10th August 2012, 11:26 AM
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Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

what is the difference between creamy layer and non creamy layer? What is the base of it?

7th September 2012, 12:09 AM
Join Date: Feb 2012
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Post Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what is the difference between creamy layer and non creamy layer? What is the base of it?
Actually,non creamy layer criteria for mostly obc candidates is based on your family (especially fathers) annual income right now it is below 4,50,000 /- rupees
per year....so if your annual income fall in this criterion then you are in non creamy layer category other wise creamy layer category.
7th September 2012, 01:50 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

The term Creamy Layer is used to describe a certain members of the Other Backward Classes who are wealthier and better educated comparing to others who are considered non creamy layer.

The term creamy layer and non creamy layer was first used in the recommendation of the Sattanathan Commission in 1971. The commission came to a conclusion that creamy layer candidates of the OBC should not get any benefits from the central government pointing towards the reservation or quota as commonly known as, in the government jobs.

However the term was accurately defined by the Supreme Court of India that came to conclusion that only the weaker people of the OBC community should get the benefits by the central government and not the creamy layer candidates who are fared better and do not face the same social and economic backwardness as others.

Therefore Supreme Court came to the conclusion of excluding OBC children of following from getting any benefits of reservation:

1. President of India

2. Supreme Court and High Court Judges

3. Public Sector Employee

4. State and Central govt employee above a certain post

5. Armed Forces and Paramilitary forces candidates above Colonel rank

OBC children of Chartered Accountant, doctor, lawyer, income tax consultant, film star, sports star, media person etc whose annual income is more than 450,000 is considerd as OBC creamy layer thus making them ineligible for the reservation.

OBC children of any family that earns more than Rs 450,000 from should not include salary and agricultural land income are also put in the category of creamy layer which excludes them from any benefits.

Those who do not meet these criteria and candidates belonging to OBC non creamy layer and would continue to enjoy the benefits provided by the central and state governments.

It should be remembered that creamy and non creamy layer is the term only for OBCs. It does not apply on the SC/ST candidates.
3rd October 2012, 09:28 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

Difference between non creamy layer and general category
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4th December 2012, 04:26 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

I am a school lecturer now .my first posting as 3rd grade teacher.my annual gross income is 500000 rs.please send reply that i can apply obc non creamy layer for my children ,.reply onmy [email protected]
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8th December 2012, 10:32 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

I am a Group B Central Govt officer having an annual income above 5 lakhs .Is my children eligible to get reservation in education under non-creamy layer category.my E- mail ID is:[email protected] reply soon;Regardsl
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16th December 2012, 03:50 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

Iam private employe belongs to OBC and earning about 9.6 lakhs PA this year, 7.2 lakhs previous year and 4 .4 lakh PA three year back .Can my children eligible for OBC NC ?
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19th December 2012, 12:03 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

Now I am 4th year engineering student. I will go to take part in GATE exam,2013. I have got my OBC-NCL certificate on February,2009. Presently my father's income is 4.8 lakhs per annum. My father is a class-II officer. His income in the previous year is less than 4 lakh. My mother is house-wife. From agriculture our annual income is 50000 rupee. There is no other source of income. Is the OBC-NCL certificate valid today? What I have to do regarding this? my mail ID: [email protected] . Please reply soon. Thank you.
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25th December 2012, 11:08 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

does the obc reservation is only for rural residents!!! m from karnataka, here even though i fulfill all the criteria for non-creamy obc, m denied from gettin it only because my parents and me r urban residents..............
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5th January 2013, 03:57 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

does a senior assistant position in a state government fall under the category of non creamy layer?
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21st January 2013, 11:06 AM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

my father is a rajasthan state govt. Employ....he is 3rd grade employe. He is earning approx 500000 per annuam.....am i eligible for obc non creamy layer...plz infor me....me no is 9549321855 ,,,email id is-:[email protected]
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22nd January 2013, 12:19 AM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

Respected sir,

This letter is to clarify the procedure for making caste certificate. My name is Ram Narayan Gupta. I belong to the sub-caste KALWAR,which in mentioned in the central list of OBC for West Bengal [Resolution No.12011/36/99 - BCC dt.4th April, 2000 of Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment]. . But while applying for application on-line this sub-caste is not mentioned in the application. Even in the nearby SDO Office (Sub-divisional officer%u2019s office of Barracpore) no actions are taken for this sub-caste.

