25th August 2011, 01:55 AM
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How to answer the question of Introduce Yourself?

what i should give answer of the question tell me about yourself?

25th August 2011, 02:34 PM
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Default Re: How to answer the question of Introduce Yourself?

This is the very first question that the candidates face in most of the Interviews. This is where Interviewer examines your voice and the way how you are delivering in addition to your details.

You should be capable of introducing about yourself to a minimum of 2 minutes to a maximum of 10 minutes because sometimes you have to keep on telling about yourself till the Interviewer stops you.

To start with, you have to mention your name and followed by your place of living both native placae and the place where you are living now.

Later on,explain about your academic qualifications starting with lowest level of qualification to highest level of qualification. It is also better to mention about your percentage of marks if your track record is good.

After this, go through Family background,occupations of your family members including you.

Then explain about your acheivements during your academics, project studies, certifications, awards you received and other acheivements.

Soon after the completion of this say something about your strengths, hobbies and goals and it is better if you explain how you can best use your strengths to acheive goals.
25th August 2011, 02:42 PM
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Default Re: How to answer the question of Introduce Yourself?

You have to capable of introducing about yourself to a minimum of 2 minutes to a maximum of 10 minutes because sometimes you have to keep on telling about yourself till the Interviewer stops you.

At first, you have to mention your name and followed by your place of living both native placae and the place where you are living now.

Afterthat,explain about your academic qualifications starting with lowest level of qualification to highest level of qualification. It is also better to mention about your percentage of marks if your track record is good.

Afterthat, go through Family background,occupations of your family members including you.

Afterthat, explain about your acheivements during your academics, project studies, certifications, awards you received and other acheivements.

25th August 2011, 04:38 PM
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Originally Posted by sandeeprabindra View Post
what i should give answer of the question tell me about yourself?

well..first start with ur name and the place u belong to..then tell a bit about ur family..then go on to desribe the journey of ur life..like where u were brought up and where did u do ur schooling and college from..what were ur major achievements in ur school carrier..what all did u learn from ur student experience and then..
finally when u want to conclude then..just say about urself that how u see ur life and what are ur ambitions to become in life and how u see yourself as a human being..

hope this helps..
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25th August 2011, 05:15 PM
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Dear Sandeep,

Here I am going to tell you proper format to introduce yourself, not just for you but for all who are going to face interview in there near future.

Here is the format. You just have to fill it and memorize it after filling.

Greetings: GM Sir/ Mam
I am ………………………………
I am ………………………. Years of age.
I reside at ……………………….
About my family background, I belong to a nuclear family of ……4….. Members including me.
My father is a govt. employee.
My mother is a home maker.
About my academic qualification, I am pursuing my graduation from……………….
Apart from that I have done basic in computers, etc..
My hobbies include listening music and interacting to people.
Sir I am a fresher but I am confident sincere and workaholic person. If you will give me a chance to work for your organization then I will not let n down and give my level best.
For the time being this is all about me.

NOTE : Never Show to interviewer that you have a format for a intro. Act like genuine in front of him.

I hope this format helps you a lot.


With Regards,
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25th August 2011, 05:17 PM
Snehamay ganguly
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Default Re: How to answer the question of Introduce Yourself?

dear friend,
When you go for a interview then the first question you will face is "introduce yourself/Tell me about yourself"...
So, you have to be ready for this type questions..
Though the question is very simple, but at that instant every one get nervous, so, the simple question become a tough question , and if you are not able to introduce yourself properly then it will create a bad impression at the very instant...
So, better to be ready for this type questions..
I suggest you how to answer this type question step wise:-
1.First tell the name..
2.from where you came..
3.Then your academic qualification in brief..
4.About your family in brief..
5.About your hobbies.
6.about the qualities you have like- hard working, determine, never lose hope, professional, quick learner, working ability under pressure etc...
and also try to give some example of your hard working capability, under pressure working ability etc...
All the best...
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25th August 2011, 05:37 PM
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Default Re: How to answer the question of Introduce Yourself?

