28th July 2013, 12:44 AM
How to cancel the challan from SBI?
sir i deposited my challan money of Rs. 550 to sbi branch for fci recruitment. now i found that this form is free for girls. can i cancel my challan of rs 550 now? can i get my money back?
18th November 2013, 08:20 PM
sir i deposited my challan money of
Rs. 100 to sbi branch for SCRA form. now i found that I have not submitted part-2 between on right time right date and leds to form time on net laps.So can i cancel my challan of rs 100 now? can i get my money back? please reply |
30th November 2013, 12:28 PM
u can cancel the chalan by giving a letter to bank staff. For more details call 9486922354
22nd May 2014, 03:50 PM
sir yesterday I deposited 1000 rs as a chalan but now I got that I am not applicable for that course.so I want to cancel that chalan. will u plz telle that May I cancel the chalan or not,and by cancelling how much amount I will got back
29th May 2014, 11:24 AM
sir yesterday I deposited 1000 rs as a chalan but now I got that I am not applicable for that course.so I want to cancel that chalan. will u plz telle that May I cancel the chalan or not,and by cancelling how much amount I will got back
1st July 2014, 02:05 PM
i submitted fees of rs 3500/- from an e-challan generated from internet, for some ignou course in union bank of india. and now ingnou personals are saying they had stopped such course to sending back my doccuments .i want to ask is there any way from which i can get my money back ? ?
7th May 2016, 01:58 AM
sir i have generate the challan but that challan is not shown the student name say by bank employee than after bank employee said go to head office of ms university than i go there and i ask him that my challan is not shown in bank than he said generate another form i have generate another another challan and go in bank in next day but that challan is also not shown but when i give him 1st challan then the name is shown i have paid the money but my question is that is any problem will created by generation of 2nd challan because i have paid the money in 1st challan and 2nd challan is remain as it is and when i cancelling the 2nd challan the system not gives previllges to cancel the 2nd challan what should i do plz help me.
6th April 2018, 05:28 AM
I had deposited 505 rs for rrb group ..But due to late submissions unable to fill my form so kindly refund my money
A/c no -915010038437984 Amount-505.9 Date 29/3/18 time 2.14pm Info: INB/564640797/STATE BANK COLLECT PAYMENT |
9th May 2018, 02:32 PM
I have paid stamp duty and other registration amount by way of sub challan for register of agri land. Due to collector orders on particular survey no registration of land was refused by subregistr. Now how I can i refund the registration amount of challan from sbi