11th February 2011, 01:34 AM
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How to prepare in 3rd year B.Tech (EEE) in a college not worth campus placements?

what to do in mean time m in 3rd yr eee branch...and i dont think my college is worth giving me on campus..so what preparations i should do

11th February 2011, 09:15 AM
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Default Re: How to prepare in 3rd year B.Tech (EEE) in a college not worth campus placements?

hey hi
U don have to worry. Register in all sites like : monster, naukri,timesjob etc.
Prepare a good resume and upload it.
then starts your task,prepare for aptitude,English and all the core subjects..
And there is another way too-take up ph test. Many companies refer to that score.
all the best
11th February 2011, 09:29 AM
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Default Re: How to prepare in 3rd year B.Tech (EEE) in a college not worth campus placements?

Originally Posted by mimpossible View Post
what to do in mean time m in 3rd yr eee branch...and i dont think my college is worth giving me on campus..so what preparations i should do
Dear Friend;
Greeting for the day;

First of all you have to concentrate of your main study and do good in your exams so that your others way will be open.if you want to use your spare time then this is better for you to join ccna,Embedded systems,VLSI courses from any reputed institute.
Try to improve your English commnication skill as well as your technical skill.
and also try to Read some interview questions and their well mannered answer this will help you further for your placement.

good luck
11th February 2011, 10:17 AM
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i think you should start preparing for either mba ,gate or gre
because its the best time to prepare for them and you will never have an better chance to have an crack on them ,
if your college does not have campus placement then better than wasting your time in searching job you can prepare for these exams and do post graduation from an reputed university and then all the best companies will come to you to offer job rather than you going to them,
try for the best colleges like iit,iim and the best foreign universities
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11th February 2011, 11:19 AM
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Default Re: How to prepare in 3rd year B.Tech (EEE) in a college not worth campus placements?

Dear Friend

If you are worth getting a placement your college's status is not going to stop you from
getting one, in any case.

If your college can't provide placement assistance then you should try for off-campus placement.

These days the very first requirement in any industry is at least averagely good
command on english speaking and understanding. If you think you are good at it then
make it better.
Secondly the subject knowledge plays important role. You should be very good in
technical knowledge which you have studied in your B.Tech. till now.
Generally B.Tech. students do industrial training or project works after 3rd year which
helps in placement a lot.

It would be a good practice if you start preparing for GATE from now on.
If you score well in GATE you can get admission in M.Tech. in IITs where you can get
placement in the final semester of M.Tech.
Also, on the basis of GATE score you can get placement in PSUs.

Apart from these you can apply off campus recruitment exams of various companies like;
Jindal Steel, Monnet Group, SAIL, ONGC, TCS, Wipro etc.

For information about GATE you can visit: http://gate.iitm.ac.in/

Thank You
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11th February 2011, 12:09 PM
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Default Re: How to prepare in 3rd year B.Tech (EEE) in a college not worth campus placements?

everyone should be prepared for placement even he got job from institution or not. if you are not good for the post then from good institution also you may not get job. you must built you according to the job demands.

when you are studying in third year you must start your preparation for placement may be for on campus or off campus. first of all you should point out what is the requirement to be placed in your desired company. then think which quality you already have and in which field you have to develop. there are some common thing which must you should have to get job

1. Good communication skill(Must be fluent in English, Hindi is also necessary)
2. your attitude should be positive to work
3. General technical knowledge is must
4. Basic Idea about the situation
5. capability to work in a group
6. capability to lead a group(It is very much important for technical student. do not ignore it)
7. problem solving capability
8. ready to accept any circumstances
9. Make suitable for challenging environment
10. must do hardwork to sustain into your work.

i think these are the few qualities. there are so many qualities more. one thing i want to say sometime student think that if i want to work in IT field and i am from core branch then what is requirement of my core knowledge? so he started study only IT subject and never concentrate on core subject. as you are from EEE branch i will tell you it is totally wrong idea. before joining to any company they provide you good training to work. but at the time of placement they will test your only learning capability. how easily you can learn anything. they will ask you question from your own branch. if you are able to answer then they will understand that you can learn. but if you are unable to answer question from your own branch then they may not select you. obviously you must study also IT related subject besides your core subject. i think you understand my.

now according to this qualities try to develop yourself from now. if you are weak in communication first concentrate on it. try to speak more with teacher and other person in english.then only you can develop your speaking power. work within a group. you may organize some event in your institution. you may lead the group. in this way try to make you suitable for the placement.

all the best.
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11th February 2011, 05:31 PM
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Default Re: How to prepare in 3rd year B.Tech (EEE) in a college not worth campus placements?

dear friend..c one thing is that no one can stop u if u have good subject knowledge and also communication skills..dont think of campus recruitment..once if u get a good percent in engineering ,wherever u go u have ur own identity..but then work hard to make ur future bright..the future is yours..

all the best
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11th February 2011, 05:41 PM
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Default Re: How to prepare in 3rd year B.Tech (EEE) in a college not worth campus placements?

