19th June 2011, 11:48 PM
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Difference between Mechanical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Specialization in Manufacturing Technology? Can I apply for government jobs?

Sir i want to know is there any difference in mechanical engineering and mechanical engineering specialization in manufacturing techology?if no then pls tell me after doing this course can apply for govt jobs in which mechanical engineering degree require?

19th July 2011, 02:34 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Mechanical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Specialization in Manufacturing Technology? Can I apply for government jobs?

29th July 2011, 03:47 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Mechanical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Specialization in Manufacturing Technology? Can I apply for government jobs?

hi,,,let me tell you that the manufacturing technology is an specialized course which specially deals with the industrial tools and products ,various method of manufacturing ,more emphasis is given on the technical drawing learning , preparation process,quality control systems and in short term its an specialization in manufacturing of goods ,were as the mechanical engineering deals with the broader scope of the mechanical field like the strength of materials,hydraulic machines ,welding process etc.
to make it more clear we can say that an mechanical engineer can also work in construction field,power sector and various other diverse sectors were as an person specialized in manufacturing technology can work only in the field of companies which are basically an manufacturing firms and are having mechanical manufacturing factories and also assembly line processes.
29th October 2011, 12:44 AM
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Default Re: Difference between Mechanical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Specialization in Manufacturing Technology? Can I apply for government jobs?

What is the job in b.e mech(manufacturing engg)
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31st October 2011, 08:00 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Mechanical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Specialization in Manufacturing Technology? Can I apply for government jobs?

