabus.
when you published the enterence exam date
to get good score in Gate Exam what to do
I like to know and getTANCET important dates, admission procedure, top-ranking colleges for M TECH from ECE, Chance of the students from West Bengal, Provision for Gate score, TANCET ECE previous question papers.
Will you please let me know how I can secure the above and oblige?
Will you please mail me in details and oblige?
pl send the tancet exam 2011 date and apllication form details
im studying final year(b.b.a),i like to do MBA , so please give me the details of tancet MBA .How to prepare ,what are the syllabus,where will the center be,how to register,and the recent question papers.
sir i would like do ME in any specializations of mechanical courses sir. can u announce the details of tancet, details and schdules sir.
Where are the applications available forTANCET &the syllabus for (MBA)tancet 2011.
I have completed my BEng(hons) through Engineering Council(city and guilds,london,UK),I want to pursue MTech from India,
I want to know whether I am eligible for your college?
Sir i finished b.com. and i want to do MCA. Is it possible for me to do MCA?
I want to join m.tech in medical electronics or in biomedical instrumentation.can u suggest me which stream to choose.m pursuing my b.tech in biomedical.
can u give me the last date for submission of application form to the tancet2011 examination?
When will the exam?
Dear sir,
I have completed BE ECE with 79%. I would like to do ME in Embedded systems or ME VLSI design. so it would be better to mail me the college list those offering above courses. Thank you sir.
Veenaa. R
sir, i am doing my BE .but the college was not good.no knowledge in my college.so i wish to do my ME in very good college.but i dont know how to prepare for entrance exam.and how to choose good college.pls kindly help me
iam doing final year ece.i want to appear for tancet2011.where to buy the apllication form and where.please send some model question papers to my mail.
where the application form available for in chennai and syllabus details and booksname. i am studing BBA final year SRMuniversity in chennai.
syllabus coverage for MBA
i have done MCA via Distance education. shall i eligible for M.E.
last date for receiving application s?
i have finished b.a sociology in distance education mode and i have secured 50% am i eligible for appearing in tancet
Hellosir/mam,im final year BE(cse). i need to do postgraduate. What I need to do MBA/MCA/M.Tech/ME.which can I write the cat/ tancet exams.
Hi Sir,
I had completed my b-tech studies from kerala and currently working with private sector college .I am planning do m-tech,kindly guide me and syllabus details,when will exam.I want to know is there any book for doing the preparation of tancet exam.
i want to do M.Tech.,Nanotech.please give information about that course and also send tancet model question to my e-mail.
i want tancet model qn paper for ME(electrical engineering)also i want the study material.pls send this to my mail id…..thankg u……..
Give me information regarding the last date for application submission & also give me the syllabus (for ECE dept) for TANCET 2011.
i mr.sanket mirje now in t.y.b.com final year.i want to give MCA entrance exam in 2010-11.i want information of various institute of MCA entrance exam.and after that admission for MCA colleges or university from mumbai.i want there address and contact no bcoz i want to give that exam as early as possible.
Where are the applications available forTANCET in chennai
Give me information regarding the last date for application submission & also give me the syllabus (for CSE dept) for tancet 2011.
can u please give me the syllabus for tancet 2011(ECE dept
im studying final year(bca),i like to do MBA or MCA, so please give me the details of tancet MBA or MCA.How to prepare ,what are the syllabus,where will the center be,how to register,and the recent question papers.
[email protected]
[email protected]
i need TANCET MBA model papers
sir i am studing b.tech(IT)i want to know how to prepare
tancet 2011 and also question pattern
send the mail xam dates,last date o’ application, cost o’ d application
im studying final year(cse),i like to do MBA, so please give me the details of tancet MBA .How to prepare ,what are the syllabus,where will the center be,how to register,and the recent question papers.
u send the application to me
how to apply tanset
I want Tancet2011 application.please send to me
please tel me tips how to get good marks in tancet exam
will the exam conduct before in the year of 2011?
give more details about TANCET date &syllabus
hi sir i’m priya…. i’m doing my bsc computer science now…. i’ve a lot of interest in robotics… so what i choose for my pg….plz guide me sir…
How to prepare for tancet mca. say the procedure to apply for tancet
when the application is issued
I wanna know d detail’s about the distance education of M.E(CSE),could u plz tell me when nd where d TANCET 2011 applications for M.E will b issused and the date of issusing -last date of posting application.could u also suggest me the book for preparing, plz send me d model paper along wit the key..Acknowledge my queries through my mail…….
how to collect the application form
i want to know the date of entrance exam for mca and on what rank i will get top colleges.
how i want to prepare for tancet exam(mba)? plz give ideas about that exam? where the application form will be available? is itn is more inportant to go for choaching class?
Hi, i am anu.i planned to do ME..can u pl tell me when s the 2011 tancet examination and pl send me the syllabus and model question paper for M.tech(IT).
Is there any priority for specified students?
I want TANCET 2011 application form for M.E or else kindly guide me from where could i get it/////
I want Tancet2011 application.please send to me
sir i want m.tech course detials and fee
I want Tancet2011 application.please send to me
please send the exams shedule and update details to my e mail…. and please tell the future for mca graduate
if any tancet examination center in kerala
how to apply tncet
I want to know about application form of MBA.
can u suggest the preparation for TANCET examination and syllabus for MBA 2011.
how many times tancet exam are conducded by the university for one year
I am studying B.sc IT final year.my wish M.C.A. I want to write TANCET exam.what are the procedure & how to prepare the TANCET ?pls give tips to score good marks.
Which is the best training centres in Tamil Nadu for facing MBA entrance exams?
I has finish my B.E manufacturing engineering with 2class(6.1 CGPA).Am i able to join M.E in anna university through tancet? i am physically challenged(PC) person. Is there any relaxation for PC.kindly provide the information to me….
Respected Sir/Madam,
I am doing Final year BCA In Mangalore under Mangalore University….So I wish to do my further studies(MCA) in Tamil Nadu…So I wish to write TANCET Exams in 2011.So i want the syllabus and model question paper…And I want to know the date of issue of the Exam Forms.Please i wish you to send me a mail in my mail address mentiones above.
Thanking You
P Mohammed Sayeed
Dear sir,
i wish to write tha tancet xam in 2011….when will exam starts?pls inform the date of exam nd issue of application form…?pls sent the mail for me….
sir i am doing the B.com.In the my schooldays me study in accountancy only.Any chance to me study in mca
what are the portions for TANCET exam?
i am doing final year B.sc IT.I want to write TANCET exam.
I wish MCA. what are the steps and procedure i should follow?.
pls I want to syllabus and model question papers of TANCET with answer key.
how to prepare the TANCET?
Can u please suggest the books for my preparation.
pls inform the date of issue the application form & tancet examination?
pls send the mail for me.
thank you sir.
i am doing final year B.sc cs.I want to write TANCET exam.
Can u please suggest the books for my preparation.
pls inform the date of issue the application form & tancet examination?
pls send the mail for me.
thank you sir.
I m pursueing msc(geoinformatics),n i want to get admission in anna university for mtech . Plz,suggest me how to get admission?
Dear sir,
I want to write TANCET exam. How i prepare for exam and give tips to score good marks
iam doing bsc final year i want to know how prepare for trancet exam2011
pls send the syllabus for tancet exam(ME)
sir now i am studing in third year civil ug course my plan is doing in ME structural engg tell me how to prepare this tancet exam
tancet exam application form issuing date and which date held in this exam?
Sir, i have completed Msc(Microbiology) and currently working.I wish to do MBA.What is the procedure to write TANCEt?
I had finished my BE degree, currently working with private company as software engineer,i planing to do MBA, kindly guide , what is the syllabus and when will the exam.
i got 64.5% in my BE course, can i join ME/M.tech in coimbatore anna univercity? i am sc candidate.
i need previous year tancet mca question papers and give me tips to join in anna university
Sir, I have completed my CSE (2009) i would like to know the pattern and syllabus for the tancet exam2011 for the higher studies. I also need the model papers.
i am a bsc student.my native is nagapattinam.which is my nearest exam center.when will be the exam start
i just want to know the course for tancet preparation, is the course comes from class 11&12th cbse
sir m doing my final year Bsc computer science . i would like to know the pattern and syllabus for the Tancet exam. i also need the model papers..
hello sir i m comp my bsc computer sciencein 2010 and i m working in mnc company and i want to study mca in the next year is it possible to do my pg degree ????
how much is the application form and other fees for TANCET
can a bio medical instrumentation engineering student from an university other than anna university or its affiliated colleges can do ME in industrial safety engineering?if yes,what is the syllabus for him or her?
I need tancet model question paper and were is application form issue.
hi i want previous years q.p and model q.ps can any one tell where i can det it from.
good evening sir. am doing my final electronics and instrumentation engineering. i would like to appear for tancet. could you please guide me with model papers and the name of books that i should start prepare.thank you
good evening sis.am doing my final Electronics and instrumentation engineering. i would like to appear for tancet. could you please guide me with model papers and the books that i should start to prepare.thank you sir.
where i can get the materials for tancet
i want to know tancet examination date &where the application forms are available?
for 2011 when the exam for mba will be callfar
how i got application for tancet exam…..
I need materials……..
when is the tancet exam for 2011-2012 batch…and when should we get the application forms…..
i am doing b.com, i want mba ’s best college in cheenai and fees details and then how do join this course???thank you.
i want to apply for tancet 2011.. when s the application forms issued and where. could u pls give me the syllabus details and the date of exam too…
I want Tancet MTEH ECE SYLLABUS.I want to prepare study materials for mtech
sir m doing my final year EEE. i would like to know the pattern and syllabus for the tancet exam(both for MBA & ME). i also need the model papers and also
i want syllabus 2011
im doing final BE. i like to do MBA.entrance exam is different for engg and arts&science students? or same.how to apply ???
Hi, I completed by B.TEch in EEE in 2007 and now i have got plans to do M.E.
Can you guide me like what all do we need to prepare for TANCET and how to prepare. alos please update em the possible streams which I can take for M.E.
Hello sir
I m doinng my final yr ECE….I wish 2 do ME….So can u plz send me the syllabus…
how prepare for mca exams
how to apply for TANCET 2011
hai sir
i am janani i am doing final ece. when is the tancet exam starts at when and where????
please send me question papers
whn will the appliication forms and books will be available..
can u say the issuing date of tancet application form for MBA.(starting date to issue the form)
Can any one provide me with Tancet MCa sylaabus, It seems to have changed now. Also where can i get the materials needed for the exam prepartion
when is the tancet exam starts at where and when????
sir m doing my final year CSE. i would like to know the pattern and syllabus for the tancet exam. i also need the model papers.
i am doing final year B.sc IT.I want to write TANCET exam.
I wish MCA. what are the steps and procedure i should follow?.
pls I want to syllabus and model question papers of TANCET with answer key.
how to prepare the TANCET?
Can u please suggest the books for my preparation.
pls inform the date of issue the application form & tancet examination?
pls send the mail for me.
thank you sir.
in tancet exam for m.b.a whether it contains of negative marks for every wrong answers
dear sir i want to know about mba can you please sent mail for me
i am doing bsc final year .i want how to prepare this 2011 tancet .
pls send the tancet syllabus&question pattern to my email id.
Im doing final year IT.I want model question paper for M.E/M.TECH TANCET.
i need exam date and were application form available..
also i need syllabus and last 3 years question paper..
I am in final year BA. When will be the exam?
I m planning to write TANCET 2011 for ME ( Computerscience ) Admission. Can u please suggest the books for my preparation
hi … ths s sasi. how to prepare for a tancet.. give me a brief outline pl
I am doing final year BCA and i want to do my MCA.can u suggest the preparation for TANCET examination and syllabus for MCA.
1.what is the book for TANCET?
2.say about merit scholarship of TANCET?
when the application will provided for tancet mca
i am sumitha i am doing b.com, when this exam conducted?,how i get tancet application form
i am doing bcom final year so i want mba mettiriyal,best collage in channei,fees detail.thankyou
when will the applications and books be available
when tancet application form will be issued?
now iam studying b.tech (it) in what are the courses available in m.tech&colleges?
Sir I completed btech(cse) in kerala university .I have cgpa 59.will i be able to join anna university for mtech with a tancet score??
I’m doing my final yr IT..when this exam will be conducted and when should i undergo this exam?
I am doing my B.Tech (IT) Final year.can u pl tell me when s the 2011 tancet examination and pl send me the syllabus and model question paper for M.tech(IT).
i am sujitha ,can u suggest the preparation for TANCET examination and syllabus for MCA.
am doing final year of B.E EEE in bannari amman institute of technology in sathyamangalam erode district…. sir, i ask question is where is TANCET book is available in coimbatore… and when is M.E ENTRANCE EXAM IN COIMBATORE ANNA UNIVERSITY AND WHEN IS APPLICATION IS GIVEN…. PLEASE SEND TO MY MAIL..
Can u please tell me the scholarship for the toppers of Tancet M.E?
wt is the syllabus for cse(ME)?
i’m doing my B.Tech (I.T) 3rd year.
can i appear for TANCET exam this year?
will this year exam results will be considered after finishing my 4th year to persue M.Tech.
I m planning to write TANCET 2011 for ME ( Computerscience ) Admission. Can u please suggest the books for my preparation.
negative mark related information
Is There Any Coaching Classes for Tancet sir/madam
How I get TANCET Application form?
I Want to do M.Tech in Electronics and communication from 2010 batch.
which is also recognised by A.I.C.T.E and have value
tell me how can i start M.tech from 2010 batch
I’ve completed my B.E(ECE) and i wanna do M.Tech/M.E in computer related courses. Is that possible? or is there any criteria that one should do masters in their respective field from UG? Please suggest which programme ,ECE or CSC , i should apply for Mtech/M.E,since my UG is in ECE. what would be the syllabus to prepare for the TANCET in this scenario…should i be preparing for ECE or CSC ??Thanx in advance
Mba exam. 2010 Date & detail plz send on my mail id
Dear sir,
I have completed my engineering at IIIE(Indian insitute of industrial engineering-Bombay)
I wish to join M.E/M.Tech next year at anna. what’r the course eligible to me.
Respected sir/madam,
I am Priya.I would like to do M.E…pls inform me the syllabus and date of tancet exam.I require the coaching center for tancet.
I’m B.E(ECE) graduate.. I need TANCET 2011 syllabus and previous year solved question papers
Now, i am doing B.Sc(IT) final year. Can i participate
in the examination and what is the format to apply. I want to write TANCET exam. I wish MCA. what are the steps and procedure i should follow.
I want syllabus and model question papers of TANSET.
I am dheebu. i would like to do m.e…could u pls inform me the date and syllabus of tancet…and also suggest me how to prepare for it…
i have completed bca course in corespondance. may i join mca course in regular. pls clarify.
What is the prescribed syllabus for TANCET MBA?When is the application form being issued for that?What are the top 10 colleges for TANCET MBA in Tamil Nadu and in Puducherry?
Bring detail about M.E aeronautical course, and also information about the TANCET exam schedule. when will start to provide application form & where it will get?
Sir,i would like to write TANCET MBA 2011 exam.
I would like to know the list of institutes providing coaching for TANCET MBA in Thanjavur or Trichy
is tancet exam is going to be held in2011…..i heard tat anna university cancelled tancet tis year
sir,i’ve studied my 12th in ANDHRA PRADESH,now i’m doing my UG in chennai..now i can apply TANCET for doing m.tech.
Sir, Now i am doing B.com 2nd Year.. I want to Write TANCET exam….. At the end of May 2011, I will be completed 2nd Year Sir.. So when can i write TANCET Exam….
Please Reply Sir
i m doing my B.ISM final year now i want to apply for tancet 2011.. when s the application forms issued and where. could u pls give me the syllabus details and the date of exam too…
Hello sir/madam,
I’m doing my final year B.E-E.C.E. i would like to do M.E. would you
please tell the date of an exam and where we can get the application form?
sir how can i develop english knoeledge
only admission
Now, i am doing staff M.Sc(cs) last year. what is the format to apply.I want to write TANCET exam.I wish M.Tech.What are the steps and procedures i should follow.I want sylabus and model question papers of TANCET.
Sir where we should get the application form for ME entrance and when will you start to issue it plzzz
how to prepare tancet exams and question papers? send my email address
i want to apply for tancet 2011.. when s the application forms issued and where. could u pls give me the syllabus details and the date of exam too…
Details of M.E. Mechatronics course Part-time available universities and colleges
i’m doing my second year m.sc(cs) under bharathiyar unviersity..may i eligible to M.E(CS)……….
I am a B.Tech Graduate in information technology.I would like to do my Higher Studies.can i do my master degree in any other field other than intformation technology.Like master degree in fashion designing and others…….
now im doing my final yr B.Tech-Industrial biotechnology,can u pl tell me when s the 2011 tancet examination and pl send me the syllabus and model question paper for M.tech.
how to prepare the tancet
i am priya doing ma final year in b.e …i would like to do m.e…could u pls inform me the date and syllabus of tancet…and also suggest me how to prepare for it…
When is the exam for 2011 batch?
Where will the applications be available?
I completed my MCA degree in 2010. can i apply for (M TECH)IT OR COMP.
when will tancet2011 be conducted….pl give me more information.
i have 2 arrear in my be degree i am waiting for nov exam i am apply for gate or tancet which one has i apply
sir,i dont know tancet.please explain for me
how to take admission in mba by cat?
Respected sir,
I am doing my final year B.E in ECE stream.I want the Date on which exam will be conducted and also the syallbus included…
Respected Sir/Madam,
I am vidhya shree and im dng final yr of IT.i want to know the tancet2011 exam date,syllabus,and also deadline for submiting the application form.
could you pl tell me when is tancet 2011 for MBA conducted??
Respected sir,
I AM santhosh kumar, doing final year of B.E . could you please tell when is 2011 TANCET for M.E is conducted…..
i am stutes in bba 2nd year pls send the qustion paper in tancet examination
Now iam doing B.TECH(IT)final year,I want to write TANCET exam, pls send the syllabus & model ques paper for M.E & M.TECH(2011)
Respected sir,
I’m kavitha.R,doing final year B.a English. i want to join mba in anna university. i don’t know any procedure about mba.how to write mba entrance exam.could uyou please tell, how to prepare for exam? when will exam conduct? thanking you sir.
i’ve scored 58% marks in BTech cse exam . Can i get admission for MTech cse without qualifying Tancet 2011 .
i am santhiya doing my final year BE-ECE.I want to join ME.Please give the syllabus details and the date of exam…
Top mca college of tncet
i know that TANCET MCA.and afflated institute
i want to apply for tancet 2011.. when s the application forms are issued and where
I am doing my final year,B.TECH. Can u please help me with the books that i should use for the TANCET exams ?
sir please send the tancet(2011-2012) conducted and when will be the application form issued
i need for 4th trimester syllabus,
thanks you sir……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
im kalyani, completed Msc nanotech. now i want to do Mtech nanotech. please send me the tancet syllabus for nanotechnology…..thanking u…
hi! im going to do my mca…so pls send me the last 5 years question paper with solutions…if you send it will be very useful for me
Im logeswari, doing B.E,final year . could you plesae tell when is 2011 tancet for M.E is conducted.
Respected sir,
please send me the MBA-2011 syllabus and model question paper.
sir i am belonging to Andhra Pradesh, i will eligible to write tancet, and also what text books should follow.
thinkg you sir,
I Want To Prepare Myself To MBA TANCET Exams,
Pls, Tell Me The Important books..
when the application form for tancet exam 2011 will be published?
how to prepare for ME entrance exam…….
iam doing B.tech -IT
i would like to write the tancet entrance exam for ME/M.TECH
what are the syllabus are need for exam?
please reply me
iam doing B.tech -IT
i would like to write the tancet entrance exam for ME/M.TECH
what are the syllabus are need for exam
please reply me
I want admission in anna univ for Mtech 2010 under payment quota. i dont hv either gate or tancet score. , Is it possible nw? if yes, tell me the procedure
my son is studying in chennai ifinal year be at saveetha eng college want to appear for tancet 2011 can he how to apply
please tell the bookname for m.e/m.tech tancet exam…
How,When we get the application form for tancet exam?
sir got 24.432 inTancet ME.what adout my councelling date
i am not attempt tancet2010 ,but i like to join 2010-2011 mba course in anna univercity its possible?
may i know the 1st mark in M.E tancet2010
may i know the 1st mark in tancet2010
may i know the 1st in last tancet exam
i want model question papers of last five years……… can u able to send me those question papers
I am 2010 MCA passout. I want to study ME Software Engineering by means of Distance Education.
Whether it is possible to do ME Distance Education at Trichy Anna university?
Please reply me.
hi sir,
i want MBA tancet model question paper.
sir I have got 24.914 in tancet M.E.my community rank mbc is 2332…will i get seat in M.E(CSE)..plz help for me
when will tancet 2011 exam will conduct
Sir I know the important books for this paticular exam,
I want to prepare myself to MCA.
i need mba 2011 syllabus and send model question paper for mba exam.
i don know how to prepare for this exam.self learning only so please guide me.
sir i want a syllabus and exam date for tancet MBA 2011 sir
I need to know the idea about this exam and the names of the books which are helpful for me to study and get good score.
where i can syllabus for M.E
My TANCET Score is 30.691. My community rank is3619. Pplease tell me would I get a government college? if not, which college in chennai is to be selected?
Is that mandatory to take TANCET and DEET both exams to do my MBA distance education in anna university
sir, i have appeared TANCET for MBA. i have scored 17.4. But i didnt get my original TANCET marksheet. My reg.No:22111006.pls send my marksheet. im waiting for ur reponse.
sir, i have appeared TANCET for MBA. i have scored 17.4. But i didnt get my original marksheet. My reg.No:22111006.pls send my marksheet. im waiting for ur reponse.
my tancet score 31.189 official rank 6346 bc community rank 3385.i belong to mechanical stream which college i wil get…
i hav got 9000 rank in tancet.wil they cal me 4 counselling?plz rply
i have secured 35.966 in tancet m.e and i belongs to open community .In which all colleges i’ll get admission for computerscience and also when will be the counselling for M.E computerscience
sir,i have got 961 rank -MBC in tanca2010 in mbc quota Which good colleg i will get the seat & Pls list top 6 engineering colleges as per placement
My M.E. TANCET 2010 rank is 1234 and i belong to OC, can u suggest which col i ll get?
How many arrears would u have preffered to writ the tancet exam in b.e
Respected sir,
please send me the MBA-2011 syllabus and model question paper.
my score in tancet 2010 is 36.2 and register no is 18153383.
i have the following doubts to be clarified.
1. the expected date of councilling.
2. the chances of getting power electronics
3. the colleges i may expect admission.
my tancet score is 36.2 and my register no. is 18153383. i have following doubts to get clarified.
1. when the councilling will commence
2. in which college i may get the admission with this score.
3. my chances of getting power electronics under electrical engineering
I have finished my B.E biomedical Engineering. I am about to do my M.E. What all courses I am eligible to take in anna university?
hai am finished tancet exam i’ll get mca 1.250 mark so which date my counselling……….
i have got 26.194 in tancet for m.tech..my rank is 11226 but my counselling details are not yet put up..wen will i get counselling call..and is there any scope i can get good colleges if yes what colleges..
i study II-MBA in regular course (2009-2011 batch) in anna university coimbatore, i want the 4th trimester syllabus and curriculum
My Tancet Score is 27.8 my rank is 9729 and my community rank is 5073 .Please Tell me whether Can I Get Government college for this rank? Please..ME(CSE)
sir i got 31.434… my rank 6024..my community rank 3220…plz tell me whether can i get government college for this?
sir, i am sc caste ece major..my rank is 1195.am i get seat
Now, i am doing B.Tech(IT) final year.can i participate in the examination and what is the format to apply.I want to write TANCET exam.I wish MBA,MTech.What are the steps and procedures i should follow.I want sylIabus and model question papers of TANCET. Send TANCET EXAM Test date & Application form pls…
i have scored 28.9 in tancet, M.E…. i am B.C.. which coll i ll get in coimbatore…
i have scored 28.9 in tancet, M.E…. i am B.C.. which coll i ll get in coimbatore
I got 34.9 in tancet.My com rank is 200.Can i get seats in tirunelveli Govtmnt college.Pls reply me to my mail id as soon as possible.
I got 34.9 in tancet.My com rank is 200.Can i get seats in tirunelveli Govtmnt college.Pls reply me to my mail id.
sir my tancet score is 32.708.my rank is 4836.my community rank is 2535.plz tell me whether can i get government college for this?
Now, i am doing B.A(Eng.Lit) final year.can i participate in the examination and what is the format to apply.I want to write TANCET exam.I wish MBA.What are the steps and procedures i should follow.I want sylIabus and model question papers of TANCET. Send TANCET EXAM Test date & Application form pls…
I got 26 rank in Gate-A category in Anna University.
can u plzz tell me which college i get in counselling..
and the good colleges of anna university
can we take TANCET exam for MBA,MCA,Mtech at the same time?
I got 31.950 marks in tancet 2010.aid i have one also any government colleges getting tin marks…
I got 23.35 in TANCET and have a Gate Score 143,Is any possibilty to get admission in ME(CSE)?,Where Iam apply for it?And when the date End?Plsssssssss Help me
hello sir i am complete my bsc(cs)i want to join mca in anna university what is the procedure to join in the anna universitie
to join my pg degree and i want model question paper for tancet
sir i dint get my mba tancet counselling call letter. am from madurai and my mark is 13.8. when will i receive my letter, or pls guide me to see in online.
Result of TANCET for ME entrance test for 2010 of roll No.11253348
sir i got tancet rank was 14207 …. i get the seat or not
sir may i know how many m.e/m.tech seats avilable in tn aff of anna university
my rank s 5425 and community rank s 915 n tancet m.e wat kind of coll wil i get?
sir,i have got 35.967 marks in tanca2010 in mbc quota will i get m.e aeronautical in which college,can i get mit,chennai…or can i get m.e thermal engineering in any government colleges..
how i got application for tancet
sir i got 16.8 marks in TANCET M.E. 2010.havent recieved my acknowledgement card yet.my friend with with 32 marks receieved it before a week.when would i get it.
i got 24.975 in tancet .i m under mbc category..when is the counselling..will i get good college
what is the syllabus for MBA
I am interested in doing ME in CSE on next year(2011).I am in US now for a 1 year assignment.I have doubt regarding the TANCET application form.Can my parents submit the form for entrance exam on behalf of me.Is there any attestations that need to be done with the prescence of candidate.Because my assignment here is upto 2011 may 1st week.
i want mba syllabus 2011
how to no tancet rank list i got 25.5
i got 21.992 in TANCET 2010 .im BC can i get M.E(cse) in govt college
got 11.500 marks in tancet 2010. how to know my rank belongs to sc community?????
I applied for M.E counselling. still i didnt get acknowledgement card or call letter.my mark is 34.95.i’m worried.what to do…
i got 30.432 in tancet m.e(CSE)..
iam belongs to B.C category…
will u please inform the counselling date
hi sir my tancet M.E mark is 36.204…i wanna know my rank…
sir, i am from assam.can i appear in the tancet exam 2011 in order to take admission in mba in anna university.how much percentage required in graduation to appear for tancet exam.
When the anna university distance education mca tancet result held on 25 july 2010 will be published.
i have secured 35.966 in tancet m.e and i belongs to open community .In which all colleges i’ll get admission for computerscience and also when will be the counselling for M.E computerscience
when will be ME ranklist publish?…..i got 33.448 in ECE -BC category….Will i get govt colleges?
Am doing my 3rd year bachelors degree in engineering.When should I apply for the exam and when should I start preparing?
im very interesting on teaching profision so i select m.tech.is there good demand for m.tech students for teaching???
respected sir/madam in tancet i have got 23.452 will i get college inside CBE
i got 32.9 marks in tancet 2010. how to know my rank belongs to sc community?????
I got 17.414 in ME in electronics and communication stream,will u please inform me tancet councelling schedule
hello sir/madam,
I applied for M.E counselling.still i didnt get acknowledgement card or call letter.my mark is 31.926.i’m worried.what to do.. reply me..
My sister apply for MBA counselling But She didnt get the call letter. How did we attend the counselling
i got 37.673 in tancet m.e(CSE)..iam belongs to B.C category…
is there any possible to get good colleges..espcecially in tirunelveli area….
I want MBA-syllabus for 20011.
will u pls tel me when the ranklist for TA NCET ME 2010 will be announced and when the councelling for ME will be conducted…..
I got 30.456 in tancet.I am BC.Is it possible for me to get seats in govt colleges..
May i know the councelling date of TANCET 2010 m.e?
sir,i got 27 in tancet M.E/M.tech (CE),i belong to BC,can i get govt coll
sir,i got 27 in tancet M.E/M.tech(CE),i belong to BC,can i get any govt coll.
sir i dint get the application aknowledment card yet i got 31.7 marks in me (bt) plz inform whether i selected for councelling or nt inform me about councelling dates plz reply me am worried abt dis
may i know when counselling starts for m.tech 2010 batch
I didn’t get the acknowledge card. Did anyone get the acknowledgement card? Do you know the counselling date of tancet 2010 ?
Now, i am doing B.Sc(cs) final year. Can i participate
in the examination and what is the format to apply. I want to write TANCET exam. I wish MCA. what are the steps and procedure i should follow.
I want syllabus and model question papers of TANSET.
mu overall MBA rank is 1640 … MBC community rank - 222… for me counselling is on 4th august morning … will i get govt college or any good coll ? … kindly help me …
Did anyone recieve the TANCET (TANCA2010) Application acknowledgement card . I didn’t recieve yet also no information on counselling… am lot worried can some one help me out
Hai frnds
Can anyone help me to get the model question papers with answers for TANCET .plz send it to the above mail id.
when will be the classes begin for m.e students in k.c.g engg tech or in anna university?
Respected Sir,
when the tancet call letter will come for mba reply immediately please.
i got only 36.2 marks in tancet me entrance exam.i belongs to general category.will i get admission in computer science branch in any college? what is my rank?
plz reply to my mail.
hi dinesh,
me too didnt get acknowledgement card.. i did call to anna university. they said acknowledgement card will be despacted after aug 1. so don worry abt that…
I hav scored 29.184 in TANCET M.E .. i belong to ECE stream and BC category.. pls tel me which colleges i ll get…
Now, i am doing B.Sc(cs) final year. Can i participate in the examination and what is the format to apply.I want to write TANCET exam.I wish MCA.What are the steps and procedures i should follow.I want syllabus and model question paper of TANCET.
Now, i am doing B.Sc(cs) final year.can i participate in the examination and what is the format to apply.I want to write TANCET exam.I wish MCA.What are the steps and procedures i should follow.I want sylabus and model question papers of TANCET.
when will be M.E/M.TECH counseling will be started sir…………
what are all the books to be read (or) referred for attending the TANCET exam?
could u pls inform me abt the counceling date for M.E/M.TECH 2010?
hellow sir, i got 18.9 marks in tancet mba pls gide me to join a eng clg with fess<45k,i’m belonging to mbc,, in chennai all collegs r telling fees 1lac ,,my native place is gingee so i decided to join in mailam eng clg ,,pls reply can i join mailam eng clg r any other better clg in chennai with fees45k
i cudnt get the counselling form for mca tancet counselling.i secured 5.250 in tancet mca 2010.is there any othr way to apply to the anna university and its
affliated colleges…pls help me in this regard
Sir, i belong to BC category & secured 32.967 marks in Mechanical stream, whether i’m eligible for automobile engg in MIT.
I’m eligible in what colleges?
tanca 2010 counseling when will starts, i didnt receive acknowledgment card and call letter, can you clarify my query’s
i want total mba cource list in tamilnadu….
i want total mba cource list in tamilnadu
Hi , i ve got 37.99 in ME tancet exam. I belong to BCM quota.. which college ll i get??. I am trying Coimbatore and Chennai colleges. Can any one pls help me??
I request when will come the tancet 2010 me rank list anybody know plz tell friends
May i know the councelling date of tancet 2010
sir/mam i have secured 38.708 in TANCET.i belongs to SC community . will i get seat in anna university or government colleges for electronics and communication
Did anyone recieve the TANCET (TANCA2010) Application acknowledgement card . I didn’t recieve yet also no information on counselling… am lot worried can some one help me out
Hello Sir/Madam,
Now i’m doing my B.com(CA) final year. Can i participate in the examination and what is the format to apply.
I have scored 37.45 in Tancet M.E. from BE( ECE). i m belongs to BC category .may i know which college will i get ??can i get any goverment college or TCE madurai????
I got 31.445 marks in tancet M.E Exam from Mechanical Engineering. And I am belongs to BC category. Which college can i get? Any govt college can i get?
may i know when councelling starts for m.tech students?
hey can any body tell me when tacet rank list will be published
will u pls tel me when the ranklist for TA NCET ME 2010 will be announced and when the councelling for ME will be conducted
i got 26.95 in TANCET ME 2010 .i belong to BC community .i want to do ME communication systems so could u pls tel me if i get this MEcourse in any goverment or private engg college.
i got 7.2 mark mba tract exam. counciling date tell me pls. and than wich college get that mark.
Can i get syllabus and question papers of tancet
I have scored 32 marks in tancet 2010 tell me which college i will get in madurai
I got 16.62 marks in TANCET for M.E part time. I have 6 years of industrial experience. Will i get admission in GCT or PSG for engineering Design.
when will the tancet mba ranklist will be published and how to find cut off. my score in tancet mba 2010 is +16 and i belongs to oc cast so.. will i get good college and what all colleges i get can u plz… inform and when will be the counselling dates published. will it take more time……..
My Gate score is 428 and AIR is 3346.I haven’t attended TANCET exam.Do I get admission for M.Tech in any Govt college in Coimbatore
i got gct mba rank as 1960 and my caste rank is 269. in which college will i get de seat?.
Sir/Mam..I have got 33.708 in TANCET 2010 M.E/M.TECH,i belong to M.B.C quota…What are the possible govt. and private colleges i may get…..
sir, i forgot to get attestation in my marksheet photocopies,will this amount gross to disqualify my application,please reply sir. but i got attestation in my passport size photo.
I got 10.250 marks in MCA TANCET2010………….Tell me what is my rank and when counceling will be started?
Hello sir/madam,
i got 31.2 in tancet mba,and i belong to Sc category, would i get gud college in chenai,and when is the counselling for MBA,pls reply with proper answer.
thank you
Sir/mam i got 16.000 in tancet MBA n i belon 2 sc category say my rank n wht al d colleges il i get nu………
i am vinoth kumar.i got 25.60 marks in tancet MBA..i belongs to sc category..could u tell will i get best MBA colleges in chennai.may i know about the best MBA colleges under annauniv…
thank u..
I have scored 31.445 in Tancet from Mechanical Engineering stream. I am belonging to BC category. Which college can I get?
sir, i got 14 in tancet M.E 2010,i belong to BC category. coude u tell me please i f i can get M.E>(computer science engineering) in any college pls inform me
dear sir/mam,
i got 26.975 in tancet for ME..i’m belonging in BC category…i would like to join electronics(embedded system)…for this marks which college i will get…
Has everyone recieved ur counselling call letter? Plz help….
Respected sir,
i got 6 mark in TANCET MCA.and belongs to BC category.
I want to know my rank and which college i get..
plz reply me sir.
SIR,i got 10.400 in TANCET MBA…I am belonging in SC… what colleges can i expect??? please reply me
I got 25.750 in TANCET MCA 2010… Tell me what is my rank..
TO all people out here.. Join orkut TANCET MBA & MCA community and you could get details of all wat u required there.. I found it very usefull
I got 35 in TANCET ME 2010. I belong to BC category. Could u tellme please if I can get M.E>(Power Systems Engineering) in GCT or Anna university .
I have scored 13.25 in tancet for MCA.I applied for councelling .but still i did not get acknowledgement card.how can i know that i am seleceted and how can i know my councelling date and ranking
i got 18.17 in tancet2010.i’m belonging in BC category..am i eligible for attending the counsiling?please any one clear my confusion..pls,pls…..
i need ME seats for BC quota in TANCET 2010. both govt@private engg colleges
dear sir/mam,
i got 25.00 in tancet for ME.what college i will getin computer science course
sir/mam i got 25.433 in tancet for ME.will i get a seat in any engineering college in chennai for computer science stream.plz let me know.
sir/mam i got 25.433 in tancet for ME.will i get a seat in any engineering college in chennai for computer science stream.plz let me know.
sir/mam i got 25.433 in tancet for ME.will i get a seat in any engineering college in chennai for computer science stream.plz let me know.
i want to know that,,,how many marks is eligible for doing mca in anna university,,,and where to get the application form for the same,,,pls
sir i ve got 22.600 in tancet mba and belongs to BC category… wil i get good colleges in chennai if so what al colleges i ll get?? plz help me .. m confused
hi,i have scored 18.386 for me,belongs to bc ,will i get any colleges from chennai side,and also need my rank list…please reply me sir…….
I am D.Iswarya , I got 3.025 in tancet examination and i am Bc community,i would like to join MCA course so what type of college i will get
I am E. dinesh , I got 15.4 in tancet examination and i am Bc community,so what type of college i will get
sir i got 25.4 in tancet mba .. i applied for counselling but not received acknowledgement card yet.. how to know whether i’m selected or not..
sir i got 28.44 in Me,my community MBC.cai i get the govt colleges?pls send me my community rank?
sir my Community Rank 1103 wht colleges are prefered to me ?
pls send my rank for M.E.My mark is 17.410.pls send my result to my mail i.d
online registration
when annauniversity starts for ME counselling.i got 34.9 in tancet exam as well as i belongs to MBC category.can i get the colleges like govt colleges or govt aided colleges or self supporting coleges.
i get 6.2 mark in TANCET MCA so i will got any college
hi i’m dilip, i got just 13.50… can i get good college in chennai… when is councelling? plz msg me 8870547370..
how can i get councilling form?
sir i hav got 18.800 BC in mba which are the top colleges i will get and especially in madurai
I have scored 22.178 in Tancet M.E. and I belong to BC community. Can you tell me what are all the colleges i can get for my mark in chennai?
whenwil b d counselling startd for MBA in affliated colleges?
i have scored 19.75 marks in 2010 TANCET examination for ME.i belong to the SCA category .please send me the government colleges that i can get for this mark.
respected sir ,
i am a SCA(ARUNTHATHIYARS) candidate in aeronautics. i got 34.448 marks in M.E/M.TECH,TANCET 2010.can i get aero in govt.colleges like MIT or anna univ in (thirunelveli)
Hi frnds…
i got 17.42 in tancet2010.i’m belonging in BC category..am i eligible for attending the counsiling?please any one clear my confusion..pls,pls…..
i need ME seats for BC quota in TANCET 2010. both govt@private engg colleges
When is the counselling for MBA starts in GCT coimbatore..? Pls let me know..
When will be anna university rank list announced for M.E/M.Tech
I got 29.184 in Tancet … i belong to ECE stream and BC category…….wt are the colleges feasible for me…….
hi pl may i know wen wil be the counselling for M.E
i got my tancet mark 14.4oo,{B.C},i want my rank.which college i can get plz can u send to my email its my mail adress {[email protected]].for mba{hr} only government gouta
i have got only 26.8 int Tancet exam and i am forward community. when will i get counciling
I have scored 35.6 (MBC) in TANCET 2010 M.E/M.Tech.
Will I get M.E Aeronautical or Aerospace in M.I.T Campus.
Otherwise please tell me the minimum mark required to
join in that course for my further plan.
……………………THANKS IN ADVANCE…………………….
sir i yet not received the acknowledgement card i forgot to fill the address in acknowledgement card and in envelope cover will they call me for counselling?
Sir i got 16.50 in TANCET MCA . Can i get good colls in coimbatore. Which colls i can get in coimbatore?
what is the eligiblity marks for ME. i’ve got 17.42 marks only. can i apply for councling..
I have scored 18.25 in tancet exam for mca .what will be my rank
i scored 21.20 in tancet mba, community, which type of college i wil get
whats mba firsr mark scored in tancet2010
respected sir,
I applied for MBA counseling 2010 gct Coimbatore. i posted the filled application form on 28th June but yet now i didn’t received any acknowledgment card or call letter from university . i scored 16.00 in tancet am waiting for letter , can you tell me what shall i do next ? to know my rank list.and counseling date ? or is there any problem of attending counseling without call letter.am kindly requesting you to answer my question sir, i don’t know what to do at this moment !
how can i know my rank in tancet. can anybody help me out. if u know information of date of publishment of rank list plz inform me
plz send syllabus of mba tan-cet.
I got 20 marks in TANCET ME belong BC category…Can i get government clg or gud clg in chennai 4 part time
sir my friend get 14.20 marks.she applied counselling form.but she had not get acknowledgment card.is she get the acknowledgemnt card.how many days
I have applied for bharathiyar university counselling and my tancet score is 38.i want to know about its counselling procedures. whether GD and PI will be held for open competiton.
Respected sir,
i got tancet score as 26.72.. can i get admission at any goverment or aided college for ME/M.TECH? i am a B.TECH graduate in cse…
thanking you
When will the rank list will for MBA Tancet 2010 rank list for GCT Coimbatore will come
i have 22.453 tancet score for M.E. what are the things to be enclosed with tancet application form
when will the entrance exam for M.E starting ,entrance fee
I had been written TANCET 2010 MBA. I received my results score in 12.200 marks. But, I have not received my TANCET MARK SHEET till now. How can I get it..?
Which is the best college kct or krishna
I got a 27 marks in M.E tancet exam. Is i got a any college for PEDE?
i got 12.4 marks in tancet exam. i will join mba. i expect college arounder chennai.
Hi I want to do MBA in distance education this year..i didnt took tancet exam,wht should i do now?
plz sent my application u r reiceiving date
i got 33.479 in tancet for cse. which colleges are available in chennai
tanset is how many years valid?
I’m doing my graduation
I’didn’t know how the questions are asked in the Examination
so please tell me how the questions asked
When will the conselling for mca start in coimbatore ? Has everyone received your counselling call letter ? I haven’t received anything untill now……Is there any cut off mark for attending this counselling ???please somebody reply…..
i cudnt get the counselling form for tancet counselling.i scored 41.6 in tancet 2010 mba exam..is thr any othr way to apply to the anna university and its
affliated colleges…pls help me in this regard
TANCET 2010 M.Tech,rank list
I’ve got 34.715 in TANCET M.E(EE) and i’m from BC Community. What colleges can i expect in Chennai?
i need some batch of year question papers to prepare
i got 25.4 in tancet me.will iget sai ram or easwari engg college
sir, i scored 29.947 in M.E. community MBC. which type of college i got?
i am going complete my BE-CSE in the year 2011 may..for ME studies when i have to write TANCET EXAM
wen will mca counselling start? wat is the last date for counselling.. i did’nt get any call letter til now..pls help regarding this..
please reply fast
i got 30.600 in MBA tancet 10′ i wanna know my unofficial rank n will i get a good college.?
i belong to FC..
Plz reply me………
I want to know about the 1st rank mark in TANCET 2010 M.E (EEE). I got 33.94 in TANCET 2010 M.E.(EEE). What are the possible collages i can get in counselling?
whether the counselling for 2010 tancet mba is over?if not pleasetell the date and the procedure..thank you
i got 45.2 in tancet mba entrance ,i come under oc category,can u suggest a best college 4 pursuing my mba and also the course,,,,, will i get a seat in psg?
I scored 19 marks in tancet mba exam.what r all the colleges I CAN EXPECT IN CHENNAI
sir is it last date for MBA application is finished??? is there is any way to apply ……… Please guide me sir………….
sir, i sent my PG counselling form by time. but, i havn’t received the acknowledgement card from the institution. i want to know whether i’m selected for the counselling or not. what is the last for sending the PG counselling form?
i got 36.695 in tancet. i belong sc catogory. is am able to get seat in government college.
i got 30.208 marks in tancet. i am belong to mbc catogory. my dicipline is mechanical engg.what are the possible colleges for me.i am awiting for your reply.
i got25.444 marks in tancet m.e and i bleongs to mabc community.. which colg i get.. is there any possible to get govt. college
I have got 27.212 in tancet 2010 for M.E. cse.Which college will i get in coimbatore zone.I belong to FC category.What kind of score i have got.Is software Engineering,IT or Computer Science good.Which is better.Plz reply
hi dis is bourna i secured 20.80 in tancet mbs 2010 is it a good mark will i get any colleges in chennai pls reply me
i got 6.250 marks for mca wichclg in chennai
hi…what are the colleges offering m.tech(biotech)…what is the last year cut off for both gate and non gate category for m.tech(biotech) in top colleges…
i got 22.43 in tancet ME 2010 and i belong to BC category, what are the possible colleges that i can get
Hi i got 30 marks in M.E (COMPUTER SCIENCE )tancet 2010 ,What are the possible colleges i may get for this mark
i have score 9.25 in tancet mca 2010 which college would i get for this mark?
can i get colleges in chennai or coimbatore? please tell
sir i have scored 28.7 in the tancet exam. will i get m.e part time in anna univ?
I got 44 in Tancet 2010 and belongs to SC category can i get a seat in annauniv.
sir, i got 36.453(EEE)(MBC) in tanset exam. can i get government colleges ?plz reply ………
i got 18.75 marks in mca tancet…. will i get valliyami.. i belongs to bc… plz reply me friends… then in which college i can get…?
i got 18.75 marks in mca tancet…. will i get valliyami.. i belongs to bc… plz reply me friends… then my id is [email protected]..
sir i got 10 mark in tancet mca i want to know my rank please say
sir i want full details for common entrance exam mca
sir i hav got 26.191 in tancet2010 for M.E wat colleges can i apply wat is my ranking for M.E counselling
hi sir i got 12 marks in tancet for mca, may i know which college can i get in counselling, please reply to my mail sir
I got 28.703 in TANCET M.E and belong to BC. what are the colleges that i can get for this mark?
Sir, I got 36.212 in M.E Tancet.May I know the colleges which I can get?Plz reply
sir, im John, i got 20.00 in tancet 2010.. will i get in university .. or which college will i get ? thank u in advance
i got 29 marks in tancet m.tech & iam non local (ap),what r the the possible clgs to this marks & what will be my rank
sir, i got 22.5 marks in tancet 2010, in ME,could i get any college..and plz tell when counselling will start.
I got 29.953 in TANCET ME and belongs to OC category.What are the possible colleges i can get for this mark in counselling? plz reply………..
last date of counseling application available
I got 22 in TANCETmba and belons to BC categorySir please say what are the possible collgs i get 4 tis mark in counselling?
Sir, i have got 22.20 in mba, which college i will get under coimbatore anna university i belongs to mbc catogry
i got 33.618 in tancet m.e.i belong to mbc.will i get seat in gct
my score is 12.800 i get tsm madurai mbc categary
i got 29.207 at tancet me which college i will get, i want last year cutoff for colleges
surendar!!!! u gt very ine mars…..cngratulatins!!!!
in mba 2030 members scred abve 30…
but in mca 1ly 38 members…
s super mars u scred…
Sir,i hav secured 40 in TANCET-MBA 2010(BC)….can i get ssn….and wat sort of colleges i can get in chennai and in coimbatore……………
I have missed my tancet hall ticket. Is there any other way to check my score?
Sir. . My tancet 2010 mba mark is +14.800. . Belonging to MBC category. . Tell me the colleges which can i get? When is the ranking and counselling date:)
i got 32.199 in TANCET(biotechnology).which colleges can i apply ? what is the procedure?
I got 30.22 in TANCET M.E and belons to BC category.what are the possible collgs i can get 4 tis mark in counselling??plz reply………
hi.i hav scored 24.00 in tancet mba2010..whch clg can i getin chennai
hi i got 36.6 in MBA….. i just want to know the cut off mark for PSG…. is it possible for me to join in PSG
for M.tech tancet scores 33.74 and 8.677 which colleges will we get possibly… and also suggest some colleges that will be available for mba score 24.80… let me know it soon…
hi sir/madam i got 23.4 marks in tancet MBA belongs to BC quota….will i get good colleges which having good campus interview or shall i go for job..pls give me a sugggestion ….waiting for ur reply… my mail id:[email protected]
mobile no:9600663431
thanking to every one..have a smiling day..
Hi sir I got 36.208 in m.e tancet . I want to know my unofficial rank . Can u help me please?
when will counselling start? ..i eager to join mba in chennai…pls reply the full detail about the tancet counselling and colleges….i got 13.4 in M.B.A……BC…whch college i get
i got 8.8 in mca tancet 2010.i want to know my rank..plz say which college i wil get
i got 23 marks in exam in which college i will get the seat and what is the last date to apply for counselling and how to apply.
sir, i got 35 marks in ME tancet exam and i would like to know my rank and what are the possible colleges i can get for this mark pls reply sir.
My son got 8.750 in the last Tancet 2010 exam. would like to know the counselling date .
Wish to know in which college he would be placed ?
i got 18 marks in mca tancet…. will i get valliyami.. i belongs to bc…
In TANCET i scored 28.867 and I am MBC will i get mechatronics in chennai college……
sir ,
i got 18.250 marks in tancet2010 .i wanna know that which college may i get. and i filled a form for a college of tancet2010
I got 28.36MARKS IN M.E in TANCET and belons to BC category.what are the possible collgs i can get 4 tis mark in counselling??plz reply………
sir i have to apply for MBA .may i know wen s d last date for issuing councelling form.
Hii I am srini I want details of Tancet 2010 admissions.How can I get the details when the exam will be conducted then how can i approach…..
Hello Sir,
I got 20.500 marks in MCa tancet 2010…… Can i know my rank and which college??
Sir, I scored 23.424 in M.E(eee).will i get part time M.E in ann university
hi ,
Tancet MBA & MCA
counselling application has been issued from 7/6/2010 to 29/6/2010 details were given @ http://www.gct.ac.in
application was given in 15 centers al over TN ,last date 30/6/2010 5.30pm ,counselling ll start around 17/7/2010 for MCA & 28/7/2010 for MBA
Tancet M.E,M.tech,M.arch&M.Plan
for details check out http://www.annauniv.edu
sir i have got 14.8marksin tancet m.b.a exam cani get colleges within chennai city
I got 33.687 in tancet 2010 ME.may I belong to BC category…Will i get computer science and engineering in Govt colleges/in any self financial colleges like krishna, kumaraguru in Coimbatore.plz inform me.
dear sir,
i got 33.162 in TANCET M.E( computerScience) in which college i ll get the seat??? and my MBA score is 26.000 will get in gud college
sir,pls guide me…i hav scored 25.250 in tancet mca…whay will be my rank for this score??is it possible for me to get deat in top colleges for this score?
I got 25.183 in TANCET M.E and belons to BC category.And i have interest in Power systems and applied electronics… what are the possible collgs(particularly coimbatore zone) i can get 4 tis mark in counselling??.plz rly………….
hi I got 28.750 in TANCET MCA and belongs to BC category.what are the possible collges i can get 4 tis mark in counselling at coimbatore zone??plz reply
Respected Sir/madam
i got 41.458 marks in M.E tancet 2010.but i joined in one college for M.E.i submitted my original certificates(10th, 12 th, and my sem mark sheets upto 7th sem,community certificate to that institute at the date 07.06.2010. now i wish to attend counselling.i asked to give my certificate,but they didn’t give and told that they already submitted my certificates to ANNA UNIVERSITY,CHENNAI.what wil i do.PLZ HELP ME SIR/MAM.(I M HAVING ONLY 8TH SEM MARK SHEET,TC,CONSOLIDATED,PROVISION CERTIFICATES)
i have secured ( 26.6 ) marks in MBA- TANCET. i belong to SC. may i know whether is their any possiblities to get a seat in annauninversity or in any top colleges.plz reply for my query.
hi …
i got 12.8 mark in tancet (mba) exam… which coll i wil get….
den wen wil conselling start….. pl reply me..
thanks in advance
i got 18.800 in tancet.. can i get admn in top colleges in chennai
I got 11.5 marks in mca tancet 2010. I want to know my rank and which college i got
when will counselling start? ..wer i get the counselling form?i eager to join mba in chennai…pls reply the full detail about the tancet counselling and colleges…
Sir,i got 15.423 in tancet, may i know can i get power systems in counselling. Can i know wht is the date 4 counselling for me. Iam in full of confusion can u please inform me full information.
Hello sir,
I have got 44.956 marks in TANCET.And i have interest in Power systems and Electrical machines.Hence my doubt is which colleges i can get and how to join in that college.
i hav lost my tancet hall ticket. there is any optional for instead of hall ticket to apply for ME counselling.
I got 33.22 in TANCET M.E and belons to BC category.what are the possible collgs i can get 4 tis mark in counselling??plz reply………
i have scored 11.800 in mba tancet 2010 , how to choose the college .which college i get, i want the couselling date, i want 2 join mba in chennai which college may i choose . plz reply my query
my TANCET SCORE 34.470..which colleges i will get…can i get government colleges…i have finished BE[ELECTRONICS & INSTRUMENTATION ENGG…i have lot of confussions….pls tell me…
I got 14.200 in mba tancet exam what are the possible college i will get in tamil nadu
I got 10.8 marks in mba tancet 2010. I want to know my rank and which college i got
i have secured 28.677 in ME…any possible chance for CIT..pls send me college details
when will the MBA counseling application issued for 2010?
Hii I am praveen I want details of Tancet 2010 admissions.How can I get the details . I got 25.178 score in Tancet Am i qualified for the Mtech. What is the procees of admissions and which colleges i can get.reply me sir.Thanking you
Hiiiiii,I have scored 25.178 in Tancet 2010 for Mtech i Aerounautical engineering. can I know how to peoceed for admissions and in which colleges i can get the seat. Am I qualified for the Mtech by my marks. what are the dates for aplplying? I do request to tell me the joining process and all. Reply me as soon as possible.Thanking you.
how many students attended for tancet mba 2010
Send Me Previous Year Question Paper
I got 33.915 in tancet 2010 ME.may I belong to BC category……. Will i get computer science and engineering in Govt colleges/in any self financial colleges like krishna,,,,kumaraguru…..Coimbatore.plz inform me.and i want to know when is the counselling exactly the month & date.
hi,i got 29.206 in tancet M.E….
please tell me the college for mu cut off…
i belong to BC
sir i got 35.197 ion m.tech ,were will be seat will avilble for this marks.please send tip to this question
i got 30.68 in tancet .. will i get admission .. shall i know which colleges will i get in this score.. please answer me.. will i get good college.
i got 30.68 in tancet .. will i get admission .. shall i know which colleges will i get in this score.. please answer me..
