12th March 2011, 03:00 PM
How to fill UPSC application form?
how to fill the application for in UPSC
please reply thanks |
13th March 2011, 07:31 AM
Re: How to fill UPSC application form?
The forms for all the UPSC exams are similar. You can purchase the form from the post office near you. Another option is to apply online. You will also get sample filled form. So based on that first enter all the details in a paper can copy the same to the form without making any mistakes. Also do keep the form number for future reference.
13th March 2011, 09:35 AM
Re: How to fill UPSC application form?
1) Candidates must read the detailed 'Instruction and Additional Information to Candidates for Recruitment by Selection' before filling up PART-I and PART-II of the form. He must fill the form strictly according to the instructions. 2) CANDIDATE MUST ENSURE THAT NO COLUMN IS LEFT BLANK OR WRONGLY FILLED IN EITHER PART-I OR PART-II OF THE FORM AS THE INFORMATION FURNISHED THEREIN WOULD BE USED FOR DECIDING THE ELIGIBILITY AND SUITABILITY OF THE CANDIDATES FOR BEING CALLED FOR THE INTERVIEW. APPLICATIONS NOT FILLED CORRECTLY, COMPLETELY AND AS PER THE INSTRUCTIONS IN BOTH PART-I AND PART-II ARE LIABLE TO BE REJECTED AND THE ONUS OF SUCH REJECTION WOULD BE ON THE CANDIDATE HIMSELF/HERSELF. THE COMMISSION WILL NOT ENTERTAIN ANY CLAIM AFTER SUCH REJECTION. 3) Copies of the certificates should be attached in support of information given in the form where necessary. Any information contained in the attached certificates shall not be considered unless it is claimed in the application form. 4) Fee amount is Rs.50/- payable in the shape of CENTRAL RECRUITMENT FEE STAMP ONLY. NO OTHER MODE OF PAYMENT IS ACCEPTABLE. 5) For details of Recruitment Fee Concessions to specified categories of applicants, kindly refer to Instruction No.4 in the 'Instructions and Additional Information to Candidates for Recruitment by Selection' published in Employment News and available on this website. Guidelines to help the candidates in filling up the application form The application form for candidates applying to the posts under 'Recruitment by Selection' consists of Two Parts namely Part-I and Part-II. The following guidelines are provided to help in filling up the application form. Part- I ( Brief particulars of Candidates) Col. No. 1 : Consists of Advt. No., Item No. and year Please write Advt. No., Item No. and year in the appropriate boxes mentioned against each. Advt No. is published at the top of the advertisement. The Serial No. of the post that is published under a Particular Advertisement is called Item No. Col No. 2 : Name of the Post applied for Write the name of the post for which candidate is applying for (in capital letters only) as mentioned against the Item No. Col No.3 : Full Name (in capital letters) . The boxes against this column are divided into three parts as follows:- 1st part relates to First name, 2nd part relates to Middle Name and the 3rd and final part relates to Surname. Candidate should write his name in capital letters. He should leave one box blank between each part of the name. He should not write any word/s outside the boxes provided for the purpose. If there is change in the name vis-a-vis the earlier name then proper evidence/documentary proof should be furnished in this regard Col. No. 4 (a) & (b) : Date of Birth of the candidate:- Date of birth should be written both in figure(in Christian era ) and words clearly. The date of birth should be same as mentioned in Matriculation or equivalent certificate. Col No. 5 : Gender of the candidate:- Candidate should write ?1? for Male and ?2? for Female Col. No.6 Asks whether the candidate is Physically Handicapped or not:- Candidate should write `1? for Yes and `2? for No. Note:- Please see para 5(g) of 'Instructions and Additional information to candidates for Recruitment by Selection' regarding age relaxation for physically handicapped candidates. Col. No.7: Community to which candidate belongs:- Candidate should write 1 for SC 2 for ST 3 for OBC 4 for General (other than SC/ST/OBC) Col. No. 8: Age relaxation:- Candidates should write `1' for yes and `2' for No. If answer of Col.8 is Yes. write `1' in the box(boxes) against the relevant Category/Categories mentioned in the Application form i.e. A to E. For example if you are Central Govt servant write 1 in the box against item (A) (Note : Employees of State Govt and Central /State Public Sector Undertakings do not fall under Central Govt. Servants ). If ex-serviceman, please indicate total no. of years of eligible service in the armed forces. Col No.9 : Essential Educational Qualifications: If the candidate possesses the essential educational qualification for the post applied for, he should write `1' and if he does not possess the same he should write `2' in the relevant Box. Col No 10 (A)Relevant experience. If the candidate possesses relevant experience, he should write `1' and if he does not possess the same he should write `2'in the relevant Box. Col 10(B) If answer to Col 10 (A) is '1' indicate the length of relevant experience as on closing date in the appropriate boxes provided for that. Note : Even if experience is not prescribed for the post applied for, do indicate relevant experience, if you have any in col. 10(B) Col. 11(A) Higher qualification (over and above the Essential Qualifications(like Ph./D, M.Phil, M. Tech/ME., M.D./M.S. etc, If the candidate possesses any qualification higher than prescribed he should write 1 in the box and if no higher qualification is possessed he should write 2 11(B) If answer to Col 11(A) is '1' write '1' in the relevant Box/Boxes. For example, if a candidate has an M.Phil and ME he should write 1 in both relevant boxes (do indicate all the higher qualification that you have) Col . 12 Desirable Qualification:- If the candidate possesses the Desirable Qualification for the post as mentioned in the advertisement he should write `1'. and if not he should write `2'.If no desirable qualification is mentioned in the advertisement, write`3'. 