22nd July 2010, 01:56 PM
nishu jha
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Is it a good choice to join Aeronautical Engineering after 12th?

Is it a good choice to join Aeronautical Engineering after 12th?


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18th April 2011, 05:05 PM
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Smile Re: Is it a good choice to join Aeronautical Engineering after 12th?

Originally Posted by nishu jha View Post
Is it a good choice to join Aeronautical Engineering after 12th?

Aeronautical Engineering is a good choice after 10+2. If you are
really interested for this course then its good to do this course
This branch is best for those students who want to make their
carrier in airplanes, space shuttles, jumbo jets and other similar
exciting stuff.
There are many job opportunities are available for the Aeronautical
engineer student. As a Aeronautical engineer you can apply in

Aviation industry (private and public airlines)
Satellite and Space research organizations (ISRO, NASA etc.,)
Defence (Military – Air Force)
Automobile and fast-moving locomotive industries

So Aeronautical engineering is not the bad choice and if you are
interested for this then go ahead.
18th April 2011, 05:18 PM
Somesh Goenka
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Default Re: Is it a good choice to join Aeronautical Engineering after 12th?

Aeronautical Engineering is not for the faint hearted.
If you have the passion for Aircrafts and have the capability and the determination to design the jets then I think this the best opportunity for you.

However, if you want to do something easy then this is definitely not the field for you.

Aeronautical Engineering is really very exciting career prospect for those who have the passion to built the mighty bird that talks to the skies.

As an aeronautical engineering graduate, you have the following opportunities:

Design and development
Aviation Industry
Defence Industry
Design of Space Shuttles.

There are various colleges in India offering Aeronautical engineering courses. Some of the top colleges are as follows:

1.Indian Institute of Technology, Powai, Mumbai 400076 (Maharashtra)

2.IIT, Kharagpur 721302 (WB)

3.Indian Institute of Technology

4.Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai 600044 (Tamil Nadu)

5.Hindustan Inst of Engineering Technology, 40 GST Road, P.O.Box No.1306, St. Thomas Mount, Chennai 600016 (Tamil Nadu)

6.Nehru College of Aeronautical and Applied Sciences, Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)

7.School of Aviation Science and Technology, Delhi Flying Club, Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi

8.Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh 160011

9.IIT, Kanpur 208016

10.Indian Institute of Aeronautics, Patna Airport, Patna 800014 (Bihar) Approved by Airworthiness Authority of India
18th April 2011, 05:53 PM
Ullas Kakanadan
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Default Re: Is it a good choice to join Aeronautical Engineering after 12th?

Aerospace Engineers work in one of the most technologically advanced branches of engineering. They design, construct and test aircraft, missiles, satellites, rockets, spacecrafts and anything that flies. Researching new materials, engines, body shapes and structures.Creativity is what is required.


You need to be good at
1)mathematical and logical skills.
3)Must be able to get on well with people at all levels.
4)Should be able to keep calm under pressure and be a problem solver.
5)Should also like working with tools, drawing complex sketches and thinking up forms and structures.
6)Be updated
7)Ability to express one’s ideas clearly to others

Academic Qualifications:

You need to be a BE/B.Tech. in aerospace engineering. There are also diploma courses, which you can pursue after 10+2 but you will need to complete your degree before you get a good job. After graduation, you could pursue an M.Tech. or Ph.D. in aeronautics. Then there are exams conducted by the AeSI (Aeronautical Society Of India). This exam is considered equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering.

You will study subjects like Principles of Flight, Aerodynamics, Aircraft structure, Propulsion, Avionics, Electronics, Metrology, as well as Airworthiness Regulations and Air Traffic Control.
You will then have to choose an area of specialisation namely, aerodynamics, propulsion, structures, navigation and control, instrumentation and communication, etc. You could also specialise in aerospace products viz., commercial transport, military fighter jets, helicopters, spacecrafts, missiles or rockets.

Job Opportunities
Not to mention the NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, United States)
In India you will most likely be employed in government owned enterprises such as ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation), DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation), HAL (Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd.), NAL (National Aeronautics Labs), etc. The new area of opportunities are emerging as many global airlines operators and aircraft companies planning to open their MRO- Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul facilities in India.A lot of prestige is associated with working in these organisations and they attract the top brains in the country.
You could also work for airlines like Air India, Indian Airlines, Jet Airways, KingFisher etc. Openings also exist in civil aviation departments as well as the Indian Air Force.

