Teachers Vacancy, RMSA Punjab
Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan Authority was established by the Government of India in the state of Punjab. the major objective of the authority is to provide education in the state of the Punjab. This authority is dedicated to provide excellent education in Punjab.
Job profile:
1. Recruitment of Hindi Teacher:
Posts Available: 455
Consolidated Salary: Rs. 16500/-
2. Recruitment of Primary Urdu Teacher:
Posts Available: 32
Consolidated Salary: Rs. 14000/-
3. Recruitment of Upper Primary Urdu Teacher:
Posts Available: 9
Consolidated Salary: Rs. 16500/-
4. Recruitment of Urdu Teacher:
Posts Available: 1
Consolidated Salary: Rs. 18500/-
Age Limit: Candidates should be between 18 to 42 years of age as on 1 January 2010. Age relaxation as per the rules.
Selection procedure:
Written Test, followed by the interview with selection committee is the criteria for making the final selection of the candidates for the various posts in RMSA Punjab.
How to Apply: Candidates are required to apply online at http://www.cdacmohali.in/
Last date for the online application is 4 February 2010
Contact Details:
Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan Authority - RMSA (Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Punjab)
SCO 104-106, Sector 34-A, Chandigarh
For advertisement information visit http://www.ssapunjab.org/sub%20pages/Media/Advertisement_RMSA_Hindi_Urdu_Teachers.doc
- ETT Teachers, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Authority
- List of Bachelors in Education (B.Ed) Entrance Exams
- Grade III Teachers - Madhya Pradesh Vyavsayik Pariksha Mandal
- List of Teachers Educational Entrance Exams
- Grade II Teachers - Madhya Pradesh Vyavsayik Pariksha Mandal
- List of M.Ed Entrance Exams
- Data Entry Operator - Punjab Information & Communication Technology Corporation Limited
- Inclusive Education Resource Teachers (IERTs) - Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Authority, Punjab
- Medical Officer (Specialists) - Directorate of Health & Family Welfare, Punjab
- D.Ed Colleges in West Bengal and Admission Process
- IERT Teachers, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Authority
- Computer Faculty - Punjab Information and Communication Technology Education Society
- Revenue Accountant - Punjab State Power Corporation Limited
- Divisional Accountant - Punjab State Power Corporation Limited
- Punjab Technical University BBA 5th Semester Papers
Do you have any question? Please ask:
187 Responses to “Teachers Vacancy, RMSA Punjab”
hi cnt me for placement as teacher.. Pgt,prt,art n crft tchr, comp teacher, clerk cum data entry opertor..on [email protected]. Only bathinda, mohali, chd, muktsr,faridkot candidates cn send their queries n resume. Thnx.
Recruitment of computer teachers posts in june 2011(last date 20.6.2011)?
we just wants to ask that what will be the salary of a Bc officer and what is the qualifications for the job
date of interview of senior secondary school clerk
my id is [email protected]
hello friends if u vll know about any new teach vacancy plz log to my id. thanx a lot.
gud morning sir/mam,plz send info about teacher vacancies in rmsa.iam ptet clear.plz send info in my id. thanx
transfer of teachers working under rmsain punjab
i want to know some sample paper of last year of computer faculty test conducted by pictes
Hello friends if anybody have previous year papers or study material for this exam plz send to me on my email: [email protected]
sir,i want to know when rmsa scheme will be launched in jandk state and what wil be the critera for filling up the vacancies in different school institutions?
i am m.s.c , b.ed in mathematics.i want a govt job. plz suggest me.
gud afternoon sir/madam I m doing Msc.IT (3rd sem) but I want a government job. So can u suggest about it.
i done my m.c.a and doing a job in a institute as a teacher but want a government job …………can u give me any suggestions for this?
Which job i get +2 base (i m b.a.11nd year)
posted as tgt science.Wants to be transferred near mohali or chd.Any chances????
gud afternoon sir or mam
i’m fill computer teacher post under a rssa
plz tell me on which date test will be held
give me response in my id plzzzz………
plz request , give me a chance send my roll no in my ide
plz request me plz date
My name is parvinder kaur d/o s.a. Surjit singh i applied govt computer teacher in rssa but i have not got my roll no for test which is held on Sep 18 Sep 2011
my name is parminder kaur and i apply for the post of computer teacher but i have not any news about my rollno. plz send me my rollno
please tell where to get rolll no of exam of computer teacher post and where is the examination centre
My name is AmitI have applied for computer teachers post director rashtiya sarv shiksha abhiyan, but I have not recevied any news or roll no. yet.written test computer teachers 18-9-2011 ,pls give me detail about it.
