CBSE 2010 Class Xth Social Science Sample Papers


Social Science a nightmare for some and for some it is a very scoring subject.I remember my days when I was in class 10; I just couldn’t find a way to crack Social Science. While science and mathematics were easy for me I always feared Social Science and this very fact couldn’t let me concentrate on it but I was lucky to get reasonably good marks in Social Sciences in the board examinations. So the moral here is unless you don’t enjoy what you are studying, it becomes really hard to understand the subject. Try to enjoy the subject rather than studying it as a punishment and you will surely succeed.

Download CBSE 2009 Class X Social Science Sample Papers

  1. Social Science Sample Paper 1
  2. Social Science Sample Paper 2
  3. Social Science Sample Paper 3
  4. Social Science Sample Paper 4

Course Structure

Class X
Social Science

Time : 3 Hours Marks 80 (Theory) + Marks 20(for internal assessment)

Unit                                                                                    Marks Periods
Unit 1 :India and the contemporary World - II                   20       45
Unit 2 :India - Resources and their Development              18       40
Unit 3 :Democratic Politics II                                             18       40
Unit 4 :Understanding Economics - II                                16      40
Unit 5 :Disaster Management                                             8        25
Internal Assessment
1. Tests (formative and summative)                                  10
2. Assignments (School & Home assignments)                 5
3. Project work                                                                  5

NOTE: No question will be asked in annual examination 2009 from Unit-5 Disaster Management . There will be a compulsory Project Work for internal assessment. New changed marking scheme will be included soon.

Unit 1 : India and the Contemporary world - II (45 Periods)

Themes: Topics covered

Theme 3 (means sub-unit 1.3) is compulsory. Students to choose anyone from the first two themes (means sub unit 1.1 and sub unit 1.2).

Sub-unit 1.1 : Events and processes :
1. Nationalism in Europe : (a) The growth of nationalism in Europe after the 1830s. (b) The ideas of Giuseppe Mazzini etc. (c) General characteristics of the movements in Poland, Hungary, Italy, Germany and Greece.
2. Nationalist Movement in Indo China : Factors leading to growth of rationalism in India (a) French colonialism in Indochina. (b) Phases of struggle against the French. (c) The ideas of Phan Dinh Phung, Phan Boi Chau, Nguyen Ac Quoc (d) The second world war and the liberation struggle. (e) America and the second Indochina war.
3. Nationalism in India : Civil Disobedience Movement (a) First world war, Khilafat and Non-Cooperation. (b) Salt Satyagraha. (c) Movements of peasants, workers, tribals. (d) Activities of different political groups.

Sub-unit 1.2 : Economies and livelihoods :
4. Industrialization 1850s - 1950s : (a) Contrast between the form of industrialization in Britain and India. (b) Relationship between handicrafts and industrial production, formal and informal sectors. (c) Livelihood of workers. Case studies : Britain and India.
5. Urbanization and urban lives : (a) Patterns of urbanization (b) Migration and the growth of towns. (c) Social change and urban life. (d) Merchants, middle classes, workers and urban poor.
Case studies : London and Bombay in the nineteenth and twentieth century.
6. Trade and Globalization : (a) Expansion and integration of the world market in the nineteenth and early twentieth century. (b) Trade and economy between the two Wars. (c) Shifts after the 1950s. (d) Implications of globalization for livelihood patterns.
Case study : The post War International Economic order, 1945 to 1960s.

Sub-unit 1.3 : Culture, Identity and Society
7. Print culture and nationalism. (a) The history of print in Europe. (b) The growth of press in nineteenth century India. (c) Relationship between print culture, public debate and politics.
8. History of the novel: (a) Emergence of the novel as a genre in the west. (b) The relationship between the novel and changes in modern society. (c) Early novels in nineteenth century India. (d) A study of two or three major writers.