As a trainee Aerospace Engineer you will earn about Rs 25,000 or more per month, if you get into an airlines. Research organisations, aircraft developing and manufacturing organisations and others pay around Rs 12,000 per month.
After a couple of year’s experience, you could be easily making around Rs 80,000 a month. Plus you get all the added benefits reserved for government servants.
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18th April 2011, 05:57 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Is it a good choice to join Aeronautical Engineering after 12th?

Originally Posted by nishu jha View Post
Is it a good choice to join Aeronautical Engineering after 12th?


Is it a good choice to join Aeronautical Engineering after 12th

Yes, definitely it is a good field to join if you have interest in this subject as it offers high salried and royal job. generally you get free travelling power as well.

It was little difficult time for aeronautical engineers quite a few years back but now it is safe to choose . you always have the chance to get into aerospace field and can become an astronaut.

I always suggest students to choose the subject of their choice so that they can focus on their interested subjected. after all you always have the chance to do better in any field ,if you can work hard .

with regards
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18th April 2011, 06:24 PM
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its a very good choice infact its one of the best branch in engineering presently. But from my side i wold like to suggest you that choose this branch onlly if you are really interested in it dont get attracted just because its a nice branch
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18th April 2011, 07:54 PM
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Default Re: Is it a good choice to join Aeronautical Engineering after 12th?

Originally Posted by nishu jha View Post
Is it a good choice to join Aeronautical Engineering after 12th?

Yes you can!!!. but if u are interested in maintenance of aircraft you can also get good career in AME(aircraft maintenance engineering)
For more details on this course go to -amevoice.com-
this course is completely dealing with maintenance work and is conducted by DGCA and website is www.dgca.nic.in
so you have agood choice here...!!!!
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18th April 2011, 09:02 PM
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Default Re: Is it a good choice to join Aeronautical Engineering after 12th?

It is very good course to do and there is huge opportunity in this are .


For Aeronautical engineer jobs are available with the national, international, public and
private Airline Services, aircraft-manufacturing units, Defense services and research and
development organizations

This field deals with the development of new technology in the field of aviation, space
exploration and defence systems.

You can work in all these places ::

Air Forces
Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)
Hindustan Aeronautical Ltd (HAL)
Defense Research and Development Laboratories (DRDO)
National Aeronautical Lab (NAL)

It specializes in both commercial and military aircraft as well as satellites and missiles.

They design, construct and test aircraft, missiles, satellites, rockets, spacecrafts and
anything that flies.

Involved in researching new materials, engines, body shapes and structures.
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18th April 2011, 10:40 PM
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Default Re: Is it a good choice to join Aeronautical Engineering after 12th?

According to me take the course which you really likes. If you are really intrested in designing and studying about airplanes, rocket,... then this is yours. You can serve even ISRO after completing the course.
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18th April 2011, 10:46 PM
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Default Re: Is it a good choice to join Aeronautical Engineering after 12th?

You should select the course in which you are really intrested. If you are really intrested in designing and studying about aeroplanes, rocket then the course is yours. You can also serve ISRO after completing this course.
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19th April 2011, 12:47 AM
yashwar sharma S.G.
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Default Re: Is it a good choice to join Aeronautical Engineering after 12th?

The best thing lies in your interests!!!

How do you want to choose the stream,ie. if you are interested in computer and you are taking aeronautical,then you have made a wrong step in your career.

First try to find out the interest in you,if aeronautical engineering is your aim,then go for it,it is a really booming and emerging field in India which has many job opportunities abroad.

You can go for this.

Some of the colleges which offer such courses are:

Excel engineering college
Hindustan college
Anna university coimbatore

thank you!!!
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19th April 2011, 04:16 AM
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Default Re: Is it a good choice to join Aeronautical Engineering after 12th?

Yes definately its a very good option to join Aeronautical Engineering after 12th. It has a very wide career opportunity.

