23rd August 2010, 01:48 PM
ankit rai
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Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

I have scored 75% in 10th and 57%in 12th now i m pursuing b.tech from I.T branch with 62%. pls tell me the name of companies in which i can apply during recriutment????

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23rd August 2010, 02:40 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

dear friend,
As per your marks in your education qualification, the marks of +2 will create problem for you.
Because most of the well known companies put criteria for recruitment that a candidate must have 60% marks aggregate.
And such well known companies are:
TCS,Infosys,Wipro,IBM,Satyam,Accenture etc.

But some other companies which is not well known but don't put any criteria of marks for freshers, some companies are: Assergent,Synergy,Organic s/w etc.

you can apply in these companies, & better for you to join any consultancies as well as send your resume to the following job seeking websites which are:
www.monesterindia.com etc

the websites will alert you as per companies requirements.

good luck.
23rd August 2010, 02:58 PM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

dear friend,

the software companies which are generally come for campus placement have some criteria...

the criteria is you must have 60% marks throughout your career..

As you have got less than 60% marks in your 12th, so it will create lot of problem for getting placed in good companies..

you r not eligible for on campus placement..

the name of some companies which are generally come for campus placement- TCS,INFOSYS,IBM,WIPRO,CTS etc..

you can continue your study , and after completion of your Mtech or MBA with good percentage of marks , then you can get good job ....

so, my suggestion is go for higher study..

all the best..
23rd August 2010, 03:45 PM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

dear friend
you are getting 57% marks in 10+2 so you are getting very little chance to get job with your IT Btech degree . you are eligible for company like accergent , satyam new name is mahindra tech , you can get BPO job . you can go for preparation of gate examination that will provide more opportunity .........you may also prepared for upsc.............

best of luck.................
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23rd August 2010, 03:59 PM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

With the entry of the IT giants like IBM, Infosys and Wipro in India, the demand for B.Tech (IT) degree-holders soared and even the average students could dream of good jobs with decent pay packets (if not finding a place with the very best).Post economic recession, however, the picture has not been that rosy...today one must have a M.Tech degree with good academic record to get a job with an MNC in the software field and there is almost no prospect for average/mediocre students.I do not want to discourage you, but considering your very average marks so far, I think you should try for BPO jobs instead of eyeing coveted jobs in the IT field.
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23rd August 2010, 04:16 PM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

Dear friend,
since you have got less than 60% marks in 12th i am very sorry to in form you that you are eligible for some big software companies like TCS,Infosys,IBM.but friend please dont get dishearted.there are many companies that give stress on the interview and not on the marks.so dont worry and send your cv to the various sites like freshers world,naukri.com,monster.com.
all the best!!!!
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23rd August 2010, 04:40 PM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

dear friend,

as you have less marks in 12th. that is less than 60%. maximum companies requires 60% throught the student's career.

at this stage you are not eligible for TCS, INFOSYS, IBM etc.


all the best.
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23rd August 2010, 04:42 PM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

Hey there are Thousands of companies which recruit IT students...In hitech city ,hyderabad...you will find chain of IT / software companies waiting for you...If you have completed B.tech and not yet placed...you have to look uo into the local daily every day....And go on for Walk-in-interviews...
You will under go trainnig for probably 6 months...and then you will get a job of your choice...
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23rd August 2010, 04:50 PM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

dear friend

as you have told that u got 57% in 12th. it may create problems for u to get good jobs in many IT and software companies.

generally most of the companies require 60% throughout your career. in this case you are not eligible for the companies like TCS, INFOSYS, IBM, CTS, WIPRO

and many more. i will suggest u to look for software companies in employment news.

you can apply for govt. jobs like





all the best.
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23rd August 2010, 04:51 PM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

some of the names of renowned software companies are:

1. Infosys

2. TCS(TATA consultancy services)

3. Accenture

4. Google

5. Microsoft

6. Igate

7. Isoft

8. Sanguine infotech solutions..

good luck !!
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23rd August 2010, 04:53 PM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

Well, you can apply for both public sector and private sector companies

Try in the following:

Bharat earth movers
Balmer Lawrie Co.,

If you are looking for better career and good pay pocket then go for pvt.companies like


But before that, it is vital you should possess additional qualification like certification course, or some new software, programming like that, which will make you stand out in a group.

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23rd August 2010, 04:56 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

dear friend

as you have told that u got 57% in 12th. it may create problems for u to get good jobs in many IT and software companies.

generally most of the companies require 60% throughout your career. in this case you are not eligible for the companies like TCS, INFOSYS, IBM, CTS, WIPRO

and many more. i will suggest u to look for software companies in employment news.

you can apply for govt. jobs like





all the best.
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26th August 2010, 12:02 AM
ankit rai
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

thanks for ur help.......... can u help me by providing the information about BPO job and its scope and criteria for eligibility and few companies names.
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26th August 2010, 12:07 AM
ankit rai
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

thanks for your help....... can u pls help me by providing information abt the jobs in banks and its requirement. also in defence....
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26th August 2010, 01:57 PM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

hello dear

B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment in the given below companies




4.Mahendra tech.



