13th September 2011, 05:37 AM
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Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?

main criterion necessary for the exams of various banks.
iam wanted bank job

13th September 2011, 09:21 AM
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Default Re: Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?

You did not mention your highest level of academic qualification. One can appear for bank exams to get clerical job and PO (Probationary Officer) job.

In order to be eligible for Bank PO Exams, one should have completed Graduation from a recognized university. In addition, one should be in the age group of 21-30 years to be eligible for PO Exams.

Bank PO Exams are in hot demand in these days. There will be the percentage criteria to be eligible for some banks in the sense one need to secure a minimum of 55% of marks in Graduation to be eligible for bank PO Exams while some other bank exams there will be no percentage criteria.

Relaxation is there in upper age limit and in the minimum percentage of marks for the candidates of SC/ST.

In order to be eligible for bank clerk exams,one should have completed 12th with a minimum of 55% of marks. Here also the percentage criteria varies from bank to bank. Some banks put the minimum eligibility critera for the candidates to secure a minimum of 60% in 12th.

As of now there is the IBPS clerical recruitment going on. If you are interested you can apply for IBPS clerical exam.

After appearing for this exam, on the basis of IBPS score card, you can appear for the interview of various public sector banks to get clerical job.

If you are a candidate of 12th, appear for IBPS clerk exam.Here I am providing you the offiicial website of IBPS.

13th September 2011, 11:00 AM
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Default Re: Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
main criterion necessary for the exams of various banks.
iam wanted bank job
dear friend,

Those candidate have completed their graduation degree with above 55% marks from any recogniged university are eligible for BANK PO exam.(except SBI PO exam)

But your age must be in between 20 to 30 years.Age relaxation is provide only for SC/ST/OBC candidate .For Sc/ST candidate have age relaxation is 5 years and for OBC candidate it is 3 years.

BANK PO exam consist of two steps 1) Written test 2)Personal Interview.

For written test you must be prepare for mathematics and general knowledge.Also you must have basic knowledge computer field.

Every bank set their own criteria .So it is not perfect criteria all BANK PO exam.

Details of IBPS PO exam is given below-

IBPS exam is conduct for BANK PO for 17 banks .

Only those candidate have completed graduation degree are eligible for BANK PO exam.

Also all candidate age must be in between 20 to 30 years.Age relaxation is provide for SC/ST/OBC category as per govt rule.

13th September 2011, 11:34 AM
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Default Re: Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?

hi dear
your question is incomplete you have not mention about which post .
In bank there are many exam one is for clerical & anothere is for bank po post.
*the criteria for this exam .
*The candidates should be a graduate .
+2 pass candidates can apply for clerical post.
*the age limit for clerical - 18 - 25 yrs
for bank po 22 - 30 yrs.
there is a relaxation for sc / st & obc candidates.
I am providing you the exam pattern for bank po .

good luck.
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13th September 2011, 12:55 PM
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Default Re: Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?

Eligibility criteria for bank PO exams -
1. graduation from any recognized university .
2. minimum 55% marks in graduation .
3. Age limit = 21 to 30 years .

Eligibility criteria for the clerical exams -
1. 12th from any recognized board .
2. Minimum 55% marks in 12th .
3. Age limit = should be above 18 years .

You can get the important dates and application form from -

thank you
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13th September 2011, 01:45 PM
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Default Re: Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?

Hello dear

Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams is given below


Any degree course recognized by UGC.

>>minimum 60% marks in degree course.

>>AGE limit for general candidate:-

MINIMUM:-20 years.

MAXIMUM:30 years.

there have AGE RELAXATIONS:-

For SC/ST:- 5 years

FOR OBC:- 3 years

For PH:- 10 years

For EX-SERVICE MAN:-5years.

all the best.........
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13th September 2011, 05:19 PM
Bishwajit Giri
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Default Re: Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?

It depends on the post in Bank .

If you apply in Clerical Post you must have to Pass 12th .

If you are interested in Probationary Officer(PO) ,you have to pass any bachelor degree from any recognized university.

Generally,in bank examinations there are some important sections of which you have to qualify each section separately.

Many of the bank exams have some general sections like:

General Knowledge,

General Aptitude(Logical Reasoning,Analytical ,Insufficient data analysis etc)

General Science,

General Awareness,

General Marketing(Financial,Accounting etc) Knowledge

General Computer Knowledge.