Sub-unit 1.4 : Map Work (2 Marks)

Unit 2 : India - Resources and their Development (40 Periods)

Themes: Topics covered

1. Resources : Types - natural and human; Need for resource planning.
2. Natural Resources : land as a resource, soil types and distribution; changing land-use pattern; land degradation and conservation measures.
3. Agriculture : types of farming, major crops, cropping pattern, technological and institutional reforms; their impact; contribution of Agriculture to national economy - employment and output.
4. Water resources : sources, distribution, utilisation, multi-purpose projects, water scarcity, need for conservation and management, rainwater harvesting. (One case study to be introduced)
5. Mineral Resources : types of minerals, distribution, use and economic importance of minerals, conservation.
6. Power Resources : types of power resources conventional and non-conventional, distribution and utilization, and conservation.
7. Manufacturing Industries : Types, spatial distribution, contribution of industries to the national economy, industrial pollution and degradation of environment, measures to control degradation. (One case study to be introduced)
8. Transport, communication and trade
9. Map Work (3 marks)

Project / Activity:
Learners may collect photographs of typical rural houses, and clothing of people from different regions of India and examine whether they reflect any relationship with the climatic conditions and relief of the area.
Learners may write a brief report on various irrigation practices in the village and the change in cropping pattern in the last decade.
Pollution of water in the locality.
Depletion of forests and the greenhouse effect.
Note : Any similar activities may be taken up.

Unit 3 : Democratic Politics II (40 Periods)

Themes: Topics covered

1. Working of Democracy Are divisions inherent to the working of democracy? What has been the effect of caste on politics and of politics on caste? How has the gender division shaped politics? How do communal divisions affect democracy?
2. Power sharing mechanisms in democracy Why and how is power shared in democracies? How has federal division of power in India helped national unity? To what extent has decentralisation achieved this objective? How
does democracy accommodate different social groups?
3. Competition and contestations in democracy How do struggles shape democracy in favour of ordinary people? What role do political parties play in competition and contestation? Which are the major national and regional parties in India? Why have social movements come to occupy large role in politics?
4. Outcomes of democracy Can or should democracy be judged by its outcomes? What outcomes can one reasonably expect of democracies? Does democracy in India meet these expectations? Has democracy led to development, security and dignity for the people? What sustains democracy in India?
5. Challenges to democracy Is the idea of democracy shrinking? What are the major challenges to democracy in India? How can democracy be reformed and deepened? What role can an ordinary citizen play in deepening democracy?

Unit 4 : Understanding Economics II (40 Periods)

Themes: Topics covered

1. The Story of Development : The traditional notion of development; National Income and Per-capita Income. Growth of NI - critical appraisal of existing development indicators (PCI, IMR, SR and other income and health indicators) The need for health and educational development; Human Development Indicators (in simple and brief as a holistic measure of development.
The approach to this theme : Use case study of three states (Kerala, Punjab and Bihar) or take a few countries (India, China, Sri Lanka and one developed country)
2. Money and Financial System : Role of money in an economy : Historical origin; Formal and Informal financial institutions for Savings and Credit - General Introduction; Select one formal institution such as a nationalized commercial bank and a few informal institutions; Local money lenders, landlords, self help groups, chit funds and private finance companies.
3. The Role of Service Sector in Indian Economy : What is service sector (through examples) : Importance of Service Sector in generating employment and income to the nation (with the help of a few case studies); Growth of Service Sector in India; India as a major service provider to the world; The need for public investment ; The role of important infrastructure, education and health
4. Globalisation : What is Globalisation (through some simple examples); How India is being globalised and why ; Development Strategy prior to 1991. State Control of Industries : Textile goods as an example for elaboration; Economic Reforms 1991; Strategies adoped in Reform measures (easing of capital flows; migration, investment flows); Different perspectiives on globalisation and its impact on different sectors; Political Impact of globalisation
5. Consumer Awareness : How consumer is exploited (one or two simple case studies) factors causing exploitation of consumers; Rise of consumer awareness; how a consumer should be in a market; role of government in consumer protection.

