1st June 2011, 12:27 AM
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Chances of job after scoring 60% in Electronics and Communication?

i have completed my b.tech with 60% marks in electronics & communication what is the chances of job with this %.suggest me any course which will be good for job in .

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30th June 2011, 10:52 PM
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Default Re: Chances of job after scoring 60% in Electronics and Communication?

As an ECE Graduate,with an aggregate of 60% you have limited options in the Government sector of the core companies.Usually many of the Government companies like BHEL, BEL, NTPC only selects the student with an aggregate of above 65%.Courses like MATLAB, PC Spice will help you out to add to your qualification level.There are many other exams which you can go through like exams conducted by UPSC, SSC and PSC Boards.

You have options in Defence Sector,Railways and other such sectors.You can even go through the GATE examination if you want to try out in core companies.Some of the core companies which select M.Tech ECE Graduates are HAL,AAI,NTPC..etc.

You can even visit the following website for more details about PSU's
30th June 2011, 11:04 PM
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Default Re: Chances of job after scoring 60% in Electronics and Communication?

There are minimum chances of job after scoring 60% in Electronics and communication because Electronics and communication is not a core branch.
Core branch (Mechanical)has more chance of getting jobs.
List of Government companies :-
1)Engineer india Ltd.
2)India rail earth Ltd.
4)Nuclear fuel corporation Ltd.
30th June 2011, 11:20 PM
sanjay kumar saini
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Default Re: Chances of job after scoring 60% in Electronics and Communication?


your marks are suitable for job in company.

your chances of job in the company are good.todays almost companies require 60% marks in all exam of your education.

marks less than 60% are not good for job placement.your marks are 60% which is good for job placement.

you should prepare for job in company.procedure of placement is-

written test

are the steps for placement.

There are various apportunity for Electronics student in Government and private sector.

For communication student private sector has more apportunity.

You should try for job in both Government and private sector.
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30th June 2011, 11:36 PM
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Default Re: Chances of job after scoring 60% in Electronics and Communication?

hi dear

after complete your degree then you go for job













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30th June 2011, 11:37 PM
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Default Re: Chances of job after scoring 60% in Electronics and Communication?


an aggregate of 60% in Graduation you are eligible

for almost all the jobs private or government.

you should upload your resume on jobsites like

Naukari.com and monster.com

and you can also apply for government jobs

and appear in examinations like IES

and state engineering services.

some options include

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1st July 2011, 12:09 AM
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Default Re: Chances of job after scoring 60% in Electronics and Communication?

yes you have very good score

and you are eligible for almost all the companies

and government jobs.

like NTPC,BHEL etc. also apply to private companies

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1st July 2011, 12:12 AM
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Default Re: Chances of job after scoring 60% in Electronics and Communication?


Good dear. There are many chances for you to get job.

Don't worry 60% marks are good in engg.

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1st July 2011, 12:13 AM
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Default Re: Chances of job after scoring 60% in Electronics and Communication?

yes you have very good score

and you are eligible for almost all the companies

and government jobs.

like NTPC,BHEL etc. also apply to private companies

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1st July 2011, 12:31 AM
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Default Re: Chances of job after scoring 60% in Electronics and Communication?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i have completed my b.tech with 60% marks in electronics & communication what is the chances of job with this %.suggest me any course which will be good for job in .
dear friend,

you have good chances in private sector and govt sector.

private sector job are








govt sector jobs are








all the best
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1st July 2011, 12:39 AM
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Default Re: Chances of job after scoring 60% in Electronics and Communication?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i have completed my b.tech with 60% marks in electronics & communication what is the chances of job with this %.suggest me any course which will be good for job in .
This percentage will be alright to apply in for almost every job as 60% is the recommended minimum criteria while applying for any job.

You can do the CCNA/networking course for better prospects.

You can easily find jobs in the banking anf PSU sector.

