24th June 2011, 10:13 PM
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Which is more valuable after B.E ECE, M.E or M.Tech?

Can you tell some valuable P.G.(M.E. (or) M.Tech) courses after completing B.E.(ECE)?

25th June 2011, 01:33 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Which is more valuable after B.E ECE, M.E or M.Tech?

Originally Posted by Kaviarasan36 View Post
Can you tell some valuable P.G.(M.E. (or) M.Tech) courses after completing B.E.(ECE)?


There are many PG course available for B.E ( ECE ), some of the course which are core to B.E ( ECE ) candidates are as follows...

-> Embedded Systems.

-> VLSI.

-> Automotive Electronics & Embedded System

-> Information Technology.

-> Wireless and Networks Technology.

-> Artificial Intelligence and so on..

-> Select the course which you are interested in, which means in which you feel comfortable to study...

-> Embedded Systems and VLSI is the best course for PG in ECE branch..

-> If you want to become a professor in future then go for M.E courses... because the syllabus is more of theory oriented and it's best suited for teaching..

-> If you want to have your job in technical line then go for M.Tech courses in ECE which helps you to increase your knowledge practically and in Research purpose which pays a way to get job in some good companies...

All the Best...
25th June 2011, 01:55 PM
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Default Re: Which is more valuable after B.E ECE, M.E or M.Tech?

Originally Posted by Kaviarasan36 View Post
Can you tell some valuable P.G.(M.E. (or) M.Tech) courses after completing B.E.(ECE)?
you can any of them from M.E or M-TCH because both are same degree .

some institute provide ME and M-TECH degree. but their is no difference between M.E and M-TECH.

syllabus are same of ME AND M-TECH.

like , shivpur college provide BE degree and jadavpur college provide B-TECH degree but both are same.

all the best.
25th June 2011, 05:45 PM
Snehamay ganguly
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Default Re: Which is more valuable after B.E ECE, M.E or M.Tech?

dear friend,
After your graduation in B.tech it will be better for you to go for M.tech.
As you want to do higher study then you should go for M.tech..
there are lots of P.G courses after completion of your B.E in ECE, like-
1.VLSI(very large scale integration)
2.Embedded systems
3.Wireless and network technology
4.Digital signal processing
5. automotive electronics
6.Communication system
after doing M.tech you can get a very good job.
All the best..
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25th June 2011, 06:41 PM
Snehamay ganguly
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Default Re: Which is more valuable after B.E ECE, M.E or M.Tech?

dear friend,
After your graduation in B.tech it will be better for you to go for M.tech.
As you want to do higher study then you should go for M.tech..
there are lots of P.G courses after completion of your B.E in ECE, like-
1.VLSI(very large scale integration)
2.Embedded systems
3.Wireless and network technology
4.Digital signal processing
5. automotive electronics
6.Communication system
after doing M.tech you can get a very good job.
All the best..
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25th June 2011, 07:41 PM
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Default Re: Which is more valuable after B.E ECE, M.E or M.Tech?

Go for M.tech

M.Tech is the most popular professional course.

It is acceptable for both Industry oriented as well

as Academic fields.

M.Tech will help you in getting better progress in career.

There are many PG course available for B.E ( ECE ),
Embedded Systems. VLSI.
Automotive Electronics & Embedded System,
Information Technology.,wireless and Networks Technology.
Artificial Intelligence and so on..

you will have to appear for GATE to get into some good

college, you'll get scholarship sponsored by MHRD, if you do M.tech through


for more information visit


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27th June 2011, 01:24 AM
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Thumbs up Re: Which is more valuable after B.E ECE, M.E or M.Tech?

M.E. is more valuable than M.Tech after B.E. because you are an Engieneer and M.Tech is valuable for technician(B.Tech).
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18th July 2011, 02:13 PM
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Default Re: Which is more valuable after B.E ECE, M.E or M.Tech?