13(A) Mode of Submission of Application. Write 1 if application is submitted by Hand/Courier and 2 if submitted by Post/Reg Post/Speed Post. Col 13(B) If the answer to Col 13(A) is '2' indicate Region Code in the appropriate box. The Region codes are as mentioned below :- '1' for ABROAD, '2' for NORTH EASTERN STATES, '3' for JAMMU & KASHMIR, '4' FOR LAHAUL & SPITI DISTRICT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH, '5' for SIKKIM, '6' for PANGI SUB-DIVISION OF CHAMBA, '7' for ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS, '8' for LAKSHADWEEP, ' 9 ' for ANY OTHER REGION OF INDIA. Declaration :- Note : Candidate should note that the application must be signed by him/her, failing which the application will be rejected straight way and onus of such rejection would be on the candidates himself. The Commission will not entertain any claim after such rejection. PART II (Detailed particulars) Regarding Advt. No. Item No. Please write Advt. No., Item No. and year in the appropriate boxes mentioned against each. Advt No. is published at the top of the advertisement. The Serial No. of the post that is published under a Particular Advertisement is called Item No. Col No. 1 : Name of the Post applied for Write the name of the post for which candidate is applying for (in capital letters only). as mentioned against the Item No. Col. 2 Address for Correspondence Write complete address to which communication to be done(in capital letters) Col 3. Citizenship Note: Please see para 1 of 'Instruction and Additional information to candidates for Recruitment by Selection'. Col. 4 Father's Name Write Father's name in Capital letters. Col.5 Date of declaration of Result of EQ(i) & EQ(ii) Mention date of declaration of result of educational qualification as mentioned in advertisement under EQ(i) and , wherever applicable, EQ(ii) Col.6 : Choice of Centre(if applicable )Please write 'NIL' Col. 7 Details of Educational /Professional Qualification etc. Please indicate all the qualifications in chronological order starting from EQ(i) Degree examination onwards. Col.8 Details of Employment :- Mention the details of all the relevant experience whether possessed before or after acquisition of EQ(i) in chronological order. NOTE : The experience certificates should also contain details regarding name of the Office/Instt./Firms, etc post held, nature of employment, experience from date to date, period of experience, pay scale/pay drawn etc. and nature of duties performed. Col.9 Postal address of the present employer Indicate complete address of the present employer where your are presently working as on closing date (if applicable). Col.10 :- Date of completion of Compulsory Rotating Internship To be filled in case of medical post only. otherwise write 'NA' C ol- 11:- If the candidate wants to indicate any other relevant information, he can attach separate sheets. Col--12. Details of Enclosures Mention the name/s of all the documents attached with the application. Declaration :- Note : The declaration should be signed by each candidates. Unsigned declaration/Unsigned application will be straightaway rejected. NOTE : I : Mention the name/s of all the documents attached with the application. The copies of the documents including date of birth certificate, Caste Certificate, education Certificates, experience Certificate etc, should be attested by a Gazetted Officer or self certified. The candidates should note that Admit Cards are not accepted as a proof of Date of Birth. Date of Birth as mentioned in the matriculation Certificate or High School Certificate or School leaving Certificate or equivalent is only acceptable in support of their age. NOTE :II: The caste/community certificate for claiming age relaxation etc should be in the prescribed format, mentioning full details regarding name of the Caste, Act/Order under which the same is recognised, details of village/town, where the candidate is ordinarily a resident of and also the para of `Creamy Layer' in case of OBC candidates. The prescribed format for these certificates are available on this website. |
13th March 2011, 07:07 PM
Re: How to fill UPSC application form?
Important Points How to Fill up UPSC Forms 1. You Must Use Only the Form supplied with Information Brochure Brought from HPO/PO. You must use this Form only and it should be Copy/Xerox or any means of Printed Form. 2. The application form must be filled in by the candidates in their own handwriting. You should use HB pencil only to darken the circles. For writing in the boxes, they should use blue or black pen. In case of any variation between the entries made by the Candidates in the boxes and the accompanying circle, the entries in the boxes will be treated as authentic and final. 3. Candidates should ensure that the signatures Done by them in all the places like in their application form, Attendance List etc. and in all the correspondence with the Commission, should be identical and there should be no variation of any kind. 4. No change in the entries made in original application form will be allowed under any circumstances. 5. The candidates are advised in their own interest to ensure that the applications reach the Commission’s Office on or before the closing date. Applications received in the Commission’s Office after the closing date will not be considered. 6. While filling in his application form, the candidate should carefully decide about his choice for the centre and optional subject for the examination. More than one application from a candidate giving different centres and/or optional subjects will not be accepted in any case. 7. On the Acknowledgement Card, the candidates should write their application form No. (as printed below the bar code on the form) and the name of examination viz. “Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2011″. They should also write clearly and legibly their mailing address on the Acknowledgement Card. A postage stamp of Rs. 6/- should be affixed on the card. The Acknowledgement Card should not be stapled or pinned or tagged or pasted with the Application Form. Contact Address :-
Any queries regarding Exams and other related information. Union Public Service Commission have a Facilitation Centre near Examination Hall Building of its Delhi campus. Candidates may obtain any information/clarification regarding their Examination/Recruitment on working days between 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. in person Or over telephone no.011-23385271/011-23381125 and 011-23098543 from this Centre. |
13th March 2011, 07:55 PM
Re: How to fill UPSC application form?