Suggested Activities
Visit to banks and money lenders / pawnbrokers and discuss various activities that you have observed in banks in the classroom;
Participate in the meetings of self help groups, which engaged in micro credit schemes in the locality of learners and observe issues discussed.
Provide many examples of service sector activities. Use numerical examples, charts and photographs
Collect logos of standards available for various goods and services. Visit a consumer court nearby and discuss in the class the proceedings; Collect stories of consumer exploitation and grievances from news papers and consumer courts

Unit 5 : Disaster Management (25 Periods)
1. Tsunami
2. Safer Construction Practices.
3. Survival Skills.
4. Alternate Communication systems during disasters.
5. Sharing Responsibility

Weightages to content

(as mentioned in sample paper 2008)

(Chapter numbers of N.C.E.R.T. & C.B.S.E. Textbooks related to each unit are given within brackets against each of themes)

UNIT I : India and the contemporary world II (History) 20 marks

1.1 Events and Process
Theme 1. Nationalism in Europe (Ch.1)
Theme 2. National Movement in Indo - China (Ch.2)
Note: Any one theme out of Theme 1 and theme 2 4 marks
Theme 3. Nationalism in India (Ch.3) (compulsory) 4 marks

1.2 Economies and Livelihood
Theme 4. Industrialization 1850 s - 1950s (Ch.5),
Theme 5. Urbanization and Urban lives (Ch.6)
Theme 6. Trade and Globalization (Ch.4)
Note: Any Two themes out of theme 4, theme 5 and theme 6 6marks

1.3 Culture, Identity and Society
Theme 7. Print culture and nationalism (Ch.7)
Theme 8. History of Novel (Ch.8)
Note: Any one theme out of theme 7 and theme 8 4marks
1.4. Map Work (Based on Sub Units 1.1 to 1.3) 2marks

UNIT II India - Resources and their Development (Geography) 18 marks
2.1 Resources (ch.1)
2.2 Natural Resources (ch.1)
2.3 Agriculture (ch.4)
Note: Total 5 marks for 2.1, 2.2, 2.3

2.4 Water Resources (ch.3)
2.5 Mineral Resources (ch.5)
2.6 Power Resources (ch.5)
2.7 Manufacturing Industries (ch.6)
Note: Total 6 marks for 2.4, 2.5,2.6 and 2.7

2.8 Transport, Communication and Trade (ch.7) 3 marks
2.9 Map work (Based on sub units 2.1 to 2.8) 4 marks

UNIT III : Democratic Politics II (Political Science) 18 marks
3.1 Working of Democracy (ch.3 &4) 6 marks
3.2 Power Sharing Mechanism in Democracy (ch.1&2) 4 marks
3.3 Competition and Contestations in Democracy (ch .5 & 6) 4 marks
3.4 Outcomes of Democracy (ch.7)
3.5 Challenges to Democracy (ch.8)
Note : Total 4 marks for 3.4 and 3.5

UNIT IV : Understanding Economics II 16 marks
4.1 The Story of Development (ch.1) 1 mark
4.2 Money and Financial System (ch.3) 4 marks
4.3 The Role of Service Sector in Indian Economy (ch.2) 4 marks
4.4 Globalisation (ch.4) 4 marks
4.5 Consumer Awareness (ch.5) 3 marks

UNIT V : Disaster Management 8 marks
5.1 Tsunami (ch.2)
5.2 Safe Construction Practices (ch.5)
Note : Total 3 marks for 5.1 and 5.2

5.3 Survival Skills (ch.3)
5.4 Alternative Communication Systems during Disaster (ch.4)
Note : Total 3 marks for 5.3 and 5.4

5.5 Sharing Responsibility (ch.6) 2 marks

( No question will be asked in board exam from Unit V in 2009. Only compulsory project work)

6. Word limit and ideal time limit for answers: Total time

(i) 1 mark questions : one word / one sentence each and time 2 Minutes 10×2 =20Minutes
(ii) 3 marks questions : 60-80 words each and time 6 Minutes. 8×6 = 48Minutes
(iii) 4 marks questions : 80-100 words each and time 8 Minutes. 10×8 = 80Minutes
(iv) Map questions : Time 15 Minutes. 2 = 15Minutes
Revision = 17Minutes
180 Minutes / 3 Hrs.