I am Sabeena, i got 66% in BE-ECE. Which is better MTech or MS after BE-ECE. What are the good courses in MS?I am interested in robotics field. Is that possible to do after ECE? Please provide list of Universities in Banglore, Delhi, Mumbai, Pune which give direct admission for PG. Please respond for my Query.
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20th August 2011, 08:17 PM
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Default Re: Which is more valuable after B.E ECE, M.E or M.Tech?

i want to know whether ME mechanical engineering is valuable or M.Tech is valuable
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24th September 2011, 12:12 AM
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Default Re: Which is more valuable after B.E ECE, M.E or M.Tech?

my name is bala..i am doing my final year B.E.ECE...my plan is to go for job after doing M.E or M.Tech...so which is best suit for me (M.Eor M.Tech)?
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24th September 2011, 01:09 AM
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Default Re: Which is more valuable after B.E ECE, M.E or M.Tech?

dear friend,

First of all one thing you have to clear that both M.E. and M.Tech. degree are same.Both have the same syllabus.Generally Government universities give the degree of M.E. and private collage/universities give the degree of M.Tech..So after completion of B.Tech one can pursue its M.E. or M.Tech.Both are the same master degree.

As you are a student of Electronics Engineering then after B.Tech you can do any of them.There are so many option/subjects among which you can choose any one in your master degree. These subjects are ....

1. Digital Electronics
2. Antenna
3. Analog Communication
4. Digital Communication
5. Basic Electronics
6. VLSI etc.

The subject which you like most and want to learn and also want to pursue your master degree, you can choose it and make your carrier.

all the best.
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24th September 2011, 01:48 AM
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Smile Re: Which is more valuable after B.E ECE, M.E or M.Tech?

Originally Posted by Kaviarasan36 View Post
Can you tell some valuable P.G.(M.E. (or) M.Tech) courses after completing B.E.(ECE)?

both degree are same degree ME/M-tech.
you can any of them from M.E or M-TCH because both are same degree .

some institute provide ME and M-TECH degree. but their is no difference between M.E and M-TECH.

syllabus are same of ME AND M-TECH.

Best of luck
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27th September 2011, 10:13 AM
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Default Re: Which is more valuable after B.E ECE, M.E or M.Tech?

my dear friend
There are many PG course available for B.E ( ECE ), some of the course which are core to B.E ( ECE ) candidates are as follows...

-> Embedded Systems.

-> VLSI.

-> Automotive Electronics & Embedded System

-> Information Technology.

-> Wireless and Networks Technology.

-> Artificial Intelligence and so on..

-> Select the course which you are interested in, which means in which you feel comfortable to study...

-> Embedded Systems and VLSI is the best course for PG in ECE branch..

-> If you want to become a professor in future then go for M.E courses... because the syllabus is more of theory oriented and it's best suited for teaching..

-> If you want to have your job in technical line then go for M.Tech courses in ECE which helps you to increase your knowledge practically and in Research purpose which pays a way to get job in some good companies...

All the Best..
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29th October 2011, 06:09 PM
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Default Re: Which is more valuable after B.E ECE, M.E or M.Tech?

What are the best clgs providing M TECH courses
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19th February 2012, 07:56 PM
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Default Re: Which is more valuable after B.E ECE, M.E or M.Tech?

Is it best to choose embedded system for ME? Is it easy to study this subject or can i choose other subject like applied electronics
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23rd February 2012, 05:05 PM
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Default Re: Which is more valuable after B.E ECE, M.E or M.Tech?

Originally Posted by Kaviarasan36 View Post
Can you tell some valuable P.G.(M.E. (or) M.Tech) courses after completing B.E.(ECE)?

For ECE there are many options to choose in M.TECH such as:

1)Embedded systems


3)Wirelesss communications

4)digital image processsing

5)Power systems

6)Digital systems......etc

Among all the above embedded systems is more preferable.

If you are interested in chips designing etc then you better to go with the VLSI which also consists of great demand.

All the very best........
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6th June 2012, 12:45 AM
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Default Re: Which is more valuable after B.E ECE, M.E or M.Tech?