To crack those sections according to me:
1:study the daily newspaper.

2:solve more and more problems from various aptitude test books like R.S.Agarwal,Barron's etc.

3:Try to discover more and more new own tricks by which you can easily solve any problem in a less time .

4:You can go for self tests.

5:study your general science subjects Physics,Mathematics properly.

for all bank exam details keep visiting:http://www.bankexamsindia.com/
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13th November 2011, 01:29 AM
Manish Kumar Tripathi
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Default Re: Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?

In order to be eligible for Bank PO Exams, one should have completed Graduation from a recognized university. In addition, one should be in the age group of 21-30 years to be eligible for PO Exams.
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13th November 2011, 04:23 PM
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Default Re: Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?

what is the passing % of ibps clerk
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22nd November 2011, 02:57 PM
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Default Re: Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?

i have got marks in B.com 48% am eligible or not
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22nd November 2011, 07:28 PM
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Default Re: Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?


There are 19 banks are here, which recuite their corresponding PO & CLERKS posts through IBPS [INSTITUTE OF BANKING & PERSONNEL TEST] .
For both (PO & CLERKS ), the minimum academic qualification is a graduation degree from a recognized college.

you must have scored at least 60% in 12th with maths,.
also you must have at 55% in graduation.
for some private banks like AXIS ,HDFC,ICICI BANKS , this minimum percentage requirement is 60%.

The age limit for bank PO post is 21-30 years,.
and for clerks post this criteria is 18-27 years...
For both posts , there are 5 & 3 years of age relaxations are applicable for the SC\ST & OBC candidates respectively.


No. of attempts-
Four for the general candidates,
seven for the OBC candidates,
No such restriction for the SC\ST candidates,,,.

Thank you!!
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19th December 2011, 01:07 AM
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Default Re: Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?

Eligibility criteria to appear for Bank exams

Bank PO exam eligibility

* You should be the citizen of India
* Candidates should have age limit within 21 to 30 years
* Candidates should have age limit within 21 to 33 years for OBC category
* Candidates should have age limit within 21 to 35 years for SC/ST category
* Candidates should be a graduate from a recognized university
* You should have some basic computer knowledge

For Clerk exam

* Candidates should complete 12th from a recognized institute
* Candidates should have age limit 18-27 years.


* For OBC category - 7 attempts
* For General category - 4 attempts
* For SC/ST category - No limit

Best wishes
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19th December 2011, 03:00 PM
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Default Re: Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?

The Bank Sector is great career options for graduates.For applying bank exams you should have major criteria are
1.Candidate should completed graduation for PO post and 12th standard for clerical post.
2.The candidate should secure 60% aggregate in academics.
3.The age limit for clerical post is 18-30 years and the age limit for PO post is 21-30 years.
4.Candidate should be an indian citizen.
For bank notification visit the websites
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19th December 2011, 03:15 PM
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Default Re: Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?

i have juss passed BANk IBPS PO exam which is held on 18thsept 2011....
when i got d score card ,,, n d main queston is dat my graduation result is declared on 4 augst 2011...
so i am eligible or not ????
and this score card is valid\eligible for next IBPS PO exam ???
please rply ASAP ... I m so confused ....

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4th March 2012, 01:43 AM
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Default Re: Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?

The eligibility conditions for a bank clerk and bank PO are written below.

Age limit: Candidate age must be in between for clerk 18 to 28 years and for PO,20 years to 30 years (age relaxation for reserved candidates as per Govt guide lines)

Educational Qualification: for clerk,12th with 55% score or graduation and for PO any degree from a recognized University with 55% marks for General and OBC Candidates and 50% marks for SC/ST/PWD Candidates respectively.
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11th March 2012, 09:39 AM
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Default Re: Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?

Any Bank Exam Eligibility In Indian Banks for Po's :

any degree with 60 % marks from a recognized university

age limit :
21 to 30 years for general candidates
21 to 33 years for Obc candidates
21 to 35 years for SC/ST candidates

For Clerks Exam :

pass in 12th stands

age limit:
18 to 30 years for general candidates
18 to 33 years for obc candidates
18 to 35 years for sc/st candidates
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12th March 2012, 05:31 PM
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Default Re: Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?

For each section you have to maintain the minimum number of marks i.e

For reasoning you have to score minimum 35 marks.

