3rd August 2016, 09:04 PM
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Procedure to apply for RTO Exam after completion of B.E in Mechanical Engineering?

Hi Sir, I have completed my Diploma in Automobile Engineering and now completed B.E in Mechanical Engineering. Please let me know about the procedure to apply for RTO Examination.

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4th August 2016, 11:44 PM
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Default Re: Procedure to apply for RTO Exam after completion of B.E in Mechanical Engineering?

Procedure to apply for RTO Examination:

Every state issues Regional Transport Officer (RTO) recruitment notification every year. Based on the latest notification, you are required to apply for RTO recruitment.

RTO recruitment notification is basically issued for the post of Inspector or Assistant Inspector. The basic educational qualification required for this RTO recruitment is as follows.

>> Candidates must have completed Diploma in Mechanical Engineering or Diploma in Automobile Engineering from a recognized university.

>> The minimum age required is 18 years and the maximum age must not exceed 35 years.

>> You are required to fill up application form in all the fields. Make sure you fill up your proper details in the filed and take a printout of the application form.
Do you have any question? or have anything to say?

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