16th August 2011, 02:53 AM
Details about government sector engineering exams after B.Tech EIE? Information about IES exam?
my branch is eie & i am in 3yr please provide me details about government sector engineering exams and information about ies.
14th October 2011, 06:28 PM
After engineering there are several competitive examinations which you can attend. You can attend the bank examinations. You can also attend the various PSU exams, UPSC/SSC exams also. The IES exam is conducted by the UPSC for recruiting candidates in to various jobs in different government departments. You need to be an engineering graduate in any of main 4 disciplines to attend the IES exam. Also if you are over 21 years and not more than 30 years old you are eligible to apply for this test.
15th October 2011, 01:43 AM
how can i prepare,bank examinations,IES exam or UPSC,which book i can follow to prepare for these examination....is i have to join any coaching or self study is sufficient.