2nd July 2011, 07:39 PM
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Is Civil Engineering suitable for Girls? Should I go for it or some other branch?

i have completed my 12th...im planning to take civil engineering next...my question is
is civil engineering suitable for girls....? every one is saying its not good for girls...
wat shall i do...go for civils or take anyother branch like ece.cse or IT...plzzz help me out to take a correct decision..

7th October 2011, 08:41 PM
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Default Re: Is Civil Engineering suitable for Girls? Should I go for it or some other branch?

Civil engineering is a branch which has immense scope in terms of the job opportunities. There is no problem for girls getting in to this field. There are equal opportunities for both males and females in this area. If you are interested in other branches such as ECE and all that it is also possible. But all the decisions regarding a particular option should be made on the basis of your interest in that field. A correct decision can be made only after analyzing yourself regarding your interest area.
8th October 2011, 03:49 AM
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Default Re: Is Civil Engineering suitable for Girls? Should I go for it or some other branch?

Civil engineering is a branch which has ample scope in terms of the job opportunities. There is no problem for girls getting in to this field.

If you are interested in CIVIL branches than don't go for other branches. In this branch you will have very less competition in GATE/IES.

But all the decisions regarding a particular option should be made on the basis of your interest in that field.

If you want government job than don't go for other branch.
31st October 2011, 05:04 PM
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Default Re: Is Civil Engineering suitable for Girls? Should I go for it or some other branch?

what are the job opportunities for girls in mechanical engineering?
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7th December 2011, 04:24 PM
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Default Re: Is Civil Engineering suitable for Girls? Should I go for it or some other branch?

I am study now as a student of electrical engg. in first year . but i want to be civil engg. so i want to start my carrier once again but people say "don't do this,civil is not for girl,and also say when you go for interview they ask you, why you drop one year ? they think that you are not strong you are not able '' .so what i do?
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31st December 2011, 05:48 PM
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Default Re: Is Civil Engineering suitable for Girls? Should I go for it or some other branch?

Yes civil engineer suitable for Girls.They can take civil engineering stream and after completing civil engineering lots of job opportunities will be there.

After completing civil engineering they can apply in these following company

All the best.
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14th January 2012, 02:14 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Is Civil Engineering suitable for Girls? Should I go for it or some other branch?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i have completed my 12th...im planning to take civil engineering next...my question is
is civil engineering suitable for girls....? every one is saying its not good for girls...
wat shall i do...go for civils or take anyother branch like ece.cse or IT...plzzz help me out to take a correct decision..

Is Civil Engineering suitable for Girls? Should I go for it or some other branch?

Civil Engineering is considered among one of the best engineering stream today as it contains a number of jobs not only in private sector but in public sector as well .There is no any problem for girls as Female civil engineers are also easily getting jobs in present date.The other stream of engineering where girls are mostly interested are as follows :
  • Computer Science and Engineering
  • Electronic and Communication Engineering
  • Electric and Electronic Engineering
  • Information Technology

Job prospects in Civil Engineering
  • Comparatively less competition in GATE and IES exam .
  • Site Engineer jobs
  • There is a huge demand of civil engineers in public sector and is expected to increase further.
  • Civil engineers are also important for the protection of the country and hence there are a number of jobs in army .

What should i Choose ? I am very Confused

First of all think properly with cool mind and decide "what is best for you and what brings interest in you " .I always suggest students to choose the stream strictly according to their interest and not on the basis of other's suggestion or something like that .If you think that you will perform better in a particular field then don't get afraid in choosing that stream .Be confident on your decision and try to give your best in whatever field you try.Always think positively and hope for the best.

If you are interested in choosing Civil Engineering ,then choose it otherwise if you are interested in CSE,ECE etc then choose one.

In which field i will get good salary ?

Every field is best in itself and contains good job and high salary so there is no any definition or categorization of "Best Field " .You can get best job and salary in every field so it is useless to choose fields on the basis of salary.
Actually salary package depend upon two main factor and not only the stream of your engineering .The two factors are :
  1. Skill in core subjects.
  2. Experience
  3. Skill in Core Subject

If you are good in your branch paper or core paper then you always have a chance to get good job and good salary as well.If you are good in your branch paper then you can get good salary not only in the field which is currently providing good salary but also in the field which is called dead by people.

So the salary is good in all fields of engineering .It doesn't matter whether it is Mechanical engineering,civil engineering or any engineering field.


