Growing Aspirants for Civil Services


In today’s Job scenario, the main lookout by an average educated citizen for a job depends on many internal as well as external factors. The predominant factors include respect, security as well as the position that one may enjoy in a job. When we observe these factors one can come to an opinion that if any one who is looking forward to Civil Service jobs, it fulfills all these factors within a short span of time.

Civil Service as a Career

The civil services as a career have always being a world of fantasy for all the candidates .There are a large number of parents who have dreamt their children being transformed in to IAS or IPS officers . The civil services being the premier services in the country offers challenging career prospects to the most talented and people to work hard to achieve their career objectives. This sphere of service includes jobs which have wider sphere of authority and power than any other services in India.

Civil service constitutes all the non – military departments of the government. The Civil servants monitors that all the administration has being going in good manner as well as the benefits that the constitution guarantees to every citizen has being reached to them.

The power and position that this job provides is unimaginable, even though in recent times this profession has lost its sparkle. Besides the power, this helps to bring out the various changes in the functioning of the government which may prove advantageous to the general public as such and may bring changes to their lives. The present day civil service has been the legacy of British people, during their raj, the ICS officers were bestowed with the powers of general administration, law and order control and monitoring and tax collection etc. But today the civil servants work in line with the democratic framework with focus on law and order and development of the country as a whole.

Civil Service Career Description

The role of Civil service personnel is very important which involves a numerous responsibilities on a whole. Civil servant personnel’s are responsible of framing different policies and is accountable for a particular department for the policies which has been implemented.

Civil services in India consist of All India Services and Central Services .The All India services include the Indian Administrative Service, Indian Police Service and Indian Foreign Service. All these three services arecommon to the central and state governments. Apart from these, other services like the Indian Forest Service, Indian Revenue Service, Indian Customs & central Excise Service, Indian Railway services, Indian postal Service, Indian Information Service etc constitute the central services.

Civil service is the backbone of Indian government and constitutes all the departments which run the state machinery. It is a job which is highly competitive and which involves a variety of duties. The major reason why some one joins the Civil service lies in  prestige and power associated with these top notch  jobs .  It involves a variety of jobs apat from the highly challenging job environment. A nation wide examination is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) to select the best from the slot who will further represent the backbone of Indian Government Administrative machinery.

Myths about Civil Service

Civil Service aspirants are faced with a number of dilemma. Because of the prestige factor for this job which has given rise to more people opting for it has brought in to picture various truths about this job.

The Civil Services has no parallel in terms of prestige, power and ability to bring about changes. It involves a highly competitive environment which helps in binging about changes .The main desire to get in to this services in many cases is the desire to serve the nation and bring about changes in the governing system.

Another major reason being the benefits associated with it being the palatial government supported flat, car and various other conveniences which this job offers. The low work pressure as it is thought that it involves as one is free to cater to ones indulgences. Civil services provides numerous solutions for Housing, leave, health etc makes it a dream profession for majority of people.

However, Civil service has only the tag of being one of the most sought after jobs in the country with numerous benefits associated with it. But on the other hand one needs a great amount of aptitude and perseverance to face the challenges involved in this job. It definitely means greater challenges to involve in your job when Government of a Nation is being your employer and one need to deal with greater resources and people everyday.

There is too much of Political Interference’s in IAS or IPS .Both IAS and IPS has prominence because of their being implemented have effect on the common man. But on the other hand any higher or greater position will have greater amount of control factor involved in it too. May at this juncture one can say that the private sector have greater amount of independence.

Another myth associated is that only students with high level of intelligence can opt in for the Civil service exams .A person cannot be concluded to have intelligence just because she scored a 100 % in exams, there may be other variations also to this .The main aspect is that whether or not a high position or high marks the best option would be to prove yourself.

Civil Service is game which also includes luck as an important factor too. How ever hard work always paves good but certain amount of luck factor is also associated with it.

Civil Service exam is basically concerned with choosing an administrator. It basically involves testing the individual from the first stage itself. There is a general misconception about the prelims of Civil Service being a game of facts and figures. A perfect mind frame is the mantra to succeed in this exam .A proper plan of action should be worked out and implemented to succeed in this level of examination as it tests all the general areas that the students goes in. The decision making power involved in this should be fast enough to succeed in the process. A quick and steady decision making power should be implemented to succeed in this level of job.



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One Response to “Growing Aspirants for Civil Services”

  1. 1
    Bharti Sharma:

    when w’ll be the upsc -2011(prelim) result out?