For quantitative you have to score near to 35-40 marks.

For English you have to score minimum of 18-22 marks

For computer knowledge you have to score minimum 35-40 marks

For G.K You have to score minimum of 30-35 marks....

For general category students must score in between 145-165 marks.
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13th March 2012, 08:43 PM
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Default Re: Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?

eligibility for DRDO-SET exam is
minimum education qualification for this is should have btech/be graduation degree from any accrediated college.the students from btech any branch are eligible but minimum 60% score has to be scored in their graduation.
age limit for this exam is maximum 28 years.
formore information of this website check in DRDO website or click DRDO exam in google website.
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4th August 2012, 06:37 PM
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Default Re: Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?

Dear Friend ,

Nice To Hear that you have chosen Banking sector as your career stream.

The most common recruitments in banks are for clerical and PO posts, so below mentioned are the eligibility criteria that you require for the same :

* You must have Indian Citizenship.

* You must have passed your (12th) with a minimum of 50% marks from any recognized board.

* Your age must lie in between 18-28 years.

* There is also a relaxation in upper age of 3 years for OBC candidates and 5 years for SC/ST Candidates.

This is the information i have to the best of my knowledge regarding your query. Hope the information will help you to the extent you want.
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16th August 2012, 11:59 PM
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Default Re: Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?

dr sir i got 58 % Wether i am eligble for ibps exam
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17th August 2012, 05:59 PM
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Default Re: Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?

Dear friend,
If you are interested in BANK exam
Then you should know the details criteria about both PO and CLERK


1.Academic Qualification :
The candidate must complete graduation with decent marks.Better you have 60% marks in graduation

2.Age criteria :
The age of the candidate must be within 21 to 30 years.
For SC/ST/OBC there are some age relaxation.

3.Nationality :
The candidate must be an Indian citizen.

4.Backlogs :
The candidate should not have any active backlogs


1.Academic Qualification :
The candidate must complete 12t standard exam.

2.Age criteria :
The age of the candidate must be within 18 to 28 years.
For SC/ST/OBC there are some age relaxation.

3.Nationality :
The candidate must be an Indian.

4.Backlogs :
The candidate should not have any active backlogs
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15th October 2012, 04:52 PM
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Default Re: Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?

Hi, my third year(ty) result, ie graduation certificate have date march2011. But I've (atkt) allowed to keep term in first year(fy) in 1subject. Therefore fy result will have date- nov or dec.2012. Am i eligible to apply for ibps clerk 2012-13.. dec-2012??
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18th October 2012, 04:13 PM
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Default Re: Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?

You have not mentioned your current academic status, But there is a combined bank examination for the Posts of PO (PROBETIONARY OFFICER) & CLERKS examination,
through which There are 19 banks are here, which recuite their corresponding PO & CLERKS posts through IBPS [INSTITUTE OF BANKING & PERSONNEL TEST] .

The educational requirements for the BANK PO post are -

You must at least a graduation degree in any stream but from a recognized college,.

It would be better if you have scored at least 60% in your whole academic carrier.

It is pre-requisite that, you have knowledge of computer MS EXCEL, MS WORD, & OFFICE ,TALLY .

The age limit for this examination for the PO post is a 21-30 years for the GENERAL candidates,
21-33 years for the OBC candidates,
21-35 years for the SC\ST candidates,

You must have Indian nationality.

Educational requirements for CLERKS -

12th degree in any stream, you must have maths.

at least 60% is required in 12th (aggregate).

Age limit-

18-28 years,. with some years of age limit relaxation is applicable for the SC\ST\OBC\PH candidates,.


Thank you!!!
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18th October 2012, 10:36 PM
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Default Re: Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?


These are the following Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams--------------

1.the candidate must be graduate from recognised university
2.the minimium 50%required in genral catagories
3.for 45% of sc/st catagories
4.the candidate must be an Indian citizen
5.the age of the candidate must be within 21 to 30 years.

Hope this will be helpful.
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19th October 2012, 01:42 AM
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Default Re: Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?

Dear aspirant,

-You should be 10+2 pass for a SBI clerk post. For IBPS clerk and PO you should have graduation degree. For SBI PO also you should be Graduate.

-The selection is based on the objective type paper and personal interview for bank clerks and PO.

-You can give Bank PO exams conducted by IBPS and SBI if you want to become a probationary officer in banks.

