19th July 2010, 11:14 PM
Syllabus of the exam for the post of female teacher in computer application against the advertisement of WBPSC?
I have applied for the post of FEMALE TEACHER in COMPUTER APPLICATION against advertise of W.B.P.S.C. recently. I want informations on syllabus, model question papers, referance Books etc. to get prepared properly.
11th June 2011, 04:18 PM
greetings, The whole syllabus details of WBPSC recruitment of female teacher for COMPUTER APPLICATIONS is available with the following link: http://www.pscwb.org.in/pdf/Syl_CA.pdf Go through it. All the best. |
12th October 2011, 12:06 AM
cse details by pscwb
14th January 2012, 01:57 PM
have applied for the post of COMPUTER APPLICATION faculty in cdack Mohali I want information on syllabus, model question papers, reference Books etc. to get prepared properly.
2nd August 2013, 07:32 PM
syllabus for the exam of computer operator and programming assitant ,computer instrutor??...plz send the syllabus at [email protected]..
4th March 2019, 10:51 PM
Which are the books are best in post of computer instructor grade I .please send this email id [email protected]