8th April 2015, 10:01 PM
Will I get promotion in 10th standard as well like 9th standard?
If i was upgraded in SST AND MATHS in class ninth. Then will i be upgraded in the same subjects in class tenth if i scored the same marks.
9th April 2015, 10:42 AM
Class 10th exam is a board exam which is organize by the board itself , after 10th your school life is going to over & you have to jump in college premises i.e +2 or 11th & 12th .
now a days there are many school those who are providing 11th & 12th courses then also you have to clear the 10th exam other wise you are not going to promote . Prepare your self sincerely to get good marks because it is the first step which is going to built your life in future. |
9th April 2015, 10:12 PM
# From your query it seems that you are not comfortable in your studies.
# You are not performing well in your studies. # You should try to improve your performance in studies and examination with proper guidance, proper strategy and hard-work. # Even if you get same marks as get in ninth standard, there is slight possibility of promoting to you in tenth standard. # But note that in the tenth standard you have to face the board examination where you have to perform yourself and then you will not get any help from your school authority. # You should focus more on your capability, strength, weakenss, area of interest, difficult topis/subjects, etc in order to perform well in the examination. # Always try to sit in front desk in the class room. In this way, you will be extra cautious during lecture delivered by teacher which ultimately improve your concentration level and power of retention which again ultimately improve your performance in the examination. # If you feel any difficulty in any subject or topic, please feel free to visit or contact your teacher, parents, seniors or even may use the internet in this regard. |