So, what should I do to get my caste certificate? I hope that I shall get a quick response soon.
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25th January 2013, 01:51 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

hi,, my father is small entrepreneur his income less than 100000 pa., my caste comes under OBC even i too got obc certificate.
last 2years back i got govt job with class b post with an annual salary of 300000 pa.
actual doubt is..
further if i go for to apply for govt job UNDER WHICH CATEGORY I NEED APPLY EITHER OBC or GM??? can you clarify this?
(some body says that non creamy layer referring to father income not belongs to your income so u can apply under OBC for further higher post. and some other people says you need to apply with Gm only...) please clarify me
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25th January 2013, 02:03 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

hi my father is small entrepreneur his income around 100000 pa.. my castes comes under OBC i too got the certficate.. and 2years back i got govt job (class B) and my annual income is about rs 300000.
my doubt....
1. further if i wish to apply for further government posts under which category i can go for either OBC or GM...??????. Some body says you can apply under OBC bcz non-creamy layer clearly defines income relates to father not of your income. and some one says no obc you must apply under GM. I am so confused plz help me in this regard.

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4th February 2013, 11:17 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

hi if my father is a state government employee and my mother is a central government employee and their income together exceeds 450000 currently.. both are class in III post can i get obc non creamy layer certificate to write bank exams?... and if my father is going to get retirement after few months.. am i eligible for getting the certificate? pls mail me to [email protected]
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12th February 2013, 07:16 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

Hello....my father is a central govt. employee and my mother is a state govt. employee and their income exceeds 450000 currently...Am i eligible for getting the non creamy laye certificate???
please mail me to [email protected] as soon as possible.
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20th February 2013, 09:41 AM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

my father is st got employee and mother is unemployee and incomeis 300000 currently. am i creamy layer
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21st February 2013, 02:21 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

whether Creamy layer is applicable to category-1 cast? pls mail me to [email protected]
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13th March 2013, 08:41 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

Sir my father is ayubadic compounder in rajsthan govt.he is income 4.17 lakh so I can get non cremilayer certificate please tell me my mobile no. 8058408774 my email id: [email protected] me immediate sir my govt application last date 17 march 2013
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19th March 2013, 12:53 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

what additional formalities are needed to get an o.b.c certitficte if my income exceeds Rs 3lac. per annum..
my [email protected]
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19th March 2013, 01:49 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

Iam private employe belongs to OBC and earning about 5.1 lakhs PA this year, 4.2 lakhs previous year and 3 .5 lakh PA three year back .Can my children eligible for OBC balbir singh. pl mail me ([email protected])
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19th March 2013, 06:00 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

i am santosh from gulbarga i have got selected for the gate 2013 under obc category but i belongs to hindu lingalayat 3B in gullbarga karnataka can i get non cremy layer certficate from tahashildar if yes how to get that please suggest my MAIL ID IS [email protected] and contact no. 919738939412 i hope you reply me soon
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22nd March 2013, 04:49 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

my father is railway empoloy and s.c. category please tell me income limit non cremy layer my mail id [email protected]
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22nd March 2013, 07:47 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what is the difference between creamy layer and non creamy layer? What is the base of it?
These are the two term used to differentiate OBC

OBC creamy layer
OBC non creamy layer

A candidate , father either employed in government of private or unemployed which annual income is 450000 for 3 consecutive year will be treated as creamy layer obc.
This candidate cannot apply for the reservation for the admission in educational institute under government of india


This is for those obc candidate who will be benefited with the reservation for the admission in educational institute under goverment of india
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27th March 2013, 03:31 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

obc candidate whose parents caste is SC, the candidate is BC C( converted from SC to christianity and now OBC). Do they come under
creamy layer or exempted. Pl.clarify.
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28th March 2013, 04:57 AM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

sir, my father is employed at SAIL (steel authority of india limited, bokaro) at the post of executive 1 (E1) designated as junior manager. he summits ITR(income tax return) annually of about 650,000. can i avail the benefits of OBC.
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29th March 2013, 08:11 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

my father is a primary school government teacher and my mother is a government high school teacher.
annual family income exceeded 4.5LPA.does OBC reservation applies to me?
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13th April 2013, 12:44 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

i am a central govt. employee. My gross salary is Rs.540000. my parents are unemployed. And they are not getting income from any other sources. If I want to apply for some other posts, am I eligible for OBC Non-creamy layer reservation? reply me [email protected]
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25th April 2013, 02:22 AM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

i am lecturer in university (autonomous) my son 10 2 completed edun.recently central government announced 6 lakhs per annum, it is basic or gross.pl.clarify.
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29th April 2013, 09:23 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

i am working in a school(autonamous) comes under HRD. My gross salary is Rs.540000. my parents are not working. And they are not getting income from any other sources. If I want to apply for some other posts, am I eligible for OBC Non-creamy layer reservation? reply me [email protected]
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29th April 2013, 09:53 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