Respected sir,
Mechanical Engineering Overview
The Field - Preparation - Day in the Life - Earnings - Employment -
Development - Career Path Forecast - Professional Organizations
The Field
Mechanical engineering is one of the largest, broadest, and oldest
engineering disciplines. Mechanical engineers use the principles of
energy, materials, and mechanics to design and manufacture
machines and devices of all types. They create the processes and
systems that drive technology and industry.
The key characteristics of the profession are its breadth, flexibility,
and individuality. The career paths of mechanical engineers are
largely determined by individual choices, a decided advantage in a
changing world.
Mechanics, energy and heat, mathematics, engineering sciences,
design and manufacturing form the foundation of mechanical
engineering. Mechanics includes fluids, ranging from still water to hypersonic gases flowing
around a space vehicle; it involves the motion of anything from a particle to a machine or
complex structure.
Mechanical engineers research, design, develop, manufacture,
and test tools, engines, machines, and other mechanical
devices. Mechanical engineering is one of the broadest
engineering disciplines. Engineers in this discipline work on
power-producing machines such as electric generators,
internal combustion engines, and steam and gas turbines.
They also work on power-using machines such as refrigeration
and air-conditioning equipment, machine tools, material
handling systems, elevators and escalators, industrial
production equipment, and robots used in manufacturing.
Mechanical engineers also design tools that other engineers
need for their work. In addition, mechanical engineers work in
manufacturing or agriculture production, maintenance, or
technical sales; many become administrators or managers.
Analysis, design, and synthesis are the key functions of mechanical engineers. The question is
often how devices and processes actually work. The first step is to visualize what is happening
and clearly state the problem. A mechanical engineer will then use computer-based modeling,
simulation, and visualization techniques to test different solutions.
"Mechanical Engineering Overview"
Prepared as part of the Sloan Career Cornerstone Center (www.careercornerstone.org)
Design is one of the most satisfying jobs for a mechanical engineer.
To design and build a new car, you must reckon with power, weight,
size and shape, materials, reliability, and safety. "Synthesis" is when
you pull all the factors together in a design that can be successfully
manufactured. Design problems are challenging because most are
open-ended, without a single or best answer. There is no best
mousetrap -- just better ones.
The field is notable for emphasizing versatility. A mechanical engineering education is an
excellent foundation for work in other fields. Some mechanical engineers work on medical
problems, such as the mechanics of bones and joints, or the fluid dynamics of the circulatory
system. Mechanical engineers deal with economic issues, from the cost of a single
component, to the economic impact of a manufacturing plant. M.E.'s can be found in sales,
engineering management, and corporate management. Versatility is a decided asset in a world
that is undergoing constant economic, political, industrial, and social change. Mechanical
engineers are educated and positioned, not only to adapt, but to define and direct change.
The diversity of the field of mechanical engineering is represented in the following areas of
Basic Engineering
Fundamentally, mechanical engineers are involved with the
mechanics of motion and the transfer of energy from one form
to another or one place to another. ME's design and build
machines for industrial and consumer use -- virtually any
machine you find, had a mechanical engineer involved with its
development and production. They design heating, ventilation,
and air conditioning systems to control the climate in homes,
offices, and industrial plants, and develop refrigeration
systems for the food industry. ME's also design heat
exchangers, key components in high-tech mechanical and electronic computer equipment.
Applied Mechanics: Mechanics can be applied to almost anything -- metal bars, rocks,
water, the human skeleton, or complex systems such as buildings, automobiles, and
machines. The basic question is how things work and whether they work well. To find
the answers, a mechanical engineer uses a knowledge of shock and vibration,
dynamics and motion, fracture and failure in components, and the behavior of high-tech
materials. New computer applications make it possible to model and visualize all of
these processes.
Fluids Engineering: There's a mechanical process involved in anything that flows --
air, water, heat and cold, even the sand along our shores. Whatever the substance
may be, M.E.'s know how to describe and control its movement. M.E.'s design fluid
machines and systems -- pumps, turbines, compressors, valves, pipelines, biological
devices, hydraulic systems, and the fluid systems in car engines. The fluids engineer
can be found in industries ranging from aerospace to food, manufacturing, medicine,
power, and transportation.
"Mechanical Engineering Overview"
Prepared as part of the Sloan Career Cornerstone Center (www.careercornerstone.org)
Heat Transfer: Heat is generated and moved by any use of energy, in everything from
computers to automobiles and ventilating systems in buildings. This is an issue in all
modern technology, given today's emphasis on conservation and wise use of resources.
This field touches on combustion, power generation and transmission systems, process
equipment, electronic devices, thermal controls in manufacturing, environmental controls,
biotechnology, aerospace applications, transportation equipment, and even cryogenics (for
those who like to freeze things).
Bioengineering: Mechanical engineering principles are used to design and perfect
biomechanical devices or systems. Almost any part of the human organism can be
described mechanically, whether it's a knee joint or the circulatory system. This field
involves artificial organs, biomechanics, biomaterials, bio-instrumentation, biotransport
processes, human factors, medical devices, biomedical modeling, and biological systems.
Bioprocess Engineering focuses on the processes, systems, and equipment used in the
biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries -- everything from cell cultures, to
bioprocessing, to unit operations. M.E.'s in this field work closely with biologists, chemists,
and chemical engineers.
Tribology: Tribology may not be a familiar term, but if you are designing an artificial hip
socket, a laser printer, or a locomotive, you will have to think about friction, heat, wear,
