29th July 2011, 09:54 PM
gaurav ashim
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 1

Scope and future in Production Engineering? What is the average package provided?

Sir! I have taken production engineering in Haldia institute of technology,Haldia.What is scope and future in it?What is average package given by companies?Please give me full detail that I have done right or wrong.

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30th July 2011, 10:32 AM
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Default Re: Scope and future in Production Engineering? What is the average package provided?

hi...production engineering is an very good branch with lots of scope in the country ,generally the production engineering deals with various techniques of manufacturing and tools used in the manufacturing industries ,it also teaches the various drawings and also how to develop them and understand them,so that means you will be surely employed in an factory atmosphere if you take this course and hence employed by companies dealing with such operations ,
with the sales and demand of cars going up in our country the need of good manufacturing engineers is really increasing i our country and companies like the tata motors ,maruthi amd mahindra and mahindra are really employing many freshers ,and also the pay is very high when compared to other companies,also many foreign companies are coming to our country and setting up plants ,companies like toyota and bmw are really hiring many production engineers in our country because of there plants to set up plants and hence the scope of this branch is really very good
30th July 2011, 01:13 PM
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Default Re: Scope and future in Production Engineering? What is the average package provided?

Haldia Institute of Technology is one of the best institution of engineering in West Bengal. so surely your choice is very good. production engineering is also very good branch of engineering. the advantage of taking production engineering is every year from India a very few number of candidates are passing out from production stream.as a result there is very less competition in production stream although in higher study or in industry seats are also less. but still i think production engineering is a growing engineering stream

there are so many production company in India and they recruit production engineering students. some mechanical engineering company also recruit production engineering students. if you go for higher study like M.Tech then opportunity and scope will increased in a greater way. it will be more easy for you to get job.

in Haldia Institute of Technology there is good campusing for all stream of engineering. surely you will get good job after passing out from the institution if you work hard in technical study as well as prepare yourself for industry. obviously you have done right after choosing production engineering in Haldia Institute of Technology.

best of luck.
30th July 2011, 01:31 PM
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Default Re: Scope and future in Production Engineering? What is the average package provided?

Scope and future in Production Engineering? What is the average package provided?

Haldia Institute of Technology is one of the best institution of engineering in West Bengal. so surely your choice is very good. production engineering is also very good branch of engineering. the advantage of taking production engineering is every year from India a very few number of candidates are passing out from production stream.as a result there is very less competition in production stream although in higher study or in industry seats are also less. but still i think production engineering is a growing engineering stream

there are so many production company in India and they recruit production engineering students. some mechanical engineering company also recruit production engineering students. if you go for higher study like M.Tech then opportunity and scope will increased in a greater way. it will be more easy for you to get job.

in Haldia Institute of Technology there is good campusing for all stream of engineering. surely you will get good job after passing out from the institution if you work hard in technical study as well as prepare yourself for industry. obviously you have done right after choosing production engineering in Haldia Institute of Technology.

best of luck.
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30th July 2011, 01:44 PM
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Default Re: Scope and future in Production Engineering? What is the average package provided?

Dear, your choice is very good also in my opinion 'Haldia Institute of Technology' is one of the best institution of engineering in West Bengal.

Because in 'Haldia Institute of Technology' have good campusing for all stream of engineering and surely you will get good job after passing out from the institution.

Production engineering is also very good branch and is a growing engineering stream in engineering.
The value of production engineering is very high and a few number of candidates are passing out from production stream.

And also there is very less competition and are also less seats.

There are so many production company in India whose recruit production engineering students. Some mechanical engineering company also recruit production engineering students.

If you go for higher study like M.Tech then opportunity and scope will increased in a greater way andit will be more easy for you to get job.

Best of luck!
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30th July 2011, 01:48 PM
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Default Re: Scope and future in Production Engineering? What is the average package provided?

Scope and future in Production Engineering? What is the average package provided?

