28th March 2015, 01:39 AM
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How can I get job in Government sector being a B.Tech(ECE) student?

Hello Sir,
I came to know that there is
very less opportunity in Government sector
for ECE student of B.Tech.
I just want to know that what I have to
do for doing job in Government sector
but related to my stream?

14th April 2015, 01:57 PM
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Default Re: How can I get job in Government sector being a B.Tech(ECE) student?

See , there are many Government jobs for B.tech in ECE branch candidates.

~~ If you want to get a Technical job in Core companies like Bsnl , Iocl , Isro , Drdo , etc. then you shouldbe well prepared in all your Core subjects like ,
* Digital Signal processing
* Electronic devices and Circuits
* Network analysis
* Electrical circuit analysis
* Linear system analysis , etc.

~~ If you want to get a job in Defence sector through CDS exam , then you shouldbe well prepared in the following topics .

* General knowledge
* General english
* Elementary maths
14th April 2015, 09:53 PM
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Default Re: How can I get job in Government sector being a B.Tech(ECE) student?

Dear, there is no problem in your stream. Frankly speaking among all the streams ECE is one of the branch which has the bright career in future and present as well. You can have a chance to apply for both Software and Technical Field.

I think you are much interested in technical field. So If you want to get a government job then you can apply for various companies/PSU's with GATE Score.

Through GATE you will have a chance to apply for most of the Public sector Undertakings. And also you can apply for IES (Indian Engineering Services ). Through IES you may apply for Indian Railways and many fields which requires a Junior Engineer's.

Compared the GATE and IES , GATE is a Bit tougher than IES. So try to hard work on your departmental subjects.
14th April 2015, 10:42 PM
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Default Re: How can I get job in Government sector being a B.Tech(ECE) student?

ECE Graduate can apply for numerous job in government sector as well as private sector.
You can apply for GATE exam, after qualifying GATE exam will good marks you will get call for interview from the following companies for job:
  • BHEL - Bharat Heavy Electronics Limited
  • SAIL - Steel Authority of India Limited
  • GAIL - Gas Authority of India Limited
  • Heavy Engineering Corporation
  • NTPC - National Thermal Power Corporation
  • ISRO - Indian Space Research Organization
  • BEL - Bharat Electronics Limited
  • REC Transmission Project
  • Orissa Integrated Power Limited
  • PFC Consulting Pvt Limited
  • Narmada Hydroelectric Development Corporation
  • UPPCL - Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited

Also you can apply in Telecom companies like :
  • BSNL - Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
  • MTNL - Mahanagar Telecom Nigam Limited
  • VSNL - Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited
  • Broadcasts Engineering Consultants Limited
  • National Informatics Centre Services Incorporated

You can also apply for government entrance exams like :
  • UPSC Civil Services
  • IBPS - For bank personnel
  • SSC Exam
  • State PSCs
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15th April 2015, 02:08 PM
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Default Re: How can I get job in Government sector being a B.Tech(ECE) student?

No ! not at all, you got wrong information that students of B.Tech ECE have less opportunities of jobs so I request you that you must drop this thinking and thought right now because If the ECE branch had no scope in both private and government sector then why it would have been running for decades that is why do not believe in such rumors and just focus on the point which you have to achieve.

You want a government job and you will definitely get it because if there is less jobs for ECE engineers in few sectors and PSUs then, so many other options are still available and you can compete in those fields and prove yourself better for a good job.

You can apply for various jobs on the basis of your qualification given below :

IBPS Specialist Officer - IT Officer Scale I examination : Candidate must be graduate in engineering discipline from a recognized university and age should not be more than 30 years.

IBPS CWE Probationary Officer and Clerks examination : Candidate must be graduate in any discipline to apply for both posts and age should be 20-30 for PO and 20-28 for clerk post.

UPSC Indian Administrative Service Examination : Any graduate is eligible and you can apply for various IAS/ IPS/ IFS/ IRS/ IFoS jobs on the basis of your degree in UPSC exams.

SSC Combined Graduate Level Examination is made for any graduate candidates being in the age of between 18 and 27 years.

SSC also conduct CHSL and Sub Inspector examination so you are eligible for both of these exams as well.

Indian Railways, Assistant/ Junior Engineer jobs/ Technician Grade III jobs can be applied by you and other than these jobs, you are also eligible for ASM, Commercial clerk and Goods Guard jobs in Railways and also for TTE and Group D jobs.

Indian insurance companies such as - LIC, UIIC, NIACL, NICL, Oriental Insurance etc. also recruits engineering graduates for technical posts and you can also apply for AAO and Assistant grade jobs in these companies.

Police Service and Defense jobs : You can apply for Assistant commandant examination of UPSC, Combined Defense Service of UPSC then Sub Inspector exam of local state government and constable exams as well.

You have many options now it depends on you, which option do you choose to make your career brighter in future and how much you can do to get a good government job because you need to be purely dedicated to the goal and work hard without caring of anything so you may secure a job very early.
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15th April 2015, 10:48 PM
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Default Re: How can I get job in Government sector being a B.Tech(ECE) student?

There are lots of opportunities for your branch. Ec branch has got lots of opportunities in private as well as in the government sector.
Talking about the government sector you can get the jobs through various exams like Gate and IES. Talking about the gate ,exam is conducted every year by any of the indian institute of technology.

There are lots of public sector undertakings which recruit through the gate score. Since your branch is ece so you have bright opportunities to get yourself placed in one of these public sectors.

Also there are lots of other exams like ssc and cgl through which government jobs are there and there are lots of vacancies for be ece students.
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