29th June 2017, 12:39 AM
Procedure to apply for Indian CDC certificate?
What is the procedure to apply for Indian Continuous Discharge Certificate (CDC)? Can you please give me the criteria and the step by step process followed for the same? It will be helpful if you can get back with the complete details on this. Thank you!
14th August 2017, 01:03 AM
I am 29 years old, and don't have any previous sea experience.
Now I got a job in cruiselines as a assistant cook. Am I eligible to apply for Indian Cdc? And is there any age limit for it |
27th November 2017, 03:08 PM
I had did my 3 years b.sc hotel management (bachelor degree ). And I have 1 year experience in hotel also have STCW five course, how to apply cdc in online ?and it possible to get in online ?
28th November 2017, 03:53 AM
CDC is Continuous Discharge Certificate. The certificate will prove you be a seaman according to The International Convention on Standards of Training.
You should be a citizen of India to apply for Indian CDC and also qualify the written test held by the Mercantile Marine Department for Competency in Foreign going in Engine or Deck. Application are to be sent by post to any of the following addresses Nau Bhavan, R.K Marg, Ballard Estate Mumbai-400001; Shipping Office, Marine House, Hasting Kolkata-700022; Shipping Master, Mercantile Marine Department, Anchorgate Building, P.B No 5004 Rajaji Salai Chennai-600001. |
5th December 2017, 02:32 PM
I am working carnival cruise lines since I am working in passenger cruise lines in hotel operation do I must have to apply Indian CDC to pass through immigration in India. I already have STCW 2010 CERTIFICATES and INDOS NUMBER but I just having doubt do I really need to have India CDC Or no need for hotel crew.
4th February 2018, 07:39 PM
Sir, I am an inland vessel motor engine driver 1st class from MMD KOLKATA on 01.03. 2005. Now working a river cruise vessel. B H P 400×3. I HAVE STCW 2010 AND SHIP SECURITY COURSE N INDIAN PASSPORT. I PASSED 10 EXAM .MY D O B 27.01.1981