Dairy products as significant pearls of the food technology course


Milk and its products are considered as one of the healthiest food product along the globe. Milk has a significant place in daily essential nutrient requirements of the humans. The food products produced from milk are known as dairy products. These products are high energy yielding food items. These products are produced in dairy factories, where there is good demand for candidates completing food technology courses.

Food technology courses

This course deals with the actual process of making food items. This course teaches the technical aspects of food science to process, preserve, pack and distribute safe and healthy food items. The courses in food technology teach the students about the chemical, physical, and microbial aspect of food items. There are many undergraduate, post graduate, diploma and doctoral courses in food technology. Some of these courses are listed below.

  • Bachelor of Science in Food Science
  • Bachelor of Science in Food Technology
  • Bachelor of Science in Food Preservation
  • Bachelor of Science in Food and Nutrition
  • Bachelor of Technology in Food Engineering
  • Master of Science in Food technology
  • Master of Science in Food Science
  • Master of Science in Food Science Technology
  • Master of Science in Food and Nutrition
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Food Technology
  • Diploma in Food Science Technology
  • Diploma in Food Science Technology
  • Certificate Course in Food Science Technology
  • Certificate Course in Food Science Preservation

There is a good scope for jobs in both private and public sector after the completion of these courses. Apart from Home science and Hotel Management sector, Dairy Sector is providing lot of opportunities for candidates completing courses in Food technology.

Impact of Food technology course in Dairy Products

In the present day scenario, large scale technical approaches are used in milk extraction from animals. The candidates completing course in Food technology have a good knowledge in this area. Using the food technology techniques, artificial milk production from different constituents is gaining importance. The candidates pursing the food technology courses are taught about pasteurization of milk which is highly used in dairy industry. These candidates learn about processing milk to produce different dairy products. The milk products like curd and ghee are important household products. With the use of technology these products can be produced in enormous quantity with in less time. The production of milk products in enhanced both in quality and quantity with the introduction of food technology courses. By the inclusion of diet friendly dairy products, modern food technology courses offer a wide range of foods which meet ones daily nutritional requirements.



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2 Responses to “Dairy products as significant pearls of the food technology course”

  1. 2

    dear sir,

    Please proved of Dairy food Product

  2. 1
    Manoj Kumar:

    dear sir,
    my self manoj kumar i am 12th pass student my age is 26 .so i wanna know i a eligible in this course .reply me as soon as possible.

    thanking you
    name .manoj kumar
    e mail id-manojkumar29feb@gmail.com