7.patni computer.



all the best.........
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26th August 2010, 11:29 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

dear friend
according to my knowledge the companies are tcs,infosys,ibm,mahindra satyam,cynergyetc,
good luck.
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27th August 2010, 04:12 AM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

dear friend,

since you have less marks in 12th. that is less than 60%.
so you are not eligible for TCS, INFOSYS, IBM etc. because they require 60% marks in 12th.


best of luck.
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27th August 2010, 04:08 PM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

B.Tech IT students can find lot of opportunities in India and abroad. You can apply in Wipro, Infosys, TCS, and IBM.A few years experience will enrich your career and will lead you to high profile jobs.
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27th August 2010, 08:25 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

Originally Posted by ankit rai View Post
I have scored 75% in 10th and 57%in 12th now i m pursuing b.tech from I.T branch with 62%. pls tell me the name of companies in which i can apply during recriutment????
you can apply for these many companies



4.Mahendra tech.



7.patni computer.

these are best companies
best of luck dear.
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27th August 2010, 08:57 PM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

dear friends,

here is the list of the company for which you can go for a job.

and these are as followings.






Mahendra tech.





patni computer.

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27th August 2010, 10:07 PM
shipra saxena
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

many companies r there for IT students as infosys , cisco, tcs, hcl etc u can post ur resume to naukri.com . jobsansar.com they will surely reply u...all d best
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28th August 2010, 02:18 AM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

I have77%in 10th 54.4%in 12th in b.tch 6.4% in 1st sem,7.0%in 2nd sem ,6.8% in 3rd sem,6.3% in 4th sem.
plz advice me what will i do after b.tech
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6th September 2010, 11:33 AM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

I have done 10th with 50% and 12th with 67% and B.tech Final year with 68% from computer science and engg.
so Please give me list of mnc where i can apply
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7th September 2010, 03:45 AM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

i have done 10 with 65% and 12 with 51% and now i am completed B.tech with 80% marks
please tell me , which companies are eligible for me?
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8th September 2010, 01:04 PM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

i have done 65% marks in 10th and 51% marks in 12th, i am studying in b.tech with 80%marks cse branch in final year. i am seeking job as a software engg
so please tell me in which type of companies we can get job on basis of creteria
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8th September 2010, 02:21 PM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

dear feiend,
there so many companies to join for btech it students like : IBM, TCS, INFOSIS, WIPRO, AKASBANI VABAN (KOLKATA AND DELHI), INDIAN ARMY, INDIAN AIR FORCE etc.

good luck
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16th October 2010, 03:44 PM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

i have scored 71% in b.tech(Information Technology),58.3% in 12,64% in 10....i am seeking for job...and right now i am doing my .net course in NIIT.can u please list out some IT companies for which i am eligible
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23rd October 2010, 12:48 PM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

Dear Friends,

I am working as asoftware engineer in one company and I have scored above 60% in MCA and BCA, 55% in 2 and 43% in 10th. Am I eligible for job in IBM as a software engineer. I am asking because my marks is not good in 10th and 12th. IBM have any criteria for expirenced person? any one have idea about this ? waiting for your valuable suggestion.....
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9th November 2010, 11:00 PM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

how am i placed in tcs?
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10th November 2010, 12:52 AM
avinash kr.
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

please search on the internet for vacency . it is helpfull for you.. many company offer job for b.tech holder. thanking you.. best of luck...
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10th November 2010, 03:20 PM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

Originally Posted by ankit rai View Post
I have scored 75% in 10th and 57%in 12th now i m pursuing b.tech from I.T branch with 62%. pls tell me the name of companies in which i can apply during recriutment????

here are some of he it companies in india in which you can apply.
But every company has an eligibility criteria the the applying student must full fill otherwise he/she cant apply.

dont worry just give them a try.

companies are,

1.Hewlett-Packard India:
2.HCL Infosystems Ltd
3.Ingram Micro India
5.IBM India
6.Dell India
8.Intel India
9.Microsoft India

and many more just go for them...

All the best
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16th November 2010, 12:31 AM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

Originally Posted by ankit rai View Post
I have scored 75% in 10th and 57%in 12th now i m pursuing b.tech from I.T branch with 62%. pls tell me the name of companies in which i can apply during recriutment????
You are pursuing your engineering so try to incrrease your percent atleast upto 65% because most of the company have criteria of 65% in BE.
One for thing many company will ask for 60% in 10 and 12 so it is a worry for you as you can not change your past so try to improve your future.
Once you got experience 10,12,BE makes no difference.
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16th November 2010, 12:34 AM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I have77%in 10th 54.4%in 12th in b.tch 6.4% in 1st sem,7.0%in 2nd sem ,6.8% in 3rd sem,6.3% in 4th sem.
plz advice me what will i do after b.tech
If you want to go for jobs then try for that and prepare accordingly. Some company not allow you to take part in selection procedure due to your 12 th percent so keep this thing in your mind.
If you want to continue your study then go for either MBA or MTech. as per your interest.
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16th November 2010, 12:36 AM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I have done 10th with 50% and 12th with 67% and B.tech Final year with 68% from computer science and engg.
so Please give me list of mnc where i can apply
You just upload your information on company website if you are in their criteria then they will call you.
You can also visit company to submit your resume.
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1st December 2010, 10:25 PM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