7. List of Map Items for Class X Examination.
A. History
Outline Political Map of Europe (For identification only)
Page.6: Europe after the Congress of Vienna 1815
1. Sardinia
2. Kingdom of the two sicilies
3. Austrian Empire-Austria,Hungary and Galicia
4. Portugal
5. France
6. Spain
7. Ottoman Empire
8. Kingdom of papal state -Rome.

Outline Political Map of Asia (For identification only)
Page 47. Four states in Indo-China before the formation of Republic of Vietnam
1. Laos
2. Cambodia
3. North and South Vietnam
4. Thailand

Outline Political Map of Africa (For identification only)
Page 85. Map of Colonial Africa at the end of the 19th Century Colonies in Africa of the two powerful countries of Europe.
(i). British colonies :-
1 Egypt
2. Anglo Egyptian Sudan
3. Gold Coast
4. Nigeria
5. British East Africa
6. Northern Rhodesia and
7. Southern Rhodesia
(ii) French colonies :-
1. Morocco
2. Algeria
3.French West Africa
4. French Equatorial Africa
5. Middle Congo and
6. Madagascar

Outline Political Map of India
Page 53, Nationalism in India - (1918 - 1930).

(i) For locating and labelling only
1. Indian National Corgress Sessions :- Calcutta 1920, Madras,(1927) and Lahore (1929)
2. Important Centres of Indian National Movement (Non-cooperation and Civil Disobedience Movement)
(i) Chauri Chaura (U.P.) calling off the NCM.
(ii) Bardoli (Gujarat) no tax campaign
(iii) Dandi (Gujarat ) Civil Disobidience Movement.
(iv) Champaran (Bihar) Movement of Indigo Planters
(v) Amritsar (Punjab) Jallianwala Bagh Incident.

(ii) For identification only
3. Main Centres of overseas trade in the Western coast and Eastern coast of India (Page91): Goa, Surat, Madras, and Masulipatam
4. Large - scale industrial regions in India, 1931 (Page 123) : Bangal, Bombay, Madras, etc.

Outline Political Map of India
Chapter 1 : Resources and Development Identification only : Major soil Types.
Chapter 3 : Water Resources
Locating and Labelling - Dams:
(1) Salal;
(2) Bhakra Nangal;
(3) Tehri;
(4) Rana Pratap Sagar;
(5) Gandhi Sagar;
(6) Sardar Sarovar;
(7) Rihand;
(8) Hirakud;
(9) Ramagundam;
(10) Nagarjuna Sagar;
(11) Tungabhadra;
(12) Koyna and
(13) Periyar Dam
Chapter : 5 Mineral and Energy Resources.
Minerals : (Identification only)
(I) Iron ore mines : Mayurbhanj, Durg, Bailadila, Bellary and Kudremukh
(II) Bauxite mines : Koraput, Katni, Amarkantak and Bilaspur.
(III) Manganese mines: Sundergarh, Balaghat, Shimoga and Nagpur
(IV) Mica mines: Ajmer, Beawar, Nellore, Gaya and Hazaribagh.
(V) Coal mines : Raniganj, Jharia, Bokaro, Talcher, Korba, Singrauli, Singareni and Neyvali.
(VI) Oil Fields : Digboi, Naharkatia, Mumbai High, Bassian, Kalol and Ankaleshwar.
Power Plants:- (Locating and Lebelling only)
(a) Thermal : Namrup, Loktak, Bongaigaon, Barauni,Harduaganj, Chandrapura, Korba, Delhi, Satpura, Bhusawal, Uran, Ramagundam, Vijaywada and Tuticorin.
(b) Nuclear: Narora, Rawat Bhata, Kakrapara, Tarapur, Kaiga and Kalpakkam.

