26th September 2016, 04:41 PM
nimra imran
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 1

Can I join Deemed University in second year? Procedure to change the college from Anna university?

Now i am studying 1st year in Anna university affiliated college i want to get out of this hell. Can i join deemed university in second year what are the procedure to change please tell me sir.

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22nd October 2018, 10:09 AM
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Default Re: Can I join Deemed University in second year? Procedure to change the college from Anna university?

I'm studying in deemed university. I want to change clg after first year. Is it possible
22nd January 2019, 12:40 AM
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Default Re: Can I join Deemed University in second year? Procedure to change the college from Anna university?

I study third year civil engineering course anna university afflicted college. Can I join fourth year deemed university. I have arrears. Personal situation l need transfer is possible.
12th February 2019, 04:44 PM
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Default Re: Can I join Deemed University in second year? Procedure to change the college from Anna university?

I study third year civil engineering course anna university afflicted college. Can I join fourth year deemed university. I have arrears. Personal situation l need transfer is possible.
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10th August 2019, 05:11 PM
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Default Re: Can I join Deemed University in second year? Procedure to change the college from Anna university?

I am studying in vels university for fist year can i join hindusthan university for second year
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26th January 2020, 02:29 PM
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Default Re: Can I join Deemed University in second year? Procedure to change the college from Anna university?

Can I transfer from affiliated engineering college to deemed
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26th January 2020, 11:20 PM
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Default Re: Can I join Deemed University in second year? Procedure to change the college from Anna university?

Can I transfer from annauniversityaffiliatesengineeringcollege ,to deemed university
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8th March 2021, 11:03 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Can I join Deemed University in second year? Procedure to change the college from Anna university?

I'm studying in a Anna University affiliated College.I wanna join Deemed University in 2nd year.What is the procedure to join ?please answer!
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