You just need to prepare for the pattern of the exam. Prepare reasoning, aptitude, quantitative from RS Aggarwal and General Awareness from Pratiyogita Darpan. It would be very much helpful.
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1st July 2011, 01:04 AM
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Default Re: Chances of job after scoring 60% in Electronics and Communication?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i have completed my b.tech with 60% marks in electronics & communication what is the chances of job with this %.suggest me any course which will be good for job in .

Job for ECE candidates after scoring 60% marks in B.Tech.

If you completed B.Tech course in the ECE branch with 60% marks in B.Techcourse then you have many option to find the job. Most of the company takes minimum 60% aggregate marks in the B.Tech course and no more then two year gap in the whole academic career.

Here i give you the list of top company in which you can apply for the job :
->RAilway Sector.
->Essar group...and many other.

These are the good company in which you can apply for the job. If you want to more information then please see the official website of the respective company.

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1st July 2011, 01:58 AM
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Default Re: Chances of job after scoring 60% in Electronics and Communication?

Yes,there is lot of chance that you may get good job with this no.

You have options in Defence Sector,Railways and other such sectors.You can even go through the GATE examination if you want to try out in core companies.Some of the core companies which select M.Tech ECE Graduates are HAL,AAI,NTPC..etc.
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2nd July 2011, 01:13 AM
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Default Re: Chances of job after scoring 60% in Electronics and Communication?

We would like to know the sector where you will like to work. Would you prefer to join the private sector or the public sector? Now with your percentage getting a job in the private sector will be easier than getting a job in the public sector. Usually the public sector companies like BHEL, ISRO, DRDO etc prefer candidates who have more than 65 to 70 % in their graduation. Private sector companies would take in candidates with 60%. They will check your communicational and interpersonal skills. And if you are good in these skills, you have no problem in getting a job in these companies.
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5th July 2011, 01:37 AM
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Default Re: Chances of job after scoring 60% in Electronics and Communication?

after scoring 60% in Electronics and Communication you can got job in core sector like,
in software you may go to company like
best of luck.........
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8th July 2011, 05:46 PM
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Default Re: Chances of job after scoring 60% in Electronics and Communication?

If I do B.E. in electronics then can I get a job of monthly Rs. 30000 or more ?
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9th July 2011, 04:11 PM
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Default Re: Chances of job after scoring 60% in Electronics and Communication?

Dear candidate,
You have first class in your degree so you are eligible for applying in any government or private job. After EC line, JTO,TTA,ISRO exams are come so you are apply for these exams.

Best of luck for your exam!
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9th July 2011, 05:23 PM
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Default Re: Chances of job after scoring 60% in Electronics and Communication?

Dear candidate,
Congratulation!! you can get the first class in your B.Tech so you are eligible for the any government or private job.
Specially for EC student ISRO,TTA,JTO,BHEL etc many exams are conducted after B.Tech or B.E. degree so apply first for these degree. otherwise do job in private sector.

Best of luck for your great future!
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15th July 2011, 10:18 PM
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Default Re: Chances of job after scoring 60% in Electronics and Communication?

i have les than 60% in btech in ece branch can i get job in core side plz reply 2 my question plz
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15th December 2011, 12:31 AM
susmitarani sethi
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Default Re: Chances of job after scoring 60% in Electronics and Communication?

As an ECE Graduate,with an aggregate of 60% you have limited options in the Government sector of the core companies.Usually many of the Government companies like BHEL, BEL, NTPC only selects the student with an aggregate of above 65%.Courses like MATLAB, PC Spice will help you out to add to your qualification level.There are many other exams which you can go through like exams conducted by UPSC, SSC and PSC Boards.

You have options in Defence Sector,Railways and other such sectors.You can even go through the GATE examination if you want to try out in core companies.Some of the core companies which select M.Tech ECE Graduates are HAL,AAI,NTPC..etc.

You can even visit the following website for more details about PSU's
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3rd February 2012, 03:44 PM
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Default Re: Chances of job after scoring 60% in Electronics and Communication?

what engg is good after b.tech than banking?
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24th June 2012, 09:34 PM
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Default Re: Chances of job after scoring 60% in Electronics and Communication?