My father incom 5.4 lakhs. I can take benifits obc. Non creamy layer
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10th May 2013, 09:20 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

Now I am 4th year engineering student. I will go to take part in GATE exam,2013. I have got my OBC-NCL certificate on February,2009. Presently my father's income is 4.8 lakhs per annum. My father is a class-II officer. His income in the previous year is less than 4 lakh. My mother is house-wife. From agriculture our annual income is 50000 rupee. There is no other source of income. Is the OBC-NCL certificate valid today? What I have to do regarding this? my mail ID: [email protected] . Please reply soon. Thank you.
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25th May 2013, 12:47 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

Whether annual income below Rs.6,00,000 means taxable income for State Govt.employees for availing OBC researvation seat in education?
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30th May 2013, 03:53 AM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

Hi, I am 2013 passed out engineering student. I am earning 7, 60,000 per annum. My parents income is 3, 00, 000per annum.i want to get into iim after one year of experience. Can I claim OBC ? That is will my salary also be counted to decide the creamy layer?
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14th June 2013, 02:20 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

is non creamy lawyer certificate
required to sc candidate.??
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20th June 2013, 04:32 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

What is basic difference between in creamy layer & non creamy layer?
for what purpose it is necessary?
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2nd August 2013, 10:13 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

I am a employee of A govt. undertaking corporation, annual salary is 300000, i want to apply for some other job, can i apply under obc catagory. pls email me soon- [email protected]
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16th August 2013, 01:12 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

I m working in PSU and my annual salary in last three years are 4 lakh.4.2 lakh and 4.6 lakh respectively ,can I still be eligible to claim OBC non creamy layer seat.KINDLY reply as it is urgent
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24th August 2013, 09:53 AM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

Please explain the current income limit for benefit of non cremelayer .
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2nd October 2013, 03:27 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

What is the meaning of non creamy layer
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20th October 2013, 08:05 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

I am a State Govt. employee. Besides my salary income i have sold an agriculture land for a sum of Rs. 40.00 lacs and capital gains on this transfer is
Rs.35.00 lacs. Please let me know, whether this Rs.35.00 lacs would be considered for computing the income for Creamy Layer for getting benefit of
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10th November 2013, 02:09 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

Dear Sir, Please clarify me I am fully confused. Is the Interest receiving from Fixed deposit and Pension receiving from Government will be considered as a income for providing OBC non-Creamy Certificate. 5 Years back my father expired. I have no other source if income. I want to apply for UPSC Exam.
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19th December 2013, 01:30 AM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

I'm a private service employee my PA salary is just over 6L. will I get non creamy layer eligibility for my son education
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24th January 2014, 11:28 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

hi my father income is below 4 lac. i have MBC certificate. but i don't know put general or OBC category while applying central govt job. so pls mail me. my email id is [email protected].
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2nd February 2014, 04:59 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

i am acivil surgeon in health service . my annual income is 7.5 lakhs.my parent's income only 1.5 lakhs.i am included in which catogory cremy layer or non creamy layer my email id is [email protected] want admission for pg medical entrance
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18th February 2014, 04:38 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

NCL Criteria for private company employee
I am working for private company and my salary income cross the current limit of 6 lacs, but other income than salary is less than 6 lacs. I do not own wealth which is covered under wealth tax limit.
Would like to know: Did my son get the NCL? I already obtained OBC certificate for my son.
What are the criteria for the case? Is income from salary considered? Or is it to be excluded?
Page no 16, point 10 of Criteria for NCL which published at NIC public website (http://www.ncbc.nic.in/Pdf/Aboutcreamylayer.pdf) describes the income/ wealth test and understood that I am eligible.
Please clarify.
Many thanks,
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20th February 2014, 12:49 AM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

I am a govt. employee.My annual income is rs.4,30,000.my parent's income is 2,50,000.Can I avail the obc non-creamy layer certificate?Iam unmarried.plz reply at [email protected].
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28th March 2014, 09:47 AM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

Sir.....my father is gov employee.........whether my parents salary or their class ...or both decide that i belong to creamy or noncreamy layer ??
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7th April 2014, 02:39 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

For Girls: after marrage non creamy layer to be obtained on Fathers's Income or Husband's income?
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13th April 2014, 02:43 PM
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Default Re: Difference between Creamy Layer and Non Creamy Layer? What is the base of it?

Hi friends i just wanted to say Indian Govt is one of the Corrupt govt. The person who needs the govt job they can't, but in some family all father mother and their child was govt employee just by spending some amount by getting jobs for their child in govt sectors. shame on you............
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