6th February 2011, 02:53 PM
Can a B.Tech.(IT) final year student apply for IES exam?
i am doing my B.tech IT final year am i eligible to atten tis year IES exam.
r only civil,mechanical & electrical student's are eligible. |
6th February 2011, 04:45 PM
Yeah......you can attend for IES examination
6th February 2011, 06:45 PM
Dear Friend
There is no such restriction that only B.Tech. graduates of civil engg. ,mechanical engg., electronics and communication engineering & electrical engg. can apply for Indian Engineering Services examination. All those who have a B.Tech. or equivalent degree in any stream or an M.Sc. or equivalent degree with Wireless Communication, Electronics, Radio Physics or Radio Engineering as a special subject. For more details read the IES 2011 advertisement carefully. The advertisement is attached with this message. Find it into the attachments. Thank you |
6th February 2011, 06:51 PM
It does not matter if you are a IT students or having in any any other department.
the main two criteria are: 1) a graduate from any recognized university. 2) age limit should be between 21 years and 30 years on 1st august of the year of examination. so you are absolutely eligible, but after completing your B.tech course....... |
6th February 2011, 07:21 PM
There is no such restriction that only the students of Mechanical, civil, electrical or EC&T branch can appar for IES exam. The eligibility states that the candidate must have a bachelor's degree in engineering or must be an engineering students who intends to appear for the graduation exam the same year. However the thing is the IES exam is conducted only for the following subjects: 1.Mechanical Engineering. 2.Civil Engineering. 3.Electrical Engineering 4.EC&T engineering Since you are an IT student, so it will be quite difficult for you to appear for any of these subjects, hence it is not suggestible to appear for it. However, there are various other civil service exams for which you may apply. Log on to UPSC portal for details: www.upsc.gov.in |
6th February 2011, 07:50 PM
The IT branch is not eligible for IES examination. only these branch are eligible for IES exam Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics & Electrical, Electronics & Communication. This exam is conducted by UPSC. For more information please see the website http://www.upsc.in all the best. |
6th February 2011, 07:55 PM
Yes you can appear for IES .... Civil,Mechanical,electronics and electrical represent the field for which you apply to get a job.It is not that only enngineers from these branches can apply.All those who have a B.Tech. or equivalent degree in any stream can apply
Read more here: http://entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/can-b-tech-final-year-student-apply-ies-exam-82673.html#ixzz1DAuhZznD To appear for IES choose the from the above fiel in which you have maximum knowledge or which you consider you can do. Whichever field you choose you will get a job only in that field and not any other. so be careful. I think for you it should be ECE.Have a look at the following posts:: CATEGORY IV ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Group A & B Services/Posts (i) Indian Railway Service of Signal Engineers. (ii) Indian Railway Stores Service (Telecommunication/ Electronics Engineering Posts). (iii) Indian Ordnance Factories Service (Engineering Branch) (Electronics Engineering Posts). (iv) Indian Naval Armament Service (Electronics Engineering Posts). (v) Assistant Executive Engineer Group 'A' (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Posts) in the Corps of E.M.E., Ministry of Defence. (vi) Engineer (GCS-Gr-'A') in Wireless Planning and Co-ordination Wing/Monitoring Organisation. (M/o Communications & I.T., D/o Telecommunications). (vii) Assistant Naval Stores Officer Grade- I (Electronics & Telecom Engineering Posts) in Indian Navy. (viii) Indian Supply Service, Group 'A' (Electronics & Telecommunication also download the Engg service notification. |
6th February 2011, 10:11 PM
Dear friend, I'm very sorry for saying you that you are not eligible for I.E.S. exam. Only four category are eligible for this exam like as:-
1. Civil Engineering. 2. Mechanical Engineering. 3. Electrical engineering. 4. Electronics & Telecommunication engineering. So, friend. You will have to change your plan. |
6th February 2011, 10:22 PM
IT or Computers is not available In IES Exams, So If You Are Interested In IES Exams, Then You Have to Write In Any of These Papers-
Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering So, If You Are Interested To Appear In IES Exams, then Please Apply For One Of The Given Disciplines Because CS And IT Are Not Availiable In IES Exams. But To Appear In This Exams You Must have Attained the age of 21 years and Must Not have Attained the Age of 30 Years. And If You Want to Get More Information Regarding IES, Then Please Visit The Official Websites - http://www.upsc.gov.in/exams/notifications/engg-2010/ntf-engg.htm |
6th February 2011, 11:55 PM
no a B.Tech (IT) student can not appear in IES(Indian Engineering examination) examination.