I got 31.196 in TANCET may i know how to proceed for counselling. pls do reply.
Sir,my marks is 29.750 in tancet(mca).will my addmission be perform in anna university?plz guide me.
i got a 32.204 in me . . . how to apply tancet counselling?
I have got only 17.937 in my TANCET 2010. Is there any possibility of getting any branches in Computer/IT stream in coimbatore and erode colleges?
Your replies are very helpful for me. It is a timely help too.
I got 31.446 marks in tancet… I belong to biotech dept. Which college will I get? What’s the first mark in my stream?
I need some sample question in TANCET
Respected sir/madam,
I got 32.5 in tancet ME and belong to BC caste and i prefer communication systems/embedded/networking/VLSI design………….can i which colleges can i get applied for counselling.pls reply me
sir i got 24.186 in tancet ME,may i know which college can i get.
when last date for submitting mca counseling form
Hi all.. councelling forms for M.E/M.Tech will be issued from 1st july to 16th july in some 10 colleges.. Can anyone tell whether councelling for M.E will be held in chennai or coimbatore.. plss reply
hi friends…
i wrote TANCET examination for MCA….and got 25.250…can anyone tel me which coll i wil got for this kinda score??????????
hai mam
i am devika .i have complete the b.sc., degree.i am score in tancet mark is 6.250.what is the my rank.
i got 14.75 mark in mca foe BC….
when my counsling date
i got 23.689 in tancet(me) i am sc which type clg i wil expect can i eligible to govt clg
I ve got 38.941 marks in tancet 2010. which college may i get in the counselling? please reply
i got 47.974 marks in eee tancet2010.may i know in which college do i get admission for m tech or me? pls do reply..wat all are the cut off marks in good colleges for me?
I have got 18.400 in tancet MBA. Will i get admission with this score? What all the procedures i have to do for admission?
I have scored 18.400 in tancet.will i get admission with this score?
will you kind enough to inform me regarding counselling…..
what is its procdure.. and how to apply….. asap
i have a score of 40.72 in tancet ME 2010 CSE.which college will get.any chance i get in government
when the counselling forms for mba is issued……….. pls rply………….
I got 33.927 marks in TANCET MTECH. I belong to BC category. whether i get seat in govt colleges.May i know Which colleges can i get.please send last date for submitting conselling application.please do reply.
hi i got 25.40 and belong to BC quota..wat col can i get in coimbatore?
I got 32.439 in tancet ME may i know which college can get in counselling
I got 54.229 in TANCET ME ECE , Is there any website where i can know the rank ….. what s the first mark in ME ….. which one s better GCT ,cbe or PSG Tech ? Pls help me guys …………!!!
Pls send me the list of colleges having me/mtech cources and send me the cource details in each college
Sir i got 29.172 marks in mtech tancet 2010…pls tel me which colges i may get for mtech admision
sir i am in namakkal sir , i want ME councling application where i get in namakkal address and DD address details sir please send me
hi sir
i got 23.429 in tancet for ME .. will i get part time ME (cse) in anna univ??? i want to know the last date for application sir pls help me
My daughter got 40.75 TANCET SCORE. Will she be able to get into a government college,if not which other can she get into?
Hello sir ..i hav scored 24.926 in TANCET(M.E)can u plz tel me which clg will be given for me in counselling & i need d rank list also plz…..
i have scored 29.938 in tancet m.tech 2010.please inform the counciling dates
My TANCET score is
ME 33.945
MBA 36.6
Will I get Anna university for both.,
I belong to SC category.
dear sir, i have got 28.937 in mtech in branch of electrical and electronics how to apply sir .when is the last date to apply my course please send the last date of submission for counselling form.pls do reply
i scored 26.200 in tancet ME(Biotechnology).i’m from andhra.may i know which colleges can i get applied for counselling.plz rply me.
when & where i ll get counselling form for mba & mca and the last date to get it
what is the last date to submit the tancet apllication form
wer the appication form for councelling is issueing?
what is de last date for getting counselling form (mba & mca) 2010 for single window system admission
i want to fill the tancet application form for mca
i got 21.200 in TANCET MBA i want to know my rank & which college i will get and also the 1st rank and the score
may i know what’s the highest marks in mechanical
What is the expected cutoff for MBA in Anna Univ Guindy Campus? And what is the total number of seats available for each category? Awaiting response. Thanks in advance.
I have got 18.750 in Tancet 2010 MCA.May i know which college can i get,in councelling. Pl reply.please let me know my ranking number.
i got 13 in tancet mca ,am sc canditate,shall i get any seat in coimbatore ? or any goverment college in tamilnadu?
the last date for applying to tancet councelling is 5 july
THE LAST DATE IS 5 th july 2010 for applying to TANCET COUNCELLING
The last date for applying TANCET 2010 councelling is 5 th july.The forms are distributed in anna university . Based on the cut off marks a list will be prepared by the university and the date for the councelling will be announced for their respective marks …
i got 25.890 in tancet for ME.please tell which colleges are suit for me
what is the first mark in tancet exams 2010?
i got 18.671 in TANCET M.E.shall i know which colleges i will get
I got 28.63 in TANCET for M.E….can i know my rank in the candidate list…?Is there any possibilities for me to get merit seat in any aonernment engineering college? please reply…
i need ME seats for BC quota in TANCET 2010. both govt@private engg colleges
i want total no of seats for ME for TANCET GOVT QUOTA in tamil nadu both govt colleges&self finance colleges….PLZ
when is the last to submit mba councelling form?
Is there any way to know the rankings of tancet 2010.
anna university counselling appliction for MBA
I have got 17.67 in textile technology. May i know the colleges where i can probably get seat.
when is the last date for getting application for counseling and what is the procedure.pls do reply.
How to know the last year cut off marks for various colleges under anna university for M.E/M.Tech in computer science domain? Please suggest me any websites or mark range
How to know the last year cut off marks for various colleges under anna university for M.E/M.Tech in computer science domain. Please suggest me any websites or mark range
i got 41.22 in tancet ME….am belonging to BC community.. which coll i can get??..
hi…i ve scored 39.758 for m.tech. which coll i wil get?
hi.. my tancet score is 29.242 and im BC.. which college will i get..
is anna university announced cut off marks for m.b.a and m.c.a and m.tech?when it will be announce?
I have got 38.943 in TANCET(CSE Disipline)BC. what are the chances of me to getting into anna university or psg or gct.if not what college will i get for this score.
sir my tancet hall ticket missing for detail
I am a parent of a student whom has scored 44.702 marks in
tancet 2010 me/mech exam.Whether my ward will get a seat in govt/aided colleges for me/mtech in electrical enginerring branches
highest mark in vellore district for tancet mba
I scored 41.712 for M.Tech Civil in Tancet 2010, what am I supposed to do? Is is a valid score?
sir i missed my TANCET register number please help me out
send my number to mail id [email protected]
my name is KARTHIK SAGAR G
wtat r the others courses available for ece n M.E….
i hav got 29.931 in tancet 2010 may i know which r the colleges i can get
Hi! I hav got 33.447 in tancet. I belong 2 mbc category. Whethr i’l get govt. Col???
hi sir…. i got 11.600 in tancet mba. how can find the suitable college for my marks.plz reply….
I have scored TANCET ME.CIVIL ENGINEERING 37. 469 is it a decent score.
whether there was any chances to get seat in GOVERNMENT AIDED COLLEGES and also in anna university
hello sir/madam,
I have got 29.679 marks TANCET M.E (ECE) belongs to s.c category.which college can i get?
where we can get M.E counsling forms………
i got 29.937 in tancet exam for M.E.i belong to m.b.c.wats the last date for submitting marksheets?which college i’ll get?
when will be the the councelling for mba tancet2010
Igot 27.7 marks in tancet 2010.i am elligible to govt college .pls tell me?
i got 27.7 marks in tancet 2010.i am elligible to govt college .pls tell me?
I have scored 22.176 in tancet m.tech 2010.please inform the counciling dates.
hi i scored 36.20 in tancet m.e (eee) 2010 under mbc . can i able to get psg r gct for this score?pls reply
I got 19 marks in Tancet MCA.Which college i get????
what is the first mark in mca tancet 2010,
what is the rank of my mark 17 in mca.
i got 30.702 mark in TANCET 2010 exam. can i join M.Tech in anna university? I am M.Sc physics holder. ( MBC)
When will be the TANCET 2010(for MBA) councelling applications issued? Where?
mca mba counselling application form issuing date?
My tancet score for M.E ( Electrical) is 41.732. I am a Keralite. will I get admission? and in which type of College.
My daughter had appeared for TANCET 2010 for M.E. (CS). She is from Kerala. She has got 30.33. For admission, what are the next steps?
what is the first mark in TANCET for MCA?
I had scored 14.5 may i know which college i get applied for councelling.plese reply to my mail.
i got 33.227 in Tancet M.E. civil ..
what is the first mark in civil .
i got seat in anna university or not
hi i have scored 29.7 in tancet mba..can u pls provide me some eligible colleges for me
whether the TANCET MBA counselling form is available in online….Otherwise where it is available
my tancet reg. no. is 21123416
may i know my overall rank and caste based rank?
highest mark in that two?
my tancet mark is 7.250, how many person apply the mca councelling in tancet…. whats my rank list… please send me.
sir, i got 33 markes in tancet i know which college can i got seat
When would the counseling be held? Where could I get the counseling application form?
wt is the last year cutoff for ME computerscience .i got 32.434 in tancet which type of college i got in 2010
my tancet mark is -2.500. so how to fill the councelling form
please reply must
i got 15.600 in tancet can i got a admission in salem sona college
ye i got 38.988 in tancet…can i get a seat in PSG?
hi. i ve lost my hall ticket.i know my reg.no. how can i get the duplicate hall ticket. whether hall ticket is necessary for the counselling? plz reply
i got 28.939 in tanset ME….may i know my position in rank list…
what is the highest score in m.e/m.tech in 2010 tancet
i have written tancet and my score is 29.200. i have got 1 arrear in 8th semester in BE. can i apply for MBA counselling? dear sir/madam please reply me as soon as possible. because last date for sending counselling for mba is on 30th june.
i got 27.2 in tancet me, sir please send the counselling date
Those who lost their HALL TICKET Just try to contact Anna univ to get Duplicate hall ticket….. “Its important for admission too”
Read the booklet which was given with the Hall ticket….
Those who last their HALL TICKET Just try to contact Anna univ to get Duplicate hall ticket….. “Its important for admission too”
Read the booklet which was given with the Hall ticket….
sir my m tech mark is 30……..can i get admission for M.tech biotech
I got 35.192 in TANCET ME.may i know which collages can i get applied for counselling.pls do reply.
hi all.. do anyone know what the highest score of civil tancet 2010 M.E/M.TECH is….
I have 14.60 in tancet MBA which college i got?and plz send last date of submission of counsling form
I wrote TANCET 2010 exam. After the exam I lost my Hallticket. I dont know the registration number.How can I get my hallticket back for attending Counselling?
i have scored 9.000 in tancet mba 2010 which college i get.wether i can do it in correspondence plz rpl me
sir, i have scored 24.937 in tancet me 2010 which college i get.
whether srm university mba admission is possible though tancit kindly clarify if so reply o my e mail id
sir i have scored 17 marks in tancet for mca…… is there any chance for getting a seat in srm valliyamai or eshwaree…
Sir i scored 34.947 n TANCET(ME).I belong to BC category……. whether i get seat in Govt.college in Medical Electronics……whts the top mark & also rnk rating compared to previous year
when last date for geting counicl application
last date for submit the counseling application ?
hi i have got 27.2 in tancet mba.plz tel me wat clgs i may get and also where the counselling forms r available
when is the last date for submission of M.E/M.TECH counselling form
should the candidate go and get the councilling form. should we submit any proof or details for getting it.
i have scored 29.938 in tancet m.tech 2010.please inform the counciling dates.
gud mrng sir/mam
I hav not yet received tancet marksheet, how can i submit the councellingf form within 30th of this month?
when will the mca application issued for 2011?
which coll i wil get????
i got 44 in tancet mba ??????
i belong to bc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????
my id s
[email protected]
i got 6.40 marks in tancet mba which college will get for me
sir, pls send me the past five years mca question papers with answers as soon as possible.
thank you
i have scored 8.200 in tancet mba 2010 which college i get.wether i can do it in correspondence plz rpl me
when last date for submission of MBA,M.Tech/ME counselling form
when the next entrance exam for mca
hello friends i join Mba dgree but my family very poor so all of you help me and tancet2010ranklist sent my mail id
[email protected] 9943248151
hello friends i join Mba dgree but my family very poor so all of you help me and tancet2010ranklist sent my mail id
Is tancet mca entrance exam result published?If not when?
From where i can get the councelling form. when onwards the forms will be issued?
I want to know the date of councelling
when last date for geting counicl application
I have completed my BE in ECE. Wrote TANCET exam for ME and scored 35.704. May i know which colleges can i get when applied for counselling.pls do reply
when will be anna university rank list announced for M.E/M.Tech
i am kalyanasundaram from nallur,thoothukudi Dt,
my tancet mark is 3 which is college
i finished my BE….but having only one history of arrear….and the resuls are not yet published….how can i apply for counselling…will this affect my tancet score????my tancet score is 31.please reply me sir….
where the counselling for M.E is going to be held?
i have scored 26.22 Me in tancet 2010 and what is the procedure of admission
what the syallbus for ME tancet exam
is 29th of this month the last date to apply for Mtech counselling. wer am i suppose 2 get the forms from?
i wrote my tancet 2010 in tanjavur….i forget my register number… pls help me!!!
Dear Sir,
I scored 29.213 in tancet 2010 M.E.i am B.E Computer Science and Engineering.Will i get computer science and engineering or any other courses related to computer science and engieering in Chennai.plz inform sir.
can i get admission in m.tech my marks is 31.189 ( in biotech)
hi … i want 2 know the counciling detaill..
mam ……
i got 28.984 in tancet what is cut off mark for application for m.tech in anna university…
i want which date they last for applicat…..my email isd [email protected]
mam ……
i got 28.984 in tancet what is cut off mark for application for m.tech in anna university…
i want which date they last for applicat…..
i got 36.203 in tancet ME 2010.. wat is my status.. whether thr is a chanc to get govnmt clg.. pls rply soon
Respected sir/mam
when the M.E TANCET 2010 results will be announced. From where i can get the councelling form. when onwards the forms will be issued.also tell the procedure for tancet counselling
i ant my result
FIRST MARK : VENKATARAMAN N (REG. NO. 11321736)– 57.4.
I wrote tancet exam and got 20.8 mark while applying for tancet exam i missed my +2 mark list now i got police certificate and thahsildar certificate which suggest that my +2 certificate could not be found so suggest me how to apply for counciling without +2 mark list
FIRST MARK : VENKATARAMAN N (REG. NO. 11321736)– 57.4.
requested mam,
i have scored 30.200 in tancet examination,may i get seat in anna university and thiyagarajar school of management,madurai
hi can you tell me when is the last date for applying mca counselling form??
madam, i lost my hall ticket and i do not remember my registration number .my exam centre was vellore.my mail id is [email protected]
i forget my tancet reg no plz help
Hi, what is the procedure after the announcement of tancet M.E result…
Can u tell me when the application form for ME councelling is issued in Anna University campus, the last day for submitting the completed applications and the cost of an application?
Can u tell me when the application form for ME counselling is issued in Anna University campus, the last day for submitting the completed applications and the cost of an application?
When r the application form for ME counselling be provided in Anna University?When is the last date for submitting the filled in application form?
when tancet result in mca
last date for commo counciling
wat is the last date to submit admission application form for ME/M.TECH?approximately above which mark i can get anna university chennai according to this year’s result?
wat is the minimum mark required for admision(mca) in periyar university..????
mca evening colleges available in counciling
where i can get councelling form for joiing me.when on wards the will be issued
wen s last date for submitting counselling form and in dd which place we should put Chennai or coimabatore.i’m in Chennai..
How to know the last year cut off marks for various colleges under anna university for M.E/M.Tech in mechanical domain? Please suggest me any websites or mark range….
wat is the minimum mark to get eligible in TANCET?
i scored 16.177 in ME TANCET 2010 exam.. if any colleges available for that mark
when will issue me application form
my cut off mark in tancet m.e is 40.225. can i get a seat in anna university?
sir i need information about sent counsel ling form .in govt tech engg college
madam, i lost my hall ticket and do not remember my registration number .my exam centre was vellore.
what is highest mark in tancet m.e(cse/it) category? i hav scored 40.479w. what r the colleges i can get in councelling in bc category da?
My daughter got tancet results they have mentioned as 10
it is a mark or grade and will u please give us procedure
for counselling and guide me on this for admission
i am in madurai. where i god the counsling form (which college)
hi i lost my tancet hall ticket
now i want to know my tancet results
plz help me
i am 2010 tancet for mba my mark 10.60 and various colleges i will get my cut off please reply me
Sir, Can u plz tell me from when r the Me conselling forms r issued?
What is a good TANCET score for OC category? When does the counselling start ?
when will the counsling form issue for ME ?
what are the certificates needed for tancet application
when and where will they issue the counselling form for joining M.E and last date of getting the form?from where will get our counselling form ?
which is the last date for submitting counselling form? what is the fees amount?
hi i want to know about last date of ME 2010 counceling form.
I am completed my B.E(CSE). I get 38.948 in tancet entrance exam and also i have overall 75.6 in the B.E degree. which colleges are available to me to get seat for M.E. My caste is BC. please kindly say the details….
I got 39.4 in Tancet MBA ….. I donno if its good or not… plz temme if i can apply..plz do reply
Hi to all, i have attended TANCET 2010 exam in electrical engineering stream, i got the mark yesterday. Now let me know whats the next step? Should i apply of counselling for PG courses? When wil they display the ranking and in what basis?
i have scored 23.5 in tancet how should i have to apply for the anna university counselling or other colleges. what colleges would i get with ths score.I belong to ECE. Pls help me with duffiecient information.
what is the highest mark tancet mba 2010 and when is concelling?
what is the minimum mark?
I forget my Register number. How to get result of TANCET 2010.
I wrote exam in Chennai centre. Please help me .sir/madam my mail id is [email protected]
when and where i get the application for m.e counselling?
when and where they issue the application form for m.e counselling and last date for getting the form?
results announced
I am the candidate of the anna university affiliated college just finished B.E but having arrear until no results is displayed but somebody telling that last date for applying tancet councelling is 29 june 2010 how can i apply pls reply me sir/madam my mail id is
[email protected]
find candidate number?
Hi sir/madam,
I got 21.676 in Tancet M.E.Can i join any government college in tamilnadu.plz tell me the minimum mark to join the government college
when is the last date for applying tancet 2010 counseling ???
How to understand the tancet results which has been published today?
What it meant ‘+’ ?
What it meant ‘-’ ?
What it meant ‘+0.4′ ?
How to adopt these values into grade?
Please let me know?
sir.. my M.E MARKS IN TANCET IS 38.453… my stream of study is ECE… will i get admitted to a good college…. what are my chances of getting a good college… please tell me about the councilling form and procedures of councilling…
how can i apply for m.e.
please mention the date for applying m.e
my tancet cut off is 20.948, i want to conform i have to apply any application further for counsilling.
i want to know as a civil engineer number of seats alloted for PG COURSES IN TAMIL NADU
Dear sir,
I have attend TANCET MBA Entrance exam 2010, so please let me know when the exam result published also please send the websitel address to know that.
Thanks & Regards,
i have lost my reg no so can i get it from my app no which is 67361
i got my tancet score 40.722. in M.E…i am from andhra pradesh….what is the procedure for admissions
I lost and forgot my MBA TANCET register number. How to see the result because results hav come today.
i had wrote mba tancet exam 2010 .Kongu engineering college in erode is my center . I got the application form from irtt college.I HAD LOST MY HALL TICKET. can any way to get another copy for hall ticket.Please PLEASE PLEASE help me im confused .Send information to my mail adress. THANK YOU
What is the First Mark In TANCET 2010 For M.E.,
Please could you tell me what was TANCET 2010 MBA’s highest score? Also what are the expected cut-off marks for the colleges in Coimbatore?
Sir i scored 34.694 in the tancet mtech exam,i m a electronics student.Is there any cance for getting admission with this score?
may i know the mark required to join in PSG college coimbatore for M.E civil structural engineering
i got 29.436 marks in tancet (M.E).. i would like to join applied electronics course…
can anyone tel me… which are the colleges would i be eligible to select the course??(in tamilnadu)
plzzz help me
Hello sir i got 29.346 score in tancet2010..
i would like to opt for applied electronics course… can you plzzz tell me which are the colleges would i be eligible to take my desired course????
also i want the counselling details….
plzz help me…..
I forgot my register number how to know the results my centre is GCE salem
Hello sir i got 29.346 score in tancet2010..
i would like to opt for applied electronics course… can you plzzz tell me which are the colleges would i be eligible to take my desired course????
also i want the counselling details….
plzz help me…..
sir,how much mark s eligible for applying M.E counselling
when & where will i get the counselling form for MBA in kanyakumari district
wt s tancet first mark in MCA
I ‘ve scored 36.708 in TANCET 2010 examination.. shall I get ME seat in good colleges? or what is the deadline?
how much mark in tancet is eligible for m.e counselling?
My TANCET score for M.E is 26.182(ECE). I would like to know what college and course I may get. I belong to S.C category.
hello i have got 34.6 marks in cutoff am from o.c category what all colleges cud i expect
sir,i lost my tancet hall ticket.i have written only for mba .i dont know my register number. how can i see the tancet result. . . .
i had spot registration at thiyagaraja college ,madurai for tancet mba program.i know only my registration number and not the application number.now i can’t see my result.please help me to know my application number .
i dont remember my tancet application number. how can i see the result
Where do i get counseling form for M.E and inform me the last date of submission of the form. How much i have 2 spend for counseling and in which place counseling wil held
I apperared for Tancet 2010 Mba exam.
I don’t have My tancet application no. how do i get the result of the tancet exam. I have the registration no with me. Please help me in getting the tancet application no.
Thanking u.
i want my result my number 19142350
they r saying today is the result but we r not able to see it
i want to know my tancet results which has been announced today.
when the tancet results will be announced ? where we can get application form for M.E..?
when tancet 2010 exam result?
I forget my application number. How can i see result of tancet.I wrote exam in vellore centre. Please help me
sir when tancet results come…tell me pls…wat is mean by application no…
i have wrote TANCET 2010 and im waiting for the result.but i have only my registration number..in the offical website they have mention the application number…would plz guide me how to get my result
i don’t have the tancet application no. how do i get the result of the tancet exam.i have the registration number only. can u plz help me in getting the tancet application no.plz sir. thanking u.
When will tancet 2010 mba result get declared????????/
Hello sir Goodevening.i want study MBA Hotel Management OR Managemet course,please tel me wher this course available.When come to TANCET exam Result 2010.please replay me.MY e-MAIL ID [email protected]
what r requirements for applying counseling and last date for counseling date
i want to see my friends tancet result pls
when and where will they issue the counselling form for joining M.E and last date of getting the form?plz
when and where will they issue the counselling form for joining M.E and last date of getting the form?
I forget my Application number, when the results r published it shows that appliction number should be entered to know the results but i hav only my register number, so how to see tancet 2010 results by using register number, is there any possibilities. I wrote exam in Madurai centre. Please help me
My number for tancet exam 2010 is 17162031 Please inform the result with marks and what is procedure for obtain the mark list for fill up the application for MCA Please inform.
when u send the result from mca tancet please tell
when the tancet 2010 exam result
sir, pls tell the time of the tancet 2010 results
when will tancet 2010 exam result be published?
when the TANCET results will be announced. From where i can get the councelling form. when onwards the forms will be issued?
I want to know the date of result publishing…
whwn will u realise TANCET rusult..
When Will be ME Application issue by anna university? and How much mark is eligable for joining ME SW in anna university?
When tancet result 2010
when the mca 2010 tancet result will be published
i hav appeared for tancet mba entrance exam 2010.. when is the results going to be declared.. last date for submitting the form is 30th of this month.. will it be extended..
or can u tel the date of announcement of tancet rsults?
when tancet result published i dont know and also tell me the website name
sir i need to see my enterace result. how to see?
tancet result when?
Sir, i dont know my tancet application number, i know only my registration number. Pls help me…
when tancet 2010 result announced?
Me wrote the Tancet 2010 exam, i lost my hall ticket,now i dont know my register number, how can i see my result sir please reply as soon as possible.
when tancet 2010 result announce?
how to see the result
When will tancet results be published?
Sir can i know the date of result for tancet mba 2010
Loosu KOOTHI tancet.
need to know TANCET results 2010. Get me the websites pls
When will the tancet exam result be announced?
when tancet examresult.2010?
when tancet exam result?
When the TANCET 2010 Results . . ?
when will tancet 2010 result announced…..?
Hi, May i know when TANCET 2010 results for ME/M Tech will be announced, and what is the procedure for applying COUNSELING, and the when is the application form will be given for the same?
dear sir:
please tell me, when the tancet 2010 exam result will be announce?
I am waiting fot TANCET Result ME for part time of ccommunication and networking branch .when I will get application Form and what I have to do ? PL guide me
please tell me the date of result of TANCET 2010
Whr i get the tancet counselling form and hw much cost sir:) reply to my mail
when will be the tancet mca 2010 results wiil be announced?
when is tancet result will announced sir….. sen me result..
when the TANCET results will be announced. From where i can get the councelling form. when onwards the forms will be issued?
Sir, when the tancet result will be announced?
when will be forms for conselling be issued .wat is last date for applying it..
Where i get the counseling form for tancet 2010 at trichy?
Please tell me the date of announcing of Tancet 2010 results… By anand
june 22
11 ‘O’ Clock
hi friends,
all the best for you………
I am the candidate of the anna university affiliated college just finished B.E but having 1 arrear until no results is displayed but somebody telling that last date for applying tancet councelling is 29 june 2010 how can i apply pls reply me sir/madam my mail id is [email protected]
when the tancet 2010 exam result
when the TANCET results will be announced. From where i can get the councelling form. when onwards the forms will be issued?
I want to know the date of result publishing…
when tancet 2010 exam result?
I forget my Register number. How to get result of tancet.I wrote exam in Tirunelveli centre. Please help me
Sir., pls tell me the date of announcement of results for tancet and tell us which group in mba will be more comfortable for girls.. and tell me which university will be good for pursuing mba in correspondence..
tancet 2010 when will the results be declared
sir i am gate score person when and where the counselling dates & place and also what are the procedure of tancet2010
inform to my mail thankyou
when TANCET results will be declared……… waiting very eagerly………
when tancet result sir. please tell me the result sir.
i have join in college sir.
when tancet 2010 result will publish?
what is the last date for getting councelling application?
i have written tancet entrance now waiting for the results? i need to know before my result i have to fill form for counselling r after my results only i have to fill form for counselling? which is the last date for submitting counselling form? what is the fees amount?
did TANCET result came.give me the date of the result and how to see the result.
sir can you tell the date of result for tancet MCA
may i know the mark required to join in PSG college coimbatore for M.E civil structural engineering
When will the TANCET relusts be released
when will u published the tancet result?
I wrote tancet mca entrance examination. when will publish the result? i have lose of my Hall ticket. how to get of another copy of Hall ticket?
May i know about MBA Tancet Result date
when will come tencet result fof mca
When will announced the TANCET MBA Results?
when and where will they issue the counselling form for joining M.E and last date of getting the form?
i have written tancet exam.what is the procedure for councelling?
date for the result of tancet 2010 mba?
Do we get part time (M.E) in any anna univ affliated coll?
Sir When Will TANCET MCA 2010 results be released ?
(can i know the exact date?)
And In Which Site Can i Get i Know . ?
Sir can u tell the date of result for tancet MBA
Sir When Will TANCET MCA 2010 results be released ?
And In Which Site Can i Get i Know . ?
Sir, I am waiting for tancet 2010 results. I want to know about counselling form ,where it is available? which is the last date for submitting counselling form and its fees amount?
i don’t have the tancet application no. how do i get thge result of the tancet exam.i have the registration no only.it is 15111360. can u plz help me in getting the tancet application no.plz sir. thanking u.
when will be the TANCET 2010 result?
when will the tancet mca exam 2010 result will be announced
date of issuing councelling application for mba and last date of issuing. where are the places they issuing the form .when is the transet result.last date of issuing application for mba in anna university.
sir when the result is released
hi sirwhen the result is released
when result of Tancet MBA 2010 will be realeased?
Y do i see all q and no answers
Wen r Tancet 2010 mba results comin , how and wen to apply for counsellin
I want to know the date for the TANCET 2010 MBA Exam results.
when will be announced tancet 2010 result?pls tel the exact date
i want u tancet resultthis no 11121302
wen the tancet result will be published
when the tancet 2010 exam result
may i know when is tancet result and marks required to get M.Tech in anna university. M.Tech courses best for a B.Tech IT students.
When tancet result is published
tancet result is published today or tommorow . pls wait guys
sir can you tel the date of result ME for tancet 2010..
wen is the announcement of tancet results 2010
may i know, when are tancet MBA results are announced ? what is the procedure to apply for MBA counseling ? from where will get our counselling form ? which is the last date for submitting counseling form ? and how much we have to pay for counseling ?
when the tancet 2010 results are announced?
When will Tancet results announce and when nd where i get d counselling application
When the TANCET 2010 M.E Results going to publish in the website.
when is tancet results,,,,,can you send
when will be the result of TANCET will be published ?
is the application for Mtech staretd giving if not when will when they will give ?
when will TANCET 2010 exam result will be announced
exactly when will come the tancet2010 result?
i want to know the exact date of tancet 2010 results
Heard that tancet result has been published 2day..s tat true? If no,when will the result be published?
when the M.E TANCET 2010 results will be announced. From where i can get the councelling form. when onwards the forms will be issued.also tell the procedure for tancet counselling
When tancet result published
sir i want know which website tancet results will be published
please replay
when is tancet result
Whwn will the tancet 2010 result come for M B A
when is the Result for TANCET 2010…
l want my tancet result
when will tancet results will be announced? and what should be the mark i have to get to get an admission in government colleges?
It is expected june 20 result will be announced
When will be the result for tancet m.e 2010
Dear sir,
can u tell the date of result for tancet MCA
hey friends,
get the application form from anna unic guindy campus and other form in director of technical education block which is nearer to anna univ…. last date to submit is 3oth june….
When did TANCET 2010 MBA result announce in online and please send links
Whether TANCET results are out? Please tell.
Whether TANCET results are out??
when will d results b announced????????????????????? can i plz know d date
when will d results b announced?????????????????????
when will be the tancet result announced
hello sir when will announce the tancet result?
when tancet 2010 result will be announced?
When 2010 tancet mba results to be announced
when come tancet result please
when come tancet result piease
when the councilling form will be issued for M.E.?
i have written tancet entrance now waiting for the results? i need to know before my result i have to fill form for counselling r after my results only i have to fill form for counselling? which is the last date for submitting counselling form? what is the fees amount?
when is tancet 2010 result?
I want to know the date of tancet exam results 2010
When anna university announced tancet result 2010
when result is come of mca entrance test 2010
when is tancet result and when and where the counciling form will be issued
i want mba cource name list in tamilnadu
please tel TANCET resolt came or not . what the website to see the result . i d’t know abt the application number
Hi i m krishna
plz announced tancet mba results soon
sir wen will the tancet result be announced…
wen will the tancet result be announced…
wen will the tancet result be announced
wen will the tancet result be published
wen is the tancet(ME) result sir?
When is tancet result?
how many years valididy?
Sir, may i know when will be the result for tancet be published, and the site at which i have to surf through for result
When will be tancet result announced?
hello sir may i know when the tancet 2010 result will be published. its been given as third week of june!!!I cant understand
sir,when is tancet exam result for mca . i required the date sir . thanking you . . .
sir can u tell the date of result for tancet MBA. how mark are eligible to place in a good colleges. thanyou
when is the tancet result(date)?
want to know when mtech tancet results wil be announced..wil they send counselling date thru post..wats the score for getting good coll..please info me
respect sir/madam,
may i know when tancet result will announced? and i did my degree in tamil nadu only under the affliation of bharathidasan university, so may a required to fill nativity form sir? when and where shoyld i submit the counselling form
When tancet results wil be announce?
when will be the tancet exam results will be published ?
hello team,
i will be glad to know the date of tancet results, n the web page i should check with……..
could u guys lend me help?
waiting 4 ur rep….
when will the tancet mca results be published infom the corect date to my mail
sir i want to now the date of tancet result
please announce the dates of tancet 2010 results
when is TANCET 2010 result?
when and how can we get the counselling form for TANCET M.E in Anna University?
Where counselling forms available for mca
when the tancet result will be announced,will the result be send throught email for us?
Sir May i know how many mark required to join anna university chennai or any other goverment college Thank you
tell me exactly when will you tancet 2010 result announced.
when will tancet mba result be published?
Dear sir,
when cabn we expect Tancet results of post graduation and how many seats are there for outside of Tamilnadu?
Thank you
I want to know when is the result for tancet 2010. And want to how to apply for councelling.
when will tancet results 2010 come?????????????
when the tancet result will publish
sir,can you pls tell me that when the tancet mba 2010 result will be released.i need to know the website address to see the result.when will they issue counselling form.
On June 15th, 2010
whats the councelling form all about?? we still haven got our results.Kindly reply with the following:
1.exam result date
2.what, when and where to collect the coucelling form
3.do we need to apply for the colleges seperately if yes when?
when is the tancet results any body know it
when tancet MBA result will be announced?
date means pericham palam thana?
tell me the exact date of the publicatio of the tancet MBA 2010 results
where i want get counselling form
Sir, please announce when mca result will be published
when tancet result of 2010 sir…………………
Hi.tel me the tancet mca 2010 entrance result date and joining procedure in anna university and in other colleges.tel abt counselling form and all
when will be published tancet2010 mba result
when is the tancet 2010 MBA result??
and in which date i can get Counselling forms for MBA…?
respected sir/madam
please inform date of tancet mca results and how to detect good colleges then i join the psg colleg at kovai them minimum mark required in tancet results
please inform this m.no 9677898307
I have written my tancet for MCA… I just want to know the procedure after getting the counselling form for MCA….
sir,pls tel me date for TANCET results
where can i got counsling form? when will be tancet result? some other website publishing result. but it confusing.
when will the tancet results be published???
when tancet result will be announced? may i know the mark required to join in anna university, chennai…?
Respectful Sir/Madam,
May i know when will be the TANCET 2010 results will be announced……and through which i can get to know my results….?
when mca entrance result published please reply.
when tancet result published i dont know and also tell me the website name
when will tancet result announced?
now i studying final year bca..then i want to good colleges for mca…
MBA TANCET exam result 2010
when tancet results is published?
I have written tancet 2010 exam .I know only the registration number but not known my application number. what to do to see my result? please suggest me.
when is the TANCET result? When and where TANCET 2010 counseling application form will be issued?
when will the tancet result published?????
When is the result for mba tancet exams coming?
Kindly mail me the result.
When will be the results of TANCET 2010 (MCA) published? for(anna university trichy.)
When Will TANCET’10 exam results will be announced?
How will I get councilling form
I want to know the date of tancet 2010 results published?
sir,can u tel the date of result for tancet Mba?,how many marks are eligible to place in a good college?,From where can get the councelling form?,?Wen onwards the forms will be issued?thank you sir
when result of Tancet MCA 2010 will be released? In which website the result will be published, may i know the URL
when result will announced
tancet result 2010 coming from date….
when will the tancet results published
sir i want to know when the tancet 2010 result will come &when and where the counselling will start in madras
wn ll the tancet result ll be published?
when tancet result will be announced?
may i kno the procedure for gettin the application form for tancet counselling?
iam doing my b ican orissa and obtained 78 %in 5sem but have an arrear in one sub on 4th sem, iam expecting my 6th sem results by last week of june 2010 and also the result of arrear given to be published by july 25, i had written the tancet 2010 how can i apply for counselling , as the counselling application should reach by 30 june 2010, how should i have to fill my application on the marks obtained part in semesters what data should i actually submit. pls……pls……pls help me by providing the solution
when is the TANCET 2010 MBA Result for entrance exam conducted on 29.05.2010 going to be displayed in net?
sir i’m eagerly waiting for tancet results. can u tel me when will the results be announced.
I want to know the result date. I’m waiting for tancet result
when tancet2010 result will be announced?
sir when will be the tanset results announced? ithankyou
when is the result for tanset exams 2010
sir can i know when is the tancet (MBA) result 2010. can i knoew the exact date.
When tancet results will be annonced?…
when TANCET 2010 result for MBA will be published?After this result where i will approach for admission?What are the good colleges in Chennai city where i can approach for admission?Fresh form for each college will require?What is the last date for applying ?
sir, when tancet ME result 2010 will b announced… plz send my result through my mail id… my reg no. 14113076
Pls note me the date of result
when tancet results will be announced.and what is the minimum cutoff marks to apply for councelling
When published TANCET RESULTS for MBA/MCA ?????????
Pls tell the Exact date and time
when the TANCET results for MBA. From where i can get the councelling form. hw much mark required for
whn is tancet result be published?
when will be the result for tancet
ven is tancet2010 result
hi friends,
students aspiring to join in anna univ guindy campus, get the application from the campus or download the form. last date to submit the form is 30th June…
hi friends,
students aspiring to join in anna univ guindy campus, get the application from the campus or download the form. last date to submit the form is 30th June.
whoever concerned..
Asshole tell me d date of issueance of Tancet result..How long r u plannin to keep us in a limbo?
when the result will be published
When is TANCET2010 result announcement?
sir can u tell the date of result for tancet MBA
Yet no information is passed about the TANCET RESULTS , really this is very bad. No updated newsw from anna univ, students are suffering, atleast PUBLISH THE DATE OF RESULTS.
when the tancet result will be announced? pls reply soon
may i know the mark required to join in Bannari amman Institute of technology…..
when will the tancet result come..? How can we know our results..? What score should be obtained in tancet to get a merit seat in PSG & CIT
When will tancet results be released?
wen the tancet result will be published
When will tancet 2010 results be declared?
dear sir/madam,
i forgot my application number . my reg. no : was 11252088. so please send my application no: in tancet mca
which will be tancet
when is the tancet 2010 results
i attend mba tancet and waiting for result then how can i aply for mba counselling in anna unisty
I want to know tancet result date
i have lost my hall ticket i forgot the number too but i written the examination in kongu enginneering college. what to do?
but i know the last 5 digit
when will the tancet 2010 exam results for mca.
i want to know the date of tancet result…..
2010 tancet exam result when will be published
when the tancet result will be published?
i want to know exact date…….
entrance exam results
r u all nuts here?? y d hell u guys r questioning here??? how a web editor could respond to all these 4000+ scraps??? just think and google ur needs???
when TANCET2010 results?
40 marks is enough Mr.gokul.
hello sowniya!!!!!!
i ve written tancet entrance exam for MBA waiting for the results so i need to know when will the results be announced & when are we supposed to apply for counselling is it before the result or after kindly help me with the questions
when is the TANCET 2010 result will come for MBA
when to announced the councelling date and admission date
sir can u tell the date of result for tancet MBA
sir when to send the councelling form and how can apply for the m.e admission on 2010
exact date of tancet 2010 result…..
May I know when will the 2010 tancet results be published and what would be the cut off to get a seat in anna university?
may i know the date of tancet2010 M.E result
when will the tancet mba 2010 exam results will be announced? and wher should we check the results …i.e….URL?
Dear Sir,
Please say when will TANET result come?
How much mark should I get for joining in SSN college?
Thank u
june 18th to 21 will be result published ….
I want to know the exact date of MBA tancet examination results
when will be the TANCET 2010 resuts announced?
which date tancet result came
sir when the TNCET results for mba 2010 while b decleared sir…… when counselling form will be issued ………reply soon sir thank you
when will be the tancet results are announced
sir, what is the date of tancet results..pls reply no info is found in net..
all the best for all of u frnds
when the tancet result will be announced. from where the i can get the councelling form .when onwards the form will be issued. when will the mba counselling will start.
When will Tancet exam results 2010 publised?
total number of seats available for mca in tancet2010 exam
and number of students appeared for tancet 2010
When will tancet result come?
when will be the tancet 2010 results releasedby the anna university!
when will come tancet result 2010? please quick answers in my mail
when the tancet results will be published…??
when is the tancet result?
sir, when is the result to be announced.
should i get application from colleges.
how much should i score to get in annauniv (based on previous yrs)
thank u
when will publish the tancet 2010 results
Respected Sir,
Can you please tell me the Counseling date and the application form issuing and kindly need the details of how to apply it too. As I have written for MCA test.
Thanking you,
may i know the mark required to join in anna university,chennai and
sir can u tell the date of result for tancet MBA. how mark are eligible to place in a good colleges. thanyou
i think tancet result wil be announced between 16th and 22nd..
It is said that Tancet 2010 results will be published post World Tamil meet.
Any such info?
What score is required to get a seat for ME in PSG tech for energy engg , indus engg, power elec?
Dear sir,
when wil publish tancet result
When ill publish TANCET 2010 Results n wn ill counsling starts?
when wil the tancet result wil b published ????
could you please furnish me when is the result for tancet 2010 m.e…. what is the cut off mark to enter anna university…
when tancet result will be announced?
when the tancet result will be published and inform through mobile phone number 9894412524
when is TANCET 2011 exam? what is the syllabus for TANCET 2011?when the application form be issued?
may i know when tancet result will be announced????
sir, i want to know when will the counselling forms be available for M.E
when will the counselling forms will be issued for M.E
i forget my tancet 2010 applicaion number my registration number is 15135035 pls send my application number. mail id is [email protected]
tancet 2010 result?
may i know the mark required to join in anna university,chennai
When will TANCET-2010 results published?
may i know the mark required to join in anna university,chennai
sir can u tell the date of result for tancet MBA. how mark are eligible to place in a good colleges. thanyou
i have written tancet entrance now waiting for the results? i need to know before my result i have to fill form for counselling r after my results only i have to fill form for counselling? which is the last date for submitting counselling form? what is the fees amount?
when tancet result will be announced?
In which website the result will be published, may i know the URL
when the TANCET results will be announced. From where i can get the councelling form. when onwards the forms will be issued.
when result of Tancet MCA 2010 will be realeased?
when will the mba counselling will start
wen the tancet result will be published
when and how can we get the counselling form for TANCET MBA in Anna University?
pls give me a clear idea abt part time ME at anna univ chennai. how should i apply and all the details.
i want mba model question paper
i have written tancet may 2010……….
i want to know how to download online counselling form for counselling………..
when will come result for mba?
I want to know the date of TANCET result
When will Tancet result published plz reply
When Will TANCET’10 exam results will be announced
when tancet 2010 result will publish?(MBA)
When will be the results of TANCET 2010 (MBA) published?
when will tancet result come
i want to know the exact date of tancet 2010 mba results
when will the tancet result published?
When Will be the TANCET 2010 examination results announced
whats the councelling form all about?? we still haven got our results.Kindly reply with the following:
1.exam result date
2.what, when and where to collect the coucelling form
3.do we need to apply for the colleges seperately if yes when?
Dear Team,
When Will TANCET’10 exam results will be announced?
when will tancet2010 results will be declered?
when TANCET2010 results?
when is the result for 2010 TANCET exam and how to get the ANNA university application in trichy?
wen is tancet result and how to see the result
When will MCA Entrance Tancet 2010 Result Published?
when tancet results are released?what site see the tancet results?
When are the TANCET 2010 results coming up?
and whats the process for councelling
Sir,I want to know the “tancet” exam result date.
when tancet`10 exam will be announced
I want to know the date of tancet mca result 2010
need to know when s tancet10 result and date of issuing counselling form for m.e
i want to know the date of TANCET result
when tancet 2010 result will publish?
what is the last date for getting councelling application?
when and were will be the application form for TANCET M.B.A issued.
when tancet 2010 results will be published?
Good morning:) I am waiting for MBA tancet result:) Not tick answer for question have the negative marks or not:)
when will tancet 2010 result will be announced
when is the TANCET result? When and where TANCET 2010 counseling application form will be issued?
when the tancet 2010 exam result for mba
When will be the counselling application form available and still now am not get my B.E results, whether am eligble to apply counselling. When it will going to issue the forms. Send d answers to my mail.
respected sir,
i wish to know that when will tancet results be announced?
from which date and where, councelling form will be distribute?
if the form can get thro net,then pls give me the web address.
When will tancet 2010 results come.
when will be announced tancet 2010 results?
When the tancet results will publish?
sir, i have wrote gate exam i.e) M.E and then i wrote tancet 2010 for M.B.A alone…, will it possible for me, to apply both i.e) M.Tech using gate score and MBA using Tancet.., please respond this
when mba tancet result will be announced. please do soon?
thank you,
when will TANCET 2010 exam result will be announced?
what is the procedure to apply councelling?
where the councelling form will be issusing?
what are the materials and certificates required for TANCET COUNCILING
when will result come?
i want a exact date
sir, i request you to send last five years tancet mca questions with answer sir..
When Will TANCET’10 exam results will be announced?
Dear Team,
When Will TANCET’10 exam results will be announced
when tancet 2010 result will publish?
when the application form issue for M.E/ M.Tech?
I want to know the date of TANCET result
when wil TANCET results be published and when and where councelling forms will be given?
i wrote tancet exam for M.Tech. When and where TANCET 2010 counseling application form will be issued?
when the tancet2010 exam result for mca
date for tancet2010 exam result for mca
SIR could you please announce the result date of tancet 2010 to all candidates
when is the TANCET result.I want to know the top MBA colleges and what is the mark needed to get a MBA seat in anna university.
when is the result of tancet 2010
when the results will be published??
when result for M.E entrence exam
pls anyone give me a clear idea abt part time ME at anna univ cbe. how should i apply and all the details. pls help me
when will TANCET result come?
When are the TANCET 2010 results coming up?
and whats the process for councelling
where&when we will get councelling form for MBA ?
how can we apply?
when ll the counseling form issued for m.e……………. pleas give us some idea
where i can get the counseling form.wat is the procedure.when will the result be announced??
is there any application for mba counselling? or only tancet entrance exam is enough to appear for councelling? the call letter will come to the candidate
pls help me,i want to write TANCET 2011 M.E entrance exam,what are procedure i want to made.
where we will get form for mba councelling And how we can apply? and when it’s issued
When is our tancet exam result?what is the procedure to apply for councelling?
MCA TANCET 2010 Exam Result Date
I want to know the date of TANCET result
Who will issue the TANCET Counseling form.Whether Anna University or Government college of Technology,Coimbatore..?When and where will they issue counselling forms and when is the result for TANCET 2010?
pls inform when will tancet counselling application forms are issued
when the tancet 2010 results will be announced?pls mail me with exact date……………
when anna university tancet mba result come….for last year whats the exam date and result date for tancet mba
When will the TANCET MCA result published
When will the tancet results are published??
sir i have written tancet for mba.plz tel me when tancet result is published and whats the next following procedure after getting the tancet marks.thank you
where will be the tancet counselling form for M.E available and when the result will be announced?………
where we can get the counselling application form for TANCET?
and when is the last date of issuing?
They have started to issue the application forms from 7th of june and the last date is 29th and the last date for submission is 30th os june. The forms can be bought from presidency college and directorate of technical education,guindy by paying 300 through DD only.
i wrote the tancet exam for MCA on 29june2010,where and when shall i get the counselling application and to which address should i send the counselling application…can u please send the necessary details as soon as possible to my id.
MBA application for Anna university avaLABLE from 7th june in director of technical education building ,chennai,anna university
want to know the date of the TANCET result
I want to know the date of the TANCET result
I would like to know the Result date of the Tancet 2010.Can I get the message regarding this?
where and when will we get form for mba counseling?
i wrote tancet for mba and mca recently i saw new about counsilling application in news paper but it was not clear so please can u tell me about where i should get the application for counsilling ?and when the result wil lbe declared?
when will be the tancet result? what r colleges offering the course avionics?
when is the tancet result is to be published, has the Counseling application issued, where should i get it, what is the average mark to get a good college for MBA
where we will get form for mba councelling And how we can apply?
when was TANCET result come?
hi can you send me some information about ME results when will publish
when will be the tancet MBA and B.E. result will be published?
i wrote tancet mca entrance examination. when will publish the result? i have lose of my call ticket. how to get of another copy of call ticket?
when will the results of mca will be published?
when will come TANCET entrance exam results for MBA plz mail me
where we will get form for mba councelling And how we can apply? and when
I want to know the date of TANCET result
i wrote tancet exam for MCA. When and where TANCET 2010 counseling application form will be issued?
pls inform when will tancet counselling application forms are isssued
What is the next step after appearing TANCET 2010 xam for MBA?Is there any counselling application form??how is the selection process for MBA a other state candidate???
which colleges the counselling forms is been issued? there is counselling forms at virudhunagar??? plz clarify …
when is the tancet result is to be published, has the Counseling application issued, where should i get it, what is the average mark to get a good college for ME
pls anyone rply me a clear idea about counseling application..who is going to issue either G.C.T or annauniversity..very confused about this..& when it ll be provided??
when will tancet counselling form for m.e degree issued?
where will i get the counselling form in nagercoil, & please inform that how much is the eligible (minimum) mark in tancet for applying councelling
last date for the submission of counselling form
When tancet result announced..
when is our tancet entrance exam result?And how to apply for our counselling?Which the best mark for getting Anna University?
when will the mca tancet result published?
let me know about tancet rest release date
sir i have written tancet2010 exam for M.E.i have a doubt.I am near madurai.In which college shall i get the counselling form from which date it will be available.please kindly reply me sir.my mail id is [email protected]
were we can get the counselling application form for TANCET?
and when is the last date of issuing?
which address should I send the counselling form?
how much mark is best mark in tancet 2010 entrance examination for mca?
Dear sir,
As i wanna study M.E. at cochin what type of entrance is conducted at kerala
I want know about TANCET 2010 exam result for M.Tech and also how to apply for councelling.please tell me the date of result and councelling application form issue.
what score is required in MBA TANCET entrance exam to enter the top institutions?
when the results of tancet,2010 are expected?
How to apply for psg college of technology
Respected Sir,
When will the Tancet Results publish? and say some details about applying for MBA counselling 2010. pls, Sir.
When is the Tancet 2010 result…?
i have wrote the tancet 2010 exam for MBA.when will the result will be announced…pls inform me to my mail…dat is [email protected]
when will u display the tancet results.
tancet results
Tancet exam result please.
how to get mba tancet entrance examinaation and how to get potion
Sir, I have 2 questions:
1. When will the Counseling forms will be issued? and
2.When will be the MBA admission forms for various institutes like Anna University, Chennai and PSG, Coimbatore issued?
please mention the place where could we get out TANCET counselling application(from trichy)?
how will i know my b.tech application form accepted by anna university
when tancet m.e 2010 result ll be announced?where i can get counselling form?
When Tancet result will be published. When and where counselling application will be provide in vellore
may i know what is the required marks in tancet 2010 for securing an mba seat in anna university chennai.
also can u pls tell me when will the counselling forms be issued ?
i have written the tancet exame when will be the counseling application form will be issued????
hello sir!
is the application for mca/mba, which is being issued now s for all the universiies?
counseling application form issue date
tanset result bublising date
How much mark i have to score in TANCET exam to join MCA.
When tancet 2010 results
hello kavitha, apps for 4 tancet counselling is issuing from 7th this month and the last date for receiving this form will be 30th this month… i got a applicatoin form from GCT coimbatore… but it’s available at many colleges in tamilnadu…
[email protected]
when will TANCET 2010 counselling application form be given? pls tel me
hi sir…. i would like to know the date the tancet results 2010
Sir, can you please tell me when the tancet 2010 results will come?
wen wil tancet result be published? wen they the me counseling form be issued?
pls inform when will tancet result ?
when and who provide the counceling application form
what is the last date for issuing.
sir i wrote a tancet 2010 entrance examination.when & where i will get counselling form.
how much mark is best mark in tancet 2010 entrance examination.please infirm to me sir.
were we can get the counselling application form for TANCET?
and when is the last date of issuing?
I have one doubt. Who is going to issue the TANCET Counseling application . Whether Anna University or Government college of Technology, Coimbatore.Pls Clear me .
tancet2010 question paper and answers
sir i wrote a tancet 2010 entrance examination.when & where i will get counselling form.
how much mark is best mark in tancet 2010 entrance examination.please infirm to me sir.
[email protected]
[email protected]
i’ve written my tancet exam for MBA. i have seen a news about applications are issued for MBA/MCA.. where i should get that?.. I would like to join in a govt college.. do i need to submit any applications?..
were we can get the counselling application form for TANCET?
and when is the last date of issuing?
F for doing part time m.e .. need work experience .. kindly send the details about the part time course.
I have written Tancet 2010…so when Tancet 2010 counselling form will be issued? when will get my tancet 2010 result.
when will result come? i want a exact date
tancet 2010 result pls
which address i can take dd for apply mca counselling application
i wrote tancet exam for MBA. When and where TANCET 2010 counseling application form will be issued?
when will the tancet result come..? How can we know our results..? What score should be obtained in tancet to get a merit seat in PSG & CIT
tancet 2010 result date and counselling form issue date
when the MBA tancet results will be published? Where shall i get the counselling application and to which address should i send the counselling application.
when distributed the tancet councilling form?
where we will get form for mba councelling And how we can apply?
Please inform me the date of Tancet 2010 result.
i wrote tancet exam for MBA. When and where TANCET 2010 counseling application form will be issued?
When is counseling form issued?
