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Can I give NET after passing masters with 55%?

my master degree percentage is less than 55%. Can I give the net

9th January 2013, 06:21 PM
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Default Re: Can I give NET after passing masters with 55%?

No, it is not possible. UGC specifies a minimum of 55% marks in PG as the required qualification. You can try for Ph.D in any other reputed Universities. Attending the entrance test conducted at the concerned University will help you to join Ph.D program. Teaching profession in schools can also be opted.
9th January 2013, 10:02 PM
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Default Re: Can I give NET after passing masters with 55%?

NET is a qualifying examination for determining eligibility for Lecturer / Assistant Professor in the State Agricultural Universities and other Agricultural Universities. Candidates those who will successfully clear the NET Exam will be given a certificate by the A.S.R.B. through which he/she can apply for jobs opportunity to be notified or advertised by any of the given university. SAUs/AUs will consider their eligibility through interview or any such other tests as devised for recruitment of Lecturers or Assistant Professors.
Candidate must possess a Master Degree in the concerned discipline.
Age Limit as on 01.08.2012
Applicant must have attained the age of 21 years and there is no upper age limit for the National Eligibility Test.
Application Fee:
Rs.1,000/- (500 for OBC & 250 for SC/ST/PH) through a DD drawn in favour of Secretary, ASRB, payable at New Delhi.
How to Apply:
Application in prescribe format should be send through Indian post to:
The Secretary,
Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board,
Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan, Pusa,
New Delhi – 110 012
10th January 2013, 12:36 AM
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Default Re: Can I give NET after passing masters with 55%?

Hello friends,

yes you eligible to give Net exam


Candidate must possess a Master Degree in the concerned discipline.

Thank you
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10th January 2013, 03:11 AM
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Default Re: Can I give NET after passing masters with 55%?

yes you are eligible for giving the national eligibility test NET, as the minimum percentage required in one's masters degree is 55%.
you should be of 25 years of age and there is no upper limit for giving this exam
by giving this exam you can be a lecturer in the college. this exam is conducted by the UGC.
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10th January 2013, 09:43 AM
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Default Re: Can I give NET after passing masters with 55%?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
my master degree percentage is less than 55%. Can I give the net

NET stands for National Eligibility Test which is conducted by UGC.This exam will be happen twice time in a year.

NET Exam is conduct for JRF and Lectureship post .

Those candidate have completed masters degree from recognized university are eligible for NET exam.So the minimum Qualification for NET exam is Masters Degree required.

For general and OBC candidate must be hold 55% marks above in masters degree. For SC/ST candidate must be hold 50% above in masters degree.

You masters degree marks is below 55% so you are not applicable for NET Exam.But if you are from SC/ST category then you are eligible for NET Exam.

For Junior research fellowship course , your age should be in between 19 to 28 years.

For lectureship ,There is no upper age limit but the Minimum age is 19 years.

From this year NET exam pattern totally changed .Question paper are based on only Objective type.There is no negative marking.

For more information about NET Exam , you can visit to http://www.ugc.ac.in/
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10th January 2013, 10:52 AM
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Default Re: Can I give NET after passing masters with 55%?

my master degree percentage is less than 55%. Can I give the net
No , it is not possible . NET asking the minimum 55% marks in aggregate all paper s put together . If you are secure less 55% marks then you are not eligible to apply for NET Examination . But if you are belongs to Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribes may have chance to apply for NET examination . Other than is you have no chance to apply for NET examination .

NET Stands for National Eligibility Test and conducted by University Grants Commission twice in a year in the month of June and December .

NET Eligibility Criteria ::

General and OBC candidate must have a completed post graduate degree with 55% marks in aggregate all paper put together and any discipline applicant can apply for NET Examination .

Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribes candidate must have a completed post graduate degree with any discipline and must have attained the minimum 50% marks in their examination .

So if you are belongs to General or OBC then you are not eligible to apply but if you are belongs SC/ST category then you may have a chance to apply .

More details regarding NET Examination , Visit the official website :: http://www.ugcnetonline.in/
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10th January 2013, 03:15 PM
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Default Re: Can I give NET after passing masters with 55%?

Only if you belong to Schedule Caste or Schedule Tribe. If you are general or OBC candidate then I am afraid that you won't be able to apply for the National Eligibility Test for college lectureship and PhD.

Even if a candidate has scored 54.99 percent marks, he/she is not eligible for National Eligibility Test. University Grants Commission which conducts the entrance exam does not allow candidates to appear for the National Eligibility Test.

NET Eligibility

1. You should be of Indian origin.

2. Post graduate degree in any stream.

3. At least 55 percent marks.

4. SC/ST candidate need 50 percent marks.

5. Final Year students are also eligible.

6. To avoid disqualification, final year students must submit PG degree in 2 years.

7. Select NET subject which is relevant to your PG course.

Age Limit

1. The age limit for JRF is 28 years.

2. three years relaxation for OBC

3. five years relaxation for SC and SC candidate.

4. There is no upper age limit for lectureship.
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10th January 2013, 05:22 PM
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Default Re: Can I give NET after passing masters with 55%?

Hello Dear,

If your percentage is less than 55%T then you can't apply for NET exam but is your percentage is 55% then you can apply for this exam.
because 55% percentage is the minimum eligibility criteria for general candidate

there are relaxation in percentage for SC/ST and PH candidate
For SC/ST & PWD candidate 50% in post graduate.

So If you belong from SC/ST category and your percentage is 50 % or more than then you can give the exam.
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11th January 2013, 08:05 AM
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Default Re: Can I give NET after passing masters with 55%?

