Haryana Board Class 10 Mathematics Papers


The Haryana board of secondary education (HBSE) conducts examination at middle, matric and senior secondary level. It is the first Board of School Education which has divided the total syllabus of an academic year into two semesters. Duration for the first semester is from April to September and for the second semester October to November. Candidates have to appear for two unit tests in the first semester as well as in the second semester.

Pattern of the paper:

The pattern for mathematics paper is such that it contains knowledge based questions (K), understanding (U), application (A) and skill based question (S).

Time duration and marks:

This is a 2½ Hrs based written examination and the total marks carried by the paper is 80.

The paper:

The paper contains essay type (E), short answer type (SA), very short answer type (VSA) and objective type question (O). Candidates have to go through each and every topic of their syllabus as all the topics carry some marks.

Number of questions:

Here candidates have to attempt 32 questions in total out of which 5 is essay type question, 6 is short answer type question, 5 is very short answer type question and 16 is objective type question carrying 6 marks, 4 marks, 2 marks and 1 marks respectively.

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5 Responses to “Haryana Board Class 10 Mathematics Papers”

  1. 5
    devender garg:

    what is lencho faith in god

  2. 4

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  3. 3

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  4. 2

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  5. 1

    Q.1=what is lencho fath in god