27th December 2013, 08:23 PM
Backdated admission degree is valid or not?
sir, please tell me that we join any univ for bca in back date ,,,,,,then any univ give us degree,,,,then our degree is validated or not?
31st December 2014, 02:01 PM
I can't get you what you are trying to ask. The university provides degree based on your academic records not by the Back date or anything. If you have qualified in all semester without any pending backlogs then definitely your degree certificate valid in India and Foreign countries as well. So, please don't confuse yourself. Please contact your respective university to get more details regarding the degree certificate validation.
28th September 2015, 11:39 AM
If I discontinue degree after writing first year semester...and want to continue it after 2-3 years ..then is my first year certificate valid??and will i be able to directly join second year??
30th September 2018, 08:42 AM
University offers me that i can take admission directly in B.A 3rd yrs and university will give me admission from previous 2yrs it mean he would manage 1st and 2nd year. Is it possible. Or degree will valid