the eligible four branch of engineering which are eligible for IES examination are Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics & telecommunication Engineering for more information regarding the IES examination visit the website http://www.upsc.gov.in now online registration for IES Engineering Service Examination (ESE) is going on. eligible candidate may apply online through the website http://www.upsconline.nic.in here i am attaching the notification for the IES examination. for eligibility criterion and other details go through the attachment. best wishes. |
7th February 2011, 10:26 AM
freind hi,
--AGE limit-->between 21 to 30 --IES Eligiblity - --For Indian Economic Service- A Post-graduate degree in Economics, Applied Economics, Business Economics. --For Indian Statistical Service - A Post-graduate degree in Statistics, Mathematical Statistics, Applied Statistics. --But The IES Does Not conducts the Paper of CSE. S --but can appear if u feel like covering the syllabus all the best |
7th February 2011, 10:29 AM
freind hi,
--similarity is more between IT and ECE ..you may go for ECE---- --IES Syllabus (ECE) Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Syllabus (For both objective and conventional type papers) PAPER - I 1. Materials And Components: Structure and properties of Electrical Engineering materials; Conductors, Semiconductors and Insulators, magnetic, Ferroelectric, Piezoelectric, Ceramic, Optical and Super-conducting materials. Passive components and characteristics Resistors, Capacitors and Inductors; Ferrities, Quartz crystal Ceramic resonators, Electromagnetic and Electromechanical components. 2. Physical Electronics, Electron Devices and ICs: Electrons and holes in semiconductors, Carrier Statistics, Mechanism of current flow in a semiconductor, Hall effect; Junction theory; Different types of diodes and their characteristics; Bi-polar Junction transistor; Field effect transistors; Power switching devices like SCRs, GTOs, power MOSFETS; Basics of ICs - bipolar, MOS and CMOS types; basics of Opto Electronics. 3. Signals and Systems: Classification of signals and systems: System modeling in terms of differential and difference equations; State variable representation; Fourier series; Fourier representation; Fourier transforms and their applications to system analysis; Laplace transforms and their application to system analysis; Convolution and superposition integrals and their applications; Z-transforms and their applications to the analyisis and characterization of discrete time systems; Random signals and probability, Correlation functions; Spectral density; Response of linear system to random inputs. 4. Network Theory: Network analysis techniques; Network theorems, transient response, steady state sinusoidal response; Network graphs and their applications in network analysis; Tellegen's theorem. Two port networks; Z, Y, h and transmission parameters, Combination of two ports, analysis of common two ports. Network functions: parts of network functions, obtaining a network function from a given part. Transmission criteria: delay and rise time, Elmore's and other definitions effect of cascading. Elements of network synthesis. 5. Electromagnetic Theory: Analysis of electrostatic and magnetostatic fields; Laplace's and Piossons's equations; Boundary value problems and their solutions; Maxwell's equations; application to wave propagation in bounded and unbounded media; Transmission lines: basic theory, standing waves, matching applications, misconstrue lines; Basics of wave guides and resonators; Elements of antenna theory. 6. Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation: Basic concepts, standards and error analysis; Measurements of basic electrical quantities and parameters; Electronic measuring instruments and their principles of working: analog and digital, comparison, characteristics, application. Transducers; Electronic measurements of non electrical quantities like temperature, pressure, humidity etc; basics of telemetry for industrial use. PAPER - II 1. Analog Electronic Circuits: Transistor biasing and stabilization. Small signal analysis. Power amplifiers. Frequency response. Wide banding techniques. Feedback amplifiers. Tuned amplifiers. Oscillators. Rectifiers and power supplies. Op Amp, PLL, other linear integrated circuits and applications. Pulse shaping circuits and waveform generators. 2. Digital Electronic Circuits: Transistor as a switching element; Boolean algebra, simplification of Boolean functions, karnaguh map and applications; IC Logic gates and their characteristics; IC Logic gates and their characteristics; IC logic families: DTL, TTL, ECL, NMOS, PMOS and CMOS gates and their comparision; Combinational logic Circuits; Half adder, Full adder; Digital comparator; Multiplexer Demulti-plexer; ROM and their applications. Flip flops. R-S, J-K, D and T flip flops; Different types of counters and registers Waveform generators. A/D and D/A converters. Semiconductor memories. 3. Control Systems: Transient and steady state response of control systems; Effect of feedback on stability and sensitivity; Root locus techniques; Frequency response analysis. Concepts of gain and phase margins: Constant-M and Constant-N Nichol's Chart; Approximation of transient response from Constant-N Nichol's Chart; Approximation of transient response from closed loop frequency response; Design of Control Systems, Compensators; Industrial controllers. 4. Communication Systems: Basic information theory; Modulation and detection in analogue and digital systems; Sampling and data reconstructions; Quantization & coding; Time division and frequency division multiplexing; Equalization; Optical Communication: in free space & fiber optic; Propagation of signals oat HF, VHF, UHF and microwave frequency; Satellite Communication. 5. Microwave Engineering: Microwave Tubes and solid state devices, Microwave generation and amplifiers, Waveguides and other Microwave Components and Circuits, Misconstrue circuits, Microwave Antennas, Microwave Measurements, Masers, lasers; Microwave propagation. Microwave Communication Systems terrestrial and Satellite based. 6. Computer Engineering: Number Systems, Data representation; Programming; Elements of a high level programming language PASCAL/C. Use of basic data structures; Fundamentals of computer architecture; Processor design; Control unit design; Memory organisation. I/O System Organisation. Microprocessors: Architecture and instruction set of Microprocessors 8085 and 8086, Assembly language Programming. Microprocessor Based system design: typical examples. Personal computes and their typical uses. For more details, visit http://aceenggacademy.com/new/categoryblog/51-ies-syllabus-ece all the best |
7th February 2011, 11:40 AM
dear friend,
To know about IES exam visit this below link here you can get all information about ies. http://www.upscexam.com/upsc_examinations/combined_engineering_services_ces/engineering-services-examination-instructions.html |
7th February 2011, 02:26 PM
![]() Quote:
You are not under the Eligibility Criteria.Because For Engineering Service Exam a guy need to have only Specified Enigneering Branch Other than those branch students are Not Eligible to write this Exam. Branches are Mechanical , civil , electronics and Telecommunication & Electrical Engineering. If you want more Information about anything Then you can refer this Official Website Of upsc.www.upsc.gov.in |
7th February 2011, 05:11 PM
sorry you are not eligible but you may apply next year because only graduate candidate in engineering are aligible.