I wrote Tancet exam for MBA.where shall I get the counselling form and to which address should I send the counselling form.wheh issue the counselling form
when is the tancet 2010 results,when they will issue counselling 2010forms
where can i get the application form…..? when is the last day to apply?
when i should apply for the tancet exam. and where can i get the application form. when is the last day to apply
When and where are the centers of issuing of TANCET Counseling form are issuing…….
I would like to know the PUBLISH WEBSITE,DATE & TIME of the TANCET entrance exam result …..
If u know then me pls …..
Sir, when tancet 2010 ME counseling application form will be issued. What is the procedure to attend counselling for ME.
pls inform when will tancet counselling application forms are isssued?
How many candidates had written tancet 2010?
i wrote the tancet exam for MBA on 29june2010,where and when shall i get the counselling application and to which address should i send the counselling application…can u please send the necessary details as soon as possible to my id.
i wrote tancet exam for mba.Where shall i get the counseling application and to which address should i send the counseling application.
Please may I know the date when tancet 2010 results will be published? When will they start issuing the counselling form? Is there any centre in Ooty or Coonoor to get the counselling form?
When will the results of TANCET MBA 2010 be published?
What is the expected cutoff for SSN & St Joseph?
when is the tancet mba result published?
how to apply for mba counselling?
I wrote TANCET2010 exam for MCA. When will be the result publishing and how much mark have to score to place in government college.when will be couselling…
with regards,
REspected Sir /Madam,
when will the TANCET MBA 2010 results are expected ? When will the Counselling Application forms for MBA are issued ?? where we can get the Counselling forms in vellore? OR application will be avaiable through online?
when tancet result will published
wat is the procedure for attending counsellinh..b4 results should get application n send it r..plz dont procedure..if some know how plz do reply..also let me know good colleges in coimbatore an d chennai..plzzz
wat is the procedure for attending counsellinh..b4 results should get application n send it r..plz dont procedure..if some know how plz do reply..also let me know good colleges in coimbatore an d chennai..
how can i get the tancet exam application
When is the tancet 2010 result..? How much marks required to get MBA in government college.?
How to get in MBA councelling application form which address i’ll take in demand draft then please inform tancet result date sir
Hi.. i worte tancet exam.. where will available for counselling application and which address should send for counselling application…
when anna university will be announced tancet2010 results
pls send the msg from my mail.
when will you announce the result for TANCET 2010 M.E
to get seat in mba government college, how many marks i have to get and i need information about cunselling form for tancet 2010
i wrote tancet exam for mca.Where shall i get the counselling application and to which address should i send the counselling application.
when will the tancet result come..? How can we know our results..? What score should be obtained in tancet to get a merit seat in PSG institute of management, Coimbatore..?
i wrote tancet exam for MCA. i need to get information about when the conuselling form is issued and in which place of coimbatore it get to been issued.please reply ….
Please inform me the date of Tancet 2010 result.
REspected Sir /Madam,
when will the TANCET MBA 2010 results are expected ? When will the Counselling Application forms for MBA are issued ?? where we can get the Counselling forms ?
when the MBA tancet results will be published?
i wrote tancet exam for mba.Where shall i get the counselling application and to which address should i send the counselling application.
i wrote tancet exam for MBA. i m in udumalpet. When and where TANCET 2010 counseling application form will be issued?
i wrote tancet exam for mba.Where shall i get the counselling application and to which address should i send the counselling application.
in distance education, i want study MBA, kindly send the details.
when will the tancet results come.? How can we know our results.? what score is required in the tancet exam to get a merit seat in PSG institute, coimbatore through government quota.?
when is MBA tancet 2010 result will be published?
i need my application number.i wrote MBA exams.when will the TANCET results be declared?
i need my application number.i wrote MBA exams
Dear Sir,
When will M.E result be published?
Can u pls tell me the minimum mark to get admission in Govt college for ECE branch?
Where will be the councelling happened for M.E?
Pls reply,
Thank you
When is counseling form issued?
Sir, when tancet 2010 counseling application form will be issued. What is the procedure to attend counselling for ME.
i have written TANCET 2010 exam.
When TANCET 2010 counseling application form will be issued?
Kindly let me know about tne probable date of declaration of the result of TANCET 2010 and theobtention of counselling application for MBA.Thank you
I have written Tancet 2010…so when Tancet 2010 counselling form will be issued? when will get my tancet 2010 result.
please give me all information about councelling for mca
what are the dates of councelling for mca and are the procedures
i wrote tancet exam for mba, when issued counsling application and where is the place in coimbatore
when will the TANCET result 2010 for MBA will be published..?
when the results of tancet 2010 exam wil be published?
when will anna universite issue tancet counseling form……
plz help me
when is tancet publish result for mba entrance conducted by anna university and what is the procedure to attend counselling for MBA?.
When TANCET 2010 counseling application form will be issued? & When will the results of TANCET MBA 2010 be published?
i wrote tancet exam for mca.Where shall i get the counselling application and to which address should i send the counselling application.
when is tancet publish result for mca entrance conducted by anna university and what is the procedure to attend counselling for MCA?.
When will the tancet results be published??
I have missed to write tancet exam this year any other way is there
i have written TANCET 2010 exam.
When TANCET 2010 counseling application form will be issued?
when is the tancet result 2010 will be published?
When will be the results of TANCET 2010 (M.C.A) published?
sir, when the tancet result will come? If u people published the result suddenly, then how we will come to know? Plz reply..
sir i got qualified in gate exam in biotechnology stream . can i eligible to apply for m.tech biotechnology in anna univ.can u plz forward me details for admission in anna univ.
when tancet 2010 result will be coming ?
when will tancet 2010 results come.. how much mark required for getting government college for ME and MBA…
when we will be getting the tancet mba counselling application forms.
How many mark should i get to join in Government colleges(For Part time ME) or the colleges which are around in Chennai????….
How many mark should i get to join in Government colleges(For Part time) or the colleges which are around in Chennai????….
Hi Sir,
I wrote tancet mba exam. when will i get the result and is that the requirement for knowing application number.
How Many Canditates Wrote M.E Examination? How is M.E Question Paper?
When will be the results of TANCET 2010 (M.E) published?
Where shall i get the counselling application and to which address should i send the counselling application…
When will be the result of TANCET 2010 ME published?
When will be TANCET counselling application issued?
when wil the tancet mca results published…>>>??
when wil the tancet results fr mca published..>>?????
when is the trancet result for mba
hi.i wrote mca entrance exam.where shall i bought the counsling application?pls .and which is the last late
dear sir, how many appilcants have applied for tancet MBA and when ll the results be announced . thanks
i forgot my application number . my reg. no : was 11261387. so please send my application no: in tancet mba
wat is the procedure for attending counsellinh..b4 results should get application n send it r..plz dont procedure..if some know how plz do reply
i wrote tancet for mba recently i saw new about counsilling application in news paper but it was not clear so please can u tell me about where i should get the application for counsilling an the rate of the application form???????????????????????????
When will be the results of TANCET 2010 (M.E) published??????
Hi.. i wrote tancet exam for mca.Where shall i get the counselling application and to which address should i send the counselling application…
how much mark get in tancet exam for join gov college
i forgot my application number . my reg. no : was 12193450. so please send my application no: in tancet mtech
where can i get counciling application form? and also want 2 know the last date plss.
i forgot my application number . my reg. no : was 12161710. so please send my application no: in tancet mba
i forgot my application number . my reg. no : was 12161710. so please send my application no in tancet
what is the procedure to attend counselling for MCA?
how much mark get in tancet for join gov college
I have done BCA .and for further to continu MCA in anna university in chennai should i write TANCET exam?
How much marks should i take in entrance exam to get seat in anna university chennai because i have completed my BCA in banngalore so no idea about it ? and when is the last date to sumit the entrance form?
Hi.. i worte tancet exam.. where will available for counselling application and which address should send for counselling application…
please send old question papers/model question papers of previous years
Porf T.B.Muddanna,
MBA Dept.
East Point College of ENGG & TECHNOLOGY,
please send old question papers/model question papers of previous years
When will be TANCET counselling application issued?
sir, i want previous 10 years mca tancet exam solved question paper.
When will be the tancet result publish tell me the exact date……….
when i apply for 2011 tancet
I need an application form for TANCET mba will i get it now?
i want ME model question paper
dear sirs’
when tancet mba 2010 results will be published
If i get 35 marks in TANCET MBA 2010 in which universitiy i can join? Can I get admit into ANNA University Chennai
i am wanted for tancet mca bank
please say me how can i prepare for this entrance examination.please mention the important study materials to which i can refer …….
need come tips for entrance
sir i need model question paper of tancet for mba and mca.
2morow exam send me quick
I need TANCET MCA Model question paper
how much mark is required for m.b.a
i want to get application form please
The M.S.c electronics graduate is eligible to do M.E applied Electronics in anna university and under control anna university affilated colleges..
i missed my tancet all ticket. what i have to do now
what is the minimum mark should be obtained to get through in tancet entrance exam
i need some model papers fo mba
May i know, wheather i will get second chance to apply for Tancet 2010 as i could’t apply this time due to unavoidable reasons.Is there any possibility for applying it now coz i wanna do it plz Plz let me know - Regards ashok
Will there be any stipend given to those who get qualified in the
TANCET exam..?
i hav applied for TANCET MBA,MCA..not yet received my hall ticket…
i need previous years solved papers of TANCET MBA.. and last 5 years question papers
sir iwant apply for mba but i didnt get application form for tancet can i apply now pls reply sir thank you
economics are in gate
How to apply mba counselling?
I need sylabus for tancet MCA exam..send the sylabus to my e-mail id..
I need previous tancet MCA question paper
my friend apply application for tancet MBA she not yet receive the hall ticket how i found her application is selected and where i get her hall ticket
sir, i have not received my admit card for tancet mca 2010 exam. is it possible to printout the admit card from the web site. If possible then how??????????? reply me first please
sir, i have not received my admit card for tancet mca 2010 exam. is it possible to printout the admit card from the web site. If possible then how??????????? reply me please
I Want solved Me TANCET model question paper for CSE
i need previous years solved papers of TANCET MBA..
hi…good even….pls sent al the information about tancet for mba information to my mail…..
i am selvarani. i have already applied for mca entrance exam .on 29.5.2010.my registration number is 12132211.now i want to apply for mba entrance exam.how to apply
i did not get admit card of tancet2010 yet?
iI have not received my tancet mba admit card.my reg-id is 14970. plz help me quickly.
i want previous year question paper for cse dept
plese need some model question paper
i hav applied for TANCET MBA..not yet received my hall ticket…
sir , kindly tell me syllabus for ece tancet
total number of applications issued this year for ME/M.TECH
i want M.E(ECE,mathematics,basic engineering) solved previous year question papers
May i know, wheather i will get second chance to apply for Tancet 2010 as i could’t apply this time due to unavoidable reasons.Is there any possibility for applying it now coz i wanna do it plz Plz let me know - Regards -venkat
I haven’t received my tancet hall-ticket until now. what should i do???? plz suggest me
i want previous year question paper for cse dept….
please give me the colleges offered MBA & MCA courses (under TANCET ) in coimbatore and chennai.
thank you.
i want a TANCET M.E(ECE) previous years questions with answers…..
sir….how much mark should want to took in tancet exam to join in this clge for M.E……..reply pl….
I need to know the fees details for mba
I need MBA tancet2009 solved question and answer
i want to prepare for my mca enterence exam so which book refers to that please tell me about that.thank u.
i want m.e cse tancet model question paper pls sent to my email
i want previous year questionpapers of mba tancet with solved
I haven’t receive tancet call ticket.Will i print call ticket in any website?
can u send model question paper for mba with detail answer
pls tel how many marks to get for gvt college in tancet exam send to my email
As i want to join MBA but i missed out date for getting application form.now what can i do?Is the colleges will admit the students for MBA/MCA program without appearing in these examinations.plz reply
Dear sir,
I have applied for the tancet 2010 through online the application no is 26482 but i did not get hall ticket upto now so i request uyou to send hall ticket or suggest me to get the hhall ticket through online please forward the hall ticket to my mail address
thanking you sir,
CH.Shravan kumar
last year i atetended the tancet mca but i could not join the course i saw the integral differential questions in that exam please give me that type of q&a
As i want to join MCA i missed out date for getting the tancet application so pls help me . what i want to do now?
hw much marks should be scored by a candidate to choose an anna university college….???????….. ad also whether srm is under the control of anna university……
sir, how much marks should be scored by a candidate to choose an anna university for mca ad aso whether srm coll is under the contol of anna university………….
I don’t recieve my hall ticket of MCA Entrance. plz tell me/send my hall ticket
When will be the result of tancet published?
as the days are nearing m gettin scared..pls give me some tips for mba exam..pls say me the section which needs more concentration..pls reply
can i know how many studen ts are applied foe tancet 2010?
i want to last three years TANCET MCA endrance Question papers with answer. can i get it. pls help me…..
as i want to join ME but i missed out date for getting application form.now what can i do?
hai i am parthi when tancet 2010 mba exam date
Respected sir,
I’m Sangeetha i have applied for Tancet M.Tech Biotechnology but still i didn’t get the hallticket. So i request you to send me exam center and my registration number for the application number 20776 and my address is 34-A, E.B colony, Bharathipuram, Dharmapuri-636705.
Thank you
With regards
i want previous year mba tancet question paper
how to join in bangalore engineering college,i had passed 2puc with 45%mark ,would i get BEcomputerscience? can any one send me the details of admission procedure to me
May i know, wheather i will get second chance to apply for Tancet 2010 as i could’t apply this time due to unavoidable reasons.Is there any possibility for conducting the exam second time for unlucky students like me?
Pls let me know - Regards - Dinesh.
as i want to join MBA but i missed out date for getting application form.now what can i do?
today was 16-05-2010.can i get application form today if not means shall i join in college which is affilated to anna university.
i want mca tancet model question paper pls sent to my email
sir i have’nt yet received my hall ticket for the examination. So pls send it as soon as possible or provide us to download it from internet
till now i have not submitted tancet application,i heard news about TANSET very lately,but i want to interest to study m-tech in ur university,so pls tell me any other chance for me…………..
still i haven’t received my hall ticket. why is it so? Pls tell me
i didnt get ma admit card still now,what i want to do now
Dear Sir,
This is for my neice….She has complted her BCA & would like to pursue with MCA. Unfortunately, we have missed to apply for TANCET 2010 - simply because of non awareness of this mandatory requirement. We would like to apply for TANCET 2010 now even if it is with some penaulty amount as we would like to take up MCA as our post graduation. Is there any way? Kindly let us know.
sir i m Graduate i want study mca so plz tell me were i register for this entrance exam send me details and web address !
when i get my hall ticket???
I didn’t get tancet exam hall ticket.when i get it
please send me the details about the fees structure for ME regular as well as in part time .
hi.i didn’t get tancet exam hall ticket.when i get it……………
sir, i havent recieved tancet hall ticket.wen ll i get it………
plz send me syllabus of mtec tancet
sir,i want how many students applied for MBA Exam-2010?
hi.i didn’t get tancet exam hall ticket.when i get it……………?
TANCET 2010 examination is on 30.05.2010. But till to date I have not received hall ticket by post. what to do.is there is any facility to download hall ticket from web.
I’d applied for tancet 2010 examination online as per the dates sheduled, but ive not yet recieved the hallticket. what should i now and whom should i concern?
SEnd me question paper for MBA tancet
when will I get my hall ticket for tancet exam?
i ve aPPlied in online registrAtioN for tancet mba 2010..but i didnt receive hall ticket till date..want to know when i ll get..and whom should i contact to know about it..want to know ur rePly soon ..
i prepare for mba how can prepare for data sufficient
how i prepare for section data sufficient in mba
i have applied for tancet 2010 examination online on april 1st week itself but still i didn’t get the hallticket till nw … When will i get the hallticket
i m a student of BCA,but i completed +2 with arts,can i able to give TANCET?
I have applied for TANCET through online and posted the same within stipulated date but yet now i haven’t received any response or hall ticket.What should i do now ?
Is the TANCET application forms are still available?
is the TANCET application forms are still available? can i apply online?
can u pls send me previous years architecture papers, and common maths and science papers…
I inquired with Anna University, chennai regarding the hall Tickets. TANCET 2010 hall tickets will be issued soon within May 21 for online applicants.
I had applied for tancet 2010 examination online as per the dates sheduled, but ive not yet recieved the hallticket. what should i now and whom should i concern?
I have not received the hall ticket for TANCET 2010. when is the last date for receiving the hall ticket. Since i have applied online for TANCET 2010. Whom should i contact for confirming whether my photocopy of my application and the necessary documents sent by have been received by them.
How to apply for TANCET exam 2010 for MCA?
i want mba tancet questation paper last 5 years
i havnt recievd my hall ticket yet..whom shud i contact
Have you send the Hall ticket to my Address.
This is My Tancet Application Number-10780.
Can you please check it reply for me.
warm regards,
Shanmuga Priya.A
I just want to know when the tancet exam application form will be issued. How can i get the form?
can u provide me the details about the syllabus for MBA entrance exam?
I’d applied for tancet 2010 examination online as per the dates sheduled, but ive not yet recieved the hallticket. what should i now and whom should i concern?
hello sir/madam,
I want to do MCA I stay in Chennai and saw that the TANCET application from had closed on April End. If i want to apply, is there any chance for me. please provide me with the details. Waiting for your valuable feedback. Thankyou.
I have not recieved mca hall ticket for tancet entrance exam.I have applied online and post.Let me know when will I recieve my hall ticket.
sir plz send me tancet previous q’papers for m.tech entrance(electronics)
last date for application
I stay in MUMBAI.Can anybody tell me where can I get tancet 2010 hall ticket?
when next tancet exam wil be?
sir When i get the hall ticket for tancet 2010, apply through the net
I’d applied for tancet 2010 examination online as per the dates sheduled, but ive not yet recieved the hallticket. what should i now and whom should i concern?
next tancet exams when?
when i get hall ticket for m.tech tancet 2010 entrance exam??????????
previous year question papers for tancet with solved amswers
I have not recieved any hall ticket for tanset entrance exam. I have applied online.Please let me know when will i recieve my hall ticket.
when will tancet hall ticket will be issued. and one more How can we select our paper-3 in m-tech stream in exam
reply quickly
can i know how many applications were sold for M.E.2010
how many applications were sold for M.E. 2010
what is the fees structure of Mca
When ll be the Hall ticket issued for the Internet Registration…
please give the syllabus of tancet MCA.hw will get the hall ticket if we apply by online?
i applied through internet for tancet 2010.could you tell me when shall i get the hall ticket.
need tancet previous year mech question papers
i have registered for TANCET 2010 entrance exam, is there any possibility for me to change my exam center zone ?
how much the cost of application form?
how get hall ticket for tancet 2010 if we apply by online?
how to apply mba counselling?
I want to do M.Tech (IT) Anna University, My basic qualification MCA, give guide line for my expectation.
Thanking You,
Subash. S
When i get the hall ticket for tancet 2010, i’ll apply through the net 0n 03/04/2010
On 3-04-2010 ,Am applied the tancet application(online) .And 12-04-2010 I posted my downloaded application with DD .I didn’t receive the hallticket till nw .plz mail me when will be issue..
When will MCA application will be issued ?
What is the fees structure ?
can you update the information about last date for application and procedure for applying TANCET(Mtech).
How to join ME part time?what are the procedure to join?
I would like to know when is the last date for receiving the hall ticket for M.tech entrance exam.
I am residing at Kochi .where shall i contact if i don’t get the hall ticket in time.
I had applied for TANCET 2010 through registered post with acknowledgement on 22/04/2010, but i didn,t receive my acknowledgement & hall ticket.Will you please confirm my registration. My Application NO:18107
I had applied for TANCET 2010 through registered post with acknowledgement on 22/04/2010 but still now i didnt receive my hall ticket, my Application No:18107. Will you please confirm my registration.
Hi Sir,
My wife wants to do MBA and we are from karnataka.Recentaly we shifted to Chennai and saw that the TANCET application from had closed on April End. If i want to apply, is there any chance for us. please provide me the details.
will be waiting for your valuable feedback.
What is the procedure to appear for MBA counselling for all the colleges offering MBA?, Last year I appeared for TANCET MBA and my score was around +30.00. I applied for Anna university thinking it would suffice my elegibility into counsellig, later Iw as told for MBA counselling will be held at Coimbatore and was flabbergasted as I had not applied, so please inform me how do I need to apply for the counselling for MBA for all Colleges afiliated to A.U.
syllabus for MBA entrance exam
when i get the hall ticket
is the TANCET application forms are still available? can i apply online?
sir when is tan cet application forms avilable and when it last date
how ll i know my application(applied through online) has reached anna university and when ll i get my hall ticket?
can i appear for the exam with my +2 qualification?
sir, i applied through internet for tancet 2010. could you tell me when the hall ticket will be sent?
What is the procedure to appear for TANCET MCA enterance examination, starting from download of application, fees details, exam date, reporting centre etc..????
how much marks i want to score in tancet for mba for getting a good college in merit please reply me
i want to apply for TANCET 2010. How do i get?
what is the last date for tancet registration through internet
is the TANCET application forms are still available? can i apply online?
can i get admissiom at ANNA UNIVERSITY COLLEE FOR MTECH BASED ON GATE SCORE,MY GATE SCORE IS 615 IN ECE,what about the fee structure?
when is the tancet exam?
where shall i get get tancet form? any bankre issuing the form?
tell last date for tancet 2010 application
When the last date for ME application
sir, i applied through internet for tancet 2010. could you tell me when the hall ticket will be sent?
hw much marks should be scored by a candidate to choose an engineering college….???????
hw much marks should be sored by a candidate to choose an engineering college….????
i need last date for TANCET 2010 ME
what is the last date for tancet registration through internet
How to join ME part time?what are the procedure to join?
Dear sir,
i submit registration form online before 26 april,so valid this form.
Dear Sir,The TANCET online registration (for ME) site is not working, last 3 days and today also application form is not opening, what is the last date of online registration. What should I do?
mca is eligible for m.tech/me IT.
when is the last date for issue application
can i get tancet 2009 question paper for ME.
i have wrongly mentioned my cast in both online registration and form . I have written as BC instead of MBC. What can i do now? please send any suggestions as soon as possible.
i like to apply entrance exam TANCET2010. i am in trichy. i have called to trichy anna university and asked them. they told registration had over at 20/4/2010. so they asked me to call chennai anna university. so please guide me to apply to chennai anna university.
The online registration of TANCET 2010 has already closed. I would like to apply for the test. Is there any option for that?
wen is the last date of submission of application forms.how is the procedure? is there me/mtech programme on structural engg.
hi ……….. do we have any computer based test…..like cat
Respected Sir,
I have an arreer in my second semester of BCA.can i apply for mca?
Respected Sir,
Imissed the oppertunity to attend the tancet entrance exam.is there any other chance to get admission for mca.can you kindly reply to me?
can u please issue the TANCET application form online
please send me a tancet m.tech applications last date
i need model question paper for m.tech………..here some prbl in online registration…….shall i do it tomorrow
dear sir
mtech entrance exam when
i got the information abt the tancet exam today.
so can i apply the application form 4 exam today?
Now i am studying final year B.Sc.,
I Want to continue my higher studies.
But i miss the date to apply enterence exam…
can i apply now?
it was known to me that the last date for the submission of application form was on26th april 2010. now i need to get an application form. what should i do? plz……
it was known to me that the last date for the submission of application form was on26th april 2010. now i need to get an application form. what should i do?
Sir,As the online application time is over..,Is there any other way to apply for TANCET nw from Kerala..,other than by getting applic form from Tamilnadu..? Shall i apply in a print out of applic form..,I have already issued the DD on 19th itself..
Today is 22nd April 2010. can i still get TANCET form. Where can i get it.
what happens if the online application form is not attested on my photograp? since iam from rural area and it takes long time to reach there so in urgency i posted the application form.but i sent my dd with that.
when is the last date for TANCET application
when is the last date for TANCET application .please replied me……….
hello sir, when is the last date for getting tancet application form
The TANCET online registration site is not working, yesterday and today. Today is the last date. What should I do
i want to know about the last date of applicaion and how to apply to tancet
how to get application form
Respected sir,
If i cannot apply from online for tancet, where do i get the application from andhrapradesh.please give the reply as soon as possible.
hi! i wana what is last date of online resistration form….
i need to apply for the TANCET examination through online so please tel me how to apply ……
please replay immediately to my mail id..
When is the last dt for applying for MCA course on line and entrance exaM DATE PLEASE
r. p. kUMAR
what last date for online form
i want to tanset application now
Sir i have applied online for mca before 10 days itself but i didn’t get the exam center where am going to right my exam can you please tell me when will i get those details
online appl
i wish to attend tancet.but application issue date closed. without coming to chennai shall i do it in online.
y no centers in kerala??????
i want model question paper please sent
last date for spot Spot Registration at the Examination
Centre, Anna University Chennai
Sir,1.priority Ex service man dep.daughter in ME ADMISSION
2. ME CIVIL Part Time/Full time which college avilable sorrounding salem,namakkal dt
What is the last date of online registration form for tancet 2010
Dear Sir,
i ant to know the fee structure of mba
The TANCET online registration site is not working, yesterday and today. Today is the last date. What should I do?
sir, My GATE score is 398 &my gate rank is 8975.(percentile 91.61).Is there any need for attending TANCET and whether My gate score is enough for applying for the admission in tamilnadu colleges?
i need to apply for the TANCET examination through online so please tel me what is the to apply ……
please replay immediately to my mail id..
thank you,
iwant tancet 2009 question paper model (m.b.a)
sir, i’m working in bangalore, but i’m interested to studying mca,can i apply online registration?pls tell me more about TANCET EXAMINATION.
Sir………… where i can get tancet applications forms……….
may i know how much fee required for tancet exam for mba….
after writing tancet how we can get the details abt counselling will they send letter
may i know when is an end date for appling tancet xam?
tell me abt this exam full information……….
can i apply for the exam now?
where can i get application form for tancet 2010
ann university have admissions through GATE for mtech
When is the last date for getting tancet applicatiom. Where it is issued in coimbatore
sir,how will i apply for m.tech and please inform me the last date of registration
need mca entrance exam model question
where can i get the application in vellore district
I’m handicapped student.i applied for tancet exam.handicpped qutoa when should i want to apply for it.
fees structure and cut off marks
sir.. the tancet exam s very much useful for us 2 do our master degree… Thanks for conducting this type of test for final year students…. sir, i was applied for ME.. so can u give me a previous year question papers for ECE..
Can i see the model question paper or previous year question paper of tancet for MCA course
i need when is MCA entrance exam in statewise
I am a candidate of 10+2+3(distance education) student.
i have a doubt to apply MCA also am i a candidate.
please give me a TANCET examinations notes for MCA
I have finished Mca in sun college of engineering and technology am i eligible to do M.E(computer science).Please say.
plz last date forapplication tancet2010
hi. when is the last date for applying tancet ? can i know soon ?
tell me abt tis tancet xam?
where will the tancet application form is issued in madurai
I want to the full fees of ME.
how to apply on line application form for mca in tancet
sir, i want apply for TANCET what is the last date for submitting to application…….
please help me
i was completed my b.tech[i.t]. i will join me. which departments are eligible for me.
When is the last date to get application form for TANCET?and last date for submission of the form?
how to apply for this exam?
how can i learn for tancet exam.. is i compulsory to go to mba coaching class..
i like to do mca in regular and mba in corresspondence.it is possible ? please help me and send me the fees details also.please…………
which date of tancet 2010 exam application will be issued?. plz reply me.
last date for applying tancet
please send confirmation dates of mba and m.tech
Sir i am going to apply for tancet in center.For spot registration 300 should be paid as cash or DD.Pls tell me as soon as possible.
hai sir/madam my friend applied for tancet 2010 for m.e. but he like to apply for mba also.he got hall ticket for m.e.what procedure to apply for mba?please tell me
Hi, I finished my B.Tech in 2009.. Iwould like to do MBA as part time course.. IS ter any necessity for me to write tancet?
rom where i can get the application for tancet exam
i need the full detail for DD form filling (in the fvaour of what)
sir, how can i prepare for this entrance exam?
please, help me to do well
Is Tancet exam is to be written for PART time MBA
i got gate rank 20353 and score 288(19.33%),i can also write tancet exam ?my category is sc i am A.p student.ihaving reservation or not?
sir i want deatail about mca, wich college best in tamilnadu for studying in mca programming
i want to know what r the colleges are affidate by anna university in chennai. pls reply me soon ,..
sir,can i fill the mca form online.If yes please tell me the
name to which the demand draft should be made.
i want online web address to apply entrance exam application ,
need to last year model question paper tancet exam at M.tech (IT)
please send me past or model question papers for tancet,mca
how can i get the application form for tancet
which address i have to send that application form
which type of ques will be asked for mca. sir pls tell that too………………………
I am in pondicherry shall i apply for tancet
is tancet necessary for doing MBA in corresspondance?
is last year tancet marks sheet are valid for this year
Can I get TANCET 2010 Forms from Bank ( If so Which Bank) or Government Engineering Colleges?
how can i get online application in tacet
cost of tqancet 2010 application form and last date for submission available places
TANCET 2010 M.Tech, MBA, MCA regerstation form for anna uni.
i have 3 arrear paper in BE. do i write tancet?
Is that students from outside the state Tamil Nadu can apply for the exam?
i need the list of college offering m.tech(IT)
i would like to know the syllabus for m tec entrence-2010. can you kindly post it, if available… thanks in anticipation to your info…..
sir, is there an spot registration for this exam????
or wher i hav to
download the tancet application form in online pls tel me????
sir.this my halticket no sir.lose on my hallticket.pls sir,duplicate hallticket send my e-mail id sir (or) your instruction sir.
sir.this my halticket no sir.lose on my hallticket.pls sir,duplicate hallticket send my e-mail id sir (or) your instruction pls sir.
What is the syllabus for mca entrance exam?
i cnt take print out my internet submitted application form, wat sud i do?
how to get the application form
for this tancet we can go tostudy in any college?
this tancet belongsto all colleges in tamilnadu?
Tel me ME class opening month
i had been a lecturer in computer science department for one and half years in yellamma dasappa institute of technology.i did not write gate exam. may i get admission for m.tech program in computer science.my contact no is 09708904350.my email id is [email protected]
where we will get the application form of tancet entrance exam
shall i apply tancet in internet. if yes tell me address pls.
When is the last date for the appication forms?
Shall I apply for it online?
Give me the required website to visit?
what is quota for other states in m tech and what are the college that give seats for other state candidates
when did tancet for mba is conducted and when it is for m.tech
sir ,i am from KERALA .
Is it possible to do MCA after doing the course of 3year B.com(co-operatin) .I have completed my +2 with computer application . please kindly send the details……….
i am doing now 2nd year of b,tech(it)
after completed this i want to do m.tech so nowself i want tancet application form to fill and restiger.
plse send me immediately to this id. i am from dharmapuri.
plse tell me where to collect.
which type of que ill be asked?
shall i apply tancet in internet, add plssss
i want online web address to apply entrance exam application ,
need to last year model question paper tancet exam at M.tech (mech)
in which place tancet application issue in karur
I would like to know that, whether minimum eligibility of marks in qualifing exam is just uniformly accepted as pass in degree in engg all across the colleges or it depends on the offering institutions.
Anticipating a quick reply
bk jena
application form for tancet exam?
respected sir/madam
i completed my ug in ksvali nellore dt a.p
sir i would like to do logistics mba in chennai
give some explana5tions about this course is it possible apply on tancet
wats the last date for it
sir, can i apply in the online if i cannot apply online then where do i get the application forms am from andhra pradesh please tell me the details
i want to know about the complete details of tancet-2010,from were will we get the application form,about the fee deatils,date etc
shall i apply tancet in internet. if yes tell me address pls.
TANCET is required for PART TIME M.TECH.
how to apply TANCET in online
When is the last date to get application form for TANCET?and last date for submission of the form?
when will you issue the application form for mca course?
how to apply other state students
Kindly give me the details to apply for the exam in online. In case of any other procedures make it into notice please
i am a student from outside tamilnadu.i want to write tancet 2010 for mba. if i scored good marks in tancet 2010 will i get admission on merit basis to colleges which are affiliated to anna university
How apply tancet by online?
i need that procedure.
Respected Sir/Madam.
I Need TANCET model question paper. kindly help me.
Thank you.
If i will join M.E as part time course in which college shall i join. is it only in anna university or other colleges
i want the exams centers list in villupuram///
Where is Coimbatore Center located?
how to get MCA application form. how to get syllabus.
I need tancet ME model question papers, wats the website should i refer to. Pls guide me. Thank you
sir i apply tancet in internet. if yes tell me address pls
last of tancet2010?
how to apply for tancet by online?
i want to do mba in corres what is the procedure please tell me
wat is the application amount if i apply for M.E and MBA together
syllabus for tancet …..i had completed my engineering ….i want to do my M.E…so,sir plz kindly send the syllabus pattern for me…
what is the eligibility criteria for b.tech course in anna university? what is the minimum percentage required for the admission and what is the last date for the submission of the application form?
I am B tech mechanicalgraduate,is it possible to me to do M tech in bio medical….for that in TANCET which syllabus I select…. biomedical or mechanical…?….plz reply
What is the Eligibility criteria for joining ME in Communication System? Is B.Sc CT students can apply for this course by getting scores in TANCET
which places in madurai the tancet forms are issued?what is the last date to buy the forms?
mca application form what time
i need to aplicationn form,what are required the paper ?
Where i can get the TANCET application form,other than online application?
how to get application form for M.E(applied electronics) part time
wher will counciling’ll b helled in this year
in which place, i can get TANCET application form in Dindugal district?
i will finish my B.Com in 2011…when should i apply for TANCET enterance- this year(2010) or next year(2011)?
i need a details about the mca and mba
Howmany colleges are government colleges in tamilnadu? And course fee details
what is deadlines of tancet2010 for B.TECH
i need tancet exam date,syllabus,last date for recive application form
i need tancet exam date,syllabus,details to apply.
i need tancet exam date,syllabus,details to apply.
i have completed my B.E. ECE from the university of rajasthan in the year 2009 so i want to know wheather i can apply for TANCET?
i need MBA question papers for tancet exam
When is the last date for applying MBA TANCET exam.perhaps it can be applied through online,For how much the DD has to be taken?
I need the tancet application form in MBA Degree. h can i get the form plz mail to my id.
where can i get tancet application forms in madurai?
sir, i had missed my 10 mark sheet..
i applied for duplicate and i will get only after 3 months what can i do? sir..
i am having 12 mark sheet… can i apply for tancet exam sir….
I need a TANCET M.tech syllabus
Can I have model question paper of TNCET for admissions in MTech program in computer science?
dear sir,
i want detail for how much score in tancet exam to get a psg college mba sit.
tancet issue date
How to apply in online sir.,
Pls send that web address for Mba..
shall i apply tancet in internet. if yes tell me address pls.
when is the the last date for giving out forms
for the tancet entrance exam?
what are need to applay?
downloaded application wants
sir,i need model tancet question paper for MBA.& give online website address. THANKYOU SIR.
i need tancet MCA syllabus
sir what is the fees structure for ME and MBA , i completed BE in mechanical which line is useful in future
what is the limitatin of age for mca entrance exam
How apply tancet by online?
i need that procedure.
IIBM conduct any entrance exam for MBA DEGREE course?
syllabus for tancet …..i had completed my engineering ….i want to do my M.E…so,sir plz kindly send the syllabus pattern for me…plz sir
how to get application form
Sir/madam, may I know the cost of application?
how can i know the name of the centres.
good morn sir tancet 2010 from isssued thiruvannamalai which place address please
TANCENT having minus mark? and how to get application on online?
is it possible to do MBA after doing the course of 3year diplamo course pls send the details about it
respected sir, i want to do m.tech. now im doing E.C.E final year. i need full detail about this coures. years? fee? coures syllabus…
I want to know the issue date of TANCET application forms and from were i can buy it.
can we pay the fees through online
Dear Sir\Madam,
Kindly send me the Tancent MCA Application Form.
when is the mba exam
for doing in correspondence also have to write TANCET exam?????
i have finished MCA. Now i want to do M.Tech(Information Technology. Its possible?.
when will you conduct the MCA entrance exam?
Please send some TANCET exam model question papers to my mail
DID AN M.SC MICROBIOLOGIST is eligible for applying for m.tech program/not?
hello sir…if i want to do Masters in Engineering in gujarat then one of the entrance exam is coming 2 june or july then which exam i have 2 given? nd what is the exam date for entrance of ME?
i want tancet model question paper,send me as soon as posssible
Respected Sir/Mam,
I would like to know the application form issue dates from TANCET2010 for MBA course. i would also like to know the last date for the issue of the application forms.Iam from coimbatore.where should i collect the application forms?what is the application fee?Please I kindly request you to answer all my queries as soon as possible.Thank you.
send me tancet ME(ECE) and MBA previous year question papers and also tell me what are the centers in chennai to apply for tancet exams
may i know how much percentage is required in B.TECH to get the M.TECH seats
How to apply online?
at what courses are available in MBA
What courses are available in MBA?
hello i am from andhra pradesh willing to join in anna university
how can i join? is it possible for me to join in anna university chennai/me cse can any one tell me cutt off rank for other state students in anna university any one can give details plz
sir, i need question model for MBA
mca entrence exam application form last date
whether i have to write TANCET for doing M.E part time.
is there any online application for tan-cet 2010
how much marks in TANCET need for counselling to get the college.
I have completed my M.Sc Degree in Computer Science.
I am also interested to join M.E computer Science and Engineering .
Sir tell me weather i am eligible for doing M.E or not . And Specify that the eligibility norms.
please reply for me
with regards
sir,I need tancet model question paper.
how to apply for tancet in online
i am Msc electronic so ME eligibility please tell me the details
Can we get today application in Thiagarajar college, Madurai and also Kamarajar University, Virudhunagar???
I want to appear in tancet exam for mca.I am n’t understanding,when fill the tancet enterence exam for mca.
sir/madem,I need tancet model question paper.From were I may buy the TANCET form?iam a final year student in marthandam, kk dist.
sir, I need tancet model question paper in MBA and ME.
I need the model question paper for tancet exam. (mba)
weather the tancet examination will give conselling for all the student or not?
is m.b.a course is given preference to business school not to Anna university why . doing m.b.a in Anna university affilated colleges is valid r not
hello sir, i want the model question paper for tancet 2010 mac
pls send it soon
what are the top most college in tamilnadu for mca
Hi i want the details of which name and address mention in demand draft (in favour of ………….)
which college provide application form for tanset2010 in viruthunagar district
I need TANCET EEE Syllabus and also previous year question papers.
tancet application form were we get in chennai? and what procedure in applying this exam? and how to get in form at online?pls tell
syllabus for preparing TANCET mca?
which books to follow for TANCET Mca?
I am from dindigul where i can get tencet application?
i need aspplication form for MBA ENTTRANCE EXAMS
sir, i need tancet(me-cse) last 5 year question papers,please quide me
which certificates want to buy the hall ticket
what are the certificates wants to buy the hallticket
i want tancet application distruibuted in address for karaikudi
naumber of seats in MBA in anna university campus
in thiagarajar university madurai application form is issued or not ..please tell me the details
sir,I need tancet model question paper.
tancet 2010 application form issuing date
tell me the fee structure of this mtech course in mit university
tell me i m able to get admn mit university
send me syllabus of tancat in avionics(mtech)
sir,i want to do m pharmacy,evn for this corse we hav to attempt tancet.if so.then there is no information about the details of m pharmacy.please guide me sir
tancet exam expline in tamil meediam
when will the mca entrance application available?tell me about the entrance exam date.and how can i got application form in patna bihar?
plz tell abut the neagative mark
Dear sir/mam
1.please send me the tancet model paper
2.instrumentation effect in future
applications issue date
in which place application issued in karur district
how to apply for tancet exam where will we get application forms
Hi Sir,
I want to know when the application form for TANCET 2010 will be issued? and what is the last date to submit the application form?
And my main and important question is i want to buy the application form on any one day of coming friday, saturday and sunday(2,3 & 4)…. Can i get the application form on 4th april from Virudhunagar Kamaraj College…. Please reply as soon as possible….
Thank You
sir,i just want tancet(mca)last 5 year question paper.could u please mail to my mail id
sir, is the application form available in any bank.
I want to know the detail information of tancent as application form,model question paper(ME),fees,correct web address etc. . . .
1.whether i can appear for,M.E and M.B.A both tancet 2010
2.when the tancet 2010 forms will be issued -date of issue
3.where can i get the forms
4.how much fees for M.E, M.B.A
5 date of tancet 2010
where to get application for m.b.a tancet
helo sir requested 2 send details about exams and pattern model question papers
For Online Registration of Tancet 2010, the given website is not opening. how to register online?
I appeared for TANCET 2009 [for the entry of part time M.Tech (Mech.)in Anna university, Tirunelveli] and have secured 32.5 marks. As admission for the subject course was not conducted last year (2009-2010) I could not study M.tech. Since I wish to join the course this year (2010), I would like to know whether the marks scored in the last year TANCET exam is valid for this year also or should I appear for TANCET (scheduled in May, 2010) afresh for the M.Tech course to be commenced on 2010. Kindly do reply at the earliest.
please send tancet official site address
when is the application form will be available tell me the correct date and where can i get the form in Cuddalore and villupuram a district?
sir i would like to know the site were i can download the syllabus and previous year question papers for M.TECH(BIOTECHNOLOGY). im waiting for ur reply????
when will be TANCET entrance exams will start………………….
where to get the application forms for TANCET………….
sir,when issue tancet apllication form and when exam starts?
Please reply…
Can you tell me places where you are going to distribute the TANSAT forms?
exam date ?
i wish to download the application. how? where?
pl.tell me how to prepare TANCET MBA…
sir, I have draw DDs for TANCET before the appln form has been published. Is that DD valuable? My DD drawn date is March 17th… Plz tel me whether it is valuable? or I have
to take it again by cancelling the old one?
hello please tell the date for issuing tancet application and last date for it
when will the application form issued and what is the procedure to submit the application?
I’m vellore candidate. Can I get the application form from the vellore center and filling the application form, where to submit, whether in the exam center or to post to anna university?
which date tancet form issuse?i need correct date information
i need model tancet question paper for MCA
hi sir, gud evening. please tell me when will be the application forms are issued.my address is marthaindam
From were I may buy the TANCET form? I am a final year student from Marthandam KK Dist
i want to know about the complete details of tancet-2010,from were will we get the application form,about the fee deatils,date etc
I want to know about syllabus of TANCET mca entrance exam and how to apply my application form
can u tell me the correct date of issuing application forms .
where we can get it in villupuram
please send the tancet 2010 computer science syllabus
When the application forms will be issued .please inform the correct date please…..
which college the application provide in thanjavore?
which college the application provide?
tancet mca qustion paper
how to got syllabus for mtech biotechnology?
how to download application form?
How many mba departments available in India?
Colleges and course offers from india details…..
when will issue applicatio for MBA exam in TANCET tell me the correct date and how much rupees for that application?
If i go to buy application wat i wil bring (any certificates)
during application form
what are the syllabus for ME tancet for mechanical engineering
who to download the Tancet 2010 M.Arch. Entrance Application form
which place in available tancet application form at chennai?
In virudhunagar,which place tancet form will be issued?
when the application form will be issued. please tell the correct date and the examination date?
how to get mca application in online……..
which place in dindigul to give the tancet application form
pls give the full details
Whether b-tech final year students are eligible to write TANCET for admission to M-TECH, M.E or only the degree holders are eligible?
i will join to your university in mba course, so i will need to course and fees ditiales. its all send my email id [email protected]
when is the application form will be available tell me the correct date and where can i get the form in villupuram district?
how can i download tancet exam form?and also send me tancet exam model papers for mca.
when will the entrances exam
tancet 2010 details: application form and last date to submit .
can we submit online application?
please say where we can get application form for the part time M.E course in nagercoil
what is the cost of application for tancet mca and the data of issue?
how to download the application form and tell me the correct website address
sir i need MBA in hotel management collage list in TN
how apply for B.E final year students.
how to download the application form and tell me the correct website address?
dear sir,
where to get the tancet application forms in nagai district…if it is available in any banks at mayiladuthurai…..
please reply me…..
Please let me know the colleges that use TANCET score for their MBA admissions??
Appreciate your response at the earliest.
when will we get the mca extrance application in net
when the tancet entrance application form will be given in which date say me the correct date in chennai anna universtiy???
when the tancet entrance application form will be given in which date say me the correct date in chennai anna universtiy???
i want tancet exam question paper model for my entrance
To write the tancet examination, what about the min & max age limit.
sir ,
wer & wen is the application issued in coimbatore,istay in saibaba colony,or how 2 download a application form?
Deadline for ADMISSION TO B TECH 2010 COURSE. Can I apply even if I am from Rajasthan? How?
i want tancet question paper
Sir,how to download the application form? tell me the correct website address?
i want the details of the subjects i should prepare for the tancet in m.tech ( ece ).
sir what is the Acadamic schedule of Part time M.E in Anna university COIMBATORE
how can get both online n offline application form
when will start tancet2010 and what is the procedure to apply the tancet2010 please reply immediately..
where will get the tancet-2010 application form in coimbatore?!
May I know how much % is required in Bachelor’s Degree to get the MBA Seats?
In the JUNE 2010 I will write the final semester of BBA [CA]
and I have to wait for the results.
So will it be possible to apply with my 10,+2 Certificates?
i want to know the exact date and place around puducherry!
and please give me the MBA question patern..
how many question will ask in tancet2010 exam.
number of seats in mba
Being a non native of TN ,can i be able to apply for mtech biotechnology in anna univ,chennai?.if so please tell me the procedure.i have qualified GATE(2010) with a 78%
how can i know how much cut off mark need for Erode Kongu engineering college and IRTT college in erode please help me
where can i get the tancet form in thiruvannamalai district sir
how are reservation for obc out of state and how are seat in % for out of state!
I am MCA final year student now.What are the ME/MTech cources
available to me?
gmg sir/madam pls telme the correct website name
Do u give the syllabus of TANCET for M.E.,(CSE)
how to apply in online????
when tanset application form will be issued? what are the procedures to get the application?
which college is issue the tancet application in madurai ..
syllabus for preparing TANCET MBA?
which books to follow for TANCET MBA?
i am from andhrapradesh studing B.Tech final year in cse stream .i want to take admission in annauniversity for M.Tech it is possible for oter state people .
hi .. sir ,, good evening .i need some information tancet. M E .. MECH related all privies year question … need … negative mark full deaties ,
please send me the 3 years law course admission date and important dates for the course. and also eligibility for the above course….
Thank You
How to download the application form and tell me the correct website address??
from where i get the application form and what all are the procedures to follow
i am msc(IT),mphil(cs)alagappa univ through distance education only.whether its eligible to do mtech course. pls reply .
what is the fee structure for m.tech
when is the application form is giving?…..and i want to know about best of MBA colleges especially in coimbatore…
when is the application form is giving?.. .i want to know about the application giving in coimbatore centers…..
What can i do to download application form
sir, i need tancet minimum target marks and how to get that target …..
pls give me some tips for me….
Sir, I need last 3 years question papers or modal test papers of TANCAT MCA.Please send it to my mail id.
Hey frnds…anna university has given the ad for the application form for tancet (mba/mca/me) in the Hindu (28th march 2010). Pls refer that for more details. The application form is going to be issued from 1st of april..My email id is [email protected]..Pls mail me for model question paper and preparatory materials…I have downloaded it and i will give u the link. All the best for the exams !!!!!!!
i have done bca from ignou, can i applay for mca.
sir plz list the specializations there in this university for electronics and communication engineering(ECE)?
respected sir,
when is the application form will be available tell the correct date?
what is TANCET syallabus for computer science engineering?
Question paper model for ME and important questios for the exam. i need the syllabus ?
i am interested in writing both Exam for MBA and ME can i appear for both?
when will you issue tancet 2010 application?
when is the application form will be available tell me the correct date and where can i get the form in coimbatore district?????
Can you please tell me whether a NOn tamilnadu candidate can write tancet for m.e/m.tech if he writes what is the scenario of him getting in to anna universtity
Tancet Application are distributed in 01-04-2010 to 20-04-2010 for the spot registration. For more information view today(28-03-2010) “THE HINDU” paper page no 11…
what can be the prescribed text book for tancet.. someone pls tel mi a gud guide…
tancet 2010
app wll b issue from 1/5/10, Last date 26/5/10
Exam date may 29 & 30
Source: Times of india, dinagaran, dinamalar
i want some details for MBA TANCET exam.i m studying engineering final year.so i will join higher study
Hi i need to know last date to submit form and i want tancet model papers………
Model question paper
please tell me the standard books for tancet M.E. EEE and the related previous years question papers
how can i attend my mca entrance exam
wn exam
sir i need top ten M.E(Comp.science)colleges in tamilnadu.
tancet 2010 exam date
TANCETapplication form issue date plz???????????
when will be get application form through net
Respected sir, I need a details about where can we receive Tancet application forms
I want to know where the application form issued in vellore district…
dear sir,
iam antony from karur. i need some information about mca entrance exam application centre in trichy.
where can i get the form in madurai?
when is the application form will be available ?
How much rupees for mca tancet?
Send me some previous year model question papers?
when is the application form will be available tell me the correct date and where can i get the form
when will u issue the tancet application and when we have to register?what is the tancet syllabus for electrical to undergo ME
when is the application form will be available tell me the correct date and where can i get the form in villupuram and coimbatore district?????
how to download the application form and tell me the correct website address?
when is application issue pls tell me the correct date when can i get pudukkottai district
sir i got a hall ticket directly on any college it is possible?
respected sir,
when u inform the date?
respected sir,
please inform the date.
may i know the date of issue of TANCET application forms,asps.
i want tancet application distribute address in virudhunagar
when will application form is issued ?
exam date tell that ?
exam tips ?
send me Question model?
I want to do m.tech in computer science stram
when and where does he application for tancet will be issued..?
when issu application form thanjure and kumbakonam side ?
What is the syllabus for M.E. TANCET?
place to get tancet application form for m.e around dindigul
sir, I need the top ten MBA and MCA colleges list in
give me model question in mca & mba tancet exam
when the application form will be available and where.please send the official website for tancet mba enterance exam 2010 ?
Please send me online registration or direct registration of vellore. address and phone number
pls anyone send tancet syallabus for computerscience
and also i need what are the topics present in mathematics and basic engg and sciences
i want tancet exam question paper model for my entrance
And all so last date for tancet exam
plz,replay for my question
i want tancet exam question paper model for my enterence
And all so last date for tancet exam
plz,replay for my question
previous question papers of tancet ME/Mtech computer science
previous question papers of tancet ME/Mtech
how to get tancet application form
when issued the application
plz mail me the examination date for all degree entrance exam
i am completing my msc(it) in 2010 april.Am i eligible for mtect(it).
when the form is going to issue tell me the correct date
please send me some previous tancet question papers for ME computer science
please send me some previous years tancet question papers of ME computer Science
Send me some previous year model question papers
Send me some previous year model question papers
when will you issue the application form for M.E
How much rupees for mca tancet
Kindly tell me from where i can get the TANCET application in Nagercoil?
sir,i want syllabus for tancet belongs to cse(computer science and engineering) branch
hello!could u please tell me the information of doing part time M.E in Tamilnadu..
I want to know TANCET issuing centers in kanayakumari.
I need MCA TANCET model qution paper, How to get.
Question paper model for ME and important questios for the exam. i need the syllabus ME.date of examination?
plz sir…..
sir plz list the specializations there in this university for electronics and communication engineering(ECE)?
send me the correct date to get application forms and date of exam
date of registration?exam date
i need previous year quesion paper
when issue the application?and how many centers will issue application?
sir,i need tancet-10 application form for MCA,when u ll publish & whether it is neccassary that concerned persons should come & buy or anyone else?????
sir,Now i am studying final year EEE student.I want to write TANCET exam for higher study.I want,
*How to apply on on-line reg?
*When the forms are avaliable for on-line reg?
*Give me website for the on-line reg?
tancet application last date
When TANCET MCA ENTRANCE EXAMINATION applications are distributed in Trichy?(please immediately tell the answer)
Which date is last date for submit the entrance exams application?
i have passed AMIE(mech) in 2008 with 58% of marks.now shall i eligible to apply tancet-2010?.now i am working as a lecturer for the last three years.shall i eligible to apply?.some colleges are asking equivalent certificate from anna university.what is the procedure to apply ?
when the form is going to issue tell me the correct date and where can i get the form in salem district?????
Pls inform me the correct date of giving applications for MBA
where do i get tancet appalication in nilgri dt….and when do i get the appalication
sir, i want TANCET 2007 model question & answer paper.
tancet exam started date? the appliction amount pls full details ?
i m 3rd year engineer student whether i m eligible to apply Tancet
sir i want to do mba….. and i know i hav to write tancet so dat i need to know when the exam will be conduct and when the forms will be issued and how much it would be
How much amount for tancet application form?
I am a SEnior Lecturer having 7 years of teaching experience. I am a postgraduate holder in M.Sc Applied Electronics how can i write TANCET. am i eligible for MTECH in any branch of electronics.
tancet 2010 enctrance emam application issue in madurai dist.
plese give latest modei questions
alredy all detail cearly mentioned in website
then why we need to ask qtn
who will answer the below all question
Is it possible to apply both mca,mba entrance exam at the same time?
when tancet application form will be issued? pls send to my mail some model questions
i wanted to kno when tancet 2010 application will be issued and wher to get it?
i am interested in writing both Exam for MBA and M.Tech.can i appear for both?
can u send me the moodel question papers?
Good morning sir When the application form for TANCET 2010 is going to be issued and what is the last date for submission of form
how to get a model question paper in webs………..
in the current year when you published application form
Dear sir ..gnd evening.. What are all requires to fill the application form
at what place in tirupathi the applications are available
this tancet mark acepted by the part time college for mca or not?