i have applied for the post of computer teacher. my roll no came on my phone but i dont know my examination centre and timings of exam. sir/madam plz send all this information on my e mail account
I applied 2800 computer teacher, but roll no. not reach .Please send the roll number on my id
applied for the post computer teachers but no roll no and center for exam known
my roll number is 11091217 and my name is rajwinder kaur pls tell me my examination centre and location . what will be timing.
my email id is [email protected]
Hello sir/madem I am kuldeep kaur Plz send my roll nô ,exam centre in my id. [email protected]
I have applied for the post of computer teacher under computer Litarcy Project -2011 but no roll nos of any information I have been got. It come to know that test for the above post on 18 Sept 2011 at Mohali
please give the information about computer teacher in RSSA like rollno and exam center.
p lz snd my rollno of computer teacher test that will b on 18 sep
Apply for 2800 computer teacher plz give me roll no
pls send syllabus of computer teacher exam…..
plz send me my roll nu.
i have applied for computer teacher post… but my roll no. is not reach… so plz snd my roll no. on my email address…
plz show the syllabus for computer teacher posts…
sir/mam pls send syallbus of computer teacher exam……
[email protected]
plz snd my roll no,exam centre,date of exam,admit card in my email-id ……………………………
[email protected]
plz send me exam center and timing my name is rajwinder kaur address is kuldeep sing s\o chanan singh jagatpura ,punjdhera phillaur jalandhar
balbir kaur: On September 12th, 2011
please tell me my roll no and exam venue which will be held on 18 sept…… as i didn’t get the roll no. by post till now. please revert me back on my e-mail id i.e.,[email protected]
balbir kaur: On September 12th, 2011
please tell me my roll no and exam venue which will be held on 18 sept…… as i didn’t get the roll no. by post till now. please revert me back on my e-mail id i.e., [email protected]
ihave applied for 2800 computer teacher post but not recieve the admit card yet.plz tel me how to recieve admit card,n which site we have to look for.you can mail me at [email protected]
plz snd my roll no,exam centre,date of exam,admit card in my email-id ……………………………
[email protected]
[email protected]
please tell me my roll no and exam venue which will be held on 18 sept…… as i didn’t get the roll no. by post till now. please revert me back on my e-mail id i.e., [email protected]
I applied 2800 computer teacher, but roll no. not reach .Please send the roll number on my id
I have applied for 2800 computer teacher post published in Ajit News paper as on 18/05/2011, but i have not recevied any news or roll no.yet plz give me detail about it.
My email address:
[email protected]
please tell me about my roll no. becase i have not got any letter about computer teacher exam on 18 set
Kindly tell me from where to download admit card for the computer teacher exam to be hald on 18 sept conducted by RSSA. what is the centre for the test and what are the timings???
plz tell me examination center and timing
plz send me the syllabus of 2800 computer teachers post test on 18th sep 2011 in my id [email protected]
Respected sir/mam
i have applied for computer teacher post n not get admit card yet .kindly let me know which site i have to check for.as exam i come to know was on 18 sept…..send mail on
Harpreet kaur
from sangrur
Sir or mam..i had applied for computer teacher exam.now I get my roll number..bt I do not know the syllabus..Plz tell me the entrance syllabus as soon as possible.bec there is limited time for prepration..waiting?
Please tell me my examination center timing and syllabus of computer teacher exam.date of written exam is 18 sept 2011 .I have got roll no on my phone.
sir/mam pls send me syallbus
i have applid for computer teacher post n not get admit card yet .kindly let me know which site i have to check for.as exam i come to know was on 18 sept…..send mail on [email protected]
ihave applied for 2800 computer teacher post but not recieve the admit card yet.plz tel me how to recieve admit card,n which site we have to look for.you can mail me at [email protected]
I have applied for computer teacher post published in Ajit News paper as on 18/5/2011, but I have not recevied any news or roll no. yet. pls give me detail about it
sir/mam plz tell me about my test center and syllabus of computer litracy test held on 18 september 2011 at mohali on my email id
hello sir,
tel me pleace which type of study meterial i can select for the exam of computer teacher, and syallbus in my id
hello sir,
tel me pleace which type of study meterial i can select for the exam of computer teacher,
I want to take information about the timing of exam which is on 18 September.
When can I take my admit card?
If I have no pan card,licence and voter I’d than what type ofany other document which will take with me.can I take my residence proof?
dear sir/mam
I hae applied for the computer techer post published on 18/05/2011, and pay the fee through draft and send you through speed post. Now i can’t get my roll number so, kindly tell me from where i can get my roll no.