I was scored BE 58% then can I fit for master degree of ME or MS or M Tech
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27th January 2013, 10:54 AM
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Default Re: Which is more valuable after B.E ECE, M.E or M.Tech?

which is more valuable p.g after B.E ece?
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31st January 2013, 02:44 PM
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Default Re: Which is more valuable after B.E ECE, M.E or M.Tech?

im about to finish u.g in electronics and communication engg....is it possible for me to join avionics for p.g????
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26th February 2013, 09:49 PM
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Default Re: Which is more valuable after B.E ECE, M.E or M.Tech?

is it good to choose M.tech in Nanotechnology after completing BE(ECE)?
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11th March 2013, 01:10 PM
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Default Re: Which is more valuable after B.E ECE, M.E or M.Tech?

i am completed my BE ECE in this year 2013 which degree best of my career pls tell me. my Email id:[email protected]
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20th March 2013, 07:58 PM
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Default Re: Which is more valuable after B.E ECE, M.E or M.Tech?

i am doing be ece at present i like to continue my studies. i m interested on ph.d too. but d confusion is, i want something interesting , different and valuable course for my p.g in ece dept.which will help me in ph.d. plz say some course and the college offering those. i have 87% of mark at present.
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11th April 2013, 02:02 PM
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Default Re: Which is more valuable after B.E ECE, M.E or M.Tech?

What are most valuable postgraduate(masters) degree after B.E in ECE,Which course will help me get a good job ?which coure is relevant?
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19th June 2013, 01:45 PM
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Default Re: Which is more valuable after B.E ECE, M.E or M.Tech?

am subha.......i had completed be ece with 80% in anna university.....pls say which course is best for doing me...am very much intrested in embedded system...pls say dzz course is value r not
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29th December 2013, 05:15 PM
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Default Re: Which is more valuable after B.E ECE, M.E or M.Tech?

i am studying in ece 2 yr how can i focus my carer i'm interested in professional field is that is value or trying for tnpc exam this is my family idea i'm in confused pls help me............
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28th January 2014, 09:49 PM
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Default Re: Which is more valuable after B.E ECE, M.E or M.Tech?

I am a BE student,I want to know about some of ME courses that can be done in part time.
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27th February 2014, 11:21 AM
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Default Re: Which is more valuable after B.E ECE, M.E or M.Tech?

IS there any course named photonics
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28th April 2014, 02:32 PM
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Default Re: Which is more valuable after B.E ECE, M.E or M.Tech?

i have completed my B.E(ECE),then i want to know which is the best course for to do ME(ECE)...
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7th June 2015, 11:47 AM
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Default Re: Which is more valuable after B.E ECE, M.E or M.Tech?

I'm b.e student.i interested in technical lines. I want to be get job in good company. But i dont have any practical knowledge. Pls help me for higher studies.
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19th June 2015, 06:49 PM
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Default Re: Which is more valuable after B.E ECE, M.E or M.Tech?

dear sir
i completed my b.tech from ece feild so iwant to do master which course is best for me ...mechatronic is avialabe for ece after completed btech
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24th November 2015, 12:54 PM
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Default Re: Which is more valuable after B.E ECE, M.E or M.Tech?

Dear Sir/Mam,
i completed my B.E in stream of E.C.E (2015).. i would like to do higher stuides.. so please help me to choose right path.. // but am interested in embedded,robotics,Digital Signal Processing.. so please help me out of this.. i'm confused.. actually i would like to do job in abroad .. so please tell clearly... this is my carrier so i have to choose very carefully.. please help me....
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21st February 2017, 03:45 PM
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Default Re: Which is more valuable after B.E ECE, M.E or M.Tech?

Hai friends I am final year ECE student.with 60% .iam already a diploma in ece completed in 2014. I interested to study in ME, which is courses better for me .Please answer me
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5th April 2017, 05:09 PM
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Default Re: Which is more valuable after B.E ECE, M.E or M.Tech?

Hi, i am a final year ECE student and I wish to join M.E course, i like to know the M.E courses offered for ECE. So I request to suggest the available course.
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