I want to do mca on part time(evening college).
when is tancet exam date sir?
where will we get the TANCET applications?And last date for Submitting the applications?
When & where Tancet application issue
When will we get the application for TANCET2010 ?
when we will get the form and from where?
Where can i get the previous year question papers of TANCET ME(ECE)?
when will issue the application for tancet?
when issued tancet application?when mba and mca exam?
i request you to send the tancet syllabus for ME(ECE)
when tancet application form issued?
Sir , i need question papers model and tips to score more marks… pls send me details
how get a application form what is the procedure
when the form is going to issue tell me the correct date and where can i get the form in chennai district?????
when will the application forms for M.Tech entrance exams be published?
application date
Sir i need TANCET application form available centres
which date tancet application was issuing?.
Where should i get TANCET application ? when will be issued? how many marks should be score in TANCET? Syllabus for TANCET? Which colleges are best in tamilnadu for m-tech
Where should i get TANCET application ? when will be issued? how many marks should be score in TANCET? Syllabus for TANCET? Which colleges are best in tamilnadu for m-tech?
hi, can you tell me the deteails of tancet exam for ME .. when and where application will be available?
when the tancet forms will be issued ??????
at madurai where i can get application form for ME/MTECH of TANCET 2010
when the form is going to issue tell me the correct date and where can i get the form in madurai district?????
when is application forms will be available? and where?
please send me online registration site adderess
respected sir/ma’am,
when ‘ll u publish the application forms?
Question paper model for MBA and ME and important questios for the exam. i need the syllabus for the MBA and ME
How much rupees for MCA TANCET
date of examination
sir when wil u publish the application forms and is ther any negativ marking in this exam?
Goodevening sir,
where MCA application form available sir
i am searching of MCA courses in best college…..so plzzz snd a model question paper………
ple inform me when will be mca tancit form issued
where tro download the application
i want model question paper of mtech (mechanical).
i wanted to kno when tancet 2010 application will be sold and wher to get it…
am interested in writing both Exam for M.E and MBA.. can i appear for both.
I want the model quest papers to prepare…
details pertajning to ME,M.TECH annaa university ,chennai tancet 2010
when is the last date for tancet application issue????
what is date for issue of TANCET 2010 entrance application form ? for M.Tech (biotechnology) program
Is it possible to apply for both distance mode and regular MBA from anna university..
date of issue application forms in tancet exam in 2010
which date exam and application form essue.
And which collage address
tell me the negative marks in tancet
sir this is venugopal, i am doind final year b tech in electrical strem so now i want to do me/m tech in tamilnadu so plz send information relating to this like syllabus and how will apply where will take tha application form
plz give me replay sir
i need for mca applicatioin form .send my mail….
date of issue in application forms
When is the exact date of issuing the application, formalities for applying TANCET2010.
in chidambaram which place application are giving
please send the tancet-2010 notification for m-tech
please send the notification of the tancet-2010 for M-TECH
How to answer the qiuestions in correct manner.Any previous question papers with answer
how to download the tancet application through net
i want download a tancet applicatio form
whether the applications available only on 17.03.2010 or from 17.03.2010
MCA Entrance Application Form And Last Five Years MCA Tancet Question Papers Send My Email Id
sir,to get mba through distance education mode in anna university coimbatore,should we have to write tancet exam or directly we will get the seat?
1.I need TANCET 2010 Syllabes for ME(computer science and Engineering). If u send to my mail it will helpful for my preparation.
2.tancet application last date wen?
3.plz tel me when issue the TANCET application form?
4.i need to TANCET2010 study materiel
i need tancet question pattern and also model que paper for ME/MTech(EEE)
What is the syllabus of study for M.E/MTech?
How to apply for the exam?
where will be get form?
I want to know the exact time for getting MBA 2010 TANCET APPLICATION form from where and when
Sir, I need model question papers for M.C.A entrance exams…
hi sir, i want to know the issusing date of tancet exam for mba
Give me some mca model question papers?
where to get the application form and whem is the exam…how to apply for the exam
when will you publish 2010 entrance application in online
which colleges can i get at gate percentile of 97 for EC branch.
i got 97 perceentile in Gate in EC branch
can i get admission in ANNA University on the basis of Gate score
I have finished M.Sc. computerscience. Am i eligible to do ME/M.Tech?
what is the highest cut off of all ece branches in recent years
hi sir, gud evening. please tell me when will be the application forms are issued.
i want when application send how to apply the tancet exam
i want exam procedure and how to prepare the tancet exams ..
Hello sir/madam,
Would u please tell me the date of issue of tancet application form for MBA/MCA and also the information regarding the tancet exam date?…
i’m BE-EEE final year student, i need for list of available courses and colleges. How i get the application and alsi get model question papers.
When will be the tancet application form 2010 issued?
i don’t know tancet ME-EEE syllabus and when will give application
how to apply
gud mrg,sir/madam .i want TANCET M.TECH model question and syllabus for M.TECH.
wen issue tha tancet application form…..?
when will u issue TANCET application
If i write entrance exam in vellore, then in which city i have to go for councelling either chennai or coimbatore.
When the TANCET form to be issue? wat is the last date to apply?
when is the form for ME tancet is issued
i had been studying in arts group.but i want to study mba.
i had no more knowledge about mathematics.can i write TANCET exam? otherwise what are the practices i needed?
Could u pls tell me whether we’ve to buy d form directly or by post or in banks?
At which date the TANCET application will be issued?
i want to know the date of issue the tancet application for MCA
where is the application and date?
please application detail(cost, after date etc..)
where will the applications issued in trichy?
Sir i need TANCET application form available centres
Sir i need TANCET application form where its given in puducherry ……..
i want m.tech biotechnology question paper..is there M.E biotechnology..what colleges are there for masters in biotechnology through tancet.
when the last date for applicationwhen will u published 2010 entrance application form
when the last date for application
i want to model question paper in MCA
i want to model question paper
Good evening sir,pls tell me when ll issue the tancet application form?
when will application forms are issued…?
gud afernoon sir
How to apply for the exam?
where will be get form?
Sir,Where do i get TANCET application form in Trichy.
Kindly inform me the last date.
Dear sir,
Can you please send me some old year model questions for tancet(M.E.)Electronics major.It will be very usefull for me to prepare for the exams in the upcoming may2010.
In pondicherry, which place the MBA application form will be issued.
I need the date of issue for the application forms… Pls send me sir..and also the centres where the forms should be given..
which place can distribute a application form in tancet from madurai?
Application issue date
send me the syllabus for cse and reference authors
Respected sir/madam,
I need exact date for TANCET examination and also some model question papers for M.E/M.TECH.
hi sir/mam
i m located in erode i like to write tancet 2010 so can u able to send me the date of application issue and last date and center details where the application is available, and way or applying the tancet 2010
i need it
with respectivly,
how to get the tancet application for 2010?????
i want model question papers for Mtech program for Aeronautical Engineering
When will Tancet forms will be issued..
i want more details for mba tancent exam, i want model tancet mba papers, application form
Good evening sir,plz tel me when issue the TANCET 2010 application form? Also i want the model question papers and syllabus for ME
sir , please give exact date of tancet exam and when will application issue?
how will applying, i am sending from andhrapradesh, and where will take D D
when tancet application relised
i want to know detailed schedule of tancet 2010 for m.tech admission and PGECET 2010 NOTIFICATION details for M,TECH admission.
when TANCET 2010 application will be issued?
hello sir!!
i need the model question of mca entrance exam
are the forms for enterance exam for mca available now?
Good evening sir,plz tel me when issue the TANCET application form?
Now i am studying Bsc comp science final year.
i want to do mca so anyone had mca question papers pls mail me
[email protected]
Now i am studying Bsc comp science final year.
i want to do mca so anyone had mca question papers pls mail me
mca entrence application form 2010 please open them
send me the link for downloading tancet 2010 application form
i am a final year bsc computer science student and i didn’t studied maths at +2 wheather i am eligible for writting the tancet exam pls help me……..
when ill u published tancet 2010 application form…
from when the application form for doing mba in university of madras is issued reply me immediately thanking u
i need for tancet application form for MCA 2009
how many rupess appilication?
sir,I want exam date and how to get the application form & i want model question papers too for tancet
sir,I want exam date and how to get the application for & i want model question papers too
tancet 2010 exams info and date for applying it………
which places issue the application in trichy area
model question paper of TANCET MTECH-electronics&communication
when will you issuing 2010 application form and overview details about tancet 2010
sir,when will application form of tancet2010 start issueing and where will i get it in erod………..
sir,when will application form of tancet2010 start issueing and where i can get it in erod…………
i want syllabus and model question for ece department.
when is the issue date of tancet M.E application form
i need detailed syllabus for eee tancet 2010….. can u pls send..
and also send model tancet paper..what is the minimum percentage in TANCET Exam to join in PSG College in Coimbatore?
Can i get any education loan from any bank for my MBA study?
in which place the hall ticket is providing in dindigul?
sir,wen the last date to tancet application?
in which place the application isproviding in trichy
sir, i want MBA tancet application form details and tancet model question paper please
i want to model question paper
and how branches are available in m.b.a course
model question for MBA
sir when will u published 2010 entrance application form
tancet application last date wen?
good evening sir,plz tel me about the tancet application form issue date sir
In which place the application is providing in coimbatore.
i need tancet question pattern
sir,I want exam date and how to get the application for
Good evening sir,plz tel me when issue the TANCET application form?
when will tancet application will be issued
Dear sir,
when will issue of TANCET MBA application form begins ?
When will the TANCET-Mba/M.tech/ME exams be held?
What is the syllabus of study?
How to apply for the exam?
where will be get form?
MCA model question paper
sir , please give exact date of tancet exam and when will application issue
where we can the application form for tancet-2010?i need model question papers and exact date for tancet-2010.
Hai Sir ….. I Wan 2 kno wen will u issue the TANCET application.
hi, could u please tell me when the will issue the tancet application form….
what is the minimum percentage in TANCET Exam to join in PSG College in Coimbatore?
When the MCA Ectrance Exam is Start?
MCA Entrance Exam Application Form How Much?
When the Forms are issued?
Hi sir Good Eveneing…i want the model question papers and syllabus for MBA
please send syllabus for TANCET2010
Issuse Date of Tancet application for anna university chennai
about applications for TANCET
about applications for TANCET
about applications for TANCET
sir i want model question paper and also previous question parer
i want tancet ectrance examination syllabus
i want to know the date of issue the tancet application form for M.B.A students
hai sir gud mrg. i want to know the date of issue the tancet application form for M.B.A students
when will issue the TANCET 2010 application form?
Dear Sir,
I am needing question pattern for non gate to get more marks .please end me pattern .
With Regards
Shyamkumar L
i am doing BE(ECE) final year.i need tancet syllabus for ece.
I want the model question paper for tancet MBA
sir i’m BE-EEE final year student, i need for list of available courses and colleges. How i get the TANCET application and alsi get model question papers.
when the tancet application will issue?
please give me the details about the places where the form will be available for tancet entrance exam 2010.
i am currently doing my final B.tech chemical engineering……….i want to do my M.tech…….how can i get the application form in online…….pls help me………..
hi sir/mam
i m located in trichy i like to write tancet 2010 so can u able to send me the date of application issue and last date and center details where the application is available, and way or applying the tancet 2010
i need it
with respectivly,
sir just send me a mail when the tancet exam form will issue and the center where the forms r issueing
Hi sir Good morning plz tel me when issue the Tancet application.
when will the application forms for TANCET be issued?
how much cost of application form,im will apply the location in chithambaram ,what procedure to fill the application in specific location pls any one tell me.
when is the extact date for MBA tancet application form is issued? and the model paper please.
Can I apply thro online?
I want model question papers for mba entrance.
where the tancet applications has been issued in madurai.
TANCET exam date and anna university distance education to attend the exam in TANCET ? Pls tell me to all?
sir when tancent xam application form is issuing …please send mail for the above address….
i am doing my 3rd year in B.tech. Am i eligible to apply for tancet?
wen will be the application b issued & where
sir i want model questions paper and which branch is most wanted in m.b.a
tell me the application date issue on coimbatore in gct ??
i need exam dates?
when will u proceed the MBA form
Hai sir good evening… when will issue the tancet application and then last date also please tell….
2010 tancet date of issuing applications
can andhra pradesh students apply?
how can i get previous years model papers
can you send last 5 years tancet ME Computer science question papers for me . help me
send me TANCET MCA application form issue date….
where we can get form in coimbatore?
hi… can i get model question pprs for M.E-Mechanical engg….
How much rupees ,for tancet exam application from?
Can u inform me when is the application for tancet is issued
please sir, i am studying B.E civil engineering final year.I need exam date and model question paper for M.Tech/ M.E. i need when application form issue and about the form details.
I want previous year tancet M.E question papers
can u say date for issue of application form and exam date
sir, when will issue the tancet MCA2010 application form?
sir, when will issue the application form tancet mca(2010)?
tell the date of issusing tancet appl if anybody knows reply to my id [email protected]
In UG what percentage is required for TANCET exams..
Hello sir, When will you issue the tancet application?
i want to know details for tancet 2010 entrance exam
MCA Entrance Application Form And Last Five Years MCA Tancet Question Papers Send My Email Id
Good Morrining sir,
I have done BCA with 65% marks. someone said me that 60% marks also necessary for mca in maths paper specially. i have taken math paper but i have not 60% in math paper . may i eligible?? please reply me about this matter
Hello sir ..may i know the issue date for tancet 2010 application form?..
when tancet application are issues?
Can i know the exact date for tancet application?
Dear Sir
I want mca syllabus and model question paper. And when the tansat application is issue. I need cd’s also please send me 2a mail.
plz send me model question paper of the MCA TANCET exam. tell me last date for TANCET application 2010.
when will issue the tancent application form?
sir can u send last year Tancet MCA Model Question Papers
i need the pattern of the TANCET for civil engineeering
pls sent me a tancet mba application details by Prabakaran J Kumbakonam
when will tanset for mca will be given
Hi sir Good morning plz tel me when issue the Tancet application
when the exact date for tancet exam.In which place the application is going to issued in vellore Dt.
When will the TANCET-Mba exams be held?
What is the syllabus of study?
How to apply for the exam?
pls send tell me the date of tancet application form
hai!good evening….can u tel me the issue date of Tancet application forms for MBA/ME
I want the date of issuing TANCET application’s for MBA& i also where will be isuued
I want know that where i will get the application form for the MBA & MCA courses to apply anna university? and some more details about tancet exam.
I want exam date and time, TANCET application form were we get sir,i am in madurai and also i want a MBA model qns paper with answer.
hi sir, i want MCA entrance exam date and model question paper
Hi sir good eve,i want MCA entrance exam date and model qunestion paper
inform me..when will be the application is issue and when the exams held..?
sir for mba how much the fee
Hi sir,
I need TANCET 2010 Syllabes for ME(Electrical and Electronics Engineering). If u send to my mail it will helpful for my preparation.
Dear Sir,
Please inform me when the TANCET application form for year 2010 will be issued and the application issuing location at Anna University campus, Chennai.
Thanks & Regards
Sir,Can a student attend for TANCET M.B.A and M.E at a time, what is the procedure for that?
Sir,Can a student attend for M.B.A and M.E at a time what is the procedure for that?
I am doing M.Sc(I.T) in Vels univerrsity.Am I eligible for tancet to pursue M.E(cse or it)?
sir,when will issue the tancet application form and plz send syllabus for computer science and engg
sir, i am madurai .please your send 2010 “Tancet” application form available date to my mail id.
when will you publish the tancet 2010 application form ?
iam mechanical dept… sent me Syllabus for TANCET..
Dear Sir,
when is tancet exam??and when is the date to submit the application form??plz do mail me in above address.. i want the model qns paper and syllabus for EC also.
sir, i want question pattern for mba entrance in tancet and describe classifications in mba
how to apply TANCET exam
i need tancet 2010 exam date
I want to know the exact date of m-tech tancet exam and from where we get the application form?pls send me the the syllabus of m-tech tancet examination.
Respected Sir,
i have completed my course in 2008 but iam havving one arear…..If i clear the paper this year can i join M.E this year 2010…….what about my mark sheets
sir,i had completed M.Sc(Applied Electronics)in SRMV CAs at Bharathiar university in the year2009.i am eligible for the Admission of M.Tech(Applied Electronics) in anna university or their affiliated colleges.i am eligible for tancet?.please,send the details of admission
Respected sir/madam.,
I need to know about., 1. when ill the TANCET app. form is going to issue? and what are all the issuing couters in chennai? 2.In MBA which course is best for current and future period? am waiting for ur favourable reply.
please inform me the date when TANCET application form is issuing . i m in neyveli so pls tel me where i can get my center
dear sir,
I wish to do M.E,i need specialization in that course with respect to embedded systems or power electronics n drives…
i want to know correct date for getting application form in places at villupuram or Chennai….
i need syllabus and model question paper in EEE….
Hi sir Good morning plz tel me when issue the Tancet applicatio
what is the date of the examination?
tel me ME tancet exam date 2010………………..
can you send last 5 years TANCET M.E., Computer science question papers with key
can you send last 5 years tancet M.E., computer science question papers
hi send tancet model questions
i want previous years modle questions fr mba plzz send it
plese say when the issue of application forms for tancet(M.E) BEGINS
hello sir when will you started the tancet2010 enterance examination?can u tell the date sir
hello sir , i want that details of when and where the mba tancet 2010 exam application issued on trichy ……………… i want that detail very quickly….. thank you sir……….
please i want detailed and complete syllabus for mechanical engineer for M.E .and previous year questions of tancet exams and when is the date for examination please send it to my mail
when did application forms release?
how to get mba entrance application forms?
when will be the application form will be issued
dear sir,
can apply both M.B.A & M.E?
i am ece dept student .i want ful details about my syll…..
hai sir i am doing final year b.com(c.s) so when and where will tancet application issued for M.B.A
i want model que paper and syllabus for TANCET 2010 MBA..?
When is the TANCET real exam declaring date?
I await for ur reply at earliest.
I need a syllabus for ME Computer science tancet 2010 syllabus as well as model question paper also
hai sir, i need the informatiom about dates of issuing the TANCET application
i am biotech dept sent me syllabus for tancet
hi sir
pls tel me the model and sample question paper for EEE course
Hi sir Good morning plz tel me when issue the Tancet application.
i want the model qns paper and syllabus for computer science for ME .whn is the date for examination
Can north indian students who have studied in Tamil Nadu avail the benefits of TANCET?
i want to model question paper
and how branches are available in m.b.a course
How to get the application form for tancet exam and I want tne model question papes
issue and last date for TANCET application 2010
i am mechanical dept… sent me Syllabus for TANCET..
you can send last 5 years tancet mca question papers
Sir,i am studying final year B.Tech in Andhrapradesh,i want to write tancet exam in tamilnadu,i am eligible or not sir.This is my first question
sir,when will be the application for tancet may 2010
sir,when will be the application issued for exam of may 2010
i want to know the exact date of getting application form and places in coimbatore from where can i get my application?
i need to TANCET2010 study materiel
i want exam date and how to get the application forms for tancet exam
sir when is the exam for ME..
sir when is the exact date for application issue
Sir/ Madam,
I wish to learn M.B.A &/or M.E corresspondence courses in Anna/MIT University. Should I write TANCET?
What are the specializations available in M.B.A and M.E especially with respect to network security & cyber law?
What should be the minimum score if TANCET is a must?
how to apply this exam.
when is tancet exam??and when is the date to submit the application form??plz do mail me in above address..
I Finish my B.C.A in 2008 shall i join for M.B.A this year & I want details for TANCET 2010 how to apply on online &what particulars need to apply.
please i want detailed and complete syllabus and previous year questions of tancet exams please send it to my mail
i’m be computer science student.i want to study ME. plz tell syllabus& questionpattern. thank u
is one exam for both m.e and m.tech
Dear sir,
Tancet syll. send me I want for MBA Entrance Question paper model
what our book we can prepare this exam
exam date,application form last date…
I did my U.G BA ENG Lit. Am i capable of writing for MBA entrance?where are the centres for entrance for writing MBA exams mainly in trichy?
what is your first teacher name
what is your first teacher name
sir,i want to know tancet exam date 2010, I want syllabus for TANCET M.E or M.tech EXAM…..plz send sir.
hai lam ramki iam bsc ec .who is the best college in anna university
are there any centres for tanset at kerala??
i don’t know tancet ME syllabus
What is the syllabus to study?
I want exam date and how to get the application form
use of tancet
Hi,i need TANCET MCA entrance exams and details and last date to apply and where can i buy this application and application amount.i want the last year’s TANCET questions paper.pls send to me TANCET 2010 application form
In UG what percentage is required for TANCET exams..Syllabus for TANCET..
i want the exam date of TANCET 2010 for both M.E and M.B.A
when and where the application is given
the last date to submit the application
the syllabus for both the exams
Sir,i want to know the syllabus for mca tancet exam.and i want to know the date of tancet examination 2010 and the date of application form,which book is best to prepare for mca tancet, and how will i get it.
Send model question paper for cse department
Hai sir/mam,
I am not aware of this exam so please i ask some doubts with you please clarify.I want to join HR specialization course means but in 1st year all have an accounts paper but am basically did UG course in BE as computer science how can i manage and what are the opportunities avialable for this course at job time please clarify those doubts.
when will u publishing the tancet exam? How to apply for TANCET.
i want exam date and how to get the application forms for tancet exam….
which is the best M.Tech course for M.sc.,biotechnology persons
I want to know the syllabus for tancet mca exams. can anyoner tell please?
When will the TANCET-Mba exams be held?
What is the syllabus of study?
How to apply for the exam?
hai i want tancet mba modal question papers ..if any hav na send me.. and if any one knows online practice test for tancet mba websites na tel me.
sir,how many we will pay for this exam.
how can i know the application is accepted for mba entrance exam by particular concern
when will you publish the TANCET exam application ferm for thisacademic year 2010
I want to know where the TANCET MCA application issue in Coimbatore?
i am doing my final year BCA under anna university.i want to know ,what are all the procedures for writing tancet exam for MCA and what are all the publications are available for preparing the exam.i need a syllabus for tancet.thankyou.
i want to know the exact date for tancet exam.what is the last date for applying tancet exam.
1. sir, i am a final year BCA student i need a date for tancet-2010 for MCA and where can i get application form . i need a model question paper too
Sir, could u please send me an overall information regarding TANCET entrance examination.
I want tancet exam date and applying date.
i want the tancet exam dates and last date for submission of application
where will the tancet application form can get and how?
hi, sir…………….
What is the syllabus of study?
How 2 apply for the exam?
i want model question paper for mech
when is TANCET 2010 held on, and i want 2 know the application form issue date sir..
application wanted
Sir i’m done B.C.A. at 2006-2009 batch. I’m apply the tancent 2010 then any draw back for seniority.. Please any one tell the answer for my query.. Thank you
iam studying final year BTECH ME i want to do part time mtech in anna university in this year can u tell the details about part time mtech in anna university and where application available and also fee details
can i apply for both m.e and m.b.a
where the applications are available?
1.can one apply both mba and me in tancet 2010
2.tancet pattern for M.B.A.and M.E. 2010?
hi,i want model question for ME exam and exam pattern.
TANCET: 2010
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can one apply both mba and me in tancet 2010
i want the syllabus for the xam
can mca graduate do m.tech
Hi , you can send all your questions to my email Address
[email protected] I am a lecturer working in Anna University. I know details about TANCET
i want exam date and how to get the application forms for tancet exam….
i have completed M.Sc(IT) through distance mode, am i eligible to do M.Tech in Regular or Parttime.
pl help to join in m,tech and send reply to mail address
[email protected]
R.Senthil Kumar
Is it necessary to study all subjects right from first year
i want the model qns paper and syllabus.
When will the TANCET-Mba exams be held?
What is the syllabus of study?
How to apply for the exam?
In UG what percentage is required for TANCET exams..What procedures to study for TANCET exam..Syllabus for TANCET..
I want to know about the syllabus for mca tancet exam and also the information about date of application form and date of entrance exam
sir, i am a final year BCA student i need a date for tancet-2010 for MCA and where can i get application form . i need a model question paper too
i am finished my bca in hindusthan college of arts and science .
is there any possible to do m.tech in computer science.
please its very urgent.
I m doing Btech ( 2nd yr) ; EEE ;I want to know that which branch of Mtech is more demanded currently? What are the job prospects of that line? What r the entrance exams i ‘ve to prepare for that?
i want to know the syllabus for mca tancet exam.
sir can u intimate me about the date scheduled for TANCET2010 and from when the applications for the same ll be available.
send information of mca intrance examination &date of application form
sir i want model qestion paper for computer science
sir when is the exact date for app issue
hello Sir,
i want exam date and how to get the application forms for tancet exam….
i want tancet previous year question papers. where it will get?
Respected sir,
Can i do M.E PART TIME uing this tancet exam…
when M.E TANCET application form will be issued…
Is the isuue of application form for M.E is April 1st week?
Dear sir,
may i know date of entrance examination?
sir, i want m.tech textile technology syllabus and old questions
i like know the tanset exam date and where to get the application form
what are the proceduers for mca?
HI…. Hw much cost of this application…? i need to know…
sir,i want to know the syllabus for tancet exams and how to prepare ?any tips?
Tancet Application is common for MBA and MCA or different Application can want to write exam.when application can issue
Dear sir/Mam,
I would like to know when will we get a tancet 2010 application form..and Tell me where to get….
pls send model question paper and alse when did the the applicatjon will be issued
I completed my degree last year(2010). But now i’m having one arrear.shall I join M.E. this year after clearing my arrear.
i want to know the date of tancet examination 2010 and the date of application form
pls send me the tancet 2010 syllabus for ECE…..
i need to know the cost of the application and in which centres i can get the application and the correct process to fill the application.
sir, i want details about ‘tancet 2010′application form. please inform me sir
Can outside TamilNadu students can appear for TANCET exam.
hi,sir/madam i want to know about tancet 2010 application form, and it’s issue date, so far.
I want TANCET MCA Exam Model questionpapers.
i want tancet exam date?
sir …… I am looking to do my mba with only specialisation of finance…. so kindly help me to name some colleges offering that in tamilnadu…..
Where will we get our entrance exam form?
when will issue the TANCET 2010 application form?
Sir i want to know TANCET exam date
sir, i am a final year B.Sc.,computer science student i need a date for tancet-2010 for MCA and where can i get application form . i need a model question paper too
sir when is TANCET 2010 held on, and i want to know the application form issue date sir
sir,i want to know tancet exam date 2010, I want syllabus for TANCET MCA EXAM…..plz send sir.
sir,I will complete wy B.E. degree in 2010batch.i wish to write UPSC exam. please give some details about UPSC exam.
please inform me about the date of examination for mca and
also give me a breif information about the placement
what kind of books we can use sir…………………cat based books r more sufficient for studying tancet………….?
i want to know the TANCET exam date, and when will have to buy application form then from where.. plz inform me sir
how can i get model question papers of TANCET M.E and M/Tech entrance exam…..
how we down load the application and what will the procedure for the applying the tancet plz send me the information
I need to know TANCET exam date, when will the application forms will be issued and what is the last date for submission. Pls inform me sir..
which place the application form is issued in thanjavur?
in which date the exam will be conducted in 2010?
Sir,I want to know the TANCET exam date, and when I have to buy application form and from where….plz inform me sir.
whats the date of tancet form issue date sir? please inform me…
when u wil give application in trichy or thanjavur?
i need tancet 2010 exam date
i want mca application form in my email id
previous question papers for tancet on civil engineering
Dear Sir,
I want to know the exam date , and Schedule of exam.,
which study material is best for tancet for ME (Information Technology) to prepare for exam,
What is the date of application issue
when does tancet exam 2010 falls on and my put of is krishnagiri and where do i get the application form there
sir,i want to know the TANCET exam date, and when will i have to buy application form.plz
i want the sample question papers for the TANCET entrance exam
i need previous year tancet Question paper
were can i get the model question paper for mba in tancet
sir..i request u to let me know about
how to prepare for tancet 2010?
where should i get the syllabi and previous years question papers of tancet??
sir i need to know where they train/coach for tancet examination………
i am a BE graduate want to do MBA part time in anna university.Whether tancet is required for a part time.need the list of colleges affiliated by anna university offering part time edu and can get thru government aided colleges
When will the application of TANCET will be issued in coimbatore
when and where application distributed
sir,i want to know the TANCET exam date, and when i have to buy application form and from where….plz inform me sir
pls send tancet exam date & application last date for mca.
i want to know the TANCET exam date
Thanks & Regards,
Sir, i want to know the TANCET exam date, and when i have to buy application form and from where and what is the last date for apply
when is tancet 2010 exam conducted ? please send mail for the above address….
When will the application form for TANCET be distributed?
sir,When will the application issue? for tancet(mca) examination
i want to know the TANCET 2010 application date of issue
sir,i want to know the TANCET exam date, and when i have to buy application form and from where….plz inform me sir
When is the last date for submitting application form for Tancet exam and where shall we get the application form
sir,i want to know the TANCET exam date, and when i have to buy application form and from where….plz inform me sir
wat r the top mba colleges in tamil nadu which we can get admission through TANCET-10
sir,i want to know the TANCET exam date, and when i have to buy application form and from where….plz inform me sir
sir,i want to know the TANCET exam date, and when will i have to buy application form.plz
i want to know the TANCET 2010 application date of issue
When will be the TANCET 2010????
what is the last date for apply?
sebd tancet form issuing date please
can i do ME/MTEch in part time using this TANCET qualifications
am 2009 passed out student i have 3arrear i can eligible apply the tancet
pls send tancet exam date for mba.
Respected sir,
I want to know the syllabus of tancet exams and also previous year question paper.
i need some model question paper mca tancet and how to high score in tancet exam
i want mca tancet exam date
I want to know the application form issuing date for tancet exam…
Send me the last date
I want to know about govt scholarship.
sir i want information about m.tech . i m student of b.tech mechanical engg. final year.b.b.d.n.i.t.m.lko .and also i want to previouse entrace exame paper
sir, i am a final year BE computer science student i need a date for tancet-2010 for ME and where can i get application form . i need a model question paper too
Syllabus for 2010 TANCET M.Tech Information Technology
Dear Sir,
I want to know about the syllabus for preparing the TANCET examination 2010..
I want to know about the syllabus for preparing the TANCET examination 2010..
I want the previous year question papers for MBA TANCET entrance exam. Please let me know how to get it.
when is the TANCET 2010 exm going to held..
when is the issue of application forms.
sir i want to know tancet exam date.when will be the application form for tancet 2010 be issued?
can u send me the model question paper of mca tancet.
sir,i want to see the previous year model question paperand also i want to know about application issuing date&date of exam
When the 2010 exam will be announced?
i have completed my B.C.A in distance education (alagappa univ).but now i decided to join MBA in regular course
so can i apply for TANCET?
2) what is the minimum percentage to apply for TANCET?
3) what is the minimum age to apply for TANCET?
Dear sir,
Outside Tamilnadu students are eligible for TANCET.If yes, Plz sent the procedure to apply.
please send me the TANCET exam 2010 electrical and electronics engineerimg syllabus and previous year questions…………..?
i want to know that how to apply for 2010 tancet mca entrance exams.and details ant last date to apply and where can i buy this application and application amount
when i will get the tancet application form for 2010 & hall ticket,where to collect the application form
please reply me.
when i will get the tancet application form for 2010 & hall ticket,where to collect the application form
please reply me.
last date for appling
get me issuing date for tancet examination form….
I want tancet exam date and model question paper for last two year quickly.
TANCET exam is seheduled on march 29 & 30.
Sir, I want know the issuing date of tancet examination Plz inform to me sir and where can i buy the application
sir, i need a previous three years question paper of mba entrance exam (TANCET)
Sir, when will start the TANCET EXAM
I want model question papers in TANCET MCA EXAM…..
i need the last date for TANSET2010.when will be the application form for tancet 2010 be issued?
Hello friends,
For specialized TANCET MBA coaching going to held in CAREER FORUM branch, coimbatore. for tancet exam details and coaching details..plz call 4369690. call us and attend a demo class and feel the difference from others.
sir, i want to pursue an m-tech in vlsi design, can u please tell me the score required to get into the best colleges, and the syllabus for the exam.
whel will be exam results publication..?
hi.. can anyone send me TANCET M.tech EEE model question paper and previous years question paper.
Tell the last date for getting TANCET application’s and also i want to know where it is distributed
Respected SIR,
I studying B.E(E.E.E) final year.when will be the application form issue,i wanna to study in MBA anna univ,how much marks i need to get?
Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to know the TANCET 2010 exam date and where i can get the application form.I would also like to get some model question papers.
remember me when the tancet application is issue
when the tancet2010 will be given application
when the tancet2010 application will reseve
please tel me tancet application issue date
My self Rethna from thanjai
can i do BCA in after MCA please tell me.i want to know that hpw to aaly for 2010 TANCET MCA entrance exams and details and last date to apply and where can i buy this application and application amount.i want the last year’s TANCET questions paper.pls send to me TANCET 2010 application form
where can i get tanset application form
please tancet exam 2010 date infom the this email
if u send the information,that is very useful for me.probably i believe u will send the information about the entrance examination.
where i got the model question paper for tancet 2010
please send that the tancet exam date…….
i want tancet previous year questions
when will start tanset exam
in which date tancet appilications will availiable?. reply me sir….
please i want detailed and complete syllabus FOR ECE ME,M.TECHand previous year questions of tancet exams of ECE please send it to my mail
please i want detailed and complete syllabus and previous year questions of tancet exams please send it to my mail
send some important question paper model
i need model question paper.then ineed how to calculate marks.
i need the date & model question paper for tancet2010 exam
please say the exact date of application distribution
Please send me Last year TANCET question paper.
When the exam will be conduct?
Sir, ineed date of issuing Tancet 2010 application form for ME and Mtech and the syllabus for that exam
i also needthe previous year question paper for ME TANCET entrance exam.let me know how to get it.
when will be the application form for tancet 2010 be issued?
and when will be the exam?
when will the tancet 2010 exam conducted in anna university coimbatore, i need the previous model question paper for reference.also give the detail about how to apply for entrance exam, date and month.
i want tanset exam dates and application details for B.TECH
when will issue mba tancet application form
i need a date for TANCET2010
I want to know issuing date for tancet examination form….
when will be the tancet exam-2010 for MCA?
sir,i want to know the TANCET exam date,&when will i have to buy application form.one more exam question pattern.
Dear Sir,
I want the previous year question papers for MCA TANCET entrance exam. Please let me know how to get it.
where can i get tanset application form
How to i get tancet model question papers
please confirm the date and announce quickly for
i want tanset exam dates and application details for BE
I am doing my B.Tech in Biotechnology at Sahrdaya Engineering college, Trissur, Kerala. I would Like to do an M.Tech in Biopharmaceutical Technology under Anna University. How do i proceed?
How can i apply for TANCET exam 2010 because i’m studyiny
in hubli. I want to known the procedure how to apply for TANCET exam in detail.
i need model question paper for m.c.a tancet exam
when will be the application form for tancet 2010 be issued?
i want to know that how to apply for 2010 tancet mca entrance exams.and details ant last date to apply and where can i buy this application and application amount
please tell me about top colleges comes under this entrance and these fee details too
hi sir,
myself harish frm tirupati, i would lke to write tancet-2010 xam and i’m currently at the final sem of my B.tech….am i eligible to write the xamination?
I want the last year’s TANCET question paper
Sir, when will start the TANCET EXAM
I want model question papers in TANCET MCA EXAM…..
Can i do M.tech in ece after MCA.
please tell me…….
i want know the tanset exam date and application details for
I want to know about tancet MBA entrance exam syllabus
can u send me the model question paper of mtech (civil) tancet
when the application is given
i wanna know about the date of issue of the form for TANCET 2010 for MBA
plz send to me TANCET 2010 application form.
i want to know about MCA TANCET exam application issuing date and where i can get the application form
i want to know about MCA TANCET entrance exam application issuing date where can i get the application form
when will be the application forms will be issued for TANCET
pls i need mca2007&2008 question papers
I want informaion about TANCET test for M-tech.When appliction forms are available is it available for other state students .fee struture.
sir,plz inform me wen will be aplications are going to issue?
application forms how to fill
PLZ I want to know TANCET(M.E) Entrance applications issuing date & which places…
when tancet 2010(mba)application form will be issued.what is the exam date?
sir could you please tell me,where i can get the apllication form
What is the average cost for completing MBA in Tamilnadu?
what willbe the selection criteria for MBA after TANCET
will it include my UG percentage also?
My brother scored 69 % in BE (Mech) and passed in I class. he wants to write tancet exam and join in MBA in anna university or any other affiliated colleges of anna university. Whether it is possible for him to get seat in MBA without struggle ? I want to know how cut off mark is arrived in tancet exams; whether engineering marks are also taken into account. Please clarify. if he wants to study MBA in anna university what entrance exam should be write.
i am a BSc student,how many marks should be score in TANCET? Syllabus for TANCET? Which colleges are best in tamilnadu for mca and i need model question papers.
would you please tel me when wil be the application form issued? and also when is the TANCET exam in this year 2010.
i am a 2009 B.E passed out. At present i am working in a company. I am eager to do MBA in correspondence in ANNA UNIVERSITY. what are the procedures i should follow?
When is the last date for getting the application form(for MCA)??????????
m.tech-cyber crime avilable colleges in tamil nadu
when contact the tancet exam? where give application form?
i want to know about tancet mca entrance exam application issuing date.
when will you issued the tancet applications
I want to know that , am i elligible for TANCET-2010,i have completed grad. in commerce from kerala university.so plz let me know that the appilication froms are issued or else is we have time.If we are late is there is any chance for students like us for the elligibility.
when tancet examination will conduct and application provide ?
Sir, I m doing final yr BSCIT. IWant to study MBA. Can I choose MBA? Pls suggest me the various departments in MBA.
i want to know about tancet M.E/MBA exam application issue date..
Is there any entrance xam in banglore for joining in MCA/MBA? If anybodyknows da details plzzz send to my mail
[email protected]
i want to know about tancet mca entrance exam application issuing date.
plz i need MBA 2007&2008 question papers
I am student of final year Batchlor of engineering,my BE will Complete on jun-july 2010.
Am I elligible for the TANCET-2010
im not a mathemetics student in +2 but i have studied maths in ug. somebody say that if din’t studdy maths in +2 the MNC
companys will not select me as software programmer.
Is it true?
Where can i get the application form
please ask me howmany pay application fees
1)sir i have completed my B.C.A(Bachelor of computer application).but can i choose M.B.A(banking & Finance)course? or only i can apply MCA?
2) what is the minimum percentage to apply TANCET?
3) i completed my B.C.A in distance education(alagappa univ).now l like to study M.B.A in regular course
so can i apply for TANCET?
4) is there any age restriction to apply TANCET?
i have comleted my b.tech from JNTU.i want to write TAN-CET through online.is it possible? if possible tell me how to approach.
To Get FREE Alerts on Various Exams Like TANCET, TNPSC, TRB, RRB, UPSC, BANK Exams, Important RESULTS and also GK NEWS on your mobile..
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Thank You..!
i apply to MBA
my son scored 61 % in b tech it and passed in II class. he wants to write tancet exam and join in mba in anna university or any other affiliated colleges of anna university. whether it is possible for him to finish mba without strugle ? i want to know how cut off marks arrived in tancet exams. whether engineering marks are also taken into account. please clarify. if he wants to study mba in anna university what entrance exam should be write.
i need model question paper for m.b.a tancet exam
sir i need examnation form for m.b.a
Please tell me when and where can i collect the application form for MCA in Chennai?
sir/madam, im doing final BE mechatronics,can u send the model question paper for ME manufacturing….
Dear Sir,
I have completed B.E aero. I want to do M.E… What are the possibilties of stream i can do?
Wellpls i would be really thankful if u would now & then remind some alerts about the syllabus patterns,& availablelity of where the application forrms will issued.
I want to know the sylabus for M.Tech.
wen the TANCET exams will be held for the year2010
when will the tancet application forms will be given
i want to know the pattern of the question.
can i fill the application through online
I want the model question paper for MCA TANCET exam
mca model question paper.
hi i want some information about mca & mba entrance exam. how much of marks need for the merrit? how can i prepare for the entrance?i want the name of the books for mca & mba entrace.
please inform me when the application is available on the internet to download.i want to know to the date of tancet 2010 for MCA.
when tancet exam? plz informed shedule date details?
plz inform me when the tancet applications while it be being issuing or wen can v download the application
am a postgraduate in biomedical genetics, i would like to pursue m. tech in a related field, let me know the career opportunities available in the same.
finished my b.tech in 2008
and working in a s.w concern.
wanna do m.b.a
where wil i get application form
and model qn papers
Hai Sir!
I want to know about the application form, syllabus & pattern for tancet 2010. I am doing my finalyear in B.E.(Computer Science)
plz inform the exam date for mca entrance…
from where i can get the application forms???? is there any online application available…….
please give any model question paper
please give any model question paper
when the applications will be issuefor 2010 entrance exam?
i want completed b.sc(comp.sci) i want ready to tancet exam
when the application is given
Can u prefere any best books for tancet with solved methods and answers?
When will be the application is issuing for Tancent Exam
please send me model question paper
Can ou send me TANCET syllabus for M.E
When will give the TANCET application form and where will buy that
m in need of EIE syllabus
I am Renuka Devi.D I am going to apply for TANCET Exam if the Exam date is announced means will you please mail me that details.
where do i get TANCETexamination form in coimbatore and when are the TANCET examinatiom to bo held
i completed b.tech ( e.c.e) in 2008 ,, iam working in bsnl.. now i want to do m.tech (e.c.e) in distance /correspondance ..can u suggest me the right way for that……
when can we get application at madurai zone…from which can we prepare for ME CSE tancet
plz inform wen can v download the applicatin of tancet mtech n the exam dates
please inform when we download the application of tancet for MCA and the exam dates
I have completed BSc Electronics and MSc Electronics from MG university,Kottayam,Kerala.Can I do M.E / MTech in Anna University?Am I eligible to write TANCET?If so when will the application form available?
sir i need previous year tancet mba questin paper…….
When is the application going to b released….
Whe is the Exam…?
please give me detailed syllabus for tancet of branch instrumentation engineering.
i have completed b.tech(it).can i do ME(cse).is it valuable for lecturer in anna affliated colleges
tancet 2010ayllabus
i need mechanical syllabus for TANCET 2010
i have completed BS in aerospace from west coast university so may i an eligible person for get thtruog TANCET
Respected Sir,
Where to collect the applications.What is the syllabus of M.E/M.Tech programs that are avialable for computer application students. how to apply for counciling.i need to do my M.E/M.Tech in part time.what are the scholors available for it.
plz inform wen can v download the application of tancet mca in the exam dates.
TANCET 2010 application forms will be available at Anna University/site by the first week of April 2010.
Dear sir, when will the mca tancet 2010 held?
what is the syllabus of mca tancet 2010?
are you send me the model question paper of mca?
When will the application issuing date start of tancet2010 mca?
give the centers of tancetc 2010 mca?
kindly send all the above informations to my emailid.
thank you.
Please Let us know if there are options available to candidates who have missed out “GATE” exams..?? Can “Tancet” alone can help students with Mtech admissions ..???If you can suggest any other option available if the above is not met..!!
how to prepare for tancet exam regarding M.tech program?please give details about that………..
pleas tel the exam date…
where can i get the previous question papers of tancet m.tech in computer science
I completed my B.E.degree in CSE in 2004 and i have the four year experience in Teaching Field. I need to go for my Higher Study. if i will do my PG (M.Tech)in deemed university will it be valuable or if i will do my PG (M.E)in Anna university will it be valuable
i want to know when will the exam started..?
now the forms are distributed or not
plz inform wen can v download the applicatin of tancet mtech n the exam dates
i had done BE-ECE in ug, and two years of experiance in the feild of IT.
if iam doing my PG in deemed university will it be valuable.
doing ME in electronics or cs(which one is better to change my carrer towards teaching)
sir,i need model question paper and syllabus for M.tech
hai i want to know when will be the tancet2010 held???
please inform me when the application is available on the internet to download…
i want to know when will the exam started..?
I am AMIE(EC) Student waiting for final result,can I join ME for june 2010. shall I write TANCET on may for joining ME. Please guide me.
Thanking you
Your’s sincerely
please send me the model quession
sir,pls inform when the application form available in internet?
Sir/Madem I need model question papers for MCA….. Thanks
i want to know the date of tancet exam
please inform me when the application is available on the internet to download.i want to know to the date of tancet 2010 for MCA.
when tancet mca enterence 2010?
when the applications are issued and where…
Please inform me wen the application form for tancet 2010 is available
Sir Please inform me when is the exam date and from where should i get the application form.
when TANCET exam applications form will be provided
need previous year question papers for ME AND MCA
please inform me how i can collect the form from internet for mba and what is the couse fee for mba
Drar sir,
I am from orissa and i want to give the entrance in your in university could you provide me something that i can take participate the tancet and what is the process
can i apply through internet if so how can i get my hall ticket….
iam completed degree(b.com) in andrapradesh . i want to studdy mba in t.n . we r eligibility for tancet examanations.plz replay to me . and also please inform me wher application is available plz plz plz………..
when will the applications are released in internet?
when issue on tancet exam application
inform when the application is avilable in the internet.
1=may i know the cost of tancet form 2010?
2=what is the criteria for students out side of tamilnadu states?
i want to know the date of TANCET M.Tech entrance exam . i need syllabus(ELECTRONICS) also.
plese inform me to when the applications are available to download
Kindly inform me when the application for M.E are available..
i would like to know when the apllication form is available and i need the model question papers for ME/M.Tech
After getting TANCET score card, what are the procedure to be followed to get Govt quota MBA/MCA admissions in various colleges of Tamil Nadu? Whether Anna University call us for counselling based on the TANCET without applying seperately to any College?
tancet exam detes pls sir
please inform me when the application is available on the internet to download.i want model question papers on mba.i want syllabus also.wich book going to prepare for mba especially full syllabus are covered.inform to my mail id.
i want to know when start the tancet entrence exam
which month
how to apply the tancet exam through online……….
please inform me when the application is available on the Internet to download.
can i get the model question paper for ME?
Hello sir…please inform me when the application is available on the internet to download..
tancet 2010 exams date?
i want mca syllabus in tancet exam and send the previous question paper in mca.
please send to my e-mail id…
hi i want some information about mca & mba entrance exam. how much of marks need for the merrit? how can i prepare for the entrance?i want the name of the books for mca & mba entrace.
plz inform me the last date to get the application
when is the TANCET exam?
please inform me the releasing date of application forms and i need model question paper for MBA exam.Thank you.
can u pls send the schedule and model question papers to this id.
when the exam will be start?
sir when and where will the application form is given for tancet exam and also please mention the date of the examinaion,
sir,when and where will be the application form is given?also please mention the date of the exam.
respected sir.
i have completed b.tech(i.t)and i want to know the syllabus about m.tech or m.e computer science.and which book to refer
May i know the shedule for tancet 2010
Sir/Madam, I would like to know the syllabus for pursuing M.Tech course for a B.E- Biomedical graduate.
for doing m.tech biotechnology which paper i ve to write..
for doing m.tech biotechnology which paper i ve to write..
when will the TANCET application form will be published?
i am ece final year student i want to know what books i can use to prepare for tancet
hi…can u plz giv me sum list of colleges dat r gud n which is said 2 be an descent score ….
when is the tancet exam2010
i want tancet 2010 book name
Sir i am doing my final year in engg cse. i didnt get any job in campus if i do higher studies which is best for shining in life. me or mba then how can i get a good college
when TANCET entrance exam application issue?
when TANCET entrance exam dates?
i want tancet syllabus
hai, i want some information about mca entrance exam. how much of marks need for the merrit? how can i prepare for the entrance? and which date applications are issued.
Is it necessary to write tancet exam for part time M.E.,?
i want the syllabus and model question paper for both MBA and MCA……….
pls inform me when the TANCET MCA application will be available on the internet to download.
and how much amount will be taken for th sc/st people.
Please inform me early
please inform me that when is the tancet examination date for MBA and when we want to apply?
I have done AMIE in Electrical Engg with 55% marks only (passed in 2006
Am I eligible for M.E?
I want TANCET 2009 Model question papers for ME automobile engg.pls kindly forward to the beolw email ID: [email protected]
I need book for preparing the MBA/M.Tech Entrance exam..
I need syllabus also..
Its my kind request..
when the applications released…..
Sir, I’m doing my final year B.E(Electronics and instrumentation Engg). I’ve to write tancet entrance for M.E.
so i’ve to prepare.I need the book name with author name to refer…Send the details sir…
Dear Sir,
I wish to write TANCET 2010, i herewith request you to please update me with the Syallabus, application form details & Model question paper for MCA.
Thanks in advance
where will i get the application form for the exam and the d.d from which bank
I wish to write TANCET 2010, i herewith request you to please update me with the Syallabus, application form details & Model question paper for MCA.
Thanks in advance
I want to know whether applications of 2010 tancet were started to provide or not? If not, then when they ll start to provide?
please informe the date of application issue. and how to select the college after the tancet result
please informe the date of application issue. and how to select the college the college after the tancet result
Respected sir,
I would like to appear for TANCET 2010.I hereby kindly request you to update me with the syllabus,application details,model question papers,availability of application forms,date of examination.Im residing in ooty,were can i collect the forms.
Thank you
which book is most preferrable for the exam?
when will start exam and which ask questions?
please inform me when the application is available on the internet to download..
when the applications are released in internet..?
i want model question papers for MBA….
i want to know when will the exam started..?
Sir,i want to know to the date of tancet 2010 for MCA.
hi i want some information about mca entrance exam. how much of marks need for the merrit? how can i prepare for the entrance?i want the name of the books for mca entrace.
is there any exam will be conducted before the tancet exam for mca
requested sir,
i need the book name to prepare for mba & me (i’m BE ece graduate). those 2 books would cover entire syllabus
i need syllabus also.
please send me as soon as possible
when the exam will conduct and where is the application form is issued
date and time of the exam for m.tech decipline is ECE.then give the syllabus or material.
i want to know the date of examination…..and when s the last date to apply.
i want to know that TANCET is required to do ME part time. if required means is there any conditions like the person should have any experiance to appear.
all question
hoe to apply for tancet entrance exam
i need the tancet exam information where to buy the application and my native is puducherry where should i get the application
i want model question papers of tancet mba. can u send to my mail id?
please have a mca entrance exam details to send my email id
Dear Sir,
I wish to write TANCET 2010, i herewith request you to please update me with the Syallabus, application form details & Model question paper for MCA.
Thanks in advance
Please inform me when the application form ‘ll destribute
can you say me how much is good for me to join in good institute
date of issue of application form
Sir, i need TANCET-2010 MCA examination date, syllabus and model question paper……please send it me…. thanks for advance……
Next ME Entrance Exam date with location?
when does tanset exam date falls on and is the group in MBA is boomong right now
Respected madam,
please mba tancet exam questien paper modal. How wil
prepared tancet exam. plese regest me tancet exam mba and mca exam modal paper,date,aplication form .plese message them
Sir, I have completed M.E.(CSE)during the academic year 2008-2009 and my UG qualication is MCA. Am I eligible to be appointed as a lecturer or Assistant Professor in self-financing engineering colleges
sir in which date the application wilb given
when is date for application
send me syllabus for tancet entrance of mca
can u please forward the shedule and model question paper&syllabus to my mail id
from where i have to get the application form.
can i download from internet.
I would like to know the date of TANCET exam and when the application forms willl be issued
i want to knowwhen will the TANCET exam will be conducted this year pls inform me
when is tancet exam application will be produced? & MBA model question paper
Dear Sir,
I wish to write TANCET 2010, i herewith request you to please update me with the Syallabus, application form details & Model question paper for MCA.
Thanks in advance and more information to send me
i need model que paper for the TANCET EXAM can u provide?
Dear Sir,
In which date the application form will issue, Please inform me……….
when is TANCET exam applications will be published
application last date and exam date
what type of books i will prepare.
Respected, sir pls inform me when tancet exam will be start
dear sir i belong to fc quota.is there any age limitations for writing this exam
in which date application form and place
i need model question papers for TANCET.
Can you provide me?
please inform me when the application is available on the internet to download..
i want to knowwhen will the TANCET exam will be conducted this year pls inform me
when is TANCET exam applications will be published
I want model question papers for MCA and MBA,
in which place the application forms will issue and send the date of Tancet exam.
send me the dtails regarding tancet 2010 mtech cse….need the model question papers,syllabus and othr stuffs f tancet….
pls send the model question paper
i want to know the date of examination…..and when s the last date to apply.
i wish to do both M.B.A and M.tech in TANCET will there be any difficulty in the time of taking Tancet AT BOTH STREAMS.
hello sir/madam
im final year student i have to write tancet exam for my higer studies pls can u say when exam will be held and syllabus. how to learn it easy
dear mam/ sir
now i’m doing final year civil pls tell me tancet syallbus for M.E (civil) and MBA syallbus
when will the tancet exam in 2010? when is the last date forsubmit application form? where wil be received the application form. Thank you………
siram an computer science student….. i need some syllabus details for tancet examination
When the application form for TANSCET2010-MBA will give?
i want to know the TANCET exam will bw condicted in this year that not in january and for other months?
wen u wll issue the anna university entrace exam application form for all centre……….pls inform immediately ……..
Could you please tell me when the application form for tancet 2010 will be issued and what is the syllabus for M.E CSE
I preparing for m.tech entrance exam.So please give me the syllabus of entrance exam and exam details.
How much fees for Tancet entrance exam in 2010?
Respected Sir,
Please can you send me the model question papers and syllabus for the forthcoming TANCET Examination to my mail id…
Please give me tancet exam information send to my email Id.
And I want to also get tancet question papers.send the application issue date and last date for submit application form.when will be the entrance exam conducted.please send my email Id….
what is the passing percentage?
please give me the syllabus for TANCET in civil engineering.i am a final year civil engineering student
tancet syallbus 4 ME/M.Tech (mech),(auto)
what’s the minimum score to get a seat in anna univ for doing M.E. in computer science engg, and top 5 colleges in tamil nadu for doing M.E in computer science and engineering…
i want to know wat are specializations available for mba in anna univ..
when n where i want to collect application forms….?
