10th July 2011, 07:47 PM
Information about production engineering? What is the future scope in this field?
sir i would like to know more about production engineering and its future scope in this field
2nd February 2012, 09:10 PM
Production engineering deals with various techniques of manufacturing and tools used in the manufacturing industries ,it also teaches the various drawings and also how to understand and develop them .Production Engineers are involved in developing our oil and gas fields - from initial designs to production and, As per my record you can seek job in the Field development planning, Operating and maintaining existing wells and platforms, Managing day-to-day operations, including safety and environmental issues,Optimizing the performance of all assets.Balancing day-to-day operational priorities with longer-term strategic objectives.
28th March 2012, 02:43 PM
which is best to opt in mechanical engiineering design or production field?