8th July 2010, 04:00 PM
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Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

If someone has decide to do MBA after graduation, then which course should he opt for Btech or Bcom? Why do many people do Btech and do MBA and then do jobs which are not at all related to their engineering skills(wasting 4years)? Please help me

14th July 2010, 03:59 AM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

Hello friend,

If you are sure about MBA, it would be better to pursue BBA rather than B.com. or Btech.
BBA is said to be the best course, among BBM, B.Com, etc. for the one willing to pursue MBA in future. The course is designed to provide basic knowledge of business administration and is kind of a preparatory course for MBA.
BBA, itself doesn't hold much value but if it is followed by MBA, nothing could be better than it.
BBA+MBA has the potential to fetch you a successful career provided it has been done from a reputed institute. So, along with selection of course before MBA, one must give equal importance to selection of Institute for pursuing the course.
14th July 2010, 09:37 AM
Hitha Nanjappa
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

u can do BCom and then do MBA.. but doing Btech has its own advantages.. BTech gives u an edge over the rest.. having a technical foundation wil enhance your skills.. if u take up HR in MBA, and having technical knowledge will help u...
14th July 2010, 12:17 PM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

You van do any of the.Thet depends upon you.If you like to do job i science stream,you can opt for b.tech & you have a variety of jobs in enggineering streams. Otherwise if you wish to do accountancy or the related jobs, you better opt for M.ba.
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14th July 2010, 02:59 PM
rahul k
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

dear friend

Both are good course !

So, choose that field in which you have great interest. But, if you want to do MBA later then, B.com field is best for you.

In b.com, you can learn about the managerial skills as well as command in accounts. Which was help you at the time of MBA. So, according to me B.com is best for you.

After B.tech, you can also do MBA, but B.tech is 4 year course and B.com is 3 year.

So, if you are doing B.com, then you can save one year. After B.com , MBA is best
choice. So, please choose according to your interest..........
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14th July 2010, 04:11 PM
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Smile Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
If someone has decide to do MBA after graduation, then which course should he opt for Btech or Bcom? Why do many people do Btech and do MBA and then do jobs which are not at all related to their engineering skills(wasting 4years)? Please help me
in my opinion you must go for b tech and then mba because now a days, all the multinational companies demand for b tech + mba. this is because they want technical and managament skills in a single person. if you do b com and then mba, then you will be in management line only. also the salary a btech+ mba student will get is much more higher than bcom + mba. so the choice is yours.
best of luck
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14th July 2010, 05:38 PM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

dear friend,

Just leave thinking of rest of the world and think according your own interest.

It is not such as people are going for MBA after B.Tech ,then you must go for the same!
Different people have different liking of careers.

Those who don't find interest in their subject of graduation or want to make money in a short span of time ,opt for MBA after graduation.

MBA is totally a dissimilar kind of study which does not require the candidate to be from a special trend.

You need not necessarily take the graduation course keeping the MBA in mind for future career.
Do graduation in BTech/BCom whichever you feel comfortable with and after that if you wish to continue with that course you can do much better or can choose MBA for earning quick jobs in managerial position.

Now,it depends on you which way you will prefer .

All the best!
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14th July 2010, 08:22 PM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

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14th July 2010, 09:53 PM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
If someone has decide to do MBA after graduation, then which course should he opt for Btech or Bcom? Why do many people do Btech and do MBA and then do jobs which are not at all related to their engineering skills(wasting 4years)? Please help me
No, you opt wrong view on this topic.
Both the field have their own quality work.

When any student doing B.Tech in mechanical.
They go for MBA in their own skills like oil and gas.
After MBA they will get good job and pay scale.
Because now in current time every company search only for multi talented employee.
So, any budy having B.Tech and MBA doing both the work like technical and managerial.
Because they have both knowledge.
B.com + MBA have also good scope.
Because this field is for every one.

One important thing also that its not about 4 years or 3 years or wastage of years.
Its depend on particular interest.
If any student have interest in technical then they can do MBA in any technical field or in bio like B.tech in biotech and after that MBA in Biotech.
So, please change your view and dont take decision on the basis of others thinking.
Please ask yourself that what you want to do according to your interest.

Good Luck
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15th July 2010, 01:10 AM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

hi friend
as you are looking for doing mba after your graduation so i will suggest you to go for btech as doing btech+mba will take your carrer to a verry good height.
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15th July 2010, 02:55 AM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

hello dear
to do mba only graduation degree is required.so after bcom or btech degree you can do mba.

if you do mba after bcom then in study purpises some how you will be benifited.

perhaps if you want to do high sallaried jobs then you must do btech+mba.

all the best........
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15th July 2010, 01:17 PM
Shagun Makin
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

Dear friend,

This all depends on your choice.
IF you have predecided that surely you have to do MBA then i will say not to waste your one more year in B.tech go for Bcom.