3)YOUR POSITION IN YOUR HOME (like elder/younger son/daughter)
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25th August 2011, 06:26 PM
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Default Re: How to answer the question of Introduce Yourself?

this is the most common question asked from candidates in interview, by which a examiner can observe not only manners also your the way of delivering answer. in reply of this question candidate must be familier from their skills as well as their drawbacks also.the answer must be precise but informative.
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25th August 2011, 07:02 PM
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As you know that the "First impression is the last impression".So in the case of the introduction too.Your introduction must be very-very impressive but in a very simple mode.Overreaction of it is harmful to you.So make a truthful speech of yours.Some of them is as under-

1. Myself is "................" (yours name).On a lighter note, I would thank everyone who hired me, but I would also try to know more about my project and my team, because they are the ones with whom I would be spending my time.

2. I am a pass out from St. Anthony's school, in 1992. I then went on to attend computer Engineering at Univeristy of Delhi, receiving a diploma in Computer Engineering. After graduation, I worked in many positions as software engineer and C/C++ programmer. With this education and experience I should be qualified for the position.
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25th August 2011, 07:22 PM
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Default Re: How to answer the question of Introduce Yourself?

you tell about ur studies, family back ground and ur siblingsok
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25th August 2011, 07:59 PM
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Thumbs up Re: How to answer the question of Introduce Yourself?

Hi friend! you have asked an important question every one should know. self introduction is not giving just the information framed in your resume. you should say about yourself apart from your resume for example you may say "I have some belief on spiritual principles and i always like to be an ethically good person". You can also tell your positives and negatives but in a proper way.
***************ALL THE BEST************
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25th August 2011, 08:24 PM
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Default Re: How to answer the question of Introduce Yourself?

There is a file attached for you ,it contained all the informations about the questions you can face in interviews(HR) .
Attached Files
File Type: doc Tell me about yourself.doc(76.0 KB, 82 views)
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25th August 2011, 11:40 PM
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Default Re: How to answer the question of Introduce Yourself?


* First greet them. Then tell your name.
* Then you must tell your age. Then tell about your residence.
* After which you can tell about your family. Father's occupation, mother's and about siblings.
* Then about your graduation.
* You can tell about your computer courses which you have done. If you have not yet then don't lie.
* Then about your hobbies.
* If you have any experience say about that.

Be honest. Don't be nervous. Hope for the best.

Best wishes.
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31st August 2011, 10:10 AM
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Default Re: How to answer the question of Introduce Yourself?

it is the first question asked in every interview by the inteviewer to interviewee. Just start with your name and speak at least for two to five minutes your hobbies, family members, position in home, employement status.

All the best
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8th September 2011, 05:41 PM
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Default Re: How to answer the question of Introduce Yourself?

if interviewer ask me to introduce yourself.. is there is need to explain my family backround......
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9th November 2011, 11:34 AM
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Thumbs up Re: How to answer the question of Introduce Yourself?

Introducing oneself is one of the most challenging jobs. This is why, most interviewer's ask this the very first thing to the candidate.

First of all, you have to know yourself thoroughly before you can introduce yourself. Your strength's and Weaknesses and all about yourself.

Now firstly start by giving your name, and mind you the mistake that most people commit is not to tell their full name. Always tell your FULL NAME to the person asking it.

Next you tell about your qualifications, and presently what are you doing. Any graduation, post graduation or whatever it might be. But this constitutes the second sentences of your Introduction.

Thirdly you talk about your hobbies, what you like doing in your free time. These things define a persons character, attitude, how you utilize or waste your time and all.

Introduction only takes 2-5 minutes. Do not extend it more than that.

All the best.

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14th March 2012, 06:42 PM
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Default Re: How to answer the question of Introduce Yourself?

You should be capable of introducing about yourself to a minimum of 2 minutes to a maximum of 10 minutes because sometimes you have to keep on telling about yourself till the Interviewer stops you.

To start with, you have to mention your name and followed by your place of living both native placae and the place where you are living now.

Later on,explain about your academic qualifications starting with lowest level of qualification to highest level of qualification. It is also better to mention about your percentage of marks if your track record is good.

After this, go through Family background,occupations of your family members including you.

Then explain about your acheivements during your academics, project studies, certifications, awards you received and other acheivements.

Good luck...............
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29th December 2012, 07:28 PM
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Default Re: How to answer the question of Introduce Yourself?

i always panic & feel nerves how to overcome that suituation
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