Chapter 6 Manufacturing Industries
Locating and Lebelling Only
(1) Cotton Textile Industries : Mumbai, Pune, Aurangabad, Indore, Ahmedabad, Surat, Agra, Kanpur, Moradabad, Chennai, Coimbatore and Madurai.
(2) Woollen Industry : Srinagar, Amritsar, Ludhiana, Panipat, Bikaner, Kanpur, Mirzapur and Jamnagar.
(3) Silk Industry : Baramula, Anatnag, Srinagar, Murshidabad, Bankura, Kolar, Mysore and Bangalore.
(4) Iron and Steel Plants : Burnpur, Durgapur, Bokaro, Jamshedpur, Raurkela, Bhilai, Vijaynagar, Bhadravati, Vishakhapatnam and Salem.
(5) Software Technology Parks: Srinagar, Mohali, Noida, Jaipur, Gandhinagar, Indore, Mumbai, Pune, Guwahati, Kolkata, Bhubaneshwar, Vishakhapatnam, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Mysore, Chennai and Tiruvanantapuram.

Chapter 7 Lifelines of National Economy.
Identification Only :
Golden Quadrilateral, North-South Corridor and East-West Corridor.
National Highways : NH-1, NH-2, NH-3, NH-5, NH-7, NH-8, NH-15 and NH-17

Locating and Labelling :

Major Ports - Kandla, Mumbai, Jawahar Lal Nehru, Marmagao, New Mangalore, Kochi, Tuticorin, Chennai, Vishakhapatnam, Paradip, Haldia and Kolkata.

International Airports : Amritsar (Raja Sansi); Delhi (Indira Gandhi International); Mumbai (Chhatrapati Shivaji); Tiruvanantapuram (Nedimbachery); Chennai (Meenam Bakkam); Kolkata (Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose) and Hyderabad
Note : Items of locating and labelling may also be given for identification.



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300 Responses to “CBSE 2010 Class Xth Social Science Sample Papers”

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  1. 300

    why are novels important for people?

  2. 299

    Can the questions be asked from the boxes in history and geography in 10th class social science ?

  3. 298

    explain briefly civil disobedience movement

  4. 297
    i want notes and key points of history chapters ch2 and ch3:

    sir plz send the notes of history ch2 nationalist movement in indo china and ch3 nationalism in india plzz

  5. 296

    Sir plzzzzzz…… send solutions of 10 unsolved sample papers of social science of class 10th of summative assessment 1 which are in self assessor series of 2011 ?????? :)

  6. 295

    “the first world war created the favourable condition for the developement of industries in india “.support the statement with suitable examples.

  7. 294

    Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz tell which is the best reference book for class 10

  8. 293

    impact of globalisation on agriculture is there for sa-1.

  9. 292
    Why are forest affected by wars?:

    Chapter forest society

  10. 291

    Sir plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.. send solutions of 10 unsolved sample papers of social science of class 10th of summative assessment 1 which are in self assessor series of dinesh of 2010

  11. 290

    folk song represent culture of a place.justify

  12. 289
    sabir nepal:

    do u have some sample questions for class four?

  13. 288

    imagine that you have been asked to write an article for an encyclopedia on britain and the history of cotton. write your piece using information from the entire chapter

  14. 287

    where will i get fa 2 question ?

  15. 286
    Rohit (k.v.manauri allahabad:

    1)what is globalisation?
    2)mention the situation favorable for globalisation?
    3)what is word economy?

  16. 285

    disaster management will be included for annual exam 2011?

  17. 284

    disaster management will be included for annual exam 2011

  18. 283

    i want 10th social important questions…..from history…

  19. 282

    are divisions inherent to the working of democracy?what has been the defect of caste on politics and of politics on caste?

  20. 281

    Sir, please send me information what i mention in project “the age of industrialisation”

  21. 280
    sahil khan:

    give me the notes of,life and leisure for my formative assessment of history plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  22. 279

    1.problems faced by globalisation?
    2.stategies taken by protect interest of consumers?

  23. 278

    proposals to overcome challenges of democracy?

  24. 277

    four factors responsible for the growth of nationalism in india?

  25. 276

    Will you please show me how to write the write ups of activities or assessments done in school to send C B S E

  26. 275

    from where can i get the social science sample paper of class 10th in HINDI ………………………….