Send some sample TANCET Question papers whitch will help me in getting the outline of the exam.
please send these details where should we get the forms… wat is the requirement….when is the last date.when the application form issued and i am major is eie
I am doing II year BBA.can i write this entrance exm?Please tell me.
what is the pass percentage in tancet ME.
i need model question papers
please send to mba entrance past 5 year question papers
please send past5 year model question papers.
whether other states are eligible?
pls send me MBA(tancet) model question paper
I want to know when the forms of tancet will be available and abot the good colleges of tamilnadu and the minimum requirement for admission.
What is the Question paper pattern for MBA TANCET Examination?
Excuse me sir please tell the date of the tancet application form issuing. Please send the date to my email id Thank you sir.
am in need of mca tancet model question papers …….. will you pls mail me to my email id………….
when will the form given?
where shall i get the form at Madurai?
when the exam will be conducted?
When the application form will be issued?and Send me the Syllabus (ME CSE)and model Question papers,where should we get the forms?and what is the last date for application should be sent?
please tell me when the application form for tancet 2010 will be issued
what is the syllabus for MCA. when will the TANCET exam start?
i want the model question paper of tancet
When vil be the exam conducted?
What is the syllabus for Information Technology? plz send me the details.
When the application forms will be issued?
Hello Sir, Please Send M.C.A., Tancet Modal Questions
i want to know when will the TANCET exam will be conduct for MCA
pls tell the syallbus for TANCET M.E(ECE)
pls tell tancet syallbus for M.E(ECE)
in tancet 2010 .can we apply for both MBA AND MTECH/ME.
I need to know the correct syllabus and book for m.tech(it),m.e(cse) and for mba entrance examination. pls rpy!
i want to know when will the TANCET exam will be conduct this year….and the syllabus for MBA …
when the application form will b issued? i need some sample ques paper
pls tell tancet syallbus for M.E(ECE) and when application form iwill be issue?
i want to know when will the TANCET exam will be conduct this year pls inform me
to prepare what r the books?
when the exam will be started?
where the form is required?
the college details of conducting of M.E programs
please tell me when the application form for tancet 2010 will be issued
what is the syllabus for M.E cse
i want to know when will the TANCET exam will be conduct this year pls infor me,where should we get the forms ,what is the requirements ,when is the last date,when the application form issued,where it will be received
respected sir,
i am doing BE CSE, i need the details about tancet, and syllabus
thank you sir
i need modelquestion pappers
plz send the information to my e-mail id
where should we get the forms… wat is the requirement….when is the last date.when the application form issued
i want to know the date when the tancet exam will be conducted for this year
myself doing my b.com and i wish u to send the date for tancet exam to my e.mail i.d and send last 2yrs model question papers to my i.d and which place i can get the application form.
Pls inform me entrance exam date and vellore centre college
send me the details about when the tancet exam(MCA&MBA)starts and where the application form will be available alse please send me the model question paper
I want any question sample
what are the colleges offering Mtech biotechnology ,please give me the list including deemed universities.
i need old exam papers and new model papers……….
when the application issued last date?
model question & answer sheet require for MBA.
I’ve completed MCA (2009)through the distance education in bharathiyar university . I need to know whether i’m eligible to study M.Tech or ME ; If I’m eligible then please send me the college names where i can join.
I want to know tancet syllabus please send to me
i wanna know wen ll the exam be conducted……….an u send me the question papers………..
when the exam wil conduct.inform the exam date and which place exam wil conduct
when the application form will be issued? I request to you please send me TANCET ME model
question papers to my e-mail id….
previous tancet question paper for me
I am doing final BE Electronics and insrumentation.I request you to send details about TANCET 2010 exams DATE and also I request you to send sylabus n materials & also model question paper to my mail.
what is the starting date for getting the TANCET application form?& when will the TANCET exam start?
I am a B.E candidate working as a lecturer.i want to do my M.E.in part time.is there any possibilities for saturday,sunday classes around coimbatore or erode?
when the application from will be issue
may I know the TANCET EXAM date and study for books reference and most famous colleges for management….plz sent my mail
tell me the details regarding evaluation,syllabus,application form details,admission criteria ,etc…
what s the syllabus for tancet.can you pls mail it?
kindly tell the pattern
i am studying b.tech information technology.i am prepare m.tech. if there is any book that cover full sylabus and tell the book name and author name
how to get TANCET model papers…………plz send me mail
how to get TANCET2010 MBA material…………plz guide me.
sir, i want to do m.s.(aerospace) in mit,chennai.kindly tell me the details.for doing that when is the entrance exam?shall i get stiphend,if i do m.s.in mit.actuallyin b.e. iam an instrumentation and control engineer.can i do aerospace engg.,
thanking you
When the TANCET exam will be conducted this year and from when and where the application forms can be collected? Please send me the syllabus for ME( COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING) ENTRANCE
when tancet 2010 will be conducted?
how to apply?
list of colleges in tamilnadu that take tancet score for ME admission?
plz send tancet modal question paper in MCA&MBA my e mail id
i want to know when will the TANCET exam will be conduct this year pls infor me
plz send when the applications r issued and the examination dates
can i sit for the exam being in kolkata only?
What is the procedure for getting the “TANCET” application form?How much the examination fees?
what is the passing percentage in TANCET?
what is the starting date for getting the TANCET application form?
What is the scheduled date for tancet exam
plz send the information to my e-mail id
where should we get the forms… wat is the requirement….when is the last date.when the application form issued
plz send me TANSCET 2010 model question papers and syllabus for MTECH IT
plz send me model question papers for TANSCET 2010 -MTECH IT to my mail id
is tancet has any negative marks. which date the exam will be conducted. what is the syllabus for TANCET M.E(computer science)
Plz send all the current information to my e-mail id.
where should we get the forms… what is the requirement….when is the last date.when the application form issued
plz tell when will the tancet exam to be conduct
when the application form will be issue and centers?
i am now staying in belgium…during tancet exam 2010 i will be in china.but i want to write the exam…is there any way to write it in online?
i want mca syllabus in tancet exam and send the previous question paper in mca.
please send to my e-mail id…
sir pls inform tat when the application are issuing for M.E entrance.
When is the last date for Applying MCA course in regular.
what is the last date of TANCET application form issue?
where the TANCET application forms will issue?
mba exam which centre i am conduct
what is the passing percentage in TANCET?
i want privious year question paper in mca tancet exam,please send my email id and any information……
when s our tancetmba 2010 entrance exam i want to know that date pls inform soon……..
plz send the information to my e-mail id
where should we get the forms… wat is the requirement….when is the last date.when the application form issued
i am completed B.Tech(IT) last year i am preparing TANCET (ME) so please send syllabus and model question paper
How to Apply online registeration for tanset exam..
inform date pls
tancet portion..
when is tancet
exam date for tancet exam
respected sir or madam,
now am doing Finial B.sc(software engi.).
I request to you please send me TANCET MCA model
question papers to my e-mail id….
i need best college in salem and Coimbatore.
where should we get the forms… wat is the requirement….when is the last date for MCA application form.
please send to my mail address.
what is passing percentage in tancet mca
when the tancet application form will be given?if any date ,tell me now.tell me the application fees also.
I want to know when the tancet exam starts?
Plz tell mail the exact time table of TANCET MBA ANNA UNIVERSITY
wilson: I would like to know when will the TANCET 2010 M.Tech exam conducted
where should i get the application give all the details regarding the application. please send me TANCENT M.TECH Model question papers
i want to know when will the TANCET exam will be conduct this year pls inform me
when is the klast date for issuing tancet M.E application forms?
plz send me dates and details of tancetand important dates and centers in chennai plzzzzz
can u tell me when is the tancet exam conducted? when they will give application form,& the last day to submit it?
i want to know when will the TANCET exam will be conduct this year pls infor me
plz send the information to my e-mail id
where should we get the forms… wat is the requirement….when is the last date.when the application form issued
where should we get the forms… wat is the requirement….when is the last date.when the application form issued
I am doing final BE.I request u to send details about TANCET exams DATE and also I request u to send sylabus n materials & also model question paper to my mail.
What is the procedure for getting the “TANCET” application form?How much the examination fees?
what is the passing percentage in TANCET?
what is the starting date for getting the TANCET application form?
What is the scheduled date for tancet exam
pls tell me the TANCET exam date and give all the collegedetails of conducting of M.E programs
when the application form will be issue and centers?
Pls let me know the best college in Thanjavur & Trichy for MBA
when the application form will be issued? I request to you please send me TANCET MBA model
question papers to my e-mail id….
can you tell me how many rounds will be there to get MBA admission?
I am like to do MBA this year.Which college is the best for study and Placements in Tamilnadu.Please send to my email.
i want to take admission in anna univ.but i belongs to other state(orissa).Iwant to know total reservation for others state.Is any reservation for sc categoryfor others.ho much % i should bring to take admission in anna univ.
Dear sir,
At present I’m doing my B.Sc micro-bio (final year).
I would like to do MBA. Is this possible to do? And i want to know apply tancet from on-line i want your guide for the same and please guide me for the suitable good colleges for the same.
I request you to send TANCET MBA SYLLABUS and which type of materials prepare for the exam.
Good noon sir,
I’m doing final year B.C.A
I request to you please send me TANCET MCA model
question papers to my e-mail id….
i am completed BE(ECE) last year i am preparing TANCET (ME) so please send syllabus and model question paper for ECE
what is the date for entrance exam and i want full syllabus of mca entrance and also i want model question papers pls send me on mail
Gud morning…I want to get the admission in top institute of chennai to pursue my MBA program. How much TANCET mark will help me for it?
respected sir,
i request u ,how to prepare for tancet exam……….
as well as please send some model question papers to my mail id.which mark is suitable to get in to govt college………
thank u sir
i need the tancet exam for M.E(ECE) syllabus and when that exam will be held? and when that application form will give? and old Question papers,sample Question papers…
plz send me…
thank you……
Dear Sir,
I wish to write TANCET 2010, i herewith request you to please update me with the Syallabus, application form details & Model question paper for MCA.
Thanks in advance
sir i request to you send me tancet M.E model question papers to my mail id..and also i need previous year question papers
thank you sir/madam
am doin 3rd yr EEE..pls send me the TANCET-M.E model quest papers and previous yr tancet entrance exam papers to my mail id..also kindly send me the details about the syllabus and materials for preparation..
Plz send me de syllabus for M.E tancet exam
WHAT I CAN DO????????????
dear Sir
I want to you please send me TANCET MBA model
question papers and syllabus to my e-mail id….
which marks suitable get in good college…..
thank you
i request to you please send me TANCET MBA model
questions papers to my e-mail id…..
which marks suitable get in good college…
thank you
just inform to me, when will be the application form wil be available and where it will be available.
sir, i would like to know about tancet notification,exam dates,exam syallabus,and fee structure for reservation catagory
TANCET application date issued pls tell…..
I request to you please send me TANCET MBA sylabus and models question papers to my e-mail id….
which marks suitable get in good college…..
thank you
pls produce the modelque and syllabus…..for referance
please send TANCET model question paper for M.E to my mailID
When ii the applicatons issued? how to prepare for the exam? i m ECE graduate. What are the sullabus? I need syllabus copy.
Hi I m Sandeep, I want to know about mca entrance examination syllabus
good eve im doing final B.E request u to send details about TANCET exams DATE and also i request u to send sylabus n materials
were do i get application form for tancet exam?
i want to know the TANCET (MCA) syllabus and the model question papers.material name and author.
What are the syllabus for writing TANCET MBA??
What s the TIme of submitting application form
hello sir, good evening
i request you to please send me TANCET 2010 MCA , sylabus pattern and model question papers to my e-mail id………..
when application form will be issued?
where can i get it..?
please all information send my e-mail id.
thank you
I want to when will be TANCET. So please alert me by sending mail to me.Thanks a lot.
plss…send me model question paper for M.E (electrical department) to my mail id….
sir, I want the model question paper for TANCET MCA, Please sir, send me fast if possible…!
I request to you please send me TANCET ME model question paper model.
i need syallbus for TANCET ME/M.Tech2010
Sir please send me the question paper model to my mail ID
Respected sir,
could i know when was the tancet application would issued and the exam dates…then would you tell about the question patterns..pls help us..thanking you
im doing final B.E.i request u to send details about TANCET exams DATE and also i request u to send sylabus n materials with model question paper.
2010 exam date,form providig date&sumission date are please send me my mail id.
i need the syllabus also
still i not get the answer for my question pls reply with your answers
I request to you please send me TANCET MCA model
question papers to my e-mail id….
which marks suitable get in good college…..
thank you
hi please send the TANCET application fees information.. & plz send me TANCET MCA model question papers to my email id…thank u
Send me all details regarding TANCET for both MBA & MCA, like the model questions, schedules, syllabus, where and when to get application form ,important dates and all other related details regaerding TANCET
plz mail me the study mat for tancet 2010 , ME Mech
my question :what is the procedure to register tanset exam …and when is the exam starts?…..n is there any classes going on ?…where?
n if v can apply now they ll take it or not?
i need syallbus for tancet mba 2010
sir i need a tancet application forms .where it is available.
how much cost.
when you are issuing the forms.
when is the last date for submitting the forms
I request to you please send me TANCET MCA model
question papers to my e-mail id….
which marks suitable get in good college…..
thank you
I request to you please send me TANCET MCA model
question papers to my e-mail id….
which marks suitable get in good college…..
thank you
good eve im doing final B.E request u to send details about TANCET exams DATE and also i request u to send sylabus n materials
entrance date for tancet in 2010
what is the date for applying tancet mba .i need tancet mba model papers send to mail id .please
please, give all information i.e., important dates and tancet for mba meterials …….pllease,mail to my email
thanking you
i m glad 2 write TANCET exam..wen application form will b issued and where can i get it..?
i need syallbus for tancet mba 2010
i have 85 percentile in mat and want to get admission in top institutes of coimbatore to pursue mba program… how will tancet marks help me with it?
I m interested in doing MCA and Ph.D can i able to do now i pursuing my IIIyr maths in regular pls answer my question as much as possible
thanking you
when the application form will be issued?
In my 12th std i studied biology computer science group without maths. now i want to do MCA. can i apply for tancet??????
Dear Sir,
I want to know the best MBA course branches briefly.
I want question pattern and syllabus.
hello sir,
Which place avilable the tancet form?
I request you to send a TANCET examination model question paper to my email address.
tancet syllabus
when the application will be available
I request to you please send me TANCET MCA model
question papers to my e-mail id….
which marks suitable get in good college…..
thank you
when the tancet exam is to be commenced
when the tancet is to be commenced
Dear Sir,
I have completed BS Information System in Birla institute of technology.I have to apply for MTech in Power system.
For TANCET Exam shall i apply pl reply me.
Dear Sir,
I have completed my Bachlore of science in Information system in Birla institute of technology on 2004.(Already i have completed diploma in electronics and communication engineering on 1985. I have passed BBA on 1994). now i am working in MNC Company. I Plan to do MTECH Power system engineering. Is it possible to do MTECH.
please list out the date of tancet mca entrance exam in 2010
which author book is useful for tancet exams preparation.
tancet application which date published
i wish to do my M.B.A
so can u please inform me the exam dates and send me some of the model TANCET- MBA Question papers
i want detail about the MBA including percentage and top level college
Also i want common fees structure for top list of colleges
I request you to send a TANCET examination model question paper to my email address.
1. when the tansat MCA application is issue date
2.i want to study the MCA inanna university how is it?
3.some model tansat questions send me my id
guid me sir
thank u
when the application form will be issued for TANCET
Which date the application form issued? How much the examination fees?
where i have to get application form for TANCET MBA?
I request you to send a TANCET exam model question paper to my e-mail address,please sir .
whether we got quantative aptitude for MBA TANCET or only reasoning?
when the application form will be issued?
I do my bsc(sc)final year ,how can proceed my mca enters examination?
where i’ll get the mca application form and last date for submission
sir i want to know that which colleges are there ubder TAMCET and what are the college cut off.If you have a list of which college have specialization fields of ELECTRICAL ENGGINERING than please sir forward me.
Hope you will cooperate me upto your best.
where will the application form be issued?
where should we get the forms… wat is the requirement….when is the last date.when the application ffform issued
where should we get the forms… wat is the requirement….when is the last date
plz send me the model question paper for mca tancet exam.
i am doing my final year engineering.please send tell me about the syllabus required for M.E in TANCET?i had a dilemma that whether i have to choose M.B.A or M.E?suggest me a solution.
how can i pursue m tech in PSG College of Engineering…
If any one know it pls mail the details to my mail..
mail id : [email protected]
I am BCA final year student from West Bengal.What is the syllabus in TANCET for MCA ?
Plz answer me……
It is possible to do MCA after finishing BCA correspondence in Alagappa university.
sir i m a student from prefinal year n from jharkhand m i eligible to appear for the exam n wat is the cutoff n selection procedure n can i have list of colleges giving this degree for ece m.tech atleast some
Hello sir
now i am doing final year bsc-IT…
i also write the M.TECH Exam in TANCET.
please send the informtion to me..
what is the starting date for getting tancet application form?
when the application form will be issued?
how much I need to pay for a semister i mean d College fees…?
I request you to send a TANCET examination model question paper to my email address.
i am studying pre final year of B.E., can i apply for TANCET exam.if yes means where did i get the application form.when will the TANCET exam starts.
i wish to do MBA
n hopefully i will be writinmy TANCET exams this year!
it’ll be very greatful if you could send me some model question papers!! MBA!!
expectin for ya reply soon!
thank ya!
when they will issue the tancet application
where should we get the forms… wat is the requirement….when is the last date
What is the procedure for getting the “TANCET” application form?
what is the passing percentage in TANCET?
what is the starting date for getting the TANCET application form?
which mark is get suitable in good college?
sir, i am studying final b.tech(e.c.e) in andhra pradesh & am i eligible to write TANCET for P.G
place of availability of application form and date of issuing & submission..
How to get application form for tancet 2010 and what is the minimum percentage to get a good college to study M.E/M.TECH
Hello sir,
I am doing final year BTECH IT. will u please suggest me any study materials for TANCET..What is the best score to get good college…
please send 10 previouse mba mht-cet papers
i want question pattern and syllabus
hai, sir what mark is required in tancet for M.E in government colleges?
pls send TANCET syllabus for CSE & model Question paper
I am pursuing my MCA [Currently going to write my 3rd sem on Feb 2010] (Distance Mode) from Anna University, Chennai. When can i apply for TANCET for M.E/M.Tech. Whether I am allowed to pursue M.Tech IT or M.E Communication Systems, since being a MCA Graduate or only ME.My final sem consistes of only project work but it gets over only by Aug/Sep(6th Sem exam), So when can I apply for TANCET. Whether I can apply for TANCET 2011 ? ? ?
pls tell about me when will give tancet for application&the dates
sir ,please i need all previous year cse tancet question papers
i need tancet application form
date issuing application form?
last date for submission?
where to get application form and what is the last date of issuing application form.what is the pass percentage .
what is the passing percentage in TANCET for mtech?
I Want the deatails about the entrance?
when the application will be issued?
plase can you sent tancet exam syallbus for M TECH
sir, my doubt if we hav arrears …is it possible to apply for TANCET…..
I want important and previous years question papers for preparation of tancet examination for ME
how to prepare for the tancet in mca.
What is the procedure for getting the “TANCET” application form?
what is the passing percentage in TANCET?
what is the starting date for getting the TANCET application form?
What is the scheduled date for tancet exam
thanks and regards,
where can I download the previous year question papers and syllabus for TANCET——- M.E COMPUTER SCIENCE
what is the procedure for applying TANCET? how to prepare for TANCET exam and what mark is capable for joining good colleges?
dear sir,
whats the procedure for getting admission for
Msc .biotechnology in Anna university
What kind of colleges i will be getting for my MBA programme?
what is the mark needed to place in PSG TECH?
hi sir!
what is the starting date for getting the TANCET application form?
i want to know about the tancet entrance examination, i m intrested in mtech biotech or biomedical science admission and i hav donee msc biotechnology,
What is the procedure for getting the “TANCET” application form?
what is the passing percentage in TANCET?
what is the starting date for getting the TANCET application form?
thanks and regards,
Which place avilable the tancet form
what will cut off mark if the answer is wrong
which mark is get suitable in good college?
What is the procedure for getting the “TANCET” application form?
what is the passing percentage in TANCET?
what is the starting date for getting the TANCET application form?
thanks and regards,
pls can u tell me how to prepare for tancet 2010 MBA. and also which book is best to prefer for tancet 2010 MBA preparation.
what mark is required in tancet to get a good college?
Dear sir,
i want best engg collg.in tamilnadu for studying M.E
can u pls send the details of tancet questions
I Want the deatails about the entrance?
when the application will be issued?
How many seats are avilable for mba under tancer and how many wrote the exa last year/
please show me the question pattern?
plase can you sent tancet exam syallbus for M.C.A
sir,i want tancet syllabus(2010) for M.E
we need previous question paper.we need information about collgs
Where to get the application form of TANCET and When does the TANCET exam start and will you please send the last date for TANCET application issuing date?
I want to model questions for TANCET(ME,ECE).
Where to get the application form of TANCET and When does the TANCET exam start and will you please send the last date for TANCET application issuing date?
4.I want to model questions for TANCET(ME,ECE)?
What is the issue date of entrance form TANCET 2010 MBA.
could you please send me the dates of the TANCET exam for the MBA admission on january 2010
how to get application ?
last date of application
please give a instruction about tancet2010 exam dates
sir i am b.sc computer student.how do i prepare for the examination?which books will i refer?tell me sir
when will exam start ? i want to know when the exam started. please
Sir…,please sent a model question paper for MCA entrance examination.
sir , i want tancet exam study material . and live in erode , so erode exam centre details , tancet mba in author name so i have used for purchase for selection.
Can u send the TANCET 2010 sylabus for MCA.thank u…..
please can you sent tancet exam syallbus for MCA.
i am currently in my final sem(civil).i want to do my masters in anna univ…would u kindly tell me which specialization in M.E. shld i do inorder i am assured with challenging oppurtunities?!!! thank u:-)
please sent me the syllabus for M.E. in electronics and communication for the tancet exam
1.I want the sylabus for TANCET exam can you send it to my mail?
2.When the applications are issue for TANSET?
3.I am living in villupuram.where the applicatons are issue in my area?
4.What mark is required in TANCET to get a good college?
5.Give me the suggestions about educational loans for MBA?
6. Give exam-pattern, syllabus,study-materials?
I want the exam date& application issuing date…also syllabus & model question paper.plz
when is TANCET 2010
please sent the syllabus for ME mechanical
Sir,Iam studying BCA final yr.nandha college ,Erode I want to appear TANCET exam 2010,can i able to appear it or not iam studying only three yrs in tamilnadu board?
when they will issue the application form for tancet
I am doing III yr BE now,can I apply for TANCET 2010
what is the entrance date for mca ?
what are the syllabus for them?
1.Date of issuing application?
2.Last date of submission?
3.Syllabus for ECE?
4.Examination date?
when the application form will be issued?
i need 2009 anna university tancet questions
can i get this?
1.I want the sylabus for TANCET exam can you send it to my mail?
2.When the applications are issue for TANSET?
3..What mark is required in TANCET to get a good college?
4.Give me the suggestions about educational loans for MBA?
when is tancet exam 2010?
when will application issue?
Sir,Right now i am doing my M.A in correspondence.Am i eligible to apply for Tancet 2010?
I want to know about the date of TANCET application form. how to apply for TANCET exam.
please tell the date of examination and when the application are issue for TANCET
me questions papers and how it is prepare?what subject should be prepare for be electronics and communication.
Dear sir/madam,
when the exam will start TANCET MCA . how much minimum marks i score for to join the Anna university .
i need the mca entrance exam form where it will be available and exam date in right time
Now i am doing my B.COM FINAL year. I want to do MBA. Can you please suggest, which course in PG is more valuable and seeking more importants in top companies.WHEN WAS THE APPLICATION ISSUING and HOW TO APPLY FOR TANCET in 2010.
thanking you
Can anyone please send me the syllabus for Biotecnology
hi, I’m in final semester of my B.Tech(civil Eng.) from andhra pradesh. what is reservation for andhra students in this TNCET? and i belongs to schedule caste. is there any reservation for us in this test. could you please send me the fee details and i wanna do my specialization in structural eng. please give me reply.
johnson j,
can u send me tancet exam syallbus for MBA …and when is tancet exam in 2010
admission procedure of non-resident tamilian
when will the tancet2010 application form wil be give for m.tech
when wil the tancet 2010 application form wil get for m.tech?
I need the syllabus for TANCET 2010 for electronic and communication engineering(ECE)
I am living in Neyveli. When the applications are issue for Tancet examination? What mark is Required in Tancet Examination to get good college.Give me the suggestions about educational loans for MBA?
pls can we sent tancet exam syallbus for MCA ..
1.compare to mba and mca which is the best?
2.what are the mark eligibility to join mba in anna uni?
3.its a part time or full time course?
4.list out the top 10 colleges in chennai?
5.send me the timings of the mba course?
can you sent tancet syllabus and old question papers .
i’m doing engg final year,i have to conquer the TANCET to get tha leading college like PSG,SSN,BIM my ques is
how to prepare for this exam?
what book i have to go through?
how”ll make my strategy i 4 months towards this exam ?
what kind of portion would you suggest to cover?
in addition to that my father was expired on nov 12 he was in railway job,so that dept is willing to give JE post in wht way this MBA is used in my carrier? please send sir thank u very much
exam date
what is the date for mca entrance ?
please send previous year question papers
but u must give in full detail
pl send me the syllabus for the MBA
Please inform me about when will the application form for TANCET 2010 will be issued.
Thanking you,
I have completed my B.E in electronics & communication engineeering in june2009. I want to write TANCET & i wish to do my M.E in Control & Instrumentation engineering. Whether it is possible to me to take instrumentation course. Pls give me Suggestion.
can u send me the tancet( computer science and eng) study material..?
date pf issuing application form for tancet & also syllabus for mca
where can i get d TANCET syllabus for ece branch
please can you sent tancet exam syallbus for M.E electrical and electronics and engineering
when is tancet 2010?
What is the last date of submission of entrance form, TANCET 2010-B.Tech & MBA
1.I want the sylabus for TANCET exam can you send it to my mail?
2.When the applications are issue for TANSET?
3.I am living in Pollachi,coimbatore(dis)where the applicatons are issue in my area?
4.What mark is required in TANCET to get a good college?
5.Can you send me the details about good colleges in coimbatore?
6.Give me the suggestions about educational loans for MBA?
please tell about tancet and the date of examination and application forms
date of issuing application form?
Hi all,
Can anyone pls intimate when does the TANCET application forms are being issued …?
My daughter is doing III year BE now. When she should apply for TANCET. Whether she can apply for TANCET 2010.
full details about TANCET exam
where the application form is available and when do the form get issued???
where to get the application form for TANCET.How much money have to pay for the application form?.what’s the pass percentage of marks that we should get?
right now am doing my 8th sem B.E mechanical engineering…is am eligible for the tancet exam.
Sir, I have completed M.Sc Computer Science and IT. Am I eligible To do M.E/M.Tech in Computer Science/IT. Kindly provide me the information.
When the application form will be issued?
can you please send me the detailed syllabus and study material for TANCET electronics and communication engineering?
I would like to do Ms in MIET,chennai…… will tancet exam help me to do it?..
when is applications issue
tell about top 10 colleges
What tancet mca marks are enough for the p.s.g tech in coimbatore?
please anna university mba tancet exam for 2010 date in informed
1.Where to get the application form for TANCET?
2.When the TANCET exam start?
3.I need the last date for TANCET application issuing date?
4.I want to model questions for TANCET(M.B.A)?
I am wating for your kindly answer.
Sir,can you please tell me what are all the colleges that i can get into by writing TANCET?
i m stndying final year EEE .i would like to study ME POWER System.in anna university for that how much mark require to achieve it. Thank you sir
where do i get the application form….i have to prepare for Mtech….which book i should use for preparation….i want model question papers too!!
Am doing Information Technology….i want the procedure for applying in online.After applying in online how do we get hall ticket..!
sir plz tell me with what score i can get into govt engg. colleages?
sir i did my MCA(laternal entry) degree in prist university. i want to do M.tech(correspondence) in anna university.is it possible sir?
please add the syllabus in this site
date for tancet exam 2010?
Sir can you plz send me the link for the study materials for TANCET electronics and communication engineering???
with what mark in the TANCET will I get into PSG college??
sir,my name is hima kiumar.i completed B.tech in electrical & electronic branch in 2008.now i want to do M.tech.can u send me the study materials for EEE branch & about the syllabus for EEE in TANCET xam.
sir,my name is hima.i completed B.tech in electrical & electronic branch.now i want to do M.tech.can u send me the study materials for EEE branch & about the syllabus for EEE in TANCET xam.
Dear Sir,
Could you please send the model question paper to my mail id ……….
Thanks and Regards,
Sir can you plz send me the link for the study materials for TANCET electronics and communication engineering???
with what mark in the TANCET will I get into PSG college??
deails about top college of M.E./M.Tech
Respected sir,
I already written TANCET exam last year. that mark sheet can be eligible this year also?
How much money have to pay for the application form?
Hi,iam adham 27 age person now i like to study MBA.i had complite my UG,pls guide me to prepare to tancet exam.
what are the minimum marks to be scored in tancet exam for m.b.a ?
i want to need for prepare the tancet exam so which book i am reffered?
hello sir,
1.when the tancet&nimcet exams are start?
dates for tancet 2010
when will the TANCET 2010 exams be held and where shall i obtain the application form and the site for obtaining it online.
when exams are commenced for tancet?and details about the exams?
when exams are commenced for tancet?
when exams are commenced for M.C.A(lateral entry)?
Is the application form for tancet (MCA) is different for part time and correspondence course?
where to get the application form for TANCET
where the application form is available and when do i get it . i need a ideas and tips to get high score in TANCET . thank you
do they offer MS biotech?
sir please tel me the date of application distribution.
Where will we get the tancet 2010 application form? & when last date for tancet 2010?.
when will the tancet exam wil be conducted ? where we do have get the application?
when will issue the TANCET MBA application form,and when will the test conduct
i want know about the tancet 2010 mba entrance exam application details clearly
m doing ma final yr cse .. i need 2 kno d date for tancet 2010 exam nd d last date ???
i’m doing BE mech.Is it possible to join other streams in pg. Like aero or any other dept?
May i get a model question paper for tancet?
i want tancet model question paper & to the syllabus for civil engineering
Sir, What is the last date for the submission of TANCET form for 2010?
Sir, What ai the last date for the submission of TANCET form for 2010?
sir,i have done my 6th semester in B.Sc.,(computer science)
with 74%aggregate marks..shall i apply for TANCET?Whether there is any different departments in M.C.A. or not?could u please send apt time for applying tancet?
I need the syllabus for MEcse and the study materials
the question pattern and the model Q&A
please send to me
entrance exam for Msc(computer science)2010.I want entrance date and exam center
entrence test for m.tech cource will be on
hello sir,
when is application issues? i want some detail about mba tanset exam? i want the structure of the question paper …..
hello sir,
when is application issues? i want some detail about mba tanset exam? i want the structure of the question papper
hello sir,
when is application issues? i want some detail about mba tanset exam?
sir,if i have arrears during the date of joining MBA course i will be permitted to MBA or i will be given time to complete?
I am interested in MCA - part time. I have done my Diploma (in EEE) and am in final year of BCA. I am doing my BCA in corres [Annamalai univ]. Am I eligible to do the course? What are the next steps I am supposed to take?
1. TANCET is for MCA -Part time too?
2. If yes, syllabus?
3. When can I get the application for TANCET?
4. Are there any coaching centres for TANCET?
in which month tancet is conducted
i want sample paper format for TAN CET (M.E,Mtech)
where to get the applicaton form?
syllabus for TANCET
am pursing bsc(IT) final year and i dont have intermediate(+2) please tel am eligibility or not for tancet exam.
when appl issued for tancet?
what is the date for tancet 2010?
Sir, i need the last date for TANCET application issuing date?
How we get the Previous year Question Paper for M.E????
Is there available in google ???
How we get the Previous year Question Paper????
Is there available in google ???
When will the tancet exam will be condunted?
what are the study materials are used to prepare the tancet exam?
when tancet mca syllabus published
sir i need a syllabus for tancet exam 2010
i want to model question paper for mca entrance
i want to do mtech in mechanical engineering…..pls suggest the criteria for tancet???
i want tancet question for mca..
1) sir i need a syllabus for tancet exam,can you send to my mail plz. i want to do M TECH in cs.
2) How do we get the application forms for “TANCET”.
what’s the pass percentage of marks that we should get?
3). Give exam-pattern, syllabus,study-materials?
4). Where will we get the application form?
5). Which mark is suitable for getting good college
1) sir i need a syllabus for tancet exam,can you send my mail plz
2) How do we get the application forms for “TANCET”.
what’s the pass percentage of marks that we should get?
3). Give exam-pattern, syllabus,study-materials?
4). Where will we get the application form?
need the M.tech entrance exam (2010) syllabus
Pls tell me thesyllabus for 2010 ECE
when is the last date for tancet. when will be the application provided. where can we get it for applying in post?
What is the last day for Submit Application Form?
where i can get the tancet application for mba
where we get tancet application ?
i’am ramesh 3 bsc computer science
sir,tell me the date of tancet mba exams for 2010
How many stipends are provided in anna university MTech students how much fees collected each year in anna university students.give details in Minimum cut off marks for the last year anna university students each departments.
when will be the 2010 entrance exam?
1)how can i fillup the form for mca exam2010.
2)i need a syllabus for mca exam,can u send me mail pls.
3)where will get application form.
when will be the 2010 TANCET examination for ME.
when will the application form for tancet 2010 is issued?
Sir, i need the books n syllabus to prepare for my PG course in computer science n engineering.So,pls i request you to give d details about that.
Thank You
Pls tel me when the application form will be given for TANCET 2010,what is the last data of submission of the application form and what is the date of exam?
sir/madam, i need tancet syllabus M.TECH/M.E and plz suggest me which study material is help for score good marks.can you send to my mail?
1) sir i need a syllabus for tancet exam for ME,can you send my mail plz
2) How do we get the application forms for “TANCET”.
what’s the pass percentage of marks that we should get?
pls send me the tancet syllabus for eee.also wants to know,when the exam will be conduct and details about getting the application form?
where the application form available for ME exams?
when the exam will be conducted?
Give the syllabus for computer science dept.
where the application form will be available?
when the exam will be conducted?
Hai sir/Madam,
I want syllabus for TANCET 2010 for Civil engineering branch… And than previous model question paper..
i want past year questionpaper
when the application form for TANCET M.Tech will be issued?
i need a modwl question paper for tancet mba..
when s d tancet for mca 2010
Sir, i need the last date for TANCET application issuing date,
1) sir i need a syllabus for tancet exam,can you send my mail plz
2) How do we get the application forms for “TANCET”.
what’s the pass percentage of marks that we should get?
3). Give exam-pattern, syllabus,study-materials?
4). Where will we get the application form?
5). Which mark is suitable for getting good college
hi..pl tell me abt tancet syllabus for cs..i want do ME
i want model question paper for MCA
Can u publish list of Govt colleges covered under Tancet MBA
pls i need a infromation when will be tancet application from will given at which date pls
when will u issue the tancet entrance application form for MBA
when will exam start
when should i apply for tancet if i am completing my b.e. e.c.e in 2011 and when should i start preparing…..
i want to study M.Tech(Biotechnology).plz send TANCET 2009 syllubus………
Thank u…
MCA and MBA modal ouestion paper in 2009 please send in email id
Plse tel me tat when will the application form given for TANCET 2010.?
send the important dates for tancet 2010
Please send me the model question paper for Tancet M.Tech(IT)
i am doing my mechanical engg(8th sem)
i am interested to do PG in anna univ?
when and where can i get the TANCET application forms?
when will contect the enterance exam at 2010 batch?
Plz inform me the date of 2010 TANCET for ME…
Wht are the portions for 2010 TANCET for ME
i m a final year mechanical engineering student,i want to pursue masters in engineerig from abroad,plz show me the right path..
thanking u
sir i need a syllabus for TANCET exam. can you send this to my mail?
questions are tuff or easy
when will the TANCET 2010 exams be held and where shall i obtain the application form and the site for obtaining it online.
i need tancet syllabus in 2009
I am a Final year BCA student.I want to study MCA. For that a want to write TANCET exam. What R the steps to be follow for this exam?
I want to know the best coaching centres for tancet exam
how do we get the application forms for “TANCET”.
what’s the pass percentage of marks that we should get?
i need various branches of m.e for computer science engg
need for all tancet cse question papers
When the application will be available and what is the syllabus for the exam
I have completed my 10th + 3 years diploma in electronics and communication engineering(Regular) + 3 year U.G. BCA course(correspondence)
My question is : Is it possible for me do Mba in regular
i am doing final year ece.i want tancet 2010 syllabus for ece.
A. Noor Ahamed: on December9th, 2009
what is the procedure for getting the “TANCET” application form?
How many makrs to get the pass this exam?
when to start provide the application form.
thanks and regars,
Noor Ahamed
Respected Sir/Madam,
I am doing my final year engineering in information technology. What are the courses available that I can pursue in my mtech? I request you to send me the same.
please send tancet syllabus for civil engineering.
When the aplication form will be provided?
hi,i am doing final yr BE (ECE)…i want to know the syllabus of TANCET (ME)…….i want to apply for both MBA and ME,is the application form same for both……..reply me please…
hai al… any one can tel me how to apply appln form for tancet 2010 and whic s the last date to apply for it…
when n where do i get the application form?
thanks and regards
How many marks to get qualified mca programme in goverment colleges.
I am doing B.sc cs Final yr student..
Plse tel me tat when will the application form given for TANCET 2010.?
1. When will b the exam start?
2. Give exam-pattern, syllabus,study-materials?
3. Where will we get the application form?
4. Which mark is suitable for getting good college?
Respected sir/madam,
I am studying final year BCA
I would like to know the details of counseling
TANCET guide is only enough for the exam
Please guide me
what is the minimum eligibility criteria for tancet admision ?
where do we get model solved papers for tancet preparation?
what is the pass percentage for tancet examination?
How long duration of certificate of working professional will be required for correspondance student for mca in bit mesra
How long duration of certificate of working professional will be required for correspondance student for mba
Plz send me the date of application of tancet for mba
which month come to the tancetexam for 2010.and also when will come to the form of tancet exam for 2010 batch
What is the procedure for getting the “TANCET” application form?
what is the passing percentage in TANCET?
what is the starting date for getting the TANCET application form?
thanks and regards,
Ganesh Balaji P R
i want coching class address? Where i’m going to prepare?
where i’m going to get TANCET application?
i have completed b tech mechanical engg . iam instersted join in mtech distance course for our university .ple tell me details
i’m doing B.Tech (Textile Technology) final year.i don’t know tancet procedure and syllabus also.pls sent full and clear idea…………..
wen is the issue of application form commencing?
respected sir/madam,
plz send me TANCET exam details and how to prepare for TANCET exam.
pls send me the details about TANCET exam date and application issue centers
how to prepare for the tancet exam?
which material have to be chosen for tancet?
pls send me tancet exam details
sir, I am currently doing my B Sc Aircraft Maintanence Science. I am from Kerala; as it is can i appear for TANCET exam. If yes, kindly give me necessary details about the exam, its sylabus, the documents that I have to submit and the model questions……..
when the application form will be provided?
sir when will given the application form and when the exam will start?
sir, i need the list of colleges that come under tancet for mba and model question papers for the above said disciplines. pls guide me.
sir,i am from kerala what will be the rules pls send me sir.
sir,i m doin b.tech-bioinformatics in SASTRA university.i want to pursue mba-healthcare.is i hav to write tancet for joining tihs course in mku?
sir,now iam doing b.sc(comp.sci).can i able to study mba.becz i want to study mba.
when the application form will be provided?
i am doing my final year computer science engineering(2006-2010).
i am n a dilamo to undergo my pg with ME or mba.
i need the list of colleges that come under tancet for mba and model question papers for the above said disciplines. pls guide me.
When will the applications be sold and where shall we get the applications from?
i finished BE-bio medical engineering…can i get my tancet (M.Tech) syllabus
I had complete my MCA course in Madras university(Distance Eduction). Can i do ME in anna university i can able to write TANCET 2010 exam ? please help me sir.
Thanks & Regards
M. kandasamy
when application forms would be issued?
respected sir,
i want to appear for TANCET 2010 for MTECH
but i am from andhra pradesh what will be the rules please
send me details
1.date at mba tancet2010.2\ i need to model paper2010mba tancet
Pls send me the syllabus for cse branch
esp ected sir \madam when will be date tancet2010/ 2give syallbus for tancet2010 atmba\3/modelquestionpaperat mbatancet2010
A.when will the application form given for TANCET 2010?
B.when will the exam start?
C.Give exam-pattern, syllabus,study-materials?
D.where will we get the application form?
E.which mark is suitable for getting good college?
respected mam/sir
now i am doing my b.tech it .my ambi is doing mba.
it is possible i will write the mba and m.tech entrance exam.
revered sir/madam
Could you please tell me that how i’ve to prepare myself for tancet(m.e pgm)
syllabus for m.e medical electronics
Now im pursuing my b.e. ece, what are my feasible courses in m.e. pgm
Please, do send me about how can i get 2010 tancet application form.
awaiting your humble reply
Iam a final year Ug CS Student. I want to Know Is there is lateral entry for MCA? Awaiting for your reply
how can i prepare for tancet(MCA)?which material i have to choose for preparation?
how i prepare for tancet exam. would you please tell me for any ideas and also which material may i prepare?
I am ashwin i want to know do you have any entrence test or exam to do MBA Correspondence and can i get bangalore as a Center for examination.
Mob - 9986137885
I like to do M.E.What,s the syllabus or qn pattern for ECE students.
please tell me the mail address for searching mca tancent
entrance question paper and tell me the pattern of the question paper…
Respected madam/sir,
Need TANCET Model Question Papers for ME-Computerscience, please provide the previous question papers.And also give the details about exam date&month of TANCET 2010 .what the procedure for applying tancet
How can i prepare for tancet(mba)
which material i have to choose 4 preparation
1.I am a b.com graduate in Bharathidasen University, can i able to write & studied MCA Enterence Exam & Course?
2.Request you to tell about tancent Syllabus in MCA?
3.When will give the TANCET MCA applications?…
4.Where will get the TANCET MCA applications form?
Am waiting for your favourable reply……..
Respected sir/madam,
I am doing my final year BE(cse),
1.I would like to know the date of application issue and also the last date for submission.
2.model question papers.
3.material to prepare.
respected sir,
i m doing my b.com(c.s), final year, final sem.
next i want to do mba.. what i want to do now sir, i would like to join mba in following year . that is my bcom exams ends in march 2010. i want to join mba in that year(2010) itself. please help me sir.
1.How can i prepare for tancet (MBA)?
2.Request you to tell about tancet syllabus?
3.Which material i have to choose for preparation?
Am waiting for your favourable reply……..
I am a b.com graduate. Can i able to write MCA enterence exam?
i want to know aboutTANCET 2010 M B A dates and model questions&answers
Respected madam/sir,
Need TANCET MCA syllabus 2010
i want the syllabus for m.tech biotechnology in tancet 2010.
mam/sir ,
am interesred in doing m.tech biotechnology could u plz suggest the books amg give question papers for tancet 2010 preparation .
i am doing my ug in computerscience..
if i have to write tancet exam what specialization i need to take sir….
do you have any entrance exam for MBA in PONDICHERRY UNIVERSITY?
where the application are received ?
When will give the TANCET MCA applications?…
Please reply me…
i want full syllabus for tancet for me computerscience
Respected madam/sir,
Need TANCET Model Question Papers for ME-Computerscience, please provide the previous question papers.And also give the details about exam date&month of TANCET 2010 .what the procedure for applying tancet
when application forms would be issued?
provide links for study material
how can i prepare for tancet?
Respected sir,
1. when will the tancet for mba be conducted?
2. when will the application forms be issued?
3. also plz giv me the syllabus to my email id
4. if possible, plz giv me the model qn papers also
Pls. advice me to get the application form/s for TANCET 2010.
sir,, i want model question papers for M.TECH comp science
what are all coures in M.Tech degree programs?
hai i am b.e graduate in major of computer science and engg.i want 2 do my p.G in the specialisation of m.e in same major.I need some model faqs in the same.
Respected Sir/Madam,
Is it Tancet 2010 entrance exam is common for both MBA and MCA. I am a B.SC Mathematics Student. Whether i would take M.Tech also or not?
1. application form (tancet)
please sent to me
when the exam?
how to apply tancet?
.1.when will the application form given for TANCET 2010?
2.when will the exam start?
3.Give exampattern, syllabus,studymaterials?
4.where will we get the appilcation form?
5.rate of application form?
Respected sir/madam i am doing my 3 rd msc-cst 5 year integrated course but i want to da mba. i discontinue this course in this year and am want to write tancet for mba. I want to know what kind of question they ask for exam and which kind of book i am going to refer for tancet mba.its to long but i want answer for this questions.please please please.
How to score lot in TANCET?
Which is the best guide for preparation of TANCET?
do they take students for m-tech only on gate exam or do they consider tancet also
can we join MCA in IIT’s by writting the TANCET exam?
modal question paper ple
A.when will the application form given for TANCET 2010?
B.when will the exam start?
C.Give exam-pattern, syllabus,study-materials?
D.where will we get the application form?
E.which mark is suitable for getting good college?
last date of application form
i need the syllabus for the tancet 2010 M.E-ECE and application form. send me the exam pattern. i am wating for ur reply.
i planned to do M.S in anna university. for that course also tancet is the entrance exam ah. or else any other entrance exam is there.
1.How can i prepare for tancet?
2.Request you to tell about tancet syllabus?
3.Which material i have to choose for preparation?
Am waiting for your favourable reply……..
I Need TANCET Model Question Papers for ME-EEE, please provide the previous question papers.And also give the details about exam date&month of TANCET 2010.
where to get tancet application
Respected sir/madam,
I want to know how to prepare TANCET(M.E) and how to apply for it?. I need the information regarding electronics and communication dept and also exam pattern. i’m waiting for your favourable reply….
respected sir when will u distribute the application form
1.application form (tancet)
2.please sent to me
3.could u plz send the date of tancet examination?
4.how to apply tancet?
5.How can i prepare for tancet?
6.Request you to tell about tancet syllabus?
7.Which material i have to choose for preparation?
8.i need the model question papers for the past 2-3 years please
9.when will the application form will be given?
Am waiting for your favourable reply……..
Thank you sir
Tell about syllabus of TANCET exama
please tell me about the syllabus covered in tancet for MBA. how should i prepare for it?
application form(tancet)
exam date
previous question papers
When they will start to give entrance application form for mca
when is the date of tancet 2010 examination..?
when is the last date for submission of tancet 2010 examination application..?
i completed my B.tech(E.E.E).iam doing job now.can i have any oppurtunity for doing M.tech without any entrance test
What are the books to be learned for the MBA TANCET exam?
1. when will the application form given for TANCET 2010?
2. Exam start Date?
3.Give exampattern, syllabus,studymaterials?
4.where will we get the appilcation form?
5.Rate of application form?
6. Study center & fees detail?
Respected sir/madam
i want to know only people who finished both diploma and bachelor’s degree can write the tancet for mba
the people finished bachelor’s degree alone can apply
hai.. i’m studying in final year IT,i want to know the all the details about tancet exam. if u know it ..reply as early as possible
1.tancet 2010 application form
2.when will you conduct?
3.reference books?
Good morning sir,i completed M.Sc applied electronics but i want to know when application from will be announced for 2010 tancet exam and exam date………..pls send mail to me
application form (tancet)
please sent to me
when the exam?
how to apply tancet?
wanna know syllabus foe ME cse dep
Respected sir/mam,
I am doing my 3rd year EEE. After i finished my UG,i am going to do PG. Am i eligible for this exam which will held on 2010? or I have to finish my UG for writing this entrance exam?
what is the medhod for apply TANCET?
i want to know the syllabus for the tancet.. for mtech biotechnology
application form (tancet)
please sent to me
when the exam?
how to apply tancet?
1.How can i prepare for tancet?
2.Request you to tell about tancet syllabus?
3.Which material i have to choose for preparation?
Am waiting for your favourable reply……..
Respected sir/madam,
pls send me the exam pattern and syllabus for MCA and MBA tacet 2010 exam to my e-mail id.
i need information regarding tancet 2010 and also the previous question papers..
What is the exam pattern for information and communication technology(ict) students?
tell me about the branches available in MBA?
and the placements for the corresponding courses
am from palakkad….i want to knw ,can i write TANCET exam…can i get in to some colleges for MCA.through merit basis..
I Need TANCET Model Question Papers for ME-Computerscience, please provide the previous question papers.And also give the details about exam date&month of TANCET 2010.
2month TANCET 2010-2011.
pl give the details abt TANCET 2010
also i need the model question papers
I would like to appear TANCET-2010 for M.Tech……It is the last source for me to do M.Tech through an entrance test…..Pls try to help me regarding the pattern if changed and the important dates for TANCET……If possible pls let me know the official websites dat provide previous question papers……This is really very imp for my life….pls help me
whem the application form is available?
1.when will the application form given for TANCET 2010?
2.when will the exam start?
3.Give exampattern, syllabus,studymaterials?
4.where will we get the appilcation form?
5.rate of application form?
1.when will the application form given for TANCET 2010?
2.when will the exam start?
3.Give exampattern, syllabus,studymaterials?
4.where will we get the appilcation form?
5.rate of application form?
how to prepare for tancet exam by ourself.
I Ragini SIngh From Utter Pradesh , I want to appear for TANCET 2010 , Kindly suggest wether i will be eligible for that or not ?
when is the tancet exam for 2010
i need to know wen the tancet exam starts,and wen will application orm be issuing
i am gopi. i am doing my final year bca.i want some details about mba in shipping and port management and mba in marine human resource management and job vacancy of this courses
how to prepare for TANCET exam? can i get any model question
paper for its preparation?
how to prepare for the TANCET exam? can i get any modle question paper regarding this?
hai ,how will prepare the TANCET exam .and then when will start the tancet exam for 2010.
when will give the application form?
when is conducted tancet exam for MCA
when will be the appilication form given…?
RS Agarval is enough to study or some other else
I Finished BBA(DDE), I am 26.I Studied Business Maths In Plus Two.Can I Study MCA?, May I Eligibility the Course?
i need previous year M.E question papers if u can please help me
I am currently working in TCS. I am 2006 passed out.
want to pursue ME (Computer Science)Degree, Already 4 years missed out. Am I eligible to write this exam?
what is the validity period for TANCET i.e, is it for 1 year
which colleges are in top in Tamilnadu to pursue MBA course and placement?
I need TANCET model question papers for mba.Can anyone help me by providing the ques papers?????
I need TANCET model question papers for ME-Computer Science.Can anyone help me by providing the ques papers?????
need information regarding tancet 2010 and also the previous question papers.
pls send updates for exam
can u plz provide details about the C-GAT examination conducted by SSN college
1.when will the application form given?
2.when will the exam start?
3.Give exampattern, syllabus,studymaterials?
4.where will we get the appilcation form?
5.rate of application form
how to answer the business situation?
sir i need 2009 tancet qestion paper modul?
when is the entrance exam.in 2010?when is the application form available?
i want to know the exam that are been condected in INDIA for all fields
syllabus for tancet 2oo9-2o1o
When is the Tancet exam conducted?
When the form is issued and last date for submission of form?
What is the exam pattern for IT students?
What is the amount to be payed to receive the form?
tell me about the branches available in MBA?
and the placements for the corresponding courses
Which colleges are best college for studying MCA in Chennai ?
how can i apply for the exam?
i love u
1.when will the application form given for TANCET 2010?
2.when will the exam start?
3.Give exampattern, syllabus,studymaterials?
4.where will we get the appilcation form?
5.rate of application form?
I would like to appear in TANCET Exam 2010. Could U please let me know when and where the application form issued and for details.
when will be the applications for Tancet2010 will be given?
what are the particular branch of bank for issueing the applications in salem,namakkal and erode?
Let me the know the syllabus of tancet exam 2010
Please give me the study material for tancet MCA
what are study materials used to refer for tancet exam ?help me please.
plz tell d ex dates and info about application
is there any qualification for applying for tancet exams;
example:like there should be 60% of marks in +2 or etc
1.where will we get the application form?
respected sir,
I’m doing my final B.E in EEE in sun college of engineering & technology.And after completion of my UG course I like to do for PG courses.so for a good office can u provide a kind information about the commencement of TANCET Exam.
Thanking you,
rate of application form
when will the application forms issued? what is the fees details?
when will the exam start?
what are tancet syllabus,study materials,exam pattern for ME,MBA?
wnen will be the date for the exam?
when will be the application form given for tancet2010?
where we have to get application form ?
when will the application form given?
when wil the exam conduct
Fees structure for ME and M.Tech programmes and various courses available in Electronics& Communication department…
Waiting for your favourable reply…Thank you…
Now i am doing my final year B.E.(ECE) course
what are the courses available related my course,
what are the difference between the M.E. TANCET exam and MBA TANCET exam
could u please tell me the best colleges of Anna University Chennai for this M.E/MBA courses
Give that exam pattern and also study materials available in the market
Then Eligible score for Anna University counseling
what is the process to join in mtech computers
there is any distance education providation centers or university’s in our india
plese tell me
1. iam studying BCA in Distance Mode, i want study MBA in Regular, my doubt is iam eligible for doing MBA in regular?
2. when will the TANCET applicationa are given?
3.how many marks has been scored for join in university of madras?
4.if any completion or certicates requires for apply to TANCET because my certificates are come to me at nearly sep2010.?
