9th November 2011, 10:54 PM
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What is the criteria for software companies?

dear sir
my marks in 10th is 75% and in inter 60%and in engg(IT) 71% after the end of 6th sem.but i have a year gap after 12th that's why i was not eligible for companies liketcs,tech mahindra..sir can u pls tell me if this will be problem in off campus and as well in other companies..

10th November 2011, 09:57 AM
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Default Re: What is the criteria for software companies?


This issue is very common, so don't worry at all. Let me tell you that all these companies visit every year with different criteria's.

You can always try to get placed in TCS, Infosys, Wipro, HCL, Accenture etc.

All these companies take candidates on the following basis :

1. CGPA above 6.0
2. You should not have any present backlogs
3. You should not have more than 2 years of gap in your academic career.

So even if you had taken a year off, it won't matter in such companies.

And still if you want to apply off campus, let me tell you that the competition would be very very tough there. Though the criteria's keep on changing off campus also based on the present requirement of the company.

All the best.

11th November 2011, 12:10 AM
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Originally Posted by shab259 View Post
dear sir
my marks in 10th is 75% and in inter 60%and in engg(IT) 71% after the end of 6th sem.but i have a year gap after 12th that's why i was not eligible for companies liketcs,tech mahindra..sir can u pls tell me if this will be problem in off campus and as well in other companies..

Eligibility Criteria For Top IT Companies

Most of the Software or IT companies like TCS,HCL,WIPRO,Infosys expect their candidates to fulfill the following minimum criterion in order to appear for the campus placement..

1) You should have 60% or above in 10th,12th and B.Tech till 6th semester.. (65% for Infosys)

2) A study gap of not more than 1 year (some allow for 2 years)

3) No active backlogs at the time of placement..

So..at the time of off-campus placement..your study gap of 1 year wont cause any problems for you..don't worry..

Most of the recruitment have the following system:-
1) Written Exam
2) Technical Interview
3) HR Interview

all the best..

With Warm Regards
12th November 2011, 06:08 PM
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Default Re: What is the criteria for software companies?

Dear friend,
If you are interested in software companies
Then you will have to fulfill these eligibility criteria :

1.Academic qualification :
You should carry some % of marks[55% to 70%]

2.Backlog factor :
You should not have any pending backlogs.

3.Study gap :
You should maintain the study gap criteria [maximum 2 year]

If you have all these criteria
Then you will be able to appear for these good companies :

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10th February 2012, 03:06 PM
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Default Re: What is the criteria for software companies?

a gap of two years is allowed but with a genuine reason. if you do not get selected even then do not worry coz if you have some refrence then you can get a job easily as many companies have launched referal programs .so if you have some working in a reputed company you can ask him /her to refer you whenever company have some vacancy.Company like prokarma, ibm, atos origin, ericsson, samsung and many more have these referal program.so best of luck regards
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9th March 2012, 02:45 AM
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Default Re: What is the criteria for software companies?

i had a gap in education because i had rejected a paper and had written it once agin in the next year during my puc
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10th May 2012, 06:10 PM
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 115
Default Re: What is the criteria for software companies?

you are interested in software companies
Then you will have to fulfill these eligibility criteria :
1.Academic qualification :
You should carry some % of marks[55% to 70%]
2.Backlog factor :
You should not have any pending backlogs.
3.Study gap :
You should maintain the study gap criteria [maximum 2 year]
If you have all these criteria
Then you will be able to appear for these good companies :
Most of the Software or IT companies like TCS,HCL,WIPRO,Infosys expect their candidates to fulfill the following minimum criterion in order to appear for the campus placement..
1) You should have 60% or above in 10th,12th and B.Tech till 6th semester.. (65% for Infosys)
2) A study gap of not more than 1 year (some allow for 2 years)
3) No active backlogs at the time of placement..
So..at the time of off-campus placement..your study gap of 1 year wont cause any problems for you..don't worry..
Most of the recruitment have the following system:-
1) Written Exam
2) Technical Interview
3) HR Interview
All these companies take candidates on the following basis :
1. CGPA above 6.0
2. You should not have any present backlogs
3. You should not have more than 2 years of gap in your academic career.
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18th September 2012, 11:41 PM
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Default Re: What is the criteria for software companies?

sir, i have scored 72% in 10th and 58% in 12th and b.tech till 6th semester (sgpa 7.3) please tell me for which
company i can apply off-campus. and i have one year gap between 12th and b-tech.
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19th September 2012, 10:50 PM
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Default Re: What is the criteria for software companies?

Lot of software company want 60% mark in 10th and 12th and u.g and p.g courses

you may try software company BPO jobs .....

Most employers prefer applicants who have at least a bachelor's degree and experience with a variety of computer systems and technologies. In order to remain competitive, computer software engineers must continually strive to acquire the latest technical skills. Advancement opportunities are good for those with relevant experience.
Education and training. Most employers prefer applicants who have at least a bachelor's degree and broad knowledge of, and experience with, a variety of computer systems and technologies. The usual college major for applications software engineers is computer science or software engineering. Systems software engineers often study computer science or computer information systems. Graduate degrees are preferred for some of the more complex jobs. In 2006, about 80 percent of workers had a bachelor's degree or higher.
Academic programs in software engineering may offer the program as a degree option or in conjunction with computer science degrees. Because of increasing emphasis on computer security, software engineers with advanced degrees in areas such as mathematics and systems design will be sought after by software developers, government agencies, and consulting firms.
Students seeking software engineering jobs enhance their employment opportunities by participating in internships or co-ops. These experiences provide students with broad knowledge and experience, making them more attractive to employers. Inexperienced college graduates may be hired by large computer and consulting firms that train new employees in intensive, company-based programs.
Certification and other qualifications. Systems software vendors offer certification and training programs, but most training authorities say that program certification alone is not sufficient for the majority of software engineering jobs.
People interested in jobs as computer software engineers must have strong problem-solving and analytical skills. They also must be able to communicate effectively with team members, other staff, and the customers they meet. Because they often deal with a number of tasks simultaneously, they must be able to concentrate and pay close attention to detail.
As technology advances, employers will need workers with the latest skills. Computer software engineers must continually strive to acquire new skills if they wish to remain in this dynamic field. To help keep up with changing technology, workers may take continuing education and professional development seminars offered by employers, software vendors, colleges and universities, private training institutions, and professional computing societies. Computer software engineers also need skills related to the industry in which they work. Engineers working for a bank, for example, should have some expertise in finance so that they understand banks' computer needs.
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14th January 2013, 10:53 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: What is the criteria for software companies?

Hi. I have 1 year gap aftet my Bsc.Now i am doing mca .
Ia there any problem in campus to me.
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