And if you are not dead sure that whether you have to do MBA or not then go for Btech because after doing Btech you have choice to go in company.

Then after gaining a experience from the company you can go for MBA which will be more beneficial for you.

So think and then go forward for it.

All the best.
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15th July 2010, 09:57 PM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

hi..if you are so passionate to do master of business administration.then,do not think more..study bbm or bba...this is the graduation course.after this,write MAT or cat.cat is tougher than mat.there will be regional cets for studying m.b.a..but,better choose B-schools to pursue m.b.a not getting adminission in b-school is also not important..the way you mould your future after entering into that course is very important friend..i think,you better undstood what iam trying to say..
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31st July 2010, 08:30 PM
Somesh Goenka
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?


If you are so determined to do MBA, then it will be better that you opt for B.Com.
People generally do B.Tech+MBA for better job prospects, initially they have no plans for MBA, but are attracted by the lucrativeness of IIM's.
But if you are very determined for MBA, then B.Com is the best for you.
Also, you can consider doing BBA.That will make it easier for you. But remember, to get into elite B-Schools you have to work hard.

Good Luck!!
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4th August 2010, 01:28 AM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

I am a chemical engineering graduate.I would like to pursue MBA in near future...which subject of MBA will suits me well?
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6th August 2010, 05:09 PM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

Both the courses are equally good .It depends on your personal interest. If you do
B.Com you will be well versed with Accounts and Finance. It will be easier for you to understand while you do your MBA.B.tech is also a good option which can gain you lucrative opportunities and flourish your career. Both the courses will give you jobs in private as well as public sector.
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16th October 2010, 09:46 AM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

i wanted to know that if a person does btech mba or bcom mba and scores very good what will be his approximate salary?which is the most preferred and famous subject in MBA according to you?
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16th October 2010, 09:55 AM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

in which field can we earn more non-med or commerce?
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5th November 2010, 07:36 PM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

if you have decided your aim than opt bcom because it takes 3 year and btech takes 4 year so save time of 1 year .
you can also opt bba.
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6th November 2010, 06:47 AM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
in which field can we earn more non-med or commerce?

In non medical field there comes anumber of field. You need to be specific.
You cannot just simply estimate as to which field you will earn more and which less.
As far as enigineering is concerned along with MBA is a high salary job.
But there are some post where commerece stream students earn more.So it depends upon individual clibre and his talent and ofcourse the type of organisation
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14th November 2010, 10:40 AM
malini k
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

Dear friend,
You can go for B com ,if you are interested in jobs apart from engineering field
And if you are determined to do MBA ,then go for BBA ,why you are opting B com
Doing BBA will be a better option for MBA rather than B com
First of all, realize your area of interest Here no one can help you other than you
So good luck
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1st February 2011, 04:49 AM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

hi friend,
its better to go for b.com if you want to do MBA in future as doing b.com will help you a lot while you are doing MBA.you will have better ideas and knowledge regarding the subject matter and can perform well without much difficulties.so don't be confused and just go for it.you will do well.
best of luck
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7th March 2011, 04:33 PM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

BTECH adds to your technical knowledge and MBA adds to your managerial skills and develops entrepreneur quality within you .
So If you are focused to go for being a self entrepreneur BCOM would be best suited before a MBA .But to become a corporate guru having knowledge in different field BTECH is favorable.So before u take any decision get clear what u really wanna end up as a entrepreneur or a corporate honcho .
all the best
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8th March 2011, 03:12 PM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

Hello friend,
B.Tech and B.Com both have their own advantages. But if you want to really join in MBA then better you go for B.Tech because by doing B.Tech the scope to enhance your knowledge in different fields like technical and corporate sector as well.
Also in B.Tech you'll study different managerial papers which'll help you in MBA later.
And you B.Tech students are more eligible to be in corporate after MBA.

More over in which way you're interested in MBA like Marketing /HR / Finance / IT / Operations / Foreign Trade / International Business / Systems / Entrepreneurship / Retail , etc. So that according to your interest you can also go for B.Tech/B.Com.

Best of Luck
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8th March 2011, 03:42 PM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

A really pertinent question,

Time is of prime importance ... in b.tech you need to spend 4 yrs

while b.com is just a 3 years degree, thus you save 1 complete year

which you can put in MBA or use to gain work experience.

According to the latest conditions of top B-Schools

you commerce score are being given higher weightage compared to engineering scores

so it is more sensible if you go for B.Com, you'll hae twin advantage 1yr saving+extra weight-age.
further you will also find mBA syllabus easy to handle if you are commerce graduate

so i'll tell you to got for B.Com
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8th March 2011, 03:46 PM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

B.com definitely

there are several advantages like B.Com is a 3 yr course only

which will give you 1 yr saving which can be used for work experience

or MBA... also you'll have advantage of previous knowledge while doing MBA

due to B.Com syllabus,

further nowadays B.com students are given extra marks in admission process

which gives them extra weight-age, in admission
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8th March 2011, 09:57 PM
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8th March 2011, 10:54 PM
dreksha chaudhary
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Cool Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

Dear friend,

Your planning for doing MBA is excellent, Future is bright after completing MBA.

