28th March 2013, 08:05 PM
How should I prepare for NET entrance exam? I am doing 2nd year MCA
Im doing 2nd year mca now.i dont know how to i will prepare for net exam.i want the details of net exam syllabus & what will prepare
6th April 2019, 10:56 PM
After completion of your MCA, You are eligible for UGC NET CS exam.
Preparation Tips for UGC NET - Note down complete syllabus and analyze it. - Start with topic which you cover fast and scored weightage. - Refer good books which having clear basic concepts. - Prepare short notes while studying which helps you at the time of revision. - Keep in mind that time management is very important before and during exam. - Solve previous year question papers and attempt mock test papers as much as possible. UGC NET Exam Pattern - It consists of 2 papers, both are objective types. - Both paper will be computer based. - There will be 30 minutes break between two papers. Paper I - Number of Questions : 50 - Marks : 100 - Duration : 1 Hour - For each correct answer, +2 marks will be awarded and no negative marking for any incorrect response. Paper II - Number of Questions : 100 - Marks : 200 - Duration : 2 Hours - For each correct answer, +2 marks will be allotted and no negative marking for any wrong answer. UGC NET CS (Computer Science and Applications) Syllabus - Discrete Structures and Optimization - Computer System Architecture - Programming Languages and Computer Graphics - Database Management Systems - System Software and Operating System - Software Engineering - Data Structures and Algorithms - Theory of Computation and Compilers - Data Communication and Computer Networks Best Books for UGC NET CS - OOPS using C++ by E. Balagurusamy - Data Structure by Seymour Lipschutz - Operating Systems Internals and Design Principles by William Stallings - Software Engineering Concepts by Richard Fairley - Database Management by G.V.Post - Computer Network by Andrew S. Tanenbaum - Unix Concepts and Application by M.J.Back and S. Das |