so you can eligible but you have to choose one subject civil electrical mechanical ET(electronic and tele communication) |
8th February 2011, 05:49 PM
Hello friend
Of course a B.Tech student can apply the IES exam.In order to appear in the exam one should complete his graduation from any of the recognized institute or university.Also a final year student can appear in the exam. Best of luck... |
15th September 2011, 08:37 PM
dear friend ,
here i am mentioning some important needs that fulfilled by the candidates who are appearing in the IES ( INDIAN ENGINEERING SERVICES ) exam . 1) the candidate who have done or in the final year of the graduation of the following courses a) mechanical engineering b) electrical engineering c) civil engineering d) electronics and communication engineering can apply for the IES exam conducted by the UPSC ( UNION PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION ). 2) age of the candidate appearing in the exam should be in between 21 to 30 years. there is relaxation for the candidates of obc and sc/st of 3 and 5 years from the upper age limit respectively. as you have mentioned that you belongs to the IT branch that information technology , sorry to say but you are not eligible for appearing in the IES exam conducted by the UPSC. you can attempt other services of the UPSC such as IAS , IPS , IFS , IRS ,SCRA ,IAFA ,etc. to know more about the upsc services and notifications of the different services of the upsc kindly visit the website www.upsc.gov.in thanks and best luck |
14th March 2012, 01:16 AM
Yes, you are eligible .
Minimum Educational Qualifications are: The candidate must hold a Engineering degree or in final year of degree of any of Universities incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or other educational institutions established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University Under Section-3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956, or possess an equivalent qualification. Age :- 21 years to 30 years, age relaxation for reserved candidates as per Govt guide lines i.e 3 years in upper limit for OBC and 5 years for SC/ST candidates. |
14th March 2012, 01:17 AM
Yes, you can apply for
Yes, you are eligible . Minimum Educational Qualifications are: The candidate must hold a degree or in final year of degree any of Universities incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or other educational institutions established Age :- 21 years to 30 years, age relaxation for reserved candidates as per Govt guide lines i.e 3 years in upper limit for OBC and 5 years for SC/ST candidates. |
13th April 2012, 01:05 AM
Yeah yes shore you can apply IES exam, B.tech or equivalent degree holder in any branch is eligible to apply IES exam. Eligibility criteria: Any graduation from a recognised university of india. Final year candidates also eligible to apply IES exam. Age limits is 21 years to 30years. Candidate should be a citizen of india. IES exam is conducted by the UPSC once in a year. For more details visit www.upsc.gov.in All the best. |
29th April 2012, 05:24 PM
As per the UPSC Notification, All Engineering candidates are eligible for Engineering service Examination. But if you have completed your Engineering degree course in any one of the Discipline then you are eligible for IES Examination :
~~ Electrical Engineering ~~ Electronics & Communications Engineering ~~ Civil Engineering ~~ Mechanical Engineering As you are from IT you can not apply IES with your own stream you have to choose any one stream from the above mentioned 4 streams to apply for the examination. M.Sc. degree or equivalent with Wireless Communication, Electronics, Radio Physics or Radio Engineering as a special subject is also acceptable for certain posts. Final year Students are also eligible for this examination To apply for IES Examination your age should between 21 to 30 years, upper age relaxation is applicable for SC/ST/OBC Candidates. The Notification of both the examination will be Published in the employment newspaper or in the UPSC Website. Eligible candidates fill the application form Online Only, No offline Application form Facility from this year, UPSC will not send Admit cards through Post, you have to download the Admit cards online only. The Examination will be Objective and Descriptive and Please prepared well for the examination as per the syllabus and pattern, only then you will get success in this examination and if you need more details then please check official website : http://www.upsc.gov.in/ |
2nd May 2012, 10:37 PM
UPSC cnducts ies exams only for civil,mechanical,electrical & entc departments of engineering.
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