Tamil Nadu Open University-MCA 1st Year-Introduction to Software Engineering (MCA 07) Papers


Tamil Nadu Open University is a university established by the government of Tamil Nadu, India. It offers subjects in the ‘Open’ pattern. There is a minimum set of qualifications for entry. Diplomas, certificates, undergraduate and postgraduate courses are offered by this university. It is modeled on the lines of the Indira Gandhi National Open University.

Paper Description:

This course will provide Designing, building and testing software systems with the intellectual tools to make such tasks easier. Building on Putting Java to work (M257) and Software development with Java (M256).Using CASE tools, these will study topics including analysis and design in UML and managing the OO software development process. Student can also explore how systems can be delivered in a timely and economical manner and be resilient to changes introduced during their operational lifetime.

Frequently asked questions:

There are few important questions and some highlighted topics that the students need to be concerned about. Some of those are as follows:

Explain COCOMO and Putnam’s model with the help of example.

What is GSM? Explain its architecture.

Explain GANNT and PERT Chart with an example of each.

Explain the two principles of clean room software Engineering.

Paper pattern:

Introduction to Software Engineering (MCA 07) Papers of MCA 1st Yr in consists of a total of 100 marks with only one section of questions. This is totally a subjective type paper which comprises of five questions or more. Every question of this paper consists from 5 to 10 marks depending on the question. Thus the candidates need to attend only four questions out of the five given questions.

The total time given for the completion of this paper is 3 hours.

Recommended Books:

  • Applied software project management by Andrew Stellman, Jenifer Greene
  • Quality Software Project Management by Futrell
  • Software engineering project management, Richard H. Thayer
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