  27. 274

    Exp any three ways in which nationalist feelings were kept alive in Poland in the 18th and 19th centuries.

  28. 273

    can any one help me by telin how can sst be learncoz it is a headache 4 me?

  29. 272

    i want answers for these above questions.send me as soon as possible plzzzzzzzzzzz…..!

  30. 271
    vikash verma:

    I want board sample paper?

  31. 270

    bluepint of socialpaper for 10th

  32. 269

    Hello Sir,, Will u plz send me sample papers or guess papers 2011 of SST of SA2 term in my mail. Plz send quicly as tomorrow is my exam.. Plzzzzzzzzz SIR.. i m in need.
    THanking u in advance….

  33. 268

    how was the history of britain unlike the rest of europe?

  34. 267

    sir i have got E2 grade is there a possibility for me to get passed.

  35. 266
    soumith reddy:

    hey…i want board qus paper give me???????? pls

  36. 265
    sai harsha:

    wat hell is this???????????

    bleody questions

  37. 264

    i want to get sst sample paper on my site sir plzzz help me sent it to me or to nitesh sir plzzzzzzzzzzz fast thankyou

  38. 263
    Sangeeta Ghosh:


  39. 262

    describe the main features of civil disobidience movement in 1930

  40. 261

    What is the role of multinational companies in the globilisation?

  41. 260

    sir mujhe sst ka sample paper chahiye jesase muhjhe question yaad karne me aasani ho

  42. 259

    pls give sample paper for class 7 also

  43. 258

    pls give sample paper for class 7 also pls

  44. 257

    please give me some important questions for summative2OF SOCIAL SCIENCE OF CLASS 10 OF CBSE because i have not prepared at all and i want to get 70+ out of 80 marks in my exams. PLEASE GIVE ME ANSWERS ALSO BECAUSE I HAVE NO MORE TIME FOR PREPARATION AS MY EXAM WILL BE HELD IN march . PLEASE……………………………….
    .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GIVE ME QUICKLY I WILL ALWAYS THANKFUL TO YOU.

  45. 256

    please send me social science sample papers.

  46. 255
    navyatha p.g:

    sir i want sst sa2 sample send it as soon as possible plzzzzzzzz

  47. 254

    sir mujhe abhi sst ke sample papers chahiye sa2 ke
    sir plz jaldi bhej do plzzzzzzzzzzzz
    as soon as possible
    iwant to get 100%score in sst
    plzzzzzzzzz bhej do

  48. 253
    sumit pal:

    two function of dna

  49. 252
    sumit pal:

    provude me s.s.t sample paper in hindi

  50. 251

    Sir plz provide me SA 2 sst sample papers for class x as soon as possible…… plz…….

  51. 250

    Why did the Imperial State in China sponsor the printing of textbooks?

  52. 249

    all the best for everybody

  53. 248

    why did french think the colonies necessary and what did they do?

  54. 247

    mention in brief the main factors responsible for rise of nation state?

  55. 246

    when did nepal win democracy? state two features of the democratic nepal after attaining democracy.

  56. 245

    explain three reasons for the greeks to win the greatwar of independence

  57. 244

    what is rowlatt act?

  58. 243

    what is rowlatt act?

  59. 242
    antima jain:

    sir can u provide notesand important question of globalisation economics chapter 4

  60. 241
    babul jha:

    how can i download sst sa2 sample paper in hindi

  61. 240

    sir can u please provide me a definition of right to seek redressal

  62. 239

    project on shareing responsebilities for class 10

  63. 238

    Don’t you think ‘aii this’ is too much for 14s and 15s???

  64. 237

    why england prefer hand labor over machines ?

  65. 236

    what shld i do to get more better mrk in ssst

  66. 235

    how to pripare fo exams?

  67. 234

    pls send d sst sample paper of sa1 and mreover d map paper coz it s required

  68. 233

    how will be the marks given from submative as well as formative????how will be 80 converted to 60’s???????