I would like to suggest you to go for B.Tech first then MBA. By doing this your two lines are clear, but if you go for B.Com then MBA will not be that much effective.

After B.Tech if you complete MBA then while working in any company, in technical side no one can cheat you. And you will be master in both the field.

All the best.
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8th March 2011, 11:01 PM
dreksha chaudhary
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Cool Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

Dear friend,

Your planning for doing MBA is excellent, Future is bright after completing MBA.

I would like to suggest you to go for B.Tech first then MBA. By doing this your two lines are clear, but if you go for B.Com then MBA will not be that much effective.

After B.Tech if you complete MBA then while working in any company, in technical side no one can cheat you. And you will be master in both the field.

All the best.
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7th April 2011, 06:41 PM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

Hi friend, I think doing B.Tech right after 12th is better. I would advise you to identify your interest areas. If you identify your interest areas then you can easily choose from the pool of programs available under B.Tech. Bio-technology is a good option for this but there are other unique programs which you can look for various programs from core sectors like Petroleum Eng, Aerospace Eng, Power System etc. So. if you are interested in these courses then you can look at UPES, Dehradun. I have heard that they have excellent faculty and infrastructure too.
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16th April 2011, 07:27 PM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

Hi friend,

Both are good course !

So, choose that field in which you have great interest. But, if you want to do MBA later then, B.com field is best for you.

In b.com, you can learn about the managerial skills as well as command in accounts. Which was help you at the time of MBA. So, according to me B.com is best for you.

After B.tech, you can also do MBA, but B.tech is 4 year course and B.com is 3 year.

So, if you are doing B.com, then you can save one year. After B.com , MBA is best
choice is your. So, please choose according to your interest..........

all the best
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30th April 2011, 04:36 PM
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I think B-Tech is much much better then BCom so go for that if you want to think to do B.Tech..
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30th April 2011, 04:52 PM
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I think B-Tech is much much better then BCom so go for that if you want to think to do B.Tech..
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31st May 2011, 11:21 PM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

Btech and then mba. Its the better option.
Most companies prefer candidates those who are having technical and management knowledge
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5th June 2011, 10:30 AM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

i am persuing my final year (Be) mechanical,and i am interested in doing mba for further studies.Please suggest the fields so that it will be beneficial for me in context with be mechanical. Also guide me ,if directly going in industry after BE....and doing mba later, OR doing mba first and then moving to industry..!which one is the best option ???
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22nd June 2011, 05:17 PM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

hi, i am rakesh reddy, me persuing betch final year,i am really in a dialama to choose my career, i really dont feel like intrested in coding or something like technical side, and even i dont think that i could hold up a job this early and start gaining, i think i am good at communication,and love the management,sales,consumer,production stuff,and decided to persue my MBA after btech.please post me your views about my decision :)
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3rd July 2011, 08:15 PM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

as you mentioned above your problem ,you can do mba after b.com and b.tech ,b.tech will have some technical advantages ,mba will have management skills.hence,mba will be preferable after btech..........
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19th July 2011, 07:45 PM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

i think you should go for b.tech. because after that you have many choices because you will have knowledge two field .i will suggest you should go abroad for m.b.a.
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25th July 2011, 10:01 PM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

Yes, you are absolutely correct on that point that doing MBA after B.tech is a total waste of time for them , who are interested in MBA only.

Like you, you said, you are interested in doing MBA, then you should go for BBA.

Why would you do a course in technology and engineering i.e B.tech, if you aim is management and business (MBA)??

MBA is the perfect option for a BBA student.

Besides this you can take any course as your under graduation course, because anyone who has completed his or her graduation in any field is eligible for MBA.

To apply for MBA you can sit for the following entrance exams in India:

CAT(Common Admission Test) is the most toughest entrance exam in India by IIMs for MBA.

besides CAT you can also give other exams which are less tougher as compared to CAT. they are:

MAT(Management Aptitude Test by AIMA)

XAT(MBA Entrance Test by XLRI Jamshedpur)

JMET(Joint Management Entrance Test by IITs)

SNAP[Symbiosis National Aptitude Test (SNAP)]

ATMA(AIMS Test for Management Admission)

MAH-CET(Maharashtra MBA Common Entrance Test)

FMS Delhi University Entrance Test Faculty of Management Studies

IGNOU OPENMAT - Indira Gandhi National Open University Management Admission Test

IBSAT - ICFAI Business School Aptitude Test.
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26th July 2011, 07:48 PM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

B.Tech MBA or CA MBA
I want to pursue mba after graduation.
but i am confused whether i should do b.tech from Indraprashtha University or doing CA (with it I will do B.com)
What should I choose?? I have got 6805 rank in IPU CET and I am not expecting a good college.

