8th June 2018, 09:42 PM
How many vacancies are available in IBPS RRB VII Office Assistant recruitment?
Dear friends, kindly tell me about the number of vacancies in IBPS RRB VII for the post of Office Assistant. I have applied for the same post but I don’t know about the vacancies. Kindly tell me asap. Waiting for your response!
9th June 2018, 09:17 AM
Number of vacancies available for IBPS RRB VII Office Assistant Recruitment:
IBPS RRB VII notification has been released for filling up vacancies for posts namely Office Assistant, Officer Scale I, Officer Scale II and Officer Scale III..etc., Here is the information about vacancies available in IBPS RRB VII, >> Vacancies for Office Assistant of IBPS RRB VII - 5249 vacancies You may check break-up of vacancies from the official notification that is attached below. Starting date to apply for this office assistant recruitment is 8th June, 2018 and the last date for receipt of applications is 2nd July, 2018. Preliminary examination is going to be held on 19th, 25th August, 2018 and 1st September, 2018 and the main examination is going to be held on 7th October, 2018. Click here for More Details |
9th June 2018, 12:16 PM
Total number of posts announced in IBPS RRB Office Assistants Multipurpose are following :
Office Assistant Multipurpose - 5349 vacancies Officer Scale I - 3312 vacancies Officer Scale II - Agriculture - 72 vacancies Officer Scale II - Marketing - 38 vacancies Officer Scale II - Treasury Manager - 17 vacancies Officer Scale II - Law Officer - 32 vacancies Officer Scale II - Chartered Accountant - 21 vacancies Officer Scale II - IT Officer - 16 vacancies Officer Scale II - GBO - General Banking Officer - 1208 vacancies Officer Scale III - 160 vacancies You can see number of vacancies declared in this notification and if you want to apply for the post of Office Assistant Multipurpose then you must know that you can also apply for Officer Scale I because any graduate is required to apply for Officer Scale I post for General Banking Officer Designation. Total number of vacancies for Office Assistant post are - 5349 which is enough but you should also know that these vacancies are reserved and bank wise divided as well so you can read complete details and number of vacancies bank and state wise in official notification of IBPS CWE RRB VII. You must care for number of vacancies of your state which you are applying for means if you are applying for MP State then you should clear yourself how many vacancies are available in various Regional Rural Banks in MP state for all banks working in MP - Narmada Jhabua Gramin Bank, Central Madhyapradesh Gramin Bank, Madhyanchal Gramin Bank then apply and prefer banks in form as per your choice. So competition is going to be tough for this recruitment because so many candidates apply for this recruitment to make their career in banking industry so I request you to prepare well for this examination and reserve your seat because recruitment in banking industry is going to be slow down due to heavy loss in banking industry so consider this as your first and last chance and prepare according to that. Good books and coaching centres are easily available in the different cities therefore find a good coaching and practice more for exams and also prepare yourself and be updated with the latest information related to current affairs and banking industry. |