20th February 2012, 11:26 AM
Cut off marks to get Job in top MNCs? How much will be the cut off for BHEL? Can I apply for any of the MNCs pursuing 3rd year of EEE with an average of 60% but with some backlogs?
sir what is the cutt of marks for getting a job in top mnc's?
and cutt of for bhel and now that am in EEE3-2 i have an avg of 60% with some bklogs coz of some medical rzns can i apply 4 any of the mnc's till am in4-1 |
20th February 2012, 03:02 PM
You should have minimum 65% marks in degree with no backlogs. And if you score good rank in GATE, you can attend the interviews of mnc's like BHEL, NTPC etc..
21st February 2012, 06:56 PM
dear friend,
To apply for jobs in top MNC's , you have to clean up all your pending backlogs during the graduation course. It does not matter that how much percentage of aggregate you have secured in your graduation course if you have pending backlogs.. As you have mentioned that wright now you have 60% aggregate through out the graduation, but if you clear all your pending backlogs then your aggregate percentage will be increase further.. So, clear you backlogs first.. Because without clearing your pending backlogs you will not be able to apply for top MNC's or any type of higher studies.. Your bachelor degree will be meaningless. I will suggest you to clean up all the due backlogs and then go for the jobs.. All the best. |
28th February 2012, 03:41 PM
sir can u tell to get a job in mnc how many interviews i have to face and minimum how much percentage is required to get a job in mnc
15th June 2012, 11:48 PM
Dear friend,
As you want to apply for job in PSU's like ONGC,NTPC,BHEL,IOCL. Then you have to appear in a written test exam first ,which is conducted by the PSU's indivisually. But to apply for job in BHEL you must have to appear in GATE exam and you have to perform well in GATE because BHEL does not conduct any written test exam they hire students on the basis of GATE score. The other PSU's hire students on the basis of the score in the written test which ios conducted by themself. If you have to good score in GATE then you can apply for BHEL. But the other PSU's you have to go through the written test. All the best.................... |
16th July 2012, 11:05 PM
sir 4th year student i have 10th class 45%, inter 57%,btech-70% no backlogs can i apply in mnc
23rd August 2012, 03:11 AM
what if i had backlogs and i cleared them? i had a backlog and i cleared it and i have my aggregate 70%. so am I eligible?
14th July 2015, 01:26 AM
Sir i have 69 percent aggregate till 3rd year i am studying btech final year i want to get job in top mnc can i get a job plse give suggestions