Haldia Institute of Technology is one of the best institution of engineering in West Bengal. so surely your choice is very good. production engineering is also very good branch of engineering. the advantage of taking production engineering is every year from India a very few number of candidates are passing out from production stream.as a result there is very less competition in production stream although in higher study or in industry seats are also less. but still i think production engineering is a growing engineering stream

there are so many production company in India and they recruit production engineering students. some mechanical engineering company also recruit production engineering students. if you go for higher study like M.Tech then opportunity and scope will increased in a greater way. it will be more easy for you to get job.

in Haldia Institute of Technology there is good campusing for all stream of engineering. surely you will get good job after passing out from the institution if you work hard in technical study as well as prepare yourself for industry. obviously you have done right after choosing production engineering in Haldia Institute of Technology.

best of luck.
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30th July 2011, 05:03 PM
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Default Re: Scope and future in Production Engineering? What is the average package provided?

Originally Posted by gaurav ashim View Post
Sir! I have taken production engineering in Haldia institute of technology,Haldia.What is scope and future in it?What is average package given by companies?Please give me full detail that I have done right or wrong.
Dear friend there is very bright future for production engg.............

Production Engineering

Our Production Engineers are involved in developing our oil and gas fields - from initial designs to production and, at the end of its life, abandonment

As a Production Engineer, you’ll be involved from the point at which hydrocarbons flow into the well, right through the production facilities to the point of sale. If you’re looking for real job satisfaction in a challenging environment, we could be your ideal partner.

With us, and you can expect to be involved in:

Field development planning
Operating and maintaining existing wells and platforms
Managing day-to-day operations, including safety and environmental issues
Optimising the performance of all assets
Balancing day-to-day operational priorities with longer-term strategic objectives.
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30th July 2011, 07:31 PM
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Default Re: Scope and future in Production Engineering? What is the average package provided?

2011, 05:43 AM
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Re: Scope and future in Production Engineering? What is the average package provided?

Haldia Institute of Technology is one of the best institution of engineering in West Bengal. so surely your choice is very good. production engineering is also very good branch of engineering. the advantage of taking production engineering is every year from India a very few number of candidates are passing out from production stream.as a result there is very less competition in production stream although in higher study or in industry seats are also less. but still i think production engineering is a growing engineering stream

there are so many production company in India and they recruit production engineering students. some mechanical engineering company also recruit production engineering students. if you go for higher study like M.Tech then opportunity and scope will increased in a greater way. it will be more easy for you to get job.

in Haldia Institute of Technology there is good campusing for all stream of engineering. surely you will get good job after passing out from the institution if you work hard in technical study as well as prepare yourself for industry. obviously you have done right after choosing production engineering in Haldia Institute of Technology.

best of luck.

thanking you
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9th October 2011, 11:52 PM
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Default Re: Scope and future in Production Engineering? What is the average package provided?

sir i took admission in industrial and production engineering in Ahasanullah university of science and technology in dhaka... i want know how can i get success in this subject?? how can i get job?? what will be the salary. plz ans. me in details... itz about my future
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10th October 2011, 12:05 AM
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Default Re: Scope and future in Production Engineering? What is the average package provided?

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29th January 2012, 01:00 AM
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Default Re: Scope and future in Production Engineering? What is the average package provided?

Is thier any scope of good salary for ip engineer from nit jalandhar?
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22nd March 2012, 06:07 PM
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Default Re: Scope and future in Production Engineering? What is the average package provided?

sir I want know that which is the best course mechanical or mech and production ?
which will get best salary /?
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22nd March 2012, 06:09 PM
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Default Re: Scope and future in Production Engineering? What is the average package provided?

sir will the mechanical and production engineering will get more salary tha mechanical engineering?
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6th May 2012, 08:34 PM
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Default Re: Scope and future in Production Engineering? What is the average package provided?

How is Production Engineering as a stream in comparison with Mechanical Engineering. What is scope if one gets this stream in Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh. What is the future job prospects ?
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18th June 2012, 04:06 PM
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Default Re: Scope and future in Production Engineering? What is the average package provided?

what is the average package that is offered to production eng.
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24th June 2012, 08:06 PM
Paras Gopani
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Default Re: Scope and future in Production Engineering? What is the average package provided?

Production engineering is one of the growing fields in India as well as in other European and american countries,,,here you can get jobs at both Public and Private sectors.
bot require production engineers for their smooth functioning for their Instrumental Manufacturing Industries and Industrial automation units...

