23rd March 2015, 09:33 PM
How can I join RAW if secured 50% in 2nd PUC Science?
My name is Narayana and I have completed my 2nd PUC Science at 50% in last year. I am very interested work in RAW. Kindly let me know how I can join? |
15th May 2015, 12:29 PM
1. There are various ways through which RAW recruits its officers like-
- IPS - IFS - through National intelligence Test 2. Now all these IPS and IFS are selected from the UPSC IAS examination. So let me brief you about the eligibility of that exam because that is the first step for you to get into the spy agency of India. 3. See, you need to understand that the basic eligibility criteria for the IAS exam is graduation. Since you have just passed your intermediate so you won't be able to appear for the examination. 4. So, the advise is to choose an appropriate graduation course for yourself and then after completing it, prepare for the IAS exam and then strike for IPS. For the time being to develop the basic skills required for cracking IAS, i am providing you some of the tips which you can imply from now on- >> Start reading newspaper everyday. Subscribe to "THE HINDU". No other newspaper. >> You can opt some of your field subjects in the optional category of the paper. >> But, GEOGRAPHY, HISTORY, POLITY needs to be given time. Start taking time for this right away. Go through NCERT. Make a goal to read at least half chapter each day. Since you have 3 years so you have a lot of time. >> In the final year of your graduation, i do recommend you to join some coaching class. Its not that you will gain knowledge there. But your knowledge will be brushed up and also the competitive surroundings will accelerate your chances to clear the exam. |