Hello sir.....i scored 77% in 10th and 70% in 12th and presently i am persuing my engineering(7th sem is going to finish in next month -23rd Dec 2010). please help me out for all walk in interviews where i can apply?with regards
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8th December 2010, 01:23 AM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

Iam an Industrial Production Engg student with 72% in graduation and 90% in both 10th n 2..
Am i eligible to software companies like infosys n tech mahindra right now???
Do they give preference to IT students in campus placements?
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10th December 2010, 05:37 PM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

Originally Posted by ankit rai View Post
I have scored 75% in 10th and 57%in 12th now i m pursuing b.tech from I.T branch with 62%. pls tell me the name of companies in which i can apply during recriutment????



4.Mahendra tech.



7.patni computer.


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14th December 2010, 02:36 AM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

please let me know if i m eligible for companies like tech mahindra and wipro as i hav got 68% marks in 10th and 59.5% marks in diploma and now i m in final year i hav got 68% in cs branch.kindly lemme know if i m eligible in campus placement...and also tell me where i can apply(in other it companies) ?
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14th December 2010, 08:48 AM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

hi sir i m prabhakaran in 10th i got 58% 2 70% in BCA 58% and then in MCA 85% pursuingso which companis i can able to apply
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6th January 2011, 02:47 PM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

igot10th70 , 53% in 12th,64 inug but now iam doing my pg mca 2nd year 7.1% i have eligigble for cts ,hp [email protected] pls reply me
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9th January 2011, 08:14 AM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

hi sir i am abhinav in 10th i got 70% diploma 63% but in betch 5.9 which companies i can eble to apply
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16th January 2011, 12:11 AM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

hello sir,
i got 82% in 10th,71% in 12th and pursuing B.tech with 80%
so plz guide me regarding the selection of suitable company
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22nd January 2011, 10:27 PM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

please don't worried , you are eligible for cts . cts want 55% in hs . cts came to my college , the criteria was 60 ,55 ,60
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23rd January 2011, 10:20 PM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

in our college reputed companies like hcl ,infosys doesn't come and i m a 4th yr student, can i go for off campus placement in 7th and 8th sem.
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24th January 2011, 12:37 AM
mini rani
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?


Most of the IT companies recruiting engineering freshers require at least 60% throughout the applicant’s educational life. So a score of less than 60% at 12th might pose some problems for you.

But don't loose heart there are companies which require less than 60% (mostly 50% or 55%) as a cut off for appearing in their recruitment procedure.

You should go through the minimum educational requirement of companies before applying & ensure that you fulfil all the criteria.

You can apply in infosys, satyam etc.
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18th February 2011, 03:15 PM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

i m monika roy,i hav got 65.5% in 10th,49% in 12th nd persuing b.tech cse with 75%..
plz giv the information about IT company in which i can aaply with good salary...
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23rd February 2011, 04:01 PM
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Smile Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i m monika roy,i hav got 65.5% in 10th,49% in 12th nd persuing b.tech cse with 75%..
plz giv the information about IT company in which i can aaply with good salary...
hi monika...

Am afraid that you wont be able to attend some of the companies cause you have only 49% in 12th... cause most of the companies have eligibility criteria as 60% in 10th, 12th and B.E/B.Tech... but anyway thats not the end of the day... there are companies which doesnt look up 10th and 12th marks... as you have good marks in UG degree you can very well try for some small companies when i say small companies its not that they wont pay less salary, for eg. we had odessa technologies, bangalore in our campus last year it was known to be small company but one of my senior is working there now and he is getting around 40K salary for a month that to working just for 2years... so you please dont lose your hope just try for small companies and gain some 2 or 3 years experience then jump to big companies if you want.... hope this info. helps... ALL THE BEST...
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27th March 2011, 10:13 AM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

since you have got less than 60% marks in 12th i am very sorry to in form you that you are eligible for some big software companies like TCS,Infosys,IBM.but friend please dont get dishearted.there are many companies that give stress on the interview and not on the marks.so dont worry and send your cv to the various sites like freshers world,naukri.com,monster.com.

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1st April 2011, 02:08 PM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

hi i m a student of final year b.tech electronics..i hav 55 in 10th,55 in 12th nd 55 prcnt in b tech till 6th semester..plz tel in which companies i can apply?..wat s d futur aspect?can i get a job?
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7th April 2011, 12:33 AM
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Default Re: Name of companies to which a B.tech IT student can apply for recruitment?

hi i hv scored 75% in 10th class , 64% in 12th class, and my final year b.e percentage 60.86% but final year aggregate is less than 60% which companies do i apply........
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