13th April 2015, 02:09 AM
Detailed procedure to register for VITEEE Online Counselling?
Hello Sir,
Can you please send me the details of registering procedure for VITEEE online counselling? Please tell me about the process immediately. Thanks in advance. |
17th April 2015, 12:42 AM
VITEEE exam notification has been already released. Last date for online registration has closed. VITEEE Examination has been already started on 08th April 2015. It will be completed on 19th April 2015. The results will be released in the end of the month of April or first week of May.
Counseling first phase schedule has been released officially. Rank 1 - 8000 - 11.05.2015 Monday Rank 8001 - 12000 - 12.05.2015 Tuesday Rank 12001 - 16000 - 13.05.2015 Wednesday Rank 16001 - 20000 - 16.05.2015 Saturday |