Tamil Nadu Open University-MCA Ist Year-Elements of System Analysis and Design (MCA 04) Papers


The Tamil Nadu Open University is well established and very well known university providing open education is southern part of India. The university offers a great variety of courses for under-graduation or post graduation level to the students. MCA 1st year of TNOU provides students an opportunity to study about the elements of system analysis and design.

Paper Pattern

Basically, an open university’s prior aim is to provide education to a person who is unable to join a college or an institute for full time, due to engaging into some trade or profession or any reason. But for them without giving exam, study becomes impossible, so there is an exam for them as well for the MCA students. Elements of system analysis and design paper contain total 25 marks and paper is divided into two sections A and B.  From Part A students have to do 3 questions and in Section B they can choose only 1 and this question contains 10 marks of Section B and questions of Sections A are having 5 marks each.

Frequently Asked Questions

In the frequently asked questions there can be any question at the moment, but most probably the questions are from syllabus only. So students need to prepare completely to pass this exam. For instant, in this paper examiner can ask elements of systems analysis, system development life cycle, role of system analysis, project selection, managing project selection, preliminary investigation, cost benefit analysis or so on. So, students should be prepared completely for those questions.

Time Allotted To Complete The Paper

The Open University of Tamil Nadu is such a great program for working class people, but still strict with its examination rules and regulations. So, to complete the paper MCA students are allotted only 3 hours and in this time they suppose to complete their exam.

Recommended Books

  • Systems Analysis and Design by James. A. Senn
  • Systems Analysis and Design by Elias M. Award
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