I am very much interested to do work in ISRO.i am doing final year ,now my cutoff upto 3-2 is 67%. can you suggest me how can i prepare for thah and what is the cutoff for DRDO
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10th July 2012, 07:54 PM
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Default Re: Chances of job after scoring 60% in Electronics and Communication?

i have 55% in fourth year of e&tc engineering ,is there any chances to get me minimum 40,000 salary per month
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13th February 2013, 08:26 PM
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Default Re: Chances of job after scoring 60% in Electronics and Communication?

hello friend,

Chances of job after scoring 60% in Electronics and Communication

1.India rail earth Ltd
2.Nuclear fuel corporation Ltd
3.Engineer india Ltd.

thank you & all the best.................
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15th February 2013, 11:13 PM
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Default Re: Chances of job after scoring 60% in Electronics and Communication?


These are job after scoring 60% in Electronics and Communication--------------


Hope that this helpful for you,
Thank you...
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23rd June 2013, 11:54 PM
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Default Re: Chances of job after scoring 60% in Electronics and Communication?

now i need urgent job min 10000 rs salary
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24th June 2013, 07:06 PM
Join Date: Jun 2013
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Default Re: Chances of job after scoring 60% in Electronics and Communication?

Since you have got 60% in your engineering chances for job is very difficult for you because company generally want above 60% in engineering.You can get in any small company from where you can get experience but please don't hope for good salary.It will be very difficult.
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27th June 2013, 12:15 PM
Join Date: Jun 2013
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Default Re: Chances of job after scoring 60% in Electronics and Communication?

If you have done your EC from good colleges then chances fro job is good but if you have done it from any local colleges then it will be difficult for you to get job.The main requirement of company when they come for placement is the student must have scored above than 60%. I think you should first take experience from any company in less salary then go for good company because then after they will count you experience also and will provide you good salary.
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30th June 2013, 11:38 PM
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Default Re: Chances of job after scoring 60% in Electronics and Communication?

chances of job after scoring 80% in electronics and communication?
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1st July 2013, 01:39 AM
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Default Re: Chances of job after scoring 60% in Electronics and Communication?

There is no need to pursue any other course. You have passed Electronics and Communication Engineering with good marks. I will suggest you to apply for the Public Sector Undertaking jobs.

There are more than 150 Public Sector Undertaking companies in India that are controlled by the government. You can apply in majority of these companies since Electronics and Communication Engineers are very much in demand in PSUs.

However there is no common entrance exam. The selection procedure is also different for the companies. While some companies conduct written test followed by interview, other do not conduct the test instead ask for the GATE score.

Therefore if you haven't cleared GATE, please do so. Not only GATE helps in PSU jobs but it also increases your chances of getting private jobs provided you have scored well in it.

PSU Eligibility

1. PSU jobs are only open for Indian nationals.

2. You should have completed B.Tech degree.

3. With at least 60 percent marks.

4. There should be no pending backlogs when you apply.

5. A valid GATE score. Should not be more than 2 years old.

6. The age limit is 21 to 30 years for the exam.

7. Relaxation is 3 years for OBC and 5 for SC/ST.

List of PSU















Other good option for you is Indian Engineering Service entrance exam. This exam is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission and to appear for it you should have B.Tech degree. The percentage does not matter.

IES is very popular among the Engineers due to career prospect. You will finish career as a top bureaucrat if managed to clear the Indian Engineering Service. There are various government departments that requires engineers. These deparments hire Engineers through this entrance exam.

IES Eligibility

1. You must have Indian citizenship to apply.

2. B.Tech should be completed from AICTE recognized college.

3. There is no marks criteria.

4. Age should be at least 21 years and less than 30 years.

5. The relaxation of 3 years for OBC.

6. 5 years relaxation for SC/ST.

7. During final year of B.Tech you can appear for IES.
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