After completing this course you will get opportunity to work in
  • Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)
  • Air Forces
  • Hindustan Aeronautical Ltd (HAL)
  • National Aeronautical Lab (NAL)
  • Defense Research and Development Laboratories (DRDO)
and many such organisation...

For complete details for job opportunity in these organisation please visit official website of these organisation .

All the Best...
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19th April 2011, 09:35 AM
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Yes, It is good decision if you join Aeronautical Engineering. Lots of apporchunity in this field.Top colleges are here of Aeronautical Engineering.

Top Aeronautical Engineering Colleges in India:-
  1. IIT, Delhi
  2. IIT, Kanpur
  3. IIT, Mumbai
  4. IIT, Kharagpur
  5. IIT, Chennai
  6. Indian Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu.
  7. Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
  8. Hindustan Inst of Engineering Technology, Tamil Nadu.
  9. Nehru College of Aeronautical and Applied Sciences, Coimbatore ,Tamil Nadu.
  11. Hindustan College Of Engineering, Tamil Nadu
  12. Nehru College of Aeronautics & Applied Science, Tamil Nadu
  13. Park College of Engineering and Technology, Tamil Nadu
  14. Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai
  15. Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai
  16. Institute of Aeronatical Engineering, Hyderabad.
  17. MLR Institute Of Technology, Hyderabad.
  18. Aeronautical Engineering Colleges, Hyderabad
  19. Aeronautical Engineering Colleges, Andhra Pradesh
  20. Bharat institute of Engineering and technology, Hyderabad.
  21. Mallareddy college of engineering and technology, Hyderabad.
  22. Auroras Scientific and Technological Research Academy, Hyderabad

General information of NASA:-

To be an astronaut you need to specialise in aeronautical /aerospace engineering at an advanced level.
The men and women who make it to America’s astronaut corps must possess a unique blend of personality
traits. A glance at the biographies of the less than one percent aspirants who do make it through NASA’s weeklong screening process reveals top scholars, decorated pilots and accomplished scientists.

Astronauts spend years training before they can lift off into space. They learn to operate shuttles, perform experiments in zero gravity (and eat bugs if they must survive in the wilderness should a practice flight got of control).

Interestingly, over 1/3rd of NASA employees are of Indian origin. The NASA-Ames Research Centre has implemented a new automated recruiting and staffing system called NASA STARS.
To apply, please visit the NASA website: www.hr.arc.nasa.gov/students/index. html.

NASA Jobs: www.nasajobs.nasa.gov
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13th May 2011, 02:20 PM
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Default Re: Is it a good choice to join Aeronautical Engineering after 12th?

Hi.. I am vignesh from kancheepuram, Tamilnadu, india. i would like to spend my whole life and soul as an aerospace engineer & as an astronaut. i would like to build a bridge(link) between ours and vast vast space.i got 197.5 cutoff marks in 12th board exam. can i get a seat in prestigious colleges like MIT,chennai? please reply and give me ayour fabulous advices. thank you
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5th June 2011, 07:13 PM
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Default Re: Is it a good choice to join Aeronautical Engineering after 12th?

Originally Posted by nishu jha View Post
Is it a good choice to join Aeronautical Engineering after 12th?

Aeronautical Engineering in India does not have high scope since in India, we don't have any aircraft manufacturing Industry. So, In India best course in this field would be Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (AME) which has large scope in India.

All The Best.
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20th May 2012, 12:14 AM
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Default Re: Is it a good choice to join Aeronautical Engineering after 12th?

Which engineer earn the earn the highest salary in us
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8th June 2013, 06:45 PM
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Default Re: Is it a good choice to join Aeronautical Engineering after 12th?

Is Aeronautical engneering a good choice for girls after 12th?
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6th December 2013, 02:11 PM
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Default Re: Is it a good choice to join Aeronautical Engineering after 12th?

Where should have to work as aeronautical engineer? What salary i can get?
Mechnical engineering can helpful to get in the field of aerospace espacially isro,nasa?
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6th May 2014, 01:26 PM
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Default Re: Is it a good choice to join Aeronautical Engineering after 12th?

I am completed 12th.Wat I want to do after 12th?? Will I get job easily in Aeronautical Enginnering??Does Aeronautical Eng is a good choice..pls help me
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