Please send me the syllabus of 2800 computer teacher test on 18th sept 2011 to my email id [email protected]
I have applied for 2800 computer teacher post published in Ajit News paper but I have not recevied any news or roll no. yet. pls give me detail of roll no , exam center, date of exam , admit card in my email id [email protected]
i have applied for computer teacher under in RSSA(MOHALI) but i have not received any news to admit card and my roll no. pls give me detail about it because exam 18sept 2011 mohali but i have not roll no and any knowledge.please help me i thanksful to you
my email id
[email protected]
[email protected]
mobile no 9478758154
kulwinder kaur d/o charanjit singh vpo -pamali distt-ludhiana
send me ur response on my id
PLEASE i wait your answer on my id
pls send me detail about place where paper will held
plz send me syllabus for computer teachers test held on 18 sep
I have applied for the post of computer teacher in ssa published in ajit newspaper on 18 may,2011 but i have not received my roll no. Yet.please tell me about it.
plz tel me how m recieve my admit card
I have applied for computer teacher post published in Ajit News paper as on 18/5/2011, but I have not recevied any news or roll no. yet. pls give me detail about it.
Dear sir/mam.
Pls send me about 2800 computer teacher$ exam date ,location and syallbus in my id
pls tell me abt the examnination center of computer teacher exam held on 18 sept .my roll no.is 11110648 name reetu rani send me ur response on my id its [email protected]
Hi its been around one year computer teacher jobs have not come, now its sep 2011, does anybody knows when the

government is gonna do something for us.
very upset from akali goverment no technical jobs, no computer jobs what will happen of punjab.
if anybody knows what computer guys are supposed to do.
i m shame to be a computer literate
sir/mam pls send me syllabus &examination centre on my id
[email protected]
I am kuldeep kaur. Dear sir / madem. Pls send me about 2800 computer teacher$ exam date ,location and syallbus in my id
[email protected]
i apply for computer teacher job under SSA in june 2011 and total post r 2800 but havn’t got roll no. yet plz give me my roll no. plz send me details about it on my email id [email protected] or on mobile no. 9217847646
plz tell me my roll no
I have got my roll no for exam 18th sep 2011 but i want to know about the syllabus of this exam. Plz send me syllabus on my no. Or email. [email protected].
respected sir/mam , I read all d questions put from d all candidates of 2800 computer teacher test. i m one of these ,i think no one candidates should be satisfied by u. U don’t send any roll no. slip to the candidates. U have send only SMS to the candidates. I want to know when u send roll no. slip to the candidates.written test can be taken behalf on the sms.
I have applied for 2800 computer teacher post published in Ajit News paper as on 18/5/2011, but I have not recevied any news or roll no. yet. pls give me detail about it.
My email address: [email protected]
[email protected]
My name is AmitI have applied for computer teachers post director rashtiya sarv shiksha abhiyan, but I have not recevied any news or roll no. yet.written test computer teachers 18-9-2011 ,pls give me detail about it.
my name is karambir kaur plz tell me about roll no of rssa …
. plz send me 2800 computer teacher test sample paper inmy id [email protected]
my name is karambir kaur plz tell me about roll no of rssa …
. plz send me 2800 computer teacher test sample paper in my [email protected]
plz tell me my examination center,timing and syllabus of computer teacher exam
I have applied for computer teacher post published in Ajit News paper as on 18/5/2011, but I have not recevied any news or roll no. yet. pls give me detail about it.
when will RMSA computer teacher paper under project 2011
I have applied for computer teacher post published in Ajit News paper as on 18/5/2011, but I have not recevied any news or roll no. yet. pls give me detail about it.
Please tell me my examination center timing and syllabus of computer teacher exam.cate of written exam is 18 sept 2011 .I have got rollno on my phn
Sir/mam pls send me syllabus & examination centre on my id
plz tell me slaybus .
plz send me my roll no for computer teacher posts under ssa.i have not gotton any roll no. on mobile no: 9815630210
Plz tell me my examination center timing and syllabus of computer teacher exam. Test 18september at mohali. U send me on 2 roll no on my phn. Which is my roll no
I have applied for computer teacher post published in Ajit News paper as on 18/5/2011, but I have not recevied any news or roll no. yet. pls give me detail about it.
please tell me about the examination center and syllabus of computer litracy test held on 18 september 2011 at lovely professional university jalandhar.