Dear friend,
You can fill the UPSC application form two ways:
•Apply offline by purchasing the application form from designated post offices throughout the country. For details: www.upsc.gov.in |
13th March 2011, 08:01 PM
Re: How to fill UPSC application form?
As today's date is 13th March 2011 & last date to fill & submit the form is 21st March 2011.
So it will not be right for you to submit form offline.Go for online subission only. I am providing guidance for both type of form filling ie online & offline as you didnt stated that you are interested in online or offline filling of form. Procdeure to Fill application form for IAS 2011:- (a) Online:- Candidates may apply Online by using the website http://www.upsconline.nic.in I am attaching a pdf which contains the detailed instructions for filling the form online. (b) Offline: Candidates may also apply Offline in the Common Application Form , which can be purchased from the designated Head Post Offices/Post Offices throughout the country against cash payment of Rs. 30/- (Rupees Thirty only). I am attaching a pdf file which contains details related to offline filling of form. Both online & Offline forms must reach by 21st March, 2011. Exam will be on 12th June 2011. Contact details: Union Public Service Commission, Dholpur House, Shahajahan Road, New Delhi-110069 Website: www.upsc.gov.in Telephone No. 011- 3389366/FAX No. 011-23387310. I have also attached the notification too . So please read them carefully to get the help & guidance in filing the form. |
13th March 2011, 08:17 PM
Re: How to fill UPSC application form?
hello dear
to fill UPSC application form you have to firstly log on to-www.upsc.gov.in. then a page will come where you have fill the form carefully. then a part two from will be generated. you have take printout of that copy. and you have deposit rs 50 to the bank. where you will get bank journal number. then you can fill the part two of the form. all the best...... |
13th March 2011, 09:36 PM
Re: How to fill UPSC application form?
Filling of UPSC forms is not that difficult.
1) Collect the form from nearby post office only. 2)keep notification and/or information brochure with you while filling the form for quick reference to codes etc. 3) simply follow the instructions given...deep4 in above reply have explained them nicely. 4) if you are phobic to filling forms then fill the photocopy/xerox of the form first...it will prevent you from making mistake in original form 5) for any specific column take help of elders or ASK IN THIS FORUM. |
14th March 2011, 03:01 AM
Re: How to fill UPSC application form?
UPSC Procedure to fill application form: (a) Candidates may apply Online by using the website http://www.upsconline.nic.in Detailed instructions for filling up online applications are available on the above mentioned website. (b) Candidates may also apply Offline in the Common Application Form devised by the Commission for its examinations, which can be purchased from the designated Head Post Offices/Post Offices (specified in Appendix III of the Notice) throughout the country against cash payment of Rs. 30/- (Rupees Thirty only). Each such Form can be used only once and only for one examination. In case of any difficulty in obtaining Application Forms from the designated HPOs/POs, the candidates should immediately contact the concerned post Master or UPSC’s “FORMS SUPPLY MONITORING CELL” over Telephone No.: 011-23389366 FAX No.:011-23387310. (c) Candidates are advised to read carefully the Instructions for filling up the "Online Application Form” given in Appendix-II (A) and Instructions for Offline Applications given in Appendix II (B) of this notice. Find below the notification of UPSC Exam 2011 attached. |
15th March 2011, 08:01 PM
Re: How to fill UPSC application form?
if you fulfill eligibility criteria of upsc then you can fill teh form both online and offline.
for offline you will have to contact to post office,and banks and for online form just visit-www.upsc.gov.in |
16th March 2011, 12:40 AM
Re: How to fill UPSC application form?
How to fill UPSC application form?
You can fill the upsc application form two modes : 1)Online 2)Offline Online : Apply online by the using website : www.upsconline.nic.in Offline : The Application forms are available in various designated post offices throughout the country. Last date for receipt of Application : 21.3.11 More details,Visit the official website :www.upsc.gov.in |
16th March 2011, 11:22 PM
Re: How to fill UPSC application form?
when i m filling the offline upsc csp 2011 examination forn here i m finding a point that is "examination Code but i m can't able to find this code if kindly tell me this code them i can fillup this form easyly
18th March 2011, 02:37 PM
Re: How to fill UPSC application form?
(Tips) Instructions/Guideline for filling up the Application Form Page - 1 & 2 http://upscportal.com/civilservices/tips… check it out......best of luck |
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