5.which are the top univ. or colleges for MBA in tamilnadu based on coaching and placements?
thanking you!!11
A.when will the application form given for TANCET 2010?
B.when will the exam start?
C.Give exam-pattern, syllabus,study-materials?
D.where will we get the application form?
E.which mark is suitable for getting good college?
i want to know the tancet syllabus for biotechnology and also about the fees and exam date details.
I am a B.Tech-IT graduate completed my UG course in may 2009.
I just need to know on what basis the questions are set for the TANCET-M.E.
Which materials we need to follow so as to score more marks?
how to apply for TANCET ? . where can we get application form?
how to prepare an exam/
and list out the kinds of questions
a full details to sent my email.
thank you
which college best of the mca
i ‘m preparing for my CAT exam which is on nov 29th.. will the CAT materials be enough for TANCET preparation too..?
yours sincerely,
Respected sir,
I would like to write TANCET exam to join M.E. computer science.
I require info about where can i get materials for exam.
I need ur suggestion about books which suitable for this exam. waiting for your favourable reply….Please help me sir..
thanking u…..
I completed my BE(CSE) in the year 2004.Now I am working in a college as a lecturer.I wish to do my higher studies in ME.Already i missed 2years.So i want to join atleast in the year 2010.Please kindly intimate me,
when the application form will be distributed?
When is the exam due date?
How much should i pay for the appln. form?
waiting for your favourable reply….Please help me sir..
Thanking You.
i wish you sir…please give book names for preparing tancet..
Tell me TANCET details of application notification.
when will the application form given for TANCET 2010?
i am the student of 3rd ece.sir i want to know about the difference between the gate and tancet exam.please send details.
give tips to write the tancet exam for M.E
will the last date for the application form will be updated to my mail
please tell about the best placement college for MCA in anywhere in tamil nadu?
when was the exam date, how attend the exam i am eee student plan to do mba then what vil be the syllubus
1.when will the application form given?
2.when will the exam start?
3.Give exampattern, syllabus,studymaterials?
4.where will we get the appilcation form?
5.rate of application form
Respected sirs,
I would like to write TANCET exam to join M.E. computer science.
I need smart and best way to get more marks in exam.
I require info about where can i get materials for exam.
I need ur suggestion about books which suitable for this exam.
Please show me the right way to me.
1.when will the application form given for TANCET 2010?
2.when will the exam start?
3.Give exampattern, syllabus,studymaterials?
4.where will we get the appilcation form?
5.rate of application form?
i am final year student in B.E
i am preaparing cat,, is it enough for tancet or i have to prepare more then this
i need which self finance college is good in tamilnadu and as well as details about m.b.a division ,,,, in that division which group is nice to study and future which is valid
when will the application forms issued? what is the fees details?
how do i search for the materials correponding to the TANCET examinations. please help me the details required and it would be very much helpful to me.
thanking you.
Fees structure for M.Tech programmes and various courses available in Electronics& Communication department.
Can u plz temme the courses in M.E. that a B.E. electronics and communication engineering student can take u. and I also need the syllabus for the same..
i would like to prefere MCA after my UG in 2010. please tell how to prepare for TANCET and whick book would be better for TANCET preparation.
i am a final year ece student.when will the application form given?what is the cost of the application?when will the exam starts?when will be last date for apply for TANCET-2010.i need the syllabus and study material for the exam…waiting for your favourable reply…thank u
when will the application form of tancet issued..pl post me the date for this year 2010
Good day to you! Can you tell what r all the mba colleges under your control
i’m doin my final year bca in bangalore…
i wanna try for mba and mca….
plz can i know the procedures and formats… does this include a mark criteria for writing the exam….and the fees involved for writing each stream….
I want Tancet model question for ME courses
i m final year B.Tech(IT) student..
i want to write the TANCET exam 2010…
when the application will given?
how to prepare to get good mark in this?
what is the syllabus for TANCET2010?
…please tell me this….
i need model qustion paper and sylabus in tancet-ME
1.Can I write the TANCET exam? Bcoz I did my BCA in 2007-2009.
2.when will the exam start?
3.Give exampattern, syllabus,studymaterials?
4.where will we get the appilcation form?
5.rate of application form?
I did my BCA Graduation in 2009. Can I write TANCET exam coming year? pls reply me
I wish to do my higher studies in MBAin 2010.Please kindly intimate me,
when the application form will be distributed?
When is the exam due date?
How much should i pay for the appln. form?
Give exampattern, syllabus,studymaterials?
waiting for your favourable reply….Please help me sir..
Thanking You.
I done mca in annamalai university i want how to apply for mtech tanset and also send me last date of the entrance exam application submition
Can you please provide best colleges(rank list) in tamilnadu availing M.Tech courses..
i want know the syllabus of mca tancet exam….
i was doing my bca final year…. i need to know the ranking of engineering colleges for doing mca within coimbatore district and the marks in tancet they expected for joining is also specifed for each engineering colleges…..
When is the TANCET exam….
how much percentage required to pass
1.when will the application form given for TANCET 2010?
2.when will the exam start?
3.Give exampattern, syllabus,studymaterials?
4.where will we get the appilcation form?
5.rate of application form?
when the applications forms will be issued?
when is the exam
hai i am vinoth I am doing BE(CSE) final year .I want to know about amount that cost and also i would like to know about the date at which the TANCET exam to be conduct
when will mca entrance exam will be conducted
Tell me TANCET details of application notification.
How to prepare for TANCET 2010.
Is there any particular book for it?
Whats the fee for tancet coaching class .. ??
hi im in ty bca im prepare for mca is the tancet center in maharashtra
i have completed my MCA from Osmania university hyderabad, will i be elgible for MTech admission
wen is the exam date
Iam ulaganathan doing my final year IT in mount-zion college of engg &tech in pudukkottai.I would like to know the courses available for MBA and also TANCET 2010 MBA entrance dates……And also tell the syllabus please….
i studing 3Bsc(che) this year complete UG degree next i will joint MBA how to apply TANCET application. were avilable here.
I have passed ISC with science but failed in maths. Can I appear for the tancet 2010 for the course MCA?
MBA enterance exam dates for 2010
when will be the tancet exams held for 2010?
1.when will the application form given?
2.when will the exam start?
3.Give exampattern, syllabus,studymaterials?
4.where will we get the appilcation form?
5.rate of application form?
6.Which book would be better to follow for TANCET ?
Please tell about which are the government colleges having MTech degree courses.
i would like to know abt d TANCET exam pattern for M.E(cse) and also d date of
issuing application,exam date
now i am studing b.tech final year when i should write the exam when the application forms are provide please give me the answer with dates
tell me 2010 TANCET date
sir,mca application when will be distributed
now i am stading in 3bca after complete ug degree which is the best to steded i will choice in mba my selection is ok then other couse is the best pls tell me sir
TANCET 2010 entrance for Mtech - Computer Science order. Need info on Entrance exam coaching centers in chennai.
When will be the application for mtech exam avail?
i want to prepare tancet exam.please tell hoe to prepra systematically to get mark
i wolud like to know about TANCET 2010 MTECH dates and also about the availability of application forms..
Iam balu mahendran doing my final year IT in amrita school of engg in coimbatore.I would like to know the courses available for M.TECH and also TANCET 2010 M-TECH entrance dates……And also tell the syllabus please….
i would like to know abt d TANCET exam pattern for M.E(cse) and also d date of
issuing application,exam date.
I want to know the mechanical syllabus for tancet
Tell me the tancet 2010
Which book would be better to follow for TANCET ?
When will the application forms issued for TANCET 2010 ?
I wish to do my higher studies in MBAin 2010.Please kindly intimate me,
when the application form will be distributed?
When is the exam due date?
How much should i pay for the appln. form?
waiting for your favourable reply….Please help me sir..
Thanking You.
What are the colleges for M. Tech and address of each? Info about fees and admission procedure for it
1.when will the application form given?
2.when will the exam start?
3.Give exampattern, syllabus,studymaterials?
4.where will we get the appilcation form?
5.rate of application form?
hi,am doing BSC.IT final year at coimbatore,so i am willing to do post graduate ,so i would like to do MBA ,i need about the future available dates for writting tancet exams ,then when and where the applications will be issued…………. is there any exams center is conducted in coimbatore and erode
im a final year B.Tech(IT) studen..
i want to write the TANCET exam 2010.
can you pls tel me when r the applications issused and how to prepare for it…exams date,,,how buy application form ?where?
i want to know about TANCET 2010 ME dates and Model question paper
i require information regarding the tancet exam dates and the syllabus for it. plz reply at the earliest
i m a final year student of cse i want to do M.E in anna univ..
i need tancet study materials to prepare..
send me also the date of examination in 2010
when willl the tancet applications be issued?? is there any changes in tancet ME for 2010
1.when will the application form given for TANCET 2010?
2.when will the exam start?
3.Give exampattern, syllabus,studymaterials?
4.where will we get the appilcation form?
5.rate of application form?
i would like to know about the course (pg diploma/advanced diploma ) for electrical engineers(BE) (preffered place - bangalore,chennai,mangalore,or any south indian districts ) in 2009-2010 , which gives me immediate job with high salary .
I just wanted to know the date of issuing applications for TANCET 2010.
please tell the syllabus of TANCET MBA Entrance 2010
1.when will the application form given?
2.when will the exam start?
3.Give exampattern, syllabus,studymaterials?
4.where will we get the appilcation form?
5.rate of the application form?
I would like to know about TANCET 2010 MCA entrance dates…
how can we get the TANCET MODELquestion papers?
when is TANCET exams are conducted and can we have the exam centers near by our toun.pls publish the dates for 2010 passing out B.Tech students .
thank you
i am now studying bsc ct in ksr college of tachnology.i am in need of knowing the dats of tancet exams.
I would like to know about TANCET 2010 M-TECH entrance dates…
how should get tancet model question paper
im a final year B.Tech(IT) student..
can you pls tel wat s the minimum mark for Tancet to get admission in top colleges and the Syllabus for it..
im a final year B.Tech(IT) student……….
i want to write the TANCET exam 2010.
can you pls tel me when r the applications issused and how to prepare for it…
when the application form will be issue for tancet 2010?
what is syllabus for the tancet?
is there any examination center in pondicherry or near by pondicherry?
i am BE FINAL YR student i going to do ME (CSE).so i need a sllabus for tancet and some question paper .And which month the exam is held.
When did the application form for Tancet 2010 M.Tech will be distributed?please let me know the details of tancet study material. When will be the last date to apply for TANCET-2010
any entrence exams for m.sc nuclear physics
please give some details for this
m.sc nuclear physics topcolleges in india
when you will give application form sir?
hi….m asmi doin ma engineering in I.T….i m in big dilemma whether to study further r to join a job after ma degree.moreover ma parents are suggesting me to do higher studies as their scope s to gain knowledge and not money.but i wish for both….i ve a great ambition to join a job and to earn on my own.i dunno whether doing job is good after higher studies or before…other than ma personal thing pl suplease help me……..which is best???doing m.b.a or job ???……looking for ur reply……….
I completed my BE(CSE) in the year 2008.Now I am working in a college as a lecturer.I wish to do my higher studies in MBA.But in “correspondence”.Already i missed 2years.So i want to join atleast in the year 2010.Please kindly intimate me,
when the application form will be distributed?
When is the exam due date?
How much should i pay for the appln. form?
waiting for your favourable reply….Please help me sir..
Thanking You.
1.when will the application form given?
2.when will the exam start?
3.Give exampattern, syllabus,studymaterials?
4.where will we get the appilcation form?
5.rate of application form?
sir,PLs give me the information for when and where will i get the application form for TANCET 2010
I am janaki doing my final year bsc and i need to know tancet exam application format with counselling details
I need overview of ME Entrance Exam as well as date for that.I want to do, part time ME,I need a procedure for tat..Wil u pls?
i’m b.tech (computerscience) final year student so plz infom me all dates regarding TANCAT2010 for m.tech
hai, i am sathish i want tancet study material. how i can get it?
When Tancet-2010 application form issue
please tell me the way to get register & to get application for TANCET 2010
is there any stifund for the qualified TANCET candidates like GATE.
i want do Master of Engineering(computer science) in part time sir …so plz tell me the details about how to apply for the course and how to get the application form for this course…this semester i miss this opportunity sir…so from the next semester i want start to learn M.E…thank you sir.
hai, i am arul i want tancet study material. how i can get it?
My sister is studying BSc. Computer Science final year she wish to join in MCA by writing Tancet examination what are the steps to attend the examination.
where i did TANCET application?
when the date of TANCET application issue for 2010?
how much would pay the TANCET form & Exam fee?
My wife is styining in final yearComputer science engineering (2009-10) in Tamil Nadue . I would like her admission in to ME in Tamilnadu . I want some details like tancet, date of issue of application for tancet, date of submission of application and date of conduct of tancet exam for her admission in ME first year for the academic year 2010-2011 .
I am unable to obtain all required above information due to I am serving in Central Reserve Police Force at Pune, Mahrashtra.
Please send all above details to my e-mail.
I ever greatful to you for this act of your kindness.
Thanking you
sir, I need 2010 entrance exam dates and i want to know in which are the place this entrance exam will take place.I request u to send the information as soon as possible.
Respected Sir,
I wish to do M.E-CSE.
Could you please tell me the issuing date of the
Tancet 2010 application and the exam date.
Could u please tell me the syllabus for tancet 2010 anna university exam?
when it will be conducted?
what’s the procedure and final date for registeration?
when you will give application form sir?
how much would pay for theform?
when will you start the exam?
sir,i need the overall view about TANCET MBA.
Thank you.
currently i m doing final b.sc computerscience.i wanna do mba in a gud college in the state.
do i essentially need to go coaching classes or is the exam easy to prepare on my own?i m somewhat slow learner.thatswhy i asked.also plz provide me the exam dates of tancet 2010.
can u please tell me the website for tancet 2010 annauniversity exams??
when it will be conducted and where???
wats the procedure for registeration????
When did the application form will be distributed for 2010 students?
For doing ME/MTech what are the entrance exams available and what kind of exams can i take?
I completd BE(CSE) in 2006 and having @+ years of working experience.
I’m not aware of the entrance exams.
Please do inform me.
what would be syllabus for tancet mba,,,,,,,,,,?
When did the application form for Tancet 2010 M.Tech will be distributed?
When did the application form will be distributed for 2010 students and where it will be given please
inform as soon as possible…wat r d procedures to apply for tancet exam and wat are the syllabus to be prepared for the tancet..please inform me sir .
where will i get notifications for tancet 2010.I am a final year b.tech student.I want to join in the 2010-2012 batch for m.tech.when and how should i give application for tancet 2010 ?
i have to do MBA in 2010 let me know the dates of TANCET and colleges accepting tancet scores
pls inform when is the next tancet exam for ME
i will need the date of issue of application of tancet 2010
i need model question paper for tancet-ME
sir,iam a final year student. I want to write tancet exame.plz send the exam date and when i want to apply
I am studying in BE (CSE) final year(2009-10). I am planning to appear TANCET for doing ME (CSE) for the year 2010-2011 (Repeat 2010-2011). Please intimate all details about TANCET for admission to ME for 2010-2011.
Thanking you.
hai sir plz send me the date of MBA TANCET exam 2010.inform as soon plz sir .thank uuuuuuu.
I am saraswathi doing my final year BCA and i need to know tancet exam application format with counselling details
please sir give some model questions
I did BE(IT) by 2004 and i wish to write TANCET M.Tech…But i am unaware of the syllabus and exam dates…and even i want to know how to get in to anna university guindy.
Thanking you,
i am a final year student,want to write Tancet exam 2010
wat’s the minimum mark to get in to top ten colleges,help me sir
i have completed MBA in finance. i want to do study m.tech or not please give the guide.
Respected sir, I am a passed out student in 2008, I wish to do M.Tech. Can u please tell the issuing date of the TANCET 2010 application and also the exam date………
If possible please sent me the latest question paper link to my mail id
hi., i m doing my final yr BCA, i would like to do mba next yr., may i know the exam date & also the minimum score to join in anna univ?
i am doing final year b.tech(bioinformatics). i want do m.tech. how can i apply, when will be the exam.what are the colleges coming under tancet exam.
where do i get TANCET application form and explain me about that exam…… and also its question patterns…..
how to write a TANCET exam in anna university?
what are the ways we go to write MBA exam?
What are the tips v r going to write MBA exam?
send me logical reasoning questions and also aptitude questions for MBA entrance examination…..
i am in bca 5th sem from smu (distance). can i eligible for mca entrance to tancet.plz send me its entrance syllabus for mca as soon as.
sir,tancet2010 applications when will be distributed.
sir,please tell me the date of tancet2010
when will be the 2010tancet application forms issued and please send me the syllabus for instrumentation engg?
what are the question type for MBA
When did the application form will be distributed for 2010 students and where it will be given please
inform as soon as possible.
i have planned to join mba by writting tancet exam. so i want your guidance sir pls help me. i want the syllabus content and books for tancet exam. were to get the books sir? how to prepare for tancet exam sir..i’m a slower learner only..so pls help me.. thank you sir..
When did the application form will be distributed for 2010 students and where it will be given please
inform as soon as possible.
sir i am 2nd year eee student.i want to write this exam in 3rd year.it is possible!
Can i write the test for TANCET ?
now am in 2nd year B.Sc computer science and i am going to start preparation for tancet to do MCA
so i need a sllabus and some question paper .And which month the exam is held.
sir., im priya im doing my final year bca. i have planned to join mba by writting tancet exam. so i want your guidance sir pls help me. i want the syllabus content and books for tancet exam. were to get the books sir? how to prepare for tancet exam sir..i’m a slower learner only..so pls help me.. thank you sir..
sir i am currently doing final year can u please tell the syllabus for tancet-2010(ece)and also tell the procedure for applying tancet
i am a final year b.sc student
i want to write tancet exam 2010
wat’s the minimum mark to get in to top ten colleges.,,
how can i prepare for it …
plz help me sir
anybody pls tel me the import..topic in the tancet…..
sir please tel about part time mca
is mca is available in distance education or part time?
Hello , please send some logical reasoning questions for M>C>A 2010
when is the TANCET for 2010..When are the application forms distributed??
sir…I am final year computer science student and i want to write TANCET M.Tech…But i am unaware of the syllabus and exam dates..could u please help me by sending the syllabus and important dates.and even i want to know the minimum mark i should get to enter into top 10 colleges..thanking you..
yours sincerely,
Plz send me the date of MCA Entrance exam 0f 2010 and send me the syllabus and model question papers of the exam.
Thank u.
Plz tell me the date of MCA entrance exams for 2010 and also i need syllabus for the examinations.
Thank u.
please publish the dates,sylabus and application procedures for ME tancet exams as soon as possible.send latest updates and highest marks for studying in guindy engineerng college..
sir,im final year student i would like to do M.E. and i would like to attend TANCET exam in 2010 when will the form will be distributed for 2010 students and where it will be given plz inform as soon as possible to my mail id …….
i m doing my final year b.tech in pondicherry university in instrumentation and control engg.i would like to know about doing m.tech in MIT,chennai. what are the procedures and how shall i proceed further regarding the same.
thank you.
hi i want to know the TANCET 2010 MBA Entrance examination dates…. please inform that early.. i want to join the mba to attend the couselling to join good college.. please request to tell the date of entrace exam thank you….
could u please tell me when will be the next TANCET exam will conduct..Please tell me how to prepare for the exam???
I got 23.41 as tancet score in M.Tech but i can’t register in university for counciling. Did i got any chance furter if there is any vaccant seat after councling.Another one, is there any use of this score in any other places ie for any other counclings.please replay sir..
Hello sir/madam,
am doing my final year ICT .. i just wanna know the dates for application and the syllabus.. please provide those as soon as possible so that i could start my preparation earlier…
can you please send those details for MCA,M.TECH,ME,MBA????
Actually am not interestested in software related courses.. so can you tel me which course will be preferrable for me??
hi., i m doing my final yr BE(cse), i would like to do mba next yr., may i know the exam date & also the minimum score to join in anna univ?
tell me the date of tancet held on 2010……please sir
sir am final year cse student. i am willing to write tancet exam to do MBA . so i am in need of tancet 2010 exam dates and syllabus for tancet exam….plz reply me sir……
Kindly inform me when will be the application form for TANCET 2010 will be issued and also
please inform me where it will be available. Reply me.
i am doing B.E final in computer science department.i wish to join in MBA.i need tancet 2010 syllabus and also send me the previous year question papers.please
i would like to do MBA.so please inform me about TANCET 2010 dates. reference books and web pages.
list MBA courses and top colleges in chennai and kovai.
I am studying in final electrical stream…i am planning to write TANCET2010 for doing ME.. can u help me how to prepare for TANCET…i need this year cut off for govt college..
sir i am doing final year it.i am willing 2 write tancet exams.can u send me the important dates for tancet exams
sir pls clarify my dout I have completed my diploma after completing SSLC now can i join MCA?
when the application for TANCET 2010 are issued..?
whats the date for TANCET2010 EXAMS?
i want to know about the cut off marks for oc AT TANCET to join MBA at anna university at chennai.pls send reply.thanks
when is application form for tancet 2010
i need the syllabus for 2010 tancet for electronics and communication,also can i suggest the study material to prepare the exam,since i need to study M.E further, i need ur guidelines to do M.E and i have
not written gate exam.when the non gate admissions are conducted for the M.E ,M.TECH coursesI wish to do M.E degree.So I am in need of TANCET syllabus for 2010 and also some suggestion for its study material.In addition to this,I am eager to know the list of colleges under Annauniv for MEdegree.I hope that I will get guidance from u.
sir am final year IT student. i am willing to write tancet exam to do MBA . so i am in need of tancet 2010 exam dates and syllabus for tancet exam….plz reply me sir……my id is [email protected]………thanking u…….
Yours sincerely,
My tancet score is 42.608(bc), and my ranking is 569. Will i get govt. colleges/top colleges, pls guide me
i have not written gate exam.when the non gate admissions are conducted for the M.E ,M.TECH courses?
i have missed 2010 TANCET exam please tell me, when will come the next TANCET exam please sir help me……………
my son has got 42.46 in tancet 2009 (ME civil) . he belongs to OC. In which college he gets the seat?
When did the application form will be distributed for 2010 students and where it will be given plz inform as soon as possible.
when is application form for tancet 2010
I had an over look and couldnt notice the dates for 2009 m.tech program in computer science and engineering.
Its august and is there any chance to get into the university ?
I am badly in need of the information!
i need the syllabus for 2010 tancet forcomputerscience,also can i suggest the study material to prepare the exam,since i need to study M.E further, i need ur guidelines to do M.E
Hi friends, i got 33.878 in ME tancet. which type of college i can get? and my rank in bc is 1868
plz tel sir
im final year engineering student of mumbai university, and planning to do MBA from anna uiversity chennai for the academic year 2010-2012. help me out in the TANCET exam scheduldes, syllabus and admission procedure.
Hello sir,i got 24.163 in TANCET(M.E)…Which colleges are available for my marks in the upcoming counselling for M.E? kindly reply me sir.
i got 12001 rank in overall and 6456 under BC community.shall i know which college can i get?
Reply soon..
hai i got 33.411 in tancet (M.E)…shall i get gct coimbatore…am belongs to sc
dear sir,
i need the syllabus for tancet M.E.please send that to my mail.
thank you.
hello friend’s?
Do you have any idea of when the next year tancet (2010)examination forms and examination details,last year i really missed it……can you pls. help me rgd. this
when tanset exam will be started,send model question paper to my e-mail address and meetmathan13@gmail,[email protected]
dear sir
i am doing BE final year . i want to join in good college around coimbatore for doing MBA . PIS TELL THE PROCEDURE AND HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE EXAMS
i need the exam date. plz send it to my mail.
i’m doing MCA final year. i want to join M.Tech. what is the procedure or what kind of qualification it needs?
hellow sir i need the exam details about the tancet exam for 2010.
I got 271 ran in TANCET 2009 in GATE categiry.Shall i get admission in Anna University Chennai in ECE??
and my friend got 814 in Non GATE category.will he get any branch in University?
Plese reply sir
Thankig u sir
i want to details about M.E council ling date
hello sir ,
i am a final year ece student
i want to write tancet exam 2010
wat’s the minimum mark to get in to top ten colleges.,,
how can i prepare for it …
plz help me sir
i have my tancet register no. but i’ve lost my application number..
is ther any way to find my application number..
pls reply me soon..
hi…. my friend appeared for tancet 2009 and he got 30.913 in ME… can you please tell me which colleges he’ll get in and around coimbatore… His UG is BE in EEE
hello sir, now i m going to preparing coming TANCET exam , so i need the syllabus for electrical and electronics engineering
i didnt note down my tancet counselling application number. To check my rank, i need app.no. Can any one plz tell me to find out my app no. and my reg no is 23113012…
I have lost my application no of tanca mtech 2009..is there any way to get that no to know my overall rank.I hav my tanca reg no with me…pls reply..
my niece has joined BE (E&I) through lateral entry, whether she is eligible to appear for GATE AND TANCET?
tancet exam syllabus for preparation
i want to know the date of counselling for M.E 2010 programme
I want to know the date of counsellng for M.Tech 2010 programme. Please say me .
I wish to do M.E degree.So I am in need of TANCET syllabus for 2010 and also some suggestion for its study material.In addition to this,I am eager to know the list of colleges under Annauniv for MEdegree.I hope that I will get guidance from u.
Thank u.
how to study for tancet and how to apply for it?
Dear sir,
Iam doing B.sc maths, can i appear Tancet for M.Tech programe after i’ll finish b.sc maths?
please reply me sir?
hello sir.
when will the tancet enterance exam for 2010 conducted
my tancet over all rank is 399.i belong to oc.probably which college will i get?
hi sir… can you please suggest me some coaching centres in salem (tamilnadu)and question banks for my tancet m.e (cse) exams….?
sir, i hae got 43.997(ECE) in TANCET M.E ..i belong to Bc….will i get electronics stream in CEG or MIT
Dear sir,
i have missed my TANCET exam hall ticket..please tell me the procedure to get a duplicate hall ticket..
thank you.
i hav got 42.411 in tancet 2009 (M.E).. My question is will i get seat in anna university particulary in electrical n electronis stream?..And also i would like to know my chances in Colleges like psg, gct,tce etc… I belongs to bc community..My overall rank is 736.. Eagerly waiting for your reply.
Thank you.
Hi friends, i got 32.5 in ME tancet. which type of college i can get?
Sir,When will be the counselling for this exam based on its results.????
I do want to know desperately, pls answer as soon as possible…
Sir i have got 26.8 in tancet mba and my overall rank is 1531 and i am oc…Will i get admission in any good college in chennai or coimbatore..
when ME counceiling will start and rank list will produce?
i have 9.500 in tancet mca marks, so what college of my marks to get
why cannot open the tancet2009 rank list of this no 11422013
plz reply me because i wait to the addmission…..
Thank You.
how can i prepare for me(tancet)?
I have secured +9.200 marks in tancet MBA 2009. I am coming under BC category. what colleges will i get in counselling?? pls help me..
i need the syllabus for 2010 tancet for information technology,also can i suggest the study material to prepare the exam,since i need to study m.tech further, i need ur guidelines to do m.tech
now iam in final year IT,so plz rep me with useful guidelines to do my P.G degree
sir am final year student. i am willing to write tancet exam . so i am in need of tancet 2010 exam dates and syllabus for tancet exam.
My sister has obtained 12.750 marks in TANCET 2009 for MBA/MCA admissions. Community SC& rank 238. If there is any chance to get admissions in any one of the government or govt. aided colleges for MBA/MCA.Please send the list of govt & govt. aided engineering colleges having MBA/MCA courses with particulars of seats allotted to SC jn each college.
my tancet (MBA) score is 24.2, and i belong to other state category(pondicherry). my overall rank is 2117 and community rank(BCM)is 59. is there any possibility of getting admitted in good college? and wat are the seat allotments for other state candidates? please help…..
how can i know my tancet rank?
when will be the councilling?
plz say the process
sir… i have lost my tancet 2009 hall ticket… i want duplicate copy of it for the counselling…..how can i get it? but i have my mark sheet… will that be enough or is the hall ticket neccessary… please mail me the answer to my id… [email protected].
I would like to know the number of seats available under the different categories for TANCET 2009 MBA councelling.
now iam studying cse finalyr .i want to write tancet exam in 2o10 for cse. wat r the subjects are including in computer science.i want the details abt the subjects.
i got +11.25 marks in tancet mca. plz tell which college i get in coimbatore….
Sir my community rank is 583 which college i will get
i want to details about M.E council ling date, and i have only 20 mark, which college i can get.
Sir i am the 63rd rank in the BCM quota .Can i get a seat in govt.College. How many seats are there for BCM in govt college. Can i get good college..
how many seats in M.Tech will be allocated for OBC quota?
when will be the tancet rankwise results will be released.send details to my mail id please
i have got 11.4 marks in tancet-mba exam whether i will good colleges
i need the syllabus for tancet.
i want to aspire for it but i lag the knwldge abt it.
i need the way of preparation detials.
plz do so.
i hav 66% in b.com degree and i got +10.600 in tancet entranse exam, and am applied for mba admission through counsling and i received acknowledgement card to dats before only. can any one inform me about counsling dates for mba and admission procedure through counsling into mba. i came to know that for counsling we need to submit a DD of Rs 5000, but i don’t know when it should be submit and by how
can any one inform me the full details about this and what i should do further for better in admission into MBA
tancet exam when will conduct the exam date
i got 3.400 in MBA tancet, my over all rank is 17307 and my community rank is 3471 , im MBC, is it possible to get in engineering college in coimbatore. also i eed to know what the total community rank of MBC out of my 3471, plz help me
Dear sir,
I ve got 28.2 in tancet 2009 and my ranking is 1284-overall, 79-community (sc). which college would i probably get?
hi friends my tancet mca overall rank is 236 and my coomunity rank is 26(MBC)…….shall i get seat in top 5 colleges…..
i got 27 marks in tancet mca exam2009.will u give me some idea abt colleges….
when iks tancet councling date for mca
whats the procedure for m.tech admission(my TANCET score is 36.7)…..
please tell me the counselling dates for mechanical ..
when is tancet mba counselling
When TANCET exam will be conduct this year?
how many seats available based on ME in anna university counceiling
what is the procedure to get a duplicate hall ticket?
sir i scored 37marks in tancet-2009,please tell to me how to take admission in tamilnadu?
and also give the details about universities/colleges in tamilnadu for admission into M-Tech related to this score.
what is the highest score of tancet. could u say abt tancet?
i have missed my tancet exam hall ticket.whether i have to bring it for counselling? if so, what is the procedure to get a new/duplicate hall ticket? can i get it through post?
how to see the ranking for tancet?
when is the next tancet exam(2010)?
pls tell me why apply to tancet2009 mba counselling? aplication details?
tancet exam ,how many marks are required for mca admission 2009, i got 26.7 marks
My sister got 26.9 in TANCET’09 for MTECH,Is there possibilty to get a sheet in AnnaUniversity for M.Tech Bio-Medical Engineering.
when M.E/M.TECH counseling via TANCET will be held
how many members are there attent the mca ?
I want to know the process of admission to MBA
i have scored 26.401 in M.Tech TANCET counselling.i want to know the position of my rank. will i get seat in anna university trichy, JJ college in trichy. please kindly reply me.
what is the last date for applying for mca councling?
when will v get d application form 4 anna university ME councilling? plz sms 9942682928
i got the marks for tancet but i didnot get the marksheet yet to my house
and the address is
Ashok P.S.,
263,c.b.h road,krishnancoil,
nagercoil,kannyakmari district.
when will be the tancet counseling i got +40.263 marks tell about selection procedure and which colleges i can get irelates electronics stream
hello sir…….. i need the details regarding M.Tech/ME counselling in anna university
when is counselling form for TANCET 2009 M.E. will issue
Can u pls tell when will the TANCET ME/MTECH Counselling forms be available?…
My mca tancet mark is 6, i want to campus college
It is possible
when that tancet application form will bee give for M.E……….where counselling will been conducted…..give me college rating for M.E mechanical under anna university
when the application for M.E will issue
Sir, My name is Krishnakumar k.. I have applied for TANCET 2009 for ME/Mtech course.. Unfortunately i lost my hallticket . At present i am not in a positon to view my results since i dont know the register number.. so i humbly request you to provide me any alternative. My exam centre was in Vellalal college for women, ERODE… I had my engineerimg from PGP college namakkal.. My native is in Kerala… My fathers name is K.Balakrishnan
i have lost my Application form of Tancet 09.
Now i want to know my result but i dn’t knw my application no.
what is the procedure of getting my application no…..?
In TANCET entrance mark is 29.1515 for ME which college is available.
when is the councelling date for M.E.
I scored 30 marks in tancet.. can u tell me which college i wil get in counselling for Embedded and VLSI courses..
I got only 12% in tancet (MBA). Which college i would be getting inside chennai.
when ll the counselling forms for TANCET 2009 ME/MTECH be given
I got the tancet result,but what should i do next? what is the pass mark? for mba and m tech. what is the procedure for the admission?
where do i can get the counselling forms for ME TANCET 2009
i have missed my hall ticket(after the exam).what is the procedure to get a new/duplicate hall ticket? reply me soon sir
hai sir,i had finished b.sc.e&c. and i wrote tancet exam for mca. and i got low marks. so wat i do?
my friend has got +7.60 in tancet MBA 2009 . Which college he’ll be getting in tamilnadu and especially in coimbatore.
Dear Concern,
I’d like to do my Master Degree in CSE, in the next Academic year. I too heard about Dual Courses (M.E + M.B.A) in two years. Is it available in AU as a part time course?
Kindly reply me……
I have scored +38.46 in tancet. i did ece in BE i am looking towards
VLSI,communication design.may i know which collige i will get in councelling
and also when annauni will distribute the councelling form.
am a final yr student,doing my b.tech.biotech….i want 2 do my post graduation….i would like 2 know d syllabus 4 tancet……n it ll b much helpful 4 me if u could prescribe sum books 4 d same….waiting 4 ur reply…..
thank u
where can i get d application form…(offline)…wat s d procedure 4 applying……….plz make me aware of these things………
i have secured +23 marks in tancet MBA 2009. am coming under OC category. what colleges will i get in counselling?? pls, reply
i have secured +23 marks in tancet exam 2009.am coming under OC category.what colleges will i get in counselling??
I have secured 20.000 in TANCET MBA. Can I expect getting into a decent college through the anna univ councelling?
I miss my tancet2009 reg no…. now i need 2 no tht no pls send 2 my mail….
mail me at [email protected]
When wil the m.tech counselling form will be issued to get in anna university,chennai
What is the higesh mark in tancet exam 2009?
hi frnds,,, tancet results r out…. hav anyone gt above +40 ?
when did the result of tanset 2009 come
today TANCET result announced by news.is TANCET MBA & MCA result 2009 published on internet or postal or news paper or which way?please reply.i am waiting for result.
can to find the results of tancet 2009
hi all,
I got 34.36 in ME/M.Tech….Is it possible to get a seat in anna university through BCM(BC muslims) quota…
I want to know the result date for TANCET 2009 for MBA,MCA..
plz tell me the tancet result date
when is the TANCET2009 results
when will the tancet result comes
hello when will the mba tancet results are announced . plz tell me
Tancet 2009 will be soon announced, pls wait ppl, still they are waiting for some permissions
When is the tancet2009 result for M.E and MBA?
when will tancet 2009 result be announced?
when will the tancet 2009 results
When will the tancet result come?
MBA entrance exam result date?
When is TANCET results published?
when is the tancet 2009 results
when is tancet 2009 results and in which website?
when is the TANCET2009 results
when will the TANCET’09 results be announced?
when will the TANCET’09 results be announced?
thanking you
when will be exam result….
this is haridas i written tancet exam2009 when will be the exam result announcement. pls inform me
what sir? result has come or not. which site will first publish the result for TANCET2009
hello sir,
when is the TANSET-2009 results
Some one pls help me….When will the result come for TANCET 2009….My parents are holding my collar.
when will the tancet 2009 results
when will tancet result come sir
wen is tancet 2009 result kindly reply
I would like to know when will the results of Tancet 2009 MBA results will be published and how about the councelling for MBA
when is the TANCET2009 results
When the tancetresultsissue Plz reply
when wil the tancet result wil be announced?
what is the website to chck the result?
when will tancet results published.
when will be the results for mba,mca(TANCET)will be published?
When TANCET result will be published?
when is the TANCET2009 results
tancet results ll come on june 20th ,2009 …. given in dinamalar newspaper,on 18th june
I want to know the result date for TANCET 2009 for MBA,MCA.
when is result for tancet exam M.E enterance
when release the TANCET 2009 RESULTS
hi sir i ll attend the tancet exam.. when come to tancet mba & mtech entrance exam result… pls reply soon….
Latest rumor is (20th June) at 10 am
tancet result will be published on 20 june… It is officially announced….. Check today’s dinamalar newspaper
when is the TANCET2009 results
i would like to know the result publishing date.
when is the TANCET2009 results
Hello sir
on some of the website the tancet results ll be published bt it is not published.
i want the exact date of the tancet result.
when will the tancet result realeased?
sir, when will the mba and mca tancet result annonced pls reply
when will be the tancet 2009 results announced?
when will tancet 2009 results be announced? pls…reply
when will the results be issue……
I want to know the result date for TANCET 2009 for MBA,MCA..
when release the TANCET 2009 RESULTS
Tancet results for MBA/MCA will be published tmrw(18th june).visit annauniv.ac.in
result ll come 2mw..
when will be the tancet results will be announced for m.tech?
reply me sir
Dear Frnds..! Now you can Get Daily info about 2009 TANCET RESULTS instantly & many other exam ALERTS on ur mobile FOR FREE..! by sending a msg.
to: 567678 frm ur mobile..
Inform to ur frnds also..
sir, when will the mba and mca tancet result annonced pls reply
when did the result of tanset 2009 come
when will tancet 2009 results be announced? pls…reply
plz tell me the expected date of announcement of tancet 2009 results.
when will the tancet 2009 results come out ?
When will the TANCET 2009 results will be released
when the result willannounce for tancet mba 2009
hello sir…
this is priyadharsini… may i know when tancet 2009 results ill be announced? reply sir.. pls..
sir, when will the mba and mca tancet result annonced pls reply
i have written my tancet 2009 for my mba, when are the results expected to come out? please reply as the dates are fixed. thank you..
plz tell me the expected date of announcement of tancet 2009 results.
The queries raised are responded?
I think the queries raised are not responded at all.. the Date of Examination mentioned in the Page is also not updated…
When can we expect the TANCET exam results
when will results come?tancet2009.
when will tancet 2009 results be announced? pls…reply
Hi Sir,May I know when the tancet results wil be published.
When will the TANCET result be published? What is the website to check the TANCET result? Kindly inform me.
when will TANCET2009 results will be announced?will be there any intimation? is the admission regarding to it announced?
When will the mca tancet exam result be announced date….. Please reply Sir……
I appeared for tancet-2009 mba examination. Please could you tell me when the results will be announced? And how will the students be intimated regarding the results?
I Just want to know when is the TANCET results?Please tell me the procedure for counselling and admission?
I wanted to know the colleges which are offering M.Tech Biotechnology in tamilnadu and their intake through TANCET. can u help me out?
when will TANCET2009 results will be announced? what is the Counseling date?
when will tancet 2009 results will be announced?
when will the tancet exam results are announced?
hi sir, can you plz tell me the expected or exact date of tancet 2009 result for M TECH
sir my native is dindigul is there is any center to buy councling form &also tell the exact date of result
pl intimate the date of results
when tancet 2009 results will be published
When TANCET results wil be announced and at what time it wil announce
Sir please tel me when they will announce the TANCET 2009 MBA results
when will the tancet result publish
When the TANCET 2009 results will be published and also when the applicatios for MBA and MCA for the year 2009 will be issued by Anna University?
When will the Tancet results (for M.E,M.tech..)will be published?
when will tancet results will be announced?
when will annonused tancet result.here we are waiting for it.
when ill publish tancet2009 results? and how to see that?
Hello Frnds..! Now you can Get Daily info about 2009 TANCET results instantly & many other exam ALERTS on ur mobile FOR FREE..! by sending a msg.
to: 567678 frm ur mobile..
Inform to ur frnds also..
when will TANCET2009 results will be announced?will be there any intimation?is the admission regarding to it announced?can you plz tell me the expected or exact date of tancet 2009 result for ME
when will TANCET2009 results will be announced?
respected sir,
i hav written tancet 2009.can yo inform the result date ?
when will TANCET2009 results will be announced ? PLZ tell me the dates …
When, the results for TANCET 2009, going to be announced
i want to know my tancet result
hi sir, can you plz tell me the expected or exact date of tancet 2009 result for ME
Dear Sir, When i Expected tancet mba 2009 result. can send me an message.
when will be announced tancet 2009 result…
plz tell me when will u publish tancet m.b.a result…i am waiting for ur reply…
Appears this site does not offer any answers for the queries raised by the people. Waste of time to raise questions here.Pls refer some other better site. Thanks
When will be the results announced? how will the student be intimated about the result?
I wrote the MBA entrance test. When result will be announce? Pls reply
when will be the result for mba tancet please replay.
when will announce results?if there is any intimation about the results.
Has the TANCET 2009 results announced? If not, when can we expect?
wen s TANCET result ll be published….
i have lost m y hall ticket no. but i have got the application no. how can i see my tancet result. pls help
when will the results come???????????????
when will be the TANCET 2009 results announced? please provide results website
Pleas tell me the dates of result of tncet 2009 MBA
good evening sir/madam:
i need when mba and mca result will come?
When will the Tancet 2009 results come?
when will tancet2009 exam result will be published?????….
When is the TANCET 2009 result?
when the tancet2009 results will be announced?
Will tancet 2009 result be announced this year?
sir, i hav written tancet 2009 examination for M.E.. when wil te results be announced? pls do reply
My TANCET Reg no is 14121164. I wrote exam at RVS College in Dindigul. When the result will come. Please informe me.
hi,when will the tancet results will announced,please inform them sir
when will tancet09 results will be published?
when will TANCET2009 results will be announced?
when will be the tancet2009 exam result published
when will TANCET-2009 results for M.E.will be announced?
when will TANCET-2009 results will be announced?
hello sir, When will TANCET 2009 result will be announced… Can you say the expexted date?
Wen s d TANCET 2009 result?
can you plz provide me details reg tancet 2009 results?
when will TANCET2009(MCA) results will be announced?
I hsave appeared for tancet 2009 for mba..When are the results expected to come?Can you please reply me?
I appeared for tancet-2009 mtech examination. Please could you tell me when the results will be announced? And how will the students be intimated regarding the results?
hello sir, when the TANCET 2009 results for M.Tech will be published. could i get any probable dates. will be very thankfull to you for your reply………
when will TANCET2009 results will be announced?will be there any intimation?is the admission regarding to it announced?
please tell me about tancet 2009 M.E result
Hello Sir.,
When will be the Tancet Result Published. Please tell me the exact date, we announce the result.
Thanking you.,
when will the results to be announced
Dear Sir,
31.06.09 on i worte tancet 2009 entrance Test for ME in anna university.
were i hv to search the result(web site).
Please kindly reply as soon as possible.
Thanks N Regards
Sir, I have written tancet 2009 for ME.When the result may publish.
when mca tanset result ill come…
when the result will come?
when will you publish TANCETT 2009 M.E result?
hi sir, can you plz tell me the expected or exact date of tancet 2009 result for ME .
when will the results for tancet be published.
wen is tancet 2009 result?
Hi sir,
when will the M.E./M.Tech tancet exam results be announced.
SIR Please tell me the dates of result of tancet 2009 MBA…
HAI sir, can you plz tell me the expected or exact date of tancet 2009 result for ME .
when TANCET-2009 results will be announced?
When TANCET Results will come?
i have written my tancet 2009 for my mca, when are the results expected to come out? please reply as the dates are fixed. thank you..
when ll the Tancet MCA results get announced?
when will TANCET 2009 result?
plz tell me the date of publishing tancet results
Sir, i have written tancet 2009 for ME.When the result may publish
Can you send me the TANCET 2009 MBA entrance exam result date?
hi sir, can you plz tell me that date of tancet 2009 result for mca
hi sir, can you plz tell me the expected or exact date of tancet 2009 result for mca
Hi buddies(anna university)… U’ve 2 tell me when’ll be d result. Bcoz my parents are asking. They r torturing me. Kindly submit d result 2 me. Even u’ve not yet announced d date of result.
But anyway i trust u that u’ll announce d result soon.
Ok bye……
By d well wisher of ANNA university…
dai… result epo da? seekiram sollunga da… vayitha kalakudhu… Passing motion 3 times. Pls. Pls.
By well wisher of Anna university..
when can i get the entrance examinations result
hi sir, can you plz tell me the expected or exact date of tancet 2009 result for M.C.A
Pls send me MBA and MCA results date
i want to know M.B.A reult annouance date.please guide me and give some web address
Pls tell me when will the results of tancet be announced and is there a need to apply to colleges for MBA prior to results??
when will tancet result come?
Hi sir, please inform me the date of tancet 2009 result for me. Please inform me to 9842064281
when will be the announced for tancet mba result
Hello Sir,
This is Megala…
May i know when will MCA tancet 2009 results ill be announced? reply sir.. pls.
When will the Tancet resut release.?
i ve written the tancet 2009 MBA.can i please know when the results are to be published
Hi There, could u tell the details of when to apply for the Tancet Entrance counselling
i have written the tancet 2009 mba exam and i wud like to know when the results will be announced..!!
Hi there, can u tell me the details of tancet counselling application form and etc.,
when will the TANCET’09 results be announced?
when will the Tancet Entrance results will be published. what is the date
Hello Sir,
I have written TANCET 2009 for MBA,Can anyone please tell me the proposed date of result announcement?
can you plz reply me the expected or exact date of tancet 2009 result for ME
hi sir, can you plz tell me the expected or exact date of tancet 2009 result for ME .
I want to know the date of result of TANCET 2009(MBA).please let me know the probable dates as soon as possible.
as i forget my registration number how could i get it
I have written TANCET 2009 for MCA.Please could you tell me when the results will be announced?
I have attanted the TANCET 2009 exam. so please inform me when the results of the exam are published
I appeared for tancet-2009 mba examination. Please could you tell me when the results will be announced? And how will the students be intimated regarding the results?
When will the tancet results for mba will be announced?
Hi sir, can you tell me when the results will come
hello sir , could u send me the result date of tancet2009
i have written tancet mba exam this year. waiting for the results. when the results wil be published? can you please tel me
Respected Sir,
I passed M.Sc in Plastics Technology year 2006
at present i doing job in Birla Cellulosic (Aditya Birla Group)
I want Doing full time M.Tech(polymer).
so please give me advise for
admission procedure in M.Tech in polymer
Hai sir,can u please tell me the expected or exact date of TANCET 2009 result for MCA
when will be TANCET MBA result
Respected Sir
TANCET-2009 result when we can expect pl.commuincate to us
Actually, I heard from people that it will be published this weekend or middle of next week…. But i am not sure abt that…
hello, could you plz tell me when the tancet results will be out and please provide the contact details of the same?
when will the tancet M.E results for entrance examination 2009 be published?
when is the tancet result
when willl the results for tancet 2009 come
Pleas tell me the dates of result of tncet 2009 MBA…
would u tel me the date of tancet 09 result
sir should i apply seperately to do M.E. prog in anna univ in coimbatore if it be so when will it be will there be sep counselling other than the one at chennai after TANCET 2009 manohAR
hi sr… i’ve written TANCET exam . when the result will be published ……….?
Pleas tell me the dates of result of tncet 2009 MBA…
sir , can u let me know the tenantative date or exact date of tancet 2009 result for M .tech
Wat is the mark required in Tancet exam to get admission in good colleges?
Wen will the results of TANCET 2009 be announced?
sir, can you tell me when is the MBA result
Sir, could you tell me the date of tancet result
hi sir, could you please tel me the exact date of the tancet results for ME……
hai sir,can u pls tel me the date of tancet 2009 results
Sir, can u tel the TANCET result date?
Could you please tell me when is TANCET 2009 results
when the tancet-2009 result will be published
sir i am from madurai.when will the tancet mba result published and how to attend the counselling and then give brief details of counselling.application form is separately buy for each college? by mohan
i wrote tancet exam for m.e. am civil engineer. when result announced?. i want to know am which rank in civil department category?. pl tell me sir.
I appeared for both MBA and MCA entrance examination 2009…. now counselling forms are being issued… Is it compulsury to buy forms seperately for MBA and MCA….. Plz Reply sir…. Also tel me when the tancet results will be published, so that i can decide soon whether to apply for both or not…. Please reply sir, i will be more thankful to you…
hi sir, can you plz tell me the expected or exact date of tancet 2009 result for MBA and ME/M.Tech .
when will the tancet result be published for mba?
hello sir,
i have written my tancet mba can u pls tell me the expected date for the result
may i know when are the tancet results coming out?
hello sir, can you please tell me the date (tancet 2009 result MBA) will published.
please announce me when the results for TANCET2009
My daughter wrote TNCET 2009 exam for MBA and MCA. Kindly inform me the date of results and issue of application for counceling
With regards,
sir Please tell me the date of result of tancet 2009 MCA
Hello sir, When is the tancet2009 result for MBA expected to release?
i gave tancet 2009 for both mba & m.tech … i want to know of when i would be getting my results ??
and shud i submit separate application forms for coimbatore and trichy anna univs other than chennai anna univ?? can i download a form and from where??
hi sir, can you plz tell me the expected or exact date of tancet 2009 result for ME .
hello sir,
when wil the tancet 2009 results publish?pls reply as soon as possible.
Pleas tell me the dates of result of tncet 2009 MBA…
When are the TANCET 2009 MBA results expected to be announced?
please tell when ll result come for TANCET 2009 for ME..
when will the tancet 2009 results released
Please tell me when is the tancet 2009 results scheduled to publish
sir i want the tancet2009 result.please tell when result will come
Pls tell me when the results of tancet2009 release
Please tell me when the resuult will be published for TANCET 2009 .I wrote for MCA….
I hav appeared for tancet2009.Plz tell when wil d results b declrd.
When will the TANCET Results announced!!!?
good morning sir may i know when is our tancet 2009 result
i hv written my tancet me entrance exam 2009….. may i knw wen the result will be announced?????
when will the tancet 2009 results will be published?n what about the procedure for counselling?
please let me know about it.
I appeared for tancet-2009 mba examination. Please could you tell me when the results will be announced?
can anyone tell me tancet result website address for ME .
when tancet results will be announced.
can you help me with the result date of tancet 2009??
when will the 2009 tancet results published?
please tell me the dates of tancet result for mba
when will the tancet(mba) results be published
when is the mba tancet result?
I have written my tancet for MCA, when i will get the result?
i have written tancet 2009 for MBA.when will the results be announced?
tancet result date ?
when the results will be announced?
eppo varum result tancet 2009?
Pleas tell me the dates of result of tncet 2009 MBA…
may i know when the result will be announced?
i was appeared for TANCET MBA EXAM MAY 2009.please tell When will be the exam results to be published
whwn would the TANCET 2009 results be published sir? and what would be the expected cut off for anna univ this year?
respected sir,
i have appeared for both mba&mca can i apply for the councelling both mba & mca how should i?
i appeared for the tancet-2009 mba examination.plz may i know when the results would be announced.
could u pls tell me when tancet2009 result will be announced?
When ll be tancet 2009 results published
Can anyone tell me, when are the tancet’09 results expected???
when wil we get our tancet results 2009? When is counciling? Tomorrow may be all colleges issue the application still we are not get the results.
when will tancet result be published…..??
I have written my TANCET 2009 mba examination…please tell me when the result wil be published?
when will the mba tancet exam results be announed
Intimate me about the TANCET 2009 results!!!
Sir i still havenot seen my result for ME please tell me how the results are published
when is the tancet result for mba published
i want 2 know dat wen s result s going to declared????????????
hello sir…
this is saranya… may i know when tancet 2009 results ill be announced? reply sir.. pls..
please inform our results sooooooooon
when will be the results are announced
I’ve written TANCET for MBA & ME. When the results ll be published.
I want to know the date of result of TANCET 2009(MCA).Kindly inform d dates as soon as possible.
i’ve written tancet exam for both mba and mtech.. can i pls know wen the results wil be announced?
hello sir…i had written tancet2009….i would like to know as to wen the results would be announced..
i have attended the tancet exam.but i have lost my hall ticket after my exam.will it be required during the counselling or admission
can anyone pls tell wn will tancet 2009 result will b published
May i know when Tancet 2009 Result will be published
I appeared for tancet-2009 mtech examination. Please could you tell me when the results will be announced? And how will the students be intimated regarding the results?
when the tancet result will announce?
sir,please say the results date of tancet exam.
when is the tancet 2009 results may published?
I appeared for TANCET-2009 MBA examination.Could you tell me when the results will be announced?
i appeared for tancet 2009 for mba exam…..please can u tell me wen is the results will be announced……………………
I appeared for tancet-2009 MBA examination. Please could you tell me when the results will be announced? And how will the students be intimated regarding the results?
Hi,I was wrote my tancet mca. when me get my results?im sure that i will get 24 marks in tancet,is this good mark? may i able to get a marite sheet in thanthaipariar vellore college?
I appeared for tancet-2009 mtech examination. Please could you tell me when the results will be announced? And how will the students be intimated regarding the results?
could u let m know the result date of tanset and website
when is the result of TANSET 2009 and tell m d site>??
wen is the MBA tancet result?
Hai friends,when the tancet2009 result announced.if u know inform me guys.have a bright future.
When the TANCET 2009 results will be published ?
What is the cut off for PGDM? can you help me in my admissions to PGDM (i dont want MBA)
PGDM institutions are ranked higher than MBA always……… but in tamil nadu, what are all the PGDM institutions are there?