Production engineers are excellently paid,,,their average monthly starting salaries in India
is from 20,000 to 40,000...it depends in the company you apply for.

Good Luck
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14th July 2012, 05:55 PM
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Default Re: Scope and future in Production Engineering? What is the average package provided?

what is the salary for after completing B.E production engineering
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17th July 2012, 11:26 AM
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Default Re: Scope and future in Production Engineering? What is the average package provided?

sir, i have been alloted in vishwakarma institute of tecnology for production engineering according to the mock allotement process of dte. i m now confused whether to give the same preference
order so that i again get into vit for production in the cap rounds or should i opt for mech in cummins?plss help.
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18th July 2012, 07:38 PM
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Default Re: Scope and future in Production Engineering? What is the average package provided?

is production a good branch?.....and what is average salary expected for freshers?
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29th July 2012, 10:20 PM
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Default Re: Scope and future in Production Engineering? What is the average package provided?

My name is midhun.i took mechanical(production eng.)in TKM college of eng,kollam kerala ,which is one of the best govt.aided college in kerala state.Reminding the fact that i got alottment in government seat,i want to know that is this a better opportunity for my carrier,pls reply.
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4th August 2012, 05:56 PM
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Default Re: Scope and future in Production Engineering? What is the average package provided?

in india in which state more demand of production ?
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10th August 2012, 03:55 PM
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Default Re: Scope and future in Production Engineering? What is the average package provided?

Sir i got admit in production engineering from united college of engineering and research alahabad is it good or bad for my future plz reply
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19th August 2012, 10:28 PM
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Default Re: Scope and future in Production Engineering? What is the average package provided?

sir i got counsling of production engineering in gobind ballabh pant polytechnic in okhla new delhi. sir please suggest what to do.
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20th August 2012, 01:50 AM
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Default Re: Scope and future in Production Engineering? What is the average package provided?

Production Engineering is gaining demand in our country. The planning and control of mechanical means changing the shape and condition of the material is Production Engineering.

The advantage of taking the Production Engineering is that very less number of candidates pass out every year thus less competition.

Opportunities are available in both public and private sector manufacturing organizations engaged in implementation, development and management of new production procedure. Companies like Tata Motors, Maruti, Mahindra and Mahindra are some of the companies which hire Production Engineers.

The payment scale is also good enough in this stream of 6lakhs(approx) p.a.
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24th May 2013, 07:32 PM
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Default Re: Scope and future in Production Engineering? What is the average package provided?

sir is production engineer is good in comparision to supply chain.in considearing salary growth and carrier growth
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7th July 2013, 02:28 PM
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Default Re: Scope and future in Production Engineering? What is the average package provided?

There is good future for production engineers in the manufacturing sector. I am really surprised the way the younger generation are worried - even befere they step into the induatry they want to know the pay package. let me tell you pay pack dependes on your talent and your contribution to the employer. Futher the youngsters in the forum need to improve their english/communciation skills a lot. Your future depends on talent,honesty and strong communication skills.
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10th August 2013, 07:26 PM
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Default Re: Scope and future in Production Engineering? What is the average package provided?

sir i have taken production engineering in VJTI.Is it a profitable choice?
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11th May 2014, 10:32 AM
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Default Re: Scope and future in Production Engineering? What is the average package provided?

hi sir..,I completed 12th standard and I am very confused about my future.Is production engineering suitable for girls?nowadays, people are giving more importance to ECE and EEE and there is a lot of competition in these courses.what to do?
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12th July 2014, 04:04 PM
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Default Re: Scope and future in Production Engineering? What is the average package provided?

sir I have got a seat in madras institute of technology production engineering. What is the average package for production engineer in chennai
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11th August 2014, 03:30 PM
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Default Re: Scope and future in Production Engineering? What is the average package provided?

I have joined B.Tech Production Engineering in National Institute of Technology, Trichy, TamilNadu. What is the scope for this stream of Engineering?
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16th September 2014, 01:34 AM
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Default Re: Scope and future in Production Engineering? What is the average package provided?

hi sir i m doing production engineering from kbp collage satara is it good decisdion?
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