  69. 232

    i am weak in sst i can’t understand it sometimes pls tell me how to prepare sst you can also give some important questions and their solutions of class 10th pls

  70. 231

    can you give me some important questions of social science examination for sa1 of class 10th also there solutions please …sir…

  71. 230

    wen will the subject sst end??
    its quitehard and boring!!!!!!!!

  72. 229

    sample paper of

  73. 228

    can u provide me with the important queastions of 4 summative 1.

  74. 227

    Please can u give me the important questions of S.SC SUMMATIVE 1.

  75. 226


  76. 225
    preeti sagar:

    please give me some important questions for summative 1OF SOCIAL SCIENCE OF CLASS 10 OF CBSE because i have not prepared at all and i want to get 70+ out of 80 marks in my exams. PLEASE GIVE ME ANSWERS ALSO BECAUSE I HAVE NO MORE TIME FOR PREPARATION AS MY EXAM WILL BE HELD ON 20th september 2010 on monday. PLEASE……………………………….
    .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GIVE ME QUICKLY I WILL ALWAYS THANKFUL TO YOU.

  77. 224

    please,tell me how many questions of how many marks from each chaper i.e.geography,history,civics,economics will come in sa1 and please it should be based on cce for 2010-2011

  78. 223

    i am weak in sst please tall me how to prepare for it my exam is on monday

  79. 222

    plz sir i need multiple choice questions of chapter wise of sst plz…………
    my exams are there so plz help me out

  80. 221

    plz mail me the sample papers of first summative test of class 10th

  81. 220
    shubhi jain:

    i want the sample paper of sst of sa1 fast bcoz i have no time.

  82. 219
    shubhi jain:

    i want the sample paper of sst of sa1

  83. 218

    Can you provide any sample papers for sa1

  84. 217

    who wrote the “istri dharam vichar”

  85. 216

    is dr any order 4m cbse tht 4 sa-1 the students will get 2-3 holidays….b/w each exam????

  86. 215

    1,what do you mean by national development?
    2,mention two major indicators of economic development?
    3,why do you think average income is an important criterion for development?
    4,what is literacy rate?
    5,why do we calaulate per capita income in dollars?
    6,what is meant by sustainability of development?
    7,what is body mass index?
    8,what is public distribution system?
    9,name the neighbouring country of indian which had higher rank in HDI for 2004 than india?
    10,what type of relationship exists between population growth and unemployment?
    11,what is gdp?
    12,why skill development is required?who is skilled labour?
    13,what do you mean by world labour unemployment?
    14,define density of population?
    15,name any two self-employed programmes intiated by our government?
    16,name any two wage employed programmes undertaken by the government of india to alleviate poverty.
    17,what is the utility of cheque?
    18,what is yhe main demand for credit in the rural areas?
    19,mention some of the points of loan agreement.

  87. 214
    Sachin Kumar:

    Sir plz send me some important Question of S.S.T of Class X{CBSE}

  88. 213

    pls send me the submative ass.1 sample papers of

  89. 212

    i will get good marks from this system?
    2 but i really like it because in this you can poerform activities also

  90. 211
    sakshi rathi:

    sir i wanna tell you that plz………….. ……………
    give me some information about sst paper ‘
    i m ur big fan.
    yours big fan

  91. 210

    where r d smple papers???????plzzz display it fast…..

  92. 209
    praveen gautam:


  93. 208

    Who was nepolian?

  94. 207
    keshav garg:

    how many questions will ask from geography and economicas

  95. 206

    i want sample paper of sa1 of sst

  96. 205

    plz mail me the sample papers of first summative test of class 10th

  97. 204

    what is imptanceof rio de janeiro earth summit,1992?

  98. 203

    i want this

  99. 202

    write a brief report on various irrigation practices in the village and the change in cropping pattern in the last decade

  100. 201

    plz mail me the question banks of submitive

  101. 200

    difference between social divisions and social differences

  102. 199


    you are goo but you can not pass cbse social science paper because it is very difficult like you can not complete a paper in 3 hours if you know the paper then you can do in 3 hours because the paper is very lenghty and the questions are from inside the book oh god please leave social science paper this year from my education

    i am student of rishikul vidyapeeth school it is the bigges school i have ever seen about 1cubic km

    so hugeeeee you can see images on google type rishikul vidyapeeth sonepat.

