Readjusting to the Content and Process of Education – A Cultural Perspective


We heard a lot about the re-framing and reconstruction of the Indian education sector starting from the pre-school level to the professional education sector.  In those discussions we understood the importance of the curriculum and the content, which ultimately determines, what is to be taught. In this globalized era we are forced to run behind the changes happening across the world and in a race to adapt new technologies. In this competition we happened to forget the traditional values and culture once we possessed. We forget the culture which made our country a unique one in the globe, that stand behind the identity of every Indian and that made other nations to be jealousy on us. But now we can see that, not only the western culture is influencing the Indian youth but they are also adapting the European/American lifestyle.

A Cultural Perspective

A Cultural Perspective

We are going to discuss the introduction of culture in the formal education system in India and the important changes needed in the content of the curriculum. It is not for strictly following the culture, but to understand the virtue and values of our life.

To understand there is a time we lived with nature with harmony and humanism in our heart. We lived without technology but having a lot peace in mind. There was no dreadful diseases and pressurized brain. But they had better life what we have now. Agreeing that there are fault sides in that system, but that doesn’t support the complete ignorance.

Today the youth is acting like they are completely ignorant with the Indian History and Culture. Once we believe that it is a virtue to have the hands of older people on our head, but now the number of old-age homes in the country are countless. Once we loved our society as well as our nation and the nationals, but now love in relationships is in doubt. From family we moved to “living-together”. Personal freedom gets uncontrollable power over the society. So it is the time to rethink all the facts and to implement a new thought in the education sector, a cultural perspective. It is to enrich the generation with the cultural thoughts and to develop a new thought of beauty, accord and sophistication.

Value Education

The education should create some values in the learner. It never should be only for the number one position in the group or to achieve some personal goals, but it is also for to create kindness, love and sensitivity and common sense in the minds of the pupils. The value education help to eliminate the social evils like violence, religious passion, superstitions etc. The system should be able to promote universal and perpetual values and for to understand the value of life of ourselves and others. Some of the aspects of value education can be,


India is enriched with a large number of languages. So it would be a great idea to promote the language part in the curriculum besides the global and national language. Let the students to choose one another language which will help him/her to understand the history and importance of that language. This can be also encouraged through by the availability of large number of books and be accessible to the libraries. It is important to make the students be friendly with the books and the writings. But make sure the students are exposed to quality books including the academic and others.

Media and Educational Technology

Media and technology will be a great use of fostering cultural education. But for this there should be a general awareness about the importance of the exposure of Indian culture and history to the future generations. The children can be exposed to mythology by the quality movies and other program which help them to understand our culture rather than giving insight to other culture. The media should be able to differ the nature of Indian life style and that of others so as the youth can get the clear line of the same and able to accept the positive side of our culture

The educational technology can be used to improve the quality of teaching and the information technology can be used to increase the general awareness about the aspects of arts and culture and can be used to link the formal education with the cultural aspects. The technology will help to minimize the other recourse limitations like if a village is not accessible to electricity then solar battery can be used to run the programs.

Education and Environment

There would be a close like between the education and the environment. The students should be in an environment suitable for learning. The learning environment started from the classroom to the outdoor or the living place. As our traditional education system throw lights on the Gurukul system it is important to provide a quality environment to every learner so as to make the process of learning effective. The student never is under the influence of external factors which negatively affect the learning outcome.

Population Education

As our nation has a very astonishing index in population, the curriculum should include the national concern of population education. The educational programs should be there to impart the necessity of family planning and the responsible parenthood. The media can also help in the process of general awareness.

Mathematics Teaching

For most of the students math is a nightmare and they shows a common aversion towards mathematics. This needs to be changed and they need to understand the fact that our ancestors are the best brain in mathematics and India is the country was most of the mathematical functions and the complex originated. Our saints and astrologist used trigonometry and arithmetic from the very early stage and Vedic mathematics is the most complex from of math which is in our Indian credit.  But the fact the learner need to understand that there is always a way to approach a subjects.

Mathematics Teaching

Mathematics Teaching

For every mathematical problem first thing is to understand the problem completely and then use the most suitable way to solve that. One thing every students need to understand is if there is a problem there must be a solution to it. It is like a treasure hunt. The teachers should help the student to change their approach toward the subjects and use the technology to explain the cause-relation in the subject.

Science Education

Science and scientific approach is necessary for the quality education. We are blessed in having very great books in each field by tradition and the curriculum should go hand with that along with the modern research and observations. Rather than fostering the theoretical approach is appreciable to go with a practical methodology starting from the school level. This will increase the interest of students towards the subject and able to raise doubts and develop the skills of inquiry. We should make sure the science education is feasible to every citizen outside the primary level irrespective of the social and economical differentiation.

Sports and Physical Education

Sports and physical education should be part of the academic curriculum, since it plays a vital role in the personality development of the children. We have to provide quality education at this level and well trained coaches and trainers in every school. It should bring under the evaluation purpose and make a mandatory subject at a particular level. The school and college should have the infrastructure of this education like playground, related equipments etc.   The Government should also support for the process and the sports institution should establish in nationwide.

Sports and physical education

Sports and physical education


Yoga should give special attention, since it promotes peace of mind and body. Our nation has a very well known heritage in this art and it is effective tool for developing the human mind. It also helps to reduce the pressure in daily life and make a consistent rhythm to life. From school level itself it should introduced to the academic and the teacher should given proper training.

The Role of Youth

The students should given proper chance to contribute the necessary changes needed in their curriculum. They should provide an opportunity to develop the content and topic in the studies and will be able to contribute to the national progress. They will be encouraged to take initiative for the societal reinforcement and can act against the social evils, part of their studies.

The Evaluation Process and Examination Reform

All the above refraining will be useless if we don’t have a sound evaluation plan. Rather than focusing on the term exams and to particular assignments it is necessary to evaluate a complete academic year. Each academic day will be evaluated and the overall performance fetches the final result. There is a need of common examination body which provides the guidelines for the examination.

The examination should be evaluated the theoretical as well as the application level of the students. The examination should never promote the bookish knowledge but the practical side of each concept.  The institutions can given enough authority to the evaluation method but should be monitored by a central body. This type of education reinforcement is needed in our country and we have retained our signature across the world.



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