24th May 2011, 02:07 AM
Age-limit for Bihar Combined Civil services exam? Posts available in state service?
I am anup sarkar residing in West Bengal may I sit in Bihar Combind Civil Service Exam , what is the age limitation in this exam & what are the posts in this in state service.
12th July 2011, 11:11 PM
educational qualification for appearing in bihar combined examinations conducted by bpsc?
1st August 2011, 02:14 PM
What is the age Limit of Civil Service at Bihar?
27th October 2017, 07:15 PM
Bihar civil service exams are conducted every by BPSC (Bihar Public Service Commission).
The eligibility requirements for the exam are as follows: - The candidate should have completed graduation level degree or its equivalent education from any recognised university. - The minimum age limit is 22 years. The maximum age limit is 40 years. - The age limit varies based on the post like for few posts it is 37 years and etc., - There is age relaxation for reserved candidates. The posts which come under civil service are listed below: - Revenue officer - Assistant employment exchange executive - Bihar election service - Planning officer - Bihar registration service - Bihar labour service - Bihar probation service - Rural development officer - District minority officer - District audit officer - Sugarcane officer - Bihar administrative service - Bihar police service - Bihar financial service - District commandant - Product inspector |