The preparation for the placememnt is many types that the :
Reasoning ability,
Verbal and non-verbal section,
and Interview.
you can prepare for these and gave the placement exam direct on the company or in other institute.
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11th February 2011, 05:55 PM
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Wink Re: How to prepare in 3rd year B.Tech (EEE) in a college not worth campus placements?

Originally Posted by mimpossible View Post
what to do in mean time m in 3rd yr eee branch...and i dont think my college is worth giving me on campus..so what preparations i should do
If your college is unable to get campus interview,then you can try to apply for some off campus interview by news papers,job portal,or any type of trade fair...
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11th February 2011, 07:17 PM
mohit brh
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Default Re: How to prepare in 3rd year B.Tech (EEE) in a college not worth campus placements?

i want to suggest you that you should tryu for off campus placement you can see many website for detail, contact your friends, faculty.
tips- prepare Apptitude questions, GD topics and things required to equip themselves prior to interview!
you xan also do private coaching for more detail visit
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11th February 2011, 08:57 PM
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Default Re: How to prepare in 3rd year B.Tech (EEE) in a college not worth campus placements?

Not getting placements is quite a phenomenon these days ... you have basically three options
1.Off campus placements @ private companies.
2.Government jobs :: Through recruitment Exams.
3. Higher studies M.Tech/MBA from good colleges where you can avail of Campus placements.
Let me discuss each one by one,Before that Here are some prerequisites for success at all the above in general.
1.Good communication skills:: In today's world communication skills have achieved paramount importance, Campus interviews, entrance exams ,GD's.. wherever you go you need good communication skills, In fact many times confident good communicators are chosen over ones with better grads and better score in tests
2.Good subject knowledge :: Expert HR professionals inevitably find out the fact about your knowledge and other skills , its a complete scientific process. If you fare well here
you are almost selected.
3.Presence of mind and wit:: There is no dearth of engineers, wit and presence of mind make you different. having a good sense of humor always helps.Be cool and cheerful in interviews.Do not panic, being in control helps you in giving good answers.It shows your ability to work under stress conditions which are necessary to succeed in Work and deliver good results.
Now coming to placements
you need to apply to private companies separately.For online application Visit their sites and submit your resume at CAREERS section.EEE engineers are employed by a large number of companies.
Tata steel.Reliance power Adani power, Suzlon etc.
Preferably you must also register at job portals and find jobs in classifieds in newspapers etc.You should not shy away from Taking up jobs with small companies as experience you gain will make you way more employable.As many good jobs are meant for experienced people with minimum 1 yrs exp.
FOR govt. corporations ... EEE are employed by most of them including state power corporations.You will have to prepare for them APTITUDE TESTS + ENG(VERBAL) +GK preparation Are a must In Fact even for Private companies.
IES is a very good exam. You can also take CDSE if you want to go in defense.
State public Commission for electricity borad recruitments etc.

HIGHER studies:: Prepare for GATE or CAT/XAT etc. get into IIT's IIM's NIT's etc.
you can get good placements from there alng with higher degrees which would help in your career and you will do better with postgraduate degree.
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22nd September 2011, 11:33 AM
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Default Re: How to prepare in 3rd year B.Tech (EEE) in a college not worth campus placements?

As you are a student of EEE ,you can go for various Govt. jobs like -

Power grid

Other than that you can go for the UPSC exams also .

Thank you
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24th January 2012, 11:56 AM
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Default Re: How to prepare in 3rd year B.Tech (EEE) in a college not worth campus placements?

Send me some monnet GET sample papers foe EEE to [email protected]
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31st January 2012, 02:54 PM
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Default Re: How to prepare in 3rd year B.Tech (EEE) in a college not worth campus placements?

hey hi
U don have to worry. Register in all sites like : monster, naukri,timesjob etc.
Prepare a good resume and upload it.
then starts your task,prepare for aptitude,English and all the core subjects..
And there is another way too-take up ph test. Many companies refer to that score.
all the best
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