More Experience means more Income or salary .In other words , a person with more experience is likely to get good salary and a fresher will always get less salary as compared to an experienced one.

So try to get better and deep knowledge in your core subjects rather than just remembering the bookish term for getting marks.

With Regards
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14th January 2012, 02:41 PM
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Default Re: Is Civil Engineering suitable for Girls? Should I go for it or some other branch?

Hi dear......
Yes, Girls can also apply for civil engineering there is no problem for girls.
After this you can get good scope for jobs & for more higher study i am providing you a carrier chart .....

The list of companies which you can get jobs after b.tech degree.

Good luck.........
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14th January 2012, 02:52 PM
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Default Re: Is Civil Engineering suitable for Girls? Should I go for it or some other branch?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i have completed my 12th...im planning to take civil engineering next...my question is
is civil engineering suitable for girls....? every one is saying its not good for girls...
wat shall i do...go for civils or take anyother branch like ece.cse or IT...plzzz help me out to take a correct decision..
Generally students prefer CORE BRANCHES like
  • electronics & communication
  • computer science
  • I.T
CIVIL ENGINEERING requires a lot of physical and mental stress. although you need to to think that girls cannot go for the jobs in CIVIL ENGINEERING.So,you should do CIVIL ENGINEERING if you have interestin this branch

  • DCE
  • IPU
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14th January 2012, 03:54 PM
sahaja mallarapu
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Default Re: Is Civil Engineering suitable for Girls? Should I go for it or some other branch?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i have completed my 12th...im planning to take civil engineering next...my question is
is civil engineering suitable for girls....? every one is saying its not good for girls...
wat shall i do...go for civils or take anyother branch like ece.cse or IT...plzzz help me out to take a correct decision..

Hi Friend,

in today's world girls are equal to boys.
in every field girls presence is there.

and coming to Civil Engineering it is a very good course.
and girls also can opt for this course.
if you are interested in Civil Engineering then go for it.
if you dont want to work on field then you can choose designing field also.
through Auto Cad you can design and it is some what similar to software profession where you need not to work on field and can simply work on a computer.
my suggesion is to take up civil engineering if you are interested.

All the best
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14th January 2012, 09:20 PM
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Civil Engineering is a stream which has to deal with constructions, heavy machinery, a very tough field work is also associated with the Civil Engineering job, and thus it is regarded as a very rigorous and tiring branch of Engineering.

As you say, that most of the people are saying or rather suggesting you not to take up Civil, is because of these reasons.

Also a lot of Civil Engineers go work less, once a particular project given to them is concluded. Civil Engineering is related or is dependent on tenders, contracts and 3rd party investments many times.
So not many Civil Engineers manage a regular job in their whole career.

Though its true that by 2020, India needs about 40 million Civil Engineers! But one has to take a right decision as to what a girl should actually opt keeping in mind the quality of work that needs to be done in future related to that decision.

Personally I would suggest you to take up Computers, or Electronics. These two streams are very comfortable, you can write a program sitting in an AC computer lab, or you can easily work on any Electronic Circuit in a comfortable Lab.

So usually girls prefer a stream out of these two rather than Mechanical or Civil.

However if you have steep interest in Civil, then do opt for it. But be prepared to face the hardships of that stream.

All the best

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25th January 2012, 04:58 AM
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Default Re: Is Civil Engineering suitable for Girls? Should I go for it or some other branch?

hi.im a 18 yr old gul,wu is interstd in follwn a career in civil engineering.i wanted 2 specialize in environmental engineering.. but i ws told that it doesnt have many job opportunities..is it true?
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7th June 2012, 07:25 PM
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Default Re: Is Civil Engineering suitable for Girls? Should I go for it or some other branch?

I am interested in architecture but my parents says that architects are not in demand. My parents wants me to do engineering but since I have no interest in physics i dont want to go for engineering. Can you please solve my problem???
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17th June 2012, 08:42 PM
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Default Re: Is Civil Engineering suitable for Girls? Should I go for it or some other branch?

is civil engineering good for girls?what should we choose if we don't want any field work
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1st July 2012, 05:52 PM
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Default Re: Is Civil Engineering suitable for Girls? Should I go for it or some other branch?

Nowadays there is a boom for civil engineers.There is a vast scope for anybody who cares to do it irrespective of gender.

In today's world girls are equal to boys.In every field girls presence is there and coming to Civil Engineering it is a very good course.
Yes ,civil engineering is suitable for Girls.There is no any problem for girls as Female civil engineers are also easily getting jobs in present date.

