13th August 2012, 12:07 PM
Join Date: Aug 2012
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Which books should I refer to improve our skills?

which books we should refer to improve our skills...pelase tell me which are the books

25th October 2012, 02:47 PM
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Default Re: Which books should I refer to improve our skills?

Originally Posted by mounikabhargavi View Post
which books we should refer to improve our skills...pelase tell me which are the books
Skills, is a plural word, hence there are different method to improve or sharpen your skills in different field/arts/streams etc. Unfortunately, you haven't mentioned what type of skills you want to improve! Hence, in the absence of this information it will not be advisable to provide any information on self assumption.

However, certain method which is applicable to improve any type of skills is practice. You need to practice hard, with full concentration, focus and determination. Always remember 'PRACTICE MAKES A MAN PERFECT'.
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