-There is section wise cutoff in the bank exams and negative marking is also there for wrong answers.

-You should have fast calculating speed if you want to get a bank job.

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19th October 2012, 02:49 AM
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Default Re: Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?

first you have to clear the exam of IBPS...(Institute of banking personal selection) exam....when you qualify the written exam, you have to crack the interview...

eligible criteria for clerk

1... candidate must have graduate in any stream....with 50%
2...age must be 18 to 28...

exam pattern:--


quantitative aptitude


general knowledge


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19th October 2012, 01:08 PM
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Default Re: Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?

You did not mention the qualification. You should have at least a graduation degree to apply for bank jobs. Now in order to get job in Public Sector Banks the best choice is to appear for the entrance exams conducted by Institute of Banking Personnel Service (IBPS).

The Institute of Banking Personnel Service conducts two exams for jobs in Public Sector Banks. These exams are IBPS Clerk and IBPS Bank PO. You will require a graduation degree to appear for any of these entrance exams. If you do have graduation degree then I would suggest appearing for the IBPS Bank PO.

Earlier candidates who have completed 10th and 12th were also eligible to apply for Clerical Exam. But recently Public Sector banks have asked IBPS to change educational criteria to graduation for these posts as well. Therefore a minimum of graduation degree is required.

A total of 19 Public Sector Banks accept the score of IBPS exams. These banks are:

Allahabad Bank

Andhra Bank

Bank of Baroda

Bank of Maharashtra

Bank of India

Central Bank of India

Canara Bank

Dena Bank

Corporation Bank

Indian Overseas Bank

Indian Bank

Punjab National Bank

Oriental Bank of Commerce

Syndicate Bank

Punjab & Sind Bank

United Bank of India

Union Bank of India

Vijaya Bank

UCO Bank


1. Age limit for IBPS Clerk is 18 to 28 years.

2. Age limit for IBPS Bank PO is 20 to 30 years.

There is some relxation for reserve categories for both exams.

SC/ST - 5 years

OBC - 3 years

PH - 10 years

3. A graduation degree in any stream is required.

Unfortunately as I mentioned earlier, candidates who have not completed graduation are no longer eligible to appear for IBPS Clerical Exam.

However if you want better jobs espeically in the private sector then I would recommend MBA in Banking or Finance. This will give you managerial type posts in the private as well PSU banks.
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20th October 2012, 09:59 AM
Saran 18
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Default Re: Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
main criterion necessary for the exams of various banks.
iam wanted bank job

One of the Best field is Bank Sector is great career opportunities. To appear in this bank exams you should have completed a graduation with 60% marks from a recognized university to apply p.o. or 12th pass to apply for clerks exams.

Age limit :
21 to 30 years for General candidates
21 to 33 years for Obc candidates
21 to 35 years for sc/st candidates

For Clerks Exam :

Age limit:
18 to 30 years for General candidates
18 to 33 years for Obc candidates
18 to 35 years for sc/st candidates
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3rd November 2012, 02:00 PM
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Default Re: Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?

Hello Friend,

Normally there are two exams conducted for job in various banks . These examinations are for :

1) Clerical Post

2) PO Post

The Major Eligibility Criteria Required For Banking exams for Clerical Posts are :

a) Educational Qualification : 12th with a minimum of 55% marks from any recognized board.

b) Age Limit : 18-28 years for General Category

c) 3 Years Relaxation in age for OBC category.

d) 5 Years Relaxation in age for SC/ST category.

e) Nationality : Indian

The Major Eligibility Criteria Required For Banking exams for PO Posts are :

a) Educational Qualification : Graduation with a minimum of 55% marks from any recognized college/university.

b) Age Limit : 21-30 years for General Category

c) 3 Years Relaxation in age for OBC category.

d) 5 Years Relaxation in age for SC/ST category.

e) Nationality : Indian

Hope the above mentioned will provide you the information you were searching for.
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7th November 2012, 07:48 PM
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Default Re: Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?


Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS ) conducts CWE ( Common Entrance Exam ) for Bank PO in 19 public sector banks.

