10th April 2017, 02:12 PM
Tips to prepare for SSC Stenographer exam and take good marks?
Can you please give me some good tips to prepare for SSC Stenographer exam and take good marks? I need to clear this exam and for that I really need your guidance. So, please give me your suggestions which will help me to clear. Thank you!
10th April 2017, 08:31 PM
# Staff Selection Commission (SSC) conducts SSC Higher Secondary (10+2) Level Examination every year for the post of Stenographer Grade C and Stenographer Grade D.
# Examination pattern of SSC Higher Secondary (10+2) Level Examination for the post of Stenographer Grade C and Stenographer Grade D is as follow: * Objective type written examination * Skill/Stenography Test # Tips to prepare for objective type written test are as follow: * Read the NCERT books of all subjects in order to consolidate the basic concepts in all subjects. * Read the monthly competitive magazines like Pratiyogita Darpan, Competition Success Review etc. * Make a schedule for revision for the studied matter on daily, weekly and monthly basis. * Take the help of books of good author or publication. # Tips to prepare for the Skill/Stenography Test is as follow: * Practice is the key to expertise in the field of stenography test. More the practice more the expertise in writing down the shorthand or stenography skill. * While practicing the shorthand or stenography skill, one should emphasis more on learning on Contraction and Grammalogue as these are helpful in speed building. * Daily practice of shorthand / stenography dictation of about minimum one hour is quite sufficient to get mastery. * Use only Shorthand Notebook and Shorthand Pencil while practicing shorthand / stenography dictation. |