Please tell mi about the examination center and syllabus of computer teacher entrance test held on 18 september 2011 at mohali.
plz tell me about any govt. vacancy of computer teacher
i apply for acomputer teacher job in june but i got no roll number the job is under SSA and total post are 2800 please give me my roll number.i cant miss this exam opportunity.
plz sir/mam send me the syllabus of computer teacher test in my id [email protected]
Plz sir/mam send me 2800 computer teacher post test information and syllabus
i apply for acomputer teacher job in june but i got no roll number the job is under SSA and total post are 2800 ply give me my roll number
sir/mam plz tell me about my test center and syllabus of computer litracy test held on 18 september 2011 at mohali on my email id- [email protected]
my name is Reema Pathak. But u sent the mes name with Rima Pathak. And 2nd thng tell me the examination center of computer litracy test organized by rssa mohali
please tell mi about the examination center and syllabus of computer teacher entrance test held on 18 september 2011 at mohali. my roll no .is 11110648
dear ,sir /mam pls tell me abt the examination center and syllabus of computer litracy test held on 18 sept thanks reply me soon
plz send syllabus eaxm 18 sep 2011 and alloted center
Sir.plz send me my roll no.
please tell mi about the examination center and syllabus of computer litracy test held on 18 september 2011 at mohali.
please tell mi about the examination center and syllabus of computer teacher entrance test held on 18 september 2011 at mohali.
plz sir /madm my name is rajwinder but in my roll no of rssa the name is rajinder so i want to confirm ths
plz tell mi the examination ceter and syllabus of computer litracy test held on 18-9-2011 at mohali.
Respect sir plz snd me examination center and exam timing and syllabus of computer teacher test held on 18-9-2011 at mohali
sir. plz send me 2800 computer teacher test sample paper in my [email protected]
send me 2800 computer techers post test information or sellbus information
dear sir/madam pls tell me the examination center n sylabus of computer litracy test held on 18-09-2011 at mohali.
plz tell me about roll no of rssa …
plz send me a roll no
i apply for acomputer teacher job in june but i got no roll number the job is under SSA and total post are 2800 ply give me my roll number
pl. send me the list of adrash/model schools under pb. govt.
sir i want to know about the last counsling of punjabi teacher.
Procedure of transfer of teacher under RMSA
cut of merit
plz tell me the future of unemployed urdu techer in punjab.
is there any computer teacher jobs in punjab 2011
Ramanjit kaur: On june 8TH,2011
new2800 computer teachers job under rmsa in 18may2011. I need this job.
So plz tell me my email id: [email protected]
new 2800 computer teachers job under rmsa in 18may2011.when the online registration started?
what is the age limit to apply for b.ed teacher
respected sir,mam:
i wanna know about that i have applied for test which was held on 27th dec 2010.i got 21.5 marks in science post in general category.now i wanna know that shll i have to come at mohali on 31st july for councelling of 79 schools .please tell about that because cutlist for general science teachers is 26.
what is cut off merit list for the post of maths and sci post advertised in december2010 under rmsa
when there will be recruitment of computer teachers in punjab schools?
hello! sir i have completed msc(it) with 745 marks from ptuand have bsc(eco) with maths nad computer science with 62% marks. may i get govt. computer teacher job in punjab
wat about rmsa posts which were declared to be filled through ssa exam.
Dear Sir,
I have cleared the test of Accountant in RMSA which is on contract basis. I want to know is there any possiblity of regularising the services of these empoyees in the future.
what is the actual number of schools comes under RMSA in punjab
what is d exect pay of librarian and jbt teachers under rmsa and adarsh school.we were given 18500 for 1st month,rs.14500 2nd time and rs 13000 third time some of us were given only rs 7000 by tarn taran deo office
when was the counselling of rmsa held for maths and science posts on the basis of ssa test
what about result of rmsa punjabi test that held on 27th Dec. 2010 under ssa
what about rmsa post which will be filled on the basis of ssa test
Apply to Computer Teacher
what about rmsa post which will be filled upon the basis of ssa test?
Sir,i had applied for social science mistress advertised by RMSA in jan,2010,but till now i didnt get any information further about the procedure for the recruitment of these post.
whn the counsling of eng mistress will be held ,exam was on 29 december 2010
Respected Sir,
I have just recently cleared my special B.Ed in visually imapirement field. My age is 40+ . so please can you advise me where shoul I have to apply? I have already doing job in SSA as I.E.Volounterr from the last 22 months.
i want to now about the written exam date of technical assistant (computer programmer)in rmsa
what about rmsa post which will be filled upon the basis of ssa test
sir/madam sat sri akal…………..saposts22nov.2010/RMSA post same?if yes….i want to know….wht s the selection procedure these posts.i also applied for both punjabi mistress.plz tell me how many posts of punjabi…. PLZ..PLZ..PLZ.tell me this email THANKS…….