bearings, and lubrication. Otherwise your product probably won't run well or for very long.
By reducing wear, the tribologist prevents the failure of everything from computer disk
drives to the seals used in space vehicles.
Energy Conversion
We live in a world of dependent on the production and conversion of energy into useful forms.
Mechanical engineers are involved in all aspects of the production and conversion of energy
from one form to another. We design and operate fossil fuel, hydroelectric, conventional,
nuclear and cogeneration power plants. We design and develop internal combustion engines
for automobiles, trucks and marine use and also for electrical power generation.
Internal Combustion Engines: Mechanical engineers design and manufacture IC engines
for mobile, marine, rail, and stationary applications. Engine design requires a broad
knowledge base, including mechanics, electronics, materials, and thermal sciences.
Problems must be solved in fuels and combustion, intake systems, ignition, instrumentation
and controls, lubrication, materials, and maintenance.
Fuels & Combustion Technologies: Mechanical Engineers may specialize in the
understanding of fuels and combustion systems in modern utility and industrial power
plants or in internal combustion, gas turbine or other engines. These ME's work with
combustion systems, fuel properties and characteristics, fuel processing and alternative
fuels, and fuel handling transportation and storage.
Nuclear Engineering: M.E.'s in Nuclear Engineering use their knowledge of mechanics,
heat, fluids, machinery and controls. They develop advanced reactors and components,
heat exchangers, pressure vessels and piping, radwaste systems, and new fuel
Power Engineering: Power Engineering focuses on electricity, produced by steam and
water-driven turbines. Power M.E.'s design and develop these systems, as well as
industrial and marine power plants, combustion equipment, and the equipment that goes
into power plants -- condensers, cooling towers, pumps, piping, heat exchangers, and the
controls to make it all work.
"Mechanical Engineering Overview"
Prepared as part of the Sloan Career Cornerstone Center (www.careercornerstone.org)
Energy Resources
Mechanical engineers are experts on the conversion and use of existing energy sources and in
developing the equipment needed to process and transport fuels. At the same time,
mechanical engineers are active in finding and developing new forms of energy. In that effort,
ME's deal with the production of energy from alternate sources, such as solar, geothermal, and
Advanced Energy Systems: Most energy has come from the conversion of chemical or
thermal energy into electrical and mechanical energy. M.E.'s are developing alternatives to
thermal energy, power cycle devices, fuel cells, gas turbines, and innovative uses of coal,
wind, and tidal flows.
Solar Engineering: M.E.'s in Solar Energy are finding new ways to produce mechanical
and electrical power for heating, refrigeration, and water purification. They design devices
and structures to collect solar energy, and they work with architects to design buildings that
use solar energy for heating, cooling, and lighting.
Petroleum: Mechanical engineers play important roles in the petroleum industry, working
in oil and gas drilling and production, offshore and arctic operations, hydrocarbon
processing, synfuels and coal technology, materials, equipment design and manufacture,
fuel transport, new fuel technologies, and pollution control.
Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering: Much of our energy already comes from offshore
sources. M.E.'s design and build ocean structures, systems, and equipment -- hyperbaric
chambers, life support equipment, marine vehicles, submersibles and ROV's, propulsion
systems, remote sensing systems, moorings and buoys, ship structures, and ocean mining
equipment. Any given project may call for expertise in acoustics, construction and salvage
technologies, corrosion, and high-tech materials. Offshore Mechanics differs from Ocean
Engineering in that it focuses more on the science of mechanics. An M.E. specialist in this
field deals with hydrodynamics, structural mechanics, computational methods, offshore
materials science, materials fatigue and fracture, hydrodynamic forces and motion, fluidsolid-
soil interactions, deepwater platforms, cable and pipeline dynamics, sensors and
measurements, robots and remote control, and the mechanics of offshore drilling
operations. The arctic engineer deals with a unique set of problems, such as ice
mechanics, pipeline operations, and the behavior of materials in cold climates.
Environment & Transportation
Transportation is a large and growing field for mechanical engineers. Existing modes of air and
surface transport require continuous improvement or replacement. ME's work at the cutting
edge of these efforts. Wherever machines are made or used, you will find mechanical
engineers. They are instrumental in the design, development and manufacturing of machines
that transmit power. They are also critically involved with the environmental impact and fuel
efficiency of the machines they develop and with any by-products of the fuels used to power
those machines.
Aerospace & Automotive: They used to be called "flying machines." Very true.
Aircraft are, in fact, flying "machines." One of the major activities of mechanical
engineers is in the design, development and manufacture of things that move on land,
sea, air and in space. M.E.'s design propulsion engines and structural component
systems, crew and passenger accommodations and life support systems. M.E.'s also
develop the equipment used to build automotive, aircraft, marine and space vehicles.
"Mechanical Engineering Overview"
Prepared as part of the Sloan Career Cornerstone Center (www.careercornerstone.org)
Environmental Engineering: Most environmental conditions involve a mechanical
process -- the movement of heat, noise, or pollutants in air, soil, or water. M.E.'s deal
with questions about environmental impact and recyclability in the design of products
and systems. They use modeling techniques to understand air, ground, and water
pollution and to develop effective controls. For example, M.E.'s analyzed and modeled
the mechanical relationship between power plant emissions and acid rain in the
northeastern states.
Noise Control & Acoustics: Sound is a mechanical phenomenon -- the movement of
waves or vibrations through solids, liquids, or space. Acoustics is the art and science of
producing, analyzing, and controlling sound. A mechanical engineering background can
help to solve problems in noise control, flow-related noise and vibration, industrial
acoustics, instrumentation, acoustical materials, and structures.
Rail Transportation: All aspects of mechanical engineering can be applied to the
design, construction, operation, and maintenance of rail and mass-transit systems.
