7th January 2012, 12:09 AM
After completing B.Tech with 55% in ECE stream will I be eligible for the post of Indian Railways?
sir, i want to know whether im eligible to any post in indian railways. I hve completed my btech with 55% in ECE stream. Im looking for section engineer r junior engineer post pls reply back to my mail id:shaik.rafiq15@gmail.com
1st February 2012, 01:21 PM
sir, i want to know whether i am eligible to any post in indian railways. I have completed my b.tech with 55% in ECE stream. Im looking for section engineer or junior engineer post pls reply back to my mail id:pokaladurgaprasad015@gmail.com
12th February 2012, 09:31 PM
sir iam madhu present iam b.tech 4-1 semister ece diportment i intersted in air force jobs my persentage 56% so plz tel me how to get the job in air force plz sir reply back to my id (madhukar.madasu180@gmail.com )
13th February 2012, 05:04 AM
As the online world is gradually moving from the PC to mobile devices, Indian Railways has made the same. Mid-2011 Indian Railways published its mobile plans to launch mobile e-ticket booking service. During the course of the 2nd half of the year they hardly did so. 2012 has started with the Indian Railways revealing that close to 1000 users use the mobile e-ticket booking service daily. The process of reserving an e-ticket through …
8th June 2012, 10:39 PM
sir i have back logs in my b.tech bt nw m cleared all the backs n i have 55% in b.tech, will i eligible for je n for any other civil services on the basis of b.tech? reply me soon my id is{jeet.dit@gmail.com}
14th March 2014, 07:52 PM
sir, i want to know whether i am eligible to any post in indian railways. I have completed my b.tech with 55% in ECE stream. Im looking for section engineer or junior engineer post pls reply back to my mail id:sam610james@gmail.com
19th December 2018, 11:41 AM
Respected sir/madam I have completed my b. Tech in ece with 80%. Can i eligible for je rrb, sir give me clarification on it and reply back my email id sharmaamita276@gmail.com
Thank you |