2nd January 2015, 01:44 PM
Which stream should I choose after class 10th between commerce and non medical?
Which stream commerce or non med i should choose after class10
3rd January 2015, 10:59 PM
Both Commerce and Non Medical streams are good and have their own scope in their fields. If you want to apply for Banking service then its better to choose commerce stream.
There are many courses which you can opt after 12th class in commerce field: BBA B.Com BCA CA CS And if you want to apply for the job in private companies then it is best to choose Non Medical stream. There is good scope in this field. After 12th you can apply for B.Tech course and there are so many streams available in B.Tech that you can choose in which you have interest. After that you can apply for the jobs in many companies which are related to your field. So, both streams are good and have good scope. |
21st March 2015, 12:32 AM
I am confused between commerce and non-medical. I hav a lot of interest in maths. I like chemistry also. but the main problem is physics. "problem" doesnot mean that I dislike it, problem stands that I feel that it is bit difficult and also I may not be able to cope up between studies of both competitive exams as well as cbse. it seems to me a bit difficult task whereas I think commerce is a stream in which I may perform better than non medical. according to you what should I opt for..??????