DOEACC A Level A7-R3 Introduction to Database Management Systems Papers


The paper of Introduction to Database Management Systems has its usual importance in computer programming and also this paper retains future aspects for the students to build a strong career in IT Sector.

Section present in the paper:

Mainly the papers are divided in two groups and 1st group includes four questions and the 2nd one has five questions.

Pattern of the paper:

The papers are distributed in different patterns like subjective, multiples etc. In group one; there are multiple type questions, TRUE or FALSE, fill in the blanks and matching of two closely related words given in two different columns. The second group includes short descriptive, notes, table series problems and also includes comparisons. Moreover, there are options available in the multiple type questions. The appearing candidates must have to attempt all the questions.

Markings evaluated by the University:

So far the markings of the questions are concerned, set one questions carry 40 marks whereas set two question paper carries 60 marks which means the total marking of this paper is 100.

Time allotted for examination:

The maximum time allotted for this paper is three hours which is further categorize in these two groups. The candidates get 1 hour for the group one papers and 2 hours for the next group.

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One Response to “DOEACC A Level A7-R3 Introduction to Database Management Systems Papers”

  1. 1
    Ashish Pandey:

    Explains the reationship between netnews and E-mail.