Hello sir… Can you please tell me when the tancet 2009 results will b announced
Please could you tell me when the results will be announced for tancet 2009
hello sir,
I appeared for the tancet-09 mba.Please could you tell me when will the results be published?and from where could i retrieve it also?what is the range of rank needed by one to get into Anna University..
pls reply soon
thank you
i apper tancet 2009 mca wen result will publised.
i have written tancet for mba, when the result ll be published..pls rly..
I appeared for tancet-2009 mtech examination. Please could you tell me when the results will be announced? And how will the students be intimated regarding the results?
i have written my tancet 2009 for my mba, when are the results expected to come out? please reply as the dates are fixed. thank you..
hi sir, when will the tancet exam results announced by annauniversity ?
what is the date of result of tancet 2009?
1.) When will the result of tancet 2009 (MCA,MBA )be published?
2.) How would I be intimated about the results?
3.) What is the date of counselling?
4.) Is it a online counselling?
5.) How can I know the list of MCA , MBA colleges where I could get the admission through TANCET counselling?
6.) Could you please send me the rank wise list of MCA , MBA colleges (under TANCET enterance)?
1.) When will the result of tancet 2009 (MCA,MBA )be published?
2.) How would I be intimated about the results?
3.) What is the date of counselling?
4.) Is it a online counselling?
5.) How can I know the list of MCA , MBA colleges where I could get the admission through TANCET counselling?
6.) Could you please send me the rank wise list of MCA , MBA colleges (under TANCET enterance)?
when i can when are the results for tancet 2009 are likely to be published and when can we get the application form for the counciling??? Pl reply..
when are TANCET results 2009 coming??
I have written TANCET. Kindly tell me, when the results will be announced?
For MBA Admission Contact Venkatesh (98942 40012)
when Tancet 2009 exam result will be published reply sir
I appeared for tancet-2009 mtech examination. Please could you tell me when the results will be announced? And how will the students be intimated regarding the results?
hai sir , may i knw when wil b the tancet results wil b announced??
hai…………………… i too my tancet exam for MBA..please could you reply me when the result will be announced? and what is the website to know the result?
I appeared for tancet-2009 MBA examination. Please could you tell me when the results will be announced? And how will the students be intimated regarding the results?
What is the minimum mark for admission through tancet?
When the tancet results are published pls give the date.
I want to know the date of result of TANCET 2009(MBA).Kindly let me know the probable dates as soon as possible.
I have appeared tancet2008 but not tancet2009 is there any possibility that i can join mba through mba counselling
sir may i know, when the tancet 2009 results will be announced?
i wrote TANCET 2009, when the results will come.
Hi ,
When the TANCET 2009 results will be announced ?
Hai.evrybdy…hope evry1 s hot,waitng 4 the results
I appeared for tancet-2009 mba and mtech examination. Please could you tell me when when are the results expected to come out? And how will the students be intimated regarding the results?
will the result is sent to us through courier or through normal post?
Hello sir/madam
i have written my tancet 2009 for my mba,when the results will be announced?
please reply
i have written my tancet 2009 for my mba, when are the results expected to come out? please reply as the dates are fixed. thank you
hi sir , when willl be tancet mba results announced???
Dear All,
I would be thankful if you let me know the following details.
Would like to know the list of Institutions those offer MBA courses in TamilNadu and would be better if you list the top 10 reputed institutions.
Any ideas on the possible semester fees that we need to pay to institutions ? Is this stipulated by TamilNaduGovt/AnnaUniversity and variable ?
i want to know when is tancet 2009 results? and when is counselling forms are been issued ?
when will the tancet 2009 result will be announced tell me soon, hurryuppppppppppp!?
waiting for tancet results.. wen will it be published…?
in which date tancet 2009 mca result will be published
i want to know when did the tancet 2009 exam results come out ?
what is the expected cut off for MBC,tancet MBA 2009
I appeared for tancet-2009 mtech examination. Please could you tell me when the results will be announced? And how will the students be intimated regarding the results?
now im doing B.E(ECE) …. i have planned to do M.E . when i have to start to prepare and what should i prepare?
I hav written my TANCET 2009 ….i want know the result date///
Hellow sir this is ibrshim khan from coimbatore. i want know about the result date of M.b.a ple intimate that details
My daughter written tancet 2009 mba exam, when are the result to come out? Please reply the date thru. my email b’caz i want come to india arrange for my daughter higher study, thanks
Sir, I have completed my Tancet 2009 (BE) examination . Kindly let me know the result date.
Sir, i had written tancet 2009 for ME.When will the result may publish? plz reply sir
Sir, when will the result of tancet MBA comes?
What will be the speculated first mark around this time?
Last time it was 62…. something
When will be the TANCET-2009 results published??
hello sir….i have written tancet 2009 for mba…so can you please tell when the result will publish…
sir,i have written my tancet 2009 for my mba, when are the results expected to comeout?
please replay as the dates are fixed.tnk u..
I have written my tancet 2009 for my MCA, when are the results expected to come out? please reply as the dates are fixed. thank you..
what will be the last date to issue a councelling application?please reply sir.
hello sir! i have written tancet for mca,when will the result may publish? please reply me sir.
when will tancet 2009 result comes?
when tancet 2009 result will publish &
when m.b.a. counselling will starts?
pl reply ……..
what the eligibility criteria for part time in M.E at anna university….or affilated colleges at chennai
sir when did come tancet result announced date
I wrote my tancet 2009 for ME, when the result is expected ? Please reply as the dates are fixed. thank you..
i have written my tancet 2009 for ME, when the result expected to come out? please reply as the dates are fixed. thank you..
sir,i need to know the result announcement of tancet examination?
I hav written my mba exam in TANCET 2009, may i knw wn wil the results b announced …..
Sir, i have written tancet 2009 for ME.When the result may publish
1.When the results of tancet2009 will be announced?
2.To get a good college for MBA/MCA with superb campus interview,What is the range of marks needed in tancet exam?
can i know when will be tancet2009 results published
Sir,may i know when the tancet 2009 results are announced? sir i mean, the correct date?
In the information booklet provided by the anna university ,its being told that the results will be announced by 2nd week of june. So i probably hope the Tancet 2009 results will be announced before june 14th.
when the results may puplish for tancet 2009
Sir,I have written tancet 2009 for MBA, When will the exam results be announed?
may I know when is the tancet result
i wrote my tancet 2009…so i want to know when the result will publish……can u please tell the date sir…..
respected sir/madam,
i request you to provide thd details of when the result of tancet exam will be announced.
i have written the Tancet exam held on May 30th 2009. Let me know when i will be getting the results.
i have written my tancet 2009 for my mba, when are the results expected to come out? please reply as the dates are fixed. thank you..
how many marks i have to score in tancet exam to have a merit seat for mca.I am belongs to scheduled caste category.
please give a reply
when will the results for tancet 2009 come out??
I have written my ME Tancet 2009. Kinldy let us know when is the date of publication of results. Also guide in selecting the colleges.
Thanx & Regards.
hello sir!i have written tancet entrance for mca,when will the result may publish ? please send me mail sir.
Sir , i want to know when will be the tancet09’s MCA results announced…or expected…..
SIr, i have written TANCET 2009 MBA entrance. when will the result be announced. Pls reply to my id
i have written my MBA and MCA TAncet exam may i know the probable date of result published
can u please inform me when will the TANCET 2009 results be announced
Please let me know the result date of TANCET 2009.
i have written my tancet 2009 for my mba, when are the results expected to come out? please reply as the dates are fixed. thank you..
Sir, i have written tancet 2009 for ME.When the result may publish
when will the mba tancet exam results be announed
hello sir…
this is umayal… may i know when tancet 2009 results ill be announced? reply sir.. pls..
I want to know the date of result of TANCET 2009(MBA).Kindly let me know the probable dates as soon as possible.
gd aftrnun sir i did’t get my h.t ,so pls tel me wat i do nw
last year i am tancet exam mark 36.250 . state musilm community rank in 7. but i am not join college . this year accept the last year mark sir.
sir,I applied for tancet 2009 (MCA) through the internet.i haven’t yet recieved my hallticket.
sir,I applied for tancet 2009 (ME/M-TECH) through the internet.i haven’t yet recieved my hallticket.my application no. is 15295.please send my hall ticket to my mail.pls rply sir
i had applied for tancet 2009(mca) exam , but till now i havenot got my hall ticket.
so now send my hall ticket or tell me the way to issue the duplicat hall ticket. sir now i am in chennai for entrance exam so please immediately tell me the way to issue admitcardmy application no is 18156.
sir please reply for this i will be thankfull of you.
amit kumar 18156
iam completed bba and applied for tancet2009 and what is the procedure to join in annauniversity chennai for mba and send me full details about fees structure and last year placement results
I had applied for tancet (M.tech) exam from allagadda.I have not received my hall ticket yet now. please send my hall ticket to my mail. my application number is 13390
I had applied for tancet (MBA) exam from Salem.I have not received my hall ticket yet now. please send my hall ticket to my mail. my application number is 12417
sir,I applied for tancet 2009 (MCA) through the internet.i haven’t yet recieved my hallticket.my application no. is 21054.pls rply sir.
sir i applied for tancet exam from coimbatore. i have not received hall ticket yet now. pls send it to my mail
i have not received my hall ticket yet for tancet exam
I failed to apply and write the TANCET-09 exam. But I wish to join for MBA in Opereational Management (either full time/ part time) in Chennai. Iam residing in Chennai and working as Team Leader in Macmillan India Ltd. So please guide me, so that I can join a college where the above said course is available either in part time or full time mode.
Thanking you,
Kathir Jayan.U
please say me the dates for mba entrance exam and how to collect the form and where to collect the forms.
sir,I applied for tancet 2009 (MBA) through the internet.i haven’t yet recieved my hallticket.my application no. is 15013.pls rply sir.
sir,i apllied for tancet 2009 from Madurai,still i did’n get hall ticket,tell me the the link where i should search for this detail…or tell the other options to see my exam number and exam center at the earliest
sir,i apllied for tancet 2009 from kerala,still i did’n get hall ticket,tell me the the link where i should search for this detail…or tell the other options to see my exam number and exam center at the earliest
can i get model question papers
i want previous years question papers of tancet M.E/M.tech. please send me or tell me where can i get them online…
sir,I failed to apply and write the TANCET-2009exam.But I would like to join for MBA full time in TN.I am residing in kerala( Alappuz).Is it possible for me. Respectfully, ROSELIN
wat will be the score required to join anna univ in tancet me
sir,i apllied for tancet 2009 from kerala,still i did’n get hall ticket,tell me the the link where i should search for this detail…or tell the other options to see my exam number and exam center at the earliest
I failed to apply and write the TANCET-09 exam. But I wish to join for M-Tech in Thermal/ Machine Design/ Automobile engineering ( either full time/ part time) in TN. Iam residing in Kerala(Trivandrum) and working as Lecturer in Mechanical(Automobile) Engg in an engg college, affiliated to MG University. So please guide me, so that I can join a college where the above said course is available either in part time or full time mode.
thanking you in anticipation
I applied for tancet 2009 (mtech) through the internet.i haven’t yet recieved my hallticket.my application no. is 21768.pls rply sir whether i will get my hallticket.
after finish tancet exam.then what i do? give answer me
sir when i will get the admitcard
model questions
sir what is tancet-2009 M-tech exam date and timings? please tell to me sir.
sir,my friend apllied for tancet 2009 from delhi,still he did’n get his hall ticket,tell me the the link where i should search for this detail…or tell the other options to see his exam number and exam center at the earliest
i have completed my b-tech in sathyabama university,now i want to do m-tech in anna university………….please reaply me
i want previous years question papers of tancet M.E/M.tech. please send me or tell me where can i get them online…
sir,i am apply for M.E., tancet examination in online and get application form and send through a speed post in response address.. but ,i haven’t yet recieved my hall ticket in now aday… my application no is 22731. please sir take a action immeditely.or how get my hall ticket?.replay me sir..
sir,i am applied for M.E.,tancet exam in online and get application form then through a speed post in response address.but,i haven’t yet recieved my hall ticket now a day…my aplication form no is 22731… please issue my hall ticket.,
let we know when will our hall tickets be issued those who had filled applcation form and sent through post….????? can we get exact details regard this………????? please reply…
Dear sir/mam,
i have downloaded the tancet application and applied for M-TECH
let we know when will our hall tickets be issued those who filled applcation form through internet….????? can we get exact details regard this………????? please give me reply sir/mam.
hi any one pls tancet exam patern
i require application numbers of tancet2009
My Name is hithaya i send my application through regsiter post on 22-4-09 when i am received my hall ticket
I ve applied for tancet 2009 online almost a month back, I ve not received my Hall yicket till now.
Further the university did not respond properly while contacted through phone. Is there any how that i can check out the status of my application. Please HELP
tancet 2009 online application form is needed urgently, as i have taten the dd for that.
can i get the application for tancet MBA now
let we know when will our hall tickets be issued those who filled applcation form through internet….????? can we get exact details regard this………????? please reply…….
Dear sir. i have downloaded the tancet application and applied for MBA and M-TECH through speed post. i haven’t yet recieved my hall ticket yet. my application number is 20606. please help me to solve this issue..
hi sir,
i completed (2008)BE (Ece).now(2009) i am join mba.i am intrest to do phd can u give details about what is steps to do phd.
i had applied for tancet 2009-mca,i am waiting for my hall ticket.my application no:22103.when will i receive it.please reply soon
i had applied for TANCET -MCA. iam waiting for my hallticket.my application number is:22103.when will i receive it sir.please reply
when is the last date to apply for the M.E tancet entrance in correspondance
hai sir/madam,
i have finished my BBA degree. one year i gap my study. so i like studied MBA. but i cant able to write the TANCET examination. is possible to join MBA to direct college. please tell me.
dear sir,how will we apply for TANCET 2009 and send me the important dates.
respected sir/madam,
I have not yet received any information about my hall ticket. I have posted my application form for MBA TANCET entrance examination,along with all particulars. my register number is 12101. my friend also did the same yet we didn’t receive anything.
hai sir i m in M.sc Maths Student.. Send all the M.Tech Department(Specially Maths Oriented courses) Reply soon………..
i ‘ve registered for tancet - MBA - 2009. My application no. is 23742 how to get hall ticket
i had applied tancet application by online , till now i didn’t receive my hall ticket.please clear this sir
i requried for tancet syllabus in eee
hi sir, i want to do M.Tech in Textile, i completed B.Tech Textile ,so i need information about M.Tech Textile…
thank you
Need to know about hall ticket publishing date…………..
1.when is the last date to snbmit the application form?
2.in which bank i have to get application?
3.how much it will cost?
good morning sir till now i have not applied……………
may i apply now………………………………give me suggestion how can apply now……………..
I have applied for TANCET examinations,2009 to pursue my M.E. I have completed my Bachelor degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering. In the model question booklet that I received from Anna University, I noticed the 3 different sections. Among them, questions 76 to 110 are to the specific Branch. In that section, I found questions from Probability and Statistics. Being holding a BE in ECE, Am I eligible to opt that section because I am very much interested in Maths? If yes, what is the course that I will study in my Masters, when opting that section? Thank you.
Hi faculties i have sent my application on 22st april..when can i expect the acknowledgement from the university?
how to do online registration for tancet 2009 mca
sir, when i got the hall ticket by the post……..
Iam a diploma holder since 1981. Can i do MBA straight away if so where i can do and wat are the proceedures. Kindly send me the reply to my mail id.
tancet 2009 online application form is needed urgently, as i have taten the dd for that.
when is the tancet exam?
i want the application form.pls send me a model question paper.
i m studying in kolkata b-e in ece.i am going to appear for my final semester,,,i am interested in giving tancet for m-tech in 2009-2010…how do i apply???i am interested in studying at mepco sclenk engineering college in sivakasi
Can u send the previous year model question papers
I completed M.Sc Biotechnology,I want do my M.Tech Biotechnology,so please send the details.
Sir,i am student from kerala, How to appply the tancet,if any extention of exame date ,pls last submition of online date inform me.pls
now i am in gujarate,How to appply the tancet,if any extention of exame date ,pls last submition of online date inform me.
i want to apply for TANCET 2009 in anna university through online registration.can you please send me application form
sir, how do i get the tancet application form 2009 through the internet
sir, how do i get the tancet application form 2009
i am in need of apply for tancet 2009, through the online how i can do it?
hi, i have completed diploma in electroinc and comm and i had heard that diploma board has decided diploma is equivalent 2 degree from this year. can i do m-tech or b-tech directly. nor wat is other higher education can i continue rather than BE….. plz suggest me. and if it is then suggest me good coll 2 join.
when is the last date for the submission of application in chenai circle.
when is the last date to snbmit the application form?
how to apply through online. i am in chennai, my native place is vellore. i dont have my 10th marksheet rightnow. how can i apply?
when is the last date for submit tancet application form for mba?
1.when is the last date to snbmit the application form?
2.in which bank i have to get application?
3.how much it will cost?
how to get the submitted online application hall ticket…pl send me the details…
how much to pay if we qualified……….
what are all the necessary things that should be taken for applying TANCET…………
i want application details of tancet2009 eee mtech. and also the material for that.
how will i get tancet-2009 aplicatin form?
where it is available?
top 10 college
i have entered my 10th reg no wrongly in tancet apllication and submiteed… how to change… ?
Tancet 2009 last date for application 20-04-2009
(1) what is the eligibility for applying MBA?
(2) which is the last date for submission the application form?
(3) please send the syllabus for TANCET MBA
Mail the details immediately
please send the eligibilty for MBA course and also the last date for applying.
i am a scheduled cast student can u tell me how much mca/mba application and how much rate, what all are the certificates i should shown to them, and tell me the details about last date of application issue.
i want to study MBA correspondance course in anna university.
so i don’t know about the entrance test and further details so please rectify my question.
how can i get tancet application form.i have to apply for both mba and me.
1.when is the last date to snbmit the application form?
2.in which bank i have to get it?
3.how much it will cost?
pls reply me immediately to tis number.9789288630
How can i get tancet mba enterance form.When is last date for submission of form?
what percentage is required for admission
may i get the syllabus..for ME in electronics and communication engineering.
How can i get tancet mba enterance form.When is last date for submission of form?
thus i am a srilankan but i got the dual citizenship as a indian …. can i apply for the TANCET 2009 SEND YOUR REPLY IMMEDITELY TO MY NUMBER 9751035876
wen is the m.tec enterance exam is going to commence,wat is the last date of submission of application form.til which date application form will be issued.
can i get a tancet application???? plz mail to my email id…
can i get the application form for tancet now
where to search for the tancet mba application in online
Can i get MCA TANCET Application form on online for the year of 2009
how to apply online for mtech tancet
when is the last date
How can i get tancet mba enterance form.When is last date for submission of form.
where application available in chennai . Please send to my mail immediately
Unfortunately i lost my hall ticket, is there any way to get the duplicate hall ticket? please guide me regarding this. I worked hard to write this exam please help me to get duplicate hall ticket or any procedures to appear exam.
online application is avilable or not
online application is avilable or not
need ME application form and how to apply via online……
how to apply online for mtech tancet
i missed the submission date of application can i sent now 0n 10 -04 -2009
what is procedure to register online. what are the particulars want to enclose with that.please tell me.
Dear sirs,
I am second year computer science student.how i prepare for mba and mca entrance exam & tell me what are the books i want to study..kindly request to you and send the ways..
i want to attend M.B.A.Entrance
im not recevie application for entrance i wish to write the tancet exam shall u please give information about the application where is been ssued and dates of the examination also
From where we shall get the application form?
i want to mca form tancet2009
i know the last date of tancet application issue and submission
mca application submit in which date?
hi please tell me in internet where can i get the application form for mca entrance examination application forms
I want to apply for both Mba & M.tech through ONLINE REGISTRATION. I’m from general category so i have to pay rs.600 for both.
1)Now i should take individual DD of rs.300 or same DD of rs.600 for both?
2)I should fill up two application forms or both exams in same application?
3) in Anna Univ website it is mentioned as date of issuing application is 1at april and closes by 25th april but in this website it is mentioned as 17th march to 4th april?
I need the application for TANCET 2009 MBA,where is tancet application form (website)
how can i get form of tancet for mca
where is tancet application form
Is M.Sc.,microbiology candidate can eligible for M.Tech biotechnology through TANCET exam?
i want to apply for TANCET 2009 in anna university through online registration.can you please send me application form
what is the procedure for online registration.
I am final yr B.Sc Maths student,I need tancet mba application form,pls send my mail
i want to know the last date for tancet application issue and submission
hello sir
i am interested to write tancet examination.it is possible to regist directly on sundays.
can a candidate apply for both M.E. & MBA
i want to apply for TANCET 2009 in anna university through online registration.can you please send me application form
what is the procedure for online registration.
send me the tancet syllabus
Dear Sir,
I am waiting for TANCET 2009 exam. May I know when and where should I get the application form.
And the last date for submission of appl. forms..
hai Sir !!
I’m Prabhu, I Completed B.Com , next what i do .. i have no idea for my PG
which date the application form distributed?
i have two marksheet in 10std( in which one main exam another one is attempt)which number will be rigisterd when online rigistation
when is the last date to apply for tancet.I like to attend for both M.E and MBA. send the written test time for both M.E and MBA.
sir,I finished my diploma in petrochemical,may i eligble to apply to write tancet.
now i am doing m.sc final year biotechnology after completion my course i am deciding join to M.tech bio tech please tell me scope of m.tech biotechnology
Is Msc electronics qualification eligible for M Tech examination?
I want know that Which places issuing the application forms Please reply must..
Sir ,
I’am doing my B.sc [ computer science ] final year [ 2006-2009 batch ] . Whether it is possible to join MCA course in the next acadamic year 2010 by taking one year gap after completing my B.sc [ Computer sciecne ] . Plz reply …
Hi Sir,
When is the last date for application submission……
Dear sir,
i am santhosh doing M.Sc., Nanoscience and technology in Bharathiar University in coimbatore.further i am very much intrested in M.Tech Nanoscience and technology in ANNA University control of colleges. but the M.Sc., Nanoscience and technology is Eligibile OR not ?
please tel the last date for application submission and when will the exam contected……
i am pre final yr bba student,i need tancet mba application form,pls send my mail
if tancet can be applied online if so send me details,links for appling..
Where i get mca entrance exam application
dear sir,
please tell me the accurate date to issued the application form.and i want the question paper model.
i want to apply for TANCET 2009 in anna university through online registration.can you please send me application form
what is the procedure for online registration.
Dear sir/madam,
From which bank can I get the application form for mba and please send me some sample papers for mba entrance exam.
please tell me the acurate date to issued the application form.and i want the question paper model.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please tell the last day to send the Application form.
Dear sir,
I am a Pondicherry Citizen.
Can i apply the TANCET Entrance Exam?
1. would you send me the question model of previous year?
2. must the candidate secure a certain % of marks in each sections of questions ?
where i get application form?
Sir plz i want to know whether we can get application form through net or in which
bank i should go &get the form.How much it costs?
from where i will get TANCET application form, and last date of fill up the form.
when the application form will be given sir
Dear Sir,
I am waiting for TANCET 2009 exam. May I know when and where should I get the application form.
pls.. tell me the exact place to issuing the forms. where is the place to issuing
it would be gratefull if I get the informations as soon as possible.
Thanking You sir.
Sir plz i want to know whether we can get application form through net or in which
bank i should go &get the form.How much it costs?
MBA have the how many departments it self?
where is application form available?and how i application form download?
data for online application for TANCET exam 2009
i want to apply for TANCET 2009 in anna university through online registration.can you please send me application form
Dear Sir,
I am waiting for TANCET 2009 exam. May I know when and where should I get the application form.
And the last date for submission of appl. forms..
it would be gratefull if I get the informations as soon as possible.
Thanking You sir.
I have completed my MCA degree last year and I want to join ME(cse).Is it worth to study ME after completing MCA???In TANCET the questions are mostly based on BE engineering subjects,do I can write TANCET?? Which branch can I choose other than CSE inME???????plz help me…….
I have completed my MCA degree last year and I want to join ME(cse).Is it worth to study ME after completing MCA??? Which branch can I choose other than CSE inME???????plz help me…….
Please tell me correct date for issueing application forms and provide last date
Hi this is anand from madurai.
i have a question that,i have completed my graduation in the stream BBA by year but still i have papers to complete.
Can i able to appear TANCET 2009?
pls send tancet application form for mba
pls send tancet application form to my mail
last date of application filled
I want to apply the MCA course in TANCET. Where to get the applicaiton form for tancet 09?
hi sir where can i get the application form in anna univ trichy for tancet
hi sir where u give the application form for tancet
i need some materials for tancet(MBA). please send me some…
can u please tell when will we the application form for TANCET will be avaliable.can you please tell the site where it is avaliable.
I wanna appear the tancet exam 2009 please send me the correct date of the exam and the place where i can get application for that exam……
Tancet application is issued from april 1st.The last date of issuing application is may20th.The exam will commence in the date of may30th and 31th.All the best
r u providing any tancet exam me,m-tech meterial to prepare the exam?
wats de cost of application?
Hello sir im muthusamy, this year i want to apply the tancet entrance exam by online. But i can’t able to get the correct website. Plz tell the website as soon as possible
i want to apply for TANCET 2009 in anna university through online registration.can you please send me application form
I send mail from kanyakumari district.this district SBI bank is publish in tancet application form on 1.04.2009.but last date is 4.04.2009. so I will fear send this form given in particular date to you.pls reply my mail sir.
How to apply for TANCET in ONLINE?
well, i wanna know when will be the application form for TANCET entrance examinations available in anna university… or can u refer any site, from where i can upload the form.. pls do inform me.. thanks..
When are the application for tancet 2009 MBA gonna be issued and where can i get them???
can u please tell when will we the application form for TANCET will be avaliable.can you please tell the site where it is avaliable.
te tancet application s not yet put up inthe annauniv.edu site else in this current page.where ll be te information be held?
sir i wish to appear for TANCET.can you please tell me how can i apply for it through online.
I would appreciate i could get previous year question paper of TANCET-MCA.
I need ME entrance examination application form of anna university.
so please kindly send me application form and other details for examination
when tancet applications will be provided?
i’m from tirunelveli … can i apply through online for tancet in tirunelveli anna university.. tell me the procedure and wen is the last date for that
where could i get tANCET 09 application forms in coimbatore & chennai?
sir,Where can I get TANCET Application Forms?
Dear sir,
i want to apply for TANCET 2009 in anna university through online registration.can you please send me application form
can i get the previous papers of tancet so that i can know the exam well and prepare much better
can i get M.E TANCET application through online
Respected sir/ma’am….. i want MCA model question paper…. pls send it to my attached mail…… i don know how to prepare…….
i want to knoe which kind of questions they ll ask for MCA exam… what we should study
sir iwant a tancet enterence exam date please send it to my e-mail id.
I am Ramyaa, from coimbatore. I need the details about PGCET exam which is contacted by Karnataka government. Where and when i can get that application form?
i want tancet model question paper, please send in to my mail id?
when do the application issued
I need m c a model Q/A
I want to TANCET model question paper for the MBA entrance exam.. please send it to my mail id..
hai guys just i am to ME in oncoming semester i don when tancet exam ll be conducted and wen application form ll be given and whereever it ll be available so if anybody know dis kindly call or msg me by ur sweet prakash
I am interested to write TANCET 2009…. So i need the details about when they are going to start issuing the application and where can i get it
needs app form for tancet exam . pls sent to my mail
where can i get the TANCET 2009 application forms
Where is buy the application form
i need the syllabus for Tancet- ME computer science
please send to me MCA entrance model papers to my mail
i want to know when applications are given and places where can i get.and also MCA syllabus..
can i get a tancet application???? plz mail to my email id…
sir, is students from other than tamil nadu eligible 4 TANCET….and can i get last year TANCET question paper??.
what is the recent issuing dates and last date of submitting exam dates result dates and amount for per application and rules to be followed for tancet entrance exam for mca
plz send it to details iam very much confused for the dates and plz also send the tancet entrance test model question paper for mca plz plz i need ur mail imediately
Respected sir;
In chennai; where can we get the TANCET 2009 application form…please send reply to my e-mail id sir.
where can i get tancet application? I am from trichy.
i am in thanjavur.from where will i get form of tancet? when will the exam commence on?
Respected Sir,
Im doing my BCA final year… can i get a model queston paper for TANCET EXAMINATION…
Please reply to my mail…
If you are seeking admission to MBA, MCA or M.E. / M.Tech. / M.Arch. / M.Plan in Tamilnadu then you are at a right source for the details. Chennai based Anna University conducts Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET) – Tamilnadu.
Anna University has its university departments across all the major cities in Tamilnadu. All the degree program courses are conducted at various engineering colleges, arts and science colleges. The list includes Govt. colleges, Govt. aided colleges and Govt. Quota seats in self financing institutions.
You can appear for the Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET) – Tamilnadu by purchasing and filling an application form and sending it back to the university. The university provides a common application form for all the courses. You can get the application form by paying Rs.300. On producing proper community certificates, the Tamilnadu SC/ST candidates can get the same application form for Rs. 150/-.
You can get the application form for Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET) – Tamilnadu by paying Rs.300 in person and you can also receive it through mail. To get it by post you have to send a DD for Rs.300 along with a request letter. The request letter should contain your full details like, Name, postal address and contact number. You have to draw a DD in favor of “The Secretary, TANCET, Examination Centre, Anna University Chennai, Chennai 600 025”.
To download the application from the internet you need to visit the website http://www.annauniv.edu/tancet. In this you have to fill all the necessary information on the Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET) – Tamilnadu application form and submit it. After you have submitted the form, you will need to take a print out of that form and attach a DD and send it to the address through speed post or registered post.
The important calendar for Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET) – Tamilnadu is as below,
Issue of application form in person and online registration – 3rd week of March
Closing of online registration and issue of application at bank counters, coordinating centers and also by post – 1st week of April
Date of Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET) – Tamilnadu – 3rd week of May.
is the date is confirmed? when can i expect the final scheduled date?
how to buy the mca tancet form?
where can i get the application form for TANCET.
when ‘ll application form issue?
when will the tancet applications be given and from where ? which is the site that we have to look into for that ?
when the application forms will be issued for mba entrance exam
sir i want write tancet exam.i am write MBA entrance exam pls send last date.
Respected Sir,
I want a TANCET model question papers for M.Tech please send it to my e-mail id.
just answer my queries . wat is the cost of TANCET ME/M.TECH application forms?
i want M.Tech syllabus
where can i get application form?????? and how much fees for the application?
can you suggest me how to prepare for ME entrance exam.
Iam interested to ME ,so can you inform me where can i get the application form for ME in coimbatore.Inform me when the application form will be issued
where can i buy the application forms. does the forms are given in banks etc.
When will the TANCET forms issued ? I am from Delhi and i do not have any information regarding the TANCET 2009 announcements. I check the http://www.annauniv.edu site daily but din’t get any updates of TANCET. Please help me regarding the date on which Anna univ starts issuing the application form.
i want to know the exact date and details of tancet2009 i couldn’t find the appropriate dates,
I want to apply for TANCET 2009 in anna university through online registration.can you please send me application form.and also send exam dates.
when online for tancet 2009 will be getting sterted
tancet issues application from last date
I am From vellore. I want to apply tancet. So where will i get it.
i am a final year b’tech student. i would like to know where i can get the application form and from which branch
where can i get the tancet appln form for mba? there is no proper info in the anna univ website also.plz rply as early as possible.
sir,no details regarding tancet2009 is available frm annauniversity site. is the notification actually publishd or not.where can i gt the application form from.
pls tell when is the TANCET exam ,and the issue of its application form?
pls also send the question papaer of TANCET-2008.
as i want tancet application form and complete fees structure for m.e as per government norms for both private and government college please sent me.
thank u sir
I want to apply for TANCET 2009(MBA) through post or online anyway help me sir.
I am from Trichy…I want to know when TANCET exam will be..When Application form comes..
In coimbatore where can i get tancet 2009 application
i want to apply for TANCET 2009 in anna university through online registration.can you please send me application form.
Dear sir, i have completed my BE - ECE & i would like to do my ME in CSE, what is the procedure, kindly guide me.
Dear sir, I have finished my B.E - ECE, if i like to do my M.E in CSE what is the procedure please guide me
kindly tell how mach amount i pay in DD,or how much application form rate
where can i get the tancet appliction forms in trichy..pls tel me the date till whcih the application form will be issued.. thank yo
when is tancet applications forms for M.TECH,M.B.A are issued ? please send the details
in thanjore where can i tancet application form
I Am in pudukkottai,where i can get tancet application
where i buy tancet 2009 form?
there is no add in anna univ website?
when is last date for application?
where can i get application form?????? and how much fees for the application????????
sir, where and all i can get tancet appl form?
where i can get tancet exam application
In Trichy where can i get tancet applications
i want to know the exact date and details of tancet2009 i couldn’t find the appropriate dates, also guide me the centres where the applications are being issued as well as the cost of the application form
i want to do my m.e course[m.e power electronics and drives]as part time, please mention the college names with learning period and class time ,now i am working in avinasi as a tutor. my native is erode. please reply me to my mail thank you sir.
how to i apply the tancet 2009 mca entrance examination,
In Trichy where can i get tancet applications
how to apply tancet09 exam?where is available applications?
tell me the entrance exam to taking admission for mtec 2009-2010 programme
sir i want online registration what can i do?
sir,no details regarding tancet2009 is available frm annauniversity site. is the notification actually publishd or not.where can i gt the application form from.
where can i get the tancet application in tanjore
dear sir
kindly provide how much amount i have to pay as DD
where to get tancet2009 application form, please reply soon sir..
please tell me where to get application for MBA tancet application
How much is the fees for tancet
tancet 2009 dates aRE ANNOUNCED.the exam is on may30&31.the application form is available from april 1st.The application is issued upto april 20
am going to complete my UG in B.E.(bio medical)..whether i can get chances for doing P.G. related to bio medical in trichy anna university…can u ans me soon plz……it vl be useful for me….i wnt to know whether M.E.(medical electronics) course present or not in trichy anna univ….rply me sooon…
i tried to get TANCET 2009 application form from internet but i couldnt find , please send tancet application form to my email id as soon as possible
I have completed my Engineering in computer science and presently have an idea to do masters in Engineering.. But i was not able to find out the exact link for the application form.. So would you please help me by providing me the relevant link for the application form..
i need tancet previous year model question paper for M.E (computer science &engg department)
How much is the fees
I have just passed graduation with passing marks.
I want to make my career in software fields.
so, i want to take admission in M.C.A.
send some more information about entrance exam of TANCET for M.C.A.
and its syllabus for entrance exam.
where can i get the tancet2009 application in thiruvanamalai distict.
please tell me how could I get online application form for tancet 2009 and what are the methods to submit?
Whats the cost of tancet application form ?
Where is it available ?
How to apply the tancet and last date of the application submission plz tell me
Can we apply online for TANCET 2009. are we supposed to file separate applications for M.E/ M.Tech? Do we have to buy individual applications from other colleges such as Madras University after applying for TANCET?
I would like to know if they have started issuing TANCET 2009 applications.
respected sir,
i had compleated B.E computer science and engineering.now i am doing lecture in sun engineering college. i have experience in 6 months only. now i am interest for studing M.E part time course in anna university. my question is whats the procedure for joining in this course. and what s the eligibility for studing part time M.E in anna university. please tell me sir.
Thank you.
Where can i get the TANCET 2009 Application Form
how can i praper for ME entrance exam ?
where can i get tancet 2009 application and also the syllabus
i am from kerala.tancet form is not given in http://www.annauniv.edu. so pllease send me from where i get application form.
I am from west bengal, i want to know from where i get tancet 2009 application form your given link http://www.annauniv.com/tancet2009 is not open. so kindly tell me from where i download application form
i am trichy sir. i want to get application tancet mba application. where is issued in application
Please send me the details of TANCET 2009. and where i Can avail the forms. I am from cochin.
Good noon sir,
Sir now i am in Dharmapuri ..
i would like to know about where the application are to provided in our area..
Thank U..
where to get tancet application form?
i have arrears in engg,hope to finish this semester can i apply for tancet,am i eligible?will my results come before councelling?
what is the cost of the application form?
How much marks/percentage have to take in TANCET exam to get into good college.?Also i want to know what is the Maximum and Minimum % of mark to join in colleges.
i need details regarding tancet exam for mtech.where can i get app form and most imp the syllabus for mtech program. i belong to cse.
is tancet-2009 notification is relesed or not ,if relesed on which date.
could you please forward the details of the tancet-2009 notification.please sir.
I need ME entrance examination application form of anna university.
so please kindly send me application form and other details for examination
how to prepare for M.Tech tancet 2009 examination
I want to do my M.B.A….How to apply for TANCET exam….?When is the application form will be issused…..?Where to get it….?What are the topics i want to prepare….If any book avaliable? Pls guide me…..
how to prepare tancet 2009 examination
Where can i get my TANCET application forms?What is the syllabus?I belong to CSE.
please send me the details about the availibility of TANCET2009 forms
i wanna know in which bank u are providing the application in nagercoil?so please sent me where can i get the MCA applicaton…
When they issue a application in Trichy and where they issue.what is the conform last date for apply TANCET 2009
where is available tancet 2009 application form issued bank in erode or salem
and both of them address please send my mail id immeiately
Thaking you
I searched all the sites but i didn’t get TANCET 2009 application form.Can you send application form or tell the website name of online application form. TANCET applicaion form is issued or not????. Please send immediately to my mail
I want to know when Tancet 2009 online applications for mba will be available? in which bank will i get it?
sir, where can i get the TANCET 2009 application form. cud u plz tell me the site.
where can i get TANCET 2009 details
Where to get application forms for TANCET? I have searched anna university website but no links are available there more over date was crossed 17th………….. Plz reply as soon as possible
were can i get the tancet application form 2009 in thiruvanamalai district…..
where can i get the tancet application forms…?
where and when i can get the tancet2009 application form for M.tech in Dindigul District?
please provide me the important questions for tancet(mba)20009….
When and where the application form are available for TANCET exam in Puducherry?
Hello/ Sir,
Where can i get the application form for TANCET 2009.What abt the syllabus sir/madam
sir i need the sylabus for M.E,M.Tech & for M.B.A and also previous years question papers.please mail me sir.
Whats the cost of tancet application form ?
Where is it available ?
Any knows pls specify the exact link of TANCET 2009 application form for M.E/MBA/MCA
where can i get the tancet application forms…? In which date TANCET(M.E)exam will be conducted.what will be the cost for buying the application form.
Whats the cost of tancet application form ?
Where is it available ?
what is the tancet admission procedure ?
what are couses avalible in evening college MBA
in trichy,where and when they are issuing MBA application?
where i will get the tancet mca application in erode
i just want to get the question papers of tancet ME question papers…where shall get it
how we will register online for the tancet examination . weather other state candidates are eligible for applying for tancet those who have completed b tech in anna university affiliated colleges
how should i prepare for tancet MBA May i apply for tancet through online how to download the application what r all the procedures
wat r al d courses available in part time MBA
I’m going to finish my B.Tech in IT help me in choosing pg degree (MBA , M.E, M.Tech) and specialisation in these degrees which would provide best opportunities in todays situation
can i get the application forms by cash or should i take only dd… also other than govt colleges where can i get the application forms…? can u also send a model question paper for both m.tech and mba…? wat r the colleges where we can get a seat thro’ this exam and how much mark required to get a gud col…?
can i get the application forms by cash or should i take only dd… also other than govt colleges where can i get the application forms…?
can i submit online application for TANCET? if yes so plz tell me the web site where i can do this.
where can i get the tancet application forms…? I have seen that the application forms for all the exams are the same… Is it possible for me to write both mba nd m.tech …? If so Is it enough that if i get two applictions…?
i wanna know in which bank u are providing the application in erode?
At first v got a news that in State Bank Of India but after we reach there they told that they r not providing..
so please sent me where can i get applicaton
sir i need the sylabus for M.E,M.Tech & for M.B.A and also previous years question papers.please mail me sir.
how to download tancet application and the procedure to submit it
shall i apply through online for tancetMBA?if so i want to know the procedure..please..
good evening sir/madam,
shall i apply through online for tancet mba.?
if so may i no the procedure?.
how to prepare tancet 2009 examination
where i will get the application form for tancet (M.E). pls send it to mail
where to apply for mca application forms in coimbatore
plz tell me the website name of online application for tancet-2009
Whats the cost of tancet application form ?
Where is it available ?
what is the tancet admission procedure ?
what are couses avalible in evening college MBA
Respected Sir/Madam,
I searched all the sites but i didn’t get TANCET 2009 application form.Can you send application form or tell the website name of online application form. Please send immediately to my mail
hai sir,
i want model question paper for TANCET EXAMS and i need one more information may i have the where the Tancet exam application issuing in Trichy District pls sir reply me i want to attend the entrance
hello sir am hema i need one information may i have the where the Tancet exam application issuing in Trichy District pls sir reply me i want to attend the entrance
where will i get TANCET application and from when it is available.plz sent it immediately to my mail
where is available tancet 2009 application form issued bank in erode or salem
and both of them address please send my mail id immeiately
Thaking you
Respected sir/madam,
I’m studing B.E(EIE).I want to do my M.E….How to apply for TANCET exam….?When is the application form will be issused…..?Where to get it….?What are the topics i want to prepare….If any book avaliable in the market…..?Pls guide me…..
With regards,
hai sir
what is the cost of application?
hai sir/madam
where will i get the application form please tell me.i want do M.E in part time so how to approach part time college and how many hour take for class.
Hello sir
where the application form will be available?.. please send me the tancet ME computer science syllabus… can u give me the previous year question papers…
Can a single Candidate write both ME & MBA exam?…
Sir,Please send me the book name for preparing M.E TANCET examination….
i need some of the model question paper regarding M.E TANCET exam…i think it will b usefull.please send.
where we will get the application form & how much i have for the same?
How to apply the application form?
pls can u find me the online address which publishes the tancet application form sir
where can i get application form can u guide me plsssss
dear sir.where i want to get my tancet application want to know pls send to my mail id sir
madam/sir which is the last date for the submission of tancet appln form? im madurai where they are issuing the forms.i m applying for both ME n MBA whether i want to get seperate appln forms.how can i prepare for these exams.
hai sir can i get a model qestion paper for B.E MECHANICAL ENGINEERING
where to get the application forms in trichy.
Hello sir,
Tell me the website name of online application form for tancet-2009.When is the last date for online apllication..
its early…
Sir, I’m from trichy zone. I want 2 know the centers where the applications r 2 b issued.
When they issue a application in comibatore and where they issue.
Hello sir,
Tell me the website name of online application form for tancet-2009.When is the last date for online apllication..
where will i get TANCET application and from when it is available.plz sent it immediately to my mail
Hello sir,
Tell me the website name of online application form for tancet-2009.When is the last date for online apllication..
where tancet application forms are issued which are the centres for that
Sir, Please Send the Book name For Preparing MBA TANCET Examination…..
Has the issue of TANCET application already commenced? Almost all the sites say it has already started on 17th Mar, 2009. If yes, where can I get the application from? If no, when is the scheduled date for commencement of issue of application?
hi sir am very glad to see here i need a Tancet entrance exam model question paper pls do needful
hello sir am james i need one information may i have the where the Tancet exam application issuing in Trichy District pls sir reply me i want to attend the entrance
Whats the cost of tancet application form ?
Where is it available ?
what is the tancet admission procedure ?
please guide me which major in MBA is best????wat kind of job can i get for tat particular major
where will i get TANCET application and from when it is available. when is the last day for submission.I need complete and perfect details about tancet exam and eligibility and date.I am in need of model questions for M.C.A.. please forward to me immediately to my mail as soon as possible… please….
Where i can get the application form in coimbatore…
Hai Sir,
Where i get TANCET application form sir? and also I need some previous year model question paper for TANCET…..
where will i get TANCET application and from when it is available. when is the last day for submission.
i need the application form of tancet….how do apply it
dear sir/madam,
iam a third year btech/it student .i like to study me/mtech which would i prefer what is the right degree to study?when i can study for entrance?plz guide me.
i want TANCET application form for M.E, where can i get it?
Sir…, where ll be the examination centers…? How to get the details about that…? kindly reply…
wher do i get tancet application form……whn is last date 4r submitting forms
Dear sir, I would like to attend the tancet entrance exam(MBA). I am in tuticorin .where can I get(place) the application form? Pls tell me. Advance thanks…
i want to give tancet for pursuing M.Arch degree in Anna University. please furnish the date of availability of forms and the syllabus for M.Arch entrance exam.
where will i get TANCET application and from when it is available. when is the last day for submission.
wow. Lots of stupid ppl indeed.
I need complete and perfect details about tancet exam and eligibility and date
Has the issue of TANCET application already commenced? Almost all the sites say it has already started on 17th Mar, 2009. If yes, where can I get the application from? If no, when is the scheduled date for commencement of issue of application?
I want the procedure for apply MBA tancet application and where i got the form in trichy and where to i sent the form.plz sent it immediately to my mail
Good Morning Sir,
Thankyou for your information.what is the procedure for applying tancet exam 2009.where i get the form and where i am apply.and what are the doc are provide.and another one is is there any rules in to study part time course(M.Tech)
Please guide me sir,
Thank you,
hi sir,
can u tell wats d syllabus for MBA,M.TECH entrance exams.and also exam dates,fess particulars..i mean for tancet 2009 entrance exam syllabus..
hai sir,
can u sent me d syllabus for tancet exam(MBA)..
now am doing engg …IT please send me the tancet MBA syllabus ,previous years question papers and fees structure and application form details (where we will get TANCET application forms?), and where i should collect this form.which are the good books for MBA tancet please kindly help me.and also M.TECH SYLLABUS ALSO
Hi sir,
I am in need of model questions for B.E[CSE].. please forward to me immediately to my mail as soon as possible… please….
Hello sir,
Am writing entrance exam for both M.E and MBA. Do have i want to submit separate applications for both ah…
Hello sir,
Tell me the website name of online application form for tancet-2009.When is the last date for online apllication..
I need the syallbus for M.E/M.Tech Computer Science Engineering and model question papers. Kindly respond me.
Thanks in advance
Hello sir,
Tell me website name of online application form for tancet-2009.When is the last date for online apllication..
hai sir please send me application form for m.c.a exam.
what is the cost of application
where can we get from
where we will get the application and whata the caost of the application
please answer me for my questions.Already i have asked
What are all the syllabus for TANSET exam?
are anna university giving a TANCET 2009 applications? if yes, where i can get,when is last date for submission of application?
where wil be the application forms be available for TANCET 2009.
Where wil be the application forms for TANCET 2009 be available?
wat ever is updated about tancet ….pls…send me sir….
where to get the application sir…….please tell me..
Hello sir,
where is application form of TANCET2009 in kanyakumari district is issued/
please reply me sir.
Sir, where can i get the TANCET application forms
Sir, where can i get the TANCET application forms & please send me MBA & ME entrance exam sample question papers & question patterns.
which place we are get tancet ap…. form at coimbatore……………..
are u giving the MBA/MCA APPLICATION FOR TANCET 2009
sir how can we download the application form for tancet 09
hai sir,
can u sent me d syllabus for tancet exam(MBA)..
now am doing engg ECE.. please send me the tancet MBA syllabus ,previous years question papers and fees structure and application form details (where we will get TANCET application forms?), and where i should collect this form.which are the good books for MBA tancet please kindly help me.
Hello sir,
Tell me website name of online application form for tancet-2009.When is the last date for online apllication..
Hai sir,
Pls send M.E Application Form
please inform to my email if the application is started to providing.
when is the last date for sbmission of tancet application.
where we can get the tancet application..
reply me soon
I am also attending the entrance exam for MCA conducted by NIT (NIMCET) on the same date (17/5/09)
conducted by tancet09. I would be grateful if u change the exam date of tancet09. so that I would be able attend both the exams.
SIR/MADAM, trichy la entha collage la tancet application issue panaraga?
when will they start to give the application form…..
in trichy dist which collage tancet application is available?
need tancet exam model question paper for enterance
please give any one model question paper for TANCET ,in ECE dept.,
what is the conforme date and last date for apply TANCET 2009 for M.E
when is the last date for getting TANCET application form?
Please send TANCET model and old question paper for B.E.Mechanical engineering,,,,, and also send me MBA question paper
Where will i apply in deadline submission for TANCET 2009 in trichy…..? Actually i am B.E. Mchanical engineering.. so, which one is better for me… MBA or M.E….? If i take MBA means which speacalisations is better for me….? at same thing M.E. course also…?
sir where the tancet 2009 application will be available?
from where do i get the appl. form?
tancet 2009 application form available at?
when and where the tancet application form will be available
hi ,
can u send me the syllabus for tancet M.E 2009….
where to get applicaton form
where can i get the application form
when is the last date to get tancet 2009 application
where will we get the tancet application.top colleges for ME in chennai.
I wish to know about the DD amount for TANCET ME..
which are the good books for ME tancet prepration.
which place application will be available in kanchipuram
can i get TANCET exam study materials in on-line at free of cost?
How much marks/percentage have to take in TANCET exam to get into good college.?Also i want to know what is the Maximum and Minimum % of mark to join in Top 10 colleges.
what is the minimum percentage of mark to join anna university
Hello sir
where the application form will be available?.. sir, please send me the tancet ME CSE syallabus… sir, can u give me the previous year question papers… I hope that you reply soon..
can you send the previous year entrance exam questions to my mail?
Sir please send me the syllabus and model question paper for M.E [CSE] please….
I am in need of model questions for M.E[CSE].. please forward to me immediately to my mail as soon as possible… please….
Hello sir,
Tell me website name of online application form for tancet-2009.When is the last date for online apllication..
tancet 2009 application form available at?
where tancet application is available?
for downloading in online which website is available?
i am BE graduate 2008 in ECE.
I planned to do a pg course….
but i was in moral dilemma to do ME OR MBA…..
send me which is the best option FOR me………….
i had completed my be degree in the year 2008….
due to economic melt down, till now i am searching a job
and also wasted one year…….
tanset 2009 application form available at
Where is available for application form in tirunelveli?
Wen will tancet application form issuance start?how can v apply through online for tancet??
HELLO sir;
i will finish my BE(ece) degree .which one his best my higher studies neither mba\me also send me tancet mba syllabus\me syllabus tank you
can you send me previous year question papers relating to M.Tech(petrochemical technology)
how to get previous year question papers relating to M.TECH(chemical technology/petrochemical technology)…please send me the details regarding it.sir…..
i need a previous year question paper for M.Tech(chemical/petrochemical technology). please send me sir…
I just completed my B.E. in the discipline of Mechanical Engineering last year. Now i would like to do a P.G. My questionaries are
1.Will it be better to do M.E or M.B.A.?
2.If i have to apply for both M.E and M.B.A entrances together what do i do?
3.Where are the application forms available and to what address are they to be sent?
4.Can you please provide me a model question paper and the syallabi details for the exam?
in all state bank of india tancet application is available?
if not mention the place&area
hello sir
I am in madurai,in which colleges application form will be issued in madurai.
and also which dates onwards.
what are the formalities for applying TANCET2009 exam…….?
Where the Tancet Application form ll be available? I need TANCET 2008 question paper for CSE.. send that to my mail….
from where we can get tancet-2009 application forms?
Can I get Application form for M.E computer Science in Trichy ? . When is the starting date for getting the forms
can u send model question papers and syllabus for M.tech.thank u
i passed MCA in 2008.i like to study M.tech.is it possible?if possible please inform me about details and syllabus.and also inform which colleges orovide this courses.
what is the data for tancet mba
can i get MBA TANCET old question papers?
what are top 10 colleges in Tamil Nadu to study MBA?
tancet 2009 application form available at?
Hai,which one is valuable M.E or M.B.A? I am a B.E graduate in ECE.Which one is suitable for me?
Hello sir
where the TANCET application form will be available?.. sir, is there online submission of TANCET application for M.E/M.Tech courses. please send me the tancet ME mechanical engineering syallabus… sir, can u give me the previous year question papers…
hi, what is the cut off marks for ME in anna university in tancet 2008. i am in ST quota.
Hello sir
where the application form will be available?.. sir, please send me the tancet ME ECE syallabus… sir, can u give me the previous year question papers… I hope that you reply soon..
when is the last date to get tancet 2009 application
where will we get the tancet application.top colleges for ME in chennai.
I wish to know about the DD amount for TANCET ME..
which are the good books for ME tancet prepration.
which place application will be available in RAJAPALAYAM….
can i get TANCET exam study materials in on-line at free of cost?
How much marks/percentage have to take in TANCET exam to get into good college.?Also i want to know what is the Maximum and Minimum % of mark to join in Top 10 colleges.
what is the minimum percentage of mark to join anna university
This si my emil id [email protected]
Can you tell me when will the application form for M.E be issued for TANCET 2009.
wer can i get appln for TANCET MBA What s the exam schudules?
where Can I get TANCET APPLN FOR MCA n How ll it cost?
where the application form will be available
how many centre will have the tancet exam.pls answer the name of the place
Respected Sir,
I want a TANCET model question papers for MBA please send it to my e-mail id.
where the application form will be available?.. please send me the tancet M.E/M.Tech Electronics and communication engineeringsyallabus… can u give me the previous year question papers… I hope that you reply soon..
569Surender: On March 17th, 2009
I am a candidate from Tamil Nadu…from where i get application form for TANCET M.E/M.tech 2009. and also i want to know the syllabus for Electronic and communication..please help me..
hello sir ,
how can I get the application form? can you send me the previous papers of ece?
pls send me tancet M.E question papers..and also syllabus for computer science …pls send me the question pattern also…how to secure good marks…
where can i get tancet application forms 2009
sir, pl mail me the date of ME part time application issue date of annauniversity chennai
respected sir,
When does the TANCET application issue starts? can u please send me the syallabus for Electronics and Communication Engineering and the previous year’s model question paper to my mail id… thaking u in advance sir.
when are the applications going to be issued. please let me know or post in this page asap.
thank you.
Where the M.E application form will be available? and i want to know the syllabus of M.E computer science. could u send the reply as soon as possible?
where will u give for mba mca tancet forms
hello sir, may i know where the application form will be provided?