Technologies developed in aerospace and energy conversion are being applied to a
new generation of locomotives and cars for freight, passenger, and transit services.
Solid Waste Processing: Solid waste processing is a key aspect of environmental
protection and energy conservation. M.E.'s are involved in the design and construction
of solid waste processing facilities, and in work related to recycling, resource recovery,
and the new technologies for waste-to-energy and biomass conversion.
Engineering & Technology Management
Working in project teams is a way of life for mechanical engineers. Deciding which projects to
undertake and leading those projects to a successful conclusion is the job of experienced
engineers who move into management. On the safety front, all projects involve safety issues.
By its very nature mechanical engineering involves the harnessing and channeling of the
forces of nature, forces which are often extremely powerful. Consider the contained
"explosion" that inflates an automobile air bag or the mechanical forces involved in bringing an
airplane load of people to a safe and comfortable landing, or the safety and reliability of an
elevator, a power plant, or an incubator for pre-maturely born infants.
Management: Mechanical engineering careers often lead to project, division, or
corporate management, on a domestic or international scale. M.E. managers deal with
a variety of issues -- quality control, safety, teamwork and productivity, communications,
finance, professional development and training, product and market analysis, sales and
service, and computer systems.
In contemporary manufacturing companies, mechanical engineers play a key role in the
"realization" of products, working closely with other engineers and specialists in corporate
management, finance, marketing, and packaging. ME's design products, select materials and
processes, and convert them to finished products. They design and manufacture machine
tools -- literally the machines that make machines and design entire manufacturing processes,
aided by the latest technologies in automation and robotics. Finally, the finished products are
transported in equipment designed by mechanical engineers. This is the largest area of
employment for mechanical engineers, especially when the process and textile industries are
included. A finished product requires the right materials, a viable plant and equipment, and a
manufacturing system. This all comes within the purview of mechanical, manufacturing and
industrial engineers.
"Mechanical Engineering Overview"
Prepared as part of the Sloan Career Cornerstone Center (www.careercornerstone.org)
Manufacturing Engineering: About half of all M.E.'s work in companies that
manufacture "something," such as consumer goods, transportation, or industrial
equipment. Another 16% work in the process industries, like petrochemical or
pharmaceutical. The challenges are as diverse as the products -- from miniature
devices used by surgeons, to disk drives, or massive pieces of industrial equipment.
This work calls for a knowledge of materials, manufacturing processes, thermal
processes, controls, electronics, and, as in all of engineering --- teamwork skills.
Materials Handling Engineering: Materials must be delivered at the right time, place,
and in the right form -- a challenge with the costly, exotic, and sometimes hazardous
materials used in some industries. Some M.E.'s specialized in materials transportation,
handling equipment and procedures, hazard control technologies, and in the training of
employees who will work with these materials.
Plant Engineering & Maintenance: Competitive industries must often update their
plants, manufacturing equipment, and operating procedures. This must be done quickly
and with the least possible disruption. M.E.'s in plant engineering focus on systems,
equipment, processes, and facilities. They provide creative solutions that allow
companies to meet their goals for quality, safety, and cost.
Process Industries: The M.E. ‘process engineer' changes materials from one form to
another or gives them new properties. They can then be used in manufacturing
components and finished products. The M.E. `process engineer' designs and builds the
systems and machines that heat, cool, soften, harden, or liquefy substances -- anything
from industrial fluids and gases, to metals, or even food products and pharmaceuticals.
Textile Engineering: Textile manufacturing is a global industry that depends on
automated equipment to prepare and handle fibers, weave or knit fabrics, manufacture
finished apparel, and handle finished products. Multinational textile industries turn to
M.E.'s for expertise in plant design and construction, equipment installation,
programming and control techniques, operations, and maintenance.
Materials & Structures
In order to arrive at the best design for a product, mechanical engineers use a wide variety of
metal, plastic, ceramic materials. They also use composites made up of more than one type of
material. Once designed, built and in service, elements like pipeline welds and sections, gears
and other drive-train elements may need inspection for structural integrity or the effects of
mechanical wear. Non-Destructive Evaluation, as its name implies, allows ME's to use X-ray,
magnetic particle, ultrasound and other techniques to examine the internal condition of
structural and machine parts, without causing them to fail or without removing them from
service. This analysis is particularly important in assuring the reliability and safety of pressure
vessels and piping systems.
Materials Engineering: Materials has grown into a distinct and important technology.
Mechanical engineers focus on the behavior and selection of materials -- preferably
before they become part of machines or complex structures. The Materials M.E.
focuses on the properties of materials and their effect on design, fabrication, quality,
and performance. M.E.'s find ways to give materials specific properties -- strength,
ductility, and resistance to fracture, fatigue, and corrosion. The goal is to have materials
that can be casted, forged, stamped, rolled, machined, or welded. Mechanical
engineers are interested in many aspects of plant engineering, including the pressure
vessels and piping that are an essential part of many industrial plants and processes.
"Mechanical Engineering Overview"
Prepared as part of the Sloan Career Cornerstone Center (www.careercornerstone.org)
Non-Destructive Evalu
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30th March 2012, 07:17 AM
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Default Re: Difference between Mechanical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Specialization in Manufacturing Technology? Can I apply for government jobs?