Pls tell me which is a better option? B.Tech MBA or CA MBA
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26th July 2011, 07:53 PM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

B.Tech+MBA or CA+MBA
I want to do MBA after graduation.
I have got 6805 rank in Indraprastha University's CET and I am expecting a good college.
I want to know whether I should do B.Tech or CA(I will do B.Com with It)
Pls reply asap so that i can make my mind.
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27th July 2011, 12:04 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
If someone has decide to do MBA after graduation, then which course should he opt for Btech or Bcom? Why do many people do Btech and do MBA and then do jobs which are not at all related to their engineering skills(wasting 4years)? Please help me
If you decided to do MBA course after doing your graduation then you should do B.Com course as your graduation because in MBA you have lots of subject papers which you further study in B.Com in graduation. It is easy for you to study MBA course and after doing B.Com you have offered many government jobs such as BANK CLERK, BANK PO. So in future you do job as well as study both at same time and after this your future is very bright and good.

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29th November 2011, 01:39 PM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

Hello friend,

If you are sure about MBA, it would be better to pursue BBA rather than B.com. or Btech.
BBA is said to be the best course, among BBM, B.Com, etc. for the one willing to pursue MBA in future. The course is designed to provide basic knowledge of business administration and is kind of a preparatory course for MBA.
BBA, itself doesn't hold much value but if it is followed by MBA, nothing could be better than it.
BBA+MBA has the potential to fetch you a successful career provided it has been done from a reputed institute. So, along with selection of course before MBA, one must give equal importance to selection of Institute for pursuing the course.
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30th November 2011, 01:59 AM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

Hi dear,

Both are good course !

So, choose that field in which you have great interest. But, if you want to do MBA later then, B.com field is best for you.

In b.com, you can learn about the managerial skills as well as command in accounts. Which was help you at the time of MBA. So, according to me B.com is best for you.

After B.tech, you can also do MBA, but B.tech is 4 year course and B.com is 3 year.

So, if you are doing B.com, then you can save one year. After B.com , MBA is best
choice. So, please choose according to your interest..........
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30th November 2011, 07:56 PM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

So, choose that field in which you have great interest. But, if you want to do MBA later then, B.com field is best for you.

In b.com, you can learn about the managerial skills as well as command in accounts. Which was help you at the time of MBA. So, according to me B.com is best for you.
After B.tech, you can also do MBA, but B.tech is 4 year course and B.com is 3 year.
So, if you are doing B.com, then you can save one year. After B.com , MBA is best
choice. So, please choose according to your interest
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1st December 2011, 12:40 AM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
If someone has decide to do MBA after graduation, then which course should he opt for Btech or Bcom? Why do many people do Btech and do MBA and then do jobs which are not at all related to their engineering skills(wasting 4years)? Please help me
Dear Friend,
You can do any course of your choice. To become eligible for the MBA course you need a bachelor's degree and you will become graduate by B.Tech or B.Com course.
Some people do MBA after B.Tech as they think that they can get good jobs after pursuing MBA.

The best course to do before doing MBA is BBA which is a bachelor's degree course in Business Administration. To do MBA you can join BBA.

Best Wishes.....
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19th December 2011, 09:44 PM
susmitarani sethi
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

Hello friend,

If you are sure about MBA, it would be better to pursue BBA rather than B.com. or Btech.
BBA is said to be the best course, among BBM, B.Com, etc. for the one willing to pursue MBA in future. The course is designed to provide basic knowledge of business administration and is kind of a preparatory course for MBA.
BBA, itself doesn't hold much value but if it is followed by MBA, nothing could be better than it.
BBA+MBA has the potential to fetch you a successful career provided it has been done from a reputed institute. So, along with selection of course before MBA, one must give equal importance to selection of Institute for pursuing the course.
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21st December 2011, 05:58 PM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

So, choose that field in which you have great interest. But, if you want to do MBA later then, B.com field is best for you.

In b.com, you can learn about the managerial skills as well as command in accounts. Which was help you at the time of MBA. So, according to me B.com is best for you.

After B.tech, you can also do MBA, but B.tech is 4 year course and B.com is 3 year.
But if you do B.tech then it will be of 4 years and B.Com will be of 3 years then in B.com you can save one year.
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4th January 2012, 08:16 PM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

Both are having equal priority.. B.com is based on arts college where as B.Tech is based on Engineering college

According to me better you can choose B.Com
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19th January 2012, 10:26 AM
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Default Re: Btech or Bcom? which graduation to do if I want to do MBA later?

i want to join indian air force in which 12th pass can apply, but in future for officer line they want graduated person
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