  103. 198

    can you plese provide me last 6 year question papers of social ?

  104. 197

    Please tell me that may we use highlighter in the answer sheet.

  105. 196

    i want downloads paper style of all sub

  106. 195

    please send me a blue print of latest syllabus of soscial science of class 10

  107. 194

    what is collateral?

  108. 193

    what is bangar?

  109. 192

    i want extra Q. paper of s.s.t and solved and i want original

  110. 191
    m dilkhush:

    i want extra question of chapter the rise of nationalism in europe

  111. 190

    plz give me answers of these questions was ireland incoporated in the uk?
    2.what was the impact of treaty of vienna 1815 on european peope?

  112. 189
    anam fatima:

    plz give some idea on a group project of conservation of minerals

  113. 188
    kailash kumar:

    plz give me rain water harvesting Assignment or project

  114. 187

    help me in my project of mass movement of 1920 to1942

  115. 186

    describe the role of states in providing basic service in devoloping countries?

  116. 185

    need answers of the questions related to the novel godan

  117. 184

    Is it important to learn all the glossary,terms to remember,Can the question come from there.

  118. 183

    can u send me some paper style questions on
    also help me in my disaster management project on any disaster

  119. 182

    can you provide me some information for my project on ‘Alternate Communication System during disaster’ immeditaly

  120. 181

    imp. ques frm the age of industrialisation

  121. 180

    how the nationalism came in europe

  122. 179

    what is meant by fedralism?

  123. 178

    what is majoritarianism

  124. 177

    Prepare a list of geographers and their contribution to the field of geography

  125. 176

    comparison between sri lankaand belgium to access why we need power sharing?

  126. 175

    Kya kisse ne final exam abi tuk keeya hai kya? Agur kya ho to…..u know, tora help hojaye to..i mean i’ll be very thankful…hehe

  127. 174

    how marks r given in internal assesment

  128. 173
    gurmittar singh:

    wat is rat hol mining

  129. 172

    wre r d sample papers..???? I wnt dem…

  130. 171

    who was martin luther?

  131. 170
    devender singhil:

    What is nation state?

  132. 169

    i want d imp questions for board exam

  133. 168

    write about italianunification?
    Please tell me the important questions for board exam ?????
    i want all important possible questions of subject civics
    i wnt imp questns of social science with solutn

  134. 167

    gagan iska sirf ek hi elaj h so jao

  135. 166

    are bhai que post karne se kya hoga atleast link to do sample paper kr?????????????????????????????????

  136. 165

    what is decentralisation of industries

  137. 164
    Gagan deep:

    tell me the 2010 board exam’s social science board paper ??????

  138. 163

    in history, there is choice of any one or two from ch-4,5,6????

  139. 162

    what is the patter for map

  140. 161

    sir my annual exam of class1oth’s social science is starting from 5th of march and today is 3rd march but my preparation is not completed. i dont know what i should do with my subject contemporary india b’coz i hav’nt learn one word of what i should do?

  141. 160

    pls detail the important questions chapterwise .plzzzzzzzzz

  142. 159

    describe any four reforms brought in indian agriculture after indipendence through the efforts of indian gvt.?

  143. 158

    what is aparthied?

  144. 157

    i want all possible questions of sst from ncert 10

  145. 156

    In social science reading NCERT questions and book is enough or not?

  146. 155

    write about italian unification?

  147. 154

    what is the real course of social stuties..???plz is too confusing…..

  148. 153

    Please tell me the important questions for board exam ?????

  149. 152

    How many countries have democracy in our world ?

  150. 151
    nitheesh kumar:

    hello sir,i don’t know much obout this site but after reading the questions asked by those students,i feel that its the right place 2 express ur problems… sir plssssss give me the important questions of all the chapter that r to com for the boards……i’m waiting for ur reply sir…..WITH REGARDS…. NITHEESH KUMAR

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