Dear Friend,

Sorry to say but if you have less than 55% marks in post graduation then you cannot give the NET Exam.

The NET exam is conducted very year by the University Grants Commission in the months of June and December for the posts of JRF and Lectureship.

The Qualifications Required for NET Examination are :

* you must have completed post graduation in any discipline from any recognized university.

* you must have secured a minimum of 55% marks in post graduation.

* For JRF , your age should lie in between 21-28 years.

* Relaxation in upper age is given to Reserved Category Candidates.

* There is no age bar for the post of Lectureship.

This is the information i have to the best of my knowledge regarding your query. Hope the information will help you to the extent you want.
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11th January 2013, 09:20 AM
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Default Re: Can I give NET after passing masters with 55%?

Yes, you are eligible to give NET as you have secured 55% in Master Dgree.

NET - National Eligibility Test conducted by UGC two times every year one in June and other in December for selection of Lectureship and award to Junior Research Fellowship(JRF).

The eligible candidate aspiring for NET, must be an Indian National having completed Post Graduation Degree in any stream with 55% marks (50% marks for SC/ST Candidate) from a recognised University. Threre is no upper age restriction for those applying for Lectureship but the candidate applying for JRF should be within the age of 28 years.

For more information you may log on to http://www.ugc.ac.in
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11th January 2013, 10:08 PM
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Default Re: Can I give NET after passing masters with 55%?

NET stands for National Eligibility Test.
It is conducted by UGC, 2 times in a year i.e. in June and Dec.
It is conducted for :
Junior Research Fellowship

Eligibility for NET Exams :

Eductional qualification :

Masters Degree(P.G.) pass with atleast 55%.
P.G. Degree in the subject candidate wants to appear for in NET Exams.
Candidates appeared/appearing in the final year of P.G. can apply on provision.

So you cannot apply to NET Exams if your % is less than 55% in P.G.
If you belong to SC/ST Category you can apply to NET Exams
if you have scored 50% in P.G.

Age Limit :
Junior Research Fellowship-age should not exceed 28yrs
Lecturership-no age limit

For more details visit www.ugc.ac.in
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11th January 2013, 11:05 PM
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Smile Re: Can I give NET after passing masters with 55%?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
my master degree percentage is less than 55%. Can I give the net

Eligibility For NET

The National Eligibility Test(NET) Exam is conducted every year in the months of June and December by the University Grants Commission(UGC)..

A candidate can appear for the NET Exam only if :-

>> Candidate has attained an aggregate of 55% without rounding off in post graduation from a recognized institution..(50% for SC/ST candidates)

>> Candidate who wish to apply for the Junior Research Fellowship(JRF) must be within the age limit of 18-28 years..no upper age limit for lectureship..

I am really very sorry but if your percentage is less than 55% and you are a general candidate..you are not eligible..

You can Click Here in case you want more details on the exam..

all the best..

With Warm Regards
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11th January 2013, 11:24 PM
vikash kumar prajapati
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Default Re: Can I give NET after passing masters with 55%?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
my master degree percentage is less than 55%. Can I give the net

Yes,you will be Eligible to appear in this Exam.
There are two types of Exams in which you can apply through this Exam.

  1. Junior Research Fellowship(JRF).
  2. Lecturership.
Eligibility for JRF

Education Qualification:-

>>Your must be passed out in your P.G Course in the specific stream in which you will carry the research program.

  1. For General Category - 55%.
  2. For SC/ST/OBC - 50%.
NOTE:- If you are marks in not above 50% or 50%,and you do not comes under the reserved category then you will not be able to appear in this Exam.


>>If you are applying for this Program,then your age should not be above 28 years.

Eligibility for Lecturership

Educational qualification:-

>>You must be pass out in your P.G/Master degree in subject stream for which you want to apply to become a lecturer.

Age:- There is NO AGE LIMIT for this Post.

Marks:- Marks requirement is same as in the case of JRF.That is:-
  1. If you belong from the General Category then 55%.
  2. If you belong from the SC/ST/OBC then 50% only required.
IMPORTANT:- From January 2013,only Top 15% will be selected for the Lecturership from each category and each Subject.
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12th January 2013, 01:15 AM
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Default Re: Can I give NET after passing masters with 55%?

the minimmu percentage required to give NET is.you shoul have passed your post graduate programme mininmum of 55 % marks..
if you have scored 55 % or more you are eligible
otherwise not
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12th January 2013, 02:03 AM
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Default Re: Can I give NET after passing masters with 55%?

You have mention that you have got marks in less then 55% so if you are belong to reserve category then you can apply . I am giving eligibility criteria of net exam.

NET exam conducted by UGC for JRF and LECTURERSHIP twice a year, in the months of June and December. Notifications announce in the months of March and September in employment news and ugc website also.

Candidate should have post graduation degree with 55% marks from any
recognised university. Relaxation for reserve candidate.

Age for jrf is maximum 28 year and no upper age limit for lectureship.

For more detail-- www.ugc.ac.in
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12th January 2013, 08:59 AM
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Default Re: Can I give NET after passing masters with 55%?

Dear Friend

NET stands for the National Eligibility test.It is conducted by UGC twice every year .

>>Master 's degree is minimum academic qualifications required for it.Fianl year PG candidates can also apply for the examinations..

NET examinations is conducted for the two posts :

1.JRF: upper age limit:28 years

2.Lectrureship: no upper age limit.

The minimum % of marks required for the NET examinations is 55 % in any stream in master's degree from a recognised university.

If you have secured less than 55 % marks then you are not eligible for the examinations .

For further any information ,please visit www.ugc.ac.in

Hope the information helps you.

all the best

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