These banks are -

1.Punjab National bank
2.Allahabad bank
3.Dena bank
4.Bank of india
5.Bank of Maharashtra
6.Punjab and sind bank
7.United bank of india
8.UCO bank
9.Syndicate bank
10.Bank of Baroda
11.Union bank of india
12.Corporation bank
13.Andhra bank
14.Canara bank
16.Indian overseas bank
17.Oriental bank of commerce
18.Indian bank
19.Central bank of india

Eligibility criteria to apply for IBPS Bank PO Exam -

1. Graduation in any discipline from a recognised university.

2. Age - 20 -30 years.(for OBC -20-33 years, For SC/ ST -20 -35 years)

Exam Pattern -

There are five papers. There is a negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer.

1. Quantitative Aptitude
2. Reasoning
3. General awareness
4. Computer awareness
5. English

All these have 50 objective questions except english which has subjective questions also.

Visit www.ibps.in which is IBPS official website and get the dates for next IBPS exam.
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15th November 2012, 12:50 AM
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Default Re: Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?


IBPS stands for Institute of Banking personnel selection.

Eligibility criteria to apply for IBPS CWE -

1. Graduation in any discipline from a recognised university.

2. Age - 20 -30 years.

These are the books for IBPS exam preparation -

Verbal and Non verbal Reasoning - R S Agarwal

Quantitative Aptitude - R S Aggarwal

Quicker maths - M Tyra

Pratiyogita Darpan - G K

Computer awareness - M. Laxmikanth

English - Hariprasad

English - English is easy

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28th November 2012, 01:06 PM
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Default Re: Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?


You did not mention your highest level of academic qualification. One can appear for bank exams to get clerical job and PO (Probationary Officer) job.

The Institute of Banking Personnel Service conducts two exams for jobs in Public Sector Banks. These exams are IBPS Clerk and IBPS Bank PO. You will require a graduation degree to appear for any of these entrance exams. If you do have graduation degree then I would suggest appearing for the IBPS Bank PO.

Earlier candidates who have completed 10th and 12th were also eligible to apply for Clerical Exam. But recently Public Sector banks have asked IBPS to change educational criteria to graduation for these posts as well. Therefore a minimum of graduation degree is required.

The Major Eligibility Criteria Required For Banking exams for Clerical Posts are :

a) Educational Qualification : 12th with a minimum of 55% marks from any recognized board.

b) Age Limit : 18-28 years for General Category

c) 3 Years Relaxation in age for OBC category.

d) 5 Years Relaxation in age for SC/ST category.

e) Nationality : Indian

The Major Eligibility Criteria Required For Banking exams for PO Posts are :

a) Educational Qualification : Graduation with a minimum of 55% marks from any recognized college/university.

b) Age Limit : 21-30 years for General Category

c) 3 Years Relaxation in age for OBC category.

d) 5 Years Relaxation in age for SC/ST category.

e) Nationality : Indian
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5th May 2013, 01:33 AM
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Default Re: Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?

what are the major eligibility criteria for ibps po according to new rules??
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31st May 2013, 07:27 PM
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Default Re: Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?

Dear Friend,

Bank exams are organized by SBI(State Bank of India) and IBPS(Institute of Banking Personnel Selection) every year for Clerk and PO(Probationary Officer) positions.

The eligibility criteria required for the State Bank of Indian and Institute of Banking Personnel Selection Clerk and Probationary Officer examinations are below mentioned:-

# Candidates must have finished their bachelor degree in any curriculum from any approved institution.

# Candidates of last year of bachelor degree are also preferable for this exam.

# There is no need of percentage for this exam.

Age criteria and relaxation regarding with State Bank of India and Institute of Banking Personnel Selection Clerk and Probationary Officer examinations are below mentioned:-

# 20-28 years:- Clerk.

# 20-30 years:- Institute of Banking Personnel Selection Probationary Officer.

# 21-30 years:- State Bank of India Probationary Officer.

# Relaxation:- 3 years, 5 years and 10 years are assuedfor OBC, SC/ST and PH candidates.

# Citizenship:- Must be Indian.

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16th March 2017, 07:11 PM
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Default Re: Major Eligibility criteria for Bank Exams?

NO percentage required. Third degree in graduation person can also apply. Bank PO exam are held by various banking organisation like IBPS, SBI, RBi and other private banking sector too. But its very necessary to choose best bank PO coaching Jaipur to get select in first attempt. For this you must join Panacea Institute top bank coaching which also provide online test series for bank in Jaipur based on latest exam patter. Your focus and determination can make possible everything.
Wish you all the best.
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