sir is there any special course in ic engine after b.tech from mechanical?
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14th June 2012, 12:35 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Mechanical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Specialization in Manufacturing Technology? Can I apply for government jobs?

sir what is the scope of btech mechanical with specialisation in energy engineering in VIT? sir please answer soon,i have to take decision for it within 24 hours.
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5th October 2012, 07:38 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Mechanical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Specialization in Manufacturing Technology? Can I apply for government jobs?

plz let me know whethere a person having degree in manufacturing technology is eligible for the vacancy of MT/GET in oil sector companies against the vacancy of mechanical engg. or not.
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9th May 2013, 11:27 AM
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Default Re: Difference between Mechanical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Specialization in Manufacturing Technology? Can I apply for government jobs?

difference between instrumental and mechanical engineering????
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8th July 2013, 07:15 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Mechanical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Specialization in Manufacturing Technology? Can I apply for government jobs?

what are the specilazation courses or subjects available for mechanical engg????????????
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2nd May 2014, 01:18 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Mechanical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Specialization in Manufacturing Technology? Can I apply for government jobs?

Difference between B.Tech Mechanical and B.Tech Mechanical with specialization in Energy Engineering?
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6th July 2017, 11:52 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Mechanical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Specialization in Manufacturing Technology? Can I apply for government jobs?

Is there any difference between plastic engineering and mechanical engineering??
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