And also i need some old question papers…. Please send my mail id sir….
I need the syallbus for M.E/M.Tech Civil Engineering and model question papers. Kindly respond me.
Thanks in advance
where the application form will be available?..I hope that you reply soon..
Hello sir
where the application form will be available?.. sir, please send me the tancet ME computer science syallabus… sir, can u give me the previous year question papers… I hope that you reply soon..
avilability centers for TANCET application
I am a candidate from kerala…from where i get application form for TANCET M.tech 2009. and also i want to know the syllabus for Information Technology..please help me..
Anybody knows the ME/Mtech Embedded desigh question papers for tancet plz send to my mail id
Respected Sir,
I want to know the Top Ten Colleges in Coimbatore District to study MBA.So kindly give me the required information.
when is the last date to get tancet 2009 application
prevoius year question papers of MBA entrance exam.Admission procedure of MBA in anna univerity merit basis.syllabus of MBA entrance exam.
when is the last date for issuing mba TANCET-2009 application n in whom favour we have to take DD.
where will we get the tancet application.top colleges for MBA in chennai.
I want all details for mca and i want the details of distance education in anna university. And i want to know when comes anna university distance education center in kumbakonam and which college take that?. I want phone number of anna university for ask some details. send the all details to my mail ID.
where from can i get appilcation form of TANCET2009 M.E/M.TECH entrance exam?
respected sir/madam,
can u send me previous year question papers regarding tancet 2009 for ME CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION or ELECTRONICS AND INSTRUMENTATION.ALONG with 2009 tancet syllabus.
please send to my mail id.
in which the place the MBA tancet application should be issued of our tanjore dist
sir please kindly send me the informations about the exams dates and where to get the applications
When I’m collect Application in Anna University?
sir, I want detail syllabus for MBA & Last year question paper & fees structure. Please Kindly request send me mail.
please send me the tancet MBA syllabus ,previous years question papers and fees structure and application form details (where we will get TANCET application forms?), and where i should collect this form.which are the good books for MBA tancet please kindly help me.
I want to know top ten colleges in chennai for MCA…. Please inform me required information…
I wish to know about the DD amount for TANCET MCA…..
Where are the centers in TN?
When and from where could I get the application form for TANCET 2009?
need 2008 ME(CSE) model question paper,,,,,,,,,can u send to my mail id….
where i buy tanset application form in madurai, how i prepare to tanset exam shall i get mba in tourisem
any colleges in tamil nadu
sir, Please send me the M.E/M.TECH Mechanical engineering syllabus and where I will get course material required for mechanical engineers.I should like to know about M.E/M.tech syllabus design field after that where i will get.(How many colleges having this courses please send me the colleges list of this course). can you refer any books required to prepare for the TANCEt exam
sir, Please send me the M.E/M.TECH Mechanical engineering syllabus and where I will get course material required for mechanical engineers.I should like to know about M.E/M.tech syllabus of Air conditioning and Refrigeration after that where i will get.(How many colleges having this courses please send me the colleges list of this course). can you refer any books required to prepare for the TANCEt exam.
Sir,Kindly send me the top ten colleges in TamilNadu offering MBA and How much marks/percentage have to take in TANCET exam to get into good college MBA.?
kindly send me the syllabus for the TANCET 2009 and Model Papers to prepare…
Thanks in Advance
sir please tell me the syllabus for M.E Computer Science and Engg.And also tell me where the application form avilable. send me previous year question paper to my mail please.
where will I get the TANCET application forms in ERODE district?which are the good books for MBA tancet prepration?please send previous TANCET question paper for MBA…
sir, send me please which banks are issue tancet mca and mba application forms
sir, please send me where are the tancet application forms issue in tamilnadu
Pleace send me the details about where are the places to get the TANCET application forms in MADURAI.
Pls send me the TANCET MBA syllabus and previous year question papers and fee structure and details of the availability of application form…..is it possible to apply for both MBA and Mtech?
iam a distance education student of Punjab Technical University,studying B.Sc(IT) final year,now iam in Jammu(J&K).and i completed my schooling in DELHI,but my native is Vellore, can i eligible to get admission to MCA through Tancet 2009.and my final semester exam falls on october month,please tell the reason if iam not eligible for the same
thank you
which type of book i will choose to prepare for tancet mba?and also send syllabus
where we will get TANCET application forms?
Previous year’s tancet mba question papers.
i need the finalised date for TANCET(MBA).. ALSO I NEED WHICH R BEST COLLEGES FOR MBA..
sir,send me the top 10 colleges list 4r doing MBA in Tamilnadu
Can i know fees details for mba TANCET exam?
where i get the application form of tancet?
where do we get model question paper for ME tancet exams ece related
I need MCA syllabus and TANCET Model qusetion so if any have means please send me… My id is [email protected]
I wish to join MCA in pondicherry university. They are askine above 80 % in the entrance. Is it too hard ( Selection procedure)
where the application form for TANCET MBA 2009 in coimbatore
where the applications will be issued in coimbatore
When will the application form for Tancet MTech examination publish?
Please send me the list of colleges & subjects taking part in this examination.
I need details of TANCET 2009 for MCA admissions..
application issue date where to get ? and the syllabus for that EXAM.TANCET 2009.
What are all the exam s need to appear for admission to MCA courses in tamilnadu colleges.
SInce i am eager to join MCA this year i need the particulars about the MCA ADMISSIONS in tamilnadu..
I beleive you would be providing more about this particular.
please send me the tancet MBA syllabus ,previous years question papers and fees structure and application form details (where we will get TANCET application forms?), and where i should collect this form.which are the good books for MBA tancet please kindly help me.
sir, Please send me the M.E/M.TECH Mechanical engineering syllabus and where I will get course material required for mechanical engineers.I should like to know about M.E/M.tech syllabus of Air conditioning and Refrigeration after that where i will get.(How many colleges having this courses please send me the colleges list of this course). can you refer any books required to prepare for the TANCEt exam.
sir,please tell the TANCET M.Tech syllabus for instrumention engineering ……
Sir/Madam, could you please send the complete details of TANCET with the ECE syllabus for M.E canditates? If possibe send to the mentioned address ASAP. Thank you.
i want to know the last date to submit tancet application, and where i got the application…
please send me previous year question paper.. i belongs to civil department,,,
sir,please send me the tancet MTECH ECE syllabus ,previous years question papers and fees structure and application form details, and where i should collect this form
how to apply for tancet(m.tech
please tell me syllabus tancetexam for MBA……….. And cost of application and where it is available near Pallavaram……….. Sir kindly tell me the details………
which book can be referd as entrance exam for M.E.Computer Science and engineering?
M.E. Model entrance exam question paper?
sir,please send me the tancet MTECH Computer Science syllabus ,previous years question papers and fees structure and application form details, and where i should collect this form.please kindly help me.
sir, give me details about the M.E question pattern and cut off marks for electrical.And also previous year question papers,fees structure for M.E.
sir,please send me the tancet MTECH ECE syllabus ,previous years question papers and fees structure and application form details, and where i should collect this form.please kindly help me.
which are the good books for MCA tancet prepration.
sir,please send me the tancet mtech ECE syllabus ,previous years question papers and fees structure and application form details, and where i collect this form.
i did my schooling without maths i.e) pure science department and i am doing my ug degree(bca) with maths.am i eligible to write TANCET exam conducted by anna university for MCA degree?
please send me the previous ME entrance question papers and also the syllabus for Aeronautical Engg..,
where we will get TANCET application forms? what is the syllabus for entrance to get into mtech in Ec?
please send previous TANCET question paper
When and from where could I get the application form for TANCET 2009?
respected sir,
i want do my mca in only anna university. what do i do for that.there is any separate entrance exam except tancet. please kindly help me
where we will get TANCET application forms? what is the syllabus for entrance to get into mtech in biotechnology?
last year annauniversity mca entrance question paper( model)
Respected Sir,
Plz send me date of issuing applicaition for MBA and last date for filled application. where do i get in coimbatore…
I am a candidate from kerala…Where will be i get application form for TANSAT M.tech 2009.Pls give a answer as early as possible
where the applecations are isssu
where the application forms will be available
sir,please send me the tancet ME computer science syllabus ,previous years question papers and fees structure and application form details, and where i collect this form.
please send me the previous ME entrance question papers and also the syllabus for electronics and communication.Please send me the instruction for AMIE engineers about the experience and all other formalities.I have passed AMIE in 2006 December.Please send me the reference books for TANCET2009(EC).
respected sir, i wan 2 knw that the syllabus of MBA n MCA.. and abo fees too.. in vellore city where will be the applications avaliable sir…. pl send sir
respected sir, can u plz tel me d syllabus for tancet’09,electronics n communication engg.n which buk to prefer?
please inform the fees structure and application form details, and where i collect this form.
respected sir ,
can u pls send me the m.tech syllabusfor ece and the prefarable sy=tudy material and solved model questions
sir,please send me the tancet ME computer science syllabus.
respected sir, please send me the tancet2009 M.E.,civil engineering syllabus
Where will i get the application in coimbatore& how to prpare for the entrance exam for M.E/M.Tech
which book i have to refer . how to prepare myself for exam& also sent me a syllabus
which place application will be available in tuticorin
can i get TANCET exam study materials in on-line at free of cost?
which type of book i will choose to prepare for tancet?and also send syllabus .
Can i know fees details for mba mca TANCET exam
Sir,Kindly send me the top ten colleges in TamilNadu offering MBA.Plz send me dates of issuing applicaition and last date for filled in application and date of commencement of Exam TANCET-2009
i heard that for non tamil students there wont be any less of fees or if we pass the tancet also there wont be any seats offered under merit is it true?please give me a reply?
just want to know the syllabus of TANCET 2009 for ME in computer science
Hi Guys,
I have done M.C.A. And I have 2 years industry exp. I would like to do ME network eng. in Anna Univ Chennai. Please send me the reference books details for TANCET 2009.
hi, i would like to appear for tancet 2009 for M.E course in anna university and i want to know about the date of issue of application and the place of issue.
i am studying bca final year. i know about the details for tancet examination date 2009 and also about fees details.
hi everyone can you send me the syllabus for the tancet 2009 and the list of top 10 mba collages in tamil nadu
thanking you
Dear friends I am rajesh kumar.S, and i want to win my tancet exam.So can you update me allthose things about mba entrance and available collages with grade
How much marks/percentage have to take in TANCET exam to get into good college.?
kindly send me the syllabus for the TANCET 2009.I also request you to send me the model question papers for ME electronics & communication dept. And i want to know What is the amount for the TANCET 2009 application form. Also i want to know what is the Maximum and Minimum % of mark to join in Top 10 colleges.
I hold a B.E degree in Medical Electronics from M.S.R.I.T, Bangalore.
And i would like to pursue M Tech/ME in Medical ELectronics from Anna university.
Kindly send me details regarding the 1) syllabus for TANCET 2009
2) Question paper pattern for 2009(if any)
3) Previous year’s question papers.
Also kindly let me know as to what is the cut-off marks to get a seat for M Tech/ME (medical electronics).
I want to know when the apllication forms for the Tancet examination will be issued.pls reply as soon as possible.
hi i want to know about the place of application issue can u pls forward it, thank u
hai this is my mail id , dear friend i need question paper models [email protected],i’m completed B.sc(cs) from dharmapuri
i would like to appear for tancet 2009. i’m doing my final year BE ECE. i want to know about the date of issue of application and the place of issue.
sir ,
kindly infom me where the tancet 2009 application form is available and also about the syllabus
which are the best colleges for MBA/MCA in chennai
i would like to appear for tancet 2009, im B.TECH IT graduate. i would like to know about the date of issue of application and Exam details
i would like to appear for tancet 2009. i’m doing my final year BE civil engineering. i want to know about the date of issue of application and the place of issue.
i did my schooling without maths i.e) pure science department and i am doing my ug degree(bca) with maths.am i eligible to write TANCET exam conducted by anna university for MCA degree?
can u plz send me any model paper for tancet
i want to know the exam date for ME pg exam and where to get the application form.at present am doing final year.
Kindly send me the syllabus of the M.tech Information technology for TANCET 2009
sir, i am interested to do M.E(Medical electronics) in anna university.. so please send me the details of the books which i should prepare for TANCET exam.. and also send me the previous years TANCET question papers.. thank you sir..
by priya.G
kindly send me the syllabus for computer science and engineering………if possible wit solved question papers……..
can you plz send me TANCET model question paper for M.E . I am from B.E (Ece)
send me details about the issue of application and important dates of the tancet-2009 for MBA.
thank you..
How much marks/percentage have to take in TANCET exam to get into good college.?
sir,please send me tancet syllabus(M.TECH) and also model question papers
where shall we get the applications,say about the apply method
Kindly send me the syllabus of the M.tech chemical engineering for TANCET 2009
Dear Sir,
I would like to appear for the TANCET 2009 for M.Tech Chemical engineering. Kindly inform me the details such as the names of the colleges, date of examination and the place where I can get the application forms.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Jino John
c/o M.Arun kumar (Brother),
BCA (3semester completed)
gurunanak college
Restected Sir/Mam,
Pl kindy tel me that whether can i atten this academic year entrance exam, and also kindy give the conveyed syllabus or any books available,because i cant attend any class for entrance exam …. If you do this help for me i ll be grate ful to you….
thanking you
Saraswathy Manoharan
sir,send me the top 10 colleges list 4r doing MBA in Tamilnadu
sir, kindly send tancet 2009 syllabus for MBA & SAMPLE question paper sir
sir, kindly send me the top ten colleges in chennai under ANNA UNIVERSITY offering M.B.A
Hi I am doing my bachelor degree at mkuniversity at correspondance. shall i am eligibility to write the tancet exam. Any one knows please help me and reply for me.
send tancet 2009 syllabus for ME & SAMPLE solved question paper
TANCET model question paper for CSE stream
send tancet 2009 syllabus for ME & SAMPLE question paper sir
where do i buy the application form ?
Dear Sir/Madam,
kindly send me the syllabus for the TANCET 2009.I also request you to send me the model question papers for MBA and MCA. And i want to know What is the amount for the TANCET 2009 application form. Also i want to know what is the Maximum and Minimum % of mark to join in Top 10 colleges.
Dear Sir/Madam,
what is the course duration for ME parttime and full time…
could you please send tancet 2009 syllabus for ME & SAMPLE question papers.for Computer science
please send TANCET syllabus for mechanical engineering.
hello sirs i am sarathy from a village area doing my bcom final year i have a ambition to done mba in best college i cant have any coaching because of finance so pls give me a idea to how to prepare
i am punith doing B.E.,in ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS EMGINEERING in KARNATAKA, TUMKUR. As i don know anything about the TANCET i need hoe to apply n how to prepare for the best result. hope u reply soon
i want to prepare for TANSET 2009 exam. I need some online free download books in pdf or any other form.please send it to my mail id and i would like to know the top best colleges in tamil nadu for studying MBA courses.
what is the minimum percentage of mark to join anna university
give me some model question paper
sir,i wan de TANCET m.tech biotech question paper
i want to me and mba syllabus for tancet 2009.
I am final year student in computer science department which branch i want to select in the M.B.A
Dear Sir/Mam,
kindly send me the syllabus of TANCET 2009. Also i request u to send me the top ten colleges in chennai under ANNA UNIVERSITY offering M.B.A.can you plz send me the MBA Q-model paper sir & also send me TANCET model question paper for M.E . I am from B.E (ECE) and pls send tancet 2009 syllabus for ME & SAMPLE question paper sir.
I need a syllabus for ME Communication System. Kindly revert the answer asap.
When is the exam date for TANCET M.Tech for 2009 and what are the application dates?
can you plz send me TANCET model question paper for M.E . I am from B.E (CSE) and can you also tell me some of the top colleges (atleast ten) and cut off to get into good colleges
Can you send me complete details of TANCET 2009.. like syllabus, eligibility criteria, model papers
what is the minimum percentage of mark to pass TANCET
plz send me the MBA Q-model papper sir.
sir i need tancet sample question papers both for mba and mca, also pls send me the syllabus.
Hi sir,
I have completed my B.E with 56% will i be eligible to take up tancet 2009
kindly pls send tancet 2009 syllabus for ME & SAMPLE question papers..thanxx
please send tancet 2009 syllabus for ME & sample question paper and i am an ECE student sir.Finally negative mark in tancet?
Is science group students in 12th and bsc computer science as degree qualification eligible to write MCA?Can you inform the procedure of applying for TANCET 2009? From where do I buy the application form? Also send me the model question papers and fees details.please let me the top ten colleges under anna university for Master of computer application and MBA.
I need to know clear details of issueing TANCET 2009 application form for MBA either issueing online hall-ticket.And also please advice me which institution is best to do MBA in CHENNAI.pls refer min of 10 colleges.
can you plz send me TANCET model question paper for M.E . I am from B.E (CSE) and can you also tell me some of the top colleges (atleast ten)
cost of the tancet form and dd amount
Hello sir,I have a doubt that should we have to write the (MBA TANCET Exam)entrance exam for each college or is it enough if I write a common exam for one university?
how much it ll cost if we do our MBA in London for 2yrs
sir, i need TANCET enterance 2009 syllabus for BCA and some sample questions and previous question papers.
please send previous years question papers sir..
kindly send me the syllabus of TANCET 2009. Also i request to send top ten colleges in chennai under ANNA UNIVERSITY offering M.B.A
could u please send tancet 2009 syllabus for MBA & SAMPLE question paper sir.
sir,send me the best 10 colleges list 4r doing MBA in and around tirunelveli and kanyakumari district?thanx
sir,im in need of last year ME and MBA (TANCET) question paper?Which book can i prefer to study for ME?
pls send tancet 2009 syllabus for ME & SAMPLE question paper sir.
i found that the date for TANCET 2009 is going to be 30th may 2009,which doesnot match with the one given on this site.so,i need to know the exact date for the examination to avoid any further confussion and inconvinience for venue.
hello sir
i juz wanna know dat is it necessary to have maths in +2 for to write TANCET exam.
plz drop a line..
pls send tancet 2009 syllabus for mba
send me the sample question paper sir
negative mark in tancet?
sir i am in need of sample question paper for ME.i am an ECE student.
when will TANCET 2009 will be stared?then when will the TANCET application form issued?
Hi, I just want to know the first 10 MBA colleges in Coimbatore & all over TN? thans
iam a boy from chandigarh,i want to do engineering from tamil nadu’s best college.please email me about top 10 college and how to enter them.
i will be thankful to you.
send i request u to sent the details about the TANCET details about the 2009 details, and the also the under TANCET, i request u to send the join to pondycherry university
with Regards
please send tancet m.tech/m.e previous question paper
tancet 2009 when?
please give me tancet earlier question papers and also provide notes
Sir, I want to pursue M.E.(ECE) in Anna University Chennai. Pl.inform me how and when to apply and to which affiliated college. Pl.help me.
could you please send me the top ten colleges offering M.B.A under Anna University in chennai. Also please send me a model tancet M.B.A question paper.
please send the syllabus for TANCET MBA program .
i request you to send model TANCET question papers.
Kindly send me the syllabus of TANCET 2009. Also i request to send top ten colleges in chennai under ANNA UNIVERSITY offering M.B.A and M.E
I am planning to do M.E computer Science.. Please forward model/previous question papers….
Can you inform the procedure of applying for TANCET 2009? From where do I buy the application form? Is it available outside Tamil Nadu?
Kindly send me the syllabus of TANCET 2009. Also i request to send top ten colleges in chennai under ANNA UNIVERSITY offering M.E and M.B.A
Kindly send me the syllabus of TANCET 2009. Also i request to send top ten colleges in chennai under ANNA UNIVERSITY offering M.B.A and M.C.A.
please send previous TANCET mca entrance question paper.
please send the syllabus for TANCET M.Tech and M.E program . All send the exact dates for the same.
want to know more abt the tancet enterance exam -2009.plz give me the sufficient details abt the M.B.A exams.Also send me the model question papers and fees details.
i need the finalised date for TANCET(MBA).. ALSO I NEED WHICH R BEST COLLEGES FOR MBA..
plz send me the model question papers for MBA and MCA entrance exam,and i want to about the application form details.
i want the previous quesion papers and answer for tancet MBA entrance in want to know about the for tat MBA entrance
i want know where the application form will be issue on the date…
Please give detailed information about TANCET-2009.Is there any distance education option available for any of the M.E degrees? Since ,I’m working in a company and my time doesn’t matches with the college timings,I need this inforamtion .
With Regards,
can u pls send me the model question paper for MCA entrance exam
i request u to send the TOP 10 COLLEGES LIST only in TAMILNADU
send i request u to sent the details about the TANCET details about the 2009 details, and the also the under TANCET, i request u to send the TOP 10 COLLEGES LIST only in TAMILNADU
plz send the model question paper for MCA entrance exam and i want to known when they issue the applications.
i want to know which engineering colleges offering networks in telecommunication engineering in master of technology.
i want to know non gate,entrance exams conducted by all egineering colleges for admission of m.tech programs.
i request u to inform the top 10, M.E civil engineering colleges in coimbatore,salem, trichy.
i want to know about the M.E entrance exam details,and also the application form details
will u send tancet syllabus
please let me know the top ten colleges under anna university for Master of computer application
Please provide me the syllabus for TANCET-ME(ECE) 2009. And some sample model papers for the same..
i am 12th std attempt but cleared with 57.5% and doing my 3rd bca. can i appear for mba/mca tancet exam. if i can then please send me the date and month of exam for 2009.please send me the model question papper and application form, please send me the list of top 25 colleges in and arround chennai.thks.
experiance cantitate any advandage mark avilable in TANCET ME .
i request to plz send the application forms available places in trtchy….
where and when can i get the application forms?
how much will the application cost?
i want to know more abt the tancet enterance exam -2009.plz give me the sufficient details abt the M.E and M.B.A exams.Also send me the model question papers and fees details.
plz send the model question paper for ME entrance exam
plzzzzz announced the final date of exam soon so that we can fill centers of other exam
Where do I get the TANCET2009 Entrance Exam Appliction…………….
i want past tancet MBA question paper
admission on psg tech coimbatore is under MAT exams or tancet
DD Details?
Application Last Date?
Exam Date Details?
i request you to send model TANCET question papers and syllabus
what is the range of TANCET mark in 2008 admission of Anna university?
i need tancet 2009 exam details,exam date,last date of tancet application.
mca exam starts on which date
hello sir/mam,
i would like to apply for TANCET exam for MBA n so i need syllabus copy of it.and also i need top 20 colleges for MBA in tamil nadu….if possible give me some model question of it….
I am doing finl year B.tech under RV university.Is the TANCET exam is applicable for my higher course.
From where can I get TANCET Application forms ? How to Apply ?
Sene me the syllabus for TANCET ME..
I request you to change the examination date for TANCET….plz dnt keep exam on may18th…. if you keep it in june month its well and good for all…….please send me the syllabus for M.Tech biotech and final date of examination for TANCET and where can i get the application form. reply me plzzzzzz…………………………….
please send me the syllabus for M.Tech biotech and final date of examination for TANCET and where can i get the application form. reply me plzzzzzz……
JNU examination will be held on 18th may…. TANCET too in same date, so i am requesting you to change the examination date for TANCET . please keep the exams in june month it may be well and good for all…….. please……………………………..
details about DD?
issuing date of application and where to get the application form for TANCET?
how to prepare for TANCET since i am doing my final year B.E. i don’t know how to study for TANCET?
Now i m doing B.E(CSE) final year…..
Can i join M.Tech after finishing TANCET 2009 and
What are the related courses available for me?
I request you to plz change the examination date for TANCET….
NIMCET examination is also on May17th which is having a very less numbers of test centers in Tamil Nadu..So if you conduct the examination on same date as for the NIMCET exam ie. on May 17th wont it be difficult for students who all are participating for both the examination???
DD Details?
Application Last Date?
Exam Date Details?
what is the first mark in TANCET 2008?
what is the range of TANCET mark in 2008 admission of Anna university?
abt tancet notification
i request you to send model TANCET question papers.
i want information about examination places
i request you to send model TANCET question papers and syllabus
where should i get tancet application form and whom should i consult reg this
i need tancet form. where to get it from near salem or dharmapuri or karur……
Please send me the TANCET syllabus and model question papers for Information technology discipline.
And send i request u to sent the details about the TANCET details about the 2009 details, and the also the under TANCET, i request u to send the TOP 10 COLLEGES LIST only in TAMILNADU
dear sirs,
i request u to sent the details about the TANCET details about the 2009 details, and the also the under TANCET, i request u to send the TOP 10 COLLEGES LIST only in TAMILNADU
is there any mtech/me progms in vlsi designing
what is the syllabus for the m.tech in tancet 2009
I am planning to do M.E computer Science.. Please forward model/previous question papers….
And suggest me some of the books which I can follow for M.E(cse)
I am planning to do M.E computer Science.. Please forward model/previous question papers….
And Please also suggest me some of the books in which i can learn more about it
where to get TANCET-2009 application in salem,TamilNadu?
I am planning to do M.E computer Science.. Please forward model/previous question papers….
And what type of books will to prepar for TANCET exam
suggest me some of the books which I can follow for M.E(civil)
please send tancet-09 ece syllabus
and isro exam syllabus
what is tancet 2009 syllabus?
is there any website or study materials ?
I had completed my MSc (Cs & IT(
Am I Eligible to apear for the TANCET for M.Tech
i want the prev yr ques papers for tancet MBA entrance n want to know abt the syllabus for tat MBA entrance
Please send me the TANCET syllabus and model question papers for Civil engineering discipline.
which r the top 10 colleges that filled during tancet counselling for mech engg
from site shall i get previous years question papers of tancet mechanical engg
where application issued
Kindly send me the MBA TANCET 2009 syllabus.
Please also suggest me some of the books in which i can learn more about it
where do i get MBA TANCET application form? should i need to go and refer in some banks? if so, pls specify them..
i want syllabus of tancet examination(MBA)
From which site we can get model question papers for TANCET??
could anyone tell me that does tancet exam are conducted in delhi
Kindly send me the MBA TANCET 2009 syllabus.
Please also suggest me some of the books in which i can learn more about it
where do i get MBA TANCET application form? should i need to go and refer in some banks? if so, pls specify them..
where do i get my 2009 TANCET M.Tech application form.
where i get my TANCET M.Tech application and where are all the exam centers and what’s the syllabus
i want the syllabus of tancet2009-M.E(cse)
Where should i get tancet application form can just help me out pls
Respected sir
where is application form distributes for MBA (COIMBATORE AREA)
sir. am doing final year b.tech biotechnology. i need the syllabus for m.tech tancet
respected sir
I have completed my b pharmacy. Iam planning to do mba in 2009. i have decided to take tancet . so can you plz sugest me the best book to be followed. where can i get the model tancet mba question papers..
sir, i need to tancet me exam model question papers and what book prepared the exam pls ,,
where i can get the application to appear for TANCET-MBA exams.How much marks i have to
get to join in top colleges in tamilnadu.
where do i get the application and what are colleges names need to apply for this exam
i am belong to SC category how much mark should i score in tancet 2009 to attain top college in tamilnadu .or in the gov colleges.
MCA entrance examination question paper 2008
i need the syllabus for tancet mca
where will we get application form?
i need model question papers for TANCET mba entrance exam
wher do i get the application and what are colleges names need to apply for this exam
sir,i need the syllabus for TANCET(MBA). computer engg
i have one backlock in ug 3rd year. can i eligibility for tancet.
sir, i want to know when we’ll get application forms?
currently im pursuing B.E final year and i have my final semester exams on april . am i elligible to apply for tancet ‘ 09?
sir,i want to know the syllabus for tancet2009 mechanical engineering
we want to change the exam date of tancet mba.because the nimcet exam & tancet mba are in the same time.we want to write the mba exam also.kindly request to change the date of tancet mba.
i would like to know whether M.E. MECHATRONICS is available in the list of courses for TANCET exam kindly let me knw at the earliest
syllabus of TANCET 2009 for m-tech
syllabus of TANCET 2009
Can i have the syllabus for TANCET - ME - EEE.
i need the syllabus for Mtech Entrance exam (TANCET)..
do you provide any examination centres in karnataka for tancet
what is the syllabus for biomedical engineering?
when tancet exams get started in this year? what is the syllbus for eloctronics and coomunication students?
where will we get application form?
i need model question papers for TANCET mba entrance exam
detail adout list of part time college in ME
detailed about tanset exam
How much maximum mark to get in tancet,We get anna university chennai.
i want previous years question papers, pls send, and also send me a finalized exam time table
where can i get the pattern and syllabi or tancet MBA 2009 exam? can i get sample ques paper?
where to get the application to be downloaded for TANCET 2009 MBA in annauniv.edu?
i am belong to SC category how much mark should i score in tancet 2009 to attain top college in tamilnadu . suggestions of colleges are ANNA UNIVERSITY,PSG,SSN,TSB,MEPCO…. AND SO ON.
I doing P.G as M.Sc IT (2007-2009). I wish to join M.Tech through TANCET. So please inform the details of TANCET entrance exam.I am belongs to SC ,So How much marks i have to get in tancet to get a seat in govt college (or) anna university regular… Can you help sir/mam.Please reply me.
thanks & regards…
[email protected]
[email protected]
Please send previous exam papers of tancet.
where can I get tancet application forms .
I need soft materials for TANCET
Please send me any model question patern for Mba entrance exam.
please mail me the syllabus for M.Tech medical electronics
Please send previous exam papers of tancet.
where can I get tancet application forms .
I am planning to do M.E computer Science.. Please forward model/previous question papers….
I would like to do M.E…..
I am in need of TANCET model Questions…… Please reply where i can get it…..
Please send previous exam papers of tancet.
where can I get tancet application forms .
I dont know the conformation date for tancet exam.where we want to buy the application form for tancet.how much we want to score for mca tancet to placed in colleges under anna university.
why you said apply the entrance also separately for counsling
plz inform where the forms are available.
plz i want syallabys foe M.TECH TANCET EXAMINATION
can i get tancet(mca) question papers of last few years? please list out tancet(mca) exam centers at kerala or very nearest places
iam a keralian.can i get admission at anna university colleges ? especialy at sri venkitaswara college of engineering(svce),sriperumbadur or anna university college,chennai.what is the procedure for it? can i get trough management quota at there.
I need soft materials for TANCET.
I need the syllabus of tancet(B.E,).Please forward model/previous question papers….
please send tancet question papers with answer for B.E(ECE)
is it possible for me to get a TANCET question papers of past years from you.
can you list out the TANCET affiliated colleges within tamilnadu.
what is the procedure to join in anna university after finishing exam..
where do i get the application form for tancet-mba?,
I need the syllabus and model question for tancet 2009(M.E,MBA)?
Which are the top colleges for MBA and M.E Under anna University?
What is the blueprint of the tancet exam 2009?
How much marks do you demand for getting the top colleges ?
TANCET ,M.Tech (cse) last year test paper
i have completed my BA i wish to join MBA. am i eligible for that.
i wanna know the subject details
when did the aplication is going to issue for MBA entrance examination
appllion where is bank in avilbale
I want to know abt tancet and i need old question paper for M.E(ECE)
I am planning to do M.E.MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. I need previous question paper in TANCET…
I want tancet 2009 ECE syllabus(full)
please send me the subjects in the M.E.,
please send tancet question papers with answer for M.E(ECE)
What is the sealing mark for counciling?
Dear sir
i have completed my engineering in 2006 i want to do my M.E in part time mode kindly tell how many year it was now 2 or 3 years
Sir, we need the syllabus of tancet(M.E,).Please forward model/previous question papers….
I have already wrote CAT & MAT entrance examinations.is it necessary to write TANSET for admiision in annauniversity for MBA.What is the admission proceedure.
I am planning to give TANCET MBA Entrance. so can u send me previous year question paper, paper pattern and proper guidance…………
I am planning to give TANCET Entrance , so plz send previous years question papers.
I am planning to do M.E computer Science.. Please forward model/previous question papers….
Please send model and previous question papers
Pl send model Question Paper with answer for M.E(CSE)…
please send any apptitute model solved questions in my mail….
Sir, we need the syllabus of tancet(M.E,).We want to know whether the MECHATRONICS ENGINEERING is included in TANCET or not.
I need soft materials for TANCET.
Respected Sir,
Please convey me through mail when the TANCET Application will be available.
Dear Sir,
I wish to do msw in anna university.I Need the full syllabus & model paper & Examination date for TANCET 2009 exam.
i am studying final sem-B.tech(IT).i want to know detail about MBA TANCET pattern,previous year question,any valuable guidance,which will apt departement for me in MBA based on my uUG degree.
where do i get the apllication form for tancet-mba
I need the syllabus and model question for tancet 2009.if you have pls mail to [email protected]
i need model question paper of TANCET for ME computer science and Engineering.will you please send me some question papers.
Currently Iam pursuing B.Sc Biotechnology,can u tell me whether Iam eligible for M.Tech Biotech course
now iam doing my final year(2005-09)in ECE.i would like to study anna university in M.E\M.Tech.what are the syllabus to attend TANCET.
What is the Syllabus for TANCET 2009 exam to get into MBA with specialisation of ECE in B.E
can you say top 20 mba offering colleges?
where do i have to get application form?
What is the Syllabus for TANCET2009 exam to get into M.E with specialisation of ECE in B.E
i wish to write tan 2009. where to get application and how to prepare. is any book available
can you say top 20 mba offering colleges?
where do i have to get application form? and what is the syllabus for TANCET MBA?
i like to know the Full syllabus for the ME exam for ECE students
Where to get application for MBA?
how to prepare for TANCET?
I want to appear for tan 2009..Which book i have to follow..where is tancet application available
Eligibilty criteria, Examination date, Date of issue of application forms for TANCET 2009 and i need model papers
sir,Now i am studying final year of B.Sc computer science. I want to write TANCET exam for higher study.I want,
*How to apply on on-line reg?
*When the forms are avaliable for on-line reg?
*Give me website for the on-line reg?
what is the syllabus for M.CA entrance exam now?
i have plan to do my mtech in anna univrsity..currently i am doing my master degree in physics …i am eligible for mtech……..when the application form will be displayed.
I planned to do ME in Anna university.When & Where the application forms are available?
what is the syallabus for the ME entrance exam
i like to know the Full syllabus for the ME exam for ECE students
i wat to know the syllabus for the mtech exam specially in civil engg field
1)What is the Syllabus for TANCET2009 exam to get into M.E with specialisation of ECE in B.E?
I want to know the syllabus for TANCET 2009 exam to get into M-Tech with specialisation of EEE in B-Tech…… where will be the application form available…..
where can i get materials for MBA entrance preparations.. can you pls suggest some books and websites…
What is the Syllabus for TANCET2009 exam to get into M.E with specialisation of ICE in B.E
What is the Syllabus for TANCET2009 exam to get into M.E with specialisation of ECE in B.E
i am devfrom bokaro jharkhand
i appear in diploma three year cource in computer branch.
we not select a collage for lateral entry?
pls you give some elp on .
from where i can get TANCET entrance application form.could u suggest me.
where can i get the study materials for m tech and mba? can u suggest me some web sites?
What are the various exams for MBA as well ME……?how to be placed in top colleges…?
What is the Syllabus for TANCET2009 exam to get into M.Tech with specialisation of C.S.E in B.Tech
can u please provide the tancet mca model question papers…?
I have completed my M.Sc Software Enggineering in 2007 five years intergrated course(2002 - 2007) and secured 75%, I would like to continue my studies now, for upcoming year of 2009, so i would like to know whether my Qualifcation is eligible for doing M.E(Computer Science)…
I hope that i will be getting the favourable reply from you as soon as possible…..
With regards,
I have completed B.E.(ece) at 2007. Now I would like to continue my studies. I like to do M.E (ece). Which course shall I take? Which subject is having more scope? Please kindly reply to my qestion. Thank You
Good evening sir,
I am joseph from dindigul.
I want to know where the application form for the TANCET is available?
Dear sir,
good evening, what is the syllabus for both m.b.a and m.c.a entrance for tancet and what are the prescribed books for working out.Give some tips about it.
iam final year student,stduying b.sc computer science . next year iam intrested to m.c.a. but idonot know which college is best? and what is the procedure of joining m.c.a? and also how many marks i will in tancet-mca(i am bc community & i have 85%marks upto my fifth semester)
Where to get the Syllabus of TANCET MBA?Where to get the TANCET application?
please tell how to calculate cut-off marks for anna univercity to apply mca
sir,Now i am studying final year ECE student.I want to write TANCET exam for higher study.I want,
*How to apply on on-line reg?
*When the forms are avaliable for on-line reg?
*Give me website for the on-line reg?
may i know abt the Fishery courses and university which offer Clinical Research.
i am complete my b.sc degree (computer science) on may-2009. After that i will join b.tech(ece).What is the qulification? and how to join lateral entry sceme?any entrence exam is avilable or not?please replay me.
syllabus for m.tech TANCET exam and what all the things are needed for exam?
could u please provide the syllabus of ECE for the ME tancet exam.and also mention some books to follow for exam.
B.E third year student can apply for TANCET 2009?
could u please provide the syllabus of ECE for the ME tancet exam?
Which book is preferrable to prepare for the MCA(TANCET) examination?
what is the syllabus for both m.b.a and m.c.a entrance for tancet and what are the prescribed books for working out.
what is the syllabus for M.E/M.Tech TANCET entrance examinations?
Hello Sir,
I completed my B.E.(cse). I planned to do MBA. Which are the top colleges for MBA in Tamil Nadu.
Is it right to do MBA.. Some others said ME is better than MBA… Please give me a suggestion.. Thank You
hello sir,
Where can i get the syllabus of TANCET2009?
hello sir,iam shobana
1)Iam an B.Tech-third year student, i want to join mba ,it is possible to write in final year the TANCET exam
where can i get the application form for TANCET 2009?
What about the syllabus? Where do we get it?
sir I am studying 3-year,2-sem,B.Tech(EEE)in puttur,will i write the tancet2009 entrance exam sir?
Where can get the application forms for TANCET exams?
model question paper. i want to see the paper. then only i can get idea for attend the exam.
sir, is there any exam apart from the tancet for the mba course?
where can i get the model question papers for tancet exam?
sir,i completed AMIE IN MECHANICAL ENGG i wish to join ME in Thermal Engg. i am 37 years old & iam woking @ Erode . what shall i do to join in ME/M.Tech. please guide me,,. thanking you.
sir,i completed AMIE IN MECHANICAL ENGG i wish to join ME in Thermal Engg. i am 37 years old & iam woking @ Erode
when s the application get issued??
hello sir,
im doin my final year BTech-IT.i wish to do MBA.where can i get the application form for tancet exam.which colleges are the top colleges under anna university particularly for mba…can u give me some suggestions and information abt this…
thank u sir.
where can i get the application form for tancet what is the minimum mark have to be scored in tancet exam to join me. i need the syllabus to prepare can i get model question papers.
$0 what is the course fee for Part time mtech in CSE
where can i get the application form for tancet what is the minimum mark have to be scored in tancet exam to join mba. i need the syllabus to prepare can i get model question papers.
hello sir,
where i get the application form for tancet exam.which colleges are the top colleges under anna university particularly for lifescience courses.
i am pursuing in final yr(biotechnology).i wish to do m.tech.can you tell me that what are the subjects for this and can i apply for m.tech after P.G. or after U.G.
which book is preferrable to prepare for the MBA(TANCET) examination?
M doing my final yr computer tech and wish to do my MBA master degree.. can u please give me some suggestions and information about this
iam doing my final cs next i like to do mba can i do mba? give more information about entrance exam.
thank you sir
What r the syllabus for CIVIL ENGINEERING students?Which book I have to follow?
what is the syllabus for ME(CIVIL ENGINEERING)
Dear sir,
i am pursuing my final yr btech(biotechnology). i wish to do mtech, can u pls tel me abt various top universities that offer mtech in life sciences and entrance exam conducted by those universities apart from gate.
could you pls provide me the syllabus for TANCET Syllabus for ME civil Engineering.Thx..
I’ve done my B.Tech in Apr 2008, now i want to do M.E or M.Tech. My Queries are…
** What’s the Eligibility For M.E / M.Tech
** Name of the best Colleges offered M.Tech IT & M.E Comp.Sci
dear sir,
I have completed the BCA in Annamalai University in DDE manner I wish to continue my PG at regular can i apply for the tancet 2009? am i eligible for that? kindly reply me
Thanking u sir,
what is the syllabus for ME&MBA…….
What r the syllabus for Biotechnology (B.Tech) students?Which book I have to follow?
Plz give idea to score high marks
What are the syllabus for Biotechnoology (B.Tech) students?Which book I have to follow?How much Maximum marks i have to get a seat in Anna University?
where can i get the Application form for Tancet?
What is the minimum mark have to be scored in Tancet exam to join MCA?
I am doing my final year ECE, i wish to do my ME/M.Tech and am appearing for TANCET 09. please help me with syllabus and previous year question papers.plz do reply.thank you
i want to appear for tancet 2009.for mca.. i need the syllabus to prepare.can i get model question papers?
which book i have to follow to get high scores?. hw much marks i hav to get in tancet to get a seat in anna university regular… can u send me old question papers in mail…which s the best clg for mca which s under anna university.. pls do reply… thank u..
i want to appear for tancet 2009. i need the syllabus to prepare.can i get model question papers?
which book i have to follow to get high scores?.
which all colleges come under tancet examination?
I want to appear for tan 2009.where is tancet application available?.Examination date?,last date for submission ofapplication.
i want to appear for tancet 2009. i need the syllabus to prepare.can i get model question papers?
which book i have to follow to get high scores?.
can we write for MBA and ME in the same year.is tancet comon for both or can i appear either one
Sir I want to do M.Tech Nano in Anna University. At present I am doing M.Sc Chemistry.How many marks should i score in TANCET exam.
I want to appear for tan 2009..Which book i have to follow..where is tancet application available
Eligibilty criteria, Examination date, Date of issue of application forms for TANCET 2009 and i need syllabus and model papers
I want to appear for tan 2009..Which book i have to follow..where is tancet application available
Eligibilty criteria, Examination date, Date of issue of application forms for TANCET 2009 and i need model papers
Sir,i completed my BE in the year of 2007.Now i planned to do my ME in regular,What can i do now to do that
hai .i am doing m.sc biochemistry.i would like to join me\m.tech course related to my course. so,i need the details of availability of courses&alsothe details of way of entering,entrance exam dat,date of application,eligibility criteria.
i need syallabus i.e,, exam procedure and cut off marks every thing
i want to do M.E in anna university for getting goverment college howmany marks i should score for that.
Dear Sir/Mam,
I done my P.G as M.Sc IT (2008 pass outs). I am Willing to join M.Tech through TANCET. So please inform the details of TANCET entrance exam.
thanks & regards…
I want to appear for tan 2009..Which book i have to follow..where is tancet application available
Eligibilty criteria, Examination date, Date of issue of application forms for TANCET 2009 and i need model papers
want to tancet exam details?
what is cost of tancet application?
what is the syllabus for M.E/M.Tech TANCET entrance examinations?
I want the details for tancet 2009 exam botification?
Dear sir,
I am doing M.sc(computer science) during the year 2007-09.i want to do M.Tech in computer science,that’s why i need M.Tech(computer science) model model question paper of TANCET tothe my E-Mail id is [email protected] sent that one.
what is cost of tancet application?
when will notice about tancet2009
where is tancet application available?
Now I am a MCA graduate, I want to write TANCET2009 for applying M.E.
Is MCA graduate eligible to apply this exam??
About TANCET 2009, Eligibilty criteria, Examination date, Date of issue of application forms for TANCET 2009
I want to do MBA in 2009.when and where should i get application….what is the syllabus for TANCET
what is the syllabus for M.E/M.Tech tancet entrance examinations
I would like to write TANCET’09.what all are the syllabus for this exam in ECE discipline.for ME/M.tech.What’s the eligibility for doing ME/M.TECH.
when will be the tancet application form issued? what r the syllabus of MBAentrance test..and where shall i get tancet application form..how many marks are required TANCET in a good college or university.
the dates of tancet 2009
how much should i score to study MBA in anna univerity
i am doing final year civil engineerig..i would like write TANCET’09. I need syllabus and some model question papers(civil)….
I am in need of the model question papers for TANCET,M.E/M.TECH for ECE discipline.Where can i get the study material?What is the minimum mark to be scored?
when will be tancet application form issued?what r the syllabus for M.E
how many marks are required in TANCET for join in anna university…………….
i want to do MBA in 2009.when and where should i get application….what is the syllabus for TANCET
when 2 apply for TANCET
where to get the application form
where i have to approach for the syllabus and Q.P for M.E(civil)
I not Studyed in +2 level maths, But Degree level i studying maths one of the subject. I eligbile for Tancet entrance..??
tancet eligible on degree level math
math basic in +2 level to write tancet exam.
sir i am doing final year BCA,i wish to join to MCA,so how many mark score in tancet entrance exam,and degree percentage for join best anna university engineering college
Sir,I am doing my final year BCA.Now I like to do MBA.I wish to apply for TANCET exam.
Where shall i get application form?
How many marks in TANCET r required for joing MBA in Anna University?
Where can I get the tancet2009 application? And inform me final date of apply for exam. And also i need syllabus and model question paper of Tancet2009(electronics and communication)
hiii i ant to do me in ece and i want to write TANCET 2009… shall i know where shall i get application form?
where i get syabllus for ME Entrance and minimum how many marks should be scored?
where i should get the application for TANCET 2009- ME(ELECTRONICS AND COMM. ENGG)
i want 2 do MBA for this i need tancet question paper can u sent that?
I kindly request u to send me the following details:
When to apply for TANCET exam?
where can i find application from?
Model question papers(TANCET MCA)
Respected sir,
I am doing my plant biology and biotechnology. Further i would like to do MBA. Please tell whether MBA is good to persue job or M.Sc biotechnology.
What about B.Tech courses in Tamil Nadu for other state students
Respected sir/madam,
I kindly request u to send me the following details:
Where /whent shall i get the application form
Model question papers(TANCET MBA)
Where can I get the tancet2009 application for ME? And inform me final date of apply for exam. And also i need syllabus and model question paper of Tancet2009 (Civil). Please do the needfull.
Where can I get the tancet2009 application? And inform me final date of apply for exam. And also i need syllabus and model question paper of Tancet2009 (Civil). Please do the needfull.
i need the syllabus and model question paper for tancet2009 plz help me
where can i get previous year TANCET ME papers?
iam bsc(cs) student..which month tancet exam in 2009? where shall i get the tancet application? how is model application>
iam bsc(cs) student..when is the tancet exam? where shall i get the tancet application? how is model application?
Where can i get Tancet M Tech model question papers
Syllabus for M.E.-ece
sir, when will the application forms will be issued.
i am doing my finalyear B.Sc., cs. i would like to jion mca.how many marks should i score in TANCET to get placed in good engineering college and i too need model question papers
# maths important at +2 level enter the mca enterance exam
Sir,i m doing B.Tech final yr.I want to do M.tech.where can i get the tancet application? when is the last date to apply? i also want to know about the syllabus for tancet exams,what are the minimum marks and the colleges that we can join..pls do reply.
sir.i need the syallabus for tancet(m.tech),sir.i am sudyind 2nd year bioinformatics.if u know the syallabus mail to [email protected] also just some books to prepare sir.thank u .gd night sir
i am a BCA student…When is the tanset examination? where shall i get the tanset application?How many marks should i score in tanset so that i can join in mcc or st.joseph….
i want the syllabus for TANCET(ME/M.TECH)2009….if anyone know d syllabus means post it to [email protected]
When is MCA eXAM… How to score good marks…How to apply for GCT,Coimbatore & Anna aUni , Chennai
i am a BCA student,Where should i get TANCET application ? how many marks should be score in TANCET? Syllabus for TANCET? Which colleges are best in tamilnadu for mca and mba and i need model question papers.
i am a B.Sc student ,i would like to do MBA 2009 ,Where should i get TANCET application ? how much marks should i score in TANCET to get select in top bussiness college, Syllabus for TANCET? Which colleges are best in tamilnadu for mba and i too need model question papers for tancet
i am a B.Sc. student, i wish to do MBA in 2009..where i will get application for TANCET ? How much marks should i score in TANCET to get select in top good bussiness colleges?wht are the syllabus for TANCET MBA and i too want model Question papers
i am a B.Sc. student, i wish to do MBA in 2009..where i will get application for TANCET ? How much marks should i score in TANCET to get select in top good bussiness colleges?wht are the syllabus for TANCET MBA and i too want model Question papers
can u tell me the details regarding test for 2009…i.e forcoming year batch… as i missed this year chance… also is it necessary to write entrance for admission of M.E or its best way…?
what much score do i have to get for getting MBA Admission.
plz tell me the details&syllubus of tancet2009 & how to apply…
i need the syllabus for TANCET 2009
pl help me to know abt tancet dates, syllabus asap
hello sir, i am doing my b tech bioinformatics final year. May i know the syllabus for m tech?
syllabus for M.E civil? How to apply from other states?
What about TANCET dates and where should we get the application form?
i want to do MBA from 2009. Where can i get the TANCET Application form in coimbatore? And How much marks shoulld i get in Tancet to select a top good business colleges and please mention which are the top 10 colleges in talimnadu for mba..
plz tell me the details of tancet2009 & how to apply…
i want the MBA entrance exam model questions paper
pls give the exam form availability place?
and exam center
I am from Coimbatoe
i want M.Tech syllabus for TANCET 2009 , where should i get application forms for TANCET 2009 and when
Where should i get TANCET application ? when will be issued? how many marks should be score in TANCET? Syllabus for TANCET? Which colleges are best in tamilnadu for mba
sir, i m btech student. i need tancet syllabus and model question papers.
i m doing my final yr b.sc., cs.i wish to join mca.how many marks should i score in TANCET and percentage in degree to get into the best engineering college?
I going to attend MBA TANCET exam. Which book shall prefer for preparing exam?
sir, can you please send the data of application & how to applay this form.
sir,i am bba final year studunt. where should mba appalication form.
i want tancet mca on 2009 final date and you will sent for me e-mail please…………
i want tancetmca qustion model send for me email…………
can u please send me the dates for tancet exam and please inform me the date at which the application will be issued. please kindly inform me
,i want to know about the syllabus for tancet-2009 in ME(ECE)
Minimum how many marks should be score in tancet ‘09′ ? Which book shall prefer for preparing exam?
sir,i want to know about the syllabus for tancet-2009 in ME(ECE)
Minimum how many marks should be score in tancet ‘09′ ? Which book shall prefer for preparing exam?
Sir i’m doing my B.Sc computer science final year..i like to do MBA..but most of them say MCA is best to do…whether MBA is useful for me…Because i’m doing B.Sc C.S…how much marks i should got in TANCET exam…and also how much percentage i should got in semester to going in best engineering college…please say sir
Sir, I am a final year student of M.Sc IT discipline. I would like to do M.E in CSE / Mtech IT after the completion of my UG.Kindly let me know the best colleges offering this course and the syllabus for TANCET 2009. Please do let me know the details of the study materials from which I can prepare for my TANCET exam.Which book should I prefer for preparing the exam?Please do let me know all these details.
With regards,
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Hello sir i am a 2009 passout student when i can write TANCET 2009 and how should i apply.. please give me ur suggestions
Sir, I am a final year student of ECE discipline. I would like to do M.E in Communication systems after the completion of my UG.Kindly let me know the best colleges offering this course and the syllabus for TANCET 2009(Electronics & Communication engineering). Please do let me know the details of the study materials from which I can prepare for my TANCET exam.Which book should I prefer for preparing the exam?Please do let me know all these details.
With regards,
Anitha Nagarajan.
sir iam doing my BE in ECE third year. i would like to do ME after my bachelor degree, kindly send me the details of the branches that i can continue in ME. and shall i write enterance exams from now itself.
Sir i want a probablity of students can get throught this TANCET 2009 to M.Tech programmes, Optimum book for preparation for TANCET 2009, Best college for auto & thermal engineering M.tech course.
I like to apply for both MBA and M.E..Whether i want to buy 2 seperate application forms?…
whre can i get tancet application form in tirunelveli?
Where should i get TANCET application ? when will be issued? how many marks should be score in TANCET? Syllabus for TANCET? Which colleges are best in tamilnadu for m-tech?
sir,i want to know about the syllabus for tancet-2009 in ME(MECHANICAL ENGG.)
Minimum how many marks should be score in tancet ‘09′ ? Which book shall prefer for preparing exam?
which is the most preferable book to learn for tancet……….is that oral coaching necessary for tancet?
i have planned to do my M.Tech during 2009 where can i get model question papers
Minimum how many marks should be score in tancet ‘09′ ? Which book shall prefer for preparing exam?
plz tell me the details regarding tancet2009 exam date
can i apply both M.Tech and Mba for TANCET2009??
* I want further information about tamil nadu common enterance test(tancet)
* only one exam enough all(M.E,M.C.A,M.B.A)the three coures
I like to do MBA in IIM in 2009, where do i get the forms,date of issue
when will the application form for tancet 2009-MCA will be issued?
where i will get the application for TANCET 2009-MCA? Pl. inform me sir
where should i get application form for tancet 2009..?
Dear All,
I am vino, i would like to do MBA . Kindly let me know where should i got the application form and keep me posted one the form is available, Many thanks to all.
pls inform tancet exam for 2009 and how to get those aplication forms.
i want to know about fee for mca admissiom.
Where can i get Tancet M Tech model question papers
syulabus for ECE students
I going to attend MBA TANCET exam. Which book shall prefer for preparing exam?
sir,best colleges in tamilnadu for doing MTECH
sir,i want to know about the syllabus for tancet-2009 in MTECH
hey people where to get the application form for tancet , wanna do m.tech
Where should i get TANCET application ? when will be issued? how many marks should be score in TANCET? Syllabus for TANCET? Which colleges are best in tamilnadu for mca and mba
where should i get application form for tancet 2009
Minimum how many marks should be score in tancet ‘09′?
what about tancet 2009 notification when the exams will occur