PTU MCA 4th Sem-System Software (MCA-403) Papers


The Punjab Technical University stands amongst the well disciplined universities in northern region of India and offers number of technical courses to the aspirants. The System Software Paper is included under the syllabus of Master f Computer Application (MCA) course and it is coded as MCA 403. The paper gives the idea about the algorithms, complier and preprocessor etc.

Importance of the subject:

The System Software paper basically contains the study of different compiler phases and its block diagram, job scheduling algorithms, number of state of DFA. The subject provides the information regarding the software derivation and processes building the program etc. One can also pick this subject for future higher study. It also provides the knowledge about the function of dispatcher and code generation etc.

Paper pattern:

The System Software Papers consists of five different groups A, B, C, D and E respectively. There are different questions included under these five sections. The first four sections hold the total of 10 marks and the last section deals with 20 marks. Candidates need to attempt any one question from first four sections and the last section is mandatory for all the students. The marks allotted to every single question in first four sections are 10 marks and all the questions in last section holds 2 marks each.

Frequently asked questions:

Most frequent and repeated questions that are asked from the Punjab Technical University System Software papers are various job scheduling algorithms in detail, syntheses phases of compiler and preprocessor etc.

Marks and time:

The System Software Papers contains total score of 60 and the time period allotted to every individual is three hours.

Books recommended:

system software by santanu chattopadhyay

Download PTU MCA 4th Sem-System Software (MCA-403) Papers


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