But all the decisions regarding a particular option should be made on the basis of your interest in that field. A correct decision can be made only after analyzing yourself regarding your interest area.

All jobs do not involve clomping through the mud in rubber boots and working in the project field.In fact,he/she may have to rarely leave the office room.Through Auto Cad one can design and it is some what similar to software profession where you need not to work on field and can simply work on a computer.The work of structural design ,water treatment resources,town and city planning and highway planning are all examples of civil engineering that have been gender neutral.

If you have steep interest in Civil, then do opt for it.
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19th August 2012, 06:46 PM
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Default Re: Is Civil Engineering suitable for Girls? Should I go for it or some other branch?

This is Harkirat.. I am a non medical student. I am little bit confused abt my career... that what do i opt after my 2. everybody says that go for computer science but unfortunately i have no interest in it. please help me out in choosing a suitable engg. stream.
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30th January 2013, 10:07 PM
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Default Re: Is Civil Engineering suitable for Girls? Should I go for it or some other branch?

In india only about 60000 civil engineers graduates every year in compare 4 lacs computer and IT engineers, there will bee need of civil engineers to construct india, hence civil engineering is best,
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27th April 2013, 09:06 PM
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Default Re: Is Civil Engineering suitable for Girls? Should I go for it or some other branch?

Originally Posted by gaurav2talk View Post
Civil engineering is a branch which has ample scope in terms of the job opportunities. There is no problem for girls getting in to this field.

If you are interested in CIVIL branches than don't go for other branches. In this branch you will have very less competition in GATE/IES.

But all the decisions regarding a particular option should be made on the basis of your interest in that field.

If you want government job than don't go for other branch.
girls having so many office jobs which they can do like cad, stad pro , design etc
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30th May 2013, 05:43 PM
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Default Re: Is Civil Engineering suitable for Girls? Should I go for it or some other branch?

I want to take civil engg as my engg branch bt evrybody of my relatives n other people are saying dat its nt gud for girls....;(
nw please suggest me wht shud i opt nw????
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2nd June 2013, 11:24 PM
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Default Re: Is Civil Engineering suitable for Girls? Should I go for it or some other branch?

do civil engineering is good for girls after 10th class and do it has job opportunity?
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2nd June 2013, 11:27 PM
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Default Re: Is Civil Engineering suitable for Girls? Should I go for it or some other branch?

can i do civil engineering after 10th do its good for girls and has job opportunity?
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24th June 2013, 02:25 PM
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Default Re: Is Civil Engineering suitable for Girls? Should I go for it or some other branch?

dear friends;
every one says that girls r not suitable for civil engineering.but i don't accept that words.Now a days girls do work more than boys and girls can do field work more than boys ...
so;girls r also needed to our country as civil enginer.so;friends evry one can do civil engineering either girls or boys..

all the best
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25th June 2013, 11:31 AM
Join Date: Jun 2013
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Default Re: Is Civil Engineering suitable for Girls? Should I go for it or some other branch?

I f you have interest in civil engineering then go for it.But generally most of girls go for Computer science engineering.If you have interest in civil then don't leave that branch.Girls are going in this branch but less.Or if you have interest in programming and software developing then go for CS.Both have good scope in our country with good salary.
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30th October 2019, 04:48 AM
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Smile Re: Is Civil Engineering suitable for Girls? Should I go for it or some other branch?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I am study now as a student of electrical engg. in first year . but i want to be civil engg. so i want to start my carrier once again but people say "don't do this,civil is not for girl,and also say when you go for interview they ask you, why you drop one year ? they think that you are not strong you are not able '' .so what i do?
I've taken civil engineering I'm in my first year and I don't actual think it's that bad in my entire year band there's 6 girls but so what they would be more opportunities for girls as there are less of them
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17th September 2020, 09:51 AM
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Default Re: Is Civil Engineering suitable for Girls? Should I go for it or some other branch?

Which is suitable an artitecture or a civil engineering for girls in our country?
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30th October 2021, 11:34 PM
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Default Re: Is Civil Engineering suitable for Girls? Should I go for it or some other branch?

which is better to have nit hamirpur civil branch or hbtu kanpur cs branch
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19th December 2021, 02:49 PM
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Default Re: Is Civil Engineering suitable for